예제 #1
        $peopleresult = trim($peopleresult);
} else {
    $peopleresult = false;
// --------------------
// Create $searchform
// --------------------
// Method should be GET to ensure back-button functionality on result page
$searchform = "  <form action='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "' method='get' id='os_search' " . " enctype='application/x-www-form-urlencoded'>\r\n" . "    <div>\r\n";
if (isset($_LANG)) {
    $searchform .= "      <input type='text' id='qry' name='qry' " . "value='" . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['QUERY']['original']) . "'>\r\n";
    if (isset($_SDATA['categories']) && count($_SDATA['categories']) > 1) {
        $searchform .= "      <label>\r\n" . "        &nbsp; &nbsp; \r\n" . "        <select name='ctg' size='1'>\r\n" . "          <option value=''" . ($GLOBALS['QUERY']['category'] == "" ? " selected='selected'" : "") . ">in the entire Nordita web</option>\r\n";
        foreach ($_SDATA['categories'] as $category) {
            if (isset($GLOBALS["nw_categories"][$category]) && auth::isAccessGranted($GLOBALS["nw_categories"][$category])) {
                $searchform .= "          <option value='" . $category . "'" . ($GLOBALS['QUERY']['category'] == $category ? " selected='selected'" : "") . ">only in the " . $category . " " . (strtolower($category) == "main" ? "Nordita Site" : "Subsite") . "</option>\r\n";
        $searchform .= "        </select>\r\n" . "      </label>\r\n";
    $searchform .= "      <input type='submit' value='Go'>\r\n";
} else {
    $searchform .= "&nbsp;";
$searchform .= "    </div>\r\n" . "  </form>\r\n" . "\r\n";
// --------------------
// Create $searchtips
// --------------------
$searchtips = "  <ul class='os_searchtips'>\r\n" . "    <li>Search terms with fewer than " . $GLOBALS["VDATA"]['s.termlength'] . " characters are ignored</li>\r\n" . "    <li>Enclose groups of terms in quotes (&quot;&quot;) to search for phrases</li>\r\n" . "    <li>Prefix terms with a plus-sign (+) to make them important</li>\r\n" . "    <li>Prefix terms with a minus-sign (-) or exclamation point (!) to exclude terms</li>\r\n" . "  </ul>\r\n" . "\r\n";
// --------------------
예제 #2
 private function buildConfigOfPageUpdate()
     // -----------------------------------------------------------
     // -- (1) Update $this->configOfPage with menu configuration of current page
     // -----------------------------------------------------------
     if (isset($this->allMenusArray[$this->pagePath])) {
         foreach ($this->allMenusArray[$this->pagePath] as $field => $value) {
             $this->setConfig($field, $value);
     // -----------------------------------------------------------
     // -- (2) Massage some of the fields in $this->configOfPage
     // -----------------------------------------------------------
     if (!$this->getConfig("requirelogin") && $this->getConfig("access")) {
         $this->setConfig("logintype", "link");
     // -----------------------
     if ($this->getConfig("listincontext")) {
         $this->setConfig("notintopmenu", 1);
     // -----------------------
     // Login form should always be 'medwide'
     // -----------------------
     if (auth::isLoginType("inline") && (!auth::isAuthenticated() || auth::isLogoutRequested() || !auth::isAccessGranted())) {
         $this->setConfig("wide", 0);
         $this->setConfig("medwide", 1);
         $this->setConfig("rightwide", 0);
         //$this->setConfig("nocolophon", 1);
     // -----------------------
     // Any kind of login form must have stylesheet 'loginform.css'
     // -----------------------
     if ((auth::isLoginRequired() || auth::isLoginAllowed()) && (!auth::isAuthenticated() || auth::isLogoutRequested())) {
         $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["stylesheets"]["all"][] = "loginform.css";
     // -----------------------
     if (IS_ERRORPAGE) {
