예제 #1
} else {
    $nbr_lb2 = $query->getResult()[0];
    $nbr_lb2 = $nbr_lb2['nbr'];
// Setting the loser brackets
$nbr_lb2 = 0;
$nbr_lb3 = 0;
//SQL Query to count the number of matchs for a tournament and a double looser bracket
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS nbr
        FROM matchs
        WHERE id_groupe IS NULL AND id_tournoi=:idt AND looser_bracket=3';
$query = new Query($database, $sql);
$query->bind(':idt', $id_tournoi, PDO::PARAM_INT);
if (!$query->execute()) {
    global $glob_debug;
    if ($glob_debug) {
        echo 'ERREUR - SQL COUNT LB3';
} else {
    $nbr_lb3 = $query->getResult()[0];
    $nbr_lb3 = $nbr_lb3['nbr'];
// Select the Pool or Round mode
$tournoi = $database->getTournament($id_tournoi);
if ($tournoi['joueurParTeam'] > 1) {
    include_once DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/admin/modules/scoresPools-old.php';
} else {
    include_once DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/admin/modules/scoresRounds.php';