button() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static button ( $value = null, $attributes = [] )
예제 #1
파일: MY_form.php 프로젝트: anqqa/Anqh
  * Creates an HTML form button input tag.
  * @param   string|array  input name or an array of HTML attributes
  * @param   string|array  input value, when using a name or values
  * @param   string        a string to be attached to the end of the attributes
  * @param   string        $label
  * @param   string|array  $error
  * @param   string|array  $tip
  * @return  string
 public static function button_wrap($data = '', $value = '', $extra = '', $label = '', $error = '', $tip = '')
     $name = is_array($data) ? arr::get($data, 'name') : $data;
     $value = is_array($value) ? arr::get($value, $name) : $value;
     $input = form::button($data, $value, $extra);
     return form::wrap($input, $name, $label, $error, $tip);
예제 #2
 function input($key, $data, $inputOnly = false)
     $input = "<input type='text' name='" . parent::protection($key) . "' value='{$key}' id='qform_input_{$key}' />" . parent::button("{$key}-select-coordinates", 'Nhập T�a �ộ', 'coordinates') . '<div id="get_map" title="Lấy T�a �ộ Trên Bản �ồ (kéo thả đến điểm cần để lấy t�a độ)"></div>';
     $script = '' . "var map={" . "getPostion:function(){" . "\$('#dialog:ui-dialog' ).dialog('destroy' );" . "\$('#get_map').dialog({" . "draggable: false,resizable: false,height: 440, width:640,modal: true," . "open: function(event, ui) {" . "jQuery(this).html('<div id=\"gmap\" class=\"gmap3\"></div>');" . 'map.loadMap();' . "}" . "});" . "}," . "loadMap:function(){" . "\$('#gmap').gmap3({\n\t\taction: 'addMarker',\n\t\tlatLng: [21.029391714981056, 105.85231983068843],\n\t\tmap:{ center: true, zoom: 15},\n\t\tmarker:{\n\t\toptions:{ draggable:true },\n\t\tevents:{\n\t\tdragend: function(marker){\n\t\t\$(this).gmap3({\n\t\taction:'getAddress',\n\t\tlatLng:marker.getPosition(),\n\t\tcallback:function(results){\n\t\tvar map = \$(this).gmap3('get'),\n\t\tinfowindow = \$(this).gmap3({action:'get', name:'infowindow'});\n\t\taddressValue = results && results[1] ? results && results[1].formatted_address : 'no address';\n\t\tcontent ='<div class=\"address\">';\n\t\tcontent += addressValue;\n\t\tcontent +='</div>';\n\t\tcontent +='<div class=\"button2-left\" style=\"clear: both;\" ><div class=\"blank\">'\n\t\tcontent +='<input type=\"button\"  title=\"\"  value=\"Lấy T�a �ộ này\" onclick=\"\$(\\'#qform_input_" . $fieldKey . "\\').val(\\''+marker.getPosition().lat()+','+marker.getPosition().lng()+'\\');  \$(\\'#get_map\\' ).dialog(\\'close\\');\" /></div></div>';\n\t\tmap.panTo(marker.getPosition());\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tif (infowindow){\n\t\tinfowindow.open(map, marker);\n\t\tinfowindow.setContent(content);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\$(this).gmap3({action:'addinfowindow', anchor:marker, options:{content: content}});\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t \n\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t);" . "}," . "};";
     $input .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . $script . "\$('#{$key}-select-coordinates').click(function(){" . 'map.getPostion();' . '});' . '</script>';
     return self::rowForm($data->title, $input);
예제 #3
 public function render(&$render_variables, $errors = array())
     // Load base template and attributes
     $result = parent::render($render_variables, $errors);
     if (is_array($result) and $result['type'] == 'submit') {
         $render_variables['submit'] = TRUE;
     $result['template']->element = form::button($result['attributes'], $this->value);
     // Return the resulting output
     return (string) $result['template']->render();
예제 #4
 public function input($fieldKey, $fieldData)
     $lable = preg_replace("/<.*?>/", "", $fieldData->lable);
     $attribute = '';
     if (!isset($fieldData->dir) || $fieldData->dir == '') {
         $fieldData->dir = 'content';
     $resourceURL = $this->CI->config->item('resource_domain');
     $directory = $fieldData->dir != '' ? "/" . $fieldData->dir != '' : '';
     $subDir = $fieldData->dir != '' ? "?dir={$fieldData->dir}" : '';
     $script = '' . 'jQuery("#' . $fieldKey . '-select-image").click(function(e){ ' . "e.preventDefault();" . "var fm = \$('<div/>').dialogelfinder({" . "url : '" . $this->CI->config->item('assets_url') . "/elfinder-2.0/php/connector.php'," . "lang : 'en', width : 840,destroyOnClose : true," . "getFileCallback : function(files, fm) {" . "jQuery('input[type=text][name=" . parent::protection($fieldKey) . "]').val(files.replace('" . $this->CI->config->item('resource_domain') . "/', ''));" . "},commandsOptions : {getfile : { oncomplete : 'close',folders : false}}" . "}).dialogelfinder('instance');" . 'return false;' . '});';
