예제 #1
 public function doAction()
     switch ($this->__postInput['exec']) {
         case 'stayAnonymous':
         case 'ping':
             $db = Database::obtain();
             $db->query("SELECT 1");
             $this->result['data'] = array("OK", time());
         case 'checkTMKey':
             //get MyMemory apiKey service
             $tmxHandler = new TMSService();
             //validate the key
             try {
                 $keyExists = $tmxHandler->checkCorrectKey();
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 /* PROVIDED KEY IS NOT VALID OR WRONG, $keyExists IS NOT SET */
             if (!isset($keyExists) || $keyExists === false) {
                 $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -9, "message" => "TM key is not valid.");
                 Log::doLog(__METHOD__ . " -> TM key is not valid.");
                 $this->result['success'] = false;
             } else {
                 $this->result['errors'] = array();
                 $this->result['success'] = true;
예제 #2
파일: blog.php 프로젝트: vebnz/lifelitup
 function showPost($id)
     $db = Database::obtain();
     $sql = "SELECT " . tbl_blog . ".id, title, content, date_posted, username \n                        FROM " . tbl_blog . "\n                        JOIN " . tbl_users . " \n                        ON " . tbl_blog . ".user_id = " . tbl_users . ".id\n                \tWHERE " . tbl_blog . ".id = " . (int) $id;
     $rows = $db->fetch_array($sql);
     return $rows;
 function testReturnsNonCompletedProject()
     // get project chunks
     $chunksDao = new Chunks_ChunkDao(Database::obtain());
     $chunks = $chunksDao->getByProjectID($this->test_data->project->id_project);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($chunks));
     $chunk = $chunks[0];
     // split job in two
     $splitTest = new CurlTest();
     $params = array('action' => 'splitJob', 'exec' => 'apply', 'project_id' => $this->test_data->project->id_project, 'project_pass' => $this->test_data->project->project_pass, 'job_id' => $chunk->id, 'job_pass' => $chunk->password, 'num_split' => 2, 'split_values' => array('5', '1'));
     $splitTest->params = $params;
     $splitTest->method = 'POST';
     $response = $splitTest->getResponse();
     $chunks = $chunksDao->getByProjectID($this->test_data->project->id_project);
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($chunks));
     $first_chunk = $chunks[0];
     $second_chunk = $chunks[1];
     integrationSetChunkAsComplete(array('params' => array('id_job' => $first_chunk->id, 'password' => $first_chunk->password)));
     $test = new CurlTest();
     $test->path = '/api/v2/project-completion-status/' . $this->test_data->project->id_project;
     $test->method = 'GET';
     $test->headers = $this->test_data->headers;
     $response = $test->getResponse();
     $expected = array('project_status' => array('id' => $this->test_data->project->id_project, 'completed' => false, 'chunks' => array(array('id' => $second_chunk->id, 'password' => $second_chunk->password))));
     $this->assertEquals(json_encode($expected), $response['body']);
예제 #4
  * Create a new FileFormatConverter, using old or new converters.
  * This function looks for converters in the 'converters' table in the db.
  * $converterVersion can be "legacy", "latest", or something like "1.0.0".
  * In the first case legacy converters will be used; in the second case,
  * the latest version of new converters will be used; in the third case,
  * this function will look for the converters with the provided version,
  * and if not found will use the converters with higher but closest version.
  * Version check is done on the conversion_api_version field of the
  * converters db table; new converters are expected to have a value like
  * "open 1.0.0".
