コード例 #1
ファイル: task_ajax.inc.php プロジェクト: Bremaweb/streber-1
* test function for development @ingroup pages
* the output of this function could be requested with jquery like:
*       $('#sideboard div').load('index.php?go=taskAjax',{
*        go: 'taskAjax',
*        tsk: id
*       });
function taskAjax()
    if ($task_id = intval(get('tsk'))) {
        require_once "render/render_wiki.inc.php";
        ### headline ###
        $editable = false;
        # flag, if this task can be edited
        if ($task = Task::getEditableById($task_id)) {
            $editable = true;
        } else {
            if (!($task = Task::getVisibleById($task_id))) {
                echo "Failure";
        echo "<h3>" . asHtml($task->name) . "</h3>";
        echo wikifieldAsHtml($task, 'description');
コード例 #2
ファイル: comment.inc.php プロジェクト: Bremaweb/streber-1
* move comments to folder...
function commentsMoveToFolder()
    global $PH;
    $comment_ids = getPassedIds('comment', 'comments_*');
    if (!$comment_ids) {
        $PH->abortWarning(__("Select some comments to move"));
     * if folder was given, directly move tasks...
    $target_id = -1;
    # target is unknown
    $folder_ids = getPassedIds('folder', 'folders_*');
    if (count($folder_ids) == 1) {
        if ($folder_task = Task::getVisibleById($folder_ids[0])) {
            $target_id = $folder_task->id;
    } else {
        if (get('from_selection')) {
            $target_id = 0;
            # to ungrout to root?
    if ($target_id != -1) {
        if ($target_id != 0) {
            if (!($target_task = Task::getEditableById($target_id))) {
                $PH->abortWarning(__("insufficient rights"));
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($comment_ids as $id) {
            if ($comment = Comment::getEditableById($id)) {
                $comment->task = $target_id;
                 * @@@ do we have to reset ->comment as well?
                 * this splits discussions into separate comments...
                $comment->comment = 0;
            } else {
                new FeedbackWarning(sprintf(__("Can not edit comment %s"), asHtml($comment->name)));
        ### return to from-page? ###
        if (!$PH->showFromPage()) {
     * build page folder list to select target...
    require_once confGet('DIR_STREBER') . 'lists/list_tasks.inc.php';
    ### get project ####
    if (!($comment = Comment::getVisibleById($comment_ids[0]))) {
        $PH->abortWarning("could not get comment", ERROR_BUG);
    if (!($project = Project::getVisibleById($comment->project))) {
        $PH->abortWarning("task without project?", ERROR_BUG);
    $page = new Page(array('use_jscalendar' => false, 'autofocus_field' => 'company_name'));
    $page->cur_tab = 'projects';
    $page->type = __("Edit tasks");
    $page->title = $project->name;
    $page->title_minor = __("Select one folder to move comments into");
    $page->crumbs = build_project_crumbs($project);
    $page->options[] = new NaviOption(array('target_id' => 'commentsMoveToFolder'));
    echo new PageHeader();
    echo new PageContentOpen();
    echo __("... or select nothing to move to project root");
    ### write selected comments as hidden fields ###
    foreach ($comment_ids as $id) {
        if ($comment = Comment::getEditableById($id)) {
            echo "<input type=hidden name='comments_{$id}_chk' value='1'>";
    $list = new ListBlock_tasks();
    $list->reduced_header = true;
    $list->query_options['show_folders'] = true;
    $list->query_options['folders_only'] = true;
    $list->query_options['project'] = $project->id;
    $list->groupings = NULL;
    $list->block_functions = NULL;
    $list->id = 'folders';
    $list->no_items_html = __("No folders in this project...");
    $list->functions = array();
    $list->active_block_function = 'tree';
    echo "<input type=hidden name='from_selection' value='1'>";
    # keep flag to ungroup comments
    echo "<input type=hidden name='project' value='{$project->id}'>";
    $button_name = __("Move items");
    echo "<input class=button2 type=submit value='{$button_name}'>";
    $PH->go_submit = 'commentsMoveToFolder';
    echo new PageContentClose();
    echo new PageHtmlEnd();
コード例 #3
 public function __toString()
     global $PH;
     global $auth;
     #--- news -----------------------------------------------------------
     $comments = $this->item_with_comments->getComments(array('order_by' => 'created'));
     $block = new PageBlock(array('title' => sprintf(__("%s Comments"), count($comments) ? count($comments) : __("No", "As in... >No< Comments")), 'id' => 'news'));
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($comments as $c) {
         ### own comment
         $is_comment_editable = $auth->cur_user->user_rights & RIGHT_EDITALL || $c->created_by == $auth->cur_user->id;
         if (!($creator = Person::getVisibleById($c->created_by))) {
         echo "<div class='post_list_entry'>";
         echo "<h3>";
         if ($c->created_by == $auth->cur_user->id) {
             echo $creator->nickname;
         } else {
             echo $creator->getLink();
         echo "<span class=separator>:</span>";
         echo asHtml($c->name);
         if ($new = $c->isChangedForUser()) {
             if ($new == 1) {
                 echo '<span class=new> (' . __('New') . ') </span>';
             } else {
                 echo '<span class=new>  (' . __('Updated') . ') </span>';
         echo "</h3>";
         echo "<p class= details>";
         echo renderTimeAgo($c->created);
