function display($tpl = null) { $task = JRequest::getVar('task'); if ($task == "save" || $task == "apply") { return $this->save($task); } if ($task == "cancel") { return $this->cancel(); } FSS_Helper::IncludeModal(); FSS_CSSParse::OutputCSS('components/com_fss/assets/css/bootstrap/bootstrap_fssonly.less'); $model = $this->getModel(); $this->item = $this->get('Item'); $this->section = $this->get('Section'); $this->formid = $this->get('FormID'); if ($this->section == "com_fss.support_admin" && JRequest::getVar('nojs') != 1) { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addScript(JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_fss/assets/js/'); } $this->getTexts(); $this->form = $model->getForm($this->formid); JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_("Permissions") . ': <small><small>[ ' . $this->title . ' ]</small></small>', 'fss_prods'); JToolBarHelper::apply(); JToolBarHelper::save(); JToolBarHelper::cancel(); JToolBarHelper::custom("nojs", "", "", "Old Version", false); FSSAdminHelper::DoSubToolbar(true); parent::display($tpl); }
function displayRegistered() { if (FSS_Settings::get('support_no_admin_for_user_open')) { JFactory::getApplication()->redirect("index.php?option=com_fss&view=admin_support"); } FSS_Helper::IncludeModal(); $this->_display("registered"); }
function display($tpl = NULL) { // view a ticket! $this->ticketid = FSS_Input::getInt('ticketid'); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addScript(JURI::root() . 'components/com_fss/assets/js/bootstrap/bootstrap-timepicker.min.js'); $this->ticket = new SupportTicket(); if (!$this->ticket->load($this->ticketid)) { if ($this->ticket->checkExist($this->ticketid)) { return $this->_display("noperm"); } else { return JError::raiseWarning(404, JText::_('Ticket not found')); } } if ($this->ticket->merged > 0 && FSS_Input::getInt('no_redirect') != '1') { JFactory::getApplication()->redirect(FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=admin_support&layout=ticket&ticketid=' . $this->ticket->merged . "&Itemid=" . FSS_Input::getInt('Itemid'), false)); } $reverse = JRequest::getInt('sort', null); if ($reverse !== null) { if ($reverse) { // we want messages in opposite order to normal if (SupportUsers::getSetting("reverse_order")) { $reverse = true; } else { $reverse = false; } } else { // we want messages in normal order $reverse = null; } } $this->ticket->loadAll($reverse); $this->loadMerged(); $pathway = JFactory::getApplication()->getPathway(); $pathway->addItem(JText::_("SUPPORT"), FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=admin_support&tickets=' . $this->ticket_view)); $pathway->addItem(JText::_("VIEW_TICKET") . " : " . $this->ticket->reference . " - " . $this->ticket->title); $this->assignOnOpen(); $this->tryLock(); if ($this->ticket->admin_id > 0) { $this->adminuser = SupportUsers::getUser($this->ticket->admin_id); } $this->ticket_view = $this->ticket->ticket_status_id; $this->HandleRefresh(); if (FSS_Settings::get('time_tracking') == "auto") { $session = JFactory::getSession(); $session->set('ticket_' . $this->ticket->id . "_opened", time()); } FSS_Helper::IncludeModal(); FSS_Helper::AddSCEditor(); $this->HandleRefresh(); $this->print = FSS_Input::getCmd('print'); if ($this->print) { return $this->_display("print"); } $this->_display(); }
function displayType() { require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_fss' . DS . 'helper' . DS . 'content' . DS . $this->type . '.php'; $class = "FSS_ContentEdit_{$this->type}"; $content = new $class(); $content->layout = $this->layout; $content->type = $this->type; $content->view = $this->view; FSS_Helper::IncludeModal(); $content->Display(); }
function display($tpl = NULL) { $preview = FSS_Input::getCmd('preview'); if ($preview) { return $this->showPreview($preview); } FSS_Helper::IncludeModal(); $this->state = FSS_Input::getCmd('state'); $this->ticket_view = ""; $this->getLimits(); $this->pending = $this->loadPending(); $this->_display(); }
