예제 #1
    public function query($sql, $errorLevel = E_USER_ERROR)
        if (isset($_REQUEST['previewwrite']) && in_array(strtolower(substr($sql, 0, strpos($sql, ' '))), array('insert', 'update', 'delete', 'replace'))) {
            Debug::message("Will execute: {$sql}");
        if (isset($_REQUEST['showqueries'])) {
            $starttime = microtime(true);
        // @todo This is a very ugly hack to rewrite the update statement of SiteTree::doPublish()
        // @see SiteTree::doPublish() There is a hack for MySQL already, maybe it's worth moving this to SiteTree or that other hack to Database...
        if (preg_replace('/[\\W\\d]*/i', '', $sql) == 'UPDATESiteTree_LiveSETSortSiteTreeSortFROMSiteTreeWHERESiteTree_LiveIDSiteTreeIDANDSiteTree_LiveParentID') {
            preg_match('/\\d+/i', $sql, $matches);
            $sql = 'UPDATE "SiteTree_Live"
				SET "Sort" = (SELECT "SiteTree"."Sort" FROM "SiteTree" WHERE "SiteTree_Live"."ID" = "SiteTree"."ID")
				WHERE "ParentID" = ' . $matches[0];
        @($handle = $this->dbConn->query($sql));
        if (isset($_REQUEST['showqueries'])) {
            $endtime = round(microtime(true) - $starttime, 4);
            Debug::message("\n{$sql}\n{$endtime}ms\n", false);
        DB::$lastQuery = $handle;
        if (!$handle && $errorLevel) {
            $msg = $this->dbConn->errorInfo();
            $this->databaseError("Couldn't run query: {$sql} | " . $msg[2], $errorLevel);
        return new SQLitePDOQuery($this, $handle);
예제 #2
 public function getNestedController()
     if ($this->urlParams['URLSegment']) {
         $SQL_URLSegment = Convert::raw2sql($this->urlParams['URLSegment']);
         if (Translatable::is_enabled()) {
             $child = Translatable::get_one("SiteTree", "URLSegment = '{$SQL_URLSegment}'");
         } else {
             $child = DataObject::get_one("SiteTree", "URLSegment = '{$SQL_URLSegment}'");
         if (!$child) {
             $child = $this->get404Page();
         if ($child) {
             if (isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) {
                 Debug::message("Using record #{$child->ID} of type {$child->class} with URL {$this->urlParams['URLSegment']}");
             $controllerClass = "{$child->class}_Controller";
             if ($this->urlParams['Action'] && ClassInfo::exists($controllerClass . '_' . $this->urlParams['Action'])) {
                 $controllerClass = $controllerClass . '_' . $this->urlParams['Action'];
             if (ClassInfo::exists($controllerClass)) {
                 $controller = new $controllerClass($child);
             } else {
                 $controller = $child;
             return $controller;
         } else {
             die("The requested page couldn't be found.");
     } else {
         user_error("ModelAsController not geting a URLSegment.  It looks like the site isn't redirecting to home", E_USER_ERROR);
 public function run($request)
     // Are there members with a clear text password?
