public static function show($e) { ?> <div style="margin-bottom:10px;background:green;color:white"> <?php echo $e->getMessage(); ?> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:10px;background:green;color:white"> <?php echo $e->getPrevious(); ?> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:10px;background:green;color:white"> <?php echo $e->getCode(); ?> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:10px;background:green;color:white"> <?php echo $e->getFile(); ?> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:10px;background:green;color:white"> <?php echo $e->getLine(); ?> </div> <div style="margin-bottom:10px;background:green;color:white"> <?php Table::show($e->getTrace()); ?> </div> <?php }
function show() { $t = new Table(array()); $t->setHeight($this->getHeight()); $r = $t->createRow(); $r->setHeight($this->getHeight()); $t->addRow($r); $t->show(); }
function show() { $t = new Table(array("")); $t->setAlign($this->getAlign()); $r = $t->createRow(); $r->setHeader(true); $txt = new Text($this->TEXT); $txt->setFonttype($this->FONTTYPE); $txt->setFilter($this->getFilter()); $r->setAttribute(0, $txt); $t->addRow($r); $t->show(); }
protected function showContent() { if ($this->paginate->total == 0) { echo '<p class="error"> There seems to be no articles with the current selection. </p>'; } else { $head = array(); foreach ($this->results[0] as $key => $v) { $head[] = $key; } require_once CORE_SYSTEM . "/lib/table/table.class.php"; $table = new Table($this->results, $head, $this->paginate->total); $table->show(); } }
function Error($title, $text, $backLink = '') { $t = "<font color='red' size='3' ><b>" . $text . "</b></font>"; if (strlen($backLink) > 0) { $t .= " <br><br><a target ='_top' href='" . $backLink . "'>ZurÃÂÃÂÃÂück</a>"; } $text = new Text($t); $text->setFilter(false); $title = array("FEHLER: " . $title); $tbl = new Table($title); $r = $tbl->createRow(); $r->setAttribute(0, $text); $tbl->addRow($r); $tbl->setWidth(500); $tbl->show(); exit; }
<?php //Filename: Startseite.php $loginNeed = getPageConfigParam($_SESSION['config']->DBCONNECT, "loginForSwitchNeed") == "J"; $loginExternOnly = getPageConfigParam($_SESSION['config']->DBCONNECT, "loginExternOnly") == "J"; $loginOK = $_SESSION['config']->CURRENTUSER->STATUS == "admin" || $_SESSION['config']->CURRENTUSER->STATUS == "user"; $clientIP = explode(".", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $serverIP = explode(".", $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']); if (!$loginNeed || $loginOK || $loginExternOnly && ($serverIP[0] == $clientIP[0] && $serverIP[1] == $clientIP[1] && $serverIP[2] == $clientIP[2])) { $hcMap = new HomeControlMap(false, "MOBILE"); $hcMap->show(); } else { /* ------------------------------------ BENUTZERSTATUS ANZEIGEN ------------------------------------ */ $USR = $_SESSION['config']->CURRENTUSER; $USERSTATUS = new UserStatus($USR, -1, -1); $tbl = new Table(array("")); $tbl->setAlign("center"); $r = $tbl->createRow(); $r->setAttribute(0, $USERSTATUS); $tbl->addRow($r); $tbl->show(); /* --------------------------------- */ }
