public function testUpdateAdditionalOwners() { $response = $this->managedAccountResponse('acct_ABC'); $this->mockRequest('POST', '/v1/accounts', array('managed' => 'true'), $response); $response['legal_entity']['additional_owners'] = array(array('first_name' => 'Bob', 'last_name' => null, 'address' => array('line1' => null, 'line2' => null, 'city' => null, 'state' => null, 'postal_code' => null, 'country' => null), 'verification' => array('status' => 'unverified', 'document' => null, 'details' => null))); $this->mockRequest('POST', '/v1/accounts/acct_ABC', array('legal_entity' => array('additional_owners' => array(array('first_name' => 'Bob')))), $response); $response['legal_entity']['additional_owners'][0]['last_name'] = 'Smith'; $this->mockRequest('POST', '/v1/accounts/acct_ABC', array('legal_entity' => array('additional_owners' => array(array('last_name' => 'Smith')))), $response); $response['legal_entity']['additional_owners'][0]['last_name'] = 'Johnson'; $this->mockRequest('POST', '/v1/accounts/acct_ABC', array('legal_entity' => array('additional_owners' => array(array('last_name' => 'Johnson')))), $response); $response['legal_entity']['additional_owners'][0]['verification']['document'] = 'file_123'; $this->mockRequest('POST', '/v1/accounts/acct_ABC', array('legal_entity' => array('additional_owners' => array(array('verification' => array('document' => 'file_123'))))), $response); $response['legal_entity']['additional_owners'][1] = array('first_name' => 'Jane', 'last_name' => 'Doe'); $this->mockRequest('POST', '/v1/accounts/acct_ABC', array('legal_entity' => array('additional_owners' => array(1 => array('first_name' => 'Jane')))), $response); $account = Account::create(array('managed' => true)); $account->legal_entity->additional_owners = array(array('first_name' => 'Bob')); $account->save(); $this->assertSame(1, count($account->legal_entity->additional_owners)); $this->assertSame('Bob', $account->legal_entity->additional_owners[0]->first_name); $account->legal_entity->additional_owners[0]->last_name = 'Smith'; $account->save(); $this->assertSame(1, count($account->legal_entity->additional_owners)); $this->assertSame('Smith', $account->legal_entity->additional_owners[0]->last_name); $account['legal_entity']['additional_owners'][0]['last_name'] = 'Johnson'; $account->save(); $this->assertSame(1, count($account->legal_entity->additional_owners)); $this->assertSame('Johnson', $account->legal_entity->additional_owners[0]->last_name); $account->legal_entity->additional_owners[0]->verification->document = 'file_123'; $account->save(); $this->assertSame('file_123', $account->legal_entity->additional_owners[0]->verification->document); $account->legal_entity->additional_owners[1] = array('first_name' => 'Jane'); $account->save(); $this->assertSame('Jane', $account->legal_entity->additional_owners[1]->first_name); }
public function run() { $faker = Faker::create(); foreach (range(1, 10) as $index) { Account::create([]); } }
public function add() { $param = Input::all(); $emp_id = Employee::where('ssn', '=', $param['ssn'])->pluck('id'); Account::create(array('username' => $param['username'], 'password' => Hash::make($param['password']), 'employee_id' => $emp_id, 'role_id' => $param['role'])); return Response::json(array('valid' => TRUE)); }
public function testCreateAccount() { Client::relateIQ(GlobalVar::KEY, GlobalVar::SECRET); $account = new Account(['name' => 'Account4']); $res = $account->create(); $this->assertInstanceOf('Account', $res); $this->assertEquals('Account4', $res->name()); }
public function run() { $account_fake1 = array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => Hash::make('GuiaApir1234'), 'role_id' => '1', 'activated' => true); $account_fake2 = array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => Hash::make('GuiaApir1234'), 'age' => '21', 'referee_number' => '123456789', 'role_id' => '2', 'gender_id' => '1', 'province_id' => '9', 'specialty_id' => '2', 'activated' => true); $account_fake3 = array('email' => 'temporal@temporal', 'password' => Hash::make('GuiaApir1234'), 'role_id' => '3', 'activated' => true); Account::create($account_fake1); Account::create($account_fake2); Account::create($account_fake3); }
public function run() { $faker = $this->getFaker(); for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $email = $faker->email; $password = Hash::make("password"); Account::create(["email" => $email, "password" => $password]); } }
/** * Store a newly created account in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { $validator = Validator::make($data = Input::all(), Account::$rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } Account::create($data); return Redirect::route('accounts.index'); }
public function post_index() { if (!AccountForm::is_valid()) { return Redirect::back()->with_input()->with_errors(AccountForm::$validation); } $new_account = Account::create(Input::get()); if ($new_account) { return Redirect::to_action('accounts'); } }
