public static function handleEmailPreviewRequest(AbstractAlert $Alert) { $GLOBALS['Session']->requireAccountLevel('Staff'); $email = \Emergence\Mailer\AbstractMailer::renderTemplate('alerts/notifications/' . $Alert::$notificationTemplate, ['Alert' => $Alert]); \Debug::dumpVar($Alert->getData(), false, 'Alert'); print '<h2>Email</h2>'; print '<pre>'; print 'From: ' . htmlspecialchars($email['from'] ?: \Emergence\Mailer\AbstractMailer::getDefaultFrom()) . PHP_EOL; print 'Subject: ' . htmlspecialchars($email['subject']) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; print htmlspecialchars($email['body']); print '</pre>'; print '<h2>Preview</h2>'; print '<div style="border: 1px dashed #ccc; width: 600px; font-family: arial,sans-serif; font-size: 80%; padding: 15px">' . $email['body'] . '</div>'; }
public static function searchRequest() { $GLOBALS['Session']->requireAccountLevel('Developer'); set_time_limit(180); if (empty($_REQUEST['q'])) { return static::throwInvalidRequestError('q required'); } $fileResults = DB::query('SELECT f.ID FROM (SELECT MAX(ID) AS ID FROM _e_files GROUP BY Handle, CollectionID) matches JOIN _e_files f USING(ID) WHERE f.Status = "Normal"'); // open grep process $cmd = sprintf('xargs grep -nIP "%s" ', addslashes($_REQUEST['q'])); $cwd = Site::$rootPath . '/data/'; $grepProc = proc_open($cmd, array(0 => array('pipe', 'r'), 1 => array('pipe', 'w')), $pipes, $cwd); // pipe file list into xargs $filesCount = 0; while ($file = $fileResults->fetch_assoc()) { fwrite($pipes[0], $file['ID'] . PHP_EOL); } fclose($pipes[0]); // pipe results out $output = array(); while (!feof($pipes[1])) { $line = trim($origLine = stream_get_line($pipes[1], 100000000, PHP_EOL)); # print "$origLine<hr>"; $line = explode(':', $line, 3); if (count($line) === 3) { $file = SiteFile::getByID($line[0]); if (strlen($line[2]) > 255) { $result = preg_match("/{$_REQUEST['q']}/", $line[2], $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $line[2] = substr(substr($line[2], max(0, $matches[0][1] - 50)), 0, 255); } if (!$file) { Debug::dumpVar($line, true, 'no file'); } $output[] = array('File' => $file ? $file->getData() : null, 'line' => $line[1], 'result' => trim($line[2])); } } fclose($pipes[1]); proc_close($grepProc); JSON::respond(array('success' => true, 'data' => $output)); }
/** * Default output function */ public function __tostring() { return '<pre>' . Debug::dumpVar($this, __CLASS__, PHP_DEBUG_DUMP_ARR_STR) . '<pre>'; }
<?php $GLOBALS['Session']->requireAccountLevel('Developer'); if (Slate\CBL\ContentArea::getCount() > 0) { die("Content area database is already populated, aborting"); } $mapsCsvUrl = ''; $mapsCsv = SpreadsheetReader::createFromStream(fopen($mapsCsvUrl, 'r')); while ($mapsRow = $mapsCsv->getNextRow()) { Debug::dumpVar($mapsRow, false, '$mapRow'); $mapCsv = SpreadsheetReader::createFromStream(fopen($mapsRow['CSV'], 'r')); $ContentArea = Slate\CBL\ContentArea::create(['Code' => $mapsRow['Code'], 'Title' => $mapsRow['Title']], true); \Debug::dumpVar($ContentArea, false, 'creating content area'); while ($row = $mapCsv->getNextRow()) { if ($row['Type'] == 'Competency Statement') { $lastCompetency = Slate\CBL\Competency::create(['ContentArea' => $ContentArea, 'Code' => $row['Code'], 'Descriptor' => $row['Descriptor'], 'Statement' => $row['Statement']], true); \Debug::dumpVar($lastCompetency, false, 'creating competency'); } elseif ($row['Type'] == 'Standard') { \Debug::dumpVar(Slate\CBL\Skill::create(['Competency' => $lastCompetency, 'Code' => $row['Code'], 'Descriptor' => $row['Descriptor'], 'Statement' => $row['Statement'], 'DemonstrationsRequired' => $row['ER']], true), false, 'creating skill'); } } }
/** * HTML_Table_Config * * @since V2.0.0 - 26 Apr 2006 */ function __tostring() { return '<pre>' . Debug::dumpVar($this->singleton()->getConfig(), __CLASS__, PHP_DEBUG_DUMP_ARR_STR) . '</pre>'; }
/** * Show a super array * * @param string $SuperArrayType Type of super en array to add * @since V2.0.0 - 07 Apr 2006 */ private function showSuperArray($SuperArrayType) { // Lang $txtVariable = "Var"; $txtNoVariable = "NO VARIABLE"; $NoVariable = " -- {$txtNoVariable} -- "; $SuperArray = null; $buffer = ''; $ArrayTitle = Debug::$globalEnvConstantsCorresp[$SuperArrayType]; $SuperArray = $GLOBALS["{$ArrayTitle}"]; $Title = "{$ArrayTitle} {$txtVariable}"; $SectionBasetitle = "<b>{$Title} (" . count($SuperArray) . ') :'; if (count($SuperArray)) { $buffer .= $SectionBasetitle . '</b>'; $buffer .= '<pre>' . Debug::dumpVar($SuperArray, $ArrayTitle, PHP_DEBUG_DUMP_STR) . '</pre>'; } else { $buffer .= $SectionBasetitle . "{$NoVariable}</b>"; } return $buffer; }