     $posts = DataObject::get("BlogEntry");
     $count = 0;
     $commentCount = 0;
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         // Delete comments
         if (class_exists('Comments')) {
             $comments = $post->Comments();
             foreach ($comments as $comment) {
     if ($count) {
         Debug::message("Deleted {$count} posts");
     } else {
         Debug::message("No posts deleted");
     if ($commentCount) {
         Debug::message("Deleted {$commentCount} comments");
예제 #4
function updateInfo($percent, $infoText, $debug = true) {
    global $command_line;

    if ($debug) {
        Debug::message($infoText, Debug::WARNING);
    $percentageText = ($percent == 1)? '100': sprintf('%2.0f', $percent * 100);
    if (isset($command_line) and $command_line) {
        if ($percent < 0) {
            $percentageText = ' * ';
        } else {
            $percentageText .= '%';
        echo $percentageText, ' ', $infoText, "\n";
    } else {
        echo '<script>';
        if ($percent >= 0) {
            echo 'document.getElementById("progress-bar").style="width:' . ($percent * 100) . '%;";', "\n",
                 'document.getElementById("progress-bar").innerHTML ="' . $percentageText . '%";', "\n";
        if ($percent == 1) {
            echo 'document.getElementById("progress-bar").className = "progress-bar progress-bar-striped";';
        echo 'document.getElementById("progressbar-info").innerHTML="' . addslashes($infoText) . '";</script>';

    // This is for the buffer achieve the minimum size in order to flush data
    //    echo str_repeat(' ', 1024 * 64);

    // Send output to browser immediately
예제 #5
  * 静态方法  启用框架的入口方法 
 public static function run()
     $controler_src = C('APP_PATH') . '/Action/' . $_GET['m'] . 'Action.class.php';
     $runfile = C('RUN_PATH') . '/Action/' . $_GET['m'] . 'Action.class.php';
     if (file_exists($controler_src)) {
         self::touch($runfile, strip_whitespace(file_get_contents($controler_src)), C('DEBUG'));
         $m = $_GET['m'] . 'Action';
         $tmp = new $m();
         Debug::addmsg("当前访问的控制器类: {$controler_src}");
         method_exists($tmp, 'init') ? $tmp->init() : '';
         method_exists($tmp, $_GET['a']) ? $tmp->{$_GET}['a']() : Debug::addmsg('<font color="red">当前访问的控制器类: ' . $controler_src . ' 不存在 ' . $_GET['a'] . ' 操作</font>');
     } else {
         Debug::addmsg("<font color='red'>当前访问的控制器类: {$controler_src} 不存在!</font>");
     if (C('DEBUG')) {
  * @param string $sql
  * @param integer $errorLevel
  * @return SS_Query
 public function query($sql, $errorLevel = E_USER_ERROR)
     $query = parent::query($sql, $errorLevel);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['showqueries']) && Director::isDev()) {
         $count = 1 + (int) Config::inst()->get('MySQLDebuggableDatabase', 'queries_count');
         Config::inst()->update('MySQLDebuggableDatabase', 'queries_count', $count);
         Debug::message(PHP_EOL . 'Query Counts: ' . $count . PHP_EOL, false);
     return $query;
  * Output a message
  * @param string $message
  * @param int $verbosity Verbosity required to display this message (1 is default)
 public function message($message, $verbosity = 1)
     if ($this->quiet) {
     if ($this->verbosity >= 0 && $this->verbosity < $verbosity) {
     Debug::message(date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ': ' . $message, false);
 public function run($request)
     $result = $this->validateConfig();
     if ($result->valid()) {
         Debug::message("Fluent config is valid!", false);
     } else {
         Debug::message(sprintf("Fluent config invalid: %d errors found!", count($result->messageList())), false);
         foreach ($result->messageList() as $message) {
             Debug::message($message, false);
 public function transform($item, $parentObject, $duplicateStrategy)
     if (Director::is_cli()) {
         Debug::message("Parent: #{$parentObject->ID}, {$parentObject->Title}");
     // Sleep for 100ms to reduce load on the remote server
     usleep(100 * 1000);
     // Extract content from the page
     $contentFields = $this->getContentFieldsAndSelectors($item);
     // Default value for Title
     if (empty($contentFields['Title'])) {
         $contentFields['Title'] = array('content' => $item->Name);
     // Default value for URL segment
     if (empty($contentFields['URLSegment'])) {
