// -- REGIONS bar[top|right|bottom|left] // ----------------------- $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["regions"]["bartop"] = array(); if (SHOW_MYMENU) { $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["regions"]["bartop"][] = "block::BmyMenu('mymenu')"; } $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["regions"]["barright"] = array(); $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["regions"]["barbottom"] = array(); $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["regions"]["barleft"] = array(); // ----------------------- // -- REGION pagetop // ----------------------- $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["regions"]["pagetop"][] = "block::BskipToContent('skiptocontent','region-content')"; //$GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["regions"]["pagetop"][] = "block::BfeedLink('feed')"; // --> region-top $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["regions"]["pagetop"][] = "block::BloginForm('modalbox')"; if (!SHOW_MYMENU || !auth::isAuthenticated()) { $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["regions"]["pagetop"][] = "block::BloginLink('login')"; } // ----------------------- // -- REGION banner // ----------------------- $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["regions"]["banner"][] = "block::Blogo('logo')"; // ----------------------- // -- REGION headlineleft // ----------------------- $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["regions"]["headlineleft"] = array(); if (IS_ENTRANCE) { $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["regions"]["headlineleft"] = array(); } elseif (!IS_INDEXPAGE && $this->getConfig("showsplash") && (!isset($_SESSION["splashimage"]) || $_SESSION["splashimage"])) { // 1st parameter: 'sprite' or 'single': $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["regions"]["headlineleft"][] = "block::Bsplashimage('single','splashimage')";
public static function drawLoginForm($modal = false) { // ----------------------- // If myPear authentication fails, simulate login call in order to present // login form again, with error message. // ----------------------- if (!auth::isAuthenticated() && isset($_SESSION["mypear_auth_attempted"])) { $_REQUEST["login"] = 1; $GLOBALS["nw_loginerror"]["username"][] = "Please enter correct username and password"; unset($_SESSION["mypear_auth_attempted"]); } // ----------------------- // If page requests inline form, the $modal parameter should always be FALSE. // ----------------------- if (self::isLoginType("inline")) { $modal = false; } // ----------------------- // -- No output if no login required // ----------------------- if (!self::isLoginRequired() && !self::isLoginAllowed()) { return ""; } // ----------------------- // -- No output if login allowed but not mandatory // ----------------------- if (self::isLoginAllowed() && !self::isLoginRequested()) { return ""; } // ----------------------- // -- No output if login should be via link but no login requested from login link // ----------------------- if (self::isLoginType("link") && !self::isLoginRequested()) { return ""; } // ----------------------- // -- No output if already authenticated // ----------------------- if (self::isAuthenticated()) { return ""; } // ----------------------- // -- If authentication failed, set output parameters and then output the login form // ----------------------- // -- set $error_msg $error_msg = ""; if (isset($GLOBALS["nw_loginerror"])) { foreach ($GLOBALS["nw_loginerror"] as $field => $msgs) { $error_msg .