예제 #1
function UpdateSettings($setting, $val, $type = '')
    global $server, $user, $pass, $database, $pre;
    if (empty($type)) {
        $type = 'admin';
    //Connect to database
    require_once "sources/class.database.php";
    $db = new Database($server, $user, $pass, $database, $pre);
    //Check if setting is already in DB. If NO then insert, if YES then update.
    $data = $db->fetch_row("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $pre . "misc WHERE type='" . $type . "' AND intitule = '" . $setting . "'");
    if ($data[0] == 0) {
        $db->query_insert("misc", array('valeur' => $val, 'type' => $type, 'intitule' => $setting));
        //in case of stats enabled, add the actual time
        if ($setting == 'send_stats') {
            $db->query_insert("misc", array('valeur' => time(), 'type' => $type, 'intitule' => $setting . '_time'));
    } else {
        $db->query_update("misc", array('valeur' => $val), "type='" . $type . "' AND intitule = '" . $setting . "'");
        //in case of stats enabled, update the actual time
        if ($setting == 'send_stats') {
            //Check if previous time exists, if not them insert this value in DB
            $data_time = $db->fetch_row("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $pre . "misc WHERE type='" . $type . "' AND intitule = '" . $setting . "_time'");
            if ($data_time[0] == 0) {
                $db->query_insert("misc", array('valeur' => 0, 'type' => $type, 'intitule' => $setting . '_time'));
            } else {
                $db->query_update("misc", array('valeur' => 0), "type='" . $type . "' AND intitule = '" . $setting . "_time'");
    //save in variable
    if ($type == "admin") {
        $_SESSION['settings'][$setting] = $val;
    } else {
        if ($type == "settings") {
            $settings[$setting] = $val;
예제 #2
  * Returns the URL of a document
  * This function is loaded when using a gradebook as a tab (gradebook = -1) see issue #2705
 public function get_view_url($stud_id)
     // find a file uploaded by the given student,
     // with the same title as the evaluation name
     $eval = $this->get_evaluation();
     $sql = 'SELECT filename FROM ' . $this->get_dropbox_table() . ' WHERE c_id = ' . $this->course_id . ' AND uploader_id = ' . intval($stud_id) . " AND title = '" . Database::escape_string($eval->get_name()) . "'";
     $result = Database::query($sql);
     if ($fileurl = Database::fetch_row($result)) {
         return null;
     } else {
         return null;
 * Get course data to display
function get_request_data($from, $number_of_items, $column, $direction)
    global $keyword;
    $course_request_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_REQUEST);
    $sql = "SELECT id AS col0,\n                   code AS col1,\n                   title AS col2,\n                   category_code AS col3,\n                   tutor_name AS col4,\n                   request_date AS col5,\n                   id  AS col6\n                   FROM {$course_request_table}\n           WHERE status = " . COURSE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED;
    if ($keyword != '') {
        $sql .= " AND (title LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%' OR code LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%' OR visual_code LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%')";
    $sql .= " ORDER BY col{$column} {$direction} ";
    $sql .= " LIMIT {$from},{$number_of_items}";
    $res = Database::query($sql);
    $course_requests = array();
    while ($course_request = Database::fetch_row($res)) {
        $course_request[5] = api_get_local_time($course_request[5]);
        $course_requests[] = $course_request;
    return $course_requests;
예제 #4
 * Gets the information about some classes.
 * @param int $from
 * @param int $number_of_items
 * @param string $direction
function get_class_data($from, $number_of_items, $column, $direction)
    $tbl_class_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CLASS_USER);
    $tbl_class = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_CLASS);
    $from = Database::escape_string($from);
    $number_of_items = Database::escape_string($number_of_items);
    $column = Database::escape_string($column);
    $direction = Database::escape_string($direction);
    $sql = "SELECT \tid AS col0, name AS col1, COUNT(user_id) AS col2, id AS col3\n        FROM {$tbl_class}\n            LEFT JOIN {$tbl_class_user} ON id=class_id ";
    if (isset($_GET['keyword'])) {
        $sql .= " WHERE (name LIKE '%" . Database::escape_string(trim($_GET['keyword'])) . "%')";
    $sql .= " GROUP BY id,name ORDER BY col{$column} {$direction} LIMIT {$from},{$number_of_items}";
    $res = Database::query($sql);
    $classes = array();
    while ($class = Database::fetch_row($res)) {
        $classes[] = $class;
    return $classes;
 * Get course data to display
function get_request_data($from, $number_of_items, $column, $direction)
    $keyword = isset($_GET['keyword']) ? Database::escape_string(trim($_GET['keyword'])) : null;
    $course_request_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_REQUEST);
    $from = intval($from);
    $number_of_items = intval($number_of_items);
    $column = intval($column);
    $direction = !in_array(strtolower(trim($direction)), ['asc', 'desc']) ? 'asc' : $direction;
    $sql = "SELECT\n                id AS col0,\n               code AS col1,\n               title AS col2,\n               category_code AS col3,\n               tutor_name AS col4,\n               request_date AS col5,\n               id  AS col6\n           FROM {$course_request_table}\n           WHERE status = " . COURSE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED;
    if ($keyword != '') {
        $sql .= " AND (\n                title LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%' OR\n                code LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%' OR\n                visual_code LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%'\n            )";
    $sql .= " ORDER BY col{$column} {$direction} ";
    $sql .= " LIMIT {$from},{$number_of_items}";
    $res = Database::query($sql);
    $course_requests = array();
    while ($course_request = Database::fetch_row($res)) {
        $course_request[5] = api_get_local_time($course_request[5]);
        $course_requests[] = $course_request;
    return $course_requests;
  * @param string $category_code
  * @param int $random_value
  * @param array $limit will be used if $random_value is not set.
  * This array should contains 'start' and 'length' keys
  * @return array
 function browseCoursesInCategory($category_code, $random_value = null, $limit = array())
     $tbl_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE);
     $specialCourseList = CourseManager::get_special_course_list();
     $without_special_courses = '';
     if (!empty($specialCourseList)) {
         $without_special_courses = ' AND course.code NOT IN (' . implode(',', $specialCourseList) . ')';
     $visibilityCondition = null;
     $hidePrivate = api_get_setting('platform.course_catalog_hide_private');
     if ($hidePrivate === 'true') {
         $courseInfo = api_get_course_info();
         $courseVisibility = $courseInfo['visibility'];
         $visibilityCondition = ' AND course.visibility <> 1';
     if (!empty($random_value)) {
         $random_value = intval($random_value);
         $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$tbl_course}";
         $result = Database::query($sql);
         list($num_records) = Database::fetch_row($result);
         if (api_is_multiple_url_enabled()) {
             $url_access_id = api_get_current_access_url_id();
             $tbl_url_rel_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_COURSE);
             $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$tbl_course} course\n                        INNER JOIN {$tbl_url_rel_course} as url_rel_course\n                        ON (url_rel_course.c_id = course.id)\n                        WHERE access_url_id = {$url_access_id} ";
             $result = Database::query($sql);
             list($num_records) = Database::fetch_row($result);
             $sql = "SELECT course.id FROM {$tbl_course} course\n                        INNER JOIN {$tbl_url_rel_course} as url_rel_course\n                        ON (url_rel_course.c_id = course.id)\n                        WHERE\n                            access_url_id = {$url_access_id} AND\n                            RAND()*{$num_records}< {$random_value}\n                            {$without_special_courses} {$visibilityCondition}\n                        ORDER BY RAND()\n                        LIMIT 0, {$random_value}";
         } else {
             $sql = "SELECT id FROM {$tbl_course} course\n                        WHERE RAND()*{$num_records}< {$random_value} {$without_special_courses} {$visibilityCondition}\n                        ORDER BY RAND()\n                        LIMIT 0, {$random_value}";
         $result = Database::query($sql);
         $id_in = null;
         while (list($id) = Database::fetch_row($result)) {
             if ($id_in) {
                 $id_in .= ",{$id}";
             } else {
                 $id_in = "{$id}";
         if ($id_in === null) {
             return array();
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tbl_course} WHERE id IN({$id_in})";
     } else {
         $limitFilter = self::getLimitFilterFromArray($limit);
         $category_code = Database::escape_string($category_code);
         if (empty($category_code) || $category_code == "ALL") {
             $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tbl_course}\n                        WHERE\n                            1=1\n                            {$without_special_courses}\n                            {$visibilityCondition}\n                        ORDER BY title {$limitFilter} ";
         } else {
             if ($category_code == 'NONE') {
                 $category_code = '';
             $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tbl_course}\n                        WHERE\n                            category_code='{$category_code}'\n                            {$without_special_courses}\n                            {$visibilityCondition}\n                        ORDER BY title {$limitFilter} ";
