예제 #1
  * Figure out which columns in a table have been added, removed, or changed.
  * @param Table $old The original table
  * @param Table $new The new table
  * @return array A 3-element array (tuple) of added, dropped, and changed columns.
 public static function columnDiff(Table $old, Table $new)
     /* Index of columns in the table's new state */
     $newCols = [];
     foreach ($new->columns as $idx => $column) {
         $newCols[$idx] = $column->name;
     /* Index of columns in the table's old state */
     $oldCols = [];
     foreach ($old->columns as $idx => $column) {
         $oldCols[$idx] = $column->name;
     /* Drop any tables that are in the old and not the new */
     $drop = [];
     foreach (array_diff($oldCols, $newCols) as $dropName) {
         $drop[] = $old->getColumnByName($dropName);
     /* Add columns that are in the new but not the old */
     $add = [];
     foreach (array_diff($newCols, $oldCols) as $addName) {
         $add[] = $new->getColumnByName($addName);
     /* Compare any common columns, and modify if unequal */
     $change = [];
     foreach (array_intersect($newCols, $oldCols) as $commonName) {
         $newCol = $new->getColumnByName($commonName);
         $oldCol = $old->getColumnByName($commonName);
         if ($newCol && $oldCol && !$newCol->equals($oldCol)) {
             $change[] = [$oldCol, $newCol];
     return [$add, $drop, $change];