function display($tpl = null) { $task = JRequest::getVar('task'); if ($task == "save" || $task == "apply" || $task == "save2new") { return $this->save($task); } if ($task == "cancel") { return $this->cancel(); } FSS_CSSParse::OutputCSS('components/com_fss/assets/css/bootstrap/bootstrap_fssonly.less'); $model = $this->getModel(); $user = $this->get('Data'); $isNew = $user->id < 1; $model->user = $user; $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $text = $isNew ? JText::_("NEW") : JText::_("EDIT"); JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_("USER") . ': <small><small>[ ' . $text . ' ]</small></small>', 'fss_users'); JToolBarHelper::apply(); JToolBarHelper::save(); JToolBarHelper::save2new(); if ($isNew) { JToolBarHelper::cancel(); } else { // for existing items the button is renamed `close` JToolBarHelper::cancel('cancel', 'Close'); } FSSAdminHelper::DoSubToolbar(); $username = !empty($user->name) ? $user->name : ""; $userid = !empty($user->user_id) ? $user->user_id : 0; $input = "<input type='hidden' name='user_id' id='user_id' value='" . $userid . "' class='input-mini' />"; $input .= "<input type='text' name='user_name' id='user_name' value='" . $username . "' class='input-xlarge' disabled='disabled' />"; $newLink = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=listusers&tmpl=component&tpl=fuser'); if ($isNew) { $input .= " <a href='{$newLink}' class='btn btn-default show_modal_iframe'>Choose User</a>"; } $this->users = $input; $this->user = $user; $this->sort_load_data(); $this->form = $model->getForm(); FSS_Helper::IncludeModal(); parent::display($tpl); }
function searchTickets() { FSS_Helper::IncludeModal(); FSS_Helper::AllowCache(); $this->ticket_count = 0; $this->refresh = 0; $this->do_refresh = 0; $pathway = JFactory::getApplication()->getPathway(); $pathway->addItem(JText::_("SUPPORT"), FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=admin_support&tickets=' . $this->ticket_view, false)); $pathway->addItem(JText::_("SEARCH_RESULTS")); $tags = FSS_Input::getString('tags'); $tags = trim($tags, ';'); if ($tags) { $tags = explode(";", $tags); $this->tags = $tags; } $this->ticket_list = new SupportTickets(); $this->ticket_list->limitstart = $this->limitstart; $this->ticket_list->limit = $this->limit; $this->ticket_list->loadTicketsBySearch(); $this->ticket_count = $this->ticket_list->ticket_count; $this->pagination = new JPaginationJS($this->ticket_count, $this->limitstart, $this->limit); $this->displayTicketList(); }
if ($mode == "accordion") { $maxheight = 0; } $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $qry = "SELECT * FROM #__fss_faq_faq"; $where = array(); $where[] = "published = 1"; // for cats if ($catid > 0) { $where[] = "faq_cat_id = " . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $catid); } else { if ($catid == -5) { $where[] = "featured = 1"; } } if (count($where) > 0) { $qry .= " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $where); } $order = "ordering"; $qry .= " ORDER BY {$order} "; if ($dispcount > 0) { $qry .= " LIMIT {$dispcount}"; } $db->setQuery($qry); $data = $db->loadObjectList(); $posdata = array(); if ($mode == "popup") { FSS_Helper::IncludeModal(); } require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_fss_faqs'); }