         //showing only the courses of the current Chamilo access_url_id
         if (api_is_multiple_url_enabled()) {
             $url_access_id = api_get_current_access_url_id();
             $tbl_url_rel_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_COURSE);
             if ($category_code != "ALL") {
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tbl_course} as course\n                            INNER JOIN {$tbl_url_rel_course} as url_rel_course\n                            ON (url_rel_course.c_id = course.id)\n                            WHERE\n                                access_url_id = {$url_access_id} AND\n                                category_code='{$category_code}'\n                                {$without_special_courses}\n                                {$visibilityCondition}\n                            ORDER BY title {$limitFilter}";
             } else {
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tbl_course} as course\n                            INNER JOIN {$tbl_url_rel_course} as url_rel_course\n                            ON (url_rel_course.c_id = course.id)\n                            WHERE\n                                access_url_id = {$url_access_id}\n                                {$without_special_courses}\n                                {$visibilityCondition}\n                            ORDER BY title {$limitFilter}";
     $result = Database::query($sql);
     $courses = array();
     while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) {
         $row['registration_code'] = !empty($row['registration_code']);
         $count_users = CourseManager::get_users_count_in_course($row['code']);
         $count_connections_last_month = Tracking::get_course_connections_count($row['id'], 0, api_get_utc_datetime(time() - 30 * 86400));
         if ($row['tutor_name'] == '0') {
             $row['tutor_name'] = get_lang('NoManager');
         $point_info = CourseManager::get_course_ranking($row['id'], 0);
         $courses[] = array('real_id' => $row['id'], 'point_info' => $point_info, 'code' => $row['code'], 'directory' => $row['directory'], 'visual_code' => $row['visual_code'], 'title' => $row['title'], 'tutor' => $row['tutor_name'], 'subscribe' => $row['subscribe'], 'unsubscribe' => $row['unsubscribe'], 'registration_code' => $row['registration_code'], 'creation_date' => $row['creation_date'], 'visibility' => $row['visibility'], 'count_users' => $count_users, 'count_connections' => $count_connections_last_month);
     return $courses;
예제 #7
  * CSV file import functions
  * @author René Haentjens , Ghent University
 public static function put_link($url, $cat, $title, $description, $on_homepage, $hidden)
     $tbl_link = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LINK);
     $course_id = api_get_course_int_id();
     $urleq = "url='" . Database::escape_string($url) . "'";
     $cateq = "category_id=" . intval($cat);
     $result = Database::query("SELECT id FROM {$tbl_link}\n            WHERE c_id = {$course_id} AND " . $urleq . ' AND ' . $cateq);
     if (Database::num_rows($result) >= 1 && ($row = Database::fetch_array($result))) {
         Database::query("UPDATE {$tbl_link} set title='" . Database::escape_string($title) . "', description='" . Database::escape_string($description) . "'\n                WHERE c_id = {$course_id} AND  id='" . Database::escape_string($row['id']) . "'");
         $ipu = 'LinkUpdated';
         $rv = 1;
         // 1 = upd
     } else {
         // Add new link
         $result = Database::query("SELECT MAX(display_order) FROM  {$tbl_link}\n                WHERE c_id = {$course_id} AND category_id='" . intval($cat) . "'");
         list($max_order) = Database::fetch_row($result);
         Database::query("INSERT INTO {$tbl_link} (c_id, url, title, description, category_id, display_order, on_homepage)\n                VALUES (" . api_get_course_int_id() . ",\n                '" . Database::escape_string($url) . "',\n                '" . Database::escape_string($title) . "',\n                '" . Database::escape_string($description) . "',\n                '" . intval($cat) . "','" . (intval($max_order) + 1) . "',\n                '" . intval($on_homepage) . "')");
         $id = Database::insert_id();
         $ipu = 'LinkAdded';
         $rv = 2;
         // 2 = new
     global $_course, $nameTools, $_user;
     api_item_property_update($_course, TOOL_LINK, $id, $ipu, $_user['user_id']);
     if ($hidden && $ipu == 'LinkAdded') {
         api_item_property_update($_course, TOOL_LINK, $id, 'invisible', $_user['user_id']);
     return $rv;
예제 #8
 $sql = 'SELECT start_date, exe_date, exe_result, exe_weighting, exe_exo_id
         FROM ' . $TBL_TRACK_EXERCICES . '
         WHERE exe_id = ' . $safe_exe_id;
 $res = Database::query($sql);
 $row_dates = Database::fetch_array($res);
 $time_start_date = api_strtotime($row_dates['start_date'], 'UTC');
 $time_exe_date = api_strtotime($row_dates['exe_date'], 'UTC');
 $mytime = (int) $time_exe_date - (int) $time_start_date;
 $score = (double) $row_dates['exe_result'];
 $max_score = (double) $row_dates['exe_weighting'];
 $sql = "UPDATE {$TBL_LP_ITEM} SET\n                    max_score = '{$max_score}'\n                WHERE c_id = {$course_id} AND id = '" . $safe_item_id . "'";
 $sql = "SELECT id FROM {$TBL_LP_ITEM_VIEW}\n                WHERE\n                    c_id = {$course_id} AND\n                    lp_item_id = '{$safe_item_id}' AND\n                    lp_view_id = '" . $learnPath->lp_view_id . "'\n                ORDER BY id DESC\n                LIMIT 1";
 $res_last_attempt = Database::query($sql);
 if (Database::num_rows($res_last_attempt) && !api_is_invitee()) {
     $row_last_attempt = Database::fetch_row($res_last_attempt);
     $lp_item_view_id = $row_last_attempt[0];
     $exercise = new Exercise(api_get_course_int_id());
     $status = 'completed';
     if (!empty($exercise->pass_percentage)) {
         $status = 'failed';
         $success = ExerciseLib::is_success_exercise_result($score, $max_score, $exercise->pass_percentage);
         if ($success) {
             $status = 'passed';
     $sql = "UPDATE {$TBL_LP_ITEM_VIEW} SET\n                        status = '{$status}',\n                        score = {$score},\n                        total_time = {$mytime}\n                    WHERE id='" . $lp_item_view_id . "' AND c_id = {$course_id} ";
     if ($debug) {
예제 #9
 $extraFieldInfo = $extraField->get_handler_field_info_by_field_variable($field_variable);
 if ($extraFieldInfo['visible'] != 1) {
 if (is_array($data)) {
     $extra_information_value .= '<dt>' . ucfirst($extraFieldInfo['display_text']) . '</dt>' . '<dd> ' . implode(',', $data) . '</dd>';
 } else {
     switch ($extraFieldInfo['field_type']) {
         case ExtraField::FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE_SELECT:
             $id_options = explode(';', $data);
             $value_options = array();
             // get option display text from user_field_options table
             foreach ($id_options as $id_option) {
                 $sql = "SELECT display_text FROM {$t_ufo} WHERE id = '{$id_option}'";
                 $res_options = Database::query($sql);
                 $row_options = Database::fetch_row($res_options);
                 $value_options[] = $row_options[0];
             $extra_information_value .= '<dt>' . ucfirst($extraFieldInfo['display_text']) . ':</dt>' . '<dd>' . implode(' ', $value_options) . '</dd>';
         case ExtraField::FIELD_TYPE_TAG:
             $user_tags = UserManager::get_user_tags($user_id, $extraFieldInfo['id']);
             $tag_tmp = array();
             foreach ($user_tags as $tags) {
                 $tag_tmp[] = '<a class="label label_tag"' . ' href="' . api_get_path(WEB_PATH) . 'main/social/search.php?q=' . $tags['tag'] . '">' . $tags['tag'] . '</a>';
             if (is_array($user_tags) && count($user_tags) > 0) {
                 $extra_information_value .= '<dt>' . ucfirst($extraFieldInfo['display_text']) . ':</dt>' . '<dd>' . implode('', $tag_tmp) . '</dd>';
         case ExtraField::FIELD_TYPE_SOCIAL_PROFILE:
  * Check if this still links to a learnpath
 public function is_valid_link()
     $sql = 'SELECT count(id) FROM ' . $this->get_learnpath_table() . ' 
             WHERE c_id = ' . $this->course_id . ' AND id = ' . $this->get_ref_id() . ' ';
     $result = Database::query($sql);
     $number = Database::fetch_row($result, 'NUM');
     return $number[0] != 0;
예제 #11
function WSUnsuscribeCoursesFromSession($params)
    if (!WSHelperVerifyKey($params)) {
        return return_error(WS_ERROR_SECRET_KEY);
    // Initialisation
    $tbl_session_rel_course_rel_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER);
    $tbl_session = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION);
    $tbl_session_rel_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE);
    $tbl_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE);
    $coursessessions_params = $params['coursessessions'];
    $results = array();
    $orig_course_id_value = array();
    $orig_session_id_value = array();
    foreach ($coursessessions_params as $coursesession_param) {
        $original_session_id_value = $coursesession_param['original_session_id_value'];
        $original_session_id_name = $coursesession_param['original_session_id_name'];
        $original_course_id_name = $coursesession_param['original_course_id_name'];
        $original_course_id_values = $coursesession_param['original_course_id_values'];
        $orig_session_id_value[] = $original_session_id_value;
        $id_session = SessionManager::getSessionIdFromOriginalId($original_session_id_value, $original_session_id_name);
        if (empty($id_session)) {
            $results[] = 0;
        // Get courses list from row_original_course_id_values
        $course_list = array();
        $courseIdList = [];
        foreach ($original_course_id_values as $row_original_course_list) {
            $course_code = Database::escape_string($row_original_course_list['course_code']);
            // Check whether exits $x_course_code into user_field_values table.