 public function __construct($converterVersion = null)
     $this->converterVersion = $converterVersion;
     $this->opt['httpheader'] = array("Content-Type:multipart/form-data;charset=UTF-8");
     $this->lang_handler = Langs_Languages::getInstance();
     $this->conversionObject = new ArrayObject(array('ip_machine' => null, 'ip_client' => null, 'path_name' => null, 'file_name' => null, 'path_backup' => null, 'file_size' => 0, 'direction' => null, 'error_message' => null, 'src_lang' => null, 'trg_lang' => null, 'status' => 'ok', 'conversion_time' => 0), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS);
     // Get converters instances list from database,
     $db = Database::obtain();
     // The base query to obtain the converters
     $baseQuery = 'SELECT ip_converter, cpu_weight, ip_storage, segmentation_rule' . ' FROM converters' . ' WHERE status_active = 1 AND status_offline = 0';
     // Complete the $baseQuery according to the converter's version
     if ($this->converterVersion == Constants_ConvertersVersions::LEGACY) {
         // Retrieve only old converters
         $query = $baseQuery . (INIT::$USE_ONLY_STABLE_CONVERTERS ? ' AND stable = 1' : '') . ' AND conversion_api_version NOT LIKE "open %"';
         $converters = $db->fetch_array($query);
     } else {
         // Here we use new converters
         if ($this->converterVersion == Constants_ConvertersVersions::LATEST) {
             // Get the converters with the latest version
             $query = $baseQuery . ' AND conversion_api_version = (' . 'SELECT MAX(conversion_api_version)' . ' FROM converters' . ' WHERE conversion_api_version LIKE "open %"' . (INIT::$USE_ONLY_STABLE_CONVERTERS ? ' AND stable = 1' : '') . ' AND status_active = 1 AND status_offline = 0' . ')';
             $converters = $db->fetch_array($query);
         } else {
             $converters = self::__getSuitableConvertersByVersion($db, $this->converterVersion);
     foreach ($converters as $converter_storage) {
         $this->converters[$converter_storage['ip_converter']] = $converter_storage['cpu_weight'];
         $this->storage_lookup_map[$converter_storage['ip_converter']] = $converter_storage['ip_storage'];
         $this->converter2segmRule[$converter_storage['ip_converter']] = $converter_storage['segmentation_rule'];
     //        $this->converters = array('' => 1);//for debugging purposes
     //        $this->storage_lookup_map = array('' => '');//for debugging purposes
 public function __construct()
     $this->ROOT = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../');
     require_once $this->ROOT . '/inc/config.inc.php';
     $this->db = Database::obtain(INIT::$DB_SERVER, INIT::$DB_USER, INIT::$DB_PASS, INIT::$DB_DATABASE);
     //init params
     $this->path = $this->ROOT . '/lib/Utils/converter_checker';
     $resultSet = $this->db->fetch_array(self::selectAllNotOffline);
     if (empty($resultSet)) {
         self::_prettyEcho("************* WARNING **************");
     foreach ($resultSet as $conv) {
         //            self::$ipLog = $conv[ 'ip_converter' ];
         $this->resultSet[$conv['ip_converter']] = $conv;
         $this->host_machine_map[$conv['ip_converter']] = array('ip_machine_host' => $conv['ip_machine_host'], 'machine_host_user' => $conv['machine_host_user'], 'machine_host_pass' => $conv['machine_host_pass'], 'instance_name' => $conv['instance_name']);
         //            self::_prettyEcho( "Retrieving Processes Info on " . $conv[ 'ip_converter' ] );
         //            $converter_json_top = self::getNodeProcessInfo( $conv[ 'ip_converter' ] );
         //            if ( !empty( $converter_json_top ) ) {
         //                $this->convertersTop[ $conv[ 'ip_converter' ] ] = array(
         //                    'converter_load'     => $converter_json_top[ 0 ],
         //                    'converter_json_top' => $converter_json_top[ 1 ]
         //                );
         //            }
     $this->converterFactory = new FileFormatConverter();
예제 #6
function addFriend($id, $target)
    $db = Database::obtain();
    $sql = 'SELECT friends FROM users WHERE id = ' . $db->escape($id);
    $query = $db->query($sql);
    $result = $db->fetch($query);
    $friends = $result['friends'];
    $fids = explode(",", $friends);
    foreach ($fids as $fid) {
        if ($fid == $target) {
            $true = 1;
    if ($true != 1) {
        if ($target == $id) {
            echo "You can't friend yourself.";
        } else {
            if ($friends == "") {
                $friends .= $target;
            } else {
                $friends .= ',' . $target;
            $data['friends'] = $friends;
            $where = 'id = ' . $db->escape($id);
            $sql = $db->update('users', $data, $where);
            echo 'Friend added.';
    } else {
        echo 'You already friend with this player.';
예제 #7
 static function uncompletedChunksByProjectId($id_project)
     // for each project you can have several jobs, one per targert language.