         $urlSegment = str_replace('/', '', $item->Name);
         $urlSegment = preg_replace('/\\.[^.]*$/', '', $urlSegment);
         $urlSegment = str_replace('.', '-', $item->Name);
         $contentFields['URLSegment'] = array('content' => $urlSegment);
     $schema = $item->getSource()->getSchemaForURL($item->AbsoluteURL);
     $pageType = $schema->DataType;
     if (!$pageType) {
         throw new Exception('Pagetype for migration schema is empty!');
     // Create a page with the appropriate fields
     $page = new $pageType(array());
     $existingPage = SiteTree::get_by_link($item->getExternalId());
     if ($existingPage && $duplicateStrategy === 'Overwrite') {
         if (get_class($existingPage) !== $pageType) {
             $existingPage->ClassName = $pageType;
         if ($existingPage) {
             $page = $existingPage;
     $page->StaticSiteContentSourceID = $item->getSource()->ID;
     $page->StaticSiteURL = $item->AbsoluteURL;
     $page->ParentID = $parentObject ? $parentObject->ID : 0;
     foreach ($contentFields as $k => $v) {
         $page->{$k} = $v['content'];
     if (Director::is_cli()) {
         Debug::message("#{$page->ID} child of #{$page->ID}");
     return new TransformResult($page, $item->stageChildren());
 function run($request)
     if ($this->isFreeToLock()) {
         if ($this->getLock()) {
             //try to get the lock, but do nothing if someone else is quicker and gets it first
             //do stuff
         } else {
             Debug::message('Aborting because another process acquired lock before this process could.', false);
     } else {
         Debug::message('Aborting because of existing lock.', false);
  * This is the main method to build the master string tables with the original strings.
  * It will search for existent modules that use the i18n feature, parse the _t() calls
  * and write the resultant files in the lang folder of each module.
  * @uses DataObject->collectI18nStatics()
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
 public function run($request)
     $collector = i18nTextCollector::create($request->getVar('locale'));
     $merge = $this->getIsMerge($request);
     // Custom writer
     $writerName = $request->getVar('writer');
     if ($writerName) {
         $writer = Injector::inst()->get($writerName);
     // Get restrictions
     $restrictModules = $request->getVar('module') ? explode(',', $request->getVar('module')) : null;
     $collector->run($restrictModules, $merge);
     Debug::message(__CLASS__ . " completed!", false);
예제 #12
function updateInfo($percent, $infoText, $debug = true)
    if ($debug) {
        Debug::message($infoText, Debug::WARNING);
    echo '<script language="javascript">';
    if ($percent >= 0) {
        echo 'document.getElementById("progressbar-inner").style="width:' . $percent * 100 . '%;";';
    echo 'document.getElementById("progressbar-info").innerHTML="' . addslashes($infoText) . '";</script>
    // This is for the buffer achieve the minimum size in order to flush data
    //    echo str_repeat(' ', 1024 * 64);
    // Send output to browser immediately
예제 #13
	public function getNestedController() {
		if($this->urlParams['URLSegment']) {
			$SQL_URLSegment = Convert::raw2sql($this->urlParams['URLSegment']);
			$child = SiteTree::get_by_url($SQL_URLSegment);
			if(!$child) {
				if($child = $this->findOldPage($SQL_URLSegment)) {
					$url = Controller::join_links(
					$response = new HTTPResponse();
					$response->redirect($url, 301);
					return $response;
				$child = $this->get404Page();
			if($child) {
				if(isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) Debug::message("Using record #$child->ID of type $child->class with URL {$this->urlParams['URLSegment']}");
				$controllerClass = "{$child->class}_Controller";
				if($this->urlParams['Action'] && ClassInfo::exists($controllerClass.'_'.$this->urlParams['Action'])) {
					$controllerClass = $controllerClass.'_'.$this->urlParams['Action'];	
				if(ClassInfo::exists($controllerClass)) {
					$controller = new $controllerClass($child);
				} else {
					$controller = $child;
				return $controller;
			} else {
				return new HTTPResponse("The requested page couldn't be found.",404);
		} else {
			user_error("ModelAsController not geting a URLSegment.  It looks like the site isn't redirecting to home", E_USER_ERROR);
예제 #14
 public function init()
     $canAccess = Director::isDev() || Director::is_cli() || Permission::check("ADMIN");