public function stAccount() { $account_id = $this->st_account; if (empty($account_id)) { $account = Account::create(); $this->edit('st_account', $account->id); return $account; } return new Account($this->st_account); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { $input = Input::all(); $input['user_id'] = Auth::user()->id; $input['account'] = md5(Auth::user()->getFullName() . time()); $input['token'] = md5($input['account'] . json_encode(Input::all())); $validation = Validator::make($input, Account::$rules); if ($validation->passes()) { Account::create($input); return Redirect::route('accounts.index'); } return Redirect::route('accounts.create')->withInput()->withErrors($validation)->with('message', 'There were validation errors.'); }
public function testUpdateAdditionalOwners() { self::authorizeFromEnv(); $d = Account::create(array('managed' => true)); $id = $d->id; $d->legal_entity->additional_owners = array(array('first_name' => 'Bob')); $d->save(); $d = Account::retrieve($id); $this->assertSame(1, count($d->legal_entity->additional_owners)); $this->assertSame('Bob', $d->legal_entity->additional_owners[0]->first_name); $d->legal_entity->additional_owners[0]->last_name = 'Smith'; $d->save(); $d = Account::retrieve($id); $this->assertSame(1, count($d->legal_entity->additional_owners)); $this->assertSame('Smith', $d->legal_entity->additional_owners[0]->last_name); }
protected function create(array $params) { $smarty = SmailSmarty::getInstance(); $smarty->setTemplate('login.tpl'); if (!(isset($params['name']) && isset($params['password']) && isset($params['confirm']))) { $smarty->assign('CREATE_ERRORS', 1); } elseif ($params['password'] != $params['confirm']) { $smarty->assign('CREATE_ERRORS', 2); } else { $account = new Account($params['name'], $params['password']); if (!$account->exists()) { if ($account->create()) { $_SESSION['account'] = $account->getName(); header('Location: ' . WEBDIR . 'Profil'); } } else { $smarty->setTemplate('login.tpl'); $smarty->assign('CREATE_ERRORS', 3); } } }
private function createAccountsFromAttributes($attributes, $orders=array(), $ordertasks=array(), $purchases=array()){ $data = \Account::create($attributes); if(is_null($data)) return; if($this->isordridauto){ $this->updateLastId($data->type, $data->acnt_no); } if($data->accounttype === Menu::acc_type_receivables){ $this->saveAccountOrders($orders, $data->id); }else{ $this->saveAccountOrdertasks($ordertasks, $data->id); $this->saveAccountPurchases($purchases, $data->id); } }
/** * prepare test accounts */ public static function create_accounts() { // Create admin account // First account is always admin if (!Account::exists("testadmin")) { if (!Account::create("testadmin", "testadminpassword", "testadminpassword")) { throw new Exception("Cannot create admin account"); } } // Create normal account if (!Account::exists("testuser")) { if (!Account::create("testuser", "testpassword", "testpassword")) { throw new Exception("Cannot create testuser account"); } } }
public function testCreate() { // row to create $values = array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'Joe', 'amount' => 100); // our mock adapter $adapter = $this->adapterMock; // prepare the mock to expect the variables passed, and return a row $adapter->expects($this->once())->method('insert')->with('accounts', $values)->will($this->returnValue(true)); $accountsTable = new Account($adapter); // getInstance doesn't work well in testing $result = $accountsTable->create($values); $this->assertTrue($result); }
/** * Create admin page * * @author Thibaud Rohmer */ public function __construct() { /// Check that current user is an admin or an uploader if (!(CurrentUser::$admin || CurrentUser::$uploader)) { return; } /// Get actions available for Uploaders too if (isset($_GET['a'])) { switch ($_GET['a']) { case "Abo": $this->page = new AdminAbout(); break; case "Upl": if (isset($_POST['path'])) { AdminUpload::upload(); CurrentUser::$path = File::r2a(stripslashes($_POST['path'])); } break; case "Mov": if (isset($_POST['pathFrom'])) { try { CurrentUser::$path = File::r2a(dirname(stripslashes($_POST['pathFrom']))); } catch (Exception $e) { CurrentUser::$path = Settings::$photos_dir; } } Admin::move(); if (isset($_POST['move']) && $_POST['move'] == "rename") { try { if (is_dir(File::r2a(stripslashes($_POST['pathFrom'])))) { CurrentUser::$path = dirname(File::r2a(stripslashes($_POST['pathFrom']))) . "/" . stripslashes($_POST['pathTo']); } } catch (Exception $e) { CurrentUser::$path = Settings::$photos_dir; } } break; case "Del": if (isset($_POST['del'])) { if (!is_array($_POST['del'])) { CurrentUser::$path = dirname(File::r2a(stripslashes($_POST['del']))); } else { CurrentUser::$path = dirname(File::r2a(stripslashes($_POST['del'][0]))); } Admin::delete(); } break; } } /// Check that current user is an admin if (!CurrentUser::$admin) { return; } /// Get action if (isset($_GET['a'])) { switch ($_GET['a']) { case "Sta": $this->page = new AdminStats(); break; case "VTk": $this->page = new GuestToken(); break; case "DTk": if (isset($_POST['tokenkey'])) { GuestToken::delete($_POST['tokenkey']); } $this->page = new GuestToken(); break; case "Acc": if (isset($_POST['edit'])) { Account::edit($_POST['login'], $_POST['old_password'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['name'], $_POST['email'], NULL, $_POST['language']); } if (isset($_POST['login'])) { $this->page = new Account($_POST['login']); } else { $this->page = CurrentUser::$account; } break; case "GC": Group::create($_POST['group']); $this->page = new Group(); break; case "AAc": Account::create($_POST['login'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['verif']); $this->page = new Group(); break; case "AGA": $a = new Account($_POST['acc']); $a->add_group($_POST['group']); $a->save(); $this->page = CurrentUser::$account; break; case "AGR": $a = new Account($_POST['acc']); $a->remove_group($_POST['group']); $a->save(); $this->page = CurrentUser::$account; break; case "ADe": Account::delete($_POST['name']); $this->page = new Group(); break; case "GEd": Group::edit($_POST); $this->page = new Group(); break; case "GDe": Group::delete($_GET['g']); $this->page = new Group(); break; case "CDe": CurrentUser::$path = File::r2a($_POST['image']); Comments::delete($_POST['id']); $this->page = new MainPage(); break; case "JS": break; case "EdA": $this->page = new Group(); break; case "GAl": if (isset($_POST['path'])) { Settings::gener_all(File::r2a(stripslashes($_POST['path']))); } case "Set": if (isset($_POST['name'])) { Settings::set(); } $this->page = new Settings(); break; } } if (!isset($this->page)) { $this->page = new AdminAbout(); } /// Create menu $this->menu = new AdminMenu(); }
/** * Create a test account */ protected static function createTestAccount(array $attributes = array()) { self::authorizeFromEnv(); return Account::create($attributes + array('managed' => false, 'country' => 'US', 'email' => self::generateRandomEmail())); }
public static function create($info) { // 这里竟然没有address $user_info = array('username' => i($info['username']), 'password' => i($info['password']), 'realname' => i($info['realname']), 'phone' => i($info['phone']), 'email' => i($info['email']), 'create_time=NOW()' => null); $user = User::register($user_info); // new an account $account = Account::create(); Pdb::insert(array('user' => $user->id, 'account' => $account->id, 'qq' => i($info['qq']), 'remark' => i($info['remark']), 'state' => i($info['adopted']) ? 'Adopted' : 'ToBeAdopted'), self::$table); return new self(Pdb::lastInsertId()); }
/** * testBankAccountCreate * * @return int */ public function testBankAccountCreate() { global $conf, $user, $langs, $db; $conf = $this->savconf; $user = $this->savuser; $langs = $this->savlangs; $db = $this->savdb; $localobject = new Account($this->savdb); $localobject->initAsSpecimen(); $localobject->date_solde = dol_now(); $result = $localobject->create($user); print __METHOD__ . " result=" . $result . "\n"; $this->assertLessThan($result, 0); return $result; }
/** * Retrieves info for the current user account * * @author Thibaud Rohmer */ public static function init() { CurrentUser::$accounts_file = Settings::$conf_dir . "/accounts.xml"; CurrentUser::$groups_file = Settings::$conf_dir . "/groups.xml"; /// Set path if (isset($_GET['f'])) { CurrentUser::$path = stripslashes(File::r2a($_GET['f'])); if (isset($_GET['p'])) { switch ($_GET['p']) { case 'n': CurrentUser::$path = File::next(CurrentUser::$path); break; case 'p': CurrentUser::$path = File::prev(CurrentUser::$path); break; } } } else { /// Path not defined in URL CurrentUser::$path = Settings::$photos_dir; } /// Set CurrentUser account if (isset($_SESSION['login'])) { self::$account = new Account($_SESSION['login']); // groups sometimes can be null $groups = self::$account->groups === NULL ? array() : self::$account->groups; self::$admin = in_array("root", $groups); self::$uploader = in_array("uploaders", $groups); } /// Set action (needed for page layout) if (isset($_GET['t'])) { switch ($_GET['t']) { case "Page": case "Img": case "Thb": CurrentUser::$action = $_GET['t']; break; case "Big": case "BDl": case "Zip": if (!Settings::$nodownload) { CurrentUser::$action = $_GET['t']; } break; case "Reg": if (isset($_POST['login']) && isset($_POST['password'])) { if (!Account::create($_POST['login'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['verif'])) { echo "Error creating account."; } } case "Log": if (isset($_SESSION['login'])) { CurrentUser::logout(); echo "logged out"; break; } if (isset($_POST['login']) && isset($_POST['password'])) { try { if (!CurrentUser::login($_POST['login'], $_POST['password'])) { echo "Wrong password"; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Account not found"; } } if (!isset(CurrentUser::$account)) { CurrentUser::$action = $_GET['t']; } break; case "Acc": if (isset($_POST['old_password'])) { Account::edit($_POST['login'], $_POST['old_password'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['name'], $_POST['email']); } CurrentUser::$action = "Acc"; break; case "Adm": if (CurrentUser::$admin) { CurrentUser::$action = "Adm"; } break; case "Com": Comments::add(CurrentUser::$path, $_POST['content'], $_POST['login']); break; case "Rig": Judge::edit(CurrentUser::$path, $_POST['users'], $_POST['groups'], true); CurrentUser::$action = "Judge"; break; case "Pub": Judge::edit(CurrentUser::$path); CurrentUser::$action = "Judge"; break; case "Pri": Judge::edit(CurrentUser::$path, array(), array(), true); CurrentUser::$action = "Judge"; break; case "Inf": CurrentUser::$action = "Inf"; break; case "Fs": if (is_file(CurrentUser::$path)) { CurrentUser::$action = "Fs"; } break; default: CurrentUser::$action = "Page"; break; } } else { CurrentUser::$action = "Page"; } if (isset($_GET['a']) && CurrentUser::$action != "Adm") { if (CurrentUser::$admin || CurrentUser::$uploader) { new Admin(); } } if (isset($_GET['j'])) { CurrentUser::$action = "JS"; } /// Set default action if (!isset(CurrentUser::$action)) { CurrentUser::$action = "Page"; } /// Throw exception if accounts file is missing if (!file_exists(CurrentUser::$accounts_file)) { throw new Exception("Accounts file missing", 69); } /// Create Group File if it doesn't exist if (!file_exists(CurrentUser::$groups_file)) { Group::create_group_file(); } if (isset(CurrentUser::$account)) { CurrentUser::$admin = in_array("root", CurrentUser::$account->groups); } }
public function signup() { $input = Input::All(); $first_name = $input["name"]; $last_name = $input["surnames"]; //$email = $input["email1"]."@".$input["email2"]["domain"]; $email = $input["email"]; $password = Hash::make($input["password"]); //$number = $input["number"]; $number = null; if ($input["birth_date"] != null) { $birth_date = new DateTime($input["birth_date"]); $age = $birth_date->diff(new DateTime("today"))->y; } else { $birth_date = null; $age = null; } if ($input["gender"] != null) { $gender = $input["gender"]; } else { $gender = null; } $province = $input["province"]; $specialty = $input["specialty"]; $key_activation = Hash::make(mt_rand(10000, 99999) . time()); if (Config::get("constants.DEBUG_REGISTER.ENABLE")) { try { $email_sent = $this->send_activationEmail(Config::get("constants.DEBUG_REGISTER.EMAIL_ADDRESS"), $key_activation); } catch (Exception $ex) { return Response::json(array("success" => false, "info" => "DEBUG: Error en el servidor de correo.")); } return Response::json(array("success" => true, "info" => "DEBUG: revisar correo." . $email_sent)); } else { if (!Config::get("constants.ALLOW_REGISTER")) { return Response::json(array("success" => false, "info" => "El sistema de registro está deshabilitado, vuelva a intentarlo más tarde. Disculpen las molestias.")); } if (Account::where("email", $email)->count() > 0) { return Response::json(array("success" => false, "info" => "El email con el que intenta registrarse, ya existe.")); } try { $email_sent = $this->send_activationEmail($email, $key_activation); } catch (Exception $ex) { return Response::json(array("success" => false, "info" => "Existe algún error en el servidor de correo, por favor, vuelva a intentarlo más tarde.")); } if (!$email_sent) { return Response::json(array("success" => false, "info" => "No se ha podido enviar el mail de activación de la cuenta,\n por favor, vuelva a intentarlo más tarde.")); } try { Account::create(array("email" => $email, "password" => $password, "age" => $age, "gender_id" => $gender == null ? null : $gender["id"], "province_id" => $province["id"], "referee_number" => $number, "specialty_id" => $specialty["id"], "role_id" => Config::get("constants.ACCOUNT_TYPE.SPECIALIST"), "key_activation" => $key_activation, "first_name" => $first_name, "last_name" => $last_name, "birth_date" => $birth_date)); } catch (Exception $ex) { return Response::json(array("success" => false, "info" => "Ha ocurrido algún error en la creación de la cuenta, vuelva a intentarlo mas tarde.")); } return Response::json(array("success" => true, "info" => "Para completar el registro, acceda al link de activación que se le ha enviado a su correo.")); } }
function testDefaultRanks() { $db = new mockDBConnectorStore(); $auth = new Account($db); $auth->create('*****@*****.**', 'Luc', '1234'); $auth = new Account($db); $auth->login('Luc', '1234'); $this->assertIdentical($auth->getRanks(), ['user']); }
$layout->loadPopular(); $layout->title = TITLE . ' - ' . 'Register'; // Print layout $app->response()->body((string) $layout); }); /* * Process register */ $app->post('/mod/register', function () use($app) { // Redirect unauthorized if (!REGISTER_ALLOWED || BootWiki::getLoggedAccount() != null) { $app->redirect(BASEURL); } // Process login $main = new Account(); $result = $main->create($app->request()->post()); if (!$result) { // Load registration form $main = new Block('register_form'); } else { // Load register done template $main = new Block('register_done'); } // Load layout $layout = new Layout($main); $layout->loadRecent(); $layout->loadPopular(); // Print layout $app->response()->body((string) $layout); }); /*
{ $message='<div class="error">'.$langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired",$langs->transnoentities("AccountancyCode")).'</div>'; $action='create'; // Force chargement page en mode creation $error++; } if (empty($account->label)) { $message='<div class="error">'.$langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired",$langs->transnoentities("LabelBankCashAccount")).'</div>'; $action='create'; // Force chargement page en mode creation $error++; } if (! $error) { $id = $account->create($user->id); if ($id > 0) { $_GET["id"]=$id; // Force chargement page en mode visu } else { $message='<div class="error">'.$account->error.'</div>'; $action='create'; // Force chargement page en mode creation } } } if ($_POST["action"] == 'update' && ! $_POST["cancel"]) { $error=0;