            $courseInfo = CourseManager::getCourseInfoFromOriginalId($row_original_course_list['course_code'], $original_course_id_name);
            if (empty($courseInfo) || isset($courseInfo) && $courseInfo['visibility'] == 0) {
                // Course_code doesn't exist'
            $course_list[] = $courseInfo['code'];
            $courseIdList[] = $courseInfo['real_id'];
        if (empty($course_list)) {
            $results[] = 0;
        $orig_course_id_value[] = implode(',', $course_list);
        foreach ($courseIdList as $courseId) {
            $courseId = intval($courseId);
            Database::query("DELETE FROM {$tbl_session_rel_course}\n                            WHERE c_id ='{$courseId}' AND session_id='{$id_session}'");
            $result = Database::query("DELETE FROM {$tbl_session_rel_course_rel_user} WHERE c_id='{$courseId}' AND session_id = '{$id_session}'");
            Event::addEvent(LOG_SESSION_DELETE_COURSE, LOG_COURSE_ID, $courseId, api_get_utc_datetime(), api_get_user_id(), $courseId, $id_session);
            $return = Database::affected_rows($result);
        $nbr_courses = 0;
        $sql = "SELECT nbr_courses FROM {$tbl_session} WHERE id = '{$id_session}'";
        $res_nbr_courses = Database::query($sql);
        $row_nbr_courses = Database::fetch_row($res_nbr_courses);
        if (Database::num_rows($res_nbr_courses) > 0) {
            $nbr_users = $row_nbr_courses[0] - $return;
        // Update number of users in the session.
        $update_sql = "UPDATE {$tbl_session} SET nbr_courses= {$nbr_courses} WHERE id='{$id_session}' ";
        $results[] = 1;
    $count_results = count($results);
    $output = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $count_results; $i++) {
        $output[] = array('original_course_id_values' => $orig_course_id_value[$i], 'original_session_id_value' => $orig_session_id_value[$i], 'result' => $results[$i]);
    return $output;
예제 #12
$interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => $_SESSION['gradebook_dest'] . '?', 'name' => get_lang('Gradebook'));
$interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => $_SESSION['gradebook_dest'] . '?selectcat=' . Security::remove_XSS($_GET['selectcat']), 'name' => get_lang('Details'));
$interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => 'gradebook_showlog_eval.php?visiblelog=' . Security::remove_XSS($_GET['visiblelog']) . '&amp;selectcat=' . Security::remove_XSS($_GET['selectcat']), 'name' => get_lang('GradebookQualifyLog'));
$this_section = SECTION_COURSES;
echo Display::page_header(get_lang('GradebookQualifyLog'));
$t_linkeval_log = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_GRADEBOOK_LINKEVAL_LOG);
$t_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER);
$visible_log = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['visiblelog']);
$evaledit = Evaluation::load($visible_log);
$sql = "SELECT le.name,le.description,le.weight,le.visible,le.type,le.created_at,us.username FROM " . $t_linkeval_log . " le INNER JOIN " . $t_user . " us\n      ON le.user_id_log=us.user_id where id_linkeval_log=" . $evaledit[0]->get_id() . " and type='evaluation';";
$result = Database::query($sql);
$list_info = array();
while ($row = Database::fetch_row($result)) {
    $list_info[] = $row;
foreach ($list_info as $key => $info_log) {
    $list_info[$key][5] = $info_log[5] ? api_convert_and_format_date($info_log[5]) : 'N/A';
    $list_info[$key][3] = $info_log[3] == 1 ? get_lang('GradebookVisible') : get_lang('GradebookInvisible');
$parameters = array('visiblelog' => $visible_log, 'selectcat' => intval($_GET['selectcat']));
$table = new SortableTableFromArrayConfig($list_info, 1, 20, 'gradebookeval');
$table->set_header(0, get_lang('GradebookNameLog'));
$table->set_header(1, get_lang('GradebookDescriptionLog'));
$table->set_header(2, get_lang('GradebookPreviousWeight'));
$table->set_header(3, get_lang('GradebookVisibilityLog'));
$table->set_header(4, get_lang('ResourceType'));
$table->set_header(5, get_lang('Date'));
예제 #13
  * Gets the IP of a given user, using the last login before the given date
  * @param int User ID
  * @param string Datetime
  * @param bool Whether to return the IP as a link or just as an IP
  * @param string If defined and return_as_link if true, will be used as the text to be shown as the link
  * @return string IP address (or false on error)
  * @assert (0,0) === false
 public static function get_ip_from_user_event($user_id, $event_date, $return_as_link = false, $body_replace = null)
     if (empty($user_id) or empty($event_date)) {
         return false;
     $user_id = intval($user_id);
     $event_date = Database::escape_string($event_date);
     $table_login = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_LOGIN);
     $sql_ip = "SELECT login_date, user_ip FROM {$table_login}\n                   WHERE login_user_id = {$user_id} AND login_date < '{$event_date}'\n                   ORDER BY login_date DESC LIMIT 1";
     $ip = '';
     $res_ip = Database::query($sql_ip);
     if ($res_ip !== false && Database::num_rows($res_ip) > 0) {
         $row_ip = Database::fetch_row($res_ip);
         if ($return_as_link) {
             $ip = Display::url(empty($body_replace) ? $row_ip[1] : $body_replace, 'http://www.whatsmyip.org/ip-geo-location/?ip=' . $row_ip[1], array('title' => get_lang('TraceIP'), 'target' => '_blank'));
         } else {
             $ip = $row_ip[1];
     return $ip;
예제 #14
     $sortDirection = "DESC";
 if (!empty($_GET['up'])) {
     $thisAnnouncementId = intval($_GET['up']);
     $sortDirection = "ASC";
 if (!empty($sortDirection)) {
     if (!in_array(trim(strtoupper($sortDirection)), array('ASC', 'DESC'))) {
         $sortDirection = 'ASC';
     $announcementInfo = AnnouncementManager::get_by_id($course_id, $thisAnnouncementId);
     $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT announcement.id, announcement.display_order\n                FROM {$tbl_announcement} announcement,\n\t\t\t\t{$tbl_item_property} itemproperty\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t    announcement.c_id =  {$course_id} AND\n\t\t\t\t    itemproperty.c_id =  {$course_id} AND\n\t\t\t\t\titemproperty.ref = announcement.id AND\n                    itemproperty.tool = '" . TOOL_ANNOUNCEMENT . "'  AND\n                    itemproperty.visibility <> 2\n                ORDER BY display_order {$sortDirection}";
     $result = Database::query($sql);
     $thisAnnouncementOrderFound = false;
     $thisAnnouncementOrder = null;
     while (list($announcementId, $announcementOrder) = Database::fetch_row($result)) {
         if ($thisAnnouncementOrderFound) {
             $nextAnnouncementId = $announcementId;
             $nextAnnouncementOrder = $announcementOrder;
             $sql = "UPDATE {$tbl_announcement} SET display_order = '{$nextAnnouncementOrder}'\n                            WHERE c_id = {$course_id} AND id = {$thisAnnouncementId}";
             $sql = "UPDATE {$tbl_announcement}  SET display_order = '{$thisAnnouncementOrder}'\n                            WHERE c_id = {$course_id} AND id =  {$nextAnnouncementId}";
         if ($announcementId == $thisAnnouncementId) {
             $thisAnnouncementOrder = $announcementOrder;
             $thisAnnouncementOrderFound = true;
예제 #15
  * Blog admin | Returns table with blogs in this course
 public static function display_blog_list()
     global $charset;
     $_user = api_get_user_info();
     $course_id = api_get_course_int_id();
     // Init
     $counter = 0;
     $tbl_blogs = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_BLOGS);
     //condition for the session
     $session_id = api_get_session_id();
     $condition_session = api_get_session_condition($session_id, false);
     $sql = "SELECT blog_name, blog_subtitle, visibility, blog_id, session_id\n\t\t\t\tFROM {$tbl_blogs} WHERE c_id = {$course_id}\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY date_creation DESC";
     $result = Database::query($sql);
     $list_info = array();
     if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
         while ($row_project = Database::fetch_row($result)) {
             $list_info[] = $row_project;
     $list_content_blog = array();
     $list_body_blog = array();
     $_user = api_get_user_info();
     if (is_array($list_info)) {
         foreach ($list_info as $key => $info_log) {
             // Validation when belongs to a session
             $session_img = api_get_session_image($info_log[4], $_user['status']);
             $url_start_blog = 'blog.php' . "?" . "blog_id=" . $info_log[3] . "&" . api_get_cidreq();
             $title = $info_log[0];
             $image = '<img src="../img/blog.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="' . $title . '">';
             $list_name = '<div style="float: left; width: 35px; height: 22px;"><a href="' . $url_start_blog . '">' . $image . '</a></div><a href="' . $url_start_blog . '">' . $title . '</a>' . $session_img;
             $list_body_blog[] = $list_name;
             $list_body_blog[] = $info_log[1];
             $visibility_icon = $info_log[2] == 0 ? 'invisible' : 'visible';
             $visibility_info = $info_log[2] == 0 ? 'Visible' : 'Invisible';
             $my_image = '<a href="' . api_get_self() . '?action=edit&blog_id=' . $info_log[3] . '">';
             $my_image .= '<img src="../img/edit.gif" border="0" title="' . get_lang('EditBlog') . '" />';
             $my_image .= "</a>\n";
             $my_image .= '<a href="' . api_get_self() . '?action=delete&blog_id=' . $info_log[3] . '" ';
             $my_image .= 'onclick="javascript:if(!confirm(\'' . addslashes(api_htmlentities(get_lang("ConfirmYourChoice"), ENT_QUOTES, $charset)) . '\')) return false;" >';