function display($tpl = null) { if (!FSS_Permission::auth("fss.view", "com_fss.glossary")) { return FSS_Helper::NoPerm(); } $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $aparams = FSS_Settings::GetViewSettingsObj('glossary'); $this->use_letter_bar = $aparams->get('use_letter_bar', 0); $this->long_desc = $aparams->get('long_desc', 0); if ($this->use_letter_bar) { $this->letters = array(); if (FSS_Settings::get('glossary_all_letters')) { $letters = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'); foreach ($letters as $letter) { $this->letters[$letter] = 0; } } $qry = "SELECT UPPER(SUBSTR(word,1,1)) as letter FROM #__fss_glossary"; $where = array(); $where[] = "published = 1"; $where[] = 'language in (' . $db->Quote(JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag()) . ',' . $db->Quote('*') . ')'; $user = JFactory::getUser(); $where[] = 'access IN (' . implode(',', $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()) . ')'; if (count($where) > 0) { $qry .= " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $where); } $qry .= " GROUP BY letter ORDER BY letter"; $db->setQuery($qry); $letters = $db->loadObjectList(); foreach ($letters as $letter) { $this->letters[$letter->letter] = 1; } if (count($this->letters) == 0) { return parent::display("empty"); } } $this->curletter = ""; // if we are showing on a per letter basis only if ($this->use_letter_bar == 2) { reset($this->letters); $this->curletter = FSS_Input::getString('letter', key($this->letters)); } if (FSS_Input::getCmd('layout') == "word") { return $this->showWord(); } $where = array(); $where[] = "published = 1"; $query = "SELECT * FROM #__fss_glossary"; if ($this->curletter) { $where[] = "SUBSTR(word,1,1) = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $this->curletter) . "'"; } $where[] = 'language in (' . $db->Quote(JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag()) . ',' . $db->Quote('*') . ')'; $user = JFactory::getUser(); $where[] = 'access IN (' . implode(',', $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()) . ')'; if (count($where) > 0) { $query .= " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $where); } $query .= " ORDER BY word"; $db->setQuery($query); $this->rows = $db->loadObjectList(); $pathway = $mainframe->getPathway(); if (FSS_Helper::NeedBaseBreadcrumb($pathway, array('view' => 'glossary'))) { $pathway->addItem("Glossary"); } if (FSS_Settings::get('glossary_use_content_plugins')) { // apply plugins to article body $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('content'); $art = new stdClass(); $this->params = $mainframe->getParams('com_fss'); foreach ($this->rows as &$row) { if ($row->description) { $art->text = $row->description; $art->noglossary = 1; $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array('com_fss.glossary', &$art, &$this->params, 0)); $row->description = $art->text; } if ($row->longdesc) { $art->text = $row->longdesc; $art->noglossary = 1; $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array('com_fss.glossary.long', &$art, &$this->params, 0)); $row->longdesc = $art->text; } } } FSS_Helper::IncludeModal(); parent::display($tpl); }
function Display($tpl = NULL) { if (!FSS_Permission::auth("core.edit", $this->getAsset()) && !FSS_Permission::auth("core.edit.own", $this->getAsset())) { return FSS_Admin_Helper::NoPerm(); } $this->Init(); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $this->what = FSS_Input::getCmd('what', ''); $user = JFactory::getUser(); $userid = $user->get('id'); $this->viewurl = ""; $return = FSS_Input::getString('return', ''); if ($return == 1) { JRequest::setVar('return', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } if ($this->what == "pick") { return $this->HandlePick(); } if ($this->what == "author") { return $this->HandleAuthor(); } if ($this->what == "publish" || $this->what == "unpublish") { return $this->HandlePublish(); } if ($this->what == "cancel") { $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $link = FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=admin_content&type=' . $this->id, false); $return = FSS_Input::getString('return', ''); if ($return && $return != 1) { $link = $return; } $mainframe->redirect($link); } if ($this->what == "save" || $this->what == "apply" || $this->what == "savenew") { return $this->Save(); } if ($this->what == "new") { return $this->Create(); } if ($this->what == "edit") { $this->item = $this->getSingle(); $this->viewurl = $this->getArtLink(); if (FSS_Permission::auth("core.edit", $this->getAsset())) { $this->authorselect = $this->AuthorSelect($this->item); } FSS_Helper::IncludeModal(); $this->Output("form"); return; } $this->GetListFilter(); $this->data = $this->getList(); $this->Output("list"); }