         $this->setConfig("title", "Oops! Something seems to have gone wrong...");
         $this->setConfig("bodyid", "error");
     //    if (IS_TESTSERVER) {
     //      $this->setConfig("robots","noindex,nofollow,noodp,noydir");
     //    }
     //TODO: convert to current framework
         if ($this->getConfig("wide") ) {
           $GLOBALS["blocks"]["twotop"] = 1;
         } else if ($this->getConfig("medwide") ) {
     // For 'people/doorlabel'
     if (isset($_REQUEST["us"]) && count($_REQUEST["us"]) <= 4) {
         $this->setConfig("nobanner", 1);
         $this->setConfig("nobackground", 1);
         $this->setConfig("nocolophon", 1);
         $this->setConfig("nopagetitle", 1);
     // -----------------------
     if (isset($_REQUEST["eventlist_select"])) {
         $this->setConfig("url", functions::callMethod("event", "lib/event", "getEventListUrl"));
     // -----------------------
     if (isset($_REQUEST["statistics_preprints"])) {
         switch ($_REQUEST["preprints_type"]) {
             case "word":
                 $this->setConfig("plaincss", 1);
                 $this->setConfig("nomenu", 1);
                 $this->setConfig("nocss", 1);
                 $this->setConfig("nocolophon", 1);
                 $this->setConfig("nobanner", 1);
                 $this->setConfig("nosearch", 1);
                 $this->setConfig("nopagetitle", 1);
                 $this->setConfig("nobackground", 1);
             case "text":
                 $this->setConfig("bodyid", "text");
     // -----------------------
     // If received data from login form, check authentication and redirect on success:
     // -----------------------
     if ((isset($_REQUEST["auth_submitted"]) || isset($_SESSION["mypear_auth_attempted"])) && auth::checkLogin()) {
         $this->setConfig("url", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
     // -----------------------
     // Possibly modify $this->configOfPage["bannertext"]
     // -- Initiated to "Nordic Institute <span class='only_online'><br></span>for
     //    Theoretical Physics" in 'config_SUBSITE.php'.
     // -- NB that YB apps pages should be self-sufficient
     // -----------------------
     // Legacy YB-style, with page title in banner box; probably no longer used
     if ($this->getConfig("titleinbanner") && !$this->getConfig("nopagetitle")) {
         $this->setConfig("bannertext", $this->getConfig("title"));
     /* RESTORE if test tabs needed */
     if (SHOW_TEST_TABS && IS_INDEXPAGE && isset($GLOBALS["frontselect"]) && ($GLOBALS["frontselect"]==10)) $this->setConfig("bannertext",""); */
     // -----------------------
     // Set $this->configOfPage["titletag"]
     // -- TITLE TAG IN <HEAD>
     //    TITLE and TITLE_EXTENSION are defined in 'config.php'
     // -----------------------
     $thetitle = "";
     if (IS_ERRORPAGE) {
         $thetitle = TITLE . " - " . $this->httpstatus_sc . " " . $this->httpstatus_reason;
     } elseif (IS_INDEXPAGE) {
         $thetitle = TITLE . " - " . TITLE_EXTENSION;
     } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST["iid"])) {
         if (!isset($GLOBALS["newsClass"])) {
             if (!class_exists("fromdb_nwnews", FALSE)) {
                 require_once PATH_CLASSES . "/fromdb/nwnews.php";
             $GLOBALS["newsClass"] = new fromdb_nwnews();
         $thearticle = $GLOBALS["newsClass"]->getIssue(NEWS_ANYISSUE, $_REQUEST["iid"]);
         $issue = !empty($thearticle["issue_year"]) && !empty($thearticle["issue_number"]) ? ". " . $thearticle["issue_year"] . ", Issue " . $thearticle["issue_number"] : "";
         $thetitle = "Nordita Newsletter" . $issue . " - " . TITLE;
     } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST["u"])) {
         $userdata = functions::callMethod('people', 'lib/people', 'getPeopleArray');
         $fullname = isset($userdata[$_REQUEST["u"]]) && !empty($userdata[$_REQUEST["u"]]["nw_fullname"]) ? $userdata[$_REQUEST["u"]]["nw_fullname"] . " - " : "";