= "<p>" . implode("</p><p>", $msgs) . "</p>"; } } $a = trim(strip_tags($error_msg)); if (empty($a)) { $error_msg = ""; } // -- set $action // ----------------------- // -- Assemble pieces of login form // ----------------------- $theform = " <form method='post' action='" . PATH_FROM_DOCROOT . "' " . "name='nw-login-form' id='nw-login-form'>\r\n" . " <table>\r\n" . (!empty($error_msg) ? " <tr>\r\n" . " <td colspan='3' " . "class='nw-login-error'" . ">" . $error_msg . "</td>\r\n" . " </tr>\r\n" : "") . " <tr>\r\n" . " <td><img src='" . PATH_IMG . "/auth_man.png' alt='Username'></td>\r\n" . " <td>Username:</td>\r\n" . " <td><input type='text' " . "name='auth_username' id='auth_username' " . "value='' size='25' " . "autofocus='autofocus'></td>\r\n" . " </tr>\r\n" . " <tr>\r\n" . " <td><img src='" . PATH_IMG . "/auth_key.png' alt='Password'></td>\r\n" . " <td>Password:</td>\r\n" . " <td><input type='password' " . "name='auth_password' id='auth_password' " . "value='' size='25'></td>\r\n" . " </tr>\r\n" . " <tr>\r\n" . " <td colspan='2'></td>\r\n" . " <td>" . "<input type='submit'" . " value='LOGIN'>" . "<input type='hidden' name='auth_submitted' value='1'>" . "<input type='hidden' name='login' value='1'>" . "</td>\r\n" . " </tr>\r\n" . " </table>\r\n" . " </form>\r\n"; return functions::drawReallyDothisBox($theform, "nw-login", "nw_modal_fade", $modal); /* $close_plainbox = " <p><a href='" . //( (!empty($GLOBALS["cb"])) ? urldecode($GLOBALS["cb"]) : "#" ) . PATH_FROM_DOCROOT . // $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "' onclick='" . "document.getElementById(\"nw-login\").style.display=\"none\";" . //TODO: problems with " ? "document.getElementById(\"nw_modal_fade\").style.display=\"none\";" . //TODO: problems with " ? "'>" . "close" . "<img src='".PATH_IMG."/auth_close.png' alt='Close'>" . "</a></p>\r\n"; $close_fancybox = " <div>" . "<a href='" . PATH_FROM_DOCROOT . // $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "' class='fancybox-close'" . " title='close'" . " onclick='" . "document.getElementById(\"nw-login\").style.display=\"none\";" . //TODO: problems with " ? "document.getElementById(\"nw_modal_fade\").style.display=\"none\";" . //TODO: problems with " ? "'" . ">" . "</a>" . "</div>\r\n"; // ----------------------- // -- Output plain form or form in modal box // ----------------------- if ($modal) { return " <div id='nw-login'>\r\n" . // $close_plainbox . $close_fancybox . $theform . " </div>\r\n" . " <div id='nw_modal_fade'></div>\r\n" . " <script type='text/javascript'><!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--\r\n" . " document.getElementById('nw-login').style.display='block'; \r\n" . " document.getElementById('nw_modal_fade').style.display='block';\r\n" . " //--><!]]></script>\r\n"; } else { return " <div id='nw-login' class='box roundcorners grayborder shadow'>\r\n" . $theform . " </div>\r\n"; } */ }
public static function drawAddComment() { $stdout = ""; $showform = 1; $errormessage["left"] = $errormessage["right"] = ""; $founderror = array(); $confirmation = ""; if (!class_exists("openid", FALSE)) { require_once PATH_CLASSES . "/lib/openid.php"; } if (OPENIDDEBUG) { echo "<h2>drawAddComment</h2>"; echo "<br>REQUEST="; debug::rrr(); echo "<br>SESSION="; debug::rr(array_keys($_SESSION)); echo "<br>COOKIE="; debug::rr(array_keys($_COOKIE)); } //,"openid_identifier","openid_return_url","openid_server_url","openid_request","openid_identifier","openid_request" //$a=array("openid_news_validation_error","openid_news_form_html","openid_news_return_url","openid_news_request","openid_news_server_url");foreach ($a as $b) unset($_SESSION[$b]); /* echo "<html><head><title>OpenId transaction in progress</title></head> <body onload='document.forms[0].submit();'> <form accept-charset='UTF-8' enctype='application/x-www-form-urlencoded' id='openid_message' method='post' action='http://www.myopenid.com/server'> <input