function meta_acpt_slide_options() { $form = new form('slide', null); $form->image('image', array('label' => 'Image URL', 'help' => 'Upload an Image that is 940px by 350px for best results', 'button' => 'Add Your Slide')); $form->text('headline', array('label' => 'Headline')); $form->textarea('description', array('label' => 'Description')); $form->select('showText', array('Yes', 'No'), array('label' => 'Show Headline and Description')); }
public function render(&$upload, $errors = array()) { // Load base template and attributes $result = parent::render($render_variables, $errors); $result['template']->element = form::textarea($result['attributes'], $this->value); // Return the resulting output return (string) $result['template']->render(); }
function meta_custom() { $form = new form('details', null); $form->text('name', array('label' => 'Text Field')); $form->image('image', array('label' => 'Image Field', 'button' => 'Add Your Image')); $form->file('file', array('label' => 'File Field', 'button' => 'Select a File')); $form->textarea('address', array('label' => 'Textarea', 'validate' => 'html')); $form->select('rooms', array('one', 'two', 'three'), array('label' => 'Select List')); $form->radio('baths', array('blue', 'green', 'red'), array('label' => 'Radio Buttons')); $form->editor('baths', 'WYSIWYG Editor'); }
public function edit($url) { $display_name = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $url)); $this->__set_heading("Editing Theme file - " . $display_name); $view = new View('zest/content'); $content = form::open('admin/snippets/save/' . $url); $html = zest::template_to_html(THEME_PATH . $url); $content .= form::label('content', 'Code'); $content .= '<p><small>This is only for advanced users. To edit <a onclick="$(\'#content\').toggle();return false;" href="#">click here</a></small></p>'; $content .= form::textarea('content', $html, 'id="content" class="fullWidth no-editor hside"'); $content .= form::submit('submit', 'Save', 'class="submit"'); $content .= form::close(); $view->content = $content; $this->__set_content($view); }
public function gui($url) { $bls = $this->getServers(); if (isset($_POST['bls'])) { try { $this->core->blog->settings->setNameSpace('antispam'); $this->core->blog->settings->put('antispam_dnsbls', $_POST['bls'], 'string', 'Antispam DNSBL servers', true, false); http::redirect($url . '&upd=1'); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } /* DISPLAY ---------------------------------------------- */ $res = ''; $res .= '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post">' . '<fieldset><legend>' . __('IP Lookup servers') . '</legend>' . '<p>' . __('Add here a coma separated list of servers.') . '</p>' . '<p>' . form::textarea('bls', 40, 3, html::escapeHTML($bls), 'maximal') . '</p>' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Save') . '" />' . $this->core->formNonce() . '</p>' . '</fieldset>' . '</form>'; return $res; }
public function getHtmlField($aPostedData) { $return = ''; switch ($this->type) { # Champ texte default: case 1: $return = '<p class="field" id="' . $this->html_id . '-wrapper">' . '<label for="' . $this->html_id . '"' . ($this->status == 2 ? ' class="required" title="' . __('c_c_required_field') . '"' : '') . '>' . html::escapeHTML($this->title) . '</label>' . form::text($this->html_id, 60, 255, $aPostedData[$this->id]) . '</p>'; break; # Zone de texte # Zone de texte case 2: $return = '<p class="field" id="' . $this->html_id . '-wrapper">' . '<label for="' . $this->html_id . '"' . ($this->status == 2 ? ' class="required" title="' . __('c_c_required_field') . '"' : '') . '>' . html::escapeHTML($this->title) . '</label>' . form::textarea($this->html_id, 58, 10, $aPostedData[$this->id]) . '</p>'; break; # Menu déroulant # Menu déroulant case 3: $values = array_filter((array) unserialize($this->value)); $return = '<p class="field" id="' . $this->html_id . '-wrapper">' . '<label for="' . $this->html_id . '"' . ($this->status == 2 ? ' class="required" title="' . __('c_c_required_field') . '"' : '') . '>' . html::escapeHTML($this->title) . '</label>' . form::select($this->html_id, array_flip($values), $aPostedData[$this->id]) . '</p>'; break; # Boutons radio # Boutons radio case 4: $values = array_filter((array) unserialize($this->value)); $str = ''; foreach ($values as $k => $v) { $str .