         require_once confGet('DIR_STREBER') . "db/db_itemchange.inc.php";
         $versions = ItemVersion::getFromItem($c);
         if (count($versions) > 1) {
             echo " (" . $PH->getLink('itemViewDiff', sprintf(__("%s. update", "like in... Nth update"), count($versions)), array('item' => $c->id));
             echo " " . renderTimeAgo($c->modified);
             echo ") ";
         if ($c->pub_level != PUB_LEVEL_OPEN) {
             echo ' - ' . sprintf(__("visible as %s"), renderPubLevelName($c->pub_level));
             ### publish ###
             if (($parent_task = Task::getEditableById($c->task)) && $c->pub_level < PUB_LEVEL_OPEN) {
                 echo " - " . $PH->getLink('itemsSetPubLevel', __('Publish'), array('item' => $c->id, 'item_pub_level' => PUB_LEVEL_OPEN));
         ### delete
         if ($is_comment_editable) {
             echo " - " . $PH->getLink('commentsDelete', __('Delete'), array('comment' => $c->id));
         echo "</p>";
         if ($is_comment_editable) {
             echo wikifieldAsHtml($c, 'description');
         } else {
             echo wikifieldAsHtml($c, 'description', array('editable' => false));
         echo "</div>";
     return '';
コード例 #4
 function render_tr(&$obj, $style = "")
     global $PH;
     global $auth;
     if (!isset($obj) || !$obj instanceof Comment) {
         trigger_error("ListBlock->render_tr() called without valid object", E_USER_WARNING);
     $style_cur_user = '';
     if ($obj->created_by != 0 && ($person = Person::getById($obj->created_by))) {
         if ($obj->created_by == $auth->cur_user->id) {
             $style_cur_user = '******';
     $column_poster = '<td class="details ' . $style_cur_user . '">';
     if ($obj->created_by != 0 && ($person = Person::getById($obj->created_by))) {
         $column_poster .= '<p class="poster">' . $person->getLink() . '</p>';
     if (!$obj->view_collapsed) {
         ### time ###
         $p_time = renderDateHtml($obj->time);
         $column_poster .= "<span class=date>{$p_time}</span>";
         ### pub level if not open ###
         if ($obj->pub_level != PUB_LEVEL_OPEN) {
             global $g_pub_level_names;
             $column_poster .= "<br>(" . $g_pub_level_names[$obj->pub_level] . ')<br>';
         require_once confGet('DIR_STREBER') . "db/db_itemchange.inc.php";
         $versions = ItemVersion::getFromItem($obj);
         if (count($versions) > 1) {
             $column_poster .= "<br>" . $PH->getLink('itemViewDiff', sprintf(__("version %s"), count($versions)), array('item' => $obj->id));
         $column_poster .= "<div class=edit_functions>";
         # if current user is the creator of the comment
         if ($obj->created_by == $auth->cur_user->id) {
             if ($obj->isEditable()) {
                 $column_poster .= $PH->getLink('commentEdit', __('Edit'), array('comment' => $obj->id));
                 $column_poster .= $PH->getLink('commentsDelete', __('Delete'), array('comment' => $obj->id));
         } else {
             ### check sufficient rights ###
             if ($parent_task = Task::getEditableById($obj->task)) {
                 # have to send the task-id otherwise the reply function doesn't work
                 $column_poster .= $PH->getLink('commentNew', __('Reply'), array('comment' => $obj->id, 'parent_task' => $obj->task));
                 if ($obj->pub_level != PUB_LEVEL_OPEN) {
                     $column_poster .= $PH->getLink('itemsSetPubLevel', __('Publish'), array('item' => $obj->id, 'item_pub_level' => PUB_LEVEL_OPEN));
         $column_poster .= "</div>";
     $column_poster .= "</td>";
     print $column_poster;
コード例 #5
ファイル: task_more.inc.php プロジェクト: Bremaweb/streber-1
* Edit note on person
* @ingroup pages
function taskNoteOnPersonEdit($task = NULL, $person = NULL)
    global $PH;
    global $auth;
    global $g_pub_level_names;
    global $g_prio_names;
    if (!$task) {
        $id = getOnePassedId('tsk');
        if (!($task = Task::getEditableById($id))) {
            $PH->abortWarning(__("Select a note to edit"), ERROR_NOTE);
    ## get person ##
    if (!$person) {
        $pid = getOnePassedId('person');
        if (!($person = Person::getById($pid))) {
            $PH->abortWarning(__("ERROR: could not get Person"), ERROR_NOTE);
    $page = new Page(array('use_jscalendar' => false, 'autofocus_field' => 'task_name'));
    $page->cur_tab = 'people';
    if ($person->id) {
        $page->crumbs = build_person_crumbs($person);
    $page->crumbs[] = new NaviCrumb(array('target_id' => 'taskNoteOnPersonEdit'));
    $page->type = __("Note");
    if (!$task->id) {
        $page->title = __('Create new note');
        $page->title_minor = __('Edit');
        ## default title ##
        $date = gmdate("Y-m-d", time());
        $time = getGMTString();
        $dt = $date . " " . renderTime($time);
        $task->name = sprintf(__("New Note on %s, %s"), $person->name, $dt);
    ## eventually needed later when note is a subcategory of task
    /*else {
    echo new PageHeader();
    echo new PageContentOpen();
    require_once confGet('DIR_STREBER') . 'render/render_form.inc.php';
    $form = new PageForm();
    $form->button_cancel = true;
    ## name field ##
    ## description field ##
    $e = $task->fields['description']->getFormElement($task);
    $e->rows = 22;
    ### public-level drop down menu ###
    $form->add(new Form_Dropdown('task_pub_level', __("Publish to", "Form label"), array_flip($g_pub_level_names), $task->pub_level));
    ## priority drop down menu##
