/** * Delete * * @param int $message_type * @param int $msgid */ public function delWait($message_type, $msgid) { if (isset($this->command_awaits[$message_type][$msgid])) { Debug::Log(Debug::DEBUG, "Forget " . Message::$name[$message_type] . " msgid={$msgid}"); unset($this->command_awaits[$message_type][$msgid]); --$this->command_awaits_counter; } }
/** * Append some content to file * * @access public * @param string $sContent * @return boolean */ public function Append($sContent) { try { return file_put_contents($this->sFile, $sContent, FILE_APPEND); } catch (Exception $e) { Debug::Log($e, ERROR); return false; } }
/** * * @param string $class_name * @return void */ function __autoload($class_name) { if (stristr($class_name, "exception")) { require_once "include/" . 'exceptions.class.php'; Debug::Log("Exceptions loaded!"); } else { require_once "include/" . strtolower($class_name) . '.class.php'; Debug::Log("Class " . $class_name . " loaded!"); } }
public static function Load() { $file = PREFIX . "/lang/" . LANG . ".php"; if (is_readable($file)) { require $file; } else { require PREFIX . "/lang/en.php"; } /* default system language */ self::$language = $lang; Debug::Log("Language '" . LANG . "', file : '" . $file) . "'"; }
/** * * @access public * @static * @param Rate $obj * @return Rate|false */ public static function Add($obj) { $cmd = sprintf("INSERT INTO zi_rates (user_id,idea_id) VALUES(%d,%d)", $obj->user_id, $obj->idea_id); try { if (!Database::Query($cmd, false)) { throw new RateException("can't add rate"); } $obj->rate_id = Database::GetLastInsertId(); } catch (Exception $e) { Debug::Log($e, ERROR); return false; } return $obj; }
/** * function to not repeating same code in every method * $query sql query * $message message throwed by exception * @access private * @static * @return Ideas|false */ private static function GetCollectionData($query, $message = "error while getting ideas") { if (empty($query)) { return false; } $obj = new Ideas(); try { $data = Database::Query($query); if (empty($data)) { throw new IdeasException($message); } foreach ($data as $row) { $obj->collection[] = Idea::GetById($row["idea_id"]); } } catch (Exception $e) { Debug::Log($e, WARNING); return false; } return $obj->collection; }
registerUid($formid); $result = "STATE_VALID"; } // Debug info $debugtmp .= ", FORMID: " . $formid; } else { $txid = $reward->txid; // Debug info $debugtmp .= ", TXID VIA REWARD: " . $txid; $result = "STATE_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; } } else { $txid = $reward->txid; // Debug info $debugtmp .= ", TXID VIA IP: " . $txid; $result = "STATE_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; } } else { $txid = retrieveCookie(); // Debug info $debugtmp .= ", TXID VIA COOKIE: " . $txid; $result = "STATE_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; } } } } else { $result = "STATE_SESSION_ERROR"; } if ($result != "STATE_VALID") { Debug::Log("state_google.php, STATE: " . $result . $debugtmp); }
/** * * @access public * @return boolean */ public static function Remove($comment, $user) { try { if ($user->user_id == $comment->user_id || $user->IsAdmin()) { $cmd = sprintf("DELETE FROM zi_comments WHERE comment_id=%d;", $comment->comment_id); if (!Database::Query($cmd, false)) { throw new IdeaException("can't remove comment - database problem"); } } else { throw new IdeaException("can't remove comment - user is not an owner of the comment "); } } catch (Exception $e) { Debug::Log($e, WARNING); return false; } return true; }
$txid = $reward->txid; // Debug info $debugtmp .= ", REQUESTID: " . $reward->requestid . ", TXID VIA REWARD: " . $txid; $result = "STATE_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; } } else { $txid = $reward->txid; // Debug info $debugtmp .= ", REQUESTID: " . $reward->requestid . ", TXID VIA IP: " . $txid; $result = "STATE_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; } } else { $txid = retrieveCookie(); // Debug info $debugtmp .= ", TXID VIA COOKIE: " . $txid; $result = "STATE_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; } } else { $result = "STATE_NOT_QUALIFIED"; } } else { $result = "STATE_INVALID_SIGNATURE"; } } } } else { $result = "STATE_SESSION_ERROR"; } if ($result != "STATE_VALID") { Debug::Log("state_bitcointalk.php, STATE: " . $result . $debugtmp); }