<?php /* $fTbl = new Table(array("", "")); $fRow = $fTbl->createRow(); $cntr = new Counter(); $fRow->setAttribute(0, $cntr); $fTbl->addRow($fRow); $fTbl->setWidth(940); $fTbl->show(); */ // $t = new Text("Arduino URL: ".$_SESSION['config']->PUBLICVARS['arduino_url'], 2, false, true, false); $versionInfo = "Status-Info"; $t = new Link("", $versionInfo, false, "status"); $l = new Link("/?run=logView", "Logs", false); $versionInfo = "Version: " . file_get_contents('version.txt'); $lVersion = new Link("/versionHistory.txt", $versionInfo, false, "versionHist"); $fTbl = new Table(array("", "", "")); $fTbl->setAlignments(array("left", "left", "right")); $fTbl->setColSizes(array("100", "100")); $fTbl->setWidth($bannerWidth + 15); $fRow = $fTbl->createRow(); $fRow->setAttribute(0, $t); $fRow->setAttribute(1, $l); $fRow->setAttribute(2, $lVersion); $fTbl->addRow($fRow); $fTbl->show(); echo "</body>\r\n \r\n </html>\r\n ";
$cont = new DivByInclude($_SESSION['mainpage'], false); } $cont->setWidth("800"); $cont->setStyle("padding-left", "4px"); $cont->setStyle("padding-right", "4px"); $MainPanel->add($cont); $contentLayoutRow = $layoutTable->createRow(); $contentLayoutRow->setAttribute(0, $MainPanel); $layoutTable->addRow($contentLayoutRow); /* --------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------ FUSS-MENU ------------------------------------ */ $footMenuDiv = new Div(); $footMenuDiv->setWidth(810); $footMenuDiv->setBorder(0); $footMenuDiv->setAlign("center"); $footMenu = new DbMenu("Fussmenue"); $footMenu->setHeight(14); $footMenu->setMenuType("horizontal"); $footMenu->setAlign("center"); $footMenu->setFontsize(1); $footMenuDiv->add($footMenu); $fussLayoutRow = $layoutTable->createRow(); $fussLayoutRow->setAttribute(0, $footMenuDiv); $layoutTable->addRow($fussLayoutRow); /* --------------------------------- */ $layoutTable->show(); $arduinoFrame = new IFrame($_SESSION['config'], "arduinoSwitch", -1, -1, 1, 1, 0); $arduinoFrame->show(); echo "Diese Tablet-Version befindet sich im Aufbau;)";
/** * Zeigt das DateTextfield an * Es wird eine Tabelle um das Feld gesetzt um eine * freie Positionierung so wie Tooltips oÃÂÃÂÃÂä zu ermÃÂÃÂÃÂöglichen. * (da der eigentliche Kalender ein Script ist) */ function show() { $tbl = new Table(array("")); $tbl->setWidth(50); $tbl->setAlign("left"); $dtText = "<script>DateInput('" . $this->NAME . "', true"; if (strlen($this->DATEFORMAT) > 7) { $dtText .= ", '" . $this->DATEFORMAT . "'"; if (strlen($this->VALUE) == strlen($this->DATEFORMAT)) { $dtText .= ", '" . $this->VALUE . "'"; } } $dtText .= ")</script>"; $dateTextField = new Text($dtText); $dateTextField->setFilter(false); $r = $tbl->createRow(); $r->setAttribute(0, $dateTextField); $tbl->addRow($r); $tbl->setToolTip($this->getTooltip()); $tbl->show(); }
/** * Zeigt Als erstes die Ordner-Navigation ( showFoldersList() ) an und darunter die Bilder-Liste ( showPicList() ) * wenn angefordert, wird das aktuelle Bild einzeln angezeigt. * setzen des aktuellen Bildes erfolgt in changeHandler(). */ function show() { $this->handleChanges(); $tbl = new Table(array("")); $tbl->setAlignments(array("center")); if ($this->isShowTitle()) { $title = new Title($this->FOLDER->NAME); $rTtl = $tbl->createRow(); $rTtl->setAlign("center"); $rTtl->setAttribute(0, $title); $tbl->addRow($rTtl); } $fl = $this->getFolderslist(); $rFl = $tbl->createRow(); $rFl->setAttribute(0, $fl); $tbl->addRow($rFl); if (isset($_REQUEST['showPic']) && !isset($_REQUEST['BB_BackToList']) && strlen($_REQUEST['showPic']) > 0) { $p = $this->getPicture(); $rP = $tbl->createRow(); $rP->setAlign("center"); $rP->setAttribute(0, $p); $tbl->addRow($rP); } else { $pn = $this->getPageNavigation(); $pl = $this->getPicturelist(); $rPn = $tbl->createRow(); $rPn->setAlign("center"); $rPn->setAttribute(0, $pn); $tbl->addRow($rPn); $rPl = $tbl->createRow(); $rPl->setAlign("center"); $rPl->setAttribute(0, $pl); $tbl->addRow($rPl); } $tbl->show(); }
