static function AddNotification($key,$priority,$from_type,$from_id=0,$link_type=null,$link_id=null) { $DBHandle = DbConnect(); $table = new Table("cc_notification", "*"); $fields = " key_value , priority, from_type, from_id, link_type,link_id"; $values = " '$key' , $priority,$from_type ,$from_id ,'$link_type',$link_id"; $return = $table->Add_table($DBHandle, $values, $fields); return $return; }
$useralias = $arr_card_alias[1]; if (!is_numeric($addcredit)) { $addcredit = 0; } $passui_secret = MDP_NUMERIC(10); $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_VALUE = "'{$cardnum}', '{$useralias}', '{$addcredit}', '{$choose_tariff}', 't', '{$gen_id}', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', {$choose_simultaccess}, '{$choose_currency}', {$choose_typepaid}, {$creditlimit}, {$enableexpire}, '{$expirationdate}', {$expiredays}, '{$passui_secret}', '{$runservice}','{$tag}'"; if (DB_TYPE != "postgres") { $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_VALUE .= ",now() "; } if (isset($sip)) { $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_VALUE .= ", 1"; } if (isset($iax)) { $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_VALUE .= ", 1"; } $id_cc_card = $instance_sub_table->Add_table($HD_Form->DBHandle, $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_VALUE, null, null, $HD_Form->FG_TABLE_ID); // Insert data for sip_buddy if (isset($sip)) { $FG_QUERY_ADITION_SIP_IAX_VALUE = "'{$cardnum}', '{$cardnum}', '{$cardnum}', '{$amaflags}', '{$cardnum}', '{$context}', '{$dtmfmode}','{$host}', '{$type}', '{$cardnum}', '{$allow}', '" . $passui_secret . "', '{$id_cc_card}', '{$nat}', '{$qualify}'"; $result_query1 = $instance_sip_table->Add_table($HD_Form->DBHandle, $FG_QUERY_ADITION_SIP_IAX_VALUE, null, null, null); $_SESSION["is_sip_iax_change"] = 1; $_SESSION["is_sip_changed"] = 1; } // Insert data for iax_buddy if (isset($iax)) { //$FG_QUERY_ADITION_SIP_IAX_VALUE = "'$cardnum', '$cardnum', '$cardnum', '$amaflag', '$cardnum', '$context', 'RFC2833','dynamic', 'friend', '$cardnum', 'g729,ulaw,alaw,gsm','".$passui_secret."'"; $FG_QUERY_ADITION_SIP_IAX_VALUE = "'{$cardnum}', '{$cardnum}', '{$cardnum}', '{$amaflags}', '{$cardnum}', '{$context}', '{$dtmfmode}','{$host}', '{$type}', '{$cardnum}', '{$allow}', '" . $passui_secret . "', '{$id_cc_card}', '{$nat}', '{$qualify}'"; $result_query2 = $instance_iax_table->Add_table($HD_Form->DBHandle, $FG_QUERY_ADITION_SIP_IAX_VALUE, null, null, null); $_SESSION["is_sip_iax_change"] = 1; $_SESSION["is_iax_changed"] = 1; }
$instance_table = new Table("cc_invoice", $field_insert); if ($verbose_level >= 1) { echo "INSERT INVOICE : {$field_insert} =>\t{$value_insert} \n"; } $id_invoice = $instance_table->Add_table($A2B->DBHandle, $value_insert, null, null, "id"); if (!empty($id_invoice) && is_numeric($id_invoice)) { $description = "Subscription (" . $subscription['product_name'] . ")"; $amount = $subscription['fee']; $vat = 0; $field_insert = "date, id_invoice, price, vat, description, id_ext, type_ext"; $instance_table = new Table("cc_invoice_item", $field_insert); $value_insert = " '{$date}' , '{$id_invoice}', '{$amount}','{$vat}','{$description}','" . $subscription['card_subscription_id'] . "','SUBSCR'"; if ($verbose_level >= 1) { echo "INSERT INVOICE ITEM : {$field_insert} =>\t{$value_insert} \n"; } $instance_table->Add_table($A2B->DBHandle, $value_insert, null, null, "id"); } $mail = new Mail(Mail::$TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION_UNPAID, $card['id']); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$DAY_REMAINING_KEY, $billdaybefor_anniversary); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$INVOICE_REF_KEY, $reference); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$SUBSCRIPTION_FEE, $subscription['fee']); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$SUBSCRIPTION_ID, $subscription['id']); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$SUBSCRIPTION_LABEL, $subscription['product_name']); //insert charge $QUERY = "INSERT INTO cc_charge (id_cc_card, amount, chargetype, id_cc_card_subscription, invoiced_status, description) VALUES ('" . $card['id'] . "', '" . $subscription['fee'] . "', '3','" . $subscription['card_subscription_id'] . "',1, '" . $subscription['product_name'] . "')"; if ($verbose_level >= 1) { echo "==> INSERT CHARGE QUERY: \t{$QUERY}\n"; } $instance_table->SQLExec($A2B->DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); $QUERY = "UPDATE cc_card_subscription SET paid_status = 1 WHERE id=" . $subscription['card_subscription_id']; if ($verbose_level >= 1) {
} $param_add_fields .= $FG_QUERY_ADITION_HIDDEN_FIELDS; if ($i > 0) { $param_add_value .= ", "; } $param_add_value .= $FG_QUERY_ADITION_HIDDEN_VALUE; } if ($FG_DEBUG == 1) { echo "<br><hr> {$param_add_fields}"; } if ($FG_DEBUG == 1) { echo "<br><hr> {$param_add_value}"; } $FG_TABLE_ID = "id"; if ($VALID_SQL_REG_EXP) { $result_query = $instance_table->Add_table($DBHandle, $param_add_value, $param_add_fields, null, $FG_TABLE_ID); } if (!$result_query) { //--echo "<br><b>".$instance_table -> errstr."</b><br>"; $findme = 'duplicate'; $pos_find = strpos($instance_sub_table->errstr, $findme); // Note our use of ===. Simply == would not work as expected // because the position of 'a' was the 0th (first) character. if ($pos_find === false) { //-- echo $instance_sub_table -> errstr; } else { //echo $FG_TEXT_ERROR_DUPLICATION; $alarm_db_error_duplication = true; } } else { if ($FG_ADITION_GO_EDITION == "yes") {
function Update_Rates($security_key, $instance, $arr_rates) { $arr_check = $this->Check_KeyInstance($security_key, $instance); if ($arr_check[0] == 'ERROR') { return $arr_check; } $id_group = $arr_check; $QUERY = "SELECT id_trunk FROM cc_trunk WHERE trunkcode = '$instance'"; $result = $this->instance_table -> SQLExec ($this->DBHandle, $QUERY); if (!is_array($result)) { return array(false, "CANNOT LOAD THE TRUNK FOR THIS INSTANCE"); } $id_trunk = $result[0][0]; $QUERY = "SELECT id FROM cc_tariffplan WHERE tariffname = '$instance'"; $result = $this->instance_table -> SQLExec ($this->DBHandle, $QUERY); if (!is_array($result)) { return array(false, "CANNOT LOAD THE RATECARD FOR THIS INSTANCE"); } $id_ratecard = $result[0][0]; // CHECK RATES VALIDITY if (!