     $html = '<input type="text" name="' . parent::protection($fieldKey) . '" value="' . $fieldData->value . '" class="field-image text" readonly  />';
     $html .= parent::button('select image', 'button', array('id' => "{$fieldKey}-select-image", 'class' => 'imagebutton button grey'));
     return $html;
예제 #5
파일: switchboard.php 프로젝트: swk/bluebox
 public function index()
     stylesheet::add('switchboard', 50);
     javascript::add('pubsub.js', 50);
     $this->view->sofia_status = '';
     $sipInterface = Doctrine::getTable('SipInterface')->findAll();
     foreach ($sipInterface as $interface) {
         $this->view->sofia_status .= form::button(array('id' => 'sofia_profile', 'class' => 'eslEvent', 'value' => 'SIP Interface ' . $interface->sipinterface_id . ' Status', 'param' => 'sipinterface_' . $interface->sipinterface_id));
     $this->view->trunk_status = '';
     $trunks = Doctrine::getTable('Trunk')->findAll();
     foreach ($trunks as $trunk) {
         $this->view->trunk_status .= form::button(array('id' => 'gateway_profile', 'class' => 'eslEvent', 'value' => 'Trunk ' . $trunk->trunk_id . ' Status', 'param' => 'trunk_' . $trunk->trunk_id));
     $_SESSION['esl'] = array();
예제 #6
파일: esl.php 프로젝트: swk/bluebox
 public function index()
     stylesheet::add('esl', 50);
     $this->view->sofia_status = '';
     $sipInterface = Doctrine::getTable('SipInterface')->findAll();
     foreach ($sipInterface as $interface) {
         $this->view->sofia_status .= form::button(array('id' => 'sofia_profile', 'class' => 'eslEvent', 'value' => 'SIP Interface ' . $interface->sipinterface_id . ' Status', 'param' => 'sipinterface_' . $interface->sipinterface_id));
     $this->view->trunk_status = '';
     $trunks = Doctrine::getTable('Trunk')->findAll();
     foreach ($trunks as $trunk) {
         $this->view->trunk_status .= form::button(array('id' => 'gateway_profile', 'class' => 'eslEvent', 'value' => 'Trunk ' . $trunk->trunk_id . ' Status', 'param' => 'trunk_' . $trunk->trunk_id));
     $eslManager = new EslManager();
     $this->view->isConnected = $eslManager->isConnected();
     $this->view->isExtension = $eslManager->isExtension();
예제 #7
파일: formular.php 프로젝트: karimo255/blog
 private function buildForm()
     $options = array('method' => "POST", 'enctype' => "multipart/form-data", 'action' => '/blog/formular/add', 'width' => '400px');
     $form = new \form('testing', $options);
     $form->checkbox('checkbox test', 'testcheckbox', 'check', '');
     $form->checkbox('checkbox test2', 'testcheckbox', 'check2', true);
     $form->radio('radio test', 'testradio', 'radio', '');
     $form->radio('radio test 2', 'testradio', 'radio2', true);
     $form->text('textarea', ' ', ['error' => $this->error['textarea']]);
     $form->select('autos', ['a' => 'audi', 'b' => 'vw', 'c' => 'toyota'], 'b', ['label' => 'auto select']);
     $form->text('username', '', ['placeholder' => 'username', 'label' => 'Username', 'error' => $this->error['username']]);
     $form->password('password', '', ['label' => 'Password', 'error' => $this->error['password']]);
     $form->button('senden', ['type' => 'submit']);
     return $form;
예제 #8
echo $form->select_db_multi("Danh mục", "sta_category_id", "sta_category_id", $listAll, "cat_id", "cat_name", $sta_category_id, "Danh mục", 1, "", 1, 0, "", "");
echo $form->text("Tiêu đề", "sta_title", "sta_title", $sta_title, "Tiêu đề", 1, 250, "", 255, "", "", "");
echo $form->text("Thứ tự", "sta_order", "sta_order", $sta_order, "Thứ tự", 2, 50, "", 255, "", "", "");
echo $form->text("Ngày tạo", "sta_strdate" . $form->ec . "sta_strtime", "sta_strdate" . $form->ec . "sta_strtime", $sta_strdate . $form->ec . $sta_strtime, "Ngày (dd/mm/yyyy)" . $form->ec . "Giờ (hh:mm:ss)", 0, 70 . $form->ec . 70, $form->ec, 10 . $form->ec . 10, " - ", $form->ec, "&nbsp; <i>(Ví dụ: dd/mm/yyyy - hh:mm:ss)</i>");
echo $form->close_table();
echo $form->wysiwyg("Mô tả chi tiết", "sta_description", $sta_description, "../../resource/ckeditor/", "95%", 300);
echo $form->create_table();
echo $form->close_table();
echo $form->wysiwyg("Bản lưu", "sta_description1", $sta_description1, "../../resource/ckeditor/", "95%", 300);
echo $form->create_table();