= '<li><label>' . form::radio(array($this->html_id, $this->html_id . '_' . $k), $k, $k == $aPostedData[$this->id]) . html::escapeHTML($v) . '</label></li>'; } $return = '<p class="field" id="' . $this->html_id . '-wrapper">' . '<span class="fake-label">' . html::escapeHTML($this->title) . '</span></p>' . '<ul class="checklist">' . $str . '</ul>'; break; # Cases à cocher # Cases à cocher case 5: $values = array_filter((array) unserialize($this->value)); $str = ''; foreach ($values as $k => $v) { $str .= '<li><label>' . form::checkbox(array($this->html_id . '[' . $k . ']', $this->html_id . '_' . $k), $k, in_array($k, $aPostedData[$this->id])) . html::escapeHTML($v) . '</label></li>'; } $return = '<p class="field" id="' . $this->html_id . '-wrapper">' . '<span class="fake-label">' . html::escapeHTML($this->title) . '</span></p>' . '<ul class="checklist">' . $str . '</ul>'; break; } return $return; }
public function gui($url) { $bls = $this->getServers(); if (isset($_POST['bls'])) { try { $this->core->blog->settings->addNamespace('antispam'); $this->core->blog->settings->antispam->put('antispam_dnsbls', $_POST['bls'], 'string', 'Antispam DNSBL servers', true, false); dcPage::addSuccessNotice(__('The list of DNSBL servers has been succesfully updated.')); http::redirect($url); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } /* DISPLAY ---------------------------------------------- */ $res = dcPage::notices(); $res .= '<form action="' . html::escapeURL($url) . '" method="post" class="fieldset">' . '<h3>' . __('IP Lookup servers') . '</h3>' . '<p><label for="bls">' . __('Add here a coma separated list of servers.') . '</label>' . form::textarea('bls', 40, 3, html::escapeHTML($bls), 'maximal') . '</p>' . '<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Save') . '" />' . $this->core->formNonce() . '</p>' . '</form>'; return $res; }
echo "<fieldset>"; foreach (array('gname', 'sname', 'badge', 'dob', 'email', 'phone', 'cell', 'city', 'prov', 'econtact', 'ephone') as $field) { if (!@$fields[$field]) { continue; } echo new View('global/_form_field', array('field' => $field, 'fieldData' => $fields[$field], 'value' => $form[$field], 'hasError' => isset($errors[$field]) && $errors[$field])); } echo '</fieldset>'; echo '<h1>' . HTML::chars(__('convention.registration_select_pass_header')) . '</h1>'; echo '<p>' . HTML::chars(__('convention.registration_select_pass_desc')) . '</p>'; echo '<fieldset>'; $field = 'pass_id'; echo new View('global/_form_field', array('field' => $field, 'fieldData' => $fields[$field], 'value' => $form[$field], 'hasError' => isset($errors[$field]) && $errors[$field])); echo '</fieldset>'; echo '<h1>' . HTML::chars(__('convention.registration_tac_header')) . '</h1>'; echo '<p>' . HTML::chars(__('convention.registration_tac_desc')) . '</p>'; echo '<fieldset>'; echo form::textarea('agree_toc', __('convention.registration_tac'), array('rows' => 15, 'style' => 'width:95%; margin-left: 2%;')); $field = 'agree_toc'; $fields[$field]['type'] = 'boolean'; $fields[$field]['required'] = true; if (!isset($form[$field])) { $form[$field] = 0; } echo new View('global/_form_field', array('field' => $field, 'fieldData' => $fields[$field], 'value' => $form[$field], 'hasError' => isset($errors[$field]) && $errors[$field])); echo '</fieldset>'; echo "<fieldset class='left'>"; echo form::submit(null, __('convention.registration_submit')); echo '</fieldset>'; echo form::close(); echo '</div>';
private function _editor($blog) { if ($blog->validate($_POST)) { $blog->user_id = $this->a2->get_user()->id; $blog->save(); return $this->index(); } //show form echo form::open(); echo 'text:' . form::textarea('text', $blog->text) . '<br>'; echo form::submit(array('value' => 'post')); echo form::close(); }
Advogado:<br> <?php echo form::dropdown('advogado_id', $advogados, $procedimento->advogado_id); ?> </div> <div class="grid_6 omega"> Tipo de procedimento:<br> <?php echo form::dropdown('tipo_procedimento_id', $tipo_procedimentos, $procedimento->tipo_procedimento_id); ?> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="grid_12 omega alpha"> Observações:<br> <?php echo form::textarea(array('id' => 'observacoes', 'name' => 'observacoes', 'rows' => '5'), $procedimento->observacoes); ?> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="grid_10 alpha"> </div> <div class="grid_2 omega"> <br> <?php echo form::submit('btn_save', 'Gravar'); ?> </div> <?php echo form::close();