         $thetitle = $fullname . TITLE;
     } elseif ($this->getConfig("title")) {
         $thetitle = $this->getConfig("title") . " - " . TITLE;
     } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST["htmltitel"])) {
         $thetitle = $_REQUEST["htmltitel"] . " - " . TITLE;
     $this->setConfig("titletag", $thetitle);
     /* RESTORE if test tabs needed */
     if (SHOW_TEST_TABS && IS_INDEXPAGE && !empty($GLOBALS["frontselect"])) $this->setConfig("titletag","[" . $GLOBALS["frontselect"] . "] " . $this->getConfig("titletag")); */
예제 #3
 private static function getPageSearch()
     $pagedata = array();
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // SETUP
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // --------------------
     // -- Start timer
     //    Later used in: search::outputPageSearchBlurb()
     // --------------------
         // --------------------
         // -- Magic quotes fix
         //    [Done in 'config.php']
         // --------------------
         if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
           $fsmq = create_function('&$mData, $fnSelf', 'if (is_array($mData)) foreach ($mData as $mKey=>$mValue) $fnSelf($mData[$mKey], $fnSelf); else $mData = stripslashes($mData);');
           $fsmq($_POST, $fsmq);
           $fsmq($_GET, $fsmq);
           $fsmq($_REQUEST, $fsmq);
           $fsmq($_COOKIE, $fsmq);
           $fsmq($_ENV, $fsmq);
           $fsmq($_SERVER, $fsmq);
         ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 0);
         // --------------------
         // -- Include User Variables
         //    [Done in 'config.php']
         //    Called in fromdb_nwsearch->getPageSearchResults() but only as method $_MIME->get_ctype()
         // --------------------
         $_MIME = new OS_TypeList();
         $_MIME->ctype["none"] = new OS_ContentType();
         $_MIME->ctype["txt"]  = new OS_ContentType(array("text/plain"));
         $_MIME->ctype["html"] = new OS_ContentType(array("text/html", "application/xhtml+xml", "application/xml", "text/xml"));
         // --------------------
         // -- Connect to MySQL server
         //    [Done in 'config.php']
         //    --> $_DDATA["link"]
         //    --> $_DDATA["error"]
         //    --> $_DDATA["errno"]
         //    --> $_DDATA["online"]
         // --------------------
         $GLOBALS["DDATA"]["online"] = false;
         $_DDATA["link"] = @mysql_connect($_DDATA["hostname"], $_DDATA["username"], $_DDATA["password"]) or ($GLOBALS["DDATA"]["error"] = $_DDATA["error"] = mysql_error());
         if (!isset($_DDATA["error"])) $GLOBALS["DDATA"]["link"] = $_DDATA["link"];
         if (!isset($_DDATA["error"])) @mysql_select_db($_DDATA["database"], $_DDATA["link"]) or ($GLOBALS["DDATA"]["error"] = $_DDATA["error"] = mysql_error());
         if (!isset($_DDATA["error"])) {
           $GLOBALS["DDATA"]["online"] = $_DDATA["online"] = true;
         } else {
           $GLOBALS["DDATA"]["errno"] = $_DDATA["errno"] = mysql_errno();
         if (!$GLOBALS["DDATA"]["online"]) return array();
     // --------------------
     // -- Assemble array with analyzed query data from GPC string
     //    --> $_SESSION["searchConfig"]
     //    --> $GLOBALS["nw_categories"]
     //    --> $GLOBALS["qry"]
     //    --> $GLOBALS["ctg"]
     //    --> $GLOBALS["QUERY"]
     // --------------------
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["QUERY"])) {
     if (!count($GLOBALS["QUERY"]["terms"])) {
         return array();
     // --------------------
     // -- Trim cache size if it is time to do so; otherwise mail query statistics if this is requested.
     // --------------------
     // --------------------
     // -- Trigger another spider, if $_SESSION["searchConfig"]["sp.interval"] hours have
     //    passed since last time
     // --------------------
     //TODO: is this properly debugged?