type='hidden' name='openid.ns' value='http://specs.openid.net/auth/2.0' /> <input type='hidden' name='openid.ns.sreg' value='http://openid.net/extensions/sreg/1.1' /> <input type='hidden' name='openid.ns.pape' value='http://specs.openid.net/extensions/pape/1.0' /> <input type='hidden' name='openid.sreg.required' value='nickname,fullname,email' /> <input type='hidden' name='openid.sreg.optional' value='gender,dob,postcode,country,language,timezone' /> <input type='hidden' name='openid.pape.preferred_auth_policies' value='http://schemas.openid.net/pape/policies/2007/06/multi-factor-physical http://schemas.openid.net/pape/policies/2007/06/multi-factor http://schemas.openid.net/pape/policies/2007/06/phishing-resistant' /> <input type='hidden' name='openid.pape.max_auth_age' value='0' /> <input type='hidden' name='openid.realm' value='http://www.nordita.org/~hvzm/www.nordita.org/' /> <input type='hidden' name='openid.mode' value='checkid_setup' /> <input type='hidden' name='openid.return_to' value='http://www.nordita.org/~hvzm/www.nordita.org/news/nordic/index.php?articleid=25&janrain_nonce=2013-03-09T03%3A04%3A18ZMC2RJ2' /> <input type='hidden' name='openid.identity' value='http://hvzm.myopenid.com/' /> <input type='hidden' name='openid.claimed_id' value='http://hvzm.myopenid.com/' /> <input type='hidden' name='openid.assoc_handle' value='{HMAC-SHA1}{513aa6b2}{QGWDEw==}' /> <input type='submit' value='Continue' /> </form> <script>var elements = document.forms[0].elements;for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { elements[i].style.display = 'none';}</script> </body></html>";die(); */ //if (OPENIDDEBUG) {echo "<br><strong>REFERRER</strong>: ";var_dump($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);} //if (OPENIDDEBUG) {echo "<br>SESSION BEFORE ADDCMT = ";if (isset($_SESSION["addcmt"])) var_dump($_SESSION["addcmt"]);echo "<br>SESSION BEFORE: CMT_TEXT = ";if (isset($_SESSION["cmt_text"])) var_dump($_SESSION["cmt_text"]);echo "<br>SESSION BEFORE: openid_identifier = ";if (isset($_SESSION["openid_identifier"])) var_dump($_SESSION["openid_identifier"]);echo "<br>SESSION BEFORE: janrain_nonce = ";if (isset($_SESSION["janrain_nonce"])) var_dump($_SESSION["janrain_nonce"]);echo "<br>SESSION BEFORE: openid_return_url = ";if (isset($_SESSION["openid_return_url"])) var_dump($_SESSION["openid_return_url"]);} //if (!class_exists("openid",FALSE)) require_once PATH_CLASSES . "/lib/openid.php";echo "<br><hr>";$pth = "/tmp/_php_consumer_test";echo "<h4>Content of directory $pth BEFORE:</h4>";if (is_dir($pth)) {$dir = scandir($pth);reset($dir);while ((list($k,$v)=each($dir))) echo "<br>$k $v";}$pth = "/tmp/_php_consumer_test/associations";echo "<h4>Content of directory $pth BEFORE:</h4>";if (is_dir($pth)) {$dir = scandir($pth);reset($dir);while ((list($k,$v)=each($dir))) echo "<br>$k $v";} //CLEAN://debug::rr(openid::cleanStore());echo "<h4>Content of directory $pth AFTER:</h4>";if (is_dir($pth)) {$dir = scandir($pth);reset($dir);while ((list($k,$v)=each($dir))) echo "<br>$k $v";}debug::rr(array_keys($_SESSION));echo "<br><hr>"; /* //TODO: perhaps simplify with glob() ? echo "<hr>"; $pth = "/tmp/_php_consumer_test";echo "<h4>$pth</h4>";if (is_dir($pth)) {$dir = scandir($pth);reset($dir);while ((list($k,$v)=each($dir))) echo "<br>$k $v";} $pth = "/tmp/_php_consumer_test/associations";echo "<h4>$pth</h4>";if (is_dir($pth)) {$dir = scandir($pth);reset($dir);while ((list($k,$v)=each($dir))) {echo "<br>$k $v : ";var_dump(is_dir($v));var_dump(is_file($v));var_dump(is_readable($v));var_dump(is_executable($v));var_dump(is_link($v));}} //$pth = "/tmp/_php_consumer_test/associations";echo "<h4>$pth</h4>";if (is_dir($pth)) {$dir = scandir($pth);reset($dir);while ((list($k,$v)=each($dir))) echo "<br>$k $v";} $pth = "/tmp/_php_consumer_test/nonces";echo "<h4>$pth</h4>";if (is_dir($pth)) {$dir = scandir($pth);reset($dir);while ((list($k,$v)=each($dir))) echo "<br>$k $v";} $pth = "/tmp/_php_consumer_test/temp";echo "<h4>$pth</h4>";if (is_dir($pth)) {$dir = scandir($pth);reset($dir);while ((list($k,$v)=each($dir))) echo "<br>$k $v";} echo "<hr>"; */ //debug::rrr(); // -------------------------------- // -- GPC indata // -------------------------------- // needed for form, in all situations functions::gpc_declare_input("openid_identifier", "", false, array(), true); // needed for form, in all situations functions::gpc_declare_input("cmt_text", "", false, array(), true, false); functions::gpc_declare_input("cmt_name", "", false, array(), true, true); // needed on return from openid check functions::gpc_declare_input("addcmt", 0, true, array(), true); //functions::gpc_declare_input("janrain_nonce","",false,array(),true); // OBSOLETE? // ------------------------- // -- If sign-out requested if (isset($_REQUEST["relog"])) { unset($_SESSION["openid_last_valid_identifier"]); unset($_SESSION["openid_identifier"]); if (isset($GLOBALS["domain"])) { unset($GLOBALS["domain"]); } } if (OPENIDDEBUG && isset($_REQUEST["relog"])) { echo "<br>openid_last_valid_identifier <strong>after relog</strong>= "; var_dump($_SESSION["openid_last_valid_identifier"]); } functions::gpc_declare_input("openid_last_valid_identifier", "", false, array(), true); if (OPENIDDEBUG) { echo "<br>openid_last_valid_identifier <strong>after gpc</strong> = "; var_dump($_SESSION["openid_last_valid_identifier"]); } if (OPENIDDEBUG) { echo "<br>openid_last_valid_identifier <strong>when setting domain</strong> = "; var_dump($_SESSION["openid_last_valid_identifier"]); } // -- Set domain of OpenID provider $GLOBALS["domain"] = openid::setOpDomain(); if (OPENIDDEBUG) { echo "<br>freshly set <strong>DOMAIN</strong> = "; var_dump($GLOBALS["domain"]); } // -- Part of spam filter functions::gpc_declare_input(HONEYTRAP_ID, "", false); if (!empty($GLOBALS[HONEYTRAP_ID]) && isset($GLOBALS["addcmt"])) { $GLOBALS["addcmt"] = false; } // sent to openid check $_SESSION["articleid"] = !empty($GLOBALS["articleid"]) ? $GLOBALS["articleid"] : ""; $_SESSION["openid_return_url"] = $GLOBALS["openid_return_url"] = URL_PREFIX . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . (!empty($GLOBALS["articleid"]) ? "?articleid=" . $GLOBALS["articleid"] : "") . ""; // -- Is user logged in to the news site $loggedinas = auth::isAuthenticated() ? auth::getUsername() : false; //if (OPENIDDEBUG) {echo "<br>SESSION AFTER: RETURN URL= ";if (isset($_SESSION["openid_return_url"])) var_dump($_SESSION["openid_return_url"]);echo "<br><br>GLOBALS CMT_TEXT=";var_dump($GLOBALS["cmt_text"]);echo "<br>GLOBALS ADDCMT=";var_dump($GLOBALS["addcmt"]);echo "<br>GLOBALS janrain_nonce=";var_dump($GLOBALS["janrain_nonce"]);} // -------------------------------- // -- Check form input // -------------------------------- if ($GLOBALS["addcmt"]) { if (OPENIDDEBUG) { echo "<h3>IN ADDCMT</h3>"; } //echo "<p>openid_identifier=";var_dump($GLOBALS["openid_identifier"]);echo "<hr>"; echo "<p>openid_validation_error=";var_dump($GLOBALS["openid_validation_error"]);echo "<hr>"; // -- Trim indata //TODO: spam filtering //TODO: check HTML validity //TODO: http://se.php.net/manual/en/function.strip-tags.php //$GLOBALS["cmt_text"] = "<p>" . str_replace("\r","</p>\r<p>",$GLOBALS["cmt_text"]) . "</p>"; $allowed_html_tags = ""; // "<p> <a> <b> <i> <strong> <em> <br>"; $GLOBALS["cmt_text"] = strip_tags($GLOBALS["cmt_text"], $allowed_html_tags); $GLOBALS["cmt_text"] = trim($GLOBALS["cmt_text"]); $_SESSION["cmt_text"] = $GLOBALS["cmt_text"]; $_SESSION["cmt_name"] = $GLOBALS["cmt_name"]; //if (OPENIDDEBUG) {echo "<br>GLOBALS CMT_TEXT=";var_dump($GLOBALS["cmt_text"]);echo "<br>SESSION CMT_TEXT=";var_dump($_SESSION["cmt_text"]);} // -- Check for errors in submitted comment text if (empty($GLOBALS["cmt_text"])) { $founderror["cmt_text"] = 1; $errormessage["left"] .