     if (!$canAccess) {
         return Security::permissionFailure($this);
     if (!self::$default_reporter) {
         self::set_reporter(Director::is_cli() ? 'CliDebugView' : 'DebugView');
     if (!PhpUnitWrapper::has_php_unit()) {
         die("Please install PHPUnit using pear");
     if (!isset($_GET['flush']) || !$_GET['flush']) {
         Debug::message("WARNING: Manifest not flushed. " . "Add flush=1 as an argument to discover new classes or files.\n", false);
  * Registers all cached routes with silverstripe 
 public function RegisterRoutes()
     $cachePath = $this->getCacheFilePath();
     if (!file_exists($cachePath)) {
         return Debug::message('DateLink route cache file could not be found. This can be generated by using /dev/build');
     $document = new DOMDocument();
     foreach ($document->getElementsByTagName('route') as $route) {
         $link = $route->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->nodeValue;
         $parentID = $route->getElementsByTagName('page_id')->item(0)->nodeValue;
         $years = $route->getElementsByTagName('year');
         foreach ($years as $year) {
             $this->registerRoute($link, $parentID, $year->nodeValue);
예제 #16
 function handleAction($request)
     // This method can't be called without ajax.
     if (!Director::is_ajax()) {
     $actions = Object::get_static($this->class, 'batch_actions');
     $actionClass = $actions[$request->param('BatchAction')];
     $actionHandler = new $actionClass();
     // Sanitise ID list and query the database for apges
     $ids = split(' *, *', trim($request->requestVar('csvIDs')));
     foreach ($ids as $k => $v) {
         if (!is_numeric($v)) {
     if ($ids) {
         $pages = DataObject::get('SiteTree', "`SiteTree`.ID IN (" . implode(", ", $ids) . ")");
         // If we didn't query all the pages, then find the rest on the live site
         if (!$pages || $pages->Count() < sizeof($ids)) {
             foreach ($ids as $id) {
                 $idsFromLive[$id] = true;
             if ($pages) {
                 foreach ($pages as $page) {
             $idsFromLive = array_keys($idsFromLive);
             Debug::message("`SiteTree`.ID IN (" . implode(", ", $idsFromLive) . ")");
             $livePages = Versioned::get_by_stage('SiteTree', 'Live', "`SiteTree`.ID IN (" . implode(", ", $idsFromLive) . ")");
             if ($pages) {
             } else {
                 $pages = $livePages;
     } else {
         $pages = new DataObjectSet();
     return $actionHandler->run($pages);
예제 #17
  * Define custom methods for this object.  Called once per class.
  * Implements failover and cached methods.
 function defineMethods()
     // Set up failover
     if ($this->failover) {
     if (isset($_GET['debugfailover'])) {
         Debug::message("{$this->class} / {$this->failover}");
     // Set up cached methods
     $methodNames = $this->allMethodNames();
     foreach ($methodNames as $methodName) {
         if ($methodName[0] == "_") {
             $trimmedName = substr($methodName, 1);
             $this->createMethod($trimmedName, "return \$obj->cachedCall('{$methodName}', '{$trimmedName}', \$args);");
 public function run($request)
     // Migrate old ImageGalleryImage class to use Image object
     DB::query('UPDATE "File" SET "File"."ClassName" = \'Image\' WHERE "File"."ClassName" = \'ImageGalleryImage\'');
     // check that galleries exist
     $galleries = DataObject::get('MagnificGalleryPage');
     if (!$galleries || $galleries->count() === 0) {
         user_error('No image gallery pages found', E_USER_ERROR);
     // check each gallery
     $count = 0;
     Debug::message("Importing, please wait....");
     foreach ($galleries as $gallery) {
         $albums = $gallery->Albums();
         if (!$albums || $albums->count() === 0) {
             Debug::message("Warning: no album found in gallery '{$gallery->Title}'");
         // Check each album in each gallery
         foreach ($albums as $album) {
             // Ensures folder, URLSegment, etc are all prepared
             $folder = $album->Folder();
             $existing = $album->GalleryItems()->column('ImageID');
             foreach ($folder->Children() as $image) {
                 if (in_array($image->ID, $existing)) {
                 //Add to the album
                 $item = MagnificGalleryItem::create();