    $form->add(new Form_Dropdown('task_prio', __("Prio", "Form label"), array_flip($g_prio_names), $task->prio));
    if ($task->id == 0) {
        $proj_select = 0;
    $p_list = array();
    $count = 1;
    $p_projects = $person->getProjects();
    $num = count($p_projects);
    if ($num > 0) {
        $p_list[0] = __('Assigned Projects');
        foreach ($p_projects as $pp) {
            $p_list[$pp->id] = "- " . $pp->name;
    $p_companies = $person->getCompanies();
    $num = count($p_companies);
    if ($num > 0) {
        $p_list['-1'] = __('Company Projects');
        foreach ($p_companies as $pcs) {
            $c_id = $pcs->id;
            $c_projects = Project::getAll(array('company' => $c_id));
            $count2 = 0;
            foreach ($c_projects as $cp) {
                $p_list[$cp->id] = "- " . $cp->name;
    if (!($projects = Project::getAll(array('order_by' => 'name ASC')))) {
    } else {
        $p_list['-2'] = __('All other Projects');
        foreach ($projects as $pj) {
            $p_list[$pj->id] = "- " . $pj->name;
    $form->add(new Form_Dropdown('project', __('For Project', 'form label'), array_flip($p_list), $proj_select, "id='proj_list'"));
    ## new project ##
    if ($task->id == 0) {
        $form->add(new Form_checkbox('new_project', __('New project', 'form label'), false, "id='proj_new_checkbox'"));
        $form->add(new Form_Input('new_project_name', __('Project name', 'form label'), false, NULL, false, "id='proj_new_input'", "style='display:none'"));
    $checked1 = "";
    $checked2 = "";
    if ($task->id == 0) {
        $checked1 = "checked";
        $checked2 = "checked";
        $person_select = -1;
    ## eventually needed later when note is a subcategory of task
    /*else {
          if(!$pperson = $task->getAssignedPeople()){
              $PH->abortWarning(__("ERROR: could not get assigned people"), ERROR_NOTE);
              foreach($pperson as $pp){
                  if($pp->id == $person->id){
                      $checked1= "checked";
                  elseif($pp->id == $auth->cur_user->id){
                      $checked2= "checked";
                      $person_select = $pp->id;
    $form->add(new Form_customHTML('<p><label>' . __('Assign to') . '</lable></p>', 'assigne_note'));
    if ($person->id != $auth->cur_user->id) {
        $form->add(new Form_customHTML('<span class="checker"><input value="' . $person->id . '" name="task_assignement1" type="checkbox" ' . $checked1 . '><label for="task_assignement1">' . $person->name . '</label></span>', 'assigned_person1'));
        $form->add(new Form_customHTML('<span class="checker"><input value="' . $auth->cur_user->id . '" name="task_assignement2" type="checkbox" ' . $checked2 . '><label for="task_assignement2">' . $auth->cur_user->name . '</label></span>', 'assigned_person2'));
    } else {
        $form->add(new Form_customHTML('<span class="checker"><input value="' . $auth->cur_user->id . '" name="task_assignement2" type="checkbox" ' . $checked2 . '><label for="task_assignement2">' . $auth->cur_user->name . '</label></span>', 'assigned_person'));
    $pers_list = array();
    $pers_list[-1] = __('undefined');
    if ($people = Person::getPeople(array('can_login' => 1))) {
        foreach ($people as $pers) {
            if ($auth->cur_user->name != $pers->name) {
                $pers_list[$pers->id] = $pers->name;
    $form->add(new Form_Dropdown('task_also_assign', __('Also assign to'), array_flip($pers_list), $person_select));
    ## Book effort after submit ##
    $form->form_options[] = "<span class=option><input id='book_effort' name='book_effort' class='checker' type=checkbox>" . __("Book effort after submit") . "</span>";
    $form->add(new Form_HiddenField('tsk', '', $task->id));
    $form->add(new Form_HiddenField('person_id', '', $person->id));
    $form->add(new Form_HiddenField('creation_time', '', $time));
    echo $form;
    $PH->go_submit = 'taskNoteOnPersonEditSubmit';
    echo new PageContentClose();
    echo new PageHtmlEnd();
コード例 #6
ファイル: task_edit.inc.php プロジェクト: Bremaweb/streber-1
* Submit changes to a task
* @ingroup pages
function taskEditSubmit()
    global $PH;
    global $auth;
    require_once confGet('DIR_STREBER') . 'db/class_taskperson.inc.php';
     * keep a list of items linking to this task, task is new
     * we have to change the linking id after(!) inserting the task
    $link_items = array();
    ### temporary object or from database? ###
    $tsk_id = getOnePassedId('tsk', '', true, 'invalid id');
    if ($tsk_id == 0) {
        $task = new Task(array('id' => 0, 'project' => get('task_project')));
        $was_category = 0;
        # undefined category for new tasks
        $was_resolved_version = 0;
    } else {
        if (!($task = Task::getVisiblebyId($tsk_id))) {
            $PH->abortWarning("invalid task-id");
        $was_category = $task->category;
        $was_resolved_version = $task->resolved_version;
    ### cancel? ###
    if (get('form_do_cancel')) {
        if (!$PH->showFromPage()) {
            $PH->show('taskView', array('tsk' => $task->id));
    ### Validate integrety ###
    if (!validateFormCrc()) {
        $PH->abortWarning(__('Invalid checksum for hidden form elements'));
    $was_a_folder = $task->category == TCATEGORY_FOLDER ? true : false;
    $was_released_as = $task->is_released;
    ### get project ###
    if (!($project = Project::getVisiblebyId($task->project))) {
        $PH->abortWarning("task without project?");
     * adding comment (from quick edit) does only require view right...