:</a></h4> <?php echo form::input('action_email_subject', ''); ?> </div> <div class="tab_form_item" id="action_form_email_body" style="margin-right:75px;"> <h4><a href="#" class="tooltip" title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(Kohana::lang("tooltips.actions.email_body")); ?> "><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_admin.body'); ?> :</a></h4> <?php echo form::textarea('action_email_body', ''); ?> </div> <div class="tab_form_item" id="action_form_add_category" style="margin-right:75px;"> <h4><a href="#" class="tooltip" title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(Kohana::lang("tooltips.actions.add_to_category")); ?> "><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_admin.add_to_category'); ?> :</a></h4> <?php // categories, selected_categories, form field name, number of columns echo category::tree($categories, FALSE, array(), 'action_add_category', 2); ?>
echo form::text(array('p_name_seo[' . $aLanguage['code'] . ']', 'p_name_seo_' . $aLanguage['code']), 60, 255, isset($okt->partners->config->name_seo[$aLanguage['code']]) ? html::escapeHTML($okt->partners->config->name_seo[$aLanguage['code']]) : ''); ?> </p> <p class="field" lang="<?php echo $aLanguage['code']; ?> "><label for="p_meta_keywords_<?php echo $aLanguage['code']; ?> "><?php $okt->languages->unique ? _e('c_c_seo_meta_keywords') : printf(__('c_c_seo_meta_keywords_in_%s'), html::escapeHTML($aLanguage['title'])); ?> <span class="lang-switcher-buttons"></span></label> <?php echo form::textarea(array('p_meta_keywords[' . $aLanguage['code'] . ']', 'p_meta_keywords_' . $aLanguage['code']), 57, 5, isset($okt->partners->config->meta_keywords[$aLanguage['code']]) ? html::escapeHTML($okt->partners->config->meta_keywords[$aLanguage['code']]) : ''); ?> </p> <?php } ?> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend><?php _e('c_c_seo_schema_url'); ?> </legend>
$core->blog->delComment($comment_id); http::redirect($core->getPostAdminURL($rs->post_type, $rs->post_id) . '&co=1#c' . $comment_id, false); } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } } if (!$can_edit) { $core->error->add(__("You can't edit this comment.")); } } /* DISPLAY -------------------------------------------------------- */ dcPage::open(__('Edit comment'), dcPage::jsConfirmClose('comment-form') . dcPage::jsToolBar() . dcPage::jsLoad('js/_comment.js')); if ($comment_id) { if (!empty($_GET['upd'])) { echo '<p class="message">' . __('Comment has been successfully updated.') . '</p>'; } $comment_mailto = ''; if ($comment_email) { $comment_mailto = '<a href="mailto:' . html::escapeHTML($comment_email) . '?subject=' . rawurlencode(sprintf(__('Your comment on my blog %s'), $core->blog->name)) . '&body=' . rawurlencode(sprintf(__("Hi!\n\nYou wrote a comment on:\n%s\n\n\n"), $rs->getPostURL())) . '">' . __('Send an e-mail') . '</a>'; } echo '<h2>' . html::escapeHTML($core->blog->name) . ' › ' . __('Edit comment') . '</h2>'; echo '<p><a class="back" href="' . $core->getPostAdminURL($post_type, $post_id) . '&co=1#c' . $comment_id . '"> ' . sprintf(__('Back to "%s"'), $post_title) . '</a></p>'; echo '<form action="comment.php" method="post" id="comment-form">' . '<p><label>' . __('IP address:') . '</label> ' . '<a href="comments.php?ip=' . $comment_ip . '">' . $comment_ip . '</a></p>' . '<p><label>' . __('Date:') . '</label> ' . dt::dt2str(__('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), $comment_dt) . '</p>' . '<p><label class="required" title="' . __('Required field') . '">' . __('Author:') . form::field('comment_author', 30, 255, html::escapeHTML($comment_author)) . '</label></p>' . '<p><label>' . __('Email:') . form::field('comment_email', 30, 255, html::escapeHTML($comment_email)) . $comment_mailto . '</label></p>' . '<p><label>' . __('Web site:') . form::field('comment_site', 30, 255, html::escapeHTML($comment_site)) . '</label></p>' . '<p><label>' . __('Status:') . form::combo('comment_status', $status_combo, $comment_status, '', '', !$can_publish) . '</label></p>' . $core->callBehavior('adminAfterCommentDesc', $rs) . '<p class="area"><label for="comment_content">' . __('Comment:') . '</label> ' . form::textarea('comment_content', 50, 10, html::escapeHTML($comment_content)) . '</p>' . '<p>' . form::hidden('id', $comment_id) . $core->formNonce() . '<input type="submit" accesskey="s" name="update" value="' . __('save') . '" /> '; if ($can_delete) { echo '<input type="submit" name="delete" value="' . __('delete') . '" />'; } echo '</p>' . '</form>'; } dcPage::helpBlock('core_comments'); dcPage::close();