$this->check_rates_validity ($arr_rates)) { return array(false, "ERROR RATES VALIDITY, LINE $nb_rates. ENSURE THAT ALL RATES HAVE A CORRECT FORMAT!"); } // DELETE EXISTING RATES $DEL_QUERY = "DELETE FROM cc_ratecard WHERE idtariffplan=$id_ratecard"; $result_query = $this->DBHandle->Execute($DEL_QUERY); // REIMPORT RATES foreach ($arr_rates as $arr_rates_val) { $dialprefix = trim($arr_rates_val[0]); $destination = trim($arr_rates_val[1]); $buyrate = trim($arr_rates_val[2]); $sellrate = trim($arr_rates_val[3]); // ADD PREFIX $instance_table_prefix = new Table("cc_prefix"); $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_FIELDS_PREFIX = 'prefix, destination'; $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_VALUE_PREFIX = "'" . intval($dialprefix) . "', '$destination'"; $TT_QUERY_PREFIX = "INSERT INTO " . $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_TABLE_PREFIX . " (" . $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_FIELDS_PREFIX . ") values (" . $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_VALUE_PREFIX . ") "; $instance_table_prefix -> Add_table ($this->DBHandle, $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_VALUE_PREFIX, $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_FIELDS_PREFIX); // ADD RATES $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_TABLE = 'cc_ratecard'; $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_FIELDS = 'idtariffplan, id_trunk, dialprefix, destination, buyrate, rateinitial, startdate, stopdate'; $startdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $stopdate_prefix = date("Y") + 30; $stopdate_suffix = date("-m-d H:i:s"); $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_VALUE = "'$id_ratecard', '$id_trunk', '$dialprefix', '".intval($dialprefix)."', '$buyrate', '$sellrate', '$startdate', '$stopdate_prefix$stopdate_suffix'"; $TT_QUERY = "INSERT INTO " . $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_TABLE . " (" . $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_FIELDS . ") values (" . $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_VALUE . ") "; $result_query = $this->DBHandle->Execute($TT_QUERY); if (!$result_query) { return array(false, "ERROR RATES CREATION ($nb_to_import Rates imported)"); } $nb_to_import++; } return array(true, "RATES UPDATED ($nb_to_import Rates imported) - SUCCESS"); }
break; default: $rates_clauses .= " destination = '{$prefix}'"; break; } } $QUERY = "SELECT {$id},id FROM cc_ratecard rc WHERE {$rates_clauses} GROUP BY destination"; $table_rates->SQLExec($DBHandle, "INSERT IGNORE INTO cc_package_rate(package_id , rate_id) ({$QUERY})"); Header("Location: A2B_package_manage_rates.php?id={$id}"); } if (isset($addrate) && is_numeric($addrate)) { $DBHandle = DbConnect(); $add_rate_table = new Table("cc_package_rate", "*"); $fields = " package_id , rate_id"; $values = " {$id} , {$addrate}"; $add_rate_table->Add_table($DBHandle, $values, $fields); Header("Location: A2B_package_manage_rates.php?id={$id}"); } if (isset($delrate) && is_numeric($delrate)) { $DBHandle = DbConnect(); $del_rate_table = new Table("cc_package_rate", "*"); $CLAUSE = " package_id = " . $id . " AND rate_id = {$delrate}"; $del_rate_table->Delete_table($DBHandle, $CLAUSE); Header("Location: A2B_package_manage_rates.php?id={$id}"); } if (isset($delallrate) && $delallrate) { $DBHandle = DbConnect(); $del_rate_table = new Table("cc_package_rate", "*"); $CLAUSE = " package_id = " . $id; $del_rate_table->Delete_table($DBHandle, $CLAUSE); Header("Location: A2B_package_manage_rates.php?id={$id}");
****************************************************************************/ set_time_limit(0); error_reporting(E_ALL ^ (E_NOTICE | E_WARNING)); include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../Class.Table.php"; include dirname(__FILE__) . "/../Class.A2Billing.php"; write_log(LOGFILE_CRONT_ARCHIVE_DATA, basename(__FILE__) . ' line:' . __LINE__ . "[#### ARCHIVING DATA BEGIN ####]"); if (!$A2B->DbConnect()) { echo "[Cannot connect to the database]\n"; write_log(LOGFILE_CRONT_ARCHIVE_DATA, basename(__FILE__) . ' line:' . __LINE__ . "[Cannot connect to the database]"); exit; } $A2B = new A2Billing(); $A2B->load_conf($agi, NULL, 0, $idconfig); $instance_table = new Table(); $from_month = $A2B->config["backup"]['archive_data_x_month']; if ($A2B->config["database"]['dbtype'] == "postgres") { $condition = "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '{$from_month} months' > starttime"; } else { $condition = "DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL {$from_month} MONTH) > starttime"; } $value = "SELECT sessionid,uniqueid,username,nasipaddress,starttime,stoptime,sessiontime,calledstation,startdelay,stopdelay,terminatecause,usertariff,calledprovider,calledcountry,calledsub,calledrate,sessionbill,destination,id_tariffgroup,id_tariffplan,id_ratecard,id_trunk,sipiax,src,id_did,buyrate,buycost,id_card_package_offer,real_sessiontime FROM cc_call where {$condition}"; $func_fields = "sessionid,uniqueid,username,nasipaddress,starttime,stoptime,sessiontime,calledstation,startdelay,stopdelay,terminatecause,usertariff,calledprovider,calledcountry,calledsub,calledrate,sessionbill,destination,id_tariffgroup,id_tariffplan,id_ratecard,id_trunk,sipiax,src,id_did,buyrate,buycost,id_card_package_offer,real_sessiontime"; $func_table = 'cc_call_archive'; $id_name = ""; $subquery = true; $result = $instance_table->Add_table($A2B->DBHandle, $value, $func_fields, $func_table, $id_name, $subquery); $fun_table = "cc_call"; $result = $instance_table->Delete_table($A2B->DBHandle, $condition, $fun_table); write_log(LOGFILE_CRONT_ARCHIVE_DATA, basename(__FILE__) . ' line:' . __LINE__ . "[#### ARCHIVING DATA END ####]");
} } $paycur = $currencies_list[$getcur][2]; if (strtoupper($payment)=='PLUGNPAY') { $QUERY_FIELDS = "cardid, amount, vat, paymentmethod, cc_owner, cc_number, cc_expires, creationdate, cvv, credit_card_type, currency , item_id , item_type"; $QUERY_VALUES = "'".$_SESSION["card_id"]."','$amount_string', '".$_SESSION["vat"]."', '$payment','$plugnpay_cc_owner','".substr($plugnpay_cc_number,0,4)."XXXXXXXXXXXX','".$plugnpay_cc_expires_month."-".$plugnpay_cc_expires_year."','$time_stamp', '$cvv', '$credit_card_type', '".BASE_CURRENCY."' , '$item_id', '$item_type'"; } else if(strtoupper($payment)=='IRIDIUM'){ $QUERY_FIELDS = "cardid, amount, vat, paymentmethod, cc_owner, cc_number, cc_expires, creationdate, currency, item_id, item_type"; $QUERY_VALUES = "'".$_SESSION["card_id"]."','$amount_string', '".$_SESSION["vat"]."', '$payment','$CardName','".substr($CardNumber,0,4)."XXXXXXXXXXXX','".$ExpiryDateMonth."-".$ExpiryDateYear."','$time_stamp', '".BASE_CURRENCY."' , '$item_id','$item_type'"; } else { $QUERY_FIELDS = "cardid, amount, vat, paymentmethod, cc_owner, cc_number, cc_expires, creationdate, currency, item_id, item_type"; $QUERY_VALUES = "'".$_SESSION["card_id"]."','$amount_string', '".$_SESSION["vat"]."', '$payment','$authorizenet_cc_owner','".substr($authorizenet_cc_number,0,4)."XXXXXXXXXXXX','".$authorizenet_cc_expires_month."-".$authorizenet_cc_expires_year."','$time_stamp', '".$getcur."' , '$item_id','$item_type'"; } $transaction_no = $paymentTable->Add_table ($HD_Form -> DBHandle, $QUERY_VALUES, $QUERY_FIELDS, 'cc_epayment_log', 'id'); $key = securitykey(EPAYMENT_TRANSACTION_KEY, $time_stamp."^".$transaction_no."^".$amount_string."^".$_SESSION["card_id"]."^".$item_id."^".$item_type); if (empty($transaction_no)) { exit(gettext("No Transaction ID found")); } $HD_Form -> create_toppage ($form_action); if (!isset($currencies_list[strtoupper($_SESSION['currency'])][2]) || !is_numeric($currencies_list[strtoupper($_SESSION['currency'])][2])) { $mycur = 1; } else { $mycur = $currencies_list[strtoupper($_SESSION['currency'])][2]/$paycur; if ($payment == 'webmoney') { $getcur = $wm_purse_type; $two_currency=true;