    $added_comment = false;
    ### check for request feedback
    if ($request_feedback = get('request_feedback')) {
        $team_members_by_nickname = array();
        foreach ($project->getProjectPeople() as $pp) {
            $team_members_by_nickname[$pp->getPerson()->nickname] = $pp->getPerson();
        $requested_people = array();
        foreach (explode('\\s*,\\s*', $request_feedback) as $nickname) {
            ### now check if this nickname is a team member
            if ($nickname = trim($nickname)) {
                if (isset($team_members_by_nickname[$nickname])) {
                    $person = $team_members_by_nickname[$nickname];
                    ### update to itemperson table...
                    if ($view = ItemPerson::getAll(array('person' => $person->id, 'item' => $task->id))) {
                        $view[0]->feedback_requested_by = $auth->cur_user->id;
                    } else {
                        $new_view = new ItemPerson(array('item' => $task->id, 'person' => $person->id, 'feedback_requested_by' => $auth->cur_user->id));
                    $requested_people[] = "<b>" . asHtml($nickname) . "</b>";
                } else {
                    new FeedbackWarning(sprintf(__("Nickname not known in this project: %s"), "<b>" . asHtml($nickname) . "</b>"));
        if ($requested_people) {
            new FeedbackMessage(sprintf(__('Requested feedback from: %s.'), join($requested_people, ", ")));
    ### only insert the comment, when comment name or description are valid
    if (get('comment_name') || get('comment_description')) {
        require_once confGet('DIR_STREBER') . 'pages/comment.inc.php';
        $valid_comment = true;
        ### new object? ###
        $comment = new Comment(array('name' => get('comment_name'), 'description' => get('comment_description'), 'project' => $task->project, 'task' => $task->id));
        validateNotSpam($comment->name . $comment->description);
        ### write to db ###
        if ($valid_comment) {
            if (!$comment->insert()) {
                new FeedbackWarning(__("Failed to add comment"));
            } else {
                ### change task update modification date ###
                if (isset($task)) {
                    ### Check if now longer new ###
                    if ($task->status == STATUS_NEW) {
                        global $auth;
                        if ($task->created < $auth->cur_user->last_login) {
                            $task->status = STATUS_OPEN;
                    $task->update(array('modified', 'status'));
                $added_comment = true;
    if ($task->id != 0 && !Task::getEditableById($task->id)) {
        if ($added_comment) {
            ### display taskView ####
            if (!$PH->showFromPage()) {
                $PH->show('home', array());
        } else {
            $PH->abortWarning(__("Not enough rights to edit task"));
    $status_old = $task->status;
    # retrieve all possible values from post-data (with field->view_in_forms == true)
    # NOTE:
    # - this could be an security-issue.
    # @@@ TODO: as some kind of form-edit-behaviour to field-definition
    foreach ($task->fields as $f) {
        $name = $f->name;
    ### category ###
    $was_of_category = $task->category;
    if (!is_null($c = get('task_category'))) {
        global $g_tcategory_names;
        if (isset($g_tcategory_names[$c])) {
            $task->category = $c;
        } else {
            trigger_error("ignoring unknown task category '{$c}'", E_USER_NOTICE);
     * @@@pixtur 2006-11-17: actually this has been depreciated. is_folder updated
     * for backward compatibility only.
    $task->is_folder = $task->category == TCATEGORY_FOLDER ? 1 : 0;
    ### Check if now longer new ###
    if ($status_old == $task->status && $task->status == STATUS_NEW) {
        global $auth;
        if ($task->created < $auth->cur_user->last_login) {
            $task->status = STATUS_OPEN;
    $assigned_people = array();
    $task_assignments = array();
    if ($task->id) {
        foreach ($task->getAssignedPeople() as $p) {
            $assigned_people[$p->id] = $p;
        foreach ($task->getAssignments() as $ta) {
            $task_assignments[$ta->person] = $ta;
    $team = array();
    foreach ($project->getPeople() as $p) {
        $team[$p->id] = $p;
    $new_task_assignments = array();
    # store assigments after(!) validation
    $forwarded = 0;
    $forward_comment = '';
    $old_task_assignments = array();
    if (isset($task_assignments)) {
        foreach ($task_assignments as $id => $t_old) {
            $id_new = get('task_assigned_to_' . $id);
            $forward_state = get('task_forward_to_' . $id);
            if ($forward_state) {
                $forwarded = 1;
            } else {
                $forwarded = 0;
            $forward_comment = get('task_forward_comment_to_' . $id);
            if ($id_new === NULL) {
                log_message("failure. Can't change no longer existing assigment (person-id={$id} item-id={$t_old->id})", LOG_MESSAGE_DEBUG);
                #$PH->abortWarning("failure. Can't change no longer existing assigment",ERROR_NOTE);
            if ($id == $id_new) {
                if ($tp = TaskPerson::getTaskPeople(array('person' => $id, 'task' => $task->id))) {
                    $tp[0]->forward = $forwarded;
                    $tp[0]->forward_comment = $forward_comment;
                    $old_task_assignments[] = $tp[0];
                #echo " [$id] {$team[$id]->name} still assigned<br>";
            if ($id_new == 0) {
                if (!$t_old) {
                #echo " [$id] {$team[$id]->name} unassigned<br>";
            #$t_new= $task_assignments[$id_new];
            $p_new = @$team[$id_new];
            if (!isset($p_new)) {
                $PH->abortWarning("failure during form-value passing", ERROR_BUG);
            #echo " [$id] assignment changed from {$team[$id]->name} to {$team[$id_new]->name}<br>";
