public static function BmyMenu($id = "mymenu", $class = "") { // class="centered" $stdout = $userIcon = $menuitems = $logoutLink = $contentblock = ""; $menuitem = array(); if (!defined("SEPARATE_LOGIN")) { define("SEPARATE_LOGIN", "<span style='color:#777' title='separate login required'>(⁎)</span> "); } // ------------------------------- // -- check if bar might not be needed // ------------------------------- if (!auth::isAuthenticated() && auth::isLoginType("inline") || auth::isLoginRequested() || !auth::isAuthenticated() && !auth::isLoginRequired() && !auth::isLoginAllowed() || $GLOBALS["documentClass"]->getConfig("nobanner")) { return ""; } // ------------------------------- // -- return with login icon if logout requested // ------------------------------- if (auth::checkLogout()) { $stdout = auth::drawLoginLink(); if (empty($stdout)) { return ""; } return " <div" . (!empty($id) ? " id='block-login'" : "") . ">\r\n" . $stdout . " </div> <!-- " . $id . " -->\r\n" . "\r\n"; } // ------------------------------- // -- obtain data // ------------------------------- $username = auth::getUsername(); $userData = functions::callMethod('people', 'lib/people', 'getUserData', $username); $userFullName = isset($userData["nw_fullname"]) ? $userData["nw_fullname"] : ""; // ------------------------------- // -- collect output snippets // ------------------------------- $iconfile = PATH_PEOPLE . "/48x48/" . $username . "-48.png"; if (file_exists(INCLEVEL . $iconfile)) { $userIcon = " <div class='my-usericon'>\r\n" . " <a href='people/staff/index.php?u=" . $username . "'>" . "<img src='" . $iconfile . "' alt='" . $userFullName . "' title='" . $userFullName . "'>" . "</a>\r\n" . " </div>\r\n" . "\r\n"; } $logoutLink = " <div id='my-logout'>\r\n" . " <form method='post' action='" . PATH_FROM_DOCROOT . "'>\r\n" . " <input type='hidden' name='login' value='0'>\r\n" . " <input type='submit' value='[Logout]' class='fakelink bold'>\r\n" . " </form>\r\n" . " </div>\r\n" . "\r\n"; $menuitem["fullname"] = array("label" => !empty($userFullName) ? $userFullName : "My Personal Data", "content" => array("1" => " <p>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<em>means separate CMS login required</em></p>\r\n" . " <p><em>Note that the "Employees and Alumni" (EA) database of Nordita is independent of the HR database of KTH, so you might want to check both.</em></p>\r\n" . " <ul>\r\n" . " <li>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<a href=''>View and Edit My Personal Info</a> <span class='nowrap'>[CMS-EA]</span></li>\r\n" . " </ul>\r\n", "2" => " <p>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<em>means separate KTH login required</em></p>\r\n" . " <ul>\r\n" . " <li>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<a href='' target='_blank'>Edit My Home Address &c</a><br><em>Egenrapportering → Mina Sidor → Mina Personuppgifter</em></li>\r\n" . " <li>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<a href='' target='_blank'>Change My KTH Password</a></li>\r\n" . (!empty($userData["acc_kth"]) ? " <li>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<a href='" . $userData["acc_kth"] . "/' target='_blank'>Edit My KTH Online Profile</a></li>\r\n" : "") . " <li>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<a href='' target='_blank'>Edit My E-Mail Forwarding Address</a></li>\r\n" . " <li>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<a href='' target='_blank'>Check My E-Mail Aliases</a></li>\r\n" . " <li>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<a href='' target='_blank'>Show My Eduroam Password ("Network Secret")</a></li>\r\n" . " </ul>\r\n", "3" => " <ul>\r\n" . " <li><a href='eduroam/'>Wireless Login Using Eduroam</a></li>\r\n" . " <li><a href='" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "#'>Dummy Link...