= "<p class='messages error'>Your comment looks quite empty</p>\r\n"; } // -- Check for error messages from OpenId authentication call. // Retrieved via session variable from page treated by CheckOpenid(). functions::gpc_declare_input("openid_validation_error", "", false, array(), true); if (!empty($GLOBALS["openid_validation_error"])) { $founderror["openid_identifier"] = 1; $errormessage["right"] .= "<p class='messages error'>" . $GLOBALS["openid_validation_error"] . "</p>\r\n"; } // -- Act on presence or absence of errors if (array_sum($founderror)) { // If errors found, display form with error messages $showform = 1; } // end if ($noerror) } // end "addcmt" // -------------------------------- // -- If no errors found, insert comment into DB // -------------------------------- if (!array_sum($founderror) && $GLOBALS["addcmt"]) { if (!class_exists("openid", FALSE)) { require_once PATH_CLASSES . "/lib/openid.php"; } // set from session with fixed value; needed on return from openid check //functions::gpc_declare_input("openid_return_url","",false,array(),true); if ($loggedinas) { if (!class_exists("fromdb_nwnews", FALSE)) { require_once PATH_CLASSES . "/fromdb/nwnews.php"; } $GLOBALS["newsClass"] = new fromdb_nwnews(); $idData = $GLOBALS["newsClass"]->getDataForLocalUser($loggedinas); } else { // needed on return from openid check functions::gpc_declare_input("openid_server_url", "", false, array(), true); if (in_array(openid::reduceDomain($GLOBALS["domain"]), openid::$oauthProviders)) { // -- OAuth return values if (OPENIDDEBUG) { echo "<h3>ANALYZING OAUTH RETURN DATA</h3>"; } //$returnUrl = isset($_SESSION["returnUrl"]) ? $_SESSION["returnUrl"] : URL_PREFIX.$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; //$idData = openid::analyzeOauthResponse($returnUrl); $idData = openid::analyzeOauthResponse($GLOBALS["openid_return_url"], openid::reduceDomain($GLOBALS["domain"])); } else { // -- OpenID return values if (OPENIDDEBUG) { echo "<h3>ANALYZING OPENID RETURN DATA</h3>"; } $idData = openid::analyzeOpenidResponse($GLOBALS["openid_return_url"], $GLOBALS["openid_server_url"]); } // $anonymous = false; foreach (openid::$anonymousUrlProviders as $p) if () $anonymous = true; if (is_string($idData)) { $errormessage["right"] = "<p class='messages error'>" . $idData . "</p>"; $showform = 1; } } /* $idData = Array ( [openid_identity] => http://hvzm.myopenid.com/ [email] => hvzm@nordita.org [nickname] => hvzm [fullname] => Hans Mühlen [pape] => Array () ) idData = Array ( [openid_news_identity] => http://openid.aol.com/hans.muhlen [email] => hans.muhlen@aol.com [pape] => Array ( [extension] => Array ( [0] => http://schemas.openid.net/pape/policies/2007/06/none ) ) ) */ //echo "<hr>IDATA=";debug::rr($idData); if (is_array($idData)) { //$name = "Anonymous"; //if (isset($idData["data"]["nickname"]) && !empty($idData["data"]["nickname"])) $name = $idData["data"]["nickname"]; //TODO $oidNick = openid::guessNickname($idData); if (!empty($GLOBALS["cmt_name"])) { $name = $GLOBALS["cmt_name"]; } elseif (!empty($oidNick)) { $name = $oidNick; } else { $name = "Anonymous"; } $record = array("article_id" => $GLOBALS["articleid"], "text" => $GLOBALS["cmt_text"], "name" => $name, "author_id" => openid::guessEndUserField("author_id", $idData, 0), "image" => openid::guessEndUserField("image", $idData, "")); $res = self::addCommentInsert($record); if ($res) { self::commentNotifyAdmin($record); } if (!