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // SEARCH
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // --------------------
     // -- If result for this query has been cached, fetch $_RESULT[] from cache
     //    --> $pagedata[]
     // --------------------
         $pagedata = $GLOBALS["searchClass"]->cacheFetchResultFrom();
         if (count($pagedata)) {
             return $pagedata;
     // --------------------
     // -- Return empty result if the database is locked or no seamless search allowed
     // --------------------
     if ($_SESSION["searchConfig"]["sp.lock"] != "false" && $_SESSION["searchConfig"]["sp.seamless"] != "true") {
         if ($_SESSION["searchConfig"]["sp.progress"] < time() - 60) {
             $GLOBALS["searchClass"]->setData("sp.lock", "false");
         return NULL;
     // --------------
         require_once PATH_SEARCH . "/config.php"; // --> $GLOBALS["SDATA"], $GLOBALS["DDATA"]
     //debug::rr(array_filter(array_map("OS_pquote", explode("\n", $GLOBALS['VDATA']['sp.require']))));
                 if ($GLOBALS['VDATA']['sm.unlisted'] != "true") {
                   $lq = ($GLOBALS['VDATA']['s.orphans'] == "show") ? " AND (`status`='OK' OR `status`='Orphan')" : " AND `status`='OK'";
                   $nq = "";
                   $sData['noSearch'] = array_filter(array_map("trim", explode("\n", $GLOBALS['VDATA']['s.ignore'])));
                   foreach ($sData['noSearch'] as $noSearch) {
                     $nq .= " AND ((`uri` NOT ".
                       (($noSearch{0} == "*") ?
                         "REGEXP '".substr(str_replace("'", "\\'", $noSearch), 1)."'"
                         : " LIKE '%".str_replace("'", "\\'", $noSearch)."%'") .
                       ") OR (`uri` LIKE '%www.nordita.org/~%') )";
                   $qadd = " AND `unlist`!='true'{$lq}{$nq}";
                 } else $qadd = "";
                 $sql =
                   "SELECT `uri`, `sm.lastmod`, `sm.changefreq`, `sm.priority` " .
                   "FROM `{$_DDATA['tablename']}` " .
                   "WHERE `sm.list`='true' AND `uri` LIKE '%//".str_replace("'", "\\'", $GLOBALS['VDATA']['sm.domain'])."/%' AND `body`!=''$qadd;";
                 $sitemap = mysql_unbuffered_query($sql);
         while ($uri = $GLOBALS["searchClass"]->next_record_assoc($sitemap)) {
     // --------------------
     // -- SELECT ALL RECORDS IN WEB PAGE DATABASE respecting filetype, +term and -term
     //    requirements (using $GLOBALS["QUERY"]["typey"], ["typen"], ["and"], ["not"]).
     //    Remaining query terms are treated in
     //    --> $result
     // --------------------
     $result = $GLOBALS["searchClass"]->getPageSearchResults($GLOBALS["QUERY"]);
     // --------------------
     // -- SORT SEARCH RESULT $result INTO ARRAY $auxpagedata[] with
     //    all records in $result matching also optional terms, weighted by relevance.
     //    (using $GLOBALS["QUERY"]["and"], ["or"]).
     //    --> $auxpagedata[]
     // --------------------
     // load authentication class
     if (!class_exists("auth", FALSE)) {
         require_once PATH_CLASSES . "/lib/auth.php";
     $auxpagedata = array();
     //while ($uri = $GLOBALS["searchClass"]->next_record_assoc($result)) { // very slow
     while ($uri = $GLOBALS["searchClass"]->next_record_assoc($result)) {
         foreach ($uri as $key => $value) {
         if (mb_detect_encoding($value)!="UTF-8") {$uri[$key] = utf8_encode($value);}
         } */
         // -- Attempt at speed things up a little
         $hit = 0;
         if (!count($GLOBALS["QUERY"]["and"])) {
             foreach ($GLOBALS["QUERY"]["or"] as $or) {
                 if (preg_match("/" . $or . "/i", strtolower($uri["data"]))) {
         if ($hit || count($GLOBALS["QUERY"]["and"])) {
             $uri["bonus"] = 1;
             // strange, seems not to be used anywhere...