<div class="org_contact_row"> <h4>Email:</h4> <?php print form::input('email', $form['email'], ' class="text long"'); ?> </div> <div class="org_contact_row"> <h4>Phone:</h4> <?php print form::input('phone', $form['phone'], ' class="text long"'); ?> </div> <div class="org_contact_row"> <h4>Message:</h4> <?php print form::textarea('message', $form['message'], ' rows="4" cols"20" class="textarea long" '); ?> </div> <div class="org_contact_row"> <h4>Security Code:</h4> <?php print $captcha->render(); ?> <br /> <?php print form::input('captcha', $form['captcha'], ' class="text"'); ?> </div> <div class="org_contact_row"> <input class="btn_blue" type="submit" value="Send Message" /> </div>
?> <h4><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.reports_title'); ?> <span class="required">*</span> </h4> <?php print form::input('incident_title', $form['incident_title'], ' class="text long"'); ?> </div> <div class="report_row"> <h4><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.reports_description'); ?> <span class="required">*</span> </h4> <?php print form::textarea('incident_description', $form['incident_description'], ' rows="10" class="textarea long" '); ?> </div> <div class="report_row" id="datetime_default"> <h4> <a href="#" id="date_toggle" class="show-more"><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.modify_date'); ?> </a> <?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.date_time'); ?> : <?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.today_at') . " " . "<span id='current_time'>" . $form['incident_hour'] . ":" . $form['incident_minute'] . " " . $form['incident_ampm'] . "</span>"; ?>
<div class="report_row"> <strong>Your Phone Number:</strong><br /> <?php print form::input('contact_phone', $form['contact_phone'], ' class="text"'); ?> </div> <div class="report_row"> <strong>Message Subject:</strong><br /> <?php print form::input('contact_subject', $form['contact_subject'], ' class="text"'); ?> </div> <div class="report_row"> <strong>Message:</strong><br /> <?php print form::textarea('contact_message', $form['contact_message'], ' rows="4" cols="40" class="textarea long" '); ?> </div> <!-- <div class="report_row"> <strong>Security Code:</strong><br /> <?php // print $captcha->render(); ?> <br /> <?php // print form::input('captcha', $form['captcha'], ' class="text"'); ?> </div> --> <div class="report_row"> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Send Message" class="btn_submit" /> </div>
} #Phần hiển thị $rainTpl = new RainTPL(); $rainTpl->assign('load_header', $load_header); $rainTpl->assign('module_name', $module_name); $rainTpl->assign('error_msg', print_error_msg($bg_errorMsg)); $html_page = ''; $form = new form(); $html_page .= $form->form_open(); $html_page .= $form->textnote('Các trường có dấu (<span class="form-asterick">*</span>) là bắt buộc nhập'); /** * something here */ $html_page .= $form->text(array('label' => 'Tên thuốc', 'name' => 'pha_name', 'id' => 'pha_name', 'value' => $pha_name, 'require' => 1, 'errorMsg' => 'Bạn chưa nhập tên thuốc', 'placeholder' => 'tên thuốc', 'isdatepicker' => 0, 'helpblock' => '')); $html_page .= $form->text(array('label' => 'Tiêu đề thuốc', 'name' => 'pha_title', 'id' => 'pha_title', 'value' => $pha_title, 'require' => 1, 'errorMsg' => 'Bạn chưa nhập tiêu đề thuốc', 'placeholder' => 'tiêu đề thuốc', 'isdatepicker' => 0, 'helpblock' => '')); $html_page .= $form->textarea(array('label' => 'Mô tả', 'name' => 'pha_description', 'id' => 'pha_description', 'value' => $pha_description, 'require' => 0, 'placeholder' => 'Mô tả thuốc', 'isdatepicker' => 0, 'helpblock' => '')); $html_page .= $form->textarea(array('label' => 'Nội dung', 'name' => 'pha_content', 'id' => 'pha_content', 'value' => $pha_content, 'require' => 0, 'placeholder' => 'Nội dung thuốc', 'isdatepicker' => 0, 'helpblock' => '')); $html_page .= $form->text(array('label' => 'Mã đăng ký', 'name' => 'pha_so_dang_ky', 'id' => 'pha_so_dang_ky', 'value' => $pha_so_dang_ky, 'require' => 1, 'placeholder' => 'Mã đăng ký', 'isdatepicker' => 0, 'helpblock' => '')); $html_page .