     // for each job you can have one or more chunks.
     // jobs are identified by id_job and target language.
     // chunks are identified by id_job and password.
     // translations have a reference to job, not to the chunk.
     // in order to associate the segment_translation to the chunk we need to
     // refer to the start and stop segment stored on the job.
     // I would be great if we could have a chunk identifier on the segment_translation.
     // segments don't have a reference to the job neither, since they are linked to the file.
     $query_most_recent_completion_events_for_chunk = " " . " SELECT * FROM ( " . " SELECT * FROM chunk_completion_events WHERE id_project = :id_project " . " ORDER BY create_date DESC ) t " . " GROUP BY id_project, id_job, password ";
     // This query should return no records, meaning all submitted events have
     // create_date greater than the chunk's latest translation date.
     $query_for_event_submitted_at_least_once = "SELECT ch.id_job, ch.password " . " FROM segment_translations st INNER JOIN " . "( {$query_most_recent_completion_events_for_chunk} ) ch ON " . " st.id_segment BETWEEN ch.job_first_segment AND ch.job_last_segment " . " AND st.id_job = ch.id_job AND ch.id_project = :id_project " . " AND ch.create_date < st.translation_date";
     // This query should return no records, meaning all jobs have at least one
     // submitted chunk completion event.
     $query_to_return_unsubmitted_chunks = "SELECT jobs.id as id_job, jobs.password " . " FROM jobs LEFT JOIN chunk_completion_events ch ON " . " jobs.id = ch.id_job AND " . " jobs.password = ch.password AND " . " jobs.job_first_segment = ch.job_first_segment AND " . " jobs.job_last_segment = ch.job_last_segment AND " . " jobs.id_project = ch.id_project " . " WHERE jobs.id_project = :id_project " . " AND ch.id IS NULL ";
     $union_query = "SELECT * FROM ( {$query_to_return_unsubmitted_chunks} " . " UNION ALL {$query_for_event_submitted_at_least_once} ) t1 " . " GROUP BY id_job, password ";
     $query_to_return_chunks = "SELECT * from jobs INNER JOIN ( {$union_query} ) filtered " . " ON jobs.id = filtered.id_job AND jobs.password = filtered.password ";
     $conn = Database::obtain()->getConnection();
     $stmt = $conn->prepare($query_to_return_chunks);
     $stmt->execute(array('id_project' => $id_project));
     $stmt->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, 'Chunks_ChunkStruct');
     return $stmt->fetchAll();
예제 #8
 static function create($values)
     $values = array_merge(array('uid' => 1, 'feature_code' => 'project_completion', 'options' => '{}', 'enabled' => true), $values);
     $dao = new OwnerFeatures_OwnerFeatureDao(Database::obtain());
     $struct = new OwnerFeatures_OwnerFeatureStruct($values);
     return $dao->create($struct);
예제 #9
 function post($request)
     $response = new Response($request);
     if (isset($_POST['exception'])) {
         $db = Database::obtain();
         $exception = $_POST['exception'];
         $query_obj = array();
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . TABLE_ERRORS . "` WHERE `exception`='" . $exception . "'";
         $row = $db->query_first($sql);
         if (empty($row['id'])) {
             $query_obj['exception'] = $_POST['exception'];
             $query_obj['appearance'] = 0;
         } else {
             $query_obj['exception'] = $row['exception'];
             $query_obj['first_submit'] = $row['first_submit'];
             $query_obj['appearance'] = $row['appearance'];
             if (!empty($row['solution'])) {
                 $query_obj['solution'] = $row['solution'];
         $response->code = Response::OK;
         $response->addHeader('Content-type', 'text/plain');
         $response->body = json_encode($query_obj);
     } else {
         $response->code = Response::BADREQUEST;
     return $response;
예제 #10
function showTemplates($start_record, $end_record, $category_id = NULL)