             // -- Cleaner version of page path
             $uri["path"] = str_replace(array("http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . preg_replace("/\\/[^\\/]*\$/", "/", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]), "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/", "http://www.nordita.org/", "http://", "/index.php"), array("", "", "", "", ""), $uri["uri"]);
             // -- Calculate $uri["relevance"] and update $uri["matchText"] based on
             //    required and optional query terms
             $uri["relevance"] = 0;
             $uri["matchText"] = "";
             if (empty($GLOBALS["QUERY"]["and"]) && empty($GLOBALS["QUERY"]["or"])) {
                 // only NOT
                 $uri["relevance"] = 0.01;
             } else {
                 $uri = self::auxAddRelevance($uri, $GLOBALS["QUERY"]["and"], $_SESSION["searchConfig"]["s.weight"][6]);
                 $uri = self::auxAddRelevance($uri, $GLOBALS["QUERY"]["or"], 1);
             if ($uri["relevance"]) {
                 $auxpagedata[] = array("title" => $uri["title"], "description" => $uri["description"], "category" => $uri["category"], "uri" => $uri["uri"], "path" => $uri["path"], "body" => $uri["body"], "ctype" => $uri["ctype"], "matchText" => $uri["matchText"], "relevance" => $uri["relevance"]);
         // end if
     // end while
     if (empty($auxpagedata)) {
         return array();
     // --------------------
     // -- MASSAGE DATA IN ARRAY $auxpagedata[] and put in array $pagedata.
     //    --> $pagedata[???][???] = array(record)
     // --------------------
     foreach ($auxpagedata as $uri) {
         // -- Put together $uri["matchText"]
         //      $uri["matchText"] = self::trimMatchText ($uri["matchText"],$uri["description"],$uri["body"]);
         if ($uri["matchText"]) {
             $uri["matchText"] = trim(substr($uri["matchText"], 0, strlen($uri["matchText"]) - 5));
             if (isset($uri["matchText"][0]) && preg_match("/^[^A-Z]/", $uri["matchText"][0])) {
                 $uri["matchText"] = " ...&nbsp;" . $uri["matchText"];
             if (isset($uri["matchText"][strlen($uri["matchText"]) - 1]) && preg_match("/[^.?!]/", $uri["matchText"][strlen($uri["matchText"]) - 1])) {
                 $uri["matchText"] .= "&nbsp;... ";
             $uri["matchText"] = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), "", $uri["matchText"]);
         } else {
             if (trim($uri["description"])) {
                 $uri["matchText"] = $uri["description"];
             } else {
                 if (trim($uri["body"])) {
                     $max = strlen($uri["body"]) - (int) (SEARCH_MAX_MATCHED_TEXT_DISPLAYED / 3);
                     if ($max >= 0) {
                         $uri["matchText"] = substr($uri["body"], mt_rand(0, $max), (int) (SEARCH_MAX_MATCHED_TEXT_DISPLAYED / 3));
                     if (SEARCH_UTF8_INDEXING) {
                         $uri["matchText"] = preg_replace(array("/^.*?(?=[�-��-�\\s])/s", "/(�[�-�]?[�-�]?|[�-�][�-�]{,2}|�[�-�]?[�-�]?|�[�-�]?|[�-���][�-�]?|�[�-�]?|[�-�]|\\w+)\$/"), "", $uri["matchText"]);
                     } else {
                         $uri["matchText"] = preg_replace(array("/^[^\\s]*\\s/", "/\\s[^\\s]*\$/"), "", $uri["matchText"]);
                     $uri["matchText"] .= "&nbsp;... ";
         // end if
         // --------------------
         // -- Remove paths that the current user has no access rights to see
         //    ($uri["path"] added by HVZM)
         // --------------------
         if ($uri["relevance"] && (!auth::isAccessGranted($GLOBALS["documentClass"]->getConfigOfPath($uri["path"], "access")) || isset($GLOBALS["nw_categories"]) && isset($GLOBALS["nw_categories"][$uri["category"]]) && !auth::isAccessGranted($GLOBALS["nw_categories"][$uri["category"]]))) {
             $uri["relevance"] = 0;
         // --------------------
         // -- Reduce weight of pages in 'signature' path:
         // --------------------