</a></li>\r\n" . " <li><a href='" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "#'>Dummy Link...</a></li>\r\n" . " </ul>\r\n")); $menuitem["myemployment"] = array("label" => "My Employment", "content" => array("1" => "", "2" => " <p>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<em>means separate KTH login required</em></p>\r\n" . " <p><em>Note that some of the sevices below do not apply for Nordita fellows (=scholarships)</em></p>\r\n" . " <ul>\r\n" . " <li><a href='' target='_blank'>My Employment at KTH</a> (Overview)</li>\r\n" . " <li>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<a href='' target='_blank'>Employment Benefits "KTH For Me"</a></li>\r\n" . " <li>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<a href='' target='_blank'>Salary Specification</a><br><em>Egenrapportering → Mina Sidor → Lönespec Online → check+button [lönespec online (presentation)]</em></li>\r\n" . " <li>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<a href='' target='_blank'>Register Vacation</a><br><em>Egenrapportering → Mina Ärenden → Ledigheter</em></li>\r\n" . " <li>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<a href='' target='_blank'>Register Sick Leave</a><br><em>Egenrapportering → Mina Ärenden → Sjuk & Vård av...</em></li>\r\n" . " <li>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<a href='' target='_blank'>Register Overtime</a><br><em>Egenrapportering → Mina Ärenden → Övertid & Mertid</em></li>\r\n" . " </ul>\r\n", "3" => " <ul>\r\n" . " <li><a href='" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "#'>Dummy Link...</a></li>\r\n" . " <li><a href='" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "#'>Dummy Link...</a></li>\r\n" . " </ul>\r\n")); $menuitem["mytravels"] = array("label" => "My Travels", "content" => array("1" => " <p>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<em>means separate CMS login required</em></p>\r\n" . " <ul>\r\n" . " <li><a href='" . URL_PREFIX . "/travel/' target='_blank'>View Nordita "Who Is Where" Travel Schedule</a></li>\r\n" . " <li>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<a href='" . URL_PREFIX . "/travel/private/edit-confirm.php' target='_blank'>Edit My Travels in Nordita Travel Schedule</a></li>\r\n" . " <li><a href='intranet/job/travels/scholarship/request/' target='_blank'>Travel Request</a> (only for Nordita fellows/scholarships)</li>\r\n" . " </ul>\r\n", "2" => " <p>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<em>means separate KTH login required</em></p>\r\n" . " <p><em>The KTH-RES system should only be used by Nordita employees (not fellows/scholarships)</em></p>\r\n" . " <ul>\r\n" . " <li><a href='' target='_blank'>KTH-RES</a> (Overview and Guides)</li>\r\n" . " <li>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<a href='' target='_blank'>Book New Travel</a> (only for employees)<br><em>Travel → Booking</em></li>\r\n" . " <li>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<a href='' target='_blank'>Manage Travel Bills</a> (only for employees)<br><em>Travel → Travel bill</em></li>\r\n" . " <li>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<a href='' target='_blank'>Edit My KTH-RES Profile</a></li>\r\n" . " </ul>\r\n", "3" => " <ul>\r\n" . " <li><a href='intranet/job/travels/'>Travel</a></li>\r\n" . " <li><a href='intranet/job/travels/employment/'>Travel for Employees</a></li>\r\n" . " <li><a href='intranet/job/travels/scholarship/'>Travel for Scholarships</a></li>\r\n" . " <li><a href='" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "#'>Dummy Link...