function doDisplayTicket() { if (!FSS_Permission::auth("fss.ticket.view", "com_fss.support_user")) { return FSS_Helper::NoPerm(); } if (!$this->GetTicket()) { return; } $this->readonly = false; SupportSource::doUser_View_Redirect($this->ticket); $this->redirectMergedTickets(); $this->getCCInfo(); // update lang code on ticket $lang = JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag(); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $qry = "UPDATE #__fss_ticket_ticket SET lang = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $lang) . "' WHERE id = " . $this->ticket['id']; $db->setQuery($qry); $db->Query(); $what = FSS_Input::getCmd('what'); if ($what == "print") { return parent::display("print"); } $this->FixTicketStatus(); FSS_Helper::IncludeModal(); parent::display(); }
function display($tpl = null) { if (!FSS_Permission::auth("fss.view", "com_fss.kb")) { return FSS_Helper::NoPerm(); } $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_fss' . DS . 'helper' . DS . 'content' . DS . 'kb.php'; $this->content = new FSS_ContentEdit_KB(); $this->content->Init(); $this->pagetitle = ""; $model = $this->getModel(); $model->content = $this->content; $this->assign('search', ''); $what = FSS_Input::getCmd('what'); // basic permissions on article stats stop people seeing stats when disabled if (!FSS_Settings::get('kb_show_views')) { $what = ""; } if ($what == "recent" && !FSS_Settings::get('kb_show_recent')) { $what = ""; } if ($what == "viewed" && !FSS_Settings::get('kb_show_viewed')) { $what = ""; } if ($what == "rated" && !FSS_Settings::get('kb_show_rated')) { $what = ""; } $user = JFactory::getUser(); $userid = $user->id; /*$db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = "SELECT * FROM #__fss_user WHERE user_id = '".FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $userid)."'"; $db->setQuery($query); $this->_permissions = $db->loadAssoc();*/ $fileid = FSS_Input::getInt('fileid'); if ($fileid > 0) { return $this->downloadFile(); } FSS_Helper::IncludeModal(); if ($what != "") { return $this->showWhat(); } $search = FSS_Input::getString('kbsearch'); if ($search != "") { return $this->searchArticles(); } $search = FSS_Input::getString('prodsearch'); if ($search != "") { return $this->searchProducts(); } $kbartid = FSS_Input::getInt('kbartid'); if ($kbartid > 0) { return $this->showArt(); } $catid = FSS_Input::getInt('catid'); if ($catid > 0) { return $this->showCat(); } $prodid = FSS_Input::getInt('prodid'); if ($prodid > 0) { return $this->showProd(); } $this->showMain(); }
function doReply() { $this->ticketid = FSS_Input::getInt('ticketid'); $this->ticket = new SupportTicket(); if (!$this->ticket->load($this->ticketid)) { return JError::raiseWarning(404, JText::_('Ticket not found')); } $this->ticket->loadAll(); if (FSS_Settings::get('time_tracking') != "") { if (FSS_Settings::get('time_tracking_type') == 'se') { $this->time_start = FSS_Helper::Date(time(), FSS_DATE_CUSTOM, "H:i:s"); $this->time_end = FSS_Helper::Date(time(), FSS_DATE_CUSTOM, "H:i:s"); } elseif (FSS_Settings::get('time_tracking_type') == 'tm') { $this->time_start = FSS_Helper::Date(time(), FSS_DATE_CUSTOM, FSS_Helper::getFormat()); $this->time_end = FSS_Helper::Date(time(), FSS_DATE_CUSTOM, FSS_Helper::getFormat()); } else { $this->taken_hours = 0; $this->taken_mins = 0; } } if (FSS_Settings::get('time_tracking') == "auto") { $session = JFactory::getSession(); $taken = $session->get('ticket_' . $this->ticket->id . "_opened"); if (FSS_Settings::get('time_tracking_type') == 'se') { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addScript(JURI::root() . 