             $my_image .= '<img src="../img/delete.gif" border="0" title="' . get_lang('DeleteBlog') . '" />';
             $my_image .= "</a>\n";
             $my_image .= '<a href="' . api_get_self() . '?action=visibility&blog_id=' . $info_log[3] . '">';
             $my_image .= '<img src="../img/' . $visibility_icon . '.gif" border="0" title="' . get_lang($visibility_info) . '" />';
             $my_image .= "</a>\n";
             $list_body_blog[] = $my_image;
             $list_content_blog[] = $list_body_blog;
             $list_body_blog = array();
         $parameters = '';
         $table = new SortableTableFromArrayConfig($list_content_blog, 1, 20, 'project');
         $table->set_header(0, get_lang('Title'));
         $table->set_header(1, get_lang('SubTitle'));
         $table->set_header(2, get_lang('Modify'));
  * Get the number of sessions
  * @param  int ID of the URL we want to filter on (optional)
  * @return int Number of sessions
 public static function count_sessions($access_url_id = null)
     $session_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION);
     $access_url_rel_session_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_SESSION);
     $sql = "SELECT count(id) FROM {$session_table} s";
     if (!empty($access_url_id) && $access_url_id == intval($access_url_id)) {
         $sql .= ", {$access_url_rel_session_table} u " . " WHERE s.id = u.session_id AND u.access_url_id = {$access_url_id}";
     $res = Database::query($sql);
     $row = Database::fetch_row($res);
     return $row[0];
예제 #17
  * Gets information about messages sent
  * @param  integer
  * @param  integer
  * @param  string
  * @return array
 public static function get_message_data_sent($from, $number_of_items, $column, $direction)
     $from = intval($from);
     $number_of_items = intval($number_of_items);
     if (!isset($direction)) {
         $column = 3;
         $direction = 'DESC';
     } else {
         $column = intval($column);
         if (!in_array($direction, array('ASC', 'DESC'))) {
             $direction = 'ASC';
     $table_message = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MESSAGE);
     $request = api_is_xml_http_request();
     $sql = "SELECT\n                    id as col0, user_sender_id as col1, title as col2, send_date as col3, user_receiver_id as col4, msg_status as col5\n                FROM {$table_message}\n                WHERE\n                    user_sender_id=" . api_get_user_id() . " AND\n                    msg_status=" . MESSAGE_STATUS_OUTBOX . "\n                ORDER BY col{$column} {$direction}\n                LIMIT {$from}, {$number_of_items}";
     $sql_result = Database::query($sql);
     $i = 0;
     $message_list = array();
     while ($result = Database::fetch_row($sql_result)) {
         if ($request === true) {
             $message[0] = '<input type="checkbox" value=' . $result[0] . ' name="out[]">';
         } else {
             $message[0] = $result[0];
         $class = 'class = "read"';
         $result[2] = Security::remove_XSS($result[2]);
         if ($request === true) {
             $userInfo = api_get_user_info($result[4]);
             $message[1] = '<a onclick="show_sent_message(' . $result[0] . ')" href="javascript:void(0)">' . $userInfo['complete_name'] . '</a>';
             $message[2] = '<a onclick="show_sent_message(' . $result[0] . ')" href="javascript:void(0)">' . str_replace("\\", "", $result[2]) . '</a>';
             $message[3] = api_convert_and_format_date($result[3], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG);
             //date stays the same
             $message[4] = '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a onclick="delete_one_message_outbox(' . $result[0] . ')" href="javascript:void(0)"  >' . Display::return_icon('delete.png', get_lang('DeleteMessage')) . '</a>';
         } else {
             $link = '';
             if (isset($_GET['f']) && $_GET['f'] == 'social') {
                 $link = '&f=social';
             $userInfo = api_get_user_info($result[4]);
             $message[1] = '<a ' . $class . ' onclick="show_sent_message (' . $result[0] . ')" href="../messages/view_message.php?id_send=' . $result[0] . $link . '">' . $result[2] . '</a><br />' . $userInfo['complete_name'];
             //$message[2] = '<a '.$class.' onclick="show_sent_message ('.$result[0].')" href="../messages/view_message.php?id_send='.$result[0].$link.'">'.$result[2].'</a>';
             $message[2] = api_convert_and_format_date($result[3], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG);
             //date stays the same
             $message[3] = '<a href="outbox.php?action=deleteone&id=' . $result[0] . '&' . $link . '"  onclick="javascript:if(!confirm(' . "'" . addslashes(api_htmlentities(get_lang('ConfirmDeleteMessage'))) . "'" . ')) return false;" >' . Display::return_icon('delete.png', get_lang('DeleteMessage')) . '</a>';
         foreach ($message as $key => $value) {
             $message[$key] = $value;
         $message_list[] = $message;
     return $message_list;
예제 #18
  * Calculates the total size of all documents in a course
  * @author Bert vanderkimpen
  * @param  int $course_id
  * @param  int $group_id (to calculate group document space)
  * @param  int $session_id
  * @return int total size
 static function documents_total_space($course_id = null, $group_id = null, $session_id = null)
     $TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY);
     $TABLE_DOCUMENT = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT);
     if (isset($course_id)) {
         $course_id = intval($course_id);
     } else {
         $course_id = api_get_course_int_id();
     $group_condition = null;
     if (isset($group_id)) {
         $group_id = intval($group_id);
         $group_condition = " AND props.to_group_id='" . $group_id . "' ";
     $session_condition = null;
     if (isset($session_id)) {
         $session_id = intval($session_id);
         $session_condition = " AND props.session_id='" . $session_id . "' ";
     $sql = "SELECT SUM(size)\n                FROM {$TABLE_ITEMPROPERTY} AS props\n                INNER JOIN {$TABLE_DOCUMENT} AS docs\n                ON (docs.id = props.ref AND props.c_id = docs.c_id)\n                WHERE\n                    props.c_id \t= {$course_id} AND\n                    docs.c_id \t= {$course_id} AND\n                    props.tool \t= '" . TOOL_DOCUMENT . "' AND\n                    props.visibility <> 2\n                    {$group_condition}\n                    {$session_condition}\n                ";
     $result = Database::query($sql);
     if ($result && Database::num_rows($result) != 0) {
         $row = Database::fetch_row($result);
         return $row[0];
     } else {
         return 0;
예제 #19
  * Gets a link to the resource from the present location, depending on item ID.
  * @param    string    Type of link expected
  * @param    integer    Learnpath item ID
  * @return    string    Link to the lp_item resource
 public function get_link($type = 'http', $item_id = null, $provided_toc = false)
     $course_id = $this->get_course_int_id();
     if ($this->debug > 0) {
         error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link(' . $type . ',' . $item_id . ')', 0);
     if (empty($item_id)) {
         if ($this->debug > 2) {
             error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() - no item id given in learnpath::get_link(), using current: ' . $this->get_current_item_id(), 0);
         $item_id = $this->get_current_item_id();
     if (empty($item_id)) {
         if ($this->debug > 2) {
             error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() - no current item id found in learnpath object', 0);
         //still empty, this means there was no item_id given and we are not in an object context or
         //the object property is empty, return empty link
         $item_id = $this->first();
         return '';
     $file = '';
     $lp_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_MAIN);
     $lp_item_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_ITEM);
     $lp_item_view_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_ITEM_VIEW);
     $item_id = Database::escape_string($item_id);
     $sql = "SELECT l.lp_type as ltype, l.path as lpath, li.item_type as litype, li.path as lipath, li.parameters as liparams\n        \t\tFROM {$lp_table} l\n                INNER JOIN {$lp_item_table} li\n                    ON (li.lp_id = l.id AND l.c_id = {$course_id} AND li.c_id = {$course_id} )\n        \t\tWHERE li.id = {$item_id} ";
     if ($this->debug > 2) {
         error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() - selecting item ' . $sql, 0);
     $res = Database::query($sql);
     if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) {
         $row = Database::fetch_array($res);
         $lp_type = $row['ltype'];
         $lp_path = $row['lpath'];
         $lp_item_type = $row['litype'];
         $lp_item_path = $row['lipath'];
         $lp_item_params = $row['liparams'];
         if (empty($lp_item_params) && strpos($lp_item_path, '?') !== false) {
             list($lp_item_path, $lp_item_params) = explode('?', $lp_item_path);
         $sys_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH) . api_get_course_path();
         if ($type == 'http') {
             $course_path = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH) . api_get_course_path();
             //web path
         } else {
             $course_path = $sys_course_path;
             //system path
         // Fixed issue BT#1272 - If the item type is a Chamilo Item (quiz, link, etc), then change the lp type to thread it as a normal Chamilo LP not a SCO.