</a></li>\r\n" . " <li><a href='" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "#'>Dummy Link...</a></li>\r\n" . " </ul>\r\n")); $menuitem["myguests"] = array("label" => "My Guests", "content" => array("1" => " <p>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<em>means separate CMS login required</em></p>\r\n" . " <ul>\r\n" . " <li>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<a href=''>See People I Invite</a> <span class='nowrap'>[CMS-VM]</span></li>\r\n" . " <li>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<a href=''>Register New Guest</a> <span class='nowrap'>[CMS-VM]</span></li>\r\n" . " </ul>\r\n", "2" => "", "3" => " <ul>\r\n" . " <li><a href='" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "#'>Dummy Link...</a></li>\r\n" . " <li><a href='" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "#'>Dummy Link...</a></li>\r\n" . " </ul>\r\n")); $menuitem["myevents"] = array("label" => "My Events", "content" => array("1" => " <p>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<em>means separate CMS login required</em></p>\r\n" . " <ul>\r\n" . " <li>" . SEPARATE_LOGIN . "<a href=''>Manage Events I Organize</a> <span class='nowrap'>[CMS-VM]</span></li>\r\n" . " </ul>\r\n", "2" => "", "3" => " <ul>\r\n" . " <li><a href='organizers/index.php'>For Organizers of Nordita Events</a></li>\r\n" . " <li><a href='" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "#'>Dummy Link...</a></li>\r\n" . " <li><a href='" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "#'>Dummy Link...</a></li>\r\n" . " </ul>\r\n")); // -- NB. // The three columns in the panels need to be realized as a <table> rather than as positioned // <div> (eg. as <div class='col c1of3'> etc). For the jQuery UI tabs generated panels to have // a non-zero height, the content must not be positioned as absolute, fixed or float; just // position relative cannot generate three parallel columns; this leaves <table> as only option. foreach ($menuitem as $target => $item) { $menuitems .= " <li class='" . $target . "'>" . "<a href='" . (!empty($item["url"]) ? $item["url"] : $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "#" . $target) . "'>" . $item["label"] . "</a>" . "</li>\r\n"; if (!is_array($item["content"])) { $content = " "; } else { $content = " <table><tr>\r\n" . " <td>\r\n" . " <h4>Nordita</h4>\r\n" . (!empty($item["content"][1]) ? $item["content"][1] : " <p>—</p>\r\n") . " </td>\r\n" . " <td>\r\n" . " <h4>KTH</h4>\r\n" . (!empty($item["content"][2]) ? $item["content"][2] : " <p>—</p>\r\n") . " </td>\r\n" . " <td>\r\n" . " <h4>Nordita Help Pages</h4>\r\n" . (!empty($item["content"][3]) ? $item["content"][3] : " <p>—</p>\r\n") . " </td>\r\n" . " </tr></table>\r\n"; } $contentblock .= " <div id='" . $target . "'>\r\n" . $content . " </div>\r\n" . "\r\n"; } // ------------------------------- // -- output data // ------------------------------- $stdout = " <div" . (!empty($id) ? " id='block-" . $id . "'" : "") . (!empty($class) ? " class='" . $class . "'" : "") . ">\r\n" . "\r\n" . " <div>\r\n" . "\r\n" . $userIcon . " <div id='my-tabs'>\r\n" . "\r\n" . " <ul>\r\n" . $menuitems . " </ul>\r\n" . "\r\n" . $contentblock . " </div> <!-- my-tabs -->\r\n" . "\r\n" . $logoutLink . " </div>\r\n" . "\r\n" . " </div> <!-- " . $id . " -->\r\n" . "\r\n"; return $stdout; }