echo $form->radio("Sau khi lưu dữ liệu", "add_new" . $form->ec . "return_listing" . $form->ec . "return_edit", "after_save_data", $add . $form->ec . $listing . $form->ec . $edit, $after_save_data, "Thêm mới" . $form->ec . "Quay về danh sách" . $form->ec . "Sửa bản ghi", 0, "" . $form->ec . "" . $form->ec . "");
echo $form->button("submit" . $form->ec . "reset", "submit" . $form->ec . "reset", "submit" . $form->ec . "reset", "Cập nhật" . $form->ec . "Làm lại", "Cập nhật" . $form->ec . "Làm lại", 'style="background:url(' . $fs_imagepath . 'button_1.gif) no-repeat; border:none;"' . $form->ec . 'style="background:url(' . $fs_imagepath . 'button_2.gif) no-repeat; border:none;"', "");
<br />
echo $form->hidden("action", "action", "submitForm", "");

<? /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ?>
echo template_bottom();
예제 #9
    	<dt><label for="password">Password:</label></dt>
echo form::password('password', $post['password']);
echo form::checkbox('remember_check', 'rememberMe', TRUE);
<label for="rememberMe" class="rememberMe">Remember me</label></dd>
if (isset($_GET['return_to'])) {
    echo form::hidden("return_to", $_GET['return_to']);
} else {
    echo form::hidden("return_to", "home");


<fieldset class="action">
echo form::button('submit', 'Login');

예제 #10
파일: layout.php 프로젝트: swk/bluebox
if (isset($views)) {
    echo subview::render($views);


                <div class="buttons form_bottom">
if (!empty($allowNext)) {
    echo form::button(array('name' => 'next', 'class' => 'save small_green_button'), 'Continue');
if (!empty($allowPrev)) {
    echo form::button(array('name' => 'prev', 'class' => 'prev small_red_button'), 'Back');

echo form::close();
예제 #11
파일: form.php 프로젝트: enormego/EightPHP
echo form::open($action, $attributes);

include Eight::find_file('views', 'eight/form_errors');

foreach ($inputs as $title => $input) {
    echo $title;
    echo form::input($input);

<fieldset class="submit"><?php 
echo html::anchor($cancel, 'Cancel'), ' ', form::button(nil, 'Save');

echo form::close();
예제 #12
 public function render()
     $data = $this->data;
     return form::button($data);
예제 #13
파일: login.php 프로젝트: nemni8/Munch
echo form::input('username', isset($post['username']) ? $post['username'] : NULL, array('id' => 'username'));
			<div class="line" style="width: 160px">
echo form::label('password', 'Password');
echo form::password('password', isset($post['password']) ? $post['password'] : NULL, array('id' => 'password'));
			<div class="line">
echo form::checkbox('remember', 'TRUE', FALSE, array('id' => 'remember', 'class' => 'auto'));
echo form::label('remember', 'Remember');
			<div class="line controls">
echo form::button(NULL, 'כניסה למערכת', array('type' => 'submit', 'style' => 'width:110px;'));

echo form::close();

