public function html_element() { // Import base data $data = $this->data; $input = ''; foreach ($this->parts as $type => $val) { isset($data['value']) or $data['value'] = ''; $temp = $data; $temp['name'] = $this->data['name'] . '[' . $type . ']'; $offset = strlen($data['value']) == 10 ? 0 : 3; switch ($type) { case 'area_code': if (strlen($data['value']) == 10) { $temp['value'] = substr($data['value'], 0, 3); } else { $temp['value'] = ''; } $temp['class'] = 'area_code'; $input .= form::input(array_merge(array('value' => $val), $temp)) . '-'; break; case 'exchange': $temp['value'] = substr($data['value'], 3 - $offset, 3); $temp['class'] = 'exchange'; $input .= form::input(array_merge(array('value' => $val), $temp)) . '-'; break; case 'last_four': $temp['value'] = substr($data['value'], 6 - $offset, 4); $temp['class'] = 'last_four'; $input .= form::input(array_merge(array('value' => $val), $temp)); break; } } return $input; }
public function __toString() { $field = $this->field_name; $smax = @$this->args->max; $smin = @$this->args->min; $length = @$this->args->decimal_length; return form::input($this->field_name, $this->field_value, 'class="SpinnerNumber" spinnermax="' . $smax . '" spinnermin="' . $smin . '" decimal_length="' . $length . '"'); }
public function input($fieldKey, $fieldData, $view = 'default') { $fieldData->options = self::$value; if ($view == 'val') { return self::$value[$fieldData->value]; } else { return parent::input('inputSelect', $fieldKey, $fieldData, 'input'); } }
private function __form() { $form = ""; $form .= form::open(); $form .= form::label('filename', 'Title'); $form .= form::input('filename', '', 'class="fullWidth"'); $form .= form::submit('submit', 'Save', 'class="submit"'); $form .= form::close(); return $form; }
public function input($fieldKey, $fieldData) { $fieldData->options = array('1' => '-1-'); $items = $this->CI->Pak_Model->count($fieldData->table, $fieldData->where); if ($items > 0) { for ($i = 2; $i < $items + 2; $i++) { $fieldData->options[$i] = "-{$i}-"; } } return parent::input('inputSelect', $fieldKey, $fieldData, 'input'); }
public function input($fieldKey, $fieldData, $view = 'default') { $fieldData->cate_type = isset($fieldData->cate_type) ? $fieldData->cate_type : 'art'; $items = $this->CI->Pak_Model->categoryTable($fieldData->cate_type, 0, 1, 1); // bug($items); exit; $fieldData->options = array('*' => '- ' . lang('No Category') . ' -'); foreach ($items as $cate) { $fieldData->options[$cate[0]] = $cate[1]; } return parent::input('inputSelect', $fieldKey, $fieldData, $view, false); }
private function __paypal() { $PAYPAL_ID = ORM::factory('setting', 'PAYPAL_ID'); if (isset($_POST['PAYPAL_ID'])) { $PAYPAL_ID->value = $_POST['PAYPAL_ID']; $PAYPAL_ID->save(); } $html = form::open(); $html .= form::label('PAYPAL_ID', 'Change paypal account'); $html .= form::input('PAYPAL_ID', $PAYPAL_ID->value, 'class="fullWidth"'); $html .= form::submit('submit', 'Save', 'class="submit"') . '<p> </p><p> </p>'; $html .= form::close(); return $html; }
public function input($fieldKey, $fieldData) { if (!method_exists($this->CI, 'Category_Model')) { $this->CI->load->model('Category_Model'); } $fieldData->cate_type = isset($fieldData->cate_type) ? $fieldData->cate_type : 'art'; $items = $this->CI->Category_Model->load_items($fieldData->cate_type); // bug($items); exit; $fieldData->options = array('0' => '- ' . lang('No Category') . ' -'); foreach ($items as $cate) { $fieldData->options[$cate[0]] = $cate[1]; } return parent::input('inputSelect', $fieldKey, $fieldData); }
function parse_array($arr) { foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { $db = DB::select()->from('categories')->where('id', '=', $key)->execute(); echo '<ul><li>'; echo '<b>Название:</b> ' . form::input('name[]', $db[0]['name'], array('onkeyup' => 'translit(\'name[]\', \'url[]\');')) . form::hidden('cid[]', $db[0]['id']) . ' '; echo '<b>URL:</b> ' . form::input('url[]', $db[0]['url']) . ' '; echo '<b>Удалить?</b> ' . form::checkbox('delete[]', $db[0]['id']); echo '</li>'; if (is_array($value)) { parse_array($value); } echo '</ul>'; } }
protected function html_element() { // Import the data $data = $this->data; if (empty($data['checked'])) { // Not checked unset($data['checked']); } else { // Is checked $data['checked'] = 'checked'; } if ($label = arr::remove('label', $data)) { // There must be one space before the text $label = ' ' . ltrim($label); } return '<label>' . form::input($data) . $label . '</label>'; }
