Esempio n. 1
  * Performs PDF content generation and caching
  * @param $url                 	 String    URL
  * @param $denisty               Integer   
  * @param $keys                  Mixed     Keys for Cache key(s) - either as a string or an array of strings
  * @param $subtree_expiry        Mixed     The parameter $subtreeExpiryParameter is expiry value is usually taken
  *                                         from the template operator and can be one of:
  *                                           - A numerical value which represents the node ID (the fastest approach)
  *                                           - A string containing 'content/view/full/xxx' where xx is the node ID number,
  *                                             the number will be extracted.
  *                                           - A string containing a nice url which will be decoded into a node ID using
  *                                             the database (slowest approach).
  * @param $expiry                Integer   The number of seconds that the pdf cache should be allowed to live.A value of
  *                                         zero will produce a cache block that will never expire
  * @param $ignore_content_expiry Boolean   Disables cache expiry when new content is published.
  * @return void
 public function getObject($url = '', $density, $keys, $subtree_expiry, $expiry, $ignore_content_expiry = false)
     $pngUrl = '';
     $obj = false;
     $mtime = eZDateTime::currentTimeStamp();
     $httpExpiry = $this->cacheTTL;
     if (strpos("://", $url) === false) {
         $url = eZSys::serverURL() . $url;
     //eZDebug::writeError($url, 'sPdf2png::exportPng');
     if ($this->cacheEnabled) {
         $use_global_expiry = !$ignore_content_expiry;
         //$keys = self::getCacheKeysArray($keys);
         $expiry = is_numeric($expiry) ? $expiry : $this->cacheTTL;
         list($handler, $pngUrl) = eZTemplateCacheBlock::retrieve($keys, $subtree_expiry, $expiry, $use_global_expiry);
         if ($pngUrl instanceof eZClusterFileFailure || !file_get_contents($pngUrl)) {
             eZDebug::writeError("cache invalid", 'sPdf2png::exportPng');
             $obj = $this->generatePng($url, $density, $keys);
             $handler->storeCache(array('scope' => 'template-block', 'binarydata' => $obj['url']));
         //eZDebug::writeError("cache", 'sPdf2png::exportPng');
     } else {
         $obj = $this->generatePng($url, $density, $keys);
     if (!$obj) {
         $obj = $this->getPngData($pngUrl);
     $obj['url'] = self::getWwwDir() . $obj['url'];
     return $obj;
Esempio n. 2
  * Updates user with provided auth data
  * @param eZUser $user
  * @param array $authResult
  * @return bool
 public static function updateUser($user, $authResult)
     $currentTimeStamp = eZDateTime::currentTimeStamp();
     $contentObject = $user->contentObject();
     if (!$contentObject instanceof eZContentObject) {
         return false;
     /** @var eZContentObjectVersion $version */
     $version = $contentObject->currentVersion();
     $db = eZDB::instance();
     $version->setAttribute('modified', $currentTimeStamp);
     self::fillUserObject($version->dataMap(), $authResult);
     if ($authResult['email'] != $user->Email) {
         $userExists = false;
         if (eZUser::requireUniqueEmail()) {
             $userExists = eZUser::fetchByEmail($authResult['email']) instanceof eZUser;
         if (empty($authResult['email']) || $userExists) {
             $email = md5('ngconnect_' . $authResult['login_method'] . '_' . $authResult['id']) . '@localhost.local';
         } else {
             $email = $authResult['email'];
         $user->setAttribute('email', $email);
     return $user;
Esempio n. 3
  * Save article draft for later approval
 public function save()
     $user = eZUser::fetchByName('admin');
     $params = array('class_identifier' => 'article', 'creator_id' => $user->attribute('contentobject_id'), 'parent_node_id' => $this->location, 'name' => $this->header, 'attributes' => array('title' => $this->header, 'intro' => $this->xmlConvert($this->ingress), 'body' => $this->xmlConvert($this->text)));
     // Manipulate version (setting state to draft)
     $contentObject = eZContentFunctions::createAndPublishObject($params);
     $version = $contentObject->version(1);
     $version->setAttribute('modified', eZDateTime::currentTimeStamp());
     $version->setAttribute('status', eZContentObjectVersion::STATUS_DRAFT);
  * Performs PDF content generation and caching
  * @param $xhtml                 String    XHTML content
  * @param $pdf_file_name         String    Name that will be used when serving the PDF file (not for storage)
  * @param $keys                  Mixed     Keys for Cache key(s) - either as a string or an array of strings
  * @param $subtree_expiry        Mixed     The parameter $subtreeExpiryParameter is expiry value is usually taken
  *                                         from the template operator and can be one of:
  *                                           - A numerical value which represents the node ID (the fastest approach)
  *                                           - A string containing 'content/view/full/xxx' where xx is the node ID number,
  *                                             the number will be extracted.
  *                                           - A string containing a nice url which will be decoded into a node ID using
  *                                             the database (slowest approach).
  * @param $expiry                Integer   The number of seconds that the pdf cache should be allowed to live.A value of
  *                                         zero will produce a cache block that will never expire
  * @param $ignore_content_expiry Boolean   Disables cache expiry when new content is published.