= $form->text(array('label' => 'Dạng bào chế', 'name' => 'pha_dang_bao_che', 'id' => 'pha_dang_bao_che', 'value' => $pha_dang_bao_che, 'require' => 1, 'placeholder' => 'Dạng bào chế', 'isdatepicker' => 0, 'helpblock' => '')); $html_page .= $form->text(array('label' => 'Đóng gói', 'name' => 'pha_dong_goi', 'id' => 'pha_dong_goi', 'value' => $pha_dong_goi, 'require' => 0, 'placeholder' => 'Pha đóng gói', 'isdatepicker' => 0, 'helpblock' => '')); $html_page .= $form->text(array('label' => 'Giá bán buôn', 'name' => 'pha_gia_buon', 'id' => 'pha_gia_buon', 'value' => $pha_gia_buon, 'require' => 0, 'placeholder' => '', 'isdatepicker' => 0, 'helpblock' => '')); $html_page .= $form->text(array('label' => 'Giá bán lẻ', 'name' => 'pha_gia_le', 'id' => 'pha_gia_le', 'value' => $pha_gia_le, 'require' => 0, 'placeholder' => '', 'isdatepicker' => 0, 'helpblock' => '')); $html_page .= $form->text(array('label' => 'Nhà sản xuất', 'name' => 'pha_nha_sx_name', 'id' => 'pha_nha_sx_name', 'value' => $pha_nha_sx_name, 'require' => 0, 'placeholder' => '', 'isdatepicker' => 0, 'helpblock' => '')); $html_page .= $form->text(array('label' => 'Nhà đăng ký', 'name' => 'pha_nha_dk_name', 'id' => 'pha_nha_dk_name', 'value' => $pha_nha_dk_name, 'require' => 0, 'placeholder' => '', 'isdatepicker' => 0, 'helpblock' => '')); $html_page .= $form->text(array('label' => 'Nhóm dược lý', 'name' => 'pha_nhom_duoc_ly', 'id' => 'pha_nhom_duoc_ly', 'value' => $check_name_ndl, 'require' => 1, 'placeholder' => '', 'isdatepicker' => 0, 'helpblock' => '')); $html_page .= $form->textarea(array('label' => 'Thành phần', 'name' => 'pha_thanh_phan', 'id' => 'pha_thanh_phan', 'value' => $pha_thanh_phan, 'require' => 1, 'placeholder' => '', 'isdatepicker' => 0, 'helpblock' => '')); $html_page .= $form->text(array('label' => 'Hàm lượng', 'name' => 'pha_ham_luong', 'id' => 'pha_ham_luong', 'value' => $pha_ham_luong, 'require' => 0, 'placeholder' => '', 'isdatepicker' => 0, 'helpblock' => '')); $html_page .= $form->textarea(array('label' => 'Chỉ định', 'name' => 'pha_chi_dinh', 'id' => 'pha_chi_dinh', 'value' => $pha_chi_dinh, 'require' => 1, 'placeholder' => '', 'isdatepicker' => 0, 'helpblock' => '')); $html_page .= $form->textarea(array('label' => 'Chống chỉ định', 'name' => 'pha_chong_chi_dinh', 'id' => 'pha_chong_chi_dinh', 'value' => $pha_chong_chi_dinh, 'require' => 0, 'placeholder' => '', 'isdatepicker' => 0, 'helpblock' => '')); $html_page .= $form->textarea(array('label' => 'Tương tác thuốc', 'name' => 'pha_tuong_tac_thuoc', 'id' => 'pha_tuong_tac_thuoc', 'value' => $pha_tuong_tac_thuoc, 'require' => 0, 'placeholder' => '', 'isdatepicker' => 0, 'helpblock' => '')); $html_page .= $form->textarea(array('label' => 'Tác dụng phụ', 'name' => 'pha_tac_dung_phu', 'id' => 'pha_tac_dung_phu', 'value' => $pha_tac_dung_phu, 'require' => 0, 'placeholder' => '', 'isdatepicker' => 0, 'helpblock' => ''));
<td><?php echo form::label('ngay_sinh', 'Ngày sinh:'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo form::input('ngay_sinh', empty($_POST['ngay_sinh']) ? date("d-m-Y", strtotime($people['ngay_sinh'])) : $_POST['ngay_sinh'], $attributes = array('id' => 'ngay_sinh')); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo form::label('mieu_ta', 'Miêu tả:'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo form::textarea('mieu_ta', empty($_POST['mieu_ta']) ? $people['mieu_ta'] : $_POST['mieu_ta'], array('id' => 'mieu_ta', 'class' => 'editor')); ?> </td> </tr> <?php if (isset($errors)) { print_r($errors); ?> <tr> <td colspan="3"> <ul class="error"> <?php foreach ($errors as $name => $message) { echo "<li>{$message}</li>"; }