            $t_old->comment = sprintf(__("unassigned to %s", "task-assignment comment"), $team[$id_new]->name);
            $new_assignment = new TaskPerson(array('person' => $team[$id_new]->id, 'task' => $task->id, 'comment' => sprintf(__("formerly assigned to %s", "task-assigment comment"), $team[$id]->name), 'project' => $project->id, 'forward' => $forwarded, 'forward_comment' => $forward_comment));
            $new_task_assignments[] = $new_assignment;
            $link_items[] = $new_assignment;
    ### check new assigments ###
    $count = 0;
    while ($id_new = get('task_assign_to_' . $count)) {
        $forward_state = get('task_forward_to_' . $count);
        if ($forward_state) {
            $forwarded = 1;
        } else {
            $forwarded = 0;
        $forward_comment = get('task_forward_comment_to_' . $count);
        ### check if already assigned ###
        if (isset($task_assignments[$id_new])) {
            if ($tp = TaskPerson::getTaskPeople(array('person' => $id_new, 'task' => $task->id))) {
                $tp[0]->forward = $forwarded;
                $tp[0]->forward_comment = $forward_comment;
                $old_task_assignments[] = $tp[0];
            #new FeedbackMessage(sprintf(__("task was already assigned to %s"),$team[$id_new]->name));
        } else {
            if (!isset($team[$id_new])) {
                $PH->abortWarning("unknown person id {$id_new}", ERROR_DATASTRUCTURE);
            $new_assignment = new TaskPerson(array('person' => $team[$id_new]->id, 'task' => $task->id, 'comment' => "", 'project' => $project->id, 'forward' => $forwarded, 'forward_comment' => $forward_comment));
             * BUG?
             * - inserting the new assigment before sucessfully validating the
             *   task will lead to double-entries in the database.
            $new_task_assignments[] = $new_assignment;
            $link_items[] = $new_assignment;
    if ($task->isOfCategory(array(TCATEGORY_VERSION, TCATEGORY_MILESTONE))) {
        if ($is_released = get('task_is_released')) {
            if (!is_null($is_released)) {
                $task->is_released = $is_released;
    ### pub level ###
    if ($pub_level = get('task_pub_level')) {
        if ($task->id) {
            if ($pub_level > $task->getValidUserSetPublicLevels()) {
                $PH->abortWarning('invalid data', ERROR_RIGHTS);
        #else {
        #    #@@@ check for person create rights
        $task->pub_level = $pub_level;
    ### check project ###
    if ($task->id == 0) {
        if (!($task->project = get('task_project'))) {
            $PH->abortWarning("task requires project to be set");
    ### get parent_task ###
    $is_ok = true;
    $parent_task = NULL;
    if ($task->parent_task) {
        $parent_task = Task::getVisibleById($task->parent_task);
    ### validate ###
    if (!$task->name) {
        new FeedbackWarning(__("Task requires name"));
        $task->fields['name']->required = true;
        $task->fields['name']->invalid = true;
        $is_ok = false;
    } else {
        if ($task->id == 0) {
            $other_tasks = array();
            if ($parent_task) {
                $other_tasks = Task::getAll(array('project' => $project->id, 'parent_task' => $parent_task->id, 'status_min' => STATUS_NEW, 'status_max' => STATUS_CLOSED, 'visible_only' => false));
            } else {
                $other_tasks = Task::getAll(array('project' => $project->id, 'parent_task' => 0, 'status_min' => STATUS_NEW, 'status_max' => STATUS_CLOSED, 'visible_only' => false));
            foreach ($other_tasks as $ot) {
                if (!strcasecmp($task->name, $ot->name)) {
                    $is_ok = false;
                    new FeedbackWarning(sprintf(__('Task called %s already exists'), $ot->getLink(false)));
    ### automatically close resolved tasks ###
    if ($task->resolve_reason && $task->status < STATUS_COMPLETED) {
        $task->status = STATUS_COMPLETED;
        new FeedbackMessage(sprintf(__('Because task is resolved, its status has been changed to completed.')));
    ### Check if resolved tasks should be completed ###
    if ($task->resolved_version != 0 && $task->status < STATUS_COMPLETED) {
        new FeedbackWarning(sprintf(__('Task has resolved version but is not completed?')));
        $task->fields['resolved_version']->invalid = true;
        $task->fields['status']->invalid = true;
        $is_ok = false;
    ### Check if completion should be 100% ###
    if ($task->status >= STATUS_COMPLETED) {
        $task->completion = 100;
    ### repeat form if invalid data ###
    if (!$is_ok) {
        $PH->show('taskEdit', NULL, $task);
    #--- write to database -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    #--- be sure parent-task is folder ---
    if ($parent_task) {
        if ($parent_task->isMilestoneOrVersion()) {
            if ($parent_task->is_folder) {
                $parent_task->is_folder = 0;
                $parent_task->update(array('is_folder'), false);
            $PH->abortWarning(__("Milestones may not have sub tasks"));
        } else {
            if ($parent_task->category != TCATEGORY_FOLDER) {
                $parent_task->category = TCATEGORY_FOLDER;
                $parent_task->is_folder = 1;
                if ($parent_task->update()) {
                    new FeedbackMessage(__("Turned parent task into a folder. Note, that folders are only listed in tree"));
                } else {
                    trigger_error(__("Failed, adding to parent-task"), E_USER_WARNING);
                    $PH->abortWarning(__("Failed, adding to parent-task"));
    ### ungroup child tasks? ###
    if ($was_a_folder && $task->category != TCATEGORY_FOLDER) {
        $num_subtasks = $task->ungroupSubtasks();
        # @@@ does this work???
         * note: ALSO invisible tasks should be updated, so do not check for visibility here.