'components/com_fss/assets/js/bootstrap/bootstrap-timepicker.min.js'); $document->addScriptDeclaration("jQuery(document).ready(function () {jQuery('#timetaken_start').timepicker({minuteStep:5, showMeridian: false});jQuery('#timetaken_end').timepicker({minuteStep:5, showMeridian: false});});"); $this->time_start = FSS_Helper::Date($taken, FSS_DATE_CUSTOM, "H:i:s"); } else { if ($taken > 0) { $taken = time() - $taken; } $this->time_taken = $taken; $taken = ceil($taken / 60); $this->taken_hours = floor($taken / 60); $this->taken_mins = $taken % 60 + 1; } } $this->fields = FSSCF::GetCustomFields($this->ticket->id, $this->ticket->prod_id, $this->ticket->ticket_dept_id, 3); $this->fieldvalues = FSSCF::GetTicketValues($this->ticket->id, $this->ticket); $pathway = JFactory::getApplication()->getPathway(); $pathway->addItem(JText::_("SUPPORT"), FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=admin_support&tickets=' . $this->ticket_view, false)); $pathway->addItem(JText::_("VIEW_TICKET") . " : " . $this->ticket->reference . " - " . $this->ticket->title, FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=admin_support&tickets=' . $this->ticket_view . "&ticketid=" . $this->ticket->id, false)); $this->reply_type = FSS_Input::getCmd('type', 'reply'); if ($this->reply_type == "") { $this->reply_type = "reply"; } switch ($this->reply_type) { case 'reply': $this->reply_title = "REPLY_TO_SUPORT_TICKET"; $this->reply_button = "POST_REPLY"; $pathway->addItem(JText::_("POST_REPLY")); break; case 'private': $this->reply_title = "ADD_HANDLER_COMMENT_TO_TICKET"; $this->reply_button = "POST_COMMENT"; $pathway->addItem(JText::_("ADD_COMMENT")); break; case 'user': $this->reply_title = "FORWARD_TICKET_TO_A_DIFFERENT_USER"; $this->reply_button = "FORWARD_TICKET"; if ($this->ticket->user_id > 0) { $user = JFactory::getUser($this->ticket->user_id); } else { $user = new stdClass(); $user->username = $this->ticket->email; $user->name = $this->ticket->unregname; } $this->user = $user; $pathway->addItem(JText::_("FORWARD_TO_USER")); break; case 'product': $this->reply_title = "FORWARD_TICKET_TO_A_DIFFERENT_DEPARTMENT"; $this->reply_button = "FORWARD_TICKET"; $this->handlers = SupportUsers::getHandlers(false, true); $pathway->addItem(JText::_("FORWARD_TO_DEPARTMENT")); break; case 'handler': $this->reply_title = "FORWARD_TICKET_TO_A_DIFFERENT_HANDLER"; $this->reply_button = "FORWARD_TICKET"; $this->handlers = SupportUsers::getHandlers(false, true); $pathway->addItem(JText::_("FORWARD_TO_HANDLER")); break; } $this->draft = FSS_Input::getInt('draft'); $this->user_message = $this->loadDraft($this->draft); $this->support_assign_reply = FSS_Settings::get('support_assign_reply'); FSS_Helper::IncludeModal(); FSS_Helper::AddSCEditor(); parent::_display(); }
function DisplayGroupList() { $this->groups = $this->get('Groups'); $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $pathway = $mainframe->getPathway(); if (FSS_Helper::NeedBaseBreadcrumb($pathway, array('view' => 'groups'))) { $pathway->addItem(JText::_('TICKET_GROUPS'), FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=admin_groups')); } FSS_Helper::IncludeModal(); parent::display(); }