/** * * @access public * @return boolean */ public static function RateMinus($idea) { $cmd = sprintf("UPDATE zi_ideas SET idea_rate=%d WHERE idea_id=%d", $idea->idea_rate -= 1, $idea->idea_id); try { if (!Database::Query($cmd, false)) { throw new IdeaException("can't rate minus idea"); } } catch (Exception $e) { Debug::Log($e, ERROR); return false; } return true; }
/** * * @access public * @static * @param Idea $idea * @return integer|false */ public static function GetCountByIdea($idea) { $cmd = sprintf("SELECT count(comment_id) AS comments_count FROM zi_comments WHERE idea_id=%d", $idea->idea_id); try { $data = Database::Query($cmd); if (empty($data)) { throw new IdeaException("can't get comments count for idea"); } } catch (Exception $e) { Debug::Log($e, ERROR); return false; } return $data[0]["comments_count"]; }
// Debug info $debugtmp .= ", FORMID: " . $formid; } else { $txid = $reward->txid; // Debug info $debugtmp .= ", REQUESTID: " . $reward->requestid . ", TXID VIA REWARD: " . $txid; $result = "STATE_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; } } else { $txid = $reward->txid; // Debug info $debugtmp .= ", REQUESTID: " . $reward->requestid . ", TXID VIA IP: " . $txid; $result = "STATE_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; } } else { $txid = retrieveCookie(); // Debug info $debugtmp .= ", TXID VIA COOKIE: " . $txid; $result = "STATE_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; } } else { $result = "STATE_NOT_QUALIFIED"; } } } } else { $result = "STATE_SESSION_ERROR"; } if ($result != "STATE_VALID") { Debug::Log("state_reddit.php, STATE: " . $result . $debugtmp); }
/** * * @access public * @static * @return integer|false */ public static function GetLastInsertId() { if (empty(self::$db_connection)) { if (!self::Init()) { return false; } } try { $id = @mysql_insert_id(self::$db_connection); if (mysql_error()) { throw new DatabaseException(mysql_error()); } } catch (Exception $e) { Debug::Log($e, ERROR); return false; } return $id; }
public function send() { if (!$this->isSetHeader()) { $this->setHeader(); } try { if (empty($this->to)) { throw new MailerException("no recipient of email"); } } catch (Exception $e) { Debug::Log($e, WARNING); return false; } try { if (!@mail($this->to, $this->subject, $this->content, $this->header)) { throw new MailerException("mail function error"); } } catch (Exception $e) { Debug::Log($e, WARNING); return false; } return true; }
// Debug info $debugtmp .= ", FORMID: " . $formid; } else { $txid = $reward->txid; // Debug info $debugtmp .= ", REQUESTID: " . $reward->requestid . ", TXID VIA REWARD: " . $txid; $result = "STATE_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; } } else { $txid = $reward->txid; // Debug info $debugtmp .= ", REQUESTID: " . $reward->requestid . ", TXID VIA IP: " . $txid; $result = "STATE_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; } } else { $txid = retrieveCookie(); // Debug info $debugtmp .= ", TXID VIA COOKIE: " . $txid; $result = "STATE_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; } } else { $result = "STATE_NOT_QUALIFIED"; } } } } else { $result = "STATE_SESSION_ERROR"; } if ($result != "STATE_VALID") { Debug::Log("state_github.php, STATE: " . $result . $debugtmp); }
/** * Update user account * For now used only for new password * * @param object $user * * @return boolean if updated */ public static function Update($user) { if (!User::GetById($user->user_id)) { Debug::Log($e, ERROR); return false; } $cmd = sprintf("UPDATE zi_users SET user_password=md5('%s'),user_name='%s',user_email='%s' WHERE user_id=%d", $user->user_password, $user->user_name, $user->user_email, $user->user_id); try { if (!Database::Query($cmd, false)) { throw new UserException("can't update user"); } } catch (Exception $e) { Debug::Log($e, ERROR); return false; } return true; }
/** * Close socket * * @return bool */ public function close() { if (is_resource($this->socket)) { Debug::Log(Debug::DEBUG, 'socket_close()'); return fclose($this->socket); } return true; }