function Create_Card($security_key, $transaction_code, $account_number, $tariff, $uipass, $credit, $language, $activated, $status, $simultaccess, $currency, $runservice, $typepaid, $creditlimit, $enableexpire, $expirationdate, $expiredays, $lastname, $firstname, $address, $city, $state, $country, $zipcode, $phone, $fax, $callerid_list, $iax_friend, $sip_friend) { // The wrapper variables for security // $security_key = API_SECURITY_KEY; $logfile = SOAP_LOGFILE; $mysecurity_key = API_SECURITY_KEY; $mail_content = "[" . date("Y/m/d G:i:s", mktime()) . "] " . "SOAP API - Request asked: Create_Card [{$transaction_code}, {$account_number}, {$tariff}, {$uipass}, {$credit}, {$language}, {$activated}, {$simultaccess}, {$currency}, {$runservice}, {$typepaid}, {$creditlimit}, {$enableexpire}, {$expirationdate}, {$expiredays}, {$lastname}, {$firstname}, {$address}, {$city}, {$state}, {$country}, {$zipcode}, {$phone}, {$fax}, {$callerid_list}, {$iax_friend}, {$sip_friend}]"; // CHECK SECURITY KEY if (md5($mysecurity_key) !== $security_key || strlen($security_key) == 0) { a2b_mail(EMAIL_ADMIN, "ALARM : API - CODE_ERROR SECURITY_KEY ", $mail_content); error_log("[" . date("Y/m/d G:i:s", mktime()) . "] " . " CODE_ERROR SECURITY_KEY" . "\n", 3, $logfile); sleep(2); return array($transaction_code, '', '', '', '', 'Error', 'KEY - BAD PARAMETER' . "{$security_key} - {$mysecurity_key}"); } // Create new account $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_TABLE = "cc_card"; $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_FIELDS = "username, useralias, credit, tariff, id_didgroup, activated, status, lastname, firstname, email, address, city, state, country, zipcode, phone, fax, userpass, simultaccess, currency, typepaid, creditlimit, language, runservice, enableexpire, expirationdate, expiredays, uipass, sip_buddy, iax_buddy"; $arr_card_alias = gen_card_with_alias('cc_card', 1); $cardnum = $arr_card_alias[0]; $useralias = $arr_card_alias[1]; if ($uipass == '' || strlen($uipass) == 0) { $uipass = MDP_STRING(); } // CHECK PARAMETERS LASTNAME ; FIRSTNAME ; ADDRESS ; .... if (!is_numeric($credit) || !is_numeric($creditlimit) || !is_numeric($expiredays) || $activated != 0 && $activated != 1 || $simultaccess != 0 && $simultaccess != 1 || $runservice != 0 && $runservice != 1 || strlen($lastname) > 40 || strlen($firstname) > 40 || strlen($address) > 100 || strlen($city) > 40 || strlen($state) > 40 || strlen($country) > 40 || strlen($zipcode) > 40 || strlen($phone) > 40 || strlen($email) > 60 || strlen($fax) > 40) { a2b_mail(EMAIL_ADMIN, "ALARM : API - BAD PARAMETER ", $mail_content); error_log("[" . date("Y/m/d G:i:s", mktime()) . "] " . " - BAD PARAMETER " . "\n", 3, $logfile); return array($transaction_code, '', '', '', '', 'Error', 'BAD PARAMETER'); } else { if ($expirationdate == '') { $expirationdate = "now()"; } else { $expirationdate = "'{$expirationdate}'"; } $DBHandle = DbConnect(); $instance_sub_table = new Table($FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_TABLE, $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_FIELDS); $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_VALUE = "'{$cardnum}', '{$useralias}', '" . $credit . "', '" . $tariff . "', '0', '{$activated}', '{$status}', '{$lastname}', '{$firstname}', '{$email}', '{$address}', '{$city}', " . "'{$state}', '{$country}', '{$zipcode}', '{$phone}', '{$fax}', '{$cardnum}', " . $simultaccess . ", '" . $currency . "', '" . $typepaid . "','" . $creditlimit . "', '" . $language . "', '" . $runservice . "', '" . $enableexpire . "', {$expirationdate}, '{$expiredays}', '{$uipass}', '{$iax_friend}', '{$sip_friend}'"; $result_query = $instance_sub_table->Add_table($DBHandle, $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_VALUE, null, null, 'id'); if ($result_query) { $id_cc_card = $result_query; if (strlen($callerid_list) > 1) { $callerid_list = split(',', $callerid_list); if (count($callerid_list) > 0) { $k = 0; foreach ($callerid_list as $mycallerid) { $k++; if (strlen($mycallerid) > 1) { $QUERY = "SELECT * FROM cc_callerid WHERE cid='{$mycallerid}'"; $result = $instance_sub_table->SQLExec($DBHandle, $QUERY); if (!is_array($result)) { $QUERY = "INSERT INTO cc_callerid (cid, id_cc_card) VALUES ('{$mycallerid}', '{$id_cc_card}')"; $result = $instance_sub_table->SQLExec($DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); if ($result == false) { $callerid_result .= "|callerid{$k}-{$mycallerid}=NOK"; } else { $callerid_result .= "|callerid{$k}-{$mycallerid}=OK"; } } else { $callerid_result .= "|callerid{$k}-{$mycallerid}=NOK"; } } } } } //return array('transaction_code', 'account_number', 'card_number', $useralias, 'uipass', 'result', "IDCARD_CREATED=$id_cc_card"."$callerid_result"); //|LASTQUERY=$QUERY // CHECK IF THERE IS A FRIEND TO CREATE if ($iax_friend || $sip_friend) { // NEW ACCOUNT CREATED $type = FRIEND_TYPE; $allow = FRIEND_ALLOW; $context = FRIEND_CONTEXT; $nat = FRIEND_NAT; $amaflags = FRIEND_AMAFLAGS; $qualify = FRIEND_QUALIFY; $host = FRIEND_HOST; $dtmfmode = FRIEND_DTMFMODE; $uipass = MDP_STRING(); $FG_QUERY_ADITION_SIP_IAX = 'name, type, username, accountcode, regexten, callerid, amaflags, secret, md5secret, nat, dtmfmode, qualify, canreinvite,disallow, allow, host, callgroup, context, defaultip, fromuser, fromdomain, insecure, language, mailbox, permit, deny, mask, pickupgroup, port,restrictcid, rtptimeout, rtpholdtimeout, musiconhold, regseconds, ipaddr, cancallforward'; // For IAX and SIP $param_add_fields = "name, accountcode, regexten, amaflags, callerid, context, dtmfmode, host, type, username, allow, secret"; $param_add_value = "'{$cardnum}', '{$cardnum}', '{$cardnum}', '{$amaflags}', '{$cardnum}', '{$context}', '{$dtmfmode}','{$host}', '{$type}', '{$cardnum}', '{$allow}', '" . $uipass . "', '{$id_cc_card}', '{$nat}', '{$qualify}'"; $list_names = explode(",", $FG_QUERY_ADITION_SIP_IAX); $FG_TABLE_SIP_NAME = "cc_sip_buddies"; $FG_TABLE_IAX_NAME = "cc_iax_buddies"; for ($ki = 0; $ki < 2; $ki++) { if ($ki == 0) { if (!$sip_friend) { continue; } $cfriend = 'sip'; $FG_TABLE_NAME = "cc_sip_buddies"; $buddyfile = BUDDY_SIP_FILE; } else { if (!$iax_friend) { continue; } $cfriend = 'iax'; $FG_TABLE_NAME = "cc_iax_buddies"; $buddyfile = BUDDY_IAX_FILE; } // Insert Sip/Iax account info if ($ki == 0 && $sip_friend || $ki == 1 && $iax_friend) { $instance_table1 = new Table($FG_TABLE_NAME, $FG_QUERY_ADITION_SIP_IAX); $result_query1 = $instance_table1->Add_table($DBHandle, $param_add_value, $param_add_fields, null, null); $instance_table_friend = new Table($FG_TABLE_NAME, 'id, ' . $FG_QUERY_ADITION_SIP_IAX); $list_friend = $instance_table_friend->Get_list($DBHandle, '', null, null, null, null); $fd = fopen($buddyfile, "w"); if (!