function display($tpl = null) { if (!FSS_Permission::auth("fss.view", "com_fss.faq")) { return FSS_Helper::NoPerm(); } require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_fss' . DS . 'helper' . DS . 'content' . DS . 'faqs.php'; $this->content = new FSS_ContentEdit_FAQs(); $this->content->Init(); $model = $this->getModel(); $model->content = $this->content; $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $faqid = FSS_Input::getInt('faqid'); $aparams = FSS_Settings::GetViewSettingsObj('faqs'); if ($faqid > 0) { $tmpl = FSS_Input::getCmd('tmpl'); $this->tmpl = $tmpl; $this->setLayout("faq"); $faq = $this->get("Faq"); $this->faq = $faq; if (!$this->faq) { return JError::raiseWarning(404, JText::_('FAQ NOT FOUND')); } $pathway = $mainframe->getPathway(); if (FSS_Helper::NeedBaseBreadcrumb($pathway, array('view' => 'faq'))) { $pathway->addItem(JText::_('FREQUENTLY_ASKED_QUESTIONS'), FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=faq')); } $pathway->addItem($faq['title'], FSSRoute::_('&limitstart=&layout=&faqid=&catid=' . $faq['faq_cat_id'])); // FIX LINK $pathway->addItem($faq['question']); if (FSS_Settings::get('faq_use_content_plugins')) { // apply plugins to article body $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance(); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('content'); $art = new stdClass(); $art->text = $faq['answer']; $art->noglossary = 1; $this->params = $mainframe->getParams('com_fss'); $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array('com_fss.faq', &$art, &$this->params, 0)); $faq['answer'] = $art->text; } // load tags $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $qry = "SELECT * FROM #__fss_faq_tags WHERE faq_id IN (" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $faqid) . ") GROUP BY tag ORDER BY tag"; $db->setQuery($qry); $rows = $db->loadObjectList(); $this->tags = array(); foreach ($rows as &$row) { $id = $row->faq_id; $this->tags[] = "<a href='" . FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=faq&tag=' . urlencode($row->tag) . '&Itemid=' . FSS_Input::getInt('Itemid')) . "'>{$row->tag}</a>"; } //$document = JFactory::getDocument(); //$document->setTitle(JText::_("FAQS") . ' - ' . $faq['title']); if (FSS_Input::getCmd('tmpl') == "component") { return parent::display("popup"); } parent::display(); return; } $pathway = $mainframe->getPathway(); if (FSS_Helper::NeedBaseBreadcrumb($pathway, array('view' => 'faq'))) { $pathway->addItem(JText::_('FREQUENTLY_ASKED_QUESTIONS'), FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=faq')); } $hide_allfaqs = $aparams->get('hide_allfaqs', 0); $show_featured = $aparams->get('show_featured', 0); $hide_tags = $aparams->get('hide_tags', 0); $hide_search = $aparams->get('hide_search', 0); $view_mode = $aparams->get('view_mode', 'questionwithpopup'); $view_mode_cat = $aparams->get('view_mode_cat', 'list'); $view_mode_incat = $aparams->get('view_mode_incat', 'list'); $enable_pages = $aparams->get('enable_pages', 1); $num_cat_colums = $aparams->get('num_cat_colums', 1); if ($num_cat_colums < 1 && !$num_cat_colums) { $num_cat_colums = 1; } if ($view_mode_cat != "list") { $num_cat_colums = 1; } $catlist = $this->get("CatList"); $search = $this->get("Search"); $curcatdesc = $this->get("CurCatDesc"); $curcatimage = $this->get("CurCatImage"); $curcattitle = $this->get("CurCatTitle"); $curcatid = $this->get("CurCatID"); // Get data from the model if ($curcatid == -4) { return $this->listTags(); } if ($curcatid == -5) { $curcattitle = "Featured FAQs"; $curcatimage = "/components/com_fss/assets/images/featured.png"; } $pagination = $this->get('Pagination'); $model = $this->getModel(); $search = $model->_search; if ($search || $curcatid > 0 || FSS_Input::getInt('catid') != "" || FSS_Input::getString('tag') != "") { $view_mode_cat = ""; } if ($search) { FSS_Helper::AllowCache(); } $items = array(); if ($view_mode_cat == "inline" || $view_mode_cat == "accordian") { //echo "Getting all data!