function show() { if ($this->isIconViewActive()) { $this->showAsIcon(); return; } $active = true; if (time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 > $this->LASTSIGNAL) { $active = false; } $tbl = new Table(array("Name", "ID", "letztes Signal", "letzter Wert")); $tbl->setBackgroundColorChange(false); $tbl->setHeadEnabled($this->isWithHeader()); $tbl->setColSizes(array(null, 100, 150, 120)); $tbl->setStyle("padding-left", "5px"); $tbl->setStyle("padding-right", "25px"); $tbl->setStyle("padding-top", "5px"); $tbl->setStyle("padding-bottom", "5px"); $tbl->setBackgroundColor($_SESSION['config']->COLORS['Tabelle_Hintergrund_' . ($this->BGID % 2 == 0 ? "1" : "2")]); $r = $tbl->createRow(); $r->setAlignments(array("left", "left", "left", "right")); $r->setAttribute(0, new Text($this->SENSORNAME, 3)); $r->setAttribute(1, new Text($this->ID, 3)); $r->setAttribute(2, $active ? new Text(date("D d.m.Y H:i:s", $this->LASTSIGNAL), 3) : "-"); $r->setAttribute(3, $active ? new Text($this->LASTVALUE, 3) : "-"); $tbl->addRow($r); $tbl->show(); }
function show() { //Wenn notwendig Eingabemaske, ansonsten Standard-Anzeige if (!$this->showInsertMaskIfNeeded()) { $rowsToShow = $this->getRowsToShow(); //Tabelle fÃÂÃÂÃÂür gesamte NEWS $tbl = new Table(array("News")); $tbl->setHeadEnabled(false); $tbl->setBorder(0); foreach ($rowsToShow as $row) { $tt = new Text($row['Text']); $tt->setFilter(false); $ta = new Text($row['Autor']); $tblxTitle = new Table(array("", "")); $tblxTitle->setColSizes(array("50")); $tblxTitle->setAlign("left"); $rxtitle = $tblxTitle->createRow(); $t0 = new Title(getFormatedDate($row['Datum'], "standard") . ":"); $t0->setWidth(20); $rxtitle->setAttribute(0, $t0); $t1 = new Title($row['Title']); $rxtitle->setAttribute(1, $t1); $rxtitle->setAlign("left"); $tblxTitle->addRow($rxtitle); //Tabelle fÃÂÃÂÃÂür den jeweiligen Eintrag $tblx = new Table(array("")); if (strlen($row['pic']) > 0) { $tblx = new Table(array("", "")); $tblx->setColSizes(array("180")); } $tblx->setBorder($this->CONFIG->GB_CONFIG['border']); $tblx->setWidth("100%"); //TEXT $rx = $tblx->createRow(); if (strlen($row['pic']) > 0 && !(isset($_REQUEST['removeNewsPicId']) && $_REQUEST['removeNewsPicId'] == $row['id'])) { $img = new Image($row['pic']); $img->setWidth(175); $rx->setAttribute(0, $img); $rx->setAttribute(1, $tt); } else { $rx->setAttribute(0, $tt); } $rx->setAlign("left"); $tblx->addRow($rx); $f = new FontType(); $rx->setFonttypes(array(0 => $f)); $f = new FontType(); $f->setFontsize(1); $f->setItalic(false); $rx->setFonttypes(array(0 => $f)); $r = $tbl->createRow(); $r->setAttribute(0, $tblxTitle); $tbl->addRow($r); $r1 = $tbl->createRow(); $r1->setAttribute(0, $tblx); $tbl->addRow($r1); $ytElem = new YouTubeElement($row['yt_video'], "news", "yt_video", $row['id']); $r1 = $tbl->createRow(); $r1->setAttribute(0, $ytElem); $tbl->addRow($r1); $tbl->addSpacer(0, 7); if ($_SESSION['config']->CURRENTUSER->STATUS == "admin" || $_SESSION['config']->CURRENTUSER->STATUS == "user") { $r2 = $tbl->createRow(); $xDv = new Div(); $xDv->setWidth(450); $xDv->setHeight(40); $txChngePic = new Text("Bild Hochladen/ÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂndern<br>"); $txChngePic->setFilter(false); $newPicLink = new