public function testSavingNewParentAccountSavesCorrectly() { $oldMetadata = Account::getMetadata(); $newMetadata = $oldMetadata; $newMetadata['Account']['rules'][] = array('type', 'default', 'value' => 'Customer'); Account::setMetadata($newMetadata); $account = new Account(); $account->name = 'Account'; $account->type->value = 'Customer'; $account->account = $account; $saved = $account->save(); $this->assertTrue($saved); $account->account = null; $saved = $account->save(); $this->assertTrue($saved); $count = R::getCell('select count(*) from account'); $this->assertEquals(1, $count); Account::setMetadata($oldMetadata); $this->assertTrue($account->delete()); }
$result = $account->update($user); if ($result >= 0) { $_GET["id"] = $_POST["id"]; // Force chargement page en mode visu } else { setEventMessages($account->error, $account->errors, 'errors'); $action = 'edit'; // Force chargement page edition } } } if ($_POST["action"] == 'confirm_delete' && $_POST["confirm"] == "yes" && $user->rights->banque->configurer) { // Delete $account = new Account($db); $account->fetch($_GET["id"]); $account->delete(); header("Location: " . DOL_URL_ROOT . "/compta/bank/index.php"); exit; } /* * View */ $form = new Form($db); $formbank = new FormBank($db); $formcompany = new FormCompany($db); $countrynotdefined = $langs->trans("ErrorSetACountryFirst") . ' (' . $langs->trans("SeeAbove") . ')'; llxHeader(); // Creation if ($action == 'create') { $account = new Account($db); print load_fiche_titre($langs->trans("NewFinancialAccount"), '', 'title_bank.png');
public function testDelete() { // the rows we are looking to update $where = 'amount > 99'; $whereValues = array(1); // id=1 $options = array('limitMax' => 1); // our mock adapter $adapter = $this->adapterMock; // prepare the mock to expect the variables passed, and return a row $adapter->expects($this->once())->method('delete')->with('accounts', $where, $whereValues, $options)->will($this->returnValue(true)); $accountsTable = new Account($adapter); // getInstance doesn't work well in testing $result = $accountsTable->delete($where, $whereValues, $options); $this->assertTrue($result); }
public function delete($id) { //get account_id nya dulu global $db; $this->getByID($id); //delete account $acc = new Account(); $acc->delete($this->account_id); $acc->deleteRole($this->account_id); return parent::delete($id); }
/** * @depends testGroupDeleted_Slide15 */ public function testUserDeleted_Slide16() { $u1 = User::getByUsername('u1.'); $u99 = User::getByUsername('u99.'); Yii::app()->user->userModel = $u99; $g1 = Group::getByName('G1.'); $g2 = Group::getByName('G2.'); $g3 = Group::getByName('G3.'); $g1->users->add($u1); $this->assertTrue($g1->save()); $g2->groups->add($g1); $this->assertTrue($g2->save()); $g1->groups->add($g3); $this->assertTrue($g1->save()); Yii::app()->user->userModel = $u1; $a1 = new Account(); $a1->name = 'A1.'; $this->assertTrue($a1->save()); //Called in OwnedSecurableItem::afterSave(); //ReadPermissionsOptimizationUtil::ownedSecurableItemCreated($a1); Yii::app()->user->userModel = $u99; $a2 = new Account(); $a2->name = 'A2.'; $a2->addPermissions($u1, Permission::READ); $this->assertTrue($a2->save()); //Called in OwnedSecurableItem::afterSave(); //ReadPermissionsOptimizationUtil::ownedSecurableItemCreated($a2); ReadPermissionsOptimizationUtil::securableItemGivenPermissionsForUser($a2, $u1); $a3 = new Account(); $a3->name = 'A3.'; $a3->addPermissions($g1, Permission::READ); $this->assertTrue($a3->save()); //Called in OwnedSecurableItem::afterSave(); //ReadPermissionsOptimizationUtil::ownedSecurableItemCreated($a3); ReadPermissionsOptimizationUtil::securableItemGivenPermissionsForGroup($a3, $g1); $this->assertEquals(array(array('A1', 'R2', 1), array('A1', 'R3', 1), array('A2', 'R2', 1), array('A2', 'R3', 1), array('A2', 'U1', 1), array('A3', 'G1', 1), array('A3', 'G3', 1), array('A3', 'R2', 1), array('A3', 'R3', 1)), self::getAccountMungeRows()); $this->assertTrue(self::accountMungeDoesntChangeWhenRebuilt()); $u1->testBeforeDelete(); //Called in User->beforeDelete(); //ReadPermissionsOptimizationUtil::userBeingDeleted($u1); // $u1->delete(); // Not really deleting it, to avoid messing up the ids. $this->assertEquals(array(array('A3', 'G1', 1), array('A3', 'G3', 1)), self::getAccountMungeRows()); //$this->assertTrue(self::accountMungeDoesntChangeWhenRebuilt()); // Can't do this because // of not really deleting Yii::app()->user->userModel = $u1; // the group. $a1->delete(); Yii::app()->user->userModel = $u99; $a2->delete(); $a3->delete(); $g1->users->removeAll(); $g1->groups->removeAll(); $this->assertTrue($g1->save()); $g2->groups->removeall(); $this->assertTrue($g2->save()); }