$fd) { a2b_mail($email_alarm, "ALARM : SOAP-API - Could not open buddy file '{$buddyfile}'", $mail_content); error_log("[" . date("Y/m/d G:i:s", mktime()) . "] " . "[Could not open buddy file '{$buddyfile}'] - SOAP-API " . "\n", 3, $logfile); return array($transaction_code, '', '', '', '', 'Error', 'SOAP-API - Could not open buddy file $buddyfile'); } else { foreach ($list_friend as $data) { $line = "\n\n[" . $data[1] . "]\n"; if (fwrite($fd, $line) === FALSE) { error_log("[" . date("Y/m/d G:i:s", mktime()) . "] " . "[Impossible to write to the file ({$buddyfile})] - CODE_ERROR 8" . "\n", 3, $logfile); return array($transaction_code, '', '', '', '', 'Error', 'SOAP-API Impossible to write to the file ($buddyfile)'); } else { for ($i = 1; $i < count($data) - 1; $i++) { if (strlen($data[$i + 1]) > 0) { if (trim($list_names[$i]) == 'allow') { $codecs = explode(",", $data[$i + 1]); $line = ""; foreach ($codecs as $value) { $line .= trim($list_names[$i]) . '=' . $value . "\n"; } } else { $line = trim($list_names[$i]) . '=' . $data[$i + 1] . "\n"; } if (fwrite($fd, $line) === FALSE) { error_log("[" . date("Y/m/d G:i:s", mktime()) . "] " . "[Impossible to write to the file ({$buddyfile})] - CODE_ERROR 8" . "\n", 3, $logfile); return array($transaction_code, '', '', '', '', 'Error', 'SOAP-API ERROR : Card created in the DB but Impossible to write to the file ($buddyfile)'); } } } } } fclose($fd); } } } // END OF FOR - KI } // END if ($iax_friend || $sip_friend) return array($transaction_code, $account_number, $cardnum, $useralias, $uipass, 'result=OK', "ID CARD_CREATED={$result_query}{$callerid_result}"); } else { a2b_mail(EMAIL_ADMIN, "ALARM : SOAP-API (Add_table)", "{$FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_VALUE}\n\n" . $mail_content); error_log("[" . date("Y/m/d G:i:s", mktime()) . "] " . "[SOAP-API CODE_ERROR Add_table " . "\n", 3, $logfile); return array($transaction_code, '', '', '', '', 'Error', 'SOAP-API CODE_ERROR Add_table'); } } // END - CHECK PARAMETERS LASTNAME ; FIRSTNAME ; ADDRESS ; .... }
function add_agi_confx($handle = null) { if (empty($handle)) { $handle = DbConnect(); } $instance_table = new Table(); $config_group = array(); $config_group = agi_confx_title(); // calling function to generate agi-conf(title_number) $group_title = $config_group[0]; $config_group_id = $config_group[1]; $description = $config_group[2]; $base_group_title = 'agi-conf' . $config_group[3]; $value = "'{$group_title}', '{$description}'"; $func_fields = "group_title, group_description"; $func_table = 'cc_config_group'; $id_name = "id"; $inserted_id = $instance_table->Add_table($handle, $value, $func_fields, $func_table, $id_name); $value = "SELECT config_title, config_key, config_value, config_description, config_valuetype, '{$group_title}', config_listvalues FROM cc_config WHERE config_group_title = '{$base_group_title}'"; $func_fields = "config_title, config_key, config_value, config_description, config_valuetype, config_group_title, config_listvalues"; $func_table = 'cc_config'; $id_name = ""; $subquery = true; $result = $instance_table->Add_table($handle, $value, $func_fields, $func_table, $id_name, $subquery); return $group_title; }
function insert_voip_config ($sip, $iax, $id_card, $accountnumber, $passui_secret, $useralias, $language) { $who_id = ''; if (!isset ($sip)) $sip = 0; if (!isset ($iax)) $iax = 0; // SIP / IAX FRIENDS TABLE $FG_TABLE_SIP_NAME = "cc_sip_buddies"; $FG_TABLE_IAX_NAME = "cc_iax_buddies"; if ((isset ($sip)) || (isset ($iax))) { $type = FRIEND_TYPE; $allow = str_replace(' ', '', FRIEND_ALLOW); $context = FRIEND_CONTEXT; $nat = FRIEND_NAT; $amaflags = FRIEND_AMAFLAGS; $qualify = FRIEND_QUALIFY; $host = FRIEND_HOST; $dtmfmode = FRIEND_DTMFMODE; if (!USE_REALTIME) { if(($sip == 1) && ($iax == 1)) $key = "sip_iax_changed"; elseif ($sip == 1) $key = "sip_changed"; elseif ($iax == 1) $key = "iax_changed"; //check who if (isset($_SESSION["user_type"]) && $_SESSION["user_type"]=="ADMIN") { $who = Notification::$ADMIN; $who_id = $_SESSION['admin_id']; } elseif (isset($_SESSION["user_type"]) && $_SESSION["user_type"]=="AGENT") { $who = Notification::$AGENT; $who_id = $_SESSION['agent_id']; } else { $who=Notification::$UNKNOWN; $id=-1; } NotificationsDAO::AddNotification($key, Notification::$HIGH, $who, $who_id); } } // Insert data for sip_buddy if ($sip) { $FG_QUERY_ADITION_SIP_FIELDS = "name, accountcode, regexten, amaflags, callerid, context, dtmfmode, host, type, defaultuser, allow, secret, id_cc_card, nat, qualify, language, rtptimeout, rtpholdtimeout, rtpkeepalive, allowtransfer"; $instance_sip_table = new Table($FG_TABLE_SIP_NAME, $FG_QUERY_ADITION_SIP_FIELDS); $FG_QUERY_ADITION_SIP_IAX_VALUE = "'$useralias', '$accountnumber', '', '$amaflags', '', '$context', '$dtmfmode','$host', '$type', ". "'$useralias', '$allow', '$passui_secret', '$id_card', '$nat', '$qualify', '$language', '60', '300', '30', 'yes'"; $result_query1 = $instance_sip_table->Add_table($this->DBHandler, $FG_QUERY_ADITION_SIP_IAX_VALUE, null, null, null); if (USE_REALTIME) { $_SESSION["is_sip_iax_change"] = 1; $_SESSION["is_sip_changed"] = 1; } } // Insert data for iax_buddy if ($iax) { $FG_QUERY_ADITION_IAX_FIELDS = "name, accountcode, regexten, amaflags, callerid, context, host, type, username, allow, secret, id_cc_card, qualify"; $instance_iax_table = new Table($FG_TABLE_IAX_NAME, $FG_QUERY_ADITION_IAX_FIELDS); $FG_QUERY_ADITION_SIP_IAX_VALUE = "'$accountnumber', '$accountnumber', '$accountnumber', '$amaflags', '', '$context', '$host', '$type', ". "'$accountnumber', '$allow', '$passui_secret', '$id_card', '$qualify'"; $result_query2 = $instance_iax_table->Add_table($this->DBHandler, $FG_QUERY_ADITION_SIP_IAX_VALUE, null, null, null); if (USE_REALTIME) { $_SESSION["is_sip_iax_change"] = 1; $_SESSION["is_iax_changed"] = 1; } } }
public function insertReceiptItem($desc, $price) { $DBHandle = DbConnect(); $instance_sub_table = new Table("cc_receipt_item", "*"); $QUERY_FIELDS = 'id_receipt, description,price'; $QUERY_VALUES = "'{$this->id}', '{$desc}','{$price}'"; $return = $instance_sub_table->Add_table($DBHandle, $QUERY_VALUES, $QUERY_FIELDS, 'cc_receipt_item', 'id'); }