    $db = Database::obtain();
    if ($category_id == NULL) {
        $filter = '';
    } else {
        $filter = 'WHERE `template_category` = ' . $db->escape($category_id);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . TABLE_TEMPLATES . "`\n\t\t\t\t" . $filter . "\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY name ASC\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT " . $start_record . "," . $end_record . "";
    $templates = $db->fetch_array($sql);
    $templateList = array();
    foreach ($templates as $template) {
        $templateList[] = $template['name'];
        if ($template['id'] == $website_template) {
            $website_template = $template['name'];
    $form = '<table cellspacing="10" border="0" align="center"><tr>';
    foreach ($templateList as $i => $t) {
        $form .= '<td align="center">';
        if ($t == $website_template) {
            $form .= $t . '<br><img src="templates/' . $t . '/preview.jpg" width="150px" height="100px"><br>' . MSG00092 . ' <input name="website_template" value="' . $t . '" type="radio"  checked="checked" /><br/>';
        } else {
            $form .= $t . '<br><img src="templates/' . $t . '/preview.jpg" width="150px" height="100px"><br>' . MSG00092 . ' <input name="website_template" value="' . $t . '" type="radio" /><br />';
        $form .= '</td>';
        if (($i + 1) % 4 == 0) {
            $form .= '<tr></tr>';
    $form .= '</tr></table>';
    $form .= linkButton(scriptName() . '?website&edit=' . $website_id . '&settings', MSG00089);
    echo $form;
예제 #11
파일: user.php 프로젝트: vebnz/lifelitup
 function getAllUsers()
     $db = Database::obtain();
     $sql = "SELECT *\n\t\t\tFROM " . tbl_users;
     $rows = $db->fetch_array($sql);
     return $rows;
예제 #12
 public function login($username, $password)
     $username = htmlentities($username);
     $password = md5($password);
     if (User::user_exists($username)) {
         $db = Database::obtain();
         $sql = "SELECT `id`,`username`,`password` FROM " . TABLE_USERS . "\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `username` = '" . $db->escape($username) . "'";
         $userdata = $db->query_first($sql);
         if ($username == $userdata['username'] && $password == $userdata['password']) {
             $_SESSION['userkey'] = md5($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] . md5($userdata['password']));
             $_SESSION['userid'] = $userdata['id'];
             // Check if Javascript is enable from hidden value in <noscript></noscript> in the login form
             $js_disabled = 0;
             $_SESSION['js_disabled'] = 0;
             if (isset($_POST['js_disabled'])) {
                 $js_disabled = $_POST['js_disabled'];
             if ($js_disabled == 1) {
                 $_SESSION['js_disabled'] = 1;
             $this->userid = $userdata['id'];
             $this->logged_in = true;
             return true;
     } else {
         return false;
예제 #13
  * @param $start start segment
  * @param $stop stop segment
  * @return array array aggregated by id_segment
 public static function getAggregatedBySegmentIdInInterval($start, $stop)
     $conn = Database::obtain()->getConnection();
     $stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT id_segment, id, note FROM segment_notes " . " WHERE id_segment BETWEEN :start AND :stop ");
     $stmt->execute(array('start' => $start, 'stop' => $stop));
     return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_GROUP | PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
예제 #14
function saveWebsiteSettings($website)
    $db = Database::obtain();
    $id = $website['id'];
    $db->update(TABLE_WEBSITES, $website, "id='" . $id . "'");
예제 #15
파일: pages.php 프로젝트: vebnz/lifelitup
 function createNavbar($logged_in)
     $db = Database::obtain();
     $sql = "SELECT id, name, url\n\t\t\tFROM " . tbl_pages . "\n\t\t\tWHERE logged_in = " . (int) $logged_in;
     $row = $db->fetch_array($sql);