                 $item->GalleryPageID = $gallery->ID;
                 $item->AlbumID = $album->ID;
                 $item->ImageID = $image->ID;
     Debug::message("Imported {$count} images into galleries");
예제 #19
	 * Replace the existing filter (ON clause) on a join
	public function setJoinFilter($tableAlias, $filter) {
		if(is_string($this->from[$tableAlias])) {Debug::message($tableAlias); Debug::dump($this->from);}
		$this->from[$tableAlias]['filter'] = array($filter);
예제 #20
  * Allows the display and benchmarking of queries as they are being run
  * @param string $sql Query to run, and single parameter to callback
  * @param callable $callback Callback to execute code
  * @return mixed Result of query
 protected function benchmarkQuery($sql, $callback)
     if (isset($_REQUEST['showqueries']) && Director::isDev()) {
         $starttime = microtime(true);
         $result = $callback($sql);
         $endtime = round(microtime(true) - $starttime, 4);
         Debug::message("\n{$sql}\n{$endtime}s\n", false);
         return $result;
     } else {
         return $callback($sql);
예제 #21
	 * Handles URL requests.
	 *  - ViewableData::handleRequest() iterates through each rule in {@link self::$url_handlers}.
	 *  - If the rule matches, the named method will be called.
	 *  - If there is still more URL to be processed, then handleRequest() 
	 *    is called on the object that that method returns.
	 * Once all of the URL has been processed, the final result is returned.  
	 * However, if the final result is an array, this
	 * array is interpreted as being additional template data to customise the 
	 * 2nd to last result with, rather than an object
	 * in its own right.  This is most frequently used when a Controller's 
	 * action will return an array of data with which to
	 * customise the controller.
	 * @param $request The {@link SS_HTTPRequest} object that is reponsible for distributing URL parsing
	 * @uses SS_HTTPRequest
	 * @uses SS_HTTPRequest->match()
	 * @return SS_HTTPResponse|RequestHandler|string|array
	function handleRequest(SS_HTTPRequest $request, DataModel $model) {
		// $handlerClass is used to step up the class hierarchy to implement url_handlers inheritance
		$handlerClass = ($this->class) ? $this->class : get_class($this);
		if($this->brokenOnConstruct) {
			user_error("parent::__construct() needs to be called on {$handlerClass}::__construct()", E_USER_WARNING);
		$this->request = $request;
		// We stop after RequestHandler; in other words, at ViewableData
		while($handlerClass && $handlerClass != 'ViewableData') {
			$urlHandlers = Config::inst()->get($handlerClass, 'url_handlers', Config::FIRST_SET);

			if($urlHandlers) foreach($urlHandlers as $rule => $action) {
				if(isset($_REQUEST['debug_request'])) Debug::message("Testing '$rule' with '" . $request->remaining() . "' on $this->class");
				if($params = $request->match($rule, true)) {
					// Backwards compatible setting of url parameters, please use SS_HTTPRequest->latestParam() instead
					if(isset($_REQUEST['debug_request'])) {
						Debug::message("Rule '$rule' matched to action '$action' on $this->class.  Latest request params: " . var_export($request->latestParams(), true));
					// Actions can reference URL parameters, eg, '$Action/$ID/$OtherID' => '$Action',
					if($action[0] == '$') $action = $params[substr($action,1)];
					if($this->checkAccessAction($action)) {
						if(!$action) {
							if(isset($_REQUEST['debug_request'])) Debug::message("Action not set; using default action method name 'index'");
							$action = "index";
						} else if(!is_string($action)) {
							user_error("Non-string method name: " . var_export($action, true), E_USER_ERROR);
						try {
							if(!$this->hasMethod($action)) {
								return $this->httpError(404, "Action '$action' isn't available on class " . get_class($this) . ".");
							$result = $this->$action($request);
						} catch(SS_HTTPResponse_Exception $responseException) {
							$result = $responseException->getResponse();
					} else {
						return $this->httpError(403, "Action '$action' isn't allowed on class " . get_class($this) . ".");
					if($result instanceof SS_HTTPResponse && $result->isError()) {
						if(isset($_REQUEST['debug_request'])) Debug::message("Rule resulted in HTTP error; breaking");
						return $result;
					// If we return a RequestHandler, call handleRequest() on that, even if there is no more URL to parse.