public function insertComment($desc, $creator, $creator_type) { $DBHandle = DbConnect(); $instance_sub_table = new Table("cc_ticket_comment", "*"); $QUERY_FIELDS = 'id_ticket, description,creator, creator_type'; $QUERY_VALUES = "'{$this->id}', '{$desc}','{$creator}', '{$creator_type}'"; switch ($creator_type) { case 0: $QUERY_FIELDS .= " ,viewed_cust "; $QUERY_VALUES .= " ,'0'"; break; case 1: $QUERY_FIELDS .= " ,viewed_admin "; $QUERY_VALUES .= " ,'0'"; break; case 2: $QUERY_FIELDS .= " ,viewed_agent "; $QUERY_VALUES .= " ,'0'"; break; } $return = $instance_sub_table->Add_table($DBHandle, $QUERY_VALUES, $QUERY_FIELDS, 'cc_ticket_comment', 'id'); switch ($creator_type) { case 0: $instance_sub_table = new Table("cc_card", "lastname, firstname"); $QUERY = " id = " . $creator; $subreturn = null; $subreturn = $instance_sub_table->Get_list($DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); $subvalue = $subreturn[0]; if (!is_null($subvalue)) { $owner_comment = $subvalue["lastname"] . " " . $subvalue["firstname"]; } break; case 1: $instance_sub_table = new Table("cc_ui_authen", "*"); $QUERY = " userid = " . $creator; $subreturn = null; $subreturn = $instance_sub_table->Get_list($DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); $subvalue = $subreturn[0]; if (!is_null($subvalue)) { $owner_comment = "(ADMINISTRATOR) " . $subvalue["login"]; } break; case 2: $instance_sub_table = new Table("cc_agent", "lastname, firstname,login"); $QUERY = " id = " . $creator; $subreturn = null; $subreturn = $instance_sub_table->Get_list($DBHandle, $QUERY, 0); $subvalue = $subreturn[0]; if (!is_null($subvalue)) { $owner_comment = "(AGENT) " . $subvalue["login"] . " - " . $subvalue["firstname"] . " " . $subvalue["lastname"]; } break; } $owner = $this->creator_login . " (" . $this->creator_firstname . " " . $this->creator_lastname . ")"; try { $mail = new Mail(Mail::$TYPE_TICKET_MODIFY, null, $this->creator_language); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_OWNER_KEY, $owner); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_NUMBER_KEY, $this->id); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_DESCRIPTION_KEY, $this->description); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_PRIORITY_KEY, Ticket::DisplayPriority($this->priority)); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_STATUS_KEY, Ticket::getStatusDisplay($this->status)); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_TITLE_KEY, $this->title); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_COMMENT_DESCRIPTION_KEY, $desc); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_COMMENT_CREATOR_KEY, $owner_comment); $mail->send($this->creator_email); } catch (A2bMailException $e) { $error_msg = $e->getMessage(); } try { $mail = new Mail(Mail::$TYPE_TICKET_MODIFY, null, $this->supportbox_language); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_OWNER_KEY, $owner); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_NUMBER_KEY, $this->id); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_DESCRIPTION_KEY, $this->description); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_PRIORITY_KEY, Ticket::DisplayPriority($this->priority)); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_STATUS_KEY, Ticket::getStatusDisplay($this->status)); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_TITLE_KEY, $this->title); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_COMMENT_DESCRIPTION_KEY, $desc); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_COMMENT_CREATOR_KEY, $owner_comment); $mail->send($this->supportbox_email); } catch (A2bMailException $e) { $error_msg = $e->getMessage(); } }
} $DBHandle = DbConnect(); if (!empty($action)) { switch ($action) { case 'add' : $DBHandle = DbConnect(); $instance_table = new Table("cc_message_agent","COUNT(*)"); $clause="id_agent = $id"; $result=$instance_table -> Get_list($DBHandle, $clause); if(is_array($result) && sizeof($result)>0){ $count = $result[0][0]; $fields="id_agent,type,message,order_display,logo"; if(empty($logo))$logo=0; $values="$id,$type,'".addslashes($_POST['message'])."',$count,$logo"; $return=$instance_table->Add_table($DBHandle, $values, $fields); if($return)$result_param ="success"; else $result_param ="faild"; header("Location: A2B_agent_home.php?" . "id=" . $id . "&result=$result_param"); die(); } header("Location: A2B_agent_home.php?" . "id=" . $id . "&result=faild"); die(); break; case 'askedit' : if(is_numeric($id_msg)){ $DBHandle = DbConnect(); $clause = "id = $id_msg"; $instance_table = new Table("cc_message_agent","*"); $result=$instance_table -> Get_list($DBHandle, $clause); if(is_array($result) && sizeof($result)>0){
if (!empty($id) && is_numeric($id)) { $instance_table_remittance = new Table("cc_remittance_request", "*"); $param_update_remittance = "status = '1'"; $clause_update_remittance = " id ='{$id}'"; $instance_table_remittance->Update_table($DBHandle, $param_update_remittance, $clause_update_remittance, $func_table = null); // load $result = $instance_table_remittance->Get_list($DBHandle, $clause_update_remittance); $type = $result[0]['type']; $agent_id = $result[0]['id_agent']; $credit = $result[0]['amount']; if ($type == 0) { // insert refill $field_insert = " credit, agent_id, description"; $value_insert = "'" . $credit . "', '{$agent_id}', '" . gettext('REFILL BY REMITTANCE REQUEST') . "'"; $instance_sub_table = new Table("cc_logrefill_agent", $field_insert); $instance_sub_table->Add_table($DBHandle, $value_insert, null, null, 'id'); //REFILL... UPDATE AGENT $instance_table_agent = new Table("cc_agent"); $param_update_agent = "credit = credit + '" . $credit . "' , com_balance = com_balance - {$credit} "; $clause_update_agent = " id='{$agent_id}'"; $instance_table_agent->Update_table($DBHandle, $param_update_agent, $clause_update_agent, $func_table = null); } else { //UPDATE AGENT $instance_table_agent = new Table("cc_agent"); $param_update_agent = " com_balance = com_balance - {$credit} "; $clause_update_agent = " id='{$agent_id}'"; $instance_table_agent->Update_table($DBHandle, $param_update_agent, $clause_update_agent, $func_table = null); } } die; }
static public function create_agent_refill() { global $A2B; $FormHandler = FormHandler::GetInstance(); $processed = $FormHandler->getProcessed(); if ($processed['added_refill']==1) { $id_payment = $FormHandler -> RESULT_QUERY; //CREATE REFILL $field_insert = "date, credit, agent_id ,refill_type, description"; $date = $processed['date']; $credit = $processed['payment']; $agent_id = $processed['agent_id']; $refill_type= $processed['payment_type']; $description = $processed['description']; $value_insert = " '$date' , '$credit', '$agent_id','$refill_type', '$description' "; $instance_sub_table = new Table("cc_logrefill_agent", $field_insert); $id_refill = $instance_sub_table -> Add_table ($FormHandler->DBHandle, $value_insert, null, null,"id"); //REFILL AGENT .. UPADTE AGENT $instance_table_agent = new Table("cc_agent"); $param_update_agent = "credit = credit + '".$credit."'"; $clause_update_agent = " id='$agent_id'"; $instance_table_agent -> Update_table ($FormHandler->DBHandle, $param_update_agent, $clause_update_agent, $func_table = null); //LINK THE REFILL TO THE PAYMENT .. UPADTE PAYMENT $instance_table_pay = new Table("cc_logpayment_agent"); $param_update_pay = "id_logrefill = '".$id_refill."'"; $clause_update_pay = " id ='$id_payment'"; $instance_table_pay-> Update_table ($FormHandler->DBHandle, $param_update_pay, $clause_update_pay, $func_table = null); } }