     return $row;
예제 #16
 function get($request)
     // admin Only
     $db = Database::obtain();
     $response = new Response($request);
     $this->tm->smarty->assign('title', 'Admin Infos Tours');
     $no_tours = $db->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS no FROM " . TABLE_TOURS);
     $no_tours = $no_tours['no'];
     $last_page = ceil($no_tours / $this->rows);
     //this makes sure the page number isn't below one, or more than our maximum pages
     if ($this->page < 1) {
         $this->page = 1;
     } elseif ($this->page > $last_page) {
         $this->page = $last_page;
     $max = 'LIMIT ' . ($this->page - 1) * $this->rows . ',' . $this->rows;
     $tours = $db->fetch_array("SELECT * FROM `" . TABLE_TOURS . "` " . $max);
     $this->tm->smarty->assign('lastpage', $last_page);
     $this->tm->smarty->assign('pagenum', $this->page);
     $em = GeocacheManager::getInstance();
     $tours_obj = array();
     foreach ($tours as $tour) {
         $tours_obj[] = $geocacheManager = $em->fetchTour($tour['webcode']);
     $this->tm->smarty->assign('tours', $tours_obj);
     $body = $this->tm->render('admin_info_tour');
     $response->code = Response::OK;
     $response->addHeader('Content-type', 'text/html');
     $response->body = $body;
     return $response;
예제 #17
파일: User.php 프로젝트: indynagpal/MateCat
 static function create($values = array())
     $email_counter = self::$email_counter += 1;
     $values = array_merge(array('email' => "test-email-{$email_counter}@example.org", 'salt' => '1234abcd', 'pass' => '1234abcd', 'first_name' => 'John', 'last_name' => 'Connor', 'api_key' => '1234abcd'), $values);
     $dao = new Users_UserDao(Database::obtain());
     $userStruct = new Users_UserStruct($values);
     return $dao->createUser($userStruct);
예제 #18
 static function findByKey($key, $options = array())
     $conn = Database::obtain()->getConnection();
     $stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM api_keys WHERE enabled AND api_key = :key ");
     $stmt->execute(array('key' => $key));
     $stmt->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, 'ApiKeys_ApiKeyStruct');
     return $stmt->fetch();
예제 #19
 public static function getByJobId($id_job)
     $conn = Database::obtain()->getConnection();
     $stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM files " . " INNER JOIN files_job ON files_job.id_file = files.id " . " AND id_job = :id_job ");
     $stmt->execute(array('id_job' => $id_job));
     $stmt->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, 'Files_FileStruct');
     return $stmt->fetchAll();
예제 #20
 public static function getUp()
     if (self::$db == null) {
         self::$db = Database::obtain(self::$DB_SERVER, self::$DB_USER, self::$DB_PASS, self::$DB_DATABASE);
     return self::$db;
예제 #21
 public static function getByOwnerEmailAndCode($feature_code, $email)
     $conn = Database::obtain()->getConnection();
     $stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM owner_features " . " INNER JOIN users ON users.uid = owner_features.uid " . " WHERE users.email = :email " . " AND owner_features.feature_code = :feature_code " . " AND owner_features.enabled ");
     $stmt->execute(array('email' => $email, 'feature_code' => $feature_code));
     $stmt->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, 'OwnerFeatures_OwnerFeatureStruct');
     return $stmt->fetch();
예제 #22
 static function create($values)
     self::$unique_key = self::$unique_key + 1;
     $values = array_merge(array('uid' => 1, 'api_key' => md5(self::$unique_key), 'api_secret' => 'api_secret', 'enabled' => true), $values);
     $dao = new ApiKeys_ApiKeyDao(Database::obtain());
     $struct = new ApiKeys_ApiKeyStruct($values);
     return $dao->create($struct);
예제 #23
function newMessage($id, $lobby, $message)
    $db = Database::obtain();
    global $user;
    $message = stripslashes($message);
    $data = array('playerid' => $id, 'lobbyid' => $lobby, 'text' => $message);