        $parent = Task::getById($task->parent_task);
        $parent_str = $parent ? $parent->name : __('Project');
        if ($num_subtasks) {
            new FeedbackMessage(sprintf(__("NOTICE: Ungrouped %s subtasks to <b>%s</b>"), $num_subtasks, $parent_str));
    if ($task->id && !get('task_issue_report')) {
        $task_issue_report = $task->issue_report;
    } else {
        if ($task->issue_report != get('task_issue_report')) {
            trigger_error("Requesting invalid issue report id for task!", E_USER_WARNING);
            $task_issue_report = get('task_issue_report');
        } else {
            $task_issue_report = 0;
    ### consider issue-report? ###
    #$task_issue_report= get('task_issue_report');
    if ($task->category == TCATEGORY_BUG || isset($task_issue_report) && $task_issue_report) {
        ### new report as / temporary ###
        if ($task_issue_report == 0 || $task_issue_report == -1) {
            $issue = new Issue(array('id' => 0, 'project' => $project->id, 'task' => $task->id));
            ### querry form-information ###
            foreach ($issue->fields as $f) {
                $name = $f->name;
            global $g_reproducibility_names;
            if (!is_null($rep = get('issue_reproducibility'))) {
                if (isset($g_reproducibility_names[$rep])) {
                    $issue->reproducibility = intval($rep);
                } else {
                    $issue->reproducibility = REPRODUCIBILITY_UNDEFINED;
            global $g_severity_names;
            if (!is_null($sev = get('issue_severity'))) {
                if (isset($g_severity_names[$sev])) {
                    $issue->severity = intval($sev);
                } else {
                    $issue->severity = SEVERITY_UNDEFINED;
            ### write to db ###
            if (!$issue->insert()) {
                trigger_error("Failed to insert issue to db", E_USER_WARNING);
            } else {
                $link_items[] = $issue;
                $task->issue_report = $issue->id;
        } else {
            if ($issue = Issue::getById($task_issue_report)) {
                ### querry form-information ###
                foreach ($issue->fields as $f) {
                    $name = $f->name;
                global $g_reproducibility_names;
                if (!is_null($rep = get('issue_reproducibility'))) {
                    if (isset($g_reproducibility_names[$rep])) {
                        $issue->reproducibility = intval($rep);
                    } else {
                        $issue->reproducibility = REPRODUCIBILITY_UNDEFINED;
                global $g_severity_names;
                if (!is_null($sev = get('issue_severity'))) {
                    if (isset($g_severity_names[$sev])) {
                        $issue->severity = intval($sev);
                    } else {
                        $issue->severity = SEVERITY_UNDEFINED;
                ### write to db ###
                if (!$issue->update()) {
                    trigger_error("Failed to write issue to DB (id={$issue->id})", E_USER_WARNING);
                if ($task->issue_report != $issue->id) {
                    # additional check, actually not necessary
                    trigger_error("issue-report as invalid id ({$issue->id}). Should be ({$task->issue_report}) Please report this bug.", E_USER_WARNING);
            } else {
                trigger_error("Could not get issue with id {$task->issue_report} from database", E_USER_WARNING);
    ### write to db ###
    if ($task->id == 0) {
        ### write task-assigments ###
        foreach ($new_task_assignments as $nta) {
        ### now we now the id of the new task, link the other items
        foreach ($link_items as $i) {
            $i->task = $task->id;
        new FeedbackMessage(sprintf(__("Created %s %s with ID %s", "Created <type> <name> with ID <id>..."), $task->getLabel(), $task->getLink(false), $task->id));
    } else {
        ### write task-assigments ###
        foreach ($new_task_assignments as $nta) {
        foreach ($old_task_assignments as $ota) {
        new FeedbackMessage(sprintf(__("Changed %s %s with ID %s", "type,link,id"), $task->getLabel(), $task->getLink(false), $task->id));
        $project->update(array(), true);
    ### add any recently resolved tasks if this is a just released version  ###
    if ($task->category == TCATEGORY_VERSION && $was_category != TCATEGORY_VERSION) {
        if ($resolved_tasks = Task::getAll(array('project' => $task->project, 'status_min' => 0, 'status_max' => 10, 'resolved_version' => RESOLVED_IN_NEXT_VERSION))) {
            foreach ($resolved_tasks as $rt) {
                $rt->resolved_version = $task->id;
            new FeedbackMessage(sprintf(__('Marked %s tasks to be resolved in this version.'), count($resolved_tasks)));
    ### notify on change ###
    ### create another task ###
    if (get('create_another')) {
        ### build dummy form ###
        $newtask = new Task(array('id' => 0, 'name' => __('Name'), 'project' => $task->project, 'state' => 1, 'prio' => $task->prio, 'label' => $task->label, 'parent_task' => $task->parent_task, 'for_milestone' => $task->for_milestone, 'category' => $task->category));
        $PH->show('taskEdit', array('tsk' => $newtask->id), $newtask);
    } else {
        ### go to task, if new
        if ($tsk_id == 0) {