$res) { $errormessage["left"] = "\r\n" . "<p class='messages error'>Sorry, could not upload your comment</p>\r\n" . "\r\n"; $showform = 1; } else { $showform = 1; } } else { $showform = 1; } } // -------------------------------- // -- Output form, if requested // -------------------------------- if ($showform) { // form uses $GLOBALS["cmt_text"] and $GLOBALS["articleid"] $stdout .= self::drawAddCommentForm($founderror, $errormessage, $loggedinas); } // -------------------------------- // -- Cleanup // -------------------------------- // always set from GPC; unset($_SESSION["addcmt"]); // always set from GPC; needed for form, in all situations unset($_SESSION["cmt_text"]); unset($_SESSION["cmt_name"]); // set on form submit in CheckOpenid() as result from openid check; then set here on second run from GPC unset($_SESSION["openid_validation_error"]); // always set from GPC; // unset($_SESSION["janrain_nonce"]); // OBSOLETE? // always set to fixed value; sent to openid check and needed on return from openid check // unset($_SESSION["openid_return_url"]); // always set from GPC; needed for form, in all situations // unset($_SESSION["openid_identifier"]); // never delete! // set on form submit with no errors from GPC; needed on return from openid check //unset($_SESSION["openid_server_url"]); // -------------------------------- //DEBUG: $t = ""; $t .= "<div class='box blackborder padding'>\r\n<h4>OPENID REQUEST:</h4><pre>\r\n" . (!empty($_SESSION["openid_request"]) ? $_SESSION["openid_request"] : "-\r\n") . "</pre></div>\r\n\r\n"; $t .= "<div class='box blackborder padding'>\r\n<h4>OPENID RESPONSE:</h4> <pre>\r\n" . (!empty($_SESSION["openid_response"]) ? $_SESSION["openid_response"] : "-\r\n") . "</pre></div>"; //$t .= "\r\n\r\n<p>URL_PREFIX=".URL_PREFIX."\r\n<br>PHPSELF_PREFIX=".PHPSELF_PREFIX."\r\n<br>DOCROOT_PREFIX=".DOCROOT_PREFIX."</p>\r\n"; if (IS_TESTSERVER && OPENIDDEBUG) { echo $t; } else { $stdout .= "\r\r<!--\r\r\n" . $t . "\r\n\r-->\r\r"; } if (OPENIDDEBUG) { if (isset($idData)) { echo "<h4>idData:</h4> "; debug::rr($idData); } } return $stdout; }
function buildPageHtml() { $stdout = ""; /* RESTORE if test tabs needed */ /* if (SHOW_TEST_TABS) { // -- GET switches, used in test site functions::gpc_declare_input("nostartpageboxes",true, true,array(),true); // -- Optionally display startpage boxes if (isset($_REQUEST["nostartpageboxes"])) { $_SESSION["nostartpageboxes"] = $GLOBALS["nostartpageboxes"]; } } */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PAGE PREAMBLE // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -- Document Type $stdout .= DOCTYPE . "\r\n\r\n"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // <HTML> OPEN TAG // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Conditional IE Classes // An alternative to using separate conditionally loaded IE CSS files // http://paulirish.com/2008/conditional-stylesheets-vs-css-hacks-answer-neither/ // NB: IE9 is here assumed to be standards-compliant // HTML5 Cache Manifest (offline reading) // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cache_manifest_in_HTML5 // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/offline.html $attributes = "lang='" . LANGUAGE_CODE . "'" . ""; $stdout .= "<!--[if lt IE 7]> <html " . $attributes . " class='ie6'> <![endif]-->\r\n" . "<!--[if IE 7]> <html " . $attributes . " class='ie7'> <![endif]-->\r\n" . "<!--[if IE 8]> <html " . $attributes . " class='ie8'> <![endif]-->\r\n" . "<!--[if gt IE 8]><!--> <html " . $attributes . "> <!