$FG_TABLE_CLAUSE = "id_agent = ".$_SESSION['agent_id']; $list_group = $instance_table_group -> Get_list ($DBHandle, $FG_TABLE_CLAUSE, "id", "ASC", null, null, null, null); $disabled =false; if($task=="generate" && !empty($tariffplan) && !empty($group)){ $code = gen_card('cc_agent_signup',10,'code'); $table_signup = new Table('cc_agent_signup'); $fields = "code,id_agent,id_tariffgroup,id_group"; $values = "'$code','".$_SESSION['agent_id']."', '$tariffplan','$group'"; $result_insert = $table_signup -> Add_table($DBHandle,$values,$fields); if($result_insert)$URL = $A2B->config['signup']['urlcustomerinterface']."signup.php?key=$code"; } ?> <?php $smarty->display('main.tpl'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function submit_form(form){
} die; } else { echo "false"; die; } break; default: die; break; } $DBHandle = DbConnect(); $table = new Table("cc_notification_admin", "*"); $fields = "id_notification, id_admin, viewed"; $values = " {$id} , " . $_SESSION['admin_id'] . ",1 "; $return = $table->Add_table($DBHandle, $values, $fields); if ($return) { echo "true"; } else { echo "false"; } die; } if (empty($page)) { $page = 1; } $DBHandle = DbConnect(); // #### HEADER SECTION $smarty->display('main__vt.tpl'); if (!VT_DEMO) { echo $CC_help_notifications;
if ($amount_rounded < $threshold_cur) { $err_msg = gettext("Invalid amount, is higher than the threshold to authorize a remittance"); } if ($amount_rounded > $commision_bal_cur) { $err_msg = gettext("Invalid amount, is higher than your commission Accrued"); } if ($action == "add" && empty($err_msg)) { if ($remittance_type == "BANK") { $type = 1; } else { $type = 0; } $table_remittance = new Table("cc_remittance_request"); $fields = "id_agent,amount,type"; $values = $_SESSION['agent_id'] . ",'{$amount_gobal_cur}',{$type}"; $id = $table_remittance->Add_table($DBHandle_max, $values, $fields, "cc_remittance_request", "id"); if (is_numeric($id) && $id > 0) { $insert = true; } else { $insert = false; } NotificationsDAO::AddNotification("remittance_added_agent", Notification::$MEDIUM, Notification::$AGENT, $_SESSION['agent_id'], Notification::$LINK_REMITTANCE, $id); } } ?> <table style="width:90%;margin:0 auto;" align="center"> <tr> <td align="center"> <table width="80%" align="center" class="tablebackgroundcamel"> <tr>
function archive_data($condition, $entity = "") { if (empty($condition)) { return 0; exit; } $handle = DbConnect(); $instance_table = new Table(); if (!empty($entity)) { if ($entity == "card") { $value = "SELECT id, creationdate, firstusedate, expirationdate, enableexpire, expiredays, username, useralias, uipass, credit, tariff, id_didgroup, activated, status, lastname, firstname, address, city, state, country, zipcode, phone, email,fax, inuse, simultaccess, currency, lastuse,nbused, typepaid, creditlimit, voipcall, sip_buddy, iax_buddy, language, redial, runservice, nbservice, id_campaign, num_trials_done, callback, vat, servicelastrun, initialbalance, invoiceday,autorefill, loginkey, activatedbyuser, mac_addr, id_timezone, tag, template_invoice, template_outstanding FROM cc_card {$condition}"; $func_fields = "id, creationdate, firstusedate, expirationdate, enableexpire, expiredays, username, useralias, uipass, credit, tariff, id_didgroup, activated, status, lastname, firstname, address, city, state, country, zipcode, phone, email,fax, inuse, simultaccess, currency, lastuse,nbused, typepaid, creditlimit, voipcall, sip_buddy, iax_buddy, language, redial, runservice, nbservice, id_campaign, num_trials_done, callback, vat, servicelastrun, initialbalance, invoiceday,autorefill, loginkey, activatedbyuser, mac_addr, id_timezone, tag, template_invoice, template_outstanding"; $func_table = 'cc_card_archive'; $id_name = ""; $subquery = true; $result = $instance_table->Add_table($handle, $value, $func_fields, $func_table, $id_name, $subquery); $fun_table = "cc_card"; if (strpos($condition, 'WHERE') > 0) { $condition = str_replace("WHERE", "", $condition); } $result = $instance_table->Delete_table($handle, $condition, $fun_table); } else { if ($entity == "call") { $value = "SELECT id, sessionid,uniqueid,username,nasipaddress,starttime,stoptime,sessiontime,calledstation,startdelay,stopdelay,terminatecause,usertariff,calledprovider,calledcountry,calledsub,calledrate,sessionbill,destination,id_tariffgroup,id_tariffplan,id_ratecard,id_trunk,sipiax,src,id_did,buyrate,buycost,id_card_package_offer,real_sessiontime FROM cc_call {$condition}"; $func_fields = "id, sessionid,uniqueid,username,nasipaddress,starttime,stoptime,sessiontime,calledstation,startdelay,stopdelay,terminatecause,usertariff,calledprovider,calledcountry,calledsub,calledrate,sessionbill,destination,id_tariffgroup,id_tariffplan,id_ratecard,id_trunk,sipiax,src,id_did,buyrate,buycost,id_card_package_offer,real_sessiontime"; $func_table = 'cc_call_archive'; $id_name = ""; $subquery = true; $result = $instance_table->Add_table($handle, $value, $func_fields, $func_table, $id_name, $subquery); if (strpos($condition, 'WHERE') > 0) { $condition = str_replace("WHERE", "", $condition); } $fun_table = "cc_call"; $result = $instance_table->Delete_table($handle, $condition, $fun_table); } } } return 1; }
$instance_table->Add_table($DBHandle, $value_insert, null, null, "id"); } //link payment to this invoice $table_payment_invoice = new Table("cc_invoice_payment", "*"); $fields = " id_invoice , id_payment"; $values = " {$id_invoice}, {$id_payment}\t"; $table_payment_invoice->Add_table($DBHandle, $values, $fields); //END INVOICE //Agent commision // test if this card have a agent $table_transaction = new Table(); $result_agent = $table_transaction->SQLExec($DBHandle, "SELECT cc_card_group.id_agent FROM cc_card LEFT JOIN cc_card_group ON = cc_card.id_group WHERE = {$id}"); if (is_array($result_agent) && !is_null($result_agent[0]['id_agent']) && $result_agent[0]['id_agent'] > 0) { //test if the agent exist and get its commission $id_agent = $result_agent[0]['id_agent']; $agent_table = new Table("cc_agent", "commission"); $agent_clause = "id = " . $id_agent; $result_agent = $agent_table->Get_list($DBHandle, $agent_clause); if (is_array($result_agent) && is_numeric($result_agent[0]['commission']) && $result_agent[0]['commission'] > 0) { $field_insert = "id_payment, id_card, amount,description,id_agent"; $commission = ceil($amount_paid * $result_agent[0]['commission'] / 100 * 100) / 100; $description_commission = gettext("AUTOMATICALY GENERATED COMMISSION!"); $description_commission .= "\nID CARD : " . $id; $description_commission .= "\nID PAYMENT : " . $id_payment; $description_commission .= "\nPAYMENT AMOUNT: " . $amount_paid; $description_commission .= "\nCOMMISSION APPLIED: " . $result_agent[0]['commission']; $value_insert = "'" . $id_payment . "', '{$id}', '{$commission}','{$description_commission}','{$id_agent}'"; $commission_table = new Table("cc_agent_commission", $field_insert); $id_commission = $commission_table->Add_table($DBHandle, $value_insert, null, null, "id"); } }