            $PH->show('taskView', array('tsk' => $task->id));
        } else {
            if (!$PH->showFromPage()) {
                $PH->show('home', array());
コード例 #7
 function render_tr(&$task, $style = "")
     global $PH;
     global $g_resolve_reason_names;
     if (!isset($task) || !is_object($task)) {
         trigger_error("ListBlock->render_tr() called without valid object", E_USER_WARNING);
     $buffer = '';
     ### collapsed view ###
     $html_link = '<b>' . $task->getLink(false, false) . '</b>';
     if ($task->view_collapsed) {
         $buffer .= $PH->getLink('taskToggleViewCollapsed', "<img src=\"" . getThemeFile("img/toggle_folder_closed.gif") . "\">", array('tsk' => $task->id), NULL, true) . $html_link;
     } else {
         $buffer .= $PH->getLink('taskToggleViewCollapsed', "<img src=\"" . getThemeFile("img/toggle_folder_open.gif") . "\">", array('tsk' => $task->id), NULL, true) . $html_link . '<br>';
         $editable = false;
         if (Task::getEditableById($task->id)) {
             $editable = true;
         $buffer .= "<div class=description>";
         $buffer .= wikifieldAsHtml($task, 'description');
         $buffer .= "</div>";
     echo '<td>' . $buffer . '</td>';
コード例 #8
ファイル: task_move.inc.php プロジェクト: Bremaweb/streber-1
function _getParentOfTaskId($task_id)
    global $PH;
    ### get path of target to check for cycles ###
    if ($task_id != 0) {
        if (!($task = Task::getEditableById($task_id))) {
            $PH->abortWarning(__("insufficient rights"));
        $parents = $task->getFolder();
        $parents[] = $task;
    } else {
        $parents = array();
    return $parents;
コード例 #9
ファイル: task_view.inc.php プロジェクト: Bremaweb/streber-1
 public function render_quickedit($task)
     global $PH;
     $editable = false;
     ### make sure it's editable ###
     if (Task::getEditableById($task->id)) {
         $editable = true;
     } else {
         if (!Task::getVisibleById($task->id)) {
             return false;
     ### get parent project ####
     if (!($project = Project::getVisibleById($task->project))) {
     require_once confGet('DIR_STREBER') . 'render/render_form.inc.php';
     global $g_prio_names;
     global $g_status_names;
     $form = new PageForm();
     $form->button_cancel = false;
     $form->add($tab_group = new Page_TabGroup());
     $tab_group->add($tab = new Page_Tab("comment", __("Add comment")));
     ### Comment ###
     $comment_name = '';
     $comment = new Comment(array('id' => 0, 'name' => $comment_name));
     $tab->add($comment->fields['name']->getFormElement($comment, __('Comment')));
     $e = $comment->fields['description']->getFormElement($comment);
     $e->rows = 8;
     ### request feedback
     ### update ###
     if ($editable && $task->isOfCategory(array(TCATEGORY_TASK, TCATEGORY_BUG))) {
         $tab_group->add($tab = new Page_Tab("update", __("Update")));
         #$tab->add(new Form_Dropdown('task_for_milestone', __('For Milestone'), $project->buildPlannedForMilestoneList(), $task->for_milestone));
         $tab->add(new Form_DropdownGrouped('task_for_milestone', __('For Milestone'), $project->buildPlannedForMilestoneList(), $task->for_milestone));
         $tab->add(new Form_DropdownGrouped('task_resolved_version', __('Resolved in'), $project->buildResolvedInList(), $task->resolved_version));
         global $g_resolve_reason_names;
         $tab->add(new Form_Dropdown('task_resolve_reason', __('Resolve reason'), array_flip($g_resolve_reason_names), $task->resolve_reason));
         ### for existing tasks, get already assigned
         if ($task->id) {
             $assigned_people = $task->getAssignedPeople();
         } else {
             trigger_error("view a task with zero id?");
         $team = array(__('- select person -') => 0);
         ### create team-list ###
         foreach ($project->getPeople() as $p) {
             $team[$p->name] = $p->id;
         ### create drop-down-lists ###
         $count_new = 0;
         $count_all = 0;
         if (isset($assigned_people)) {
             foreach ($assigned_people as $ap) {
                 if (!($p = Person::getVisibleById($ap->id))) {
                     # skip if invalid person
                 if ($task->id) {
                     $tab->add(new Form_Dropdown('task_assigned_to_' . $ap->id, __("Assigned to"), $team, $ap->id));
                 } else {
                     $tab->add(new Form_Dropdown('task_assign_to_' . $count_new, __("Assign to"), $team, $ap->id));
         ### add empty drop-downlist for new assignments ###
         $str_label = $count_all == 0 ? __("Assign to", "Form label") : __("Also assign to", "Form label");
         $tab->add(new Form_Dropdown("task_assign_to_{$count_new}", $str_label, $team, 0));
         if (!$task->isMilestoneOrVersion()) {
             $tab->add(new Form_Dropdown('task_prio', __("Prio", "Form label"), array_flip($g_prio_names), $task->prio));
         $ar = array(__('undefined') => 0, __('30 min') => 30 * 60, __('1 h') => 60 * 60, __('2 h') => 2 * 60 * 60, __('4 h') => 4 * 60 * 60, __('1 Day') => 1 * confGet('WORKHOURS_PER_DAY') * 60 * 60, __('2 Days') => 2 * confGet('WORKHOURS_PER_DAY') * 60 * 60, __('3 Days') => 3 * confGet('WORKHOURS_PER_DAY') * 60 * 60, __('4 Days') => 4 * confGet('WORKHOURS_PER_DAY') * 60 * 60, __('1 Week') => 1 * confGet('WORKDAYS_PER_WEEK') * confGet('WORKHOURS_PER_DAY') * 60 * 60, __('2 Weeks') => 2 * confGet('WORKDAYS_PER_WEEK') * confGet('WORKHOURS_PER_DAY') * 60 * 60, __('3 Weeks') => 3 * confGet('WORKDAYS_PER_WEEK') * confGet('WORKHOURS_PER_DAY') * 60 * 60);