/** * Create admin page * * @author Thibaud Rohmer */ public function __construct() { /// Check that current user is an admin or an uploader if (!(CurrentUser::$admin || CurrentUser::$uploader)) { return; } /// Get actions available for Uploaders too if (isset($_GET['a'])) { switch ($_GET['a']) { case "Abo": $this->page = new AdminAbout(); break; case "Upl": if (isset($_POST['path'])) { AdminUpload::upload(); CurrentUser::$path = File::r2a(stripslashes($_POST['path'])); } break; case "Mov": if (isset($_POST['pathFrom'])) { try { CurrentUser::$path = File::r2a(dirname(stripslashes($_POST['pathFrom']))); } catch (Exception $e) { CurrentUser::$path = Settings::$photos_dir; } } Admin::move(); if (isset($_POST['move']) && $_POST['move'] == "rename") { try { if (is_dir(File::r2a(stripslashes($_POST['pathFrom'])))) { CurrentUser::$path = dirname(File::r2a(stripslashes($_POST['pathFrom']))) . "/" . stripslashes($_POST['pathTo']); } } catch (Exception $e) { CurrentUser::$path = Settings::$photos_dir; } } break; case "Del": if (isset($_POST['del'])) { if (!is_array($_POST['del'])) { CurrentUser::$path = dirname(File::r2a(stripslashes($_POST['del']))); } else { CurrentUser::$path = dirname(File::r2a(stripslashes($_POST['del'][0]))); } Admin::delete(); } break; } } /// Check that current user is an admin if (!CurrentUser::$admin) { return; } /// Get action if (isset($_GET['a'])) { switch ($_GET['a']) { case "Sta": $this->page = new AdminStats(); break; case "VTk": $this->page = new GuestToken(); break; case "DTk": if (isset($_POST['tokenkey'])) { GuestToken::delete($_POST['tokenkey']); } $this->page = new GuestToken(); break; case "Acc": if (isset($_POST['edit'])) { Account::edit($_POST['login'], $_POST['old_password'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['name'], $_POST['email'], NULL, $_POST['language']); } if (isset($_POST['login'])) { $this->page = new Account($_POST['login']); } else { $this->page = CurrentUser::$account; } break; case "GC": Group::create($_POST['group']); $this->page = new Group(); break; case "AAc": Account::create($_POST['login'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['verif']); $this->page = new Group(); break; case "AGA": $a = new Account($_POST['acc']); $a->add_group($_POST['group']); $a->save(); $this->page = CurrentUser::$account; break; case "AGR": $a = new Account($_POST['acc']); $a->remove_group($_POST['group']); $a->save(); $this->page = CurrentUser::$account; break; case "ADe": Account::delete($_POST['name']); $this->page = new Group(); break; case "GEd": Group::edit($_POST); $this->page = new Group(); break; case "GDe": Group::delete($_GET['g']); $this->page = new Group(); break; case "CDe": CurrentUser::$path = File::r2a($_POST['image']); Comments::delete($_POST['id']); $this->page = new MainPage(); break; case "JS": break; case "EdA": $this->page = new Group(); break; case "GAl": if (isset($_POST['path'])) { Settings::gener_all(File::r2a(stripslashes($_POST['path']))); } case "Set": if (isset($_POST['name'])) { Settings::set(); } $this->page = new Settings(); break; } } if (!isset($this->page)) { $this->page = new AdminAbout(); } /// Create menu $this->menu = new AdminMenu(); }
public function testLogAuditEventsListWithShortFormat() { Yii::app()->user->userModel = User::getByUsername('jimmy'); $beforeCount = AuditEvent::getCount(); $account = new Account(); $account->name = 'Yoddle'; $this->assertTrue($account->save()); $this->assertEquals($beforeCount + 1, AuditEvent::getCount()); $account->delete(); $this->assertEquals($beforeCount + 2, AuditEvent::getCount()); $AuditEventsList = AuditEvent::getTailEvents(2); $this->assertEquals('Item Created', ZurmoModule::stringifyAuditEvent($AuditEventsList[0], 'short')); $this->assertEquals('Item Deleted', ZurmoModule::stringifyAuditEvent($AuditEventsList[1], 'short')); }