         if (in_array($lp_item_type, array('quiz', 'document', 'link', 'forum', 'thread', 'student_publication'))) {
             $lp_type = 1;
         if ($this->debug > 2) {
             error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() - $lp_type ' . $lp_type, 0);
             error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() - $lp_item_type ' . $lp_item_type, 0);
         // Now go through the specific cases to get the end of the path
         // @todo Use constants instead of int values.
         switch ($lp_type) {
             case 1:
                 if ($lp_item_type == 'dokeos_chapter') {
                     $file = 'lp_content.php?type=dir';
                 } else {
                     require_once 'resourcelinker.inc.php';
                     $file = rl_get_resource_link_for_learnpath($course_id, $this->get_id(), $item_id);
                     if ($this->debug > 0) {
                         error_log('rl_get_resource_link_for_learnpath - file: ' . $file, 0);
                     if ($lp_item_type == 'link') {
                         require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'link.lib.php';
                         if (is_youtube_link($file)) {
                             $src = get_youtube_video_id($file);
                             $file = 'embed.php?type=youtube&src=' . $src;
                         if (isVimeoLink($file)) {
                             $src = getVimeoLinkId($file);
                             $file = 'embed.php?type=vimeo&src=' . $src;
                     } else {
                         // check how much attempts of a exercise exits in lp
                         $lp_item_id = $this->get_current_item_id();
                         $lp_view_id = $this->get_view_id();
                         $prevent_reinit = null;
                         if (isset($this->items[$this->current])) {
                             $prevent_reinit = $this->items[$this->current]->get_prevent_reinit();
                         if (empty($provided_toc)) {
                             if ($this->debug > 0) {
                                 error_log('In learnpath::get_link() Loading get_toc ', 0);
                             $list = $this->get_toc();
                         } else {
                             if ($this->debug > 0) {
                                 error_log('In learnpath::get_link() Loading get_toc from "cache" ', 0);
                             $list = $provided_toc;
                         $type_quiz = false;
                         foreach ($list as $toc) {
                             if ($toc['id'] == $lp_item_id && $toc['type'] == 'quiz') {
                                 $type_quiz = true;
                         if ($type_quiz) {
                             $lp_item_id = Database::escape_string($lp_item_id);
                             $lp_view_id = Database::escape_string($lp_view_id);
                             $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM {$lp_item_view_table}\n                                        WHERE c_id = {$course_id} AND lp_item_id='" . (int) $lp_item_id . "' AND lp_view_id ='" . (int) $lp_view_id . "' AND status='completed'";
                             $result = Database::query($sql);
                             $row_count = Database::fetch_row($result);
                             $count_item_view = (int) $row_count[0];
                             $not_multiple_attempt = 0;
                             if ($prevent_reinit === 1 && $count_item_view > 0) {
                                 $not_multiple_attempt = 1;
                             $file .= '&not_multiple_attempt=' . $not_multiple_attempt;
                         $tmp_array = explode('/', $file);
                         $document_name = $tmp_array[count($tmp_array) - 1];
                         if (strpos($document_name, '_DELETED_')) {
                             $file = 'blank.php?error=document_deleted';
             case 2:
                 if ($this->debug > 2) {
                     error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() ' . __LINE__ . ' - Item type: ' . $lp_item_type, 0);
                 if ($lp_item_type != 'dir') {
                     // Quite complex here:
                     // We want to make sure 'http://' (and similar) links can
                     // be loaded as is (withouth the Chamilo path in front) but
                     // some contents use this form: resource.htm?resource=http://blablabla
                     // which means we have to find a protocol at the path's start, otherwise
                     // it should not be considered as an external URL.
                     //if ($this->prerequisites_match($item_id)) {
                     if (preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z]{2,5}://#', $lp_item_path) != 0) {
                         if ($this->debug > 2) {
                             error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() ' . __LINE__ . ' - Found match for protocol in ' . $lp_item_path, 0);
                         // Distant url, return as is.
                         $file = $lp_item_path;
                     } else {
                         if ($this->debug > 2) {
                             error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() ' . __LINE__ . ' - No starting protocol in ' . $lp_item_path, 0);
                         // Prevent getting untranslatable urls.
                         $lp_item_path = preg_replace('/%2F/', '/', $lp_item_path);
                         $lp_item_path = preg_replace('/%3A/', ':', $lp_item_path);
                         // Prepare the path.
                         $file = $course_path . '/scorm/' . $lp_path . '/' . $lp_item_path;
                         // TODO: Fix this for urls with protocol header.
                         $file = str_replace('//', '/', $file);
                         $file = str_replace(':/', '://', $file);
                         if (substr($lp_path, -1) == '/') {
                             $lp_path = substr($lp_path, 0, -1);
                         if (!is_file(realpath($sys_course_path . '/scorm/' . $lp_path . '/' . $lp_item_path))) {
                             // if file not found.
                             $decoded = html_entity_decode($lp_item_path);
                             list($decoded) = explode('?', $decoded);
                             if (!is_file(realpath($sys_course_path . '/scorm/' . $lp_path . '/' . $decoded))) {
                                 require_once 'resourcelinker.inc.php';
                                 $file = rl_get_resource_link_for_learnpath($course_id, $this->get_id(), $item_id);
                                 if (empty($file)) {
                                     $file = 'blank.php?error=document_not_found';
                                 } else {
                                     $tmp_array = explode('/', $file);
                                     $document_name = $tmp_array[count($tmp_array) - 1];
                                     if (strpos($document_name, '_DELETED_')) {
                                         $file = 'blank.php?error=document_deleted';
                                     } else {
                                         $file = 'blank.php?error=document_not_found';
                             } else {
                                 $file = $course_path . '/scorm/' . $lp_path . '/' . $decoded;
                     //prerequisites did not match
                     //$file = 'blank.php';
                     // We want to use parameters if they were defined in the imsmanifest
                     if (strpos($file, 'blank.php') === false) {
                         $file .= (strstr($file, '?') === false ? '?' : '') . $lp_item_params;
                 } else {
                     $file = 'lp_content.php?type=dir';
             case 3:
                 if ($this->debug > 2) {
                     error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() ' . __LINE__ . ' - Item type: ' . $lp_item_type, 0);
                 // Formatting AICC HACP append URL.
                 $aicc_append = '?aicc_sid=' . urlencode(session_id()) . '&aicc_url=' . urlencode(api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'newscorm/aicc_hacp.php') . '&';
                 if ($lp_item_type != 'dir') {
                     // Quite complex here:
                     // We want to make sure 'http://' (and similar) links can
                     // be loaded as is (withouth the Chamilo path in front) but
                     // some contents use this form: resource.htm?resource=http://blablabla
                     // which means we have to find a protocol at the path's start, otherwise
                     // it should not be considered as an external URL.
                     if (preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z]{2,5}://#', $lp_item_path) != 0) {
                         if ($this->debug > 2) {
                             error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() ' . __LINE__ . ' - Found match for protocol in ' . $lp_item_path, 0);
                         // Distant url, return as is.
                         $file = $lp_item_path;
                         // Enabled and modified by Ivan Tcholakov, 16-OCT-2008.
                         if (stristr($file,'<servername>') !== false) {
                             $file = str_replace('<servername>', $course_path.'/scorm/'.$lp_path.'/', $lp_item_path);
                         if (stripos($file, '<servername>') !== false) {
                             //$file = str_replace('<servername>',$course_path.'/scorm/'.$lp_path.'/',$lp_item_path);
                             $web_course_path = str_replace('https://', '', str_replace('http://', '', $course_path));
                             $file = str_replace('<servername>', $web_course_path . '/scorm/' . $lp_path, $lp_item_path);
                         $file .= $aicc_append;
                     } else {
                         if ($this->debug > 2) {
                             error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() ' . __LINE__ . ' - No starting protocol in ' . $lp_item_path, 0);
                         // Prevent getting untranslatable urls.
                         $lp_item_path = preg_replace('/%2F/', '/', $lp_item_path);
                         $lp_item_path = preg_replace('/%3A/', ':', $lp_item_path);
                         // Prepare the path - lp_path might be unusable because it includes the "aicc" subdir name.
                         $file = $course_path . '/scorm/' . $lp_path . '/' . $lp_item_path;
                         // TODO: Fix this for urls with protocol header.