예제 #14
 public function getButtonLink($params)
     $params['name'] = 'submit[' . $params['name'] . ']';
     $data = array('name' => 'submit[' . Bluebox_Controller::SUBMIT_CONFIRM . ']', 'class' => 'save small_green_button');
     return form::button();
예제 #15
파일: add.php 프로젝트: natgeo/kids-myshot
echo form::select('endmonth', $months);
echo form::select('endday', $days);
echo form::select('endyear', $years);
			<div class="box_bottom"></div>
		<div class="box">
			<div class="box_top"></div>
			<div class="box_inner notable">
				<h2 class="black">Rules</h2>
echo form::button('addRule', 'Add Rule', array('id' => 'add_rule', 'class' => 'add_rule'));
				<div id="rules"></div>		
			<div class="box_bottom"></div>
		<div class="submit_container">
			<ul class="buttons">
echo form::submit('submit', '', array('class' => 'submit'));
echo form::close();
예제 #16

echo form::label('completed', 'Completed On');
echo form::input('completed', $post['completed']);

echo form::label('website', 'Website URL');
echo form::input('website', $post['website']);

		<dd class="submit"><?php 
echo form::button(NULL, 'Create Project', array('type' => 'submit'));

echo form::close();

예제 #17
파일: index.php 프로젝트: swk/bluebox
echo form::button(array('id' => 'reload_sofia', 'class' => 'eslEvent', 'value' => 'Reload Sofia'));
        <h3><a href="#">Manual Entry</a></h3>
            <div id="modules">
echo form::dropdown('type', array('sendRecv', 'recvEvent'));
echo form::input('params');

echo form::button(array('id' => 'manual_entry', 'param' => 'version', 'class' => 'eslEvent', 'value' => 'Send'));


    var eslEvent = 'sdf';

예제 #18
파일: configure.php 프로젝트: swk/bluebox
echo form::open();

echo form::open_section('Configure Phone');

    Configure your phone by clicking an area on the phone.<br />

    <img src="http://imakys.teachoip.com/us/6757-carr%C3%A9+logo-aastra-%C3%A9cra.png" style="padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px">

    <div class="buttons form_bottom">

echo form::button(array('name' => 'submit', 'class' => 'cancel small_red_button'), 'Cancel');

echo form::submit(array('name' => 'submit', 'class' => 'save small_green_button'), 'Save');


echo form::close();

예제 #19
include Kohana::find_file('views', 'template/errors');

echo form::label('u_email', 'Email address (used to login)');
echo form::input('u_email', $post['u_email']);

echo form::label('u_password', 'Password');
echo form::password('u_password', $post['u_password']);

		<dd class="submit"><?php 
echo form::button(NULL, 'Register', array('type' => 'submit'));

echo form::close();
예제 #20
파일: add.php 프로젝트: swk/bluebox
echo form::checkbox('upload[32000]', NULL, TRUE);

    <div class="field">
echo form::label('upload[48000]', 'Create 48kHz file');
echo form::checkbox('upload[48000]', NULL, TRUE);

    <div class="buttons form_bottom">

echo form::button(array('name' => 'cancel', 'class' => 'cancel small_red_button', 'onclick' => 'window.location="' . url::site('globalmedia/index') . '";return false;'), 'Cancel');

echo form::submit(array('name' => 'submit', 'class' => 'save small_green_button'), 'Upload');


echo form::close_section();

echo form::close(TRUE);
예제 #21
			<option value="<?php 
echo $listAll[$i]["cat_id"];
"<? if($listAll[$i]["cat_id"] == $iCat) echo ' selected="selected"';?>><? for($j=0;$j<$listAll[$i]["level"];$j++) echo "--"; ?> <?php 
echo $listAll[$i]["cat_name"];
echo $form->text("Link tới category", "link_category", "link_category", $link_category, "Link tới category", 0, 250, "", 1000, "", 'disabled="disabled"', "");
echo $form->button("button", "create_link_category", "create_link_category", "Tạo link", "Tạo link tới category", '" onClick="link_to_category()"', "");
echo $form->hidden("object", "object", $object, "");