Redirect::phpRedirect("wallet"); } /* Check if the user has submitted the form. */ if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) { /* We get the forms' submitted data. */ $formType = $_POST['formType']; $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $repeat = $_POST['repeat']; $email = $_POST['email']; /* We check to see if the user wanted to login or register. */ if ($formType == "login") { Account::login($username, $password); } else { if ($formType == "register") { Account::create($username, $password, $repeat, $email); } else { /* * This code will run when a user has changed the value * of the hidden field that tells us about registration * or login. It can be changed at the runtime as it is * client-side feature. We output a message to notify * the user afterwards. */ new Message(2); } } } ?> </form> </div>
public function testDelete() { pg_query("DELETE FROM account where user_name='deleteme'"); $account = Account::create((object) array("userName" => "deleteme", "password" => "deleteme", "firstName" => "Jacob", "lastName" => "Andresen")); Account::destroy($account->id); }
public function run() { Account::create(['name' => 'Project Account']); }
if (!Misc::validFormat($inputPassword, 'password')) { $errorMessages[] = Translate::toCurrent('Неверный формат пароля'); } if ($inputPasswordConfirm != $inputPassword) { $errorMessages[] = Translate::toCurrent('Пароли не совпадают'); } if ($image != null && !in_array($image['type'], array('image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif'))) { $errorMessages[] = Translate::toCurrent('Неверный формат файла изображения'); } if ($image != null && $image['size'] > Misc::getMaxUploadSizeBytes()) { $errorMessages[] = Translate::toCurrent('Слишком большой файл изображения'); } if (sizeof($errorMessages) == 0) { // Все проверки пройдены, создаем аккаунт и показываем страницу успешной регистрации // Создание аккаунта, установка cookies и установка его текущим $accountInstance = Account::create(array('email' => $inputEmail, 'login' => $inputLogin, 'name' => $inputName, 'surname' => $inputSurname, 'gender' => $inputGender, 'password' => $inputPassword)); $accountInstance->setCookies(); Account::setCurrent($accountInstance); // Сохранение изображения аккаунта, если загружено if ($image != null) { $imageInfo = getimagesize($image['tmp_name']); $gdHdl = null; if ($imageInfo[2] == IMAGETYPE_JPEG) { $gdHdl = imagecreatefromjpeg($image['tmp_name']); } else { if ($imageInfo[2] == IMAGETYPE_GIF) { $gdHdl = imagecreatefromgif($image['tmp_name']); } else { if ($imageInfo[2] == IMAGETYPE_PNG) { $gdHdl = imagecreatefrompng($image['tmp_name']); }
protected final function process_request() { // Process // if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_USERS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'show') { // Show // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { Users::show($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'search' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Search // Users::search($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'lookup' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Lookup // Users::lookup($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_FRIENDS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'list' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // List // Friends::_list($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'ids' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // User IDs // Friends::ids($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_FOLLOWERS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'list' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // List // Followers::_list($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'ids' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // User IDs // Followers::ids($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_IN_PRODUCT_PROMOTIONS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'show') { // Show // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // In Product Promotion ID // InProductPromotions::show($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'create' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Create // InProductPromotions::create($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'update' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Update // InProductPromotions::update($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'destroy') { // Destroy // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_DELETE) { // In Product Promotion ID // InProductPromotions::destroy($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_INVITATIONS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'show') { // Show // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { Invitations::show($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'create' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Create // Invitations::create($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'update' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Update // Invitations::update($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'destroy') { // Destroy // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_DELETE) { // Invitation ID // Invitations::destroy($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'incoming') { // Incoming // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && $this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0] === 'list' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // List // Invitations::incoming_list($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'outgoing') { // Outgoing // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && $this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0] === 'list' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // List // Invitations::outgoing_list($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_EVENT_OCCURRENCES) { // Event Occurrences // if ($this->request_verb === 'show') { // Show // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { EventOccurrences::show($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'create' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Create // EventOccurrences::create($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'update' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Update // EventOccurrences::update($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'destroy') { // Destroy // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_DELETE) { // Event Occurrence ID // EventOccurrences::destroy($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'list') { // List // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && $this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0] === 'event' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Created // EventOccurrences::list_event($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_PHOTOS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'show') { // Show // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Photo ID // Photos::show($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'create' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Create // Photos::create($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'update' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Update // Photos::update($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'destroy') { // Destroy // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_DELETE) { // Photo ID // Photos::destroy($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'list' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // List // Photos::_list($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_ALBUMS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'show') { // Show // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Album ID // Albums::show($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'create' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Create // Albums::create($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'update' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Update // Albums::update($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'destroy') { // Destroy // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_DELETE) { // Album ID // Albums::destroy($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'list' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // List // Albums::_list($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_SEARCH) { if ($this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { if ($this->request_verb === 'list') { // Search // Search::search_list($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_FOLLOWINGS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'list' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // List // Followings::_list($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'ids' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // User IDs // Followings::ids($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'create' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Create // Followings::create($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'destroy' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // User IDs // Followings::destroy($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_ACCOUNT) { if ($this->request_verb === 'create' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { Account::create($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'update' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { Account::update($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'destroy' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_DELETE) { // Destroy // if (isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1) { Account::destroy($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { // Throw error, identification is required // $error = Error::withDomain(PRIVATE_EVENTS_REST_CONTROLLER_ERROR_DOMAIN, ERROR_CODE_VALIDATION_PROPERTY_NOT_SET, 