                         $file = str_replace('//', '/', $file);
                         $file = str_replace(':/', '://', $file);
                         $file .= $aicc_append;
                 } else {
                     $file = 'lp_content.php?type=dir';
             case 4:
     if ($this->debug > 2) {
         error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() - returning "' . $file . '" from get_link', 0);
     return $file;
예제 #20
  * Get activities data to display
  * @param int $from
  * @param int $numberOfItems
  * @param int $column
  * @param string $direction
  * @return array
 public static function getActivitiesData($from, $numberOfItems, $column, $direction)
     $track_e_default = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_DEFAULT);
     $table_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER);
     $access_url_rel_user_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_USER);
     $current_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id();
     $column = intval($column);
     $from = intval($from);
     $numberOfItems = intval($numberOfItems);
     if (!in_array($direction, array('ASC', 'DESC'))) {
         $direction = 'DESC';
     if (api_is_multiple_url_enabled()) {
         $sql = "SELECT\n                    default_event_type  as col0,\n                    default_value_type    as col1,\n                    default_value        as col2,\n                    c_id         as col3,\n                    session_id as col4,\n                    user.username         as col5,\n                    user.user_id         as col6,\n                    default_date         as col7\n                    FROM {$track_e_default} as track_default, {$table_user} as user, {$access_url_rel_user_table} as url\n                    WHERE\n                        track_default.default_user_id = user.user_id AND\n                        url.user_id = user.user_id AND\n                        access_url_id='" . $current_url_id . "'";
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT\n                   default_event_type  as col0,\n                   default_value_type    as col1,\n                   default_value        as col2,\n                   c_id         as col3,\n                   session_id as col4,\n                   user.username         as col5,\n                   user.user_id         as col6,\n                   default_date         as col7\n                   FROM {$track_e_default} track_default, {$table_user} user\n                   WHERE track_default.default_user_id = user.user_id ";
     if (isset($_GET['keyword'])) {
         $keyword = Database::escape_string(trim($_GET['keyword']));
         $sql .= " AND (user.username LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%' OR\n                        default_event_type LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%' OR\n                        default_value_type LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%' OR\n                        default_value LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%') ";
     if (!empty($column) && !empty($direction)) {
         $sql .= " ORDER BY col{$column} {$direction}";
     } else {
         $sql .= " ORDER BY col5 DESC ";
     $sql .= " LIMIT {$from},{$numberOfItems} ";
     $res = Database::query($sql);
     $activities = array();
     while ($row = Database::fetch_row($res)) {
         if (strpos($row[1], '_object') === false && strpos($row[1], '_array') === false) {
             $row[2] = $row[2];
         } else {
             if (!empty($row[2])) {
                 $originalData = str_replace('\\', '', $row[2]);
                 $row[2] = unserialize($originalData);
                 if (is_array($row[2]) && !empty($row[2])) {
                     $row[2] = implode_with_key(', ', $row[2]);
                 } else {
                     $row[2] = $originalData;
         if (!empty($row['default_date']) && $row['default_date'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
             $row['default_date'] = api_get_local_time($row['default_date']);
         } else {
             $row['default_date'] = '-';
         if (!empty($row[5])) {
             if (!empty($row[3])) {
                 $row[3] = Display::url($row[3], api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'admin/course_edit.php?id=' . $row[3]);
             } else {
                 $row[3] = '-';
             // session
             if (!empty($row[4])) {
                 $row[4] = Display::url($row[4], api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'session/resume_session.php?id_session=' . $row[4]);
             } else {
                 $row[4] = '-';
             // User id.
             $row[5] = Display::url($row[5], api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'admin/user_information.php?user_id=' . $row[6], array('title' => get_lang('UserInfo')));
             $row[6] = TrackingUserLog::get_ip_from_user_event($row[6], $row[7], true);
             if (empty($row[6])) {
                 $row[6] = get_lang('Unknown');
         $activities[] = $row;
     return $activities;
예제 #21
function search_users($needle, $type)
    global $tbl_user, $tbl_session_rel_user, $id_session;
    $xajax_response = new XajaxResponse();
    $return = '';
    if (!empty($needle) && !empty($type)) {
        //normal behaviour
        if ($type == 'any_session' && $needle == 'false') {
            $type = 'multiple';
            $needle = '';
        // xajax send utf8 datas... datas in db can be non-utf8 datas
        $charset = api_get_system_encoding();
        $needle = Database::escape_string($needle);
        $needle = api_convert_encoding($needle, $charset, 'utf-8');
        $order_clause = api_sort_by_first_name() ? ' ORDER BY firstname, lastname, username' : ' ORDER BY lastname, firstname, username';
        $cond_user_id = '';
        //Only for single & multiple
        if (in_array($type, array('single', 'multiple'))) {
            if (!empty($id_session)) {
                $id_session = intval($id_session);
                // check id_user from session_rel_user table
                $sql = 'SELECT id_user FROM ' . $tbl_session_rel_user . '
                    WHERE id_session ="' . $id_session . '" AND relation_type<>' . SESSION_RELATION_TYPE_RRHH . ' ';
                $res = Database::query($sql);
                $user_ids = array();
                if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) {
                    while ($row = Database::fetch_row($res)) {
                        $user_ids[] = (int) $row[0];
                if (count($user_ids) > 0) {
                    $cond_user_id = ' AND user.user_id NOT IN(' . implode(",", $user_ids) . ')';
        switch ($type) {
            case 'single':
                // search users where username or firstname or lastname begins likes $needle
                $sql = 'SELECT user.user_id, username, lastname, firstname, official_code
                        FROM ' . $tbl_user . ' user
                        WHERE (username LIKE "' . $needle . '%" OR firstname LIKE "' . $needle . '%"
                            OR lastname LIKE "' . $needle . '%") AND user.status<>6 AND user.status<>' . DRH . '' . $order_clause . ' LIMIT 11';
            case 'multiple':
                $sql = 'SELECT user.user_id, username, lastname, firstname, official_code
                        FROM ' . $tbl_user . ' user
                        WHERE ' . (api_sort_by_first_name() ? 'firstname' : 'lastname') . ' LIKE "' . $needle . '%" AND user.status<>' . DRH . ' AND user.status<>6 ' . $cond_user_id . $order_clause;
            case 'any_session':
                $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT user.user_id, username, lastname, firstname, official_code
                        FROM ' . $tbl_user . ' user
                        LEFT OUTER JOIN ' . $tbl_session_rel_user . ' s ON (s.id_user = user.user_id)
                        WHERE   s.id_user IS null AND user.status<>' . DRH . ' AND
                                user.status<>6 ' . $cond_user_id . $order_clause;
        if (api_is_multiple_url_enabled()) {
            $tbl_user_rel_access_url = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_USER);
            $access_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id();
            if ($access_url_id != -1) {
                switch ($type) {
                    case 'single':
                        $sql = 'SELECT user.user_id, username, lastname, firstname, official_code
                        FROM ' . $tbl_user . ' user
                        INNER JOIN ' . $tbl_user_rel_access_url . ' url_user ON (url_user.user_id=user.user_id)
                        WHERE access_url_id = ' . $access_url_id . '  AND (username LIKE "' . $needle . '%"
                        OR firstname LIKE "' . $needle . '%"
                        OR lastname LIKE "' . $needle . '%") AND user.status<>6 AND user.status<>' . DRH . ' ' . $order_clause . ' LIMIT 11';
                    case 'multiple':
                        $sql = 'SELECT user.user_id, username, lastname, firstname , official_code
                        FROM ' . $tbl_user . ' user
                        INNER JOIN ' . $tbl_user_rel_access_url . ' url_user ON (url_user.user_id=user.user_id)
                        WHERE access_url_id = ' . $access_url_id . ' AND
                            ' . (api_sort_by_first_name() ? 'firstname' : 'lastname') . ' LIKE "' . $needle . '%" AND
                                user.status<>' . DRH . ' AND
                                user.status<>6 ' . $cond_user_id . $order_clause;
                    case 'any_session':
                        $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT user.user_id, username, lastname, firstname, official_code
                            FROM ' . $tbl_user . ' user
                            LEFT OUTER JOIN ' . $tbl_session_rel_user . ' s ON (s.id_user = user.user_id)
                            INNER JOIN ' . $tbl_user_rel_access_url . ' url_user ON (url_user.user_id=user.user_id)
                                access_url_id = ' . $access_url_id . ' AND
                                s.id_user IS null AND
                                user.status<>' . DRH . ' AND
                                user.status<>6 ' . $cond_user_id . $order_clause;
        $rs = Database::query($sql);
        $i = 0;
        if ($type == 'single') {
            while ($user = Database::fetch_array($rs)) {
                if ($i <= 10) {
                    $person_name = api_get_person_name($user['firstname'], $user['lastname']) . ' (' . $user['username'] . ') ' . $user['official_code'];
                    $return .= '<a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="javascript: add_user_to_session(\'' . $user['user_id'] . '\',\'' . $person_name . ' ' . '\')">' . $person_name . ' </a><br />';
                } else {
                    $return .= '...<br />';
            $xajax_response->addAssign('ajax_list_users_single', 'innerHTML', api_utf8_encode($return));
        } else {
            global $nosessionUsersList;
            $return .= '<select id="origin_users" name="nosessionUsersList[]" multiple="multiple" size="15" style="width:360px;">';
            while ($user = Database::fetch_array($rs)) {
                $person_name = api_get_person_name($user['firstname'], $user['lastname']) . ' (' . $user['username'] . ') ' . $user['official_code'];
                $return .= '<option value="' . $user['user_id'] . '">' . $person_name . ' </option>';
            $return .= '</select>';
            $xajax_response->addAssign('ajax_list_users_multiple', 'innerHTML', api_utf8_encode($return));
    return $xajax_response;
예제 #22
  * @author Sebastien Piraux <*****@*****.**>
  * @param sql : a sql query (as a string)
  * @return month_array
  * @desc        Return an assoc array.  Keys are the days, values are
  * the number of time this hours was found.