					// It might have its own handler. However, we only do this if we haven't just parsed an empty rule ourselves,
					// to prevent infinite loops. Also prevent further handling of controller actions which return themselves
					// to avoid infinite loops.
					if($this !== $result && !$request->isEmptyPattern($rule) && is_object($result) && $result instanceof RequestHandler) {
						$returnValue = $result->handleRequest($request, $model);

						// Array results can be used to handle 
						if(is_array($returnValue)) $returnValue = $this->customise($returnValue);
						return $returnValue;
					// If we return some other data, and all the URL is parsed, then return that
					} else if($request->allParsed()) {
						return $result;
					// But if we have more content on the URL and we don't know what to do with it, return an error.
					} else {
						return $this->httpError(404, "I can't handle sub-URLs of a $this->class object.");
					return $this;
			$handlerClass = get_parent_class($handlerClass);
		// If nothing matches, return this object
		return $this;
  * Allows the display and benchmarking of queries as they are being run
  * @param string $sql Query to run, and single parameter to callback
  * @param callable $callback Callback to execute code
  * @param array $parameters Parameters to display
  * @return mixed Result of query
 protected function benchmarkQuery($sql, $callback, $parameters = null)
     if (isset($_REQUEST['showqueries']) && Director::isDev()) {
         $starttime = microtime(true);
         $result = $callback($sql);
         $endtime = round(microtime(true) - $starttime, 4);
         $message = $sql;
         if ($parameters) {
             $message .= "\nparams: \"" . implode('", "', $parameters) . '"';
         Debug::message("\n{$message}\n{$endtime}s\n", false);
         return $result;
     } else {
         return $callback($sql);
  * Add methods from the {@link ViewableData::$failover} object, as well as wrapping any methods prefixed with an
  * underscore into a {@link ViewableData::cachedCall()}.
  * @throws LogicException
 public function defineMethods()
     if ($this->failover && !is_object($this->failover)) {
         throw new LogicException("ViewableData::\$failover set to a non-object");
     if ($this->failover) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['debugfailover'])) {
             Debug::message("{$this->class} created with a failover class of {$this->failover->class}");
  * Writes all changes to this object to the database.
  *  - It will insert a record whenever ID isn't set, otherwise update.
  *  - All relevant tables will be updated.
  *  - $this->onBeforeWrite() gets called beforehand.
  *  - Extensions such as Versioned will ammend the database-write to ensure that a version is saved.