registerUid($formid); $result = "STATE_VALID"; } // Debug info $debugtmp .= ", FORMID: " . $formid; } else { $txid = $reward->txid; // Debug info $debugtmp .= ", REQUESTID: " . $reward->requestid . ", TXID VIA REWARD: " . $txid; $result = "STATE_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; } } else { $txid = $reward->txid; // Debug info $debugtmp .= ", REQUESTID: " . $reward->requestid . ", TXID VIA IP: " . $txid; $result = "STATE_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; } } else { $txid = retrieveCookie(); // Debug info $debugtmp .= ", TXID VIA COOKIE: " . $txid; $result = "STATE_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; } } } } else { $result = "STATE_SESSION_ERROR"; } if ($result != "STATE_VALID") { Debug::Log("state_facebook.php, STATE: " . $result . $debugtmp); }
/** * * @static * @return bool */ public static function Show() { try { if (!self::CheckTemplate()) { throw new ViewerException("can't parse template"); } $path = THEME_PREFIX . Settings::$page_templates_path . self::$template; include $path; } catch (Exception $e) { Debug::Log($e, ERROR); return false; } return true; }
/** * Check Topic Filter * * Based on 4.7 Topic Names and Topic Filters * * @param string $topic_filter * @throws Exception */ public static function CheckTopicFilter($topic_filter) { if (!isset($topic_filter[0]) || isset($topic_filter[65535])) { throw new Exception('Topic filter must be at 1~65535 bytes long'); } self::ValidateUTF8($topic_filter); if (false !== strpos($topic_filter, chr(0))) { throw new Exception('Null character is not allowed in topic'); } $length = strlen($topic_filter); /* The multi-level wildcard character MUST be specified either on its own or following a topic level separator. In either case it MUST be the last character specified in the Topic Filter [MQTT-4.7.1-2]. */ if (($p = strpos($topic_filter, '#')) !== false) { if ($p != $length - 1) { throw new Exception('"#" MUST be the last char in topic filter'); } else { if ($length > 1 && $topic_filter[$length - 2] != '/') { throw new Exception('"#" MUST occupy an entire level of the filter'); } } } $levels = explode('/', $topic_filter); foreach ($levels as $l) { if ($l == '') { continue; } else { if (strpos($l, '+') !== false && isset($l[1])) { /* The single-level wildcard can be used at any level in the Topic Filter, including first and last levels. Where it is used it MUST occupy an entire level of the filter [MQTT-4.7.1-3]. */ throw new Exception('"+" MUST occupy an entire level of the filter'); } } } if ($topic_filter[0] == '#') { Debug::Log(Debug::DEBUG, 'If you want to subscribe topic begin with $, please subscribe both "#" and "$SOMETOPIC/#"'); } }
// Debug info $debugtmp .= ", FORMID: " . $formid; } else { $txid = $reward->txid; // Debug info $debugtmp .= ", REQUESTID: " . $reward->requestid . ", TXID VIA REWARD: " . $txid; $result = "STATE_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; } } else { $txid = $reward->txid; // Debug info $debugtmp .= ", REQUESTID: " . $reward->requestid . ", TXID VIA IP: " . $txid; $result = "STATE_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; } } else { $txid = retrieveCookie(); // Debug info $debugtmp .= ", TXID VIA COOKIE: " . $txid; $result = "STATE_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; } } else { $result = "STATE_NOT_QUALIFIED"; } } } } else { $result = "STATE_SESSION_ERROR"; } if ($result != "STATE_VALID") { Debug::Log("state_twitter.php, STATE: " . $result . $debugtmp); }
} else { // Couldn't connect to rpc server or tx sign failed $result = "STATE_TRANSACTION_ERROR"; } } else { // There are not enough funds available $result = "STATE_NO_MORE_FUNDS"; } } else { // This address already claimed a reward $result = "STATE_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; } } else { // Address is not a valid Bitcoin address $result = "STATE_INVALID_ADDRESS"; } } else { // There is no address $result = "STATE_INVALID_ADDRESS"; } } else { // No request was stored for this session id $result = "STATE_SESSION_ERROR"; } } else { // Session is invalid $result = "STATE_SESSION_ERROR"; } if ($result != "STATE_VALID") { Debug::Log("state_claim.php, STATE: " . $result . $debugtmp); }