<br>"; $alldata = $this->get("AllData"); if (FSS_Settings::get('faq_use_content_plugins_list')) { // apply plugins to article body $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('content'); $art = new stdClass(); foreach ($alldata as &$item) { $art->text = $item['answer']; $art->noglossary = 1; $this->params = $mainframe->getParams('com_fss'); $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array('com_fss.faq', &$art, &$this->params, 0)); $item['answer'] = $art->text; } } foreach ($catlist as &$cat) { $catid = $cat['id']; foreach ($alldata as $faq) { if ($faq['faq_cat_id'] == $catid) { $cat['faqs'][] = $faq; } } } // inline mode, so if we have featured faqs listed, load the data for those $this->featured_faqs = $this->get('FeaturedFaqs'); } else { $items = $this->get('Data'); if (FSS_Settings::get('faq_use_content_plugins_list')) { // apply plugins to article body $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance(); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('content'); $art = new stdClass(); foreach ($items as &$item) { $art->text = $item['answer']; $art->noglossary = 1; $this->params =& $mainframe->getParams('com_fss'); $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array('com_fss.faq', &$art, &$this->params, 0)); $item['answer'] = $art->text; } } } $showfaqs = true; $showcats = true; if (FSS_Input::getString('tag') != "") { // got tag selected $showfaqs = true; $showcats = false; $curcatid = -2; $pathway = $mainframe->getPathway(); $pathway->addItem(JText::_("TAGS"), FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=faq&catid=-4&Itemid=' . FSS_Input::getInt('Itemid'))); $pathway->addItem(FSS_Input::getString('tag')); $curcattitle = FSS_Input::getString('tag'); // do we have a category specified??? } else { if (FSS_Input::getInt('catid', '') == '' && FSS_Input::getInt('search', '') == '') { // no cat specified $showfaqs = false; $curcatid = -2; } else { // got a cat specced $pathway = $mainframe->getPathway(); $pathway->addItem($curcattitle); $showcats = false; } } // load tags $faqids = array(); if ($items && is_array($items)) { foreach ($items as &$item) { $faqids[] = FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $item['id']); } } $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $this->tags = array(); if (count($faqids) > 0) { $qry = "SELECT * FROM #__fss_faq_tags WHERE faq_id IN (" . implode(", ", $faqids) . ") GROUP BY tag ORDER BY tag"; $db->setQuery($qry); $rows = $db->loadObjectList(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $id = $row->faq_id; if (!array_key_exists($id, $this->tags)) { $this->tags[$id] = array(); } $this->tags[$id][] = "<a href='" . FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=faq&tag=' . urlencode($row->tag) . '&Itemid=' . FSS_Input::getInt('Itemid')) . "'>{$row->tag}</a>"; } } // hide tags if none have been set $qry = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM #__fss_faq_tags"; $db->setQuery($qry); $row = $db->loadObject(); if ($row->cnt == 0) { $hide_tags = true; } $this->catlist = $catlist; $this->search = $search; $this->curcattitle = $curcattitle; $this->curcatimage = $curcatimage; $this->curcatdesc = $curcatdesc; // push data into the template $this->pagination = $pagination; $this->items = $items; $this->assign('curcatid', $curcatid); $this->assign('showcats', $showcats); $this->assign('showfaqs', $showfaqs); $this->assign('hide_allfaqs', $hide_allfaqs); $this->assign('show_featured', $show_featured); $this->assign('hide_tags', $hide_tags); $this->assign('hide_search', $hide_search); $this->assign('view_mode', $view_mode); $this->assign('num_cat_colums', $num_cat_colums); $this->assign('view_mode_cat', $view_mode_cat); $this->assign('view_mode_incat', $view_mode_incat); $this->assign('enable_pages', $enable_pages); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $qry = "SELECT tag FROM #__fss_faq_tags "; $qry .= ' WHERE language in (' . $db->Quote(JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag()) . ',' . $db->Quote('*') . ')'; $qry .= "GROUP BY tag ORDER BY tag"; $db->setQuery($qry); $this->all_tags = $db->loadObjectList(); FSS_Helper::IncludeModal(); parent::display($tpl); }