private static function sendAnnouncementForm($founderror = array(), $dbData = array()) { $stdout = ""; if (!$GLOBALS["send"] && !$GLOBALS["template_id"]) { return "<div class='col-content-1of3'>\r\n" . " <h3><span class='green anfang'>1</span> Make sure the new newsletter " . "<span class='nowrap'>is ready</span> for publication</h3>\r\n" . " <p>The issue to be released is ....</p>\r\n" . " <p>[Not ready yet...]</p>\r\n" . "</div> <div class='col-content-2of3 divider'>\r\n" . " <h3><span class='green anfang'>2</span> Check that the " . "list of e-mail subscriptions " . "<span class='nowrap'>is up to date</span></h3>\r\n" . " <p style='margin-bottom:-1em'>There are currently</p>\r\n" . " <p class='nowrap bold green' style='font-size:1.3em; " . "margin-bottom:-0.5em;text-indent:1em'>" . $GLOBALS["newsClass"]->getNumberOfSubscribers() . " active subscribers.</p>\r\n" . " <p>You can <a href='" . SUBSITE . "/subscriptions/announcement_edit/index.php'><strong>view and " . "edit the list of subscribers</strong></a>. " . "Only subscriptions marked 'active' will receive " . "an announcement by e-mail.</p>\r\n" . "</div> <div class='col-content-3of3 divider'>\r\n" . " <h3 class='bottommargin'><span class='green anfang'>3</span> Edit and<br>send the announcement e-mail</h3>\r\n" . "<form method='post' action='" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "' style='margin-bottom:2em;text-align:right'>\r\n" . " <input type='submit' value='Continue to the e-mail form »' class='fakelink h4'>\r\n" . " <input type='hidden' name='template_id' value='1'>\r\n" . "</form>\r\n" . "</div><div style='clear:both'><br></div>\r\n" . "\r\n"; } //debug::rrr(); //debug::rr($dbData); $stdout .= "<div class='col-content-left1third'>\r\n"; if (empty($dbData)) { $stdout .= "<p class='messages error bold'>There are no announcement templates. " . "Please write your own text in the form below.</p>\r\n"; } else { $news_url = isInPath("/" . PATH_NEWSEDITTEST . "/") ? PATH_NEWSEDITTEST : PATH_NEWSEDIT; $stdout .= "<h3 class='bottommargin'>First select a " . "<a href='" . $news_url . "/subscriptions/announcement_template/index.php'>template</a>:</h3>\r\n"; foreach ($dbData as $id => $data) { $stdout .= "<form method='post' action='" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "'>\r\n" . " <input type='submit' value='" . $data["title"] . "' " . "class='fakelink' style='font-size:1.2em;font-weight:bold'>\r\n" . (isset($data["isdefault"]) && $data["isdefault"] ? " <span style='color:black;font-weight:normal;font-style:italic;padding-left:0.5em'>[default]</span>" : "") . " <input type='hidden' name='template_id' value='" . ($id + 1) . "'>\r\n" . " <p" . " style='margin-left:2em;margin-top:0;font-style:italic;line-height:1.0;font-size:0.9em'" . ">"" . functions::truncateStringByWord($data["text"], 120) . "..."</p>\r\n" . "</form>\r\n"; } } $stdout .= "</div> <div class='col right2of3'>\r\n"; $stdout .= "<h3 class='bottommargin'>Then edit the message and send:</h3>\r\n"; foreach ($founderror as $error) { $stdout .= "<p class='messages error bold'>» " . $error . "</p>\r\n"; } $stdout .= "<form method='post' action='" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "' style='margin-bottom:2em'>\r\n" . " <table class='padding'>\r\n" . " <tr>\r\n" . " <td style='text-align:right;padding:0'><span class='red'>*</span></td>\r\n" . " <td>Subject line:</td>\r\n" . " </tr>\r\n" . " <tr>\r\n" . " <td></td>\r\n" . " <td><input" . (isset($founderror["subject"]) ? " class='error'" : "") . " type='text' name='subject' size='60' value='" . (!empty($GLOBALS["subject"]) ? $GLOBALS["subject"] : "") . "'></td>\r\n" . " </tr>\r\n" . " <tr>\r\n" . " <td style='text-align:right;padding:0'><span