//---------------------------- Create link to data -----------------------------------
	//Search data
	$id			= getValue("id");
	$keyword		= getValue("keyword", "str", "GET", "", 1);
	$sqlWhere	= "";
	//Tìm theo ID
	if($id > 0)			$sqlWhere .= " AND " . $arrayData[0] . " = " . $id . " ";
예제 #22

echo $post->label('post_excerpt');
echo $post->input('post_excerpt', array('class' => 'span-15'));
echo form::button('shindig_post', __('Submit'));


<div class="span-5">

echo $post->label('created_on');
echo $post->input('created_on');
예제 #23
									<div class="detailed_feedback">
										<a href="http://feedback.ushahidi.com/fillsurvey.php?sid=5">Provide Detailed Feedback</a>
								<td colspan="3">
print form::input('person_email', 'Email address', 'size="40" onclick="clearField();"');
print form::button('submit', Kohana::lang('feedback.feedback_reply_send'), 'onclick="formSubmit();"');
									<br /><br />
print empty($errors['person_email']) ? '' : $errors['person_email'] . '<br /><br />';
print form::close();
			<strong class="f-logo"><a href="http://www.ushahidi.com">Ushahidi</a></strong>
예제 #24
<label><span>Email Address</span><?php 
echo form::input('email', $post['email']);
echo form::input('username', $post['username']);
echo form::password('password', $post['password']);
<label><span>Confirm Password</span><?php 
echo form::password('password_confirm', $post['password_confirm']);

<fieldset class="submit"><?php 
echo form::button(NULL, 'Save User');

echo form::close();

예제 #25
print empty($errors['feedback_captcha']) ? '' : $errors['feedback_captcha'] . '<br /<br />';
								<td colspan="3">
$email = empty($form['person_email']) ? 'Email address' : $form['person_email'];
print form::input('person_email', $email, 'size="40" class="text"  onclick="clearField();"');
print form::button('submit', Kohana::lang('feedback.feedback_reply_send'));
									<br /><br />
print empty($errors['person_email']) ? '' : $errors['person_email'] . '<br /><br />';
print form::close();
			<!-- /feedback form -->
예제 #26
파일: scan.php 프로젝트: swk/bluebox
<p><b>Scan complete. Your files have been updated.</b></p>

<p>Your system will now look through all your media-related folders for any new/changed files. You will see the "last scan" at the top of the media manager page update when the scan is complete.</p>