  * key "total" return the sum of all number of time days
  * appear
 public static function monthTab($sql)
     $MonthsLong = api_get_months_long();
     $month_array = array('total' => 0);
     $res = Database::query($sql);
     if ($res !== false) {
         // init tab with all months
         for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) {
             $month_array[$MonthsLong[$i]] = 0;
         while ($row = Database::fetch_row($res)) {
             $date_array = getdate($row[0]);
             $month_array[$MonthsLong[$date_array['mon'] - 1]]++;
     return $month_array;
예제 #23
  * Gets a link to the resource from the present location, depending on item ID.
  * @param	string	Type of link expected
  * @param	integer	Learnpath item ID
  * @return	string	Link to the lp_item resource
 function get_link($type = 'http', $item_id = null)
     if ($this->debug > 0) {
         error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link(' . $type . ',' . $item_id . ')', 0);
     if (empty($item_id)) {
         if ($this->debug > 2) {
             error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() - no item id given in learnpath::get_link(), using current: ' . $this->get_current_item_id(), 0);
         $item_id = $this->get_current_item_id();
     if (empty($item_id)) {
         if ($this->debug > 2) {
             error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() - no current item id found in learnpath object', 0);
         //still empty, this means there was no item_id given and we are not in an object context or
         //the object property is empty, return empty link
         $item_id = $this->first();
         return '';
     $file = '';
     $lp_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_MAIN);
     $lp_item_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_ITEM);
     $lp_item_view_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_ITEM_VIEW);
     $item_id = Database::escape_string($item_id);
     $sel = "SELECT l.lp_type as ltype, l.path as lpath, li.item_type as litype, li.path as lipath, li.parameters as liparams " . "FROM {$lp_table} l, {$lp_item_table} li WHERE li.id = {$item_id} AND li.lp_id = l.id";
     if ($this->debug > 2) {
         error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() - selecting item ' . $sel, 0);
     $res = Database::query($sel);
     if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) {
         $row = Database::fetch_array($res);
         $lp_type = $row['ltype'];
         $lp_path = $row['lpath'];
         $lp_item_type = $row['litype'];
         $lp_item_path = $row['lipath'];
         $lp_item_params = $row['liparams'];
         if (empty($lp_item_params) && strpos($lp_item_path, '?') !== false) {
             list($lp_item_path, $lp_item_params) = explode('?', $lp_item_path);
         //$lp_item_params = '?'.$lp_item_params;
         //add ? if none - left commented to give freedom to scorm implementation
         //	$lp_item_params = '?'.$lp_item_params;
         $sys_course_path = "";
         if ($type == 'http') {
             $course_path = "";
             //web path
         } else {
             $course_path = $sys_course_path;
             //system path
         $course_path = "../../upload/scorm/" . $this->parent_dir;
         //now go through the specific cases to get the end of the path
         switch ($lp_type) {
             case 1:
                 if ($lp_item_type == 'dokeos_chapter') {
                     $file = 'lp_content.php?type=dir';
                 } else {
                     require_once 'resourcelinker.inc.php';
                     $file = rl_get_resource_link_for_learnpath(api_get_course_id(), $this->get_id(), $item_id);
                     // check how much attempts of a exercise exits in lp
                     $lp_item_id = $this->get_current_item_id();
                     $lp_view_id = $this->get_view_id();
                     $prevent_reinit = $this->items[$this->current]->get_prevent_reinit();
                     $list = $this->get_toc();
                     $type_quiz = false;
                     foreach ($list as $toc) {
                         if ($toc['id'] == $lp_item_id && $toc['type'] == 'quiz') {
                             $type_quiz = true;
                     if ($type_quiz) {
                         $lp_item_id = Database::escape_string($lp_item_id);
                         $lp_view_id = Database::escape_string($lp_view_id);
                         $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM {$lp_item_view_table} WHERE lp_item_id='" . (int) $lp_item_id . "' AND lp_view_id ='" . (int) $lp_view_id . "' AND status='completed'";
                         $result = Database::query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
                         $row_count = Database::fetch_row($result);
                         $count_item_view = (int) $row_count[0];
                         $not_multiple_attempt = 0;
                         if ($prevent_reinit === 1 && $count_item_view > 0) {
                             $not_multiple_attempt = 0;
                             //See Bug #6751
                         $file .= '&not_multiple_attempt=' . $not_multiple_attempt;
                     $tmp_array = explode("/", $file);
                     $document_name = $tmp_array[count($tmp_array) - 1];
                     if (strpos($document_name, '_DELETED_')) {
                         $file = 'blank.php?error=document_deleted';
             case 2:
                 if ($this->debug > 2) {
                     error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() ' . __LINE__ . ' - Item type: ' . $lp_item_type, 0);
                 if ($lp_item_type != 'dir') {
                     //Quite complex here:
                     //we want to make sure 'http://' (and similar) links can
                     //be loaded as is (withouth the Dokeos path in front) but
                     //some contents use this form: resource.htm?resource=http://blablabla
                     //which means we have to find a protocol at the path's start, otherwise
                     //it should not be considered as an external URL
                     if (preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z]{2,5}://#', $lp_item_path) != 0) {
                         if ($this->debug > 2) {
                             error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() ' . __LINE__ . ' - Found match for protocol in ' . $lp_item_path, 0);
                         //distant url, return as is
                         $file = $lp_item_path;
                     } else {
                         if ($this->debug > 2) {
                             error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() ' . __LINE__ . ' - No starting protocol in ' . $lp_item_path, 0);
                         //prevent getting untranslatable urls
                         $lp_item_path = preg_replace('/%2F/', '/', $lp_item_path);
                         $lp_item_path = preg_replace('/%3A/', ':', $lp_item_path);
                         //prepare the path
                         $file = $course_path . $lp_path . '/' . $lp_item_path;
                         //TODO fix this for urls with protocol header
                         $file = str_replace('//', '/', $file);
                         $file = str_replace(':/', '://', $file);
                         if (substr($lp_path, -1) == '/') {
                             $lp_path = substr($lp_path, 0, -1);
                         if (is_file(realpath($sys_course_path . '/scorm/' . $lp_path . '/' . $lp_item_path))) {
                             //if file not found
                             $decoded = html_entity_decode($lp_item_path);
                             list($decoded) = explode('?', $decoded);
                             if (!is_file(realpath($sys_course_path . '/scorm/' . $lp_path . '/' . $decoded))) {
                                 require_once 'resourcelinker.inc.php';
                                 $file = rl_get_resource_link_for_learnpath(api_get_course_id(), $this->get_id(), $item_id);
                                 if (empty($file)) {
                                     $file = 'blank.php?error=document_not_found';
                                 } else {
                                     $tmp_array = explode("/", $file);
                                     $document_name = $tmp_array[count($tmp_array) - 1];
                                     if (strpos($document_name, '_DELETED_')) {
                                         $file = 'blank.php?error=document_deleted';
                             } else {
                                 $file = $course_path . '/scorm/' . $lp_path . '/' . $decoded;
                     //prerequisites did not match
                     //$file = 'blank.php';
                     //We want to use parameters if they were defined in the imsmanifest
                     if ($file != 'blank.php') {
                         $file .= (strstr($file, '?') === false ? '?' : '') . $lp_item_params;
                 } else {
                     $file = 'lp_content.php?type=dir';
             case 3:
                 if ($this->debug > 2) {
                     error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() ' . __LINE__ . ' - Item type: ' . $lp_item_type, 0);
                 //formatting AICC HACP append URL
                 $aicc_append = '?aicc_sid=' . urlencode(session_id()) . '&aicc_url=' . urlencode(api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'newscorm/aicc_hacp.php') . '&' . $lp_item_params;
                 if ($lp_item_type != 'dir') {
                     //Quite complex here:
                     //we want to make sure 'http://' (and similar) links can
                     //be loaded as is (withouth the Dokeos path in front) but
                     //some contents use this form: resource.htm?resource=http://blablabla
                     //which means we have to find a protocol at the path's start, otherwise
                     //it should not be considered as an external URL
                     if (preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z]{2,5}://#', $lp_item_path) != 0) {
                         if ($this->debug > 2) {
                             error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() ' . __LINE__ . ' - Found match for protocol in ' . $lp_item_path, 0);
                         //distant url, return as is
                         $file = $lp_item_path;
                         // Enabled and modified by Ivan Tcholakov, 16-OCT-2008.