echo "</div>"; } if ($field_options['field_datatype'] == 'javascript') { if (isset($editor)) { echo "<div class=\"report_row\" id=\"custom_field_row_" . $field_id . "\">"; echo "<h4>" . $field_property['field_name'] . $isrequired . " " . $isprivate . "</h4>"; echo form::textarea('custom_field[' . $field_id . ']', $field_value, $extra_fields, false); echo "</div>"; } else { echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . $field_property['field_default'] . '</script>'; } } } else { echo "<div class=\"report_row\" id=\"custom_field_row_" . $field_id . "\">"; echo "<h4>" . $field_property['field_name'] . $isrequired . " " . $isprivate . "</h4>"; echo form::textarea('custom_field[' . $field_id . ']', $field_value, $id_name . ' class="textarea custom_text" rows="3"'); echo "</div>"; } } elseif ($field_property['field_type'] == 3) { // Date Field echo "<div class=\"report_row\" id=\"custom_field_row_" . $field_id . "\">"; echo "<h4>" . $field_property['field_name'] . $isrequired . " " . $isprivate . "</h4>"; echo form::input('custom_field[' . $field_id . ']', $field_value, ' id="custom_field_' . $field_id . '" class="text"'); echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t\t\t\t\$(document).ready(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\$(\"#custom_field_" . $field_id . "\").datepicker({\n\t\t\t\tshowOn: \"both\",\n\t\t\t\tbuttonImage: \"" . url::file_loc('img') . "media/img/icon-calendar.gif\",\n\t\t\t\tbuttonImageOnly: true\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t</script>"; echo "</div>"; } elseif ($field_property['field_type'] >= 5 and $field_property['field_type'] <= 7) { // Multiple-selector Fields echo "<div class=\"report_row\" id=\"custom_field_row_" . $field_id . "\">"; echo "<h4>" . $field_property['field_name'] . $isrequired . " " . $isprivate . "</h4>"; $defaults = explode('::', $field_property['field_default']); $default = isset($defaults[1]) ? $defaults[1] : 0;
?> </div> <div id="plural-many" class="translationField hidden"> <label for="l10n-edit-plural-translation-many">[many]</label> <?php echo form::textarea("l10n-edit-plural-translation-many", "", ' rows="2"'); ?> </div> <div id="plural-other" class="translationField hidden"> <label for="l10n-edit-plural-translation-other">[other]</label> (<a href=""><?php echo t("learn more about plural forms"); ?> </a>) <?php echo form::textarea("l10n-edit-plural-translation-other", "", ' rows="2"'); ?> </div> <input type="submit" name="l10n-edit-save" value="<?php echo t("Save translation")->for_html_attr(); ?> "/> <a href="javascript: Gallery.l10nClient.copySourceText()" class="g-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all"><?php echo t("Copy source text"); ?> </a> </form> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript">
<div class="tab_form_item2"> <strong><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.page_tab_name'); ?> :</strong><br /> <?php print form::input('page_tab', $form['page_tab'], ' class="text long"'); ?> </div> <div class="tab_form_item2"> <strong><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.page_description'); ?> :</strong><br /> <?php print form::textarea('page_description', $form['page_description'], ' rows="12" cols="60" '); ?> </div> <div class="tab_form_item"> <br /> <input type="image" src="<?php echo url::base(); ?> media/img/admin/btn-save.gif" class="save-rep-btn" /> </div> <?php print form::close(); ?> </div> </div>
/** * Ajax call to update Incident Reporting Form */ public function switch_form() { $this->template = ""; $this->auto_render = FALSE; isset($_POST['form_id']) ? $form_id = $_POST['form_id'] : ($form_id = "1"); isset($_POST['incident_id']) ? $incident_id = $_POST['incident_id'] : ($incident_id = ""); $html = ""; $fields_array = array(); $custom_form = ORM::factory('form', $form_id)->orderby('field_position', 'asc'); foreach ($custom_form->form_field as $custom_formfield) { $fields_array[$custom_formfield->id] = array('field_id' => $custom_formfield->id, 'field_name' => $custom_formfield->field_name, 'field_type' => $custom_formfield->field_type, 'field_required' => $custom_formfield->field_required, 'field_maxlength' => $custom_formfield->field_maxlength, 'field_height' => $custom_formfield->field_height, 'field_width' => $custom_formfield->field_width, 'field_isdate' => $custom_formfield->field_isdate, 'field_response' => ''); // Load Data, if Any foreach ($custom_formfield->form_response as $form_response) { if ($form_response->incident_id = $incident_id) { $fields_array[$custom_formfield->id]['field_response'] = $form_response->form_response; } } } foreach ($fields_array as $field_property) { $html .= "<div class=\"row\">"; $html .= "<h4>" . $field_property['field_name'] . "</h4>"; if ($field_property['field_type'] == 1) { // Text Field // Is this a date field? if ($field_property['field_isdate'] == 1) { $html .