--<![endif]-->\r\n" . "\r\n"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // <HEAD> ELEMENT // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $stdout .= " <head>\r\n\r\n"; // --------------------------------------- // -- Load <head> elements // Invoke after loading menu array config parameters // --------------------------------------- if (!isset($GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["head"])) { $this->buildPageAuxHead(); } foreach ($GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["head"] as $legend => $cd) { if (!empty($cd)) { $stdout .= $cd; } } if (count($GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["head"])) { $stdout .= "\r\n"; } // --------------------------------------- // -- Styles (defined in 'layout.php'; extra in 'data/block_margintabs' and document->buildLayoutUpdate()) // --------------------------------------- $txt = ""; if (isset($GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["stylesheets"])) { foreach ($GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["stylesheets"] as $media => $arr) { $txt .= $this->buildPageAuxStylesheets($media, $arr); } } if (isset($GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["stylesheets-conditional"])) { foreach ($GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["stylesheets-conditional"] as $iecond => $sarr) { foreach ($sarr as $media => $arr) { $txt .= $this->buildPageAuxStylesheets($media, $arr, $iecond); } } } if (!empty($txt)) { $stdout .= $txt . "\r\n"; } else { // -- Fix for the FOUC problem for MSIE; // See: http://bluerobot.com/web/css/fouc.asp/, // http://www.webkit.org/blog/66/the-fouc-problem/ // and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_of_unstyled_content $stdout .= " <script type='text/javascript'> </script>\r\n\r\n"; } // --------------------------------------- // -- Scripts (defined in 'config.php') // Moved to end of document // --------------------------------------- if (isset($GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["scripts-head"])) { foreach ($this->getConfig("scripts-head") as $type => $arr) { $stdout .= $this->buildPageAuxScripts($type, $arr) . "\r\n"; } } if (isset($GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["scripts-head-conditional"])) { foreach ($GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["scripts-head-conditional"] as $iecond => $sarr) { foreach ($sarr as $type => $arr) { $stdout .= $this->buildPageAuxScripts($type, $arr, $iecond) . "\r\n"; } } } // --------------------------------------- // -- Google Analytics script // http://code.google.com/apis/analytics/ // https://www.google.com/analytics/settings/ (old site) // // Asynchronous tracking (recommended): // http://support.google.com/googleanalytics/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=174090 // --------------------------------------- if (!IS_TESTSERVER && !in_array(SUBSITECRUMB, array("_admin"))) { $stdout .= " <script type='text/javascript'>\r\n" . " var _gaq = _gaq || [];\r\n" . " _gaq.push(['_setAccount', '" . GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT . "']);\r\n" . " _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '" . GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_DOMAIN . "']);\r\n" . " _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);\r\n" . " (function() {\r\n" . " var ga = document.createElement('script'); " . "ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;\r\n" . " ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') " . "+ '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';\r\n" . " var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; " . "s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);\r\n" . " })();\r\n" . 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