    $insert = $db->insert('chat', $data);
    return '<dt>' . $user->nickname . ':</dt><dd>' . $message . '<span class="time">' . date("G:i") . '</span></dd>';
  * When Called it perform the controller action to retrieve/manipulate data
  * @return mixed
 function doAction()
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($e->getCode() == -1) {
         return $e->getCode();
     $cookie_key = '_auto-propagation-' . $this->id_job . "-" . $this->password;
     $boolString = (string) (int) $this->propagateAll;
     $cookieLife = new DateTime();
     $cookieLife->modify('+15 days');
     $db = Database::obtain();
     if ($this->propagateAll) {
         $old_translation = getCurrentTranslation($this->id_job, $this->id_segment);
         //check tag mismatch
         //get original source segment, first
         $segment = getSegment($this->id_segment);
         //compare segment-translation and get results
         $check = new QA($segment['segment'], $this->translation);
         if ($check->thereAreWarnings()) {
             $err_json = $check->getWarningsJSON();
             $translation = $this->translation;
         } else {
             $err_json = '';
             $translation = $check->getTrgNormalized();
         $TPropagation = array();
         $TPropagation['id_job'] = $this->id_job;
         $TPropagation['translation'] = $translation;
         $TPropagation['status'] = Constants_TranslationStatus::STATUS_DRAFT;
         $TPropagation['autopropagated_from'] = $this->id_segment;
         $_Translation['serialized_errors_list'] = $err_json;
         $TPropagation['warning'] = $check->thereAreWarnings();
         $TPropagation['translation_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $TPropagation['segment_hash'] = $old_translation['segment_hash'];
         try {
             propagateTranslation($TPropagation, $this->jobData, $this->id_segment, true);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $msg = $e->getMessage() . "\n\n" . $e->getTraceAsString();
     setcookie($cookie_key, $boolString, $cookieLife->getTimestamp(), "/", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
     Log::doLog("Auto-propagation for already translated segments on Job " . $this->id_job . " set to '" . var_export($this->propagateAll, true) . "'. Cookie Expire at " . $cookieLife->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
     $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => 0, "message" => "OK");
예제 #25
 public function lobbyserver($id)
     if (!$id || $id == $this->id) {
         return $this->sid;
     $db = Database::obtain();
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM lobbies WHERE id = ' . $db->escape($id);
     $query = $db->query($sql);
     $lobbyinfo = $db->fetch($query);
     return $lobbyinfo['sid'];
예제 #26
파일: grafik.php 프로젝트: wycus/darmedic
function informacje_dod_modal($id_wiz)
    $sql49 = "SELECT * FROM wizyty_inf_dod WHERE id_wizyty = " . $id_wiz;
    $result = mysql_query($sql49);
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $id_firmy_sql = "select sl_uslugi.id_firmy from sl_uslugi, wizyty where wizyty.typ_wiz = sl_uslugi.id and wizyty.id = " . $id_wiz;
    $db = Database::obtain();
    $id_firmy = $db->query_first($id_firmy_sql);
    echo '<script>
	$(function() {
                var $tekst' . $id_wiz . ';
    if ($id_firmy['id_firmy'] != 0) {
        echo '$tekst' . $id_wiz . ' = "Nr zlecenia: ' . $row[2] . '"';
    echo '
                $("#wiz_abc' . $id_wiz . '").empty().append($tekst' . $id_wiz . ');
		$("#wiz_inf_dod' . $id_wiz . '").click(function() {
                $( "#dialog-modal' . $id_wiz . '" ).dialog({ 
                     bgiframe: true, 
                    autoOpen: true, 
                   width: 490, 
                   modal: true, 
                   overlay: { 
                   backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF", 
                   opacity: 0.8 