         $tab->add(new Form_Dropdown('task_estimated', __("Estimated time"), $ar, $task->estimated));
         $tab->add(new Form_Dropdown('task_estimated_max', __("Estimated worst case"), $ar, $task->estimated_max));
         $ar = array(__('undefined') => -1, '0%' => 0, '10%' => 10, '20%' => 20, '30%' => 30, '40%' => 40, '50%' => 50, '60%' => 60, '70%' => 70, '80%' => 80, '90%' => 90, '95%' => 95, '98%' => 98, '99%' => 99, '100%' => 100);
         $tab->add(new Form_Dropdown('task_completion', __("Completed"), $ar, $task->completion));
         $st = array();
         foreach ($g_status_names as $s => $n) {
             if ($s >= STATUS_NEW) {
                 $st[$s] = $n;
         if ($task->isMilestoneOrVersion()) {
         $tab->add(new Form_Dropdown('task_status', "Status", array_flip($st), $task->status));
      * to reduce spam, enforce captcha test for guests
     global $auth;
     if ($auth->cur_user->id == confGet('ANONYMOUS_USER')) {
     ### some required hidden fields for correct data passing ###
     $form->add(new Form_HiddenField('tsk', '', $task->id));
     $form->add(new Form_HiddenField('comment', '', $comment->id));
     if ($return = get('return')) {
         $form->add(new Form_HiddenField('return', '', asHtml($return)));
     echo $form;
     $PH->go_submit = 'taskEditSubmit';
コード例 #10
ファイル: file.inc.php プロジェクト: Bremaweb/streber-1
* move files to folder...
* NOTE: this works either...
* - directly by passing a target folder in 'folder' or 'folders_*'
* - in two steps, whereas
*   - the passed task-ids are keept as hidden fields,
*   - a list with folders is been rendered
*   - a flag 'from_selection' is set
*   - after submit, the kept tasks are moved to 'folders_*'
function FilesMoveToFolder()
    global $PH;
    $file_ids = getPassedIds('file', 'files_*');
    if (!$file_ids) {
        $PH->abortWarning(__("Select some files to move"));
     * by default render list of folders...
    $target_id = -1;
     * ...but, if folder was given, directly move files...
    $folder_ids = getPassedIds('folder', 'folders_*');
    if (count($folder_ids) == 1) {
        if ($folder_task = Task::getVisibleById($folder_ids[0])) {
            $target_id = $folder_task->id;
    } else {
        if (get('from_selection')) {
            $target_id = 0;
    if ($target_id != -1) {
        if ($target_id != 0) {
            if (!($target_task = Task::getEditableById($target_id))) {
                $PH->abortWarning(__("insufficient rights"));
            ### get path of target to check for cycles ###
            $parent_tasks = $target_task->getFolder();
            $parent_tasks[] = $target_task;
        } else {
            $parent_tasks = array();
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($file_ids as $id) {
            if ($file = File::getEditableById($id)) {
                $file->parent_item = $target_id;
            } else {
                $PH->messages[] = sprintf(__("Can not edit file %s"), $file->name);
        ### return to from-page? ###
        if (!$PH->showFromPage()) {
    #else if($target_id != -1) {
    #    $PH->abortWarning(__("insufficient rights to edit any of the selected items"));
     * build page folder lists...
    ### get project ####
    if (!($file = File::getVisibleById($file_ids[0]))) {
        $PH->abortWarning("could not get file", ERROR_BUG);
    if (!($project = Project::getVisibleById($file->project))) {
        $PH->abortWarning("file without project?", ERROR_BUG);
    $page = new Page(array('use_jscalendar' => false, 'autofocus_field' => 'company_name'));
    $page->cur_tab = 'projects';
    $page->type = __("Edit files");
    $page->title = "{$project->name}";
    $page->title_minor = __("Select folder to move files into");
    $page->crumbs = build_project_crumbs($project);
    $page->options[] = new NaviOption(array('target_id' => 'filesMoveToFolder'));
    echo new PageHeader();
    echo new PageContentOpen();
    ### write files as hidden entry ###
    foreach ($file_ids as $id) {
        if ($file = File::getEditableById($id)) {
            echo "<input type=hidden name='files_{$id}_chk' value='1'>";
    require_once confGet('DIR_STREBER') . 'lists/list_tasks.inc.php';
    $list = new ListBlock_tasks();
    $list->query_options['show_folders'] = true;
    #$list->query_options['folders_only']= true;
    $list->query_options['project'] = $project->id;
    $list->groupings = NULL;
    $list->block_functions = NULL;
    $list->id = 'folders';
    $list->no_items_html = __('No folders available');
    $list->functions = array();
    $list->active_block_function = 'tree';
    $list->print_automatic($project, NULL);
    echo __("(or select nothing to move to project root)") . "<br> ";
    echo "<input type=hidden name='from_selection' value='1'>";
    # keep flag to ungroup files
    echo "<input type=hidden name='project' value='{$project->id}'>";
    $button_name = __("Move items");
    echo "<input class=button2 type=submit value='{$button_name}'>";
    $PH->go_submit = 'filesMoveToFolder';
    echo new PageContentClose();
    echo new PageHtmlEnd();