         if ($uri["relevance"] && strpos($uri["uri"], "/signature/") !== false) {
             $uri["relevance"] = 0.1;
         // --------------------
         // -- Remove paths of single-user pages:
         // --------------------
         // keep for future reference:
         //if ($uri["relevance"] && (strpos($uri["uri"],"u=")!==false)) $uri["relevance"] = 0;
         // --------------------
         // -- Highlight query terms in text strings
         // --------------------
         if ($uri["relevance"]) {
             $uri["matchText"] = self::auxOutputFormat($uri["matchText"], $GLOBALS["QUERY"]["andor"]);
             $uri["title"] = self::auxOutputFormat($uri["title"], $GLOBALS["QUERY"]["andor"]);
             $uri["matchURI"] = (double) $_SESSION["searchConfig"]["s.weight"][4] > 0 ? self::auxOutputFormat("/" . $uri["path"], $GLOBALS["QUERY"]["andor"]) : "/" . $uri["path"];
             $uri["description"] = self::auxOutputFormat($uri["description"], array());
         // --------------------
         // -- If path has not been removed, create new element in $pagedata
         // --------------------
         if ($uri["relevance"]) {
             $pagedata[] = array("title" => $uri["title"], "description" => $uri["description"], "category" => $uri["category"], "uri" => $uri["uri"], "matchURI" => $uri["matchURI"], "path" => $uri["path"], "filetype" => $uri["ctype"], "matchText" => $uri["matchText"], "relevance" => $uri["relevance"]);
     // end foreach ($auxpagedata)
     // --------------------
     // -- Massage $pagedata
     // --------------------
     if (count($pagedata)) {
         // --------------------
         // -- Keep only elements in $pagedata[] in the selected category in $pagedata[]["category"]
         // --------------------
         if ($GLOBALS["QUERY"]["category"] != "") {
             $pagedata = array_filter($pagedata, create_function('$v', 'return ($v[\'category\'] != $GLOBALS[\'QUERY\'][\'category\']) ? false : true;'));
             $pagedata = array_values($pagedata);
         // --------------------
         // -- Sort $pagedata[] according to relevance
         // --------------------
         usort($pagedata, create_function('$a, $b', 'return($a["relevance"]==$b["relevance"])?0:(($a["relevance"]>$b["relevance"])?-1:1);'));
         // --------------------
         // -- Keep only $maxNoOfResultsToShow results in $pagedata[]
         // --------------------
         // Alt 1: Keep number of results corresponding to 1/6 of total number of records
         //        in database (here SEARCH_MAX_RETURNED_RESULTS is usually 0):
         /* keep --
               $totalRows = $GLOBALS["searchClass"]->getTotalRows();
               $maxNoOfResultsToShow =
                 (SEARCH_MAX_RETURNED_RESULTS) ?
                   : max(5, min(100, ceil($totalRows / 6)));
         -- keep */
         // Alt 2: Keep all results:
         $maxNoOfResultsToShow = NULL;
         $pagedata = array_slice($pagedata, 0, $maxNoOfResultsToShow);
     // end if
     // --------------------
     // -- Update statistics record in DB about this query
     // --------------------
     // --------------------
     // -- Stop timer
     //    Later used in: search::outputPageSearchBlurb()
     // --------------------
     // --------------------
     return $pagedata;
예제 #4
 $uri['matchText'] = OS_outputFormat($uri['matchText'], $GLOBALS["QUERY"]['andor']);
 $uri['title'] = OS_outputFormat($uri['title'], $GLOBALS["QUERY"]['andor']);
 $uri['matchURI'] = (double) $GLOBALS["VDATA"]['s.weight'][4] > 0 ? OS_outputFormat($uri['uri'], $GLOBALS["QUERY"]['andor']) : $uri['uri'];
 $uri['description'] = OS_outputFormat($uri['description'], array());
 // --------------------
 // -- Remove paths that the current user has no access rights to see
 //    ($uri['path'] added by HVZM)
 // --------------------
 $uri['path'] = preg_replace("~http://[^/]*/~", "", str_replace("/index.php", "", $uri['uri']));
