public function load($clusterName) { $result = $this->awsClient->listTasks(['cluster' => $clusterName, 'serviceName' => $this->serviceName, 'maxResults' => 99, 'nextToken' => '']); //get existing tasks foreach ($result['taskArns'] as $taskArn) { $task = new Task(); $task->setArn($taskArn); if (!$task->init($this->creds)) { return false; } if (!$task->load($clusterName)) { return false; } $this->tasks[$taskArn] = $task; } //get task def $details = $this->awsClient->describeServices(['cluster' => $clusterName, 'services' => [$this->serviceName]]); $this->taskDefinition = $details['services'][0]['taskDefinition']; $this->taskDef = new TaskDef(); $this->taskDef->init($this->creds); $this->taskDef->load($this->taskDefinition); //other service items $this->status = $details['services'][0]['status']; $this->minHealthyPercent = $details['services'][0]['deploymentConfiguration']['minimumHealthyPercent']; $this->maxPercent = $details['services'][0]['deploymentConfiguration']['maximumPercent']; $this->desiredTaskCount = $details['services'][0]['desiredCount']; $this->pendingTaskCount = $details['services'][0]['pendingCount']; $this->runningTaskCount = $details['services'][0]['runningCount']; return true; }
/** * Called by the parser to let the task initialize properly. * Should throw a BuildException if something goes wrong with the build * * This is abstract here, but may not be overloaded by subclasses. * * @throws \BuildException */ public function init() { if (!defined('SW_PATH') && $this->checkSWPath()) { $this->includeSWAutoloader(); } // if return parent::init(); }
/** * Executes initialization actions required to setup the data structures * related to the tag. * <p> * This includes: * <ul> * <li>creation of the task object</li> * <li>calling the setters for attributes</li> * <li>adding the task to the container object</li> * <li>adding a reference to the task (if id attribute is given)</li> * <li>executing the task if the container is the <project> * element</li> * </ul> * * @param string $tag The tag that comes in * @param array $attrs Attributes the tag carries * @throws ExpatParseException if attributes are incomplete or invalid */ function init($tag, $attrs) { // shorthands try { $configurator = $this->configurator; $project = $this->configurator->project; $this->task = $project->createTask($tag); } catch (BuildException $be) { // swallow here, will be thrown again in // UnknownElement->maybeConfigure if the problem persists. print "Swallowing exception: " . $be->getMessage() . "\n"; } // if the task is not known beforehand, wrap it // in an UnknownElement object to enable runtime configuration // NB: this is also done for ConditionBase objects to allow // dynamic conditions without breaking BC for all tasks if ($this->task === null) { $this->task = new UnknownElement($tag); $this->task->setProject($project); $this->task->setTaskType($tag); $this->task->setTaskName($tag); } // add file position information to the task (from parser) // should be used in task exceptions to provide details $this->task->setLocation($this->parser->getLocation()); $configurator->configureId($this->task, $attrs); if ($this->container) { $this->container->addTask($this->task); } // Top level tasks don't have associated targets // FIXME: if we do like Ant 1.6 and create an implicitTarget in the projectconfigurator object // then we don't need to check for null here ... but there's a lot of stuff that will break if we // do that at this point. if ($this->target !== null) { $this->task->setOwningTarget($this->target); $this->task->init(); $this->wrapper = $this->task->getRuntimeConfigurableWrapper(); $this->wrapper->setAttributes($attrs); /* Commenting this out as per thread on Premature configurate of ReuntimeConfigurables with Matthias Pigulla: if ($this->parentWrapper !== null) { // this may not make sense only within this if-block, but it // seems to address current use cases adequately $this->parentWrapper->addChild($this->wrapper); } */ } else { $this->task->init(); $configurator->configure($this->task, $attrs, $project); } }
/** * Initializes this task. */ public function init() { parent::init(); $this->defaultValue = ""; $this->promptCharacter = "?"; $this->useExistingValue = false; }