  *  @uses DataExtension->augmentWrite()
  * @param boolean $showDebug Show debugging information
  * @param boolean $forceInsert Run INSERT command rather than UPDATE, even if record already exists
  * @param boolean $forceWrite Write to database even if there are no changes
  * @param boolean $writeComponents Call write() on all associated component instances which were previously
  *                                 retrieved through {@link getComponent()}, {@link getComponents()} or
  *                                 {@link getManyManyComponents()} (Default: false)
  * @return int The ID of the record
  * @throws ValidationException Exception that can be caught and handled by the calling function
 public function write($showDebug = false, $forceInsert = false, $forceWrite = false, $writeComponents = false)
     $now = SS_Datetime::now()->Rfc2822();
     // Execute pre-write tasks
     // Check if we are doing an update or an insert
     $isNewRecord = !$this->isInDB() || $forceInsert;
     // Check changes exist, abort if there are none
     $hasChanges = $this->updateChanges($forceInsert);
     if ($hasChanges || $forceWrite || $isNewRecord) {
         // New records have their insert into the base data table done first, so that they can pass the
         // generated primary key on to the rest of the manipulation
         $baseTable = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->class);
         $this->writeBaseRecord($baseTable, $now);
         // Write the DB manipulation for all changed fields
         $this->writeManipulation($baseTable, $now, $isNewRecord);
         // If there's any relations that couldn't be saved before, save them now (we have an ID here)
         $this->changed = array();
     } else {
         if ($showDebug) {
             Debug::message("no changes for DataObject");
         // Used by DODs to clean up after themselves, eg, Versioned
     // Ensure Created and LastEdited are populated
     if (!isset($this->record['Created'])) {
         $this->record['Created'] = $now;
     $this->record['LastEdited'] = $now;
     // Write relations as necessary
     if ($writeComponents) {
     // Clears the cache for this object so get_one returns the correct object.
     return $this->record['ID'];
예제 #25
	 * Handles HTTP requests.
	 * If you are going to overload handleRequest, make sure that you start the method with $this->pushCurrent()
	 * and end the method with $this->popCurrent().  Failure to do this will create weird session errors.
	 * @param $request The {@link HTTPRequest} object that is responsible for distributing request parsing.
	function handleRequest(HTTPRequest $request) {
		if(!$request) user_error("Controller::handleRequest() not passed a request!", E_USER_ERROR);
		$this->urlParams = $request->allParams();
		$this->request = $request;
		$this->response = new HTTPResponse();

		// Init
		$this->baseInitCalled = false;	
		if(!$this->baseInitCalled) user_error("init() method on class '$this->class' doesn't call Controller::init().  Make sure that you have parent::init() included.", E_USER_WARNING);

		// If we had a redirection or something, halt processing.
		if($this->response->isFinished()) {
			return $this->response;

		$body = parent::handleRequest($request);
		if($body instanceof HTTPResponse) {
			if(isset($_REQUEST['debug_request'])) Debug::message("Request handler returned HTTPResponse object to $this->class controller; returning it without modification.");
			$this->response = $body;
		} else {
			if(is_object($body)) {
				if(isset($_REQUEST['debug_request'])) Debug::message("Request handler $body->class object to $this->class controller;, rendering with template returned by $body->class::getViewer()");
			   $body = $body->getViewer($request->latestParam('Action'))->process($body);


		return $this->response;
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $request
  * @return array
 protected function findAction($request)
     $handlerClass = $this->class ? $this->class : get_class($this);
     // We stop after RequestHandler; in other words, at ViewableData
     while ($handlerClass && $handlerClass != 'ViewableData') {
         $urlHandlers = Config::inst()->get($handlerClass, 'url_handlers', Config::UNINHERITED);
         if ($urlHandlers) {
             foreach ($urlHandlers as $rule => $action) {
                 if (isset($_REQUEST['debug_request'])) {
                     Debug::message("Testing '{$rule}' with '" . $request->remaining() . "' on {$this->class}");
                 if ($request->match($rule, true)) {
                     if (isset($_REQUEST['debug_request'])) {
                         Debug::message("Rule '{$rule}' matched to action '{$action}' on {$this->class}. " . "Latest request params: " . var_export($request->latestParams(), true));
                     return array('rule' => $rule, 'action' => $action);
         $handlerClass = get_parent_class($handlerClass);
  * @return ContentController
  * @throws Exception If URLSegment not passed in as a request parameter.
