public function __construct($row) { global $__server_time; $this->id = (int) $row['id']; $this->account_id = (int) $row['account_id']; $this->account = Account::Load((int) $this->account_id); $this->nickname = $row['nickname']; $this->character = $row['character']; $this->content = $row['content']; $this->blog = (int) $row['blog']; $this->timestamp = $row['timestamp']; $this->override = (int) $row['override']; $this->reply_to = (int) $row['reply_to']; $this->reply_count = (int) $row['reply_count']; $this->seconds_since = $__server_time - $this->timestamp; $this->using_face = $row['using_face']; $this->ParseContent(); }
$q = $__database->query("\nSELECT\n\taccount_id, content\nFROM\n\tsocial_statuses\nWHERE\n\tid = " . $statusid); if ($q->num_rows == 0) { ?> <center> <p class="lead">Sorry, but this status is gone.</p> </center> <?php } elseif (!$_loggedin) { ?> <center> <p class="lead">Sorry! You must be logged in to report this!</p> </center> <?php } else { $reportedstatus = $q->fetch_assoc(); $account = Account::Load(intval($reportedstatus['account_id'])); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && isset($_POST['status_report'])) { $reporterusername = $_loginaccount->GetUsername(); $reportedusername = $account->GetUsername(); $to = '*****@*****.**'; // subject $subject = '[Report] Status (#' . $statusid . ') by @' . $reportedusername . ''; // message $message = 'Hello Staff, the following status has been reported by the mapler @' . $reporterusername . '<br /><br /> ' . $reportedstatus['content'] . '<br /><br/>Manage this report by <a href="' . $statusid . '">clicking here</a>.'; // To send HTML mail, the Content-type header must be set $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\n"; $headers .= 'From: ' . $reporterusername . ' <*****@*****.**>' . "\n"; // Mail it mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
<?php $q = $__database->query("\r\nSELECT\r\n\t*,\r\n\tTIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, added_on, NOW()) AS `added_on_secs`,\r\n\tTIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, accepted_on, NOW()) AS `accepted_on_secs`\r\nFROM\r\n\tfriend_list\r\nWHERE\r\n\tfriend_id = " . $_loginaccount->GetId() . "\r\n\tAND\r\n\taccepted_on IS NULL\r\n\r\nORDER BY\r\n\tadded_on DESC\r\n"); if ($q->num_rows == 0) { ?> <p class="lead alert-info alert">There are no friend requests pending.</p> <?php } else { while ($row = $q->fetch_assoc()) { $account = Account::Load($row['account_id']); $main_char = $account->GetMainCharacterName(); if ($main_char === null) { $image_url = '//' . $domain . '/inc/img/no-character.gif'; } else { $image_url = '//' . $main_char['locale'] . '.' . $domain . '/ignavatar/' . $main_char['name']; } ?> <div class="status"> <div class="pull-left"> <img src="<?php echo $image_url; ?> " /> </div> <h3 style="margin-top: 10px;"><a href="//<?php echo $account->GetUsername(); ?> .<?php echo $domain; ?> /"><?php
if ($id != NULL) { $account = Account::Load($id); $account->SetAccountRank(RANK_BANNED); $account->Save(); Logging('admin', $_loginaccount->GetUsername(), 'account_ban', 'Banned ' . $name . '.'); ?> <p class="alert-info alert fademeout">Successfully banned @<?php echo $name; ?> .<p> <?php } } elseif (isset($_GET['ipban'])) { $name = $_GET['ipban']; $id = GetAccountID($name); if ($id != NULL) { $account = Account::Load($id); $__database->query("\r\n\t\tINSERT IGNORE INTO\r\n\t\t\t`ip_ban`\r\n\t\tVALUES\r\n\t\t(\r\n\t\t\t'" . $account->GetLastIP() . "'\r\n\t\t)"); if ($__database->affected_rows == 1) { // Send mail? Logging('admin', $_loginaccount->GetUsername(), 'account_ipban', 'IP Banned ' . $name . '.'); ?> <p class="alert-info alert fademeout">Successfully IP banned @<?php echo $name; ?> .<p> <?php } } } }
$row = $query->fetch_row(); if (!isset($_SESSION['username'])) { $_SESSION['username'] = $row[0]; } } else { // Session expired. SetMaplerCookie('login_session', '', -100); } $query->free(); } // Initialize Login Data $_loggedin = false; if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/logoff') === FALSE && isset($_SESSION['username'])) { $username = $_SESSION['username']; $_loggedin = true; $_loginaccount = Account::Load($username); if ($_loginaccount->GetAccountRank() >= RANK_DEVELOPER) { error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); } if (GetMaplerCookie('login_session') === null) { $query = $__database->query("\r\nSELECT \r\n\tat.`code`\r\nFROM \r\n\taccount_tokens at\r\nWHERE\r\n\tat.account_id = " . $_loginaccount->GetID() . "\r\n\tAND\r\n\tat.type = 'login_token'\r\n\tAND \r\n\tat.till > NOW()\r\n"); $code = ''; if ($query->num_rows == 0) { // Create new $code = md5(time() . ' -- -- -- -- - ' . $_loginaccount->GetID() . ' - ' . $_loginaccount->GetUsername()); $__database->query("\r\nINSERT INTO \r\n\taccount_tokens \r\nVALUES \r\n\t(" . $_loginaccount->GetID() . ", 'login_token', '" . $code . "', DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 10 YEAR))\r\nON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE\r\n\t`code` = VALUES(`code`),\r\n\t`till` = VALUES(`till`)\r\n"); } else { // Use old one $row = $query->fetch_row(); $code = $row[0];
die; } elseif ($status == 2 && !$_loggedin) { // displays the same error as not found to not tell if exists or not. ?> <center> <img src="//<?php echo $locale_domain; ?> /inc/img/no-character.gif" /> <p>Character not found! The character may have been removed or hidden.</p> </center> <?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../inc/footer.php'; die; } else { $account = Account::Load($character_info['account_id']); $internal_id = $character_info['internal_id']; $stat_addition = GetCorrectStat($internal_id, CURRENT_LOCALE); $__is_viewing_self = $friend_status == 'FOREVER_ALONE'; $channelid = $character_info['channel_id']; if ($channelid == -1) { $channelid = 'Unknown'; } else { $channelid++; } // 1 = 0 $__hidden_objects = array(); function IsHiddenObject($optionName, $no_override = false) { global $__char_db, $internal_id, $__hidden_objects, $_loggedin, $_loginaccount; if ($_loggedin && !$no_override && $_loginaccount->IsRankOrHigher(RANK_MODERATOR)) {
from { opacity:0; } to { opacity: 1; } } </style> <center><h2>Our Team</h2></center> <div class="row"> <?php foreach ($cache as $row) { $account = Account::Load($row['id']); ?> <div class="character-brick clickable-brick span4 x" onclick="document.location = '//<?php echo $row['name']; ?> .<?php echo $domain; ?> '"> <center> <br /> <img src="//<?php echo $row['character']; ?> "/><br/>
function GetCharacterStatus($id, $locale, $account = NULL) { global $__database; $accountLoaded = $account !== NULL; if (!$accountLoaded) { $account = Account::Load(intval(GetCharacterAccountId($id, $locale))); } $name = GetCharacterName($id, $locale); $value = $account->GetCharacterDisplayValue($name); if (!$accountLoaded) { // Clear data unset($account); } return $value; }