return $tasks; } public function isMilestoneOrVersion() { return $this->isOfCategory(array(TCATEGORY_MILESTONE, TCATEGORY_VERSION)); } public function isOfCategory($cat) { if (is_array($cat)) { foreach ($cat as $c) { if ($this->category == $c) { return true; } } return false; } elseif ($this->category == $cat) { return true; } return false; } public function isDocumentation() { return isOfCategory(TCATEGORY_DOCU); } public function isBug() { return isOfCategory(TCATEGORY_BUG); } } Task::init();
/** * 初始化一些定时任务 * @return void */ protected static function initTask() { // 任务初始化 Task::init(); // 测试环境定时获取worker包含的文件 if (PHPServerConfig::get('ENV') == 'dev') { // 定时获取worker包含的文件 Task::add(self::$commonWaitTimeLong, array('PHPServer', 'sendCmdToAll'), array(Cmd::CMD_REPORT_INCLUDE_FILE)); // 定时检测终端是否关闭 Task::add(self::$commonWaitTimeLong, array('PHPServer', 'checkTty')); } else { // 定时发送alarm命令 Task::add(self::$commonWaitTimeLong, array('PHPServer', 'sendCmdToAll'), array(Cmd::CMD_PING)); } // 如果不支持inotify则上报文件给FileMonitor进程来监控文件更新 Task::add(self::$checkFilesTimeLong, function () { Reporter::reportIncludedFiles(PHPServer::getFilesToInotify()); }); // 检查worker内存占用情况 Task::add(self::$checkStatusTimeLong, array('PHPServer', 'checkWorkersMemory')); // 检查心跳情况 Task::add(self::$checkStatusTimeLong, array('PHPServer', 'checkPingInfo')); // 开发环境定时清理master输出 if (PHPServerConfig::get('ENV') == 'dev') { Task::add(self::$commonWaitTimeLong, function () { @ob_clean(); }); } }
/** * Access point for this special page. */ public function execute($parameters) { global $wgOut, $wgTranslateBlacklist, $wgRequest; $wgOut->addModules('ext.translate.special.translate'); $this->setHeaders(); // @todo Move to api or so if ($parameters === 'editpage') { $editpage = TranslationEditPage::newFromRequest($wgRequest); if ($editpage) { $editpage->execute(); return; } } $this->setup($parameters); $errors = array(); if ($this->options['group'] === '') { TranslateUtils::addSpecialHelpLink($wgOut, 'Help:Extension:Translate/Translation_example'); $this->groupInformation(); return; } $codes = Language::getLanguageNames(false); if (!$this->options['language'] || !isset($codes[$this->options['language']])) { $errors['language'] = wfMsgExt('translate-page-no-such-language', array('parse')); $this->options['language'] = $this->defaults['language']; } if (!$this->task instanceof TranslateTask) { $errors['task'] = wfMsgExt('translate-page-no-such-task', array('parse')); $this->options['task'] = $this->defaults['task']; } if (!$this->group instanceof MessageGroup) { $errors['group'] = wfMsgExt('translate-page-no-such-group', array('parse')); $this->options['group'] = $this->defaults['group']; } TranslateUtils::addSpecialHelpLink($wgOut, 'Help:Extension:Translate/Translation_example'); // Show errors nicely. $wgOut->addHTML($this->settingsForm($errors)); if (count($errors)) { return; } else { $checks = array($this->options['group'], strtok($this->options['group'], '-'), '*'); foreach ($checks as $check) { $reason = @$wgTranslateBlacklist[$check][$this->options['language']]; if ($reason !== null) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg('translate-page-disabled', $reason); return; } } } // Proceed. $taskOptions = new TaskOptions($this->options['language'], $this->options['limit'], $this->options['offset'], array($this, 'cbAddPagingNumbers')); // Initialise and get output. $this->task->init($this->group, $taskOptions); $output = $this->task->execute(); if ($this->task->plainOutput()) { $wgOut->disable(); header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); echo $output; } else { $description = $this->getGroupDescription($this->group); $taskid = $this->options['task']; if (in_array($taskid, array('untranslated', 'reviewall'), true)) { $hasOptional = count($this->group->getTags('optional')); if ($hasOptional) { $linker = class_exists('DummyLinker') ? new DummyLinker() : new Linker(); $linktext = wfMessage('translate-page-description-hasoptional-open')->escaped(); $params = array('task' => 'optional') + $this->nondefaults; $link = $linker->link($this->getTitle(), $linktext, array(), $params); $note = wfMessage('translate-page-description-hasoptional')->rawParams($link)->parseAsBlock(); if ($description) { $description .= '<br>' . $note; } else { $description = $note; } } } $status = $this->getWorkflowStatus(); if ($status !== false) { $description = $status . $description; } if ($description) { $description = Xml::fieldset(wfMsg('translate-page-description-legend'), $description); } $links = $this->doStupidLinks(); if ($this->paging['count'] === 0) { $wgOut->addHTML($description . $links); } else { $wgOut->addHTML($description . $links . $output . $links); } } }