 public function getNestedController()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if (!($URLSegment = $request->param('URLSegment'))) {
         throw new Exception('ModelAsController->getNestedController(): was not passed a URLSegment value.');
     // Find page by link, regardless of current locale settings
     if (class_exists('Translatable')) {
     // Select child page
     $conditions = array('"SiteTree"."URLSegment"' => rawurlencode($URLSegment));
     if (SiteTree::config()->nested_urls) {
         $conditions[] = array('"SiteTree"."ParentID"' => 0);
     $sitetree = DataObject::get_one('SiteTree', $conditions);
     // Check translation module
     // @todo Refactor out module specific code
     if (class_exists('Translatable')) {
     if (!$sitetree) {
         $response = ErrorPage::response_for(404);
         $this->httpError(404, $response ? $response : 'The requested page could not be found.');
     // Enforce current locale setting to the loaded SiteTree object
     if (class_exists('Translatable') && $sitetree->Locale) {
     if (isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) {
         Debug::message("Using record #{$sitetree->ID} of type {$sitetree->class} with link {$sitetree->Link()}");
     return self::controller_for($sitetree, $this->getRequest()->param('Action'));
  * @todo This should really be taken care of by the testing framework
 protected function debugMessage($msg)
     if (class_exists('SapphireTest', false) && !SapphireTest::is_running_test()) {
 public function requireDefaultRecords()
     foreach (StaticSiteContentSource::get() as $source) {
         if (!$source->Schemas()->count()) {
             Debug::message("Making a schema for {$source->ID}");
             $defaultSchema = new StaticSiteContentSource_ImportSchema();
             $defaultSchema->Order = 1000000;
             $defaultSchema->AppliesTo = ".*";
             $defaultSchema->DataType = "Page";
             $defaultSchema->ContentSourceID = $source->ID;
             foreach (StaticSiteContentSource_ImportRule::get()->filter(array('SchemaID' => 0)) as $rule) {
                 $rule->SchemaID = $defaultSchema->ID;
예제 #30
	 * Pass the SilverStripe template to be used.
	 * @param string|array $templateList
	 *   If passed as a string with .ss extension, used as the "main" template
	public function __construct($templateList) {
		// flush template manifest cache if requested
		if (isset($_GET['flush']) && $_GET['flush'] == 'all') {
		if(substr((string) $templateList,-3) == '.ss') {
			$this->chosenTemplates['main'] = $templateList;
		} else {
			if(!is_array($templateList)) $templateList = array($templateList);
			if(isset($_GET['debug_request'])) Debug::message("Selecting templates from the following list: " . implode(", ", $templateList));

			foreach($templateList as $template) {
				// if passed as a partial directory (e.g. "Layout/Page"), split into folder and template components
				if(strpos($template,'/') !== false) list($templateFolder, $template) = explode('/', $template, 2);
				else $templateFolder = null;

				// Use the theme template if available
				if(self::$current_theme && isset($_TEMPLATE_MANIFEST[$template]['themes'][self::$current_theme])) {
					$this->chosenTemplates = array_merge(
					if(isset($_GET['debug_request'])) Debug::message("Found template '$template' from main theme '" . self::$current_theme . "': " . var_export($_TEMPLATE_MANIFEST[$template]['themes'][self::$current_theme], true));
				// Fall back to unthemed base templates
				if(isset($_TEMPLATE_MANIFEST[$template]) && (array_keys($_TEMPLATE_MANIFEST[$template]) != array('themes'))) {
					$this->chosenTemplates = array_merge(
					if(isset($_GET['debug_request'])) Debug::message("Found template '$template' from main template archive, containing the following items: " . var_export($_TEMPLATE_MANIFEST[$template], true));

				if($templateFolder) {
					$this->chosenTemplates['main'] = $this->chosenTemplates[$templateFolder];

			if(isset($_GET['debug_request'])) Debug::message("Final template selections made: " . var_export($this->chosenTemplates, true));


		if(!$this->chosenTemplates) user_error("None of these templates can be found: ". implode(".ss, ", $templateList) . ".ss", E_USER_WARNING);