<div style="text-align:center">
echo form::button(array('name' => 'submit', 'class' => 'small_green_button', 'onClick' => "javascript:\$('.qtip').hide();\$('#qtip-blanket').fadeOut();"), 'Close');
예제 #27
	<tr name="syncRunningConfigRow" class="syncRunningConfigRow group" id="syncRunningConfigRow_queuegroup"><td name="syncRunningConfigLabel" id="syncRunningConfigLabel_queuegroup" class="group">Queues</td><td name="syncRunningConfigStatus" id="syncRunningConfigstatus_queuegroup" class="status"></td></tr>
	<tr name="syncRunningConfigRow" class="syncRunningConfigRow even" id="syncRunningConfigRow_buildrunningqueuelist"><td name="syncRunningConfigLabel" id="syncRunningConfigLabel_buildrunningqueuelist" class="sub">Building List of Running Queues</td><td name="syncRunningConfigStatus" id="syncRunningConfigstatus_buildrunningqueuelist" class="status"></td></tr>
	<tr name="syncRunningConfigRow" class="syncRunningConfigRow odd" id="syncRunningConfigRow_builddbqueuelist"><td name="syncRunningConfigLabel" id="syncRunningConfigLabel_builddbqueuelist" class="sub">Building List of Queues in the database</td><td name="syncRunningConfigStatus" id="syncRunningConfigstatus_builddbqueuelist" class="status"></td></tr>
	<tr name="syncRunningConfigRow" class="syncRunningConfigRow even" id="syncRunningConfigRow_reconcilequeues"><td name="syncRunningConfigLabel" id="syncRunningConfigLabel_reconcilequeues" class="sub">Reconciling Queues</td><td name="syncRunningConfigStatus" id="syncRunningConfigstatus_reconcilequeues" class="status"></td></tr>
	<tr name="syncRunningConfigRow" class="syncRunningConfigRow group" id="syncRunningConfigRow_agentgroup"><td name="syncRunningConfigLabel" id="syncRunningConfigLabel_agentgroup" class="group">Agents</td><td name="syncRunningConfigStatus" id="syncRunningConfigstatus_agentgroup" class="status"></td></tr>
	<tr name="syncRunningConfigRow" class="syncRunningConfigRow even" id="syncRunningConfigRow_buildrunningagentlist"><td name="syncRunningConfigLabel" id="syncRunningConfigLabel_buildrunningagentlist" class="sub">Reconciling Agents</td><td name="syncRunningConfigStatus" id="syncRunningConfigstatus_buildrunningagentlist" class="status"></td></tr>
	<tr name="syncRunningConfigRow" class="syncRunningConfigRow odd" id="syncRunningConfigRow_builddbagentlist"><td name="syncRunningConfigLabel" id="syncRunningConfigLabel_builddbagentlist" class="sub">Building List of Agents in the database</td><td name="syncRunningConfigStatus" id="syncRunningConfigstatus_builddbagentlist" class="status"></td></tr>
	<tr name="syncRunningConfigRow" class="syncRunningConfigRow even" id="syncRunningConfigRow_reconcileagents"><td name="syncRunningConfigLabel" id="syncRunningConfigLabel_reconcileagents" class="sub">Reconciling Agents</td><td name="syncRunningConfigStatus" id="syncRunningConfigstatus_reconcileagents" class="status"></td></tr>
	<tr name="syncRunningConfigRow" class="syncRunningConfigRow group" id="syncRunningConfigRow_tiergroup"><td name="syncRunningConfigLabel" id="syncRunningConfigLabel_tiergroup" class="group">Tiers</td><td name="syncRunningConfigStatus" id="syncRunningConfigstatus_tiergroup" class="status"></td></tr>
	<tr name="syncRunningConfigRow" class="syncRunningConfigRow even" id="syncRunningConfigRow_syncronizetiers"><td name="syncRunningConfigLabel" id="syncRunningConfigLabel_syncronizetiers" class="sub">Reconciling Tiers</td><td name="syncRunningConfigStatus" id="syncRunningConfigstatus_syncronizetiers" class="status"></td></tr>
echo form::open();
$data = array('name' => 'submit[' . Bluebox_Controller::SUBMIT_CONFIRM . ']', 'class' => 'save small_green_button hide');
echo form::button($data, 'OK');
echo form::close(FALSE);
<script language="javascript">

	function enableOKButton() {
	function clearWorking(el) {
	function setWorking(el) {
		$(el).html('<img src="<?php 
echo url::base() . skins::getSkin();
예제 #28
파일: login.php 프로젝트: kerkness/shindig

echo __('Login');

include Kohana::find_file('views', 'errors');

echo __('Username');
</span> <?php 
echo form::input('username', $user->username);
<li><label><span>Password</span> <?php 
echo form::password('password');

echo form::button(NULL, 'Login', array('type' => 'submit'));

echo form::close();
예제 #29
파일: index.php 프로젝트: swk/bluebox
echo form::button(array('id' => 'manual_hold', 'param' => 'version', 'class' => 'switchboardEvent', 'value' => '--Put On Hold--'));
echo form::button(array('id' => 'manual_xfer', 'param' => 'version', 'class' => 'switchboardEvent', 'value' => '--Xfer--'));
echo form::button(array('id' => 'manual_record', 'param' => 'version', 'class' => 'switchboardEvent', 'value' => '--Record--'));
		 <div style="float: right;">
echo mediafiles::dropdown(array('name' => 'media[mediafile]', 'id' => 'media_widget_file_list'));
echo form::button(array('id' => 'manual_sound', 'param' => 'version', 'class' => 'switchboardEvent', 'value' => '--Send Audio--'));
	<div id="sipinterfaces_tab">
            <div id="sip-interfaces"></div>
        <div id="SwitchBoardContainer" style="width:900px;min-height: 500px;border: 1px solid #000;overflow-x: hidden;">
	<div id="DeviceList" style="width:150px;float:left;min-height: 500px;">
for ($idex = 0; $idex < count($DeviceRows); $idex++) {
예제 #30
 contest</b><br /><br />

echo __('First Name');
echo form::input('name', $contest['name']);
echo form::input('email', $contest['email']);
echo form::button('submit', __('Save'));
<tr><td colspan="2">
if (isset($success)) {
	<li> <?php 
    echo $success;
