public function run($siteID, $args) { Task::setName('Calendar Reminders'); Task::setDescription('Send out reminder e-mails from the CATS calendar.'); $calendar = new Calendar(0); //Check for reminders that need to be sent out. $dueEvents = $calendar->getAllDueReminders(); // Do/log nothing if no events exist if (!count($dueEvents)) { return TASKRET_SUCCESS_NOLOG; } foreach ($dueEvents as $index => $data) { $emailSubject = 'CATS Event Reminder: ' . $data['title']; $emailContents = $GLOBALS['eventReminderEmail']; $stringsToFind = array('%FULLNAME%', '%NOTES%', '%EVENTNAME%', '%DUETIME%'); $replacementStrings = array($data['enteredByFirstName'] . ' ' . $data['enteredByLastName'], $data['description'], $data['title'], self::_getReminderTimeString($data['reminderTime'])); $emailContents = str_replace($stringsToFind, $replacementStrings, $emailContents); $emailDestination = $data['reminderEmail']; // SEND E-Mail here $calendar->sendEmail($data['siteID'], 0, $emailDestination, $emailSubject, $emailContents); // Remove alert. $calendar->updateEventDisableReminder($data['eventID']); } // Set the response the task wants logged $this->setResponse(sprintf('E-mailed %d calendar reminders.', count($dueEvents))); return TASKRET_SUCCESS; }
public function run($siteID, $args) { Task::setName('Sphinx Rebuild, Delta, Status'); Task::setDescription('Rebuilds the index, the delta and status of Sphinx indexer.'); $response = 'The following tasks were completed successfully: '; // Nightly Rebuild of entire Sphinx index at 01:00AM CST if (self::getHour() == 1 && self::getMinute() == 0) { if (!system($script = sprintf('%s/scripts/', ASPUtility::getEnvironmentValue('CATS_PATH')), $result)) { $this->setResponse(sprintf('Unable to execute "%s": ', $script) . $result); return TASKRET_ERROR; } $response .= ' * Rebuilt the entire Sphinx index'; } // Check Sphinx Status every 5 minutes if (!(self::getMinute() % 5)) { if (!system($script = sprintf('%s %s/scripts/sphinxtest.php', ASPUtility::getEnvironmentValue('PHP_PATH'), ASPUtility::getEnvironmentValue('CATS_PATH')), $result)) { $this->setResponse(sprintf('Unable to execute "%s": ', $script) . $result); return TASKRET_ERROR; } if (!system($script = sprintf('%s/scripts/', ASPUtility::getEnvironmentValue('CATS_PATH')), $result)) { $this->setResponse(sprintf('Unable to execute "%s": ', $script) . $result); return TASKRET_ERROR; } $response .= ' * Checked Sphinx status'; } // Update Sphinx DELTA index every minute if (!system($script = sprintf('%s/scripts/', ASPUtility::getEnvironmentValue('CATS_PATH')), $result)) { $this->setResponse(sprintf('Unable to execute "%s": ', $script) . $result); return TASKRET_ERROR; } $response .= ' * Updated the Delta'; $this->setResponse($response); return TASKRET_SUCCESS; }
public function run($siteID, $args) { Task::setName('CleanExceptions'); Task::setDescription('Clean up the exceptions log.'); $db = DatabaseConnection::getInstance(); $sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM\n exceptions\n WHERE\n DATEDIFF(NOW(), > %s", EXCEPTIONS_TTL_DAYS); if (!($rs = $db->query($sql))) { $message = 'Query "' . $sql . '" failed!'; $ret = TASKRET_ERROR; } else { $num = $db->getAffectedRows(); if ($num > 0) { $message = 'Cleaned up ' . number_format($num, 0) . ' exception logs.'; $ret = TASKRET_SUCCESS; } else { // Do not log if nothing was done $message = 'No logs were cleaned.'; $ret = TASKRET_SUCCESS_NOLOG; } } // Set the response the task wants logged $this->setResponse($message); // Return one of the above TASKRET_ constants. return $ret; }
public static function createTasksFromData($data, $week = null) { $result = array(); foreach ($data as $index => $taskArray) { $task = new Task(); $task->setTime($taskArray['time']); $task->setName($taskArray['name']); $task->setIndex($index); $task->setWeek($week); $result[$index] = $task; } return $result; }
public function run($siteID, $args) { Task::setName('Sample Non-Recurring Task'); Task::setDescription('This is the description of this sample task.'); /** * The following are the possible return values of this function. * You should put the code you want to run in this function. */ switch (rand(0, 3)) { /** * TASKRET_ERROR * This task will not be attempted again. It will be marked as an error * and the development team will be notified. */ case 0: $message = 'Error'; $ret = TASKRET_ERROR; break; /** * TASKRET_FAILURE * This task will be tried again a few times. If it continues to fail, it * will be marked as an error (see above). */ /** * TASKRET_FAILURE * This task will be tried again a few times. If it continues to fail, it * will be marked as