 //if ($uri["relevance"])              debug::rr(array(                "title"       => $uri['title'],                "description" => $uri['description'],                "category"    => $uri['category'],                "uri"         => $uri['uri'],                "matchURI"    => $uri['matchURI'],                "path"        => $uri['path'],                "filetype"    => $uri['ctype'],                "matchText"   => $uri['matchText'],                "relevance"   => $uri["relevance"]));echo "<br>".$uri["category"];var_dump(auth::isAccessGranted($GLOBALS["nw_categories"][$uri["category"]]));
 // $allpaths -- array with union of all sitemap info for entire site
 $allpaths = fromcache::get('allsitemap', '24', 'widget::WgetAllPaths');
 if (!class_exists("auth", FALSE)) {
     require_once PATH_CLASSES . "/lib/auth.php";
 if ($uri["relevance"] && (isset($allpaths[$uri["path"]]["access"]) && !auth::isAccessGranted($allpaths[$uri["path"]]["access"]) || isset($GLOBALS["nw_categories"][$uri["category"]]) && !auth::isAccessGranted($GLOBALS["nw_categories"][$uri["category"]]))) {
     $uri["relevance"] = 0;
 // --------------------
 // -- Reduce weight of signature page paths:
 // --------------------
 if ($uri["relevance"] && strpos($uri['uri'], "/signature/") !== false) {
     $uri["relevance"] = 0.1;
 // --------------------
 // -- Remove paths of single-user pages:
 // --------------------
 //if ($uri["relevance"] && (strpos($uri['uri'],"u=")!==false)) $uri["relevance"] = 0;
 // --------------------
 // -- If path has not been removed, create new element in $_RESULTS
 // --------------------
예제 #5
 public static function Btopmenu($id = "topmenu", $blockclass = "", $liclass = "")
     $stdout = "";
     if (IS_ENTRANCE) {
         return "";
     $work = $GLOBALS["documentClass"]->getMenuThisTop();
     $txt = "";
     foreach ($work as $subpage) {
         if (auth::isAccessGranted($subpage["access"])) {
             if (!empty($subpage)) {
                 $txt .= "            <li class='" . (!empty($liclass) ? $liclass . " " : "") . ($subpage["active"] && !empty($subpage["path"]) ? "expanded" : "collapsed") . ($subpage["path"] == PUBLICCRUMB ? " last " : "") . "'><a href='" . $subpage["url"] . "'>" . str_replace(TEST_PREFIX, "", str_replace(EXTERNAL_LINK, "", $subpage["title"])) . "</a></li>\r\n";
     /* RESTORE if test tabs needed */
     if (SHOW_TEST_TABS && IS_INDEXPAGE && ($GLOBALS["frontselect"]==10)) $txt = "            <li style='float:none;height:auto;margin:0px;padding:2px 15px 0px 65px;text-decoration:none;font-size:1.4em;font-weight:normal;font-family:\"Baskerville\",\"Times\",\"Times New Roman\",serif;letter-spacing:0.2em;'>The Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics</li>\r\n"; */
     $stdout = "        <div id='block-" . $id . "'" . (!empty($blockclass) ? " class='" . $blockclass . "'" : "") . ">\r\n" . "          <ul>\r\n" . ($GLOBALS["documentClass"]->getConfig("requirelogin") && (!auth::isAuthenticated() || auth::isLogoutRequested()) ? "" : $txt) . "          </ul>\r\n" . "        </div> <!-- " . $id . " -->\r\n" . "\r\n";
     return $stdout;
예제 #6
 private static function outputSitemapList($blank = "", $page = array())
     $stdout = "";
     foreach ($page as $subpage) {
         if (isset($subpage["access"]) && auth::isAccessGranted($subpage["access"])) {
             $stdout .= empty($subpage) || !isset($subpage["url"]) || !isset($subpage["title"]) ? "" : $blank . "          <li>" . "<a href='" . $subpage["url"] . "'" . (isset($subpage["nofollow"]) && $subpage["nofollow"] ? " rel='nofollow'" : "") . ">" . $subpage["title"] . "</a>";
             if (isset($subpage["parent"]) && is_array($subpage["parent"])) {
                 $stdout .= "\r\n" . $blank . "            <ul>\r\n" . self::outputSitemapList($blank . "    ", $subpage["parent"]) . $blank . "            </ul>\r\n" . $blank . "          ";
             $stdout .= "</li>\r\n";
         // end if
     // end foreach
     return $stdout;