Link("?popupRunLink=imageUploaderPopup&targetPath=pics/news&DbInsertTable=news&DbInsertCol=pic&DbInsertId=" . $row['id'] . "&stayAlive=ok", $txChngePic); $txRemPic = new Text("Bild Entfernen<br>"); $txRemPic->setFilter(false); $removePicLink = new Link("?removeNewsPicId=" . $row['id'] . "", $txRemPic); $spTx = new Text(" "); $spTx->setFilter(false); $xDv->add($newPicLink); if (strlen($row['pic']) > 0) { if (isset($_REQUEST['removeNewsPicId']) && $_REQUEST['removeNewsPicId'] == $row['id']) { $sql = "UPDATE news SET pic = null WHERE id = " . $_REQUEST['removeNewsPicId']; $_SESSION['config']->DBCONNECT->executeQuery($sql); } else { $xDv->add($removePicLink); } } $newPicLink->setPopup(true); $r2->setAttribute(0, $xDv); $tbl->addRow($r2); } $tbl->addSpacer(0, 35); } if ($_SESSION['config']->CURRENTUSER->STATUS == "admin" || $_SESSION['config']->CURRENTUSER->STATUS == "user") { // Neuer Eintrag- BUTTON //-------------------------------- $insertButton = new Button('dbTableNew', 'News eintragen'); $form = new Form($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); $form->add($insertButton); $form->show(); } // Tabelle anzeigen //-------------------------------- $tbl->show(); if ($_SESSION['config']->CURRENTUSER->STATUS == "admin" || $_SESSION['config']->CURRENTUSER->STATUS == "user" && $tbl->getRowcount() > 2) { // Neuer Eintrag- BUTTON //-------------------------------- $insertButton = new Button('dbTableNew', 'News eintragen'); $form = new Form($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); $form->add($insertButton); $form->show(); } } }
//ICQ if ($userDBRow->getNamedAttribute("IcqJN") == "J") { $userRow6 = $userTable->createRow(); $userEmail = new Text($userDBRow->getNamedAttribute("Icq")); $userRow6->setAttribute(0, "ICQ:"); $userRow6->setAttribute(1, $userEmail); $userTable->addRow($userRow6); } //Tel/Handy/Fax if ($userDBRow->getNamedAttribute("telefonJN") == "J") { //Telefon $userRow7 = $userTable->createRow(); $userEmail = new Text($userDBRow->getNamedAttribute("Telefon")); $userRow7->setAttribute(0, "Telefon:"); $userRow7->setAttribute(1, $userEmail); $userTable->addRow($userRow7); //Handy $userRow8 = $userTable->createRow(); $userEmail = new Text($userDBRow->getNamedAttribute("Handy")); $userRow8->setAttribute(0, "Handy:"); $userRow8->setAttribute(1, $userEmail); $userTable->addRow($userRow8); //Fax $userRow9 = $userTable->createRow(); $userEmail = new Text($userDBRow->getNamedAttribute("Fax")); $userRow9->setAttribute(0, "Fax:"); $userRow9->setAttribute(1, $userEmail); $userTable->addRow($userRow9); } $userTable->show();
/** * show-Methode fÃÂÃÂÃÂür TYPE = horizontalbutton */ function showHorizontalButtonMenu() { $userStatus = $this->CONFIG->CURRENTUSER->STATUS; $menuArray = $this->MENUTABLE->getMenuByStatus($userStatus); $count = 0; $c = $this->MENUTABLE->getRowCountByStatus(); $colArr = array(""); //[0] wird hier schon initialisiert! for ($i = 1; $i < $c; $i++) { $colArr[$i] = ""; } $table = new Table($colArr); $table->setStyle("text-align", "center"); $table->setStyle("vertical-align", "middle"); $tblrow = $table->createRow(); $tblrow->setStyle("vertical-align", "middle"); $tblrow->setHeight($this->getHeight()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($menuArray)) { if ($row['id'] > 0) { $btn = new HorizontalMenuButton($row['link'], $row['text']); $tblrow->setAttribute($count, $btn); $count++; } } $table->addRow($tblrow); $table->setHeight($this->getHeight()); $table->show(); }