'A user identification is required.'); $this->outputter->print_error($error); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'authenticate' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { Account::authenticate($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'unauthenticate' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { Account::unauthenticate($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_EVENTS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'show') { // Show // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { Events::show($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'create' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Create // Events::create($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'update' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Update // Events::update($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'destroy') { // Destroy // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_DELETE) { // Event ID // Events::destroy($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'attend' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Attend // Events::attend($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'search' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Search // Events::search($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'list') { // List // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && $this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0] === 'event_type' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Event Type // Events::list_event_type($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && $this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0] === 'created' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Created // Events::list_created($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && $this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0] === 'invited' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Invited // Events::list_invited($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && $this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0] === 'nearby' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Nearby // Events::list_nearby($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && $this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0] === 'popular' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Popular // Events::list_popular($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } } } } } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } } } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_LOCATIONS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'show') { // Show // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Location ID // Locations::show($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'create' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Create // Locations::create($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'update' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Update // Locations::update($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'destroy') { // Destroy // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_DELETE) { // Location ID // Locations::destroy($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_TICKETS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'show') { // Show // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Ticket ID // Tickets::show($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'create' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Create // Tickets::create($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'update' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Update // Tickets::update($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'destroy') { // Destroy // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_DELETE) { // Ticket ID // Tickets::destroy($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'outgoing') { // Outgoing // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && $this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0] === 'list' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // List // Tickets::outgoing_list($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } } } else { $this->invalid_process_noun(); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }
<?php include 'config.php'; $session = new Session($base->pdo); $account = new Account($base->pdo); $session->activity(0); if (isset($_COOKIE["user_id"]) && $_COOKIE["user_token"] && $account->checkToken()) { $session->reset($_COOKIE["user_id"]); } else { $account->create('anonymous', ''); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="fr"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>ChatBox - Conversez à travers le monde</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no"> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/ico" href="favicon.ico" /> <link href="./css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </head> <body> <div class="clearfix welcome"> <section class="connect">