class='red'>*</span></td>\r\n" . " <td>Message:\r\n" . " </td>\r\n" . " </tr>\r\n" . " <tr>\r\n" . " <td></td>\r\n" . " <td><textarea" . (isset($founderror["text"]) ? " class='error'" : "") . " name='text' rows='20' cols='55'>" . (!empty($GLOBALS["text"]) ? $GLOBALS["text"] : (isset($dbData[$GLOBALS["template_id"] - 1]) ? $dbData[$GLOBALS["template_id"] - 1]["text"] : "")) . "</textarea></td>\r\n" . " </tr>\r\n" . " <tr>\r\n" . " <td colspan='3' style='text-align:right;padding-top:0.5em'>\r\n" . " <input type='submit' value='Send Announcement Mail'>\r\n" . " <input type='input' name='" . HONEYTRAP_ID . "' class='osynl'>\r\n" . " <input type='hidden' name='send' value='1'>\r\n" . " </td>\r\n" . " </tr>\r\n" . " </table>\r\n" . "</form>\r\n"; if (NEWS_DEBUG) { $to = ($username = auth::getUsername()) && functions::isEmailAddress($username . "") ? $username . "" : "*****@*****.**"; $stdout .= "<h1 class='red'>TEST MODE!</h1>\r\n" . "<p class='red h4'>Actually only '<strong>" . $to . "</strong>' will get this mail</p>\r\n"; //"<p>Only seleted beta testers actually get these mails</p>\r\n"; } $stdout .= "</div><div style='clear:both'><br></div>\r\n"; return $stdout; }
public static function drawManagePreprintsRegister() { $stdout = ""; $error = $warning = $confirm = array(); if (!self::getRowEditRights($GLOBALS["pp_rowid"], auth::getUsername())) { return "<div class='medwide-box'>" . BLURB_SORRY_PREPRINT_NOTOWNER . " </div> <!-- medwide-box -->\r\n"; } // -------------------------------- // -- OBTAIN DATA // -------------------------------- $row = $GLOBALS["preprintClass"]->getPreprintByRowid($GLOBALS["pp_rowid"]); $ppn = self::getFullPpNumber($row["year"], $row["ppn"]); // -------------------------------- // -- OUTPUT DATA // -------------------------------- if (empty($GLOBALS["pp_rowid"]) || empty($row)) { $error[] = "WARNING: Could not register this preprint."; } else { // If basic data and archive copy seem to be ok, change status to 'registered' and // notify preprints secretary. if (empty($row["field"])) { $error[] = "A research field must be entered."; } if (empty($row["authors"])) { $error[] = "One or more authors must be entered."; } if (empty($row["title"])) { $error[] = "A title must be entered."; } if (empty($row["owneruid"])) { $error[] = "An entry owner must be entered."; } if (empty($row["location"]) && empty($row["journal"])) { $error[] = "A location address, submitted file or journal of publication must be entered."; } if (empty($error) && $GLOBALS["preprintClass"]->registerOnePreprint($GLOBALS["pp_rowid"])) { $stdout .= self::mail2secretary($row, "Registered"); $confirm[] = "Your preprint has been registered, and is waiting for acceptance."; $GLOBALS["preprintClass"]->insertLogRow("register", $ppn, auth::getGecos($row["owneruid"])); } else { $error[] = "ERROR: Could not register this preprint."; } } if (!empty($error)) { $stdout .= functions::boxMessage("error", $error); } if (!empty($warning)) { $stdout .= functions::boxMessage("warning", $warning); } if (!empty($confirm)) { $stdout .= functions::boxMessage("confirm", $confirm); } $stdout .= self::drawCancelButton("Back to Preprints List") . (!empty($error) ? " " . self::drawFakeButton($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?" . "pp_period=" . $GLOBALS["pp_period"] . "&pp_rowid=" . $GLOBALS["pp_rowid"] . "&pp_editmode=" . PP_MODE_EDIT . "&pp_managemode=" . $GLOBALS["pp_managemode"] . "&pp_currentmode=" . $GLOBALS["pp_currentmode"], "Edit this preprint") : "") . self::drawSinglePreprint($GLOBALS["pp_rowid"], "singlepreprint"); // -------------------------------- return " <div class='medwide-box'>\r\n" . "\r\n" . $stdout . " </div> <!-- medwide-box -->\r\n" . "\r\n"; }