                   buttons: { 
                   "Zapisz": function() {
                     $("#wiz_abc' . $id_wiz . '").empty().append("Nr zlecenia: " + $("#nr_zlecenia' . $id_wiz . '").val());
                     type : "GET",
                     url : "grafik_inf_dod.php",
                     data: {
                     nr_zlecenia : $("#nr_zlecenia' . $id_wiz . '").val(),
                     id_wiz : ' . $id_wiz . '    
                   "Anuluj": function() { 
    echo '});
        <div id="dialog-modal' . $id_wiz . '" title="Informacje dodatkowe" style="display:none;">
	<p>Numer zlecenia:<input type="text" size="10" name="nr_zlecenia' . $id_wiz . '" id="nr_zlecenia' . $id_wiz . '" value="' . $row['nr_zlecenia'] . '"></p>
예제 #27
  * @param Users_UserStruct $input
  * @return Users_UserStruct
  * @throws Exception
 public function sanitize($input)
     $con = Database::obtain();
     parent::_sanitizeInput($input, self::STRUCT_TYPE);
     $input->uid = $input->uid !== null ? (int) $input->uid : null;
     $input->email = $input->email !== null ? $con->escape($input->email) : null;
     $input->create_date = $input->create_date !== null ? $con->escape($input->create_date) : null;
     $input->first_name = $input->first_name !== null ? $con->escape($input->first_name) : null;
     $input->last_name = $input->last_name !== null ? $con->escape($input->last_name) : null;
     return $input;
예제 #28
 public function lastTranslationByJobOrChunk($chunk)
     $conn = Database::obtain()->getConnection();
     $query = "SELECT * FROM segment_translations " . " WHERE id_job = :id_job " . " AND segment_translations.id_segment BETWEEN :job_first_segment AND :job_last_segment " . " ORDER BY translation_date DESC " . " LIMIT 1 ";
     $stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
     $array = array('id_job' => $chunk->id, 'job_first_segment' => $chunk->job_first_segment, 'job_last_segment' => $chunk->job_last_segment);
     $stmt->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, 'Translations_SegmentTranslationStruct');
     return $stmt->fetch();
예제 #29
 public function __construct(ArrayObject $projectStructure = null)
     if ($projectStructure == null) {
         $projectStructure = new RecursiveArrayObject(array('id_project' => null, 'id_customer' => null, 'user_ip' => null, 'project_name' => null, 'result' => null, 'private_tm_key' => 0, 'private_tm_user' => null, 'private_tm_pass' => null, 'uploadToken' => null, 'array_files' => array(), 'file_id_list' => array(), 'file_references' => array(), 'source_language' => null, 'target_language' => null, 'job_subject' => 'general', 'mt_engine' => null, 'tms_engine' => null, 'ppassword' => null, 'array_jobs' => array('job_list' => array(), 'job_pass' => array(), 'job_segments' => array()), 'job_segments' => array(), 'segments' => array(), 'translations' => array(), 'query_translations' => array(), 'status' => Constants_ProjectStatus::STATUS_NOT_READY_FOR_ANALYSIS, 'job_to_split' => null, 'job_to_split_pass' => null, 'split_result' => null, 'job_to_merge' => null, 'lang_detect_files' => array(), 'tm_keys' => array(), 'userIsLogged' => false, 'uid' => null, 'skip_lang_validation' => false, 'pretranslate_100' => 0, 'dqf_key' => null));
     $this->projectStructure = $projectStructure;
     //get the TMX management component from the factory
     $this->tmxServiceWrapper = new TMSService();
     $this->langService = Langs_Languages::getInstance();
     $this->checkTMX = 0;
     $this->dbHandler = Database::obtain();
 public function doAction()
     $gold_offset = (int) $this->gold_offset;
     $id = (int) $this->id;
     log::doLog("CASMACAT: gold offset: " . $gold_offset . " id: " . $id);
     $db = Database::obtain();
     try {
         $db->query("UPDATE fixation_event SET gold_offset='{$gold_offset}' WHERE header_id = '{$id}'");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         log::doLog("CASMACAT: expection " . $e);