{ $_GET["id"]=$_POST["id"]; // Force chargement page en mode visu } else { $message='<div class="error">'.$account->error.'</div>'; $_GET["action"]='edit'; // Force chargement page edition } } } if ($_POST["action"] == 'confirm_delete' && $_POST["confirm"] == "yes" && $user->rights->banque->configurer) { // Modification $account = new Account($db, $_GET["id"]); $account->delete($_GET["id"]); header("Location: ".DOL_URL_ROOT."/compta/bank/index.php"); exit; } /* * View */ llxHeader(); $form = new Form($db); /* ************************************************************************** */
$mail->Body = $mailBody; if ($mail->Send()) { $main_content .= 'Your account has been created. Check your e-mail. See you in Tibia!<BR><BR>'; $main_content .= '<TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=4> <TR><TD BGCOLOR="' . $config['site']['vdarkborder'] . '" CLASS=white><B>Account Created</B></TD></TR> <TR><TD BGCOLOR="' . $config['site']['darkborder'] . '"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=1><TR><TD> <BR>Your account name is <b>' . $reg_name . '</b>. <BR><b><i>You will receive e-mail (<b>' . htmlspecialchars($reg_email) . '</b>) with your password.</b></i><br>'; $main_content .= 'You will need the account name and your password to play on ' . htmlspecialchars($config['server']['serverName']) . '. Please keep your account name and password in a safe place and never give your account name or password to anybody.<BR><BR>'; $main_content .= '<br /><small>These informations were send on email address <b>' . htmlspecialchars($reg_email) . '</b>. Please check your inbox/spam folder.'; } else { $main_content .= '<br /><small>An error occorred while sending email! Account not created. Try again.</small>'; $reg_account->delete(); } } else { $main_content .= 'Your account has been created. Now you can login and create your first character. See you in Tibia!<BR><BR>'; $main_content .= '<TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=4> <TR><TD BGCOLOR="' . $config['site']['vdarkborder'] . '" CLASS=white><B>Account Created</B></TD></TR> <TR><TD BGCOLOR="' . $config['site']['darkborder'] . '"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=1><TR><TD> <BR>Your account name is <b>' . htmlspecialchars($reg_name) . '</b><br>You will need the account name and your password to play on ' . htmlspecialchars($config['server']['serverName']) . '. Please keep your account name and password in a safe place and never give your account name or password to anybody.<BR><BR>'; if ($config['site']['send_emails'] && $config['site']['send_register_email']) { $mailBody = '<html> <body> <h3>Your account name and password!</h3> <p>You or someone else registred on server <a href="' . $config['server']['url'] . '"><b>' . htmlspecialchars($config['server']['serverName']) . '</b></a> with this e-mail.</p>
public function testDeleteSecurableItemDeletesItsPermissions() { $user = User::getByUsername('billy'); $account = new Account(); $account->name = 'Waxamatronic'; $account->addPermissions($user, Permission::READ); $this->assertTrue($account->save()); $this->assertEquals(1, count($account->permissions)); $this->assertEquals(Permission::READ, $account->getEffectivePermissions($user)); $account->delete(); unset($account); $userId = $user->id; unset($user); RedBeanModel::forgetAll(); $this->assertEquals(0, count(Permission::getAll())); }
/** * testBankAccountDelete * * @param int $id Id of contract * @return int * * @depends testBankAccountOther * The depends says test is run only if previous is ok */ public function testBankAccountDelete($id) { global $conf, $user, $langs, $db; $conf = $this->savconf; $user = $this->savuser; $langs = $this->savlangs; $db = $this->savdb; $localobject = new Account($this->savdb); $result = $localobject->fetch($id); $result = $localobject->delete($id); print __METHOD__ . " id=" . $id . " result=" . $result . "\n"; $this->assertLessThan($result, 0); return $result; }