protected function _generate_body_cell($index, $key) { // variables $body = $this->body_data; $value = $body[$index][$key]; $name = $this->post_id . '[' .$body[$index][$this->data_id]. '][' .$key. ']'; // data $type = $this->default_type; $data = NULL; if(array_key_exists($key, $this->control_types)) { $type = $this->control_types[$key][0]; $data = $this->control_types[$key][1]; } // html $str = ''; switch($type) { case 'text': $str = form::input($name, $value); break; case 'dropdown': $str = form::dropdown($name, $data, $value); break; case 'radio': case 'checkbox': foreach($data as $d) { $str .= form::$type($name, $d, $value == $d, 'style="width:auto"') . ' ' . ucwords($d) . ' '; if($type == 'checkbox') { $str .= '<br />'; } } break; default: $str = $value; } return '<td>' . $str . '</td>'; }
public function _form($user) { $html = ""; $html .= form::open(null, array('class' => 'valid_form')); $html .= form::input(array('email', 'Email'), $user->email, 'class="fullWidth required email"'); $html .= form::label('New Password'); $html .= form::password('password[]', '', 'class="fullWidth"'); $html .= form::label('Repeat Password'); $html .= form::password('password[]', '', 'class="fullWidth"'); $html .= "<hr/>"; $html .= form::label('openid', 'OpenID <img src="" />'); $html .= '<p><small><a href="" target="_BLANK">What is an OpenID?</a></small></p> <p><small>Please remember the "http://"</small></p>'; $html .= form::input('openid', $user->openid, 'class="fullWidth url"'); $html .= form::submit('submit', 'Save', 'class="submit"'); $html .= form::close(); return $html; }
public function input($fieldKey, $fieldData) { $fieldData->options = array(); foreach (self::$opt as $k => $alias) { $title = str_replace('-', ' & ', $alias); $title = str_replace('+', ' ', $title); $fieldData->options[$k] = ucwords($title); } // $fieldData->options = array( // 1=>lang('Crocodile'), // 2=>lang('Stingray'), // 12=>lang('Crocodie & Stingray'), // 3=>lang('Snake'), // 23=>lang('Stingray & Snake'), // 4=>lang('Ostrich'), // 5=>lang('Buffalo'), // 6=>lang('Cow'), // ); return parent::input('inputSelect', $fieldKey, $fieldData); }
public function login() { if ($this->a2->logged_in()) { //cannot create new accounts when a user is logged in return $this->index(); } $post = Validation::factory($_POST)->pre_filter('trim')->add_rules('username', 'required', 'length[4,127]')->add_rules('password', 'required'); if ($post->validate()) { if ($this->a1->login($post['username'], $post['password'])) { // login succesful url::redirect('a2demo/index'); } } //show form echo form::open(); echo 'username:'******'username') . '<br>'; echo 'password:'******'password') . '<br>'; echo form::submit(array('value' => 'login')); echo form::close(); }
public function action_login() { if ($this->user) { //cannot create new accounts when a user is logged in return $this->action_index(); } $post = Validate::factory($_POST)->filter(TRUE, 'trim')->rule('username', 'not_empty')->rule('username', 'min_length', array(4))->rule('username', 'max_length', array(127))->rule('password', 'not_empty'); if ($post->check()) { if ($this->a1->login($post['username'], $post['password'], isset($_POST['remember']) ? (bool) $_POST['remember'] : FALSE)) { $this->request->redirect('a2demo/index'); } } //show form echo form::open(); echo 'username:'******'username') . '<br>'; echo 'password:'******'password') . '<br>'; echo 'remember me:' . form::checkbox('remember', TRUE) . '<br>'; echo form::submit('login', 'login'); echo form::close(); echo Kohana::debug($post->errors()); }
public function render(&$render_variables, $errors = array()) { // Load base template and attributes $result = parent::render($render_variables, $errors); // Discover the type switch ($this->type) { case 'input': $result['template']->element = form::input($result['attributes'], $this->value); break; case 'password': $result['template']->element = form::password($result['attributes'], $this->value); break; case 'submit': $result['template']->element = form::submit($result['attributes'], $this->value); $render_variables['submit'] = TRUE; break; case 'radio': $result['template']->element = form::radio($result['attributes'], $this->value); break; case 'checkbox': $result['attributes']['value'] = $this->value; if ($this->value = Input::instance()->post($this->name)) { $result['template']->element = form::checkbox($result['attributes'], $this->value, TRUE); } else { $result['template']->element = form::checkbox($result['attributes'], $this->value); } break; case 'hidden': $result['template']->element = form::hidden($this->name, $this->value); break; case 'file': $result['template']->element = form::upload($result['attributes'], $this->value); $render_variables['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data'; break; } // Return the resulting output return (string) $result['template']->render(); }