if (!is_null($FG_QUERY_ADITION_HIDDEN_FIELDS) && $FG_QUERY_ADITION_HIDDEN_FIELDS!=""){ if ($i>0) $param_add_fields .= ", "; $param_add_fields .= $FG_QUERY_ADITION_HIDDEN_FIELDS; if ($i>0) $param_add_value .= ", "; $param_add_value .= $FG_QUERY_ADITION_HIDDEN_VALUE; } if ($FG_DEBUG == 1) echo "<br><hr> $param_add_fields"; if ($FG_DEBUG == 1) echo "<br><hr> $param_add_value"; $FG_TABLE_ID = "id"; if ($VALID_SQL_REG_EXP) $result_query=$instance_table -> Add_table ($DBHandle, $param_add_value, $param_add_fields, null, $FG_TABLE_ID); if (!$result_query ){ //--echo "<br><b>".$instance_table -> errstr."</b><br>"; $findme = 'duplicate'; $pos_find = strpos($instance_sub_table -> errstr, $findme); // Note our use of ===. Simply == would not work as expected // because the position of 'a' was the 0th (first) character. if ($pos_find === false) { //-- echo $instance_sub_table -> errstr; }else{ //echo $FG_TEXT_ERROR_DUPLICATION; $alarm_db_error_duplication = true; }
include './form_data/'; include './lib/customer.smarty.php'; if (!has_rights(ACX_SUPPORT)) { Header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); Header("Location: PP_error.php?c=accessdenied"); die; } getpost_ifset(array('title', 'description', 'priority', 'component')); $HD_Form->setDBHandler(DbConnect()); $HD_Form->init(); // ADD TICKET if ((strlen($description) > 0 || strlen($title) > 0) && is_numeric($priority) && is_numeric($component)) { $fields = "creator,title, description, id_component, priority, viewed_cust"; $ticket_table = new Table('cc_ticket', $fields); $values = "'" . $_SESSION["card_id"] . "', '" . $title . "', '" . $description . "', '" . $component . "', '" . $priority . "' ,'0'"; $id_ticket = $ticket_table->Add_table($HD_Form->DBHandle, $values, null, null, "id"); NotificationsDAO::AddNotification("ticket_added_cust", Notification::$LOW, Notification::$CUST, $_SESSION['card_id'], Notification::$LINK_TICKET_CUST, $id_ticket); $table_card = new Table("cc_card", "firstname, lastname, language, email"); $card_clause = "id = " . $_SESSION["card_id"]; $result = $table_card->Get_list($HD_Form->DBHandle, $card_clause); $owner = $_SESSION["pr_login"] . " (" . $result[0]['firstname'] . " " . $result[0]['lastname'] . ")"; try { $mail = new Mail(Mail::$TYPE_TICKET_NEW, null, $result[0]['language']); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_OWNER_KEY, $owner); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_NUMBER_KEY, $id_ticket); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_DESCRIPTION_KEY, $description); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_PRIORITY_KEY, Ticket::DisplayPriority($priority)); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_STATUS_KEY, "NEW"); $mail->replaceInEmail(Mail::$TICKET_TITLE_KEY, $title); $mail->send($result[0]['email']); } catch (A2bMailException $e) {
function archive_data($condition, $entity = "") { $handle = DbConnect(); $instance_table = new Table(); if (!empty($entity)) { if ($entity == "card") { $func_fields = "id, creationdate, firstusedate, expirationdate, enableexpire, expiredays, username, useralias, uipass, credit, tariff, id_didgroup, activated, status, lastname, firstname, address, city, state, country, zipcode, phone, email, fax, inuse, simultaccess, currency, lastuse, nbused, typepaid, creditlimit, voipcall, sip_buddy, iax_buddy, language, redial, runservice, nbservice, id_campaign, num_trials_done, vat, servicelastrun, initialbalance, invoiceday, autorefill, loginkey, mac_addr, id_timezone, tag, voicemail_permitted, voicemail_activated, last_notification, email_notification, notify_email, credit_notification, id_group, company_name, company_website, VAT_RN, traffic, traffic_target, discount, restriction"; $value = "SELECT {$func_fields} FROM cc_card {$condition}"; $func_table = 'cc_card_archive'; $id_name = ""; $subquery = true; $result = $instance_table->Add_table($handle, $value, $func_fields, $func_table, $id_name, $subquery); $fun_table = "cc_card"; if (strpos($condition, 'WHERE') > 0) { $condition = str_replace("WHERE", "", $condition); } $result = $instance_table->Delete_table($handle, $condition, $fun_table); } else { if ($entity == "call") { $value = "SELECT id, sessionid,uniqueid,card_id,nasipaddress,starttime,stoptime,sessiontime,calledstation,sessionbill,id_tariffgroup,id_tariffplan,id_ratecard,id_trunk,sipiax,src,id_did,buyrate,id_card_package_offer,real_sessiontime FROM cc_call {$condition}"; $func_fields = "id, sessionid,uniqueid,card_id,nasipaddress,starttime,stoptime,sessiontime,calledstation,sessionbill,id_tariffgroup,id_tariffplan,id_ratecard,id_trunk,sipiax,src,id_did,buyrate,id_card_package_offer,real_sessiontime"; $func_table = 'cc_call_archive'; $id_name = ""; $subquery = true; $result = $instance_table->Add_table($handle, $value, $func_fields, $func_table, $id_name, $subquery); if (strpos($condition, 'WHERE') > 0) { $condition = str_replace("WHERE", "", $condition); } $fun_table = "cc_call"; $result = $instance_table->Delete_table($handle, $condition, $fun_table); } } } return 1; }
$arr_card_alias = gen_card_with_alias("cc_card", 0, $cardnumberlenght_list); $accountnumber = $arr_card_alias[0]; $useralias = $arr_card_alias[1]; if (!is_numeric($addcredit)) { $addcredit = 0; } $passui_secret = MDP_NUMERIC(5) . MDP_STRING(10) . MDP_NUMERIC(5); $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_VALUE = "'{$accountnumber}', '{$useralias}', '{$addcredit}', '{$choose_tariff}', 't', '{$gen_id}', '', '', '', '', '', '{$id_country}', '', '', {$choose_simultaccess}, '{$choose_currency}', " . "{$choose_typepaid}, {$creditlimit}, {$enableexpire}, '{$expirationdate}', {$expiredays}, '{$passui_secret}', '{$runservice}', '{$tag}', '{$id_group}', '{$discount}', '{$id_seria}', " . "'{$id_didgroup}', {$sip_buddy}, {$iax_buddy}, '{$vat}'"; if (DB_TYPE != "postgres") { $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_VALUE .= ", now() "; } $id_cc_card = $instance_sub_table->Add_table($HD_Form->DBHandle, $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_VALUE, null, null, $HD_Form->FG_TABLE_ID); //create refill for each cards if ($addcredit > 0) { $value_insert_refill = "'{$addcredit}', '{$id_cc_card}', '{$description_refill}' "; $instance_refill_table->Add_table($HD_Form->DBHandle, $value_insert_refill, null, null); } $instance_realtime->insert_voip_config($sip, $iax, $id_cc_card, $accountnumber, $passui_secret); } // Save Sip accounts to file if (isset($sip)) { $instance_realtime->create_trunk_config_file('sip'); } // Save IAX accounts to file if (isset($iax)) { $instance_realtime->create_trunk_config_file('iax'); } } if (!isset($_SESSION["IDfilter"])) { $_SESSION["IDfilter"] = 'NODEFINED'; }