                          $file = str_replace('<servername>',$course_path.'/scorm/'.$lp_path.'/',$lp_item_path);
                         if (stripos($file, '<servername>') !== false) {
                             //$file = str_replace('<servername>',$course_path.'/scorm/'.$lp_path.'/',$lp_item_path);
                             $web_course_path = str_replace('https://', '', str_replace('http://', '', $course_path));
                             $file = str_replace('<servername>', $web_course_path . '/scorm/' . $lp_path, $lp_item_path);
                         $file .= $aicc_append;
                     } else {
                         if ($this->debug > 2) {
                             error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() ' . __LINE__ . ' - No starting protocol in ' . $lp_item_path, 0);
                         //prevent getting untranslatable urls
                         $lp_item_path = preg_replace('/%2F/', '/', $lp_item_path);
                         $lp_item_path = preg_replace('/%3A/', ':', $lp_item_path);
                         //prepare the path - lp_path might be unusable because it includes the "aicc" subdir name
                         $file = $course_path . '/scorm/' . $lp_path . '/' . $lp_item_path;
                         //TODO fix this for urls with protocol header
                         $file = str_replace('//', '/', $file);
                         $file = str_replace(':/', '://', $file);
                         $file .= $aicc_append;
                 } else {
                     $file = 'lp_content.php?type=dir';
             case 4:
     if ($this->debug > 2) {
         error_log('New LP - In learnpath::get_link() - returning "' . $file . '" from get_link', 0);
     return $file;
예제 #24
  * Get count dates inside attendance calendar by attendance id
  * @param	int	$attendance_id
  * @return	int     count of dates
 public static function get_count_dates_inside_attendance_calendar($attendance_id)
     $tbl_attendance_calendar = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ATTENDANCE_CALENDAR);
     $attendance_id = intval($attendance_id);
     $course_id = api_get_course_int_id();
     $sql = "SELECT count(id) FROM {$tbl_attendance_calendar}\n                WHERE\n                \tc_id = {$course_id} AND\n                \tattendance_id = '{$attendance_id}'";
     $rs = Database::query($sql);
     $count = 0;
     if (Database::num_rows($rs) > 0) {
         $row = Database::fetch_row($rs);
         $count = $row[0];
     return $count;
  * Check if this still links to an exercise
 public function is_valid_link()
     //$sql = 'SELECT count(id) from '.$this->get_exercise_table().' WHERE c_id = '.$this->course_id.' AND id = '.(int)$this->get_ref_id().' AND session_id='.api_get_session_id().'';
     $sql = 'SELECT count(id) from ' . $this->get_exercise_table() . ' WHERE c_id = ' . $this->course_id . ' AND id = ' . (int) $this->get_ref_id() . ' ';
     $result = Database::query($sql);
     $number = Database::fetch_row($result);
     return $number[0] != 0;
예제 #26
  * Returns a list (array) of users who are online and in this course.
  * @param    int User ID
  * @param    int Number of minutes
  * @param    string  Course code (could be empty, but then the function returns false)
  * @return   array   Each line gives a user id and a login time
 public static function who_is_online_in_this_course($from, $number_of_items, $uid, $time_limit, $course_code)
     if (empty($course_code)) {
         return false;
     if (empty($time_limit)) {
         $time_limit = api_get_setting('time_limit_whosonline');
     } else {
         $time_limit = intval($time_limit);
     $online_time = time() - $time_limit * 60;
     $current_date = api_get_utc_datetime($online_time);
     $track_online_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ONLINE);
     $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code);
     $from = intval($from);
     $number_of_items = intval($number_of_items);
     $query = "SELECT login_user_id, login_date FROM {$track_online_table}\n                  WHERE login_user_id <> 2 AND course='{$course_code}' AND login_date >= '{$current_date}'\n                  LIMIT {$from}, {$number_of_items} ";
     $result = Database::query($query);
     if ($result) {
         /*$valid_date_time = new DateTime();
           $diff = "PT".$time_limit.'M';
           $valid_date_time->sub(new DateInterval($diff));*/
         $users_online = array();
         while (list($login_user_id, $login_date) = Database::fetch_row($result)) {
             /*$user_login_date = new DateTime($login_date);
               if ($user_login_date > $valid_date_time->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')) {*/
             $users_online[] = $login_user_id;
         return $users_online;
     } else {
         return false;
    header('Location: session_course_list.php?id_session=' . $id_session);
//$interbreadcrumb[]=array('url' => 'index.php',"name" => get_lang('PlatformAdmin'));
$interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => "session_list.php", "name" => get_lang("SessionList"));
$interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => "resume_session.php?id_session=" . $id_session, "name" => get_lang('SessionOverview'));
$interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => "session_course_list.php?id_session={$id_session}", "name" => api_htmlentities($session_name, ENT_QUOTES, $charset));
$arr_infos = array();
if (isset($_POST['formSent']) && $_POST['formSent']) {
    $formSent = 1;
    // get all tutor by course_code in the session
    $sql = "SELECT user_id\n\t        FROM {$tbl_session_rel_course_rel_user}\n\t        WHERE session_id = '{$id_session}' AND c_id = '" . $courseId . "' AND status = 2";
    $rs_coaches = Database::query($sql);
    $coaches_course_session = array();
    if (Database::num_rows($rs_coaches) > 0) {
        while ($row_coaches = Database::fetch_row($rs_coaches)) {
            $coaches_course_session[] = $row_coaches[0];
    $id_coaches = $_POST['id_coach'];
    if (is_array($id_coaches) && count($id_coaches) > 0) {
        foreach ($id_coaches as $id_coach) {
            $id_coach = intval($id_coach);
            $rs1 = SessionManager::set_coach_to_course_session($id_coach, $id_session, $courseId);
        // set status to 0 other tutors from multiple list
        $array_intersect = array_diff($coaches_course_session, $id_coaches);
        foreach ($array_intersect as $no_coach_user_id) {
            $rs2 = SessionManager::set_coach_to_course_session($no_coach_user_id, $id_session, $courseId, true);
        header('Location: ' . Security::remove_XSS($_GET['page']) . '?id_session=' . $id_session);
예제 #28
     * Are there any results for this evaluation yet ?
     * The 'max' property should not be changed then.
    public function has_results()
        $tbl_grade_results = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_GRADEBOOK_RESULT);
        $sql = 'SELECT count(id) AS number
				FROM ' . $tbl_grade_results . '
				WHERE evaluation_id = ' . intval($this->id);
        $result = Database::query($sql);
        $number = Database::fetch_row($result);
        return $number[0] != 0;
예제 #29
  * Get activities data to display
 static function get_activities_data($from, $number_of_items, $column, $direction)
     global $dateTimeFormatLong;
     $track_e_default = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_DEFAULT);
     $table_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER);
     $access_url_rel_user_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_USER);
     $current_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id();
     $column = intval($column);
     $from = intval($from);
     $number_of_items = intval($number_of_items);
     if (!in_array($direction, array('ASC', 'DESC'))) {
         $direction = 'DESC';
     if (api_is_multiple_url_enabled()) {
         $sql = "SELECT " . "default_event_type  as col0, " . "default_value_type    as col1, " . "default_value        as col2, " . "user.username         as col3, " . "user.user_id         as col4, " . "default_date         as col5 " . "FROM {$track_e_default} as track_default, {$table_user} as user, {$access_url_rel_user_table} as url " . "WHERE track_default.default_user_id = user.user_id AND url.user_id=user.user_id AND access_url_id='" . $current_url_id . "'";
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT " . "default_event_type  as col0, " . "default_value_type    as col1, " . "default_value        as col2, " . "user.username         as col3, " . "user.user_id         as col4, " . "default_date         as col5 " . "FROM {$track_e_default} track_default, {$table_user} user " . "WHERE track_default.default_user_id = user.user_id ";
     if (isset($_GET['keyword'])) {
         $keyword = Database::escape_string(trim($_GET['keyword']));
         $sql .= " AND (user.username LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%' OR default_event_type LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%' OR default_value_type LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%' OR default_value LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%') ";
     if (!empty($column) && !empty($direction)) {
         $sql .= " ORDER BY col{$column} {$direction}";
     } else {
         $sql .= " ORDER BY col5 DESC ";
     $sql .= " LIMIT {$from}, {$number_of_items} ";
     $res = Database::query($sql);
     $activities = array();
     while ($row = Database::fetch_row($res)) {
         if (strpos($row[1], '_object') === false) {
             $row[2] = $row[2];
         } else {
             if (!empty($row[2])) {
                 $row[2] = unserialize($row[2]);
                 if (is_array($row[2]) && !empty($row[2])) {
                     $row[2] = Text::implode_with_key(', ', $row[2]);
         if (!empty($row['default_date']) && $row['default_date'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
             $row['default_date'] = api_get_local_time($row['default_date']);
         } else {
             $row['default_date'] = '-';
         if (!empty($row[4])) {
             //user ID
             $row[3] = Display::url($row[3], api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'admin/user_information?user_id=' . $row[5], array('title' => get_lang('UserInfo')));
             $row[4] = TrackingUserLog::get_ip_from_user_event($row[4], $row[5], true);
             if (empty($row[4])) {
                 $row[4] = get_lang('Unknown');
         $activities[] = $row;
     return $activities;
예제 #30
 public function get_max_field_order()
     $sql = "SELECT MAX(field_order) FROM {$this->table}";
     $res = Database::query($sql);
     $order = 0;
     if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) {
         $row = Database::fetch_row($res);
         $order = $row[0] + 1;
     return $order;