= form::input('custom_field[' . $field_property['field_id'] . ']', $field_property['field_response'], ' id="custom_field_' . $field_property['field_id'] . '" class="text"'); $html .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$(document).ready(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$(\"#custom_field_" . $field_property['field_id'] . "\").datepicker({ \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tshowOn: \"both\", \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbuttonImage: \"" . url::base() . "media/img/icon-calendar.gif\", \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbuttonImageOnly: true \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</script>"; } else { $html .= form::input('custom_field[' . $field_property['field_id'] . ']', $field_property['field_response'], ' id="custom_field_' . $field_property['field_id'] . '" class="text custom_text"'); } } elseif ($field_property['field_type'] == 2) { // TextArea Field $html .= form::textarea('custom_field[' . $field_property['field_id'] . ']', $field_property['field_response'], ' class="custom_text" rows="3"'); } $html .= "</div>"; } echo json_encode(array("status" => "success", "response" => $html)); }
<h4>Translated Title</h4> <?php print form::input('incident_title', $form['incident_title'], ' class="text title nofloat"'); ?> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <h4>Original Description <span>Please include as much detail as possible.</span></h4> <?php print form::textarea('orig_description', $orig_description, ' readonly="readonly" rows="12" cols="40" '); ?> <div class="translation"> <h4>Translated Description</h4> <?php print form::textarea('incident_description', $form['incident_description'], ' rows="12" cols="40" class="nofloat"'); ?> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> </div> </div> <input id="save_only" type="image" src="<?php print url::base(); ?> media/img/admin/btn-save-report.gif" class="save-rep-btn" /> <input id="save_close" type="image" src="<?php print url::base(); ?> media/img/admin/btn-save-and-close.gif" class="save-close-btn" /> <input id="cancel" type="image" src="<?php
echo form::text(array('p_title_seo[' . $aLanguage['code'] . ']', 'p_title_seo_' . $aLanguage['code']), 60, 255, html::escapeHTML($aCategoryLocalesData[$aLanguage['code']]['title_seo'])); ?> </p> <p class="field" lang="<?php echo $aLanguage['code']; ?> "><label for="p_meta_keywords_<?php echo $aLanguage['code']; ?> "><?php $okt->languages->unique ? _e('c_c_seo_meta_keywords') : printf(__('c_c_seo_meta_keywords_in_%s'), $aLanguage['title']); ?> <span class="lang-switcher-buttons"></span></label> <?php echo form::textarea(array('p_meta_keywords[' . $aLanguage['code'] . ']', 'p_meta_keywords_' . $aLanguage['code']), 58, 5, html::escapeHTML($aCategoryLocalesData[$aLanguage['code']]['meta_keywords'])); ?> </p> <div class="lockable" lang="<?php echo $aLanguage['code']; ?> "> <p class="field"><label for="p_slug_<?php echo $aLanguage['code']; ?> "><?php $okt->languages->unique ? _e('c_c_seo_url') : printf(__('c_c_seo_url_in_%s'), $aLanguage['title']); ?> <span class="lang-switcher-buttons"></span></label> <?php
<div class="tab_form_item2"> <strong>Organization Name:</strong><br /> <?php print form::input('organization_name', $form['organization_name'], ' class="text long"'); ?> </div> <div class="tab_form_item2"> <strong>Organization Website:</strong><br /> <?php print form::input('organization_website', $form['organization_website'], ' class="text long"'); ?> </div> <div class="tab_form_item2"> <strong>Organization Description:</strong><br /> <?php print form::textarea('organization_description', $form['organization_description'], ' rows="12" cols="60" '); ?> </div> <div class="tab_form_item2"> <strong>Organization Email:</strong><br /> <?php print form::input('organization_email', $form['organization_email'], ' class="text long"'); ?> </div> <div class="tab_form_item2"> <strong>Organization Phone 1:</strong><br /> <?php print form::input('organization_phone1', $form['organization_phone1'], ' class="text long"'); ?> </div> <div class="tab_form_item2">