an error (see above). */ case 1: $message = 'Failure (will try again)'; $ret = TASKRET_FAILURE; break; /** * TASKRET_SUCCESS * This task completed successfully and will be logged. */ /** * TASKRET_SUCCESS * This task completed successfully and will be logged. */ case 2: $message = 'Success'; $ret = TASKRET_SUCCESS; break; /** * TASKRET_SUCCESS_NOLOG * The task completed successfully but will not save a log. */ /** * TASKRET_SUCCESS_NOLOG * The task completed successfully but will not save a log. */ default: $message = 'Success (no log)'; $ret = TASKRET_SUCCESS_NOLOG; break; } // Set the response the task wants logged $this->setResponse($message); // Return one of the above TASKRET_ constants. return $ret; }
public function executeAddTask() { $project = ProjectPeer::retrieveByUuid($this->getRequestParameter('slug')); // TODO: make sure user is a member of project $this->forward404Unless($project, 'Project not found, or user is not member, unable to add task'); $this->forward404Unless($user = sfGuardUserProfilePeer::retrieveByUuid($this->getRequestParameter('task_user'), 'Unable to retrieve user')); // TODO: add validation for task input $task = new Task(); $task->setProjectId($project->getId()); $task->setOwnerId($this->getUser()->getProfile()->getUserID()); $task->setName($this->getRequestParameter('name', 'Task Name')); $task->setDescription($this->getRequestParameter('description', 'Task Description')); if ($this->getRequestParameter('begin')) { list($d, $m, $y) = sfI18N::getDateForCulture($this->getRequestParameter('begin'), $this->getUser()->getCulture()); $task->setBegin("{$y}-{$m}-{$d}"); } if ($this->getRequestParameter('finish')) { list($d, $m, $y) = sfI18N::getDateForCulture($this->getRequestParameter('finish'), $this->getUser()->getCulture()); $task->setFinish("{$y}-{$m}-{$d}"); } $task->setStatus(sfConfig::get('app_task_status_open')); $task->setPriority($this->getRequestParameter('priority')); $task->save(); //if ($user != null) $task->addUser($user->getUserId()); $task->addUser($user->getUserId()); $this->redirect('@show_project_tasks?tab=tasks&project=' . $project->getSlug()); }
/** * Get task by id * @param int $id * @return Task null */ public function getTask($id) { $result = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE id = {$id} LIMIT 1"); foreach ($result as $key => $row) { $task = new Task(); $task->setId($row['id']); $task->setName($row['name']); $task->setParameters($row['parameters']); $task->setStatus($row['status']); return $task; } return null; }
function importPendingEmailToTaskList(&$incoming_mail, &$project, &$user, $page_id, $comment) { //$link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS); //mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $link); //mysql_query("insert into testing (date_added, content) values (now(), 'in task list adde func:Page " . $page_id . " / comment: " . $comment->getId() . "')"); //mysql_query("insert into testing (date_added, content) values (now(), '" . mysql_real_escape_string($incoming_mail->getSubject()) . "')"); //EOF:mod 20120820 list($user_name, $priority) = explode('-', $incoming_mail->getSubject()); $user_name = trim($user_name); $priority = trim($priority); $name_parts = explode(' ', $user_name); list($first_name, $last_name) = $name_parts; //mysql_query("insert into testing (date_added, content) values (now(), '" . mysql_real_escape_string($priority) . "')"); //BOF:mod 20120820 /* //EOF:mod 20120820 $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS); mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $link); $query = "select id from healingcrystals_users where first_name='" . mysql_real_escape_string($first_name) . "' " . (!empty($last_name) ? " and last_name='" . mysql_real_escape_string($last_name) . "' " : ""); $result = mysql_query($query, $link); if (mysql_num_rows($result)){ $info = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $user_id = $info['id']; $task_meant_for_user = Users::findById($user_id); $page_title = $task_meant_for_user->getName() . ' - Task List'; //echo $page_title . '<br/>'; $query2 = "select id from healingcrystals_project_objects where type='Page' and project_id='" . TASK_LIST_PROJECT_ID . "' and name='" . mysql_real_escape_string($page_title) . "'"; //echo $query2 . '<br/>'; $result2 = mysql_query($query2,$link); if (mysql_num_rows($result2)){ $info2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2); $page_id = $info2['id']; } else { $query3 = "select id from healingcrystals_project_objects where type='Category' and module='pages' and project_id='" . TASK_LIST_PROJECT_ID . "' and name='General'"; //echo $query3 . '<br/>'; $page_category = mysql_query($query3, $link); $page_category_info = mysql_fetch_assoc($page_category); $category_id = $page_category_info['id']; //echo $category_id . '<br/>'; $page_data = array( 'type' => 'Page', 'module' => 'pages', 'visibility' => VISIBILITY_NORMAL, 'name' => $page_title, 'body' => 'Auto-generated Task List Page', 'integer_field_1' => '1', ); //print_r($page_data); //db_begin_work(); $page = new Page(); $page->setAttributes($page_data); $page->setProjectId(TASK_LIST_PROJECT_ID); $page->setCreatedBy($user); $page->setState(STATE_VISIBLE); $page->setParentId($category_id); $page->save(); $page->ready(); $page_id = $page->getId(); } } mysql_close($link); //BOF:mod 20120820 */ //EOF:mod 20120820 $task = new Task(); $task->setProjectId($project->getId()); $task->setParentId($page_id); $task->setParentType('Page'); $task->setCreatedBy($user); $task->setCreatedOn($incoming_mail->getCreatedOn()); $task->setVisibility(VISIBILITY_NORMAL); $task->setState(STATE_VISIBLE); $task->setSource(OBJECT_SOURCE_EMAIL); if (!empty($priority)) { $constant_name = 'PRIORITY_' . strtoupper(str_replace(' ', '', $priority)); $priority_val = ''; $priority_val_set = false; if (defined($constant_name)) { switch ($constant_name) { case 'PRIORITY_HOLD': $priority_val = '-4'; $priority_val_set = true; break; //BOF:mod 20121107 /* //EOF:mod 20121107 case 'PRIORITY_ONGOING': $priority_val = '-3'; $priority_val_set = true; break; //BOF:mod 20121107 */ //EOF:mod 20121107 //BOF:mod 20121107 /* //EOF:mod 20121107 case 'PRIORITY_ONGOING': $priority_val = '-3'; $priority_val_set = true; break; //BOF:mod 20121107 */ //EOF:mod 20121107 case 'PRIORITY_LOWEST': $priority_val = '-2'; $priority_val_set = true; break; case 'PRIORITY_LOW': $priority_val = '-1'; $priority_val_set = true; break; case 'PRIORITY_NORMAL': $priority_val = '0'; $priority_val_set = true; break; case 'PRIORITY_HIGH': $priority_val = '1'; $priority_val_set = true; break; case 'PRIORITY_HIGHEST': $priority_val = '2'; $priority_val_set = true; break; //BOF:mod 20121107 //BOF:mod 20121107 case 'PRIORITY_URGENT': $priority_val = '3'; $priority_val_set = true; break; //EOF:mod 20121107 } if ($priority_val_set) { $task->setPriority($priority_val); } } } $task->setName($incoming_mail->getSubject()); $amended_body = ''; //BOF:mod 20120820 if (empty($comment)) { if (strpos($incoming_mail->getSubject(), '{') !== false) { $amended_body .= substr($incoming_mail->getSubject(), 0, strrpos($incoming_mail->getSubject(), '{')); } else { $amended_body .= $incoming_mail->getBody(); } } else { if (strpos($incoming_mail->getSubject(), '{') !== false) { $parent = $comment->getParent(); $url = $parent->getViewUrl() . '#comment' . $comment->getId(); $amended_body .= substr($incoming_mail->getSubject(), 0, strrpos($incoming_mail->getSubject(), '{')) . '<br/><a href="' . $url . '">View Task in Full</a>'; } else { $temp_body = strip_tags($incoming_mail->getBody()); $chars_len = strlen($temp_body); //if ($chars_len > 150){ if ($chars_len > 525) { //mysql_query("insert into testing (date_added, content) values (now(), 'greater than 150 block')"); //$url = $comment->getRealViewUrl(); $parent = $comment->getParent(); $url = $parent->getViewUrl() . '#comment' . $comment->getId(); //mysql_query("insert into testing (date_added, content) values (now(), '" . mysql_real_escape_string($url) . "')"); //$amended_body .= substr($temp_body, 0, 150) . '.. <br/><a href="' . $url . '">View Task in Full</a>'; $amended_body .= substr($temp_body, 0, 525) . '.. <br/><a href="' . $url . '">View Task in Full</a>'; } else { $amended_body .= $incoming_mail->getBody(); } } //mysql_query("insert into testing (date_added, content) values (now(), '" . mysql_real_escape_string($amended_body) . "')"); $attachments = $comment->getAttachments(); if (is_foreachable($attachments)) { $amended_body .= '<br/>Attachments:<br/>'; foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { $amended_body .= '<a href="' . $attachment->getViewUrl() . '">' . $attachment->getName() . '</a><br/>'; } } } $task->setBody($amended_body); //IncomingMailImporter::attachFilesToProjectObject($incoming_mail, $task); $save = $task->save(); if ($save && !is_error($save)) { //$subscibed_users = array($project->getLeaderId()); //if (instance_of($user, 'User')) { // $subscibed_users[] = $user->getId(); //} // if //Subscriptions::subscribeUsers($subscibed_users, $ticket); $task->ready(); //mysql_query("insert into testing (date_added, content) values (now(), 'in task list adde func end: " . $task->getId() . "')"); return $task; } // if return $save; //mysql_close($link); }