echo form::input(array('id' => 'manual_entry_kill', 'value' => '', 'size' => '80', 'type' => 'hidden')); ?> <?php echo form::input(array('id' => 'manual_entry_park', 'value' => '', 'size' => '80', 'type' => 'hidden')); ?> <?php echo form::input(array('id' => 'manual_entry_xfer', 'value' => '', 'size' => '80', 'type' => 'hidden')); ?> <?php echo form::input(array('id' => 'manual_entry_hold', 'value' => '', 'size' => '80', 'type' => 'hidden')); ?> <?php echo form::input(array('id' => 'manual_entry_sound', 'value' => '', 'size' => '80', 'type' => 'hidden')); ?> <?php echo form::input(array('id' => 'manual_entry_record', 'value' => '', 'size' => '80', 'type' => 'hidden')); ?> <?php echo form::button(array('id' => 'manual_entry', 'param' => 'version', 'class' => 'switchboardEvent', 'value' => 'Send', 'style' => 'display:none')); ?> <?php echo form::button(array('id' => 'manual_kill', 'param' => 'version', 'class' => 'switchboardEvent', 'value' => '--Kill--')); ?> <?php echo form::button(array('id' => 'manual_park', 'param' => 'version', 'class' => 'switchboardEvent', 'value' => '--Park--')); ?> <?php echo form::button(array('id' => 'manual_hold', 'param' => 'version', 'class' => 'switchboardEvent', 'value' => '--Put On Hold--')); ?>
?> <?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.'); ?> <h2><?php echo Kohana::lang('user.login'); ?> </h2> <? base::success($success); ?> <? base::errors($errors); ?> <? echo form::open(NULL, array('class' => 'glForms')); echo form::label('email', kohana::lang('')); echo form::input('email', ($form['email'])); echo '<br />'; echo form::label('password', Kohana::lang('user.password')); echo form::password('password', NULL); echo '<br />'; echo form::label('submit', ' '); echo form::submit('submit', Kohana::lang('user.logmein'),'class=button'); echo '<br />'; echo form::close(); ?> <p><a href="/user/register"><?php echo Kohana::lang('user.register'); ?> </a> | <a href="/user/password"><?php echo Kohana::lang('user.forgot_password'); ?>
<?php print form::input('twitter_hashtags', $form['twitter_hashtags'], ' class="text"'); ?> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <h4><?php echo Kohana::lang(''); ?> </h4> <?php echo Kohana::lang(''); ?> . <?php print form::input('api_akismet', $form['api_akismet'], ' class="text"'); ?> </div> </div> <div class="simple_border"></div> <input type="image" src="<?php echo url::base(); ?> media/img/admin/btn-save-settings.gif" class="save-rep-btn" /> <input type="image" src="<?php echo url::base(); ?> media/img/admin/btn-cancel.gif" class="cancel-btn" /> </div>
echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.last_name'); ?> </span> <?php print form::input('person_last', $form['person_last'], ' class="text"'); ?> </label> </div> <div class="row"> <label> <span><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.email_address'); ?> </span> <?php print form::input('person_email', $form['person_email'], ' class="text"'); ?> </label> </div> </div> <!-- f-col-bottom-1 --> <div class="f-col-bottom-1"> <h4><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.information_evaluation'); ?> </h4> <div class="row"> <div class="f-col-bottom-1-col"><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.approve_this_report'); ?> ?</div>
public function view() { return form::input($this->name, $this->type, $this->value, true, NULL, $this->options); // (isset($this->options['selected'])) ? $this->options : NULL }
<div class="tab_form_item2"> <strong>Organization Email:</strong><br /> <?php print form::input('organization_email', $form['organization_email'], ' class="text long"'); ?> </div> <div class="tab_form_item2"> <strong>Organization Phone 1:</strong><br /> <?php print form::input('organization_phone1', $form['organization_phone1'], ' class="text long"'); ?> </div> <div class="tab_form_item2"> <strong>Organization Phone 2:</strong><br /> <?php print form::input('organization_phone2', $form['organization_phone2'], ' class="text long"'); ?> </div> <div class="tab_form_item"> <br /> <input type="image" src="<?php echo url::base(); ?> media/img/admin/btn-save.gif" class="save-rep-btn" /> </div> <?php print form::close(); ?> </div> </div>
<?php echo form::input("submit"); ?> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <?php echo form::input("mail_html"); ?> </div> <div class="col-md-12"> <?php echo form::input("mail_text"); ?> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-2"> <p>Usable subscriber fields in letter:<br> [id] - identity number<br> [name] - name<br> [email] - e-mail address<br> [link] - webpage or link<br> [category] - the category to subscribe for<br> [subscribe_date] - the date and time of subscribe<br> [unsubscribe] - the link of unsubscribe<br> </p> </div>