$field_id = $field->id; $field_name = $field->field_name; $field_default = $field->field_default; $field_required = $field->field_required; $field_width = $field->field_width; $field_height = $field->field_height; $field_maxlength = $field->field_maxlength; $field_position = $field->field_position; $field_type = $field->field_type; $field_isdate = $field->field_isdate; $form_fields .= "<div class=\"forms_fields_item\">"; $form_fields .= "\t<strong>" . $field_name . ":</strong><br />"; if ($field_type == 1) { $form_fields .= form::input("custom_" . $field_id, '', ''); } elseif ($field_type == 2) { $form_fields .= form::textarea("custom_" . $field_id, ''); } if ($field_isdate == 1) { $form_fields .= " <a href=\"#\"><img src = \"" . url::base() . "media/img/icon-calendar.gif\" align=\"middle\" border=\"0\"></a>"; } $form_fields .= "\t<div class=\"forms_fields_edit\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"javascript:fieldAction('e','EDIT'," . $field_id . "," . $form_id . "," . $field_type . ");\">EDIT</a> | \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"javascript:fieldAction('d','DELETE'," . $field_id . "," . $form_id . "," . $field_type . ");\">DELETE</a> | \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"javascript:fieldAction('mu','MOVE'," . $field_id . "," . $form_id . "," . $field_type . ");\">MOVE UP</a> | \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"javascript:fieldAction('md','MOVE'," . $field_id . "," . $form_id . "," . $field_type . ");\">MOVE DOWN</a></div>"; $form_fields .= "</div>"; } $form_fields .= "</form>"; ?> <?php print form::open(NULL, array('id' => 'form_action_' . $form_id, 'name' => 'form_action_' . $form_id)); ?> <input type="hidden" name="action" id="action_<?php echo $form_id; ?>
echo form::input('custom_field[' . $field_id . ']', $form['custom_field'][$field_id], ' id="custom_field_' . $field_id . '" class="text"'); echo '<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#custom_field_' . $field_id . '").datepicker({ showOn: "both", buttonImage: "' . url::base() . 'media/img/icon-calendar.gif", buttonImageOnly: true }); }); </script>'; } else { echo form::input('custom_field[' . $field_id . ']', $form['custom_field'][$field_id], ' id="custom_field_' . $field_id . '" class="text custom_text"'); } } elseif ($field_property['field_type'] == 2) { // TextArea Field echo form::textarea('custom_field[' . $field_id . ']', $form['custom_field'][$field_id], ' class="custom_text" rows="3"'); } echo "</div>"; } ?> </div> </div> <!-- f-col-1 --> <div class="f-col-1"> <div class="incident-location"> <h4><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.incident_location'); ?> </h4> <div class="location-info"> <span><?php
<dt> <?php echo form::label('title', 'Title:'); ?> <br /> <span><?php echo __('Length must be between 3 and 20 characters.'); ?> </span> </dt> <dd><?php echo form::input('title', $message->title, array('maxlength' => 20)); ?> </dd> </dl> <dl> <dt><?php echo form::label('content', 'Content:'); ?> </dt> <dd><?php echo form::textarea('content', $message->content); ?> </dd> </dl> <?php echo form::submit('post', 'Edit'); ?> </fieldset> <?php echo form::close();
<div class="report_row"> <strong><?php echo Kohana::lang(''); ?> :</strong><br /> <?php print form::input('comment_email', $form['comment_email'], ' class="text"'); ?> </div> <div class="report_row"> <strong><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.comments'); ?> :</strong><br /> <?php print form::textarea('comment_description', $form['comment_description'], ' rows="4" cols="40" class="textarea long" '); ?> </div> <div class="report_row"> <strong><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.security_code'); ?> :</strong><br /> <?php print $captcha->render(); ?> <br /> <?php print form::input('captcha', $form['captcha'], ' class="text"'); ?> </div>
?> </a></h4> <?php print form::textarea('site_copyright_statement', $form['site_copyright_statement'], ' style="height:40px;"'); ?> </div> <div class="row"> <h4><a href="#" class="tooltip" title="<?php echo Kohana::lang("tooltips.settings_site_submit_report_message"); ?> "><?php echo Kohana::lang(''); ?> </a></h4> <?php print form::textarea('site_submit_report_message', $form['site_submit_report_message'], ' style="height:40px;"'); ?> </div> <div class="row"> <h4><a href="#" class="tooltip" title="<?php echo Kohana::lang("tooltips.settings_locale"); ?> "><?php echo Kohana::lang(''); ?> </a> (Locale)</h4> <span class="sel-holder"> <?php print form::dropdown('site_language', $locales_array, $form['site_language']); ?> </span>