$HD_Form->FG_OTHER_BUTTON2 = false; $HD_Form->FG_FILTER_APPLY = false; $HD_Form->FG_LIST_ADDING_BUTTON1 = false; $HD_Form->FG_LIST_ADDING_BUTTON2 = false; $nbvoucher = $choose_list; if ($nbvoucher > 0) { check_demo_mode(); $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_TABLE = "cc_voucher"; $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_FIELDS = "voucher, credit, activated, tag, currency, expirationdate"; $instance_sub_table = new Table($FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_TABLE, $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_FIELDS); $gen_id = time(); $_SESSION["IDfilter"] = $tag_list; for ($k = 0; $k < $nbvoucher; $k++) { $vouchernum = generate_unique_value($FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_TABLE, LEN_VOUCHER, 'voucher'); $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_VALUE = "'{$vouchernum}', '{$addcredit}', 't', '{$tag_list}', '{$choose_currency}', '{$expirationdate}'"; $result_query = $instance_sub_table->Add_table($HD_Form->DBHandle, $FG_ADITION_SECOND_ADD_VALUE, null, null); } } if (!isset($_SESSION["IDfilter"])) { $_SESSION["IDfilter"] = 'NODEFINED'; } $HD_Form->FG_TABLE_CLAUSE = "tag='" . $_SESSION["IDfilter"] . "'"; $HD_Form->init(); if ($id != "" || !is_null($id)) { $HD_Form->FG_EDITION_CLAUSE = str_replace("%id", "{$id}", $HD_Form->FG_EDITION_CLAUSE); } if (!isset($form_action)) { $form_action = "list"; } //ask-add if (!isset($action)) {
/** * Function to add_content * @public */ function perform_add_content($sub_action, $id) { $processed = $this->getProcessed(); $table_split = preg_split("/:/", $this->FG_TABLE_EDITION[$sub_action][14]); $instance_sub_table = new Table($table_split[0], $table_split[1] . ", " . $table_split[5]); if (is_array($processed[$table_split[1]])) { foreach ($processed[$table_split[1]] as $value) { if (empty($table_split[12]) || preg_match('/' . $this->FG_regular[$table_split[12]][0] . '/', $value)) { // RESPECT REGULAR EXPRESSION $result_query = $instance_sub_table->Add_table($this->DBHandle, "'" . addslashes(trim($value)) . "', '" . addslashes(trim($id)) . "'", null, null); if (!$result_query) { $findme = 'duplicate'; $pos_find = strpos($instance_sub_table->errstr, $findme); if ($pos_find === false) { echo $instance_sub_table->errstr; } else { $alarm_db_error_duplication = true; } } } } } else { $value = $processed[$table_split[1]]; if (empty($table_split[12]) || preg_match('/' . $this->FG_regular[$table_split[12]][0] . '/', $value)) { // RESPECT REGULAR EXPRESSION $result_query = $instance_sub_table->Add_table($this->DBHandle, "'" . addslashes(trim($value)) . "', '" . addslashes(trim($id)) . "'", null, null); if (!$result_query) { $findme = 'duplicate'; $pos_find = strpos($instance_sub_table->errstr, $findme); if ($pos_find === false) { echo $instance_sub_table->errstr; } else { $alarm_db_error_duplication = true; } } } } }
echo "CREATE TRUNK : {$nb_db_trunk} <br><br>\n\n"; } // ----------------------------------- // CREATE CALLPLAN // ----------------------------------- $id_callplan_list = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_callplan; $i++) { if ($verbose > 1) { echo "CREATE CALLPLAN : {$i}\n"; } $id_name = intval(microtime(true) * 10000) + rand(100000000, 999999999); $QUERY_FIELDS = "iduser ,idtariffplan ,tariffgroupname ,lcrtype ,creationdate ,removeinterprefix ,id_cc_package_offer"; $QUERY_VALUES = "'0', '0', 'CALLPLAN : {$id_name}', '0',NOW() , '0', '-1'"; $QUERY_ID = "id"; $QUERY_TABLE = "cc_tariffgroup"; $id_tmp = $instance_table->Add_table($A2B->DBHandle, $QUERY_VALUES, $QUERY_FIELDS, $QUERY_TABLE, $QUERY_ID); $id_callplan_list[$i] = $id_tmp; } $instance_callplan = new Table("cc_tariffgroup", "id"); $id_callplan_list = $instance_callplan->Get_list($A2B->DBHandle, null, null, null, null, null, 1000, 1); $nb_db_callplan = sizeof($id_callplan_list); if ($verbose > 0) { echo "CREATE CALLPLAN : " . $nb_db_callplan . " <br><br>\n\n"; } // ----------------------------------- // CREATE RATECARD // ----------------------------------- $id_ratecards_list = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_ratecard; $i++) { if ($verbose > 1) { echo "CREATE RATECARD : {$i}\n";
$filename = basename($path); $len = filesize($path); header("content-type: application/stream"); header("content-length: " . $len); header("content-disposition: attachment; filename=" . $filename); $fp = fopen($path, "r"); fpassthru($fp); exit; } if ($form_action == "upload") { $uploaddir = BACKUP_PATH . '/'; $uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['databasebackup']['name']); if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['databasebackup']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) { $instance_table_backup = new Table($HD_Form->FG_TABLE_NAME, 'id, name, path, creationdate'); $param_add_value = "'','Custom" . date("Ymd-His") . "','" . $uploadfile . "',now()"; $result_query = $instance_table_backup->Add_table($HD_Form->DBHandle, $param_add_value, null, null, null); if (isset($FG_GO_LINK_AFTER_UPLOAD)) { Header("Location: {$FG_GO_LINK_AFTER_UPLOAD}"); exit; } } else { $error_upload = gettext("Error uploading file"); } } $list = $HD_Form->perform_action($form_action); // #### HEADER SECTION $smarty->display('main.tpl'); // #### HELP SECTION echo $CC_help_database_restore; // #### TOP SECTION PAGE $HD_Form->create_toppage($form_action);
if ($id > 0) { $addcredit = $transaction_data[0][2]; $instance_table = new Table("cc_agent", ""); $param_update .= " credit = credit + '" . $amount_without_vat . "'"; $FG_EDITION_CLAUSE = " id='{$id}'"; $instance_table->Update_table($DBHandle, $param_update, $FG_EDITION_CLAUSE, $func_table = null); write_log(LOGFILE_EPAYMENT, basename(__FILE__) . ' line:' . __LINE__ . "-transactionID={$transactionID}" . " Update_table cc_card : {$param_update} - CLAUSE : {$FG_EDITION_CLAUSE}"); $field_insert = "date, credit, agent_id, description"; $value_insert = "'{$nowDate}', '" . $amount_without_vat . "', '{$id}', '" . $transaction_data[0][4] . "'"; $instance_sub_table = new Table("cc_logrefill_agent", $field_insert); $id_logrefill = $instance_sub_table->Add_table($DBHandle, $value_insert, null, null, 'id'); write_log(LOGFILE_EPAYMENT, basename(__FILE__) . ' line:' . __LINE__ . "-transactionID={$transactionID}" . " Add_table cc_logrefill : {$field_insert} - VALUES {$value_insert}"); $field_insert = "date, payment, agent_id, id_logrefill, description"; $value_insert = "'{$nowDate}', '" . $amount_paid . "', '{$id}', '{$id_logrefill}', '" . $transaction_data[0][4] . "'"; $instance_sub_table = new Table("cc_logpayment_agent", $field_insert); $id_payment = $instance_sub_table->Add_table($DBHandle, $value_insert, null, null, "id"); write_log(LOGFILE_EPAYMENT, basename(__FILE__) . ' line:' . __LINE__ . "-transactionID={$transactionID}" . " Add_table cc_logpayment : {$field_insert} - VALUES {$value_insert}"); } $_SESSION["p_amount"] = null; $_SESSION["p_cardexp"] = null; $_SESSION["p_cardno"] = null; $_SESSION["p_cardtype"] = null; $_SESSION["p_module"] = null; $_SESSION["p_module"] = null; //Update the Transaction Status to 1 (Proceed 1) $QUERY = "UPDATE cc_epayment_log_agent SET status=1, transaction_detail='" . addslashes($transaction_detail) . "' WHERE id = " . $transactionID; $paymentTable->SQLExec($DBHandle_max, $QUERY); write_log(LOGFILE_EPAYMENT, basename(__FILE__) . ' line:' . __LINE__ . "- QUERY = {$QUERY}"); switch ($orderStatus) { case -2: $statusmessage = "Failed";