<span class="sel-holder nofloat"> <?php print form::dropdown('locale', $locale_array, $form['locale']); ?> </span> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <h4>Original Title</h4> <?php print form::input('orig_title', $orig_title, ' readonly="readonly" class="text title"'); ?> <div class="translation"> <h4>Translated Title</h4> <?php print form::input('incident_title', $form['incident_title'], ' class="text title nofloat"'); ?> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <h4>Original Description <span>Please include as much detail as possible.</span></h4> <?php print form::textarea('orig_description', $orig_description, ' readonly="readonly" rows="12" cols="40" '); ?> <div class="translation"> <h4>Translated Description</h4> <?php print form::textarea('incident_description', $form['incident_description'], ' rows="12" cols="40" class="nofloat"'); ?> <div style="clear:both;"></div>
?> </option></select></span> <div class="location-info"> <span><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.latitude'); ?> :</span> <?php print form::input('default_lat', $form['default_lat'], ' readonly="readonly" class="text"'); ?> <span><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.longitude'); ?> :</span> <?php print form::input('default_lon', $form['default_lon'], ' readonly="readonly" class="text"'); ?> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <h4><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.preview'); ?> </h4> <p class="bold_desc"><?php echo Kohana::lang('settings.set_location'); ?> .</p> <div id="map_holder"> <div id="map" class="mapstraction"></div>
:</strong><br /> <?php print form::textarea('comment_description', $form['comment_description'], ' rows="4" cols="40" class="textarea long" '); ?> </div> <div class="report_row"> <strong><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.security_code'); ?> :</strong><br /> <?php print $captcha->render(); ?> <br /> <?php print form::input('captcha', $form['captcha'], ' class="text"'); ?> </div> <?php // Action::comments_form - Runs right before the end of the comment submit form Event::run('ushahidi_action.comment_form'); ?> <div class="report_row"> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="<?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.reports_btn_submit'); ?> <?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.comment'); ?> " class="btn_blue" /> </div>
<div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('ami_host', 'Manager Host:'); echo form::input('ami_host'); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('ami_port', 'Manager Port:'); echo form::input('ami_port'); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('ami_user', 'Manager Username:'******'ami_user'); ?> </div> <div class="field"> <?php echo form::label('ami_pass', 'Manager Password:'******'ami_pass'); ?> </div> <?php echo form::close_section();
')">+<?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.request_location'); ?> </a> <a href="javascript:cannedReply('2', 'message_<?php echo $message_id; ?> ')">+<?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.request_information'); ?> </a></div> <div id="replyerror_<?php echo $message_id; ?> " class="reply_error"></div> <div class="reply_input"><?php print form::input('message_' . $message_id, '', ' class="text long2" onkeyup="limitChars(, \'160\', \'replyleft_' . $message_id . '\')" '); ?> </div> <div class="reply_input"><a href="javascript:sendMessage('<?php echo $message_id; ?> ' , 'sending_<?php echo $message_id; ?> ')" title="Submit Message"><img src="<?php echo url::base(); ?> media/img/admin/btn-send.gif" alt="Submit" border="0" /></a></div> <div class="reply_input" id="sending_<?php echo $message_id; ?>
For other payment options, please <?php echo HTML::mailto('*****@*****.**', 'email me'); ?> .</h1> <?php echo form::open(NULL); ?> <?php include Kohana::find_file('views', 'template/errors'); ?> <p>I would like to pay $<?php echo form::input('amount', $post['amount']); ?> on invoice #<?php echo Form::input('invoice', $post['invoice']); ?> using:</p> <ul class="gateway"> <li><label><?php echo Form::radio('gateway', 'paypal', $post['gateway'] === 'paypal'); ?> <?php echo HTML::image('', array('alt' => 'PayPal')); ?> </label></li>
:</strong><br/><small><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.identify_you'); ?> </small><br /> <?php print form::input('name', $form['name'], 'class="login_text new_name"'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong><?php echo Kohana::lang(''); ?> :</strong><br /> <?php print form::input('email', $form['email'], 'class="login_text new_email"'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="riverid_email_already_set" style="display:none;"> <td class="riverid_email_already_set_copy"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong><?php echo Kohana::lang('ui_main.password'); ?> :</strong><br /> <?php print form::password('password', $form['password'], 'class="login_text new_password"'); ?> </td>