  * @return void
 public function exportPDF($xhtml = '', $pdf_file_name = '', $keys, $subtree_expiry, $expiry, $ignore_content_expiry = false)
     if ($pdf_file_name == '') {
         $pdf_file_name = 'file';
     $data = '';
     $size = 0;
     $mtime = eZDateTime::currentTimeStamp();
     $httpExpiry = $this->cacheTTL;
     if ($this->cacheEnabled) {
         $keys = self::getCacheKeysArray($keys);
         $expiry = is_numeric($expiry) ? $expiry : $this->cacheTTL;
         if ($expiry > 0) {
             $httpExpiry = $expiry;
         if (isset($subtree_expiry)) {
             $ignore_content_expiry = true;
         list($handler, $data) = eZTemplateCacheBlock::retrieve($keys, $subtree_expiry, $expiry, !$ignore_content_expiry);
         if ($data instanceof eZClusterFileFailure || $handler->size() == 0) {
             $data = $this->generatePDF($xhtml);
             // check if error occurred during pdf generation
             if ($data === false) {
             $handler->storeCache(array('scope' => 'template-block', 'binarydata' => $data));
             $size = strlen($data);
         } else {
             $size = $handler->size();
             $mtime = $handler->mtime();
     } else {
         $data = $this->generatePDF($xhtml);
         // check if error occurred during pdf generation
         if ($data === false) {
         $size = $this->size;
     $this->flushPDF($data, $pdf_file_name, $size, $mtime, $httpExpiry);
 function createObject($classIdentifier, $parentNodeID, $name)
     $user = eZUser::currentUser();
     $Class = eZContentClass::fetchByIdentifier($classIdentifier);
     if (!$Class) {
         eZDebug::writeError("No class with identifier {$classIdentifier}", "classCreation");
         return false;
     $contentObject = $Class->instantiate($user->attribute('contentobject_id'));
     $nodeAssignment = eZNodeAssignment::create(array('contentobject_id' => $contentObject->attribute('id'), 'contentobject_version' => $contentObject->attribute('current_version'), 'parent_node' => $parentNodeID, 'is_main' => 1));
     $version = $contentObject->version(1);
     $version->setAttribute('modified', eZDateTime::currentTimeStamp());
     $version->setAttribute('status', eZContentObjectVersion::STATUS_DRAFT);
     $contentObjectID = $contentObject->attribute('id');
     $attributes = $contentObject->attribute('contentobject_attributes');
     $operationResult = eZOperationHandler::execute('content', 'publish', array('object_id' => $contentObjectID, 'version' => 1));
     return true;
Esempio n. 6
 function createSubNode($node, $name)
     $namedChildrenArray = $node->childrenByName($name);
     $subNode = false;
     if (!$node->canCreate()) {
         $this->setError(self::ERROR_ACCESSDENIED, ezpI18n::tr('extension/ezodf/import/error', "Folder for images could not be created, access denied."));
         return false;
     if (empty($namedChildrenArray)) {
         $class = eZContentClass::fetchByIdentifier("folder");
         $creatorID = $this->currentUserID;
         //$creatorID = 14; // 14 == admin
         $parentNodeID = $placeNodeID;
         $contentObject = $class->instantiate($creatorID, 1);
         $nodeAssignment = eZNodeAssignment::create(array('contentobject_id' => $contentObject->attribute('id'), 'contentobject_version' => $contentObject->attribute('current_version'), 'parent_node' => $node->attribute('node_id'), 'is_main' => 1));
         $version = $contentObject->version(1);
         $version->setAttribute('modified', eZDateTime::currentTimeStamp());
         $version->setAttribute('status', eZContentObjectVersion::STATUS_DRAFT);
         $contentObjectID = $contentObject->attribute('id');
         $dataMap = $contentObject->dataMap();
         $titleAttribudeIdentifier = 'name';
         $dataMap[$titleAttribudeIdentifier]->setAttribute('data_text', $name);
         $operationResult = eZOperationHandler::execute('content', 'publish', array('object_id' => $contentObjectID, 'version' => 1));
         $subNode = $contentObject->mainNode();
     } else {
         if (count($namedChildrenArray) == 1) {
             $subNode = $namedChildrenArray[0];
     return $subNode;
  * Creates and publishes a new content object.
  * This function takes all the variables passes in the $params
  * argument and creates a new content object out of it.
  * Here is an example
  * <code>
  * <?php
  * // admin user
  * $creatorID    = 14;
  * // folder content class
  * $classIdentifier = 'folder';
  * // root node
  * $parentNodeID = 2;
  * // have a look at the folder content class' definition ;)
  * // basically the array is the following :
  * // key : attribute identifier ( not attribute ID !! )
  * // value : value for this attribute
  * //
  * // Please refer to each fromString/toString function to see
  * // how to organize your data
  * $xmlDeclaration = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  *                    <section xmlns:image=""
  *                             xmlns:xhtml=""
  *                             xmlns:custom="">';
  * $attributeList = array( 'name'              => 'A newly created folder object',
  *                         'short_name'        => 'A new folder',
  *                         'short_description' => $xmlDeclaration .'<paragraph>This is the short description</paragraph></section>',
  *                         'description'       => $xmlDeclaration . '<section><section><header>Some header</header><paragraph>Some paragraph
  *                                                                   with a <link target="_blank" url_id="1">link</link></paragraph>
  *                                                                   </section></section></section>',
  *                         'show_children'     => true);
  * // Creates the data import array
  * $params                     = array();
  * $params['creator_id']       = $creatorID;
  * $params['class_identifier'] = $classIdentifier;
  * $params['parent_node_id']   = $parentNodeID;
  * $params['attributes']       = $attributeList;
  * $contentObject = eZContentFunctions::createAndPublishObject( $params );
  * if( $contentObject )
  * {
  *     // do anything you want here
  * }
  * ?>
  * </code>
  * @param array $params An array with all the informations to store.
  *                      This array must contains a strict list of key/value pairs.
  *                      The possible keys are the following :
  *                      - 'parent_node_id'   : The parentNodeID for this new object.
  *                      - 'class_identifier' : The classIdentifier for this new object.
  *                                             using the classID is not possible.
  *                      - 'creator_id'       : The eZUser::contentObjectID to use as creator
  *                                             of this new eZContentObject, uses current user
  *                                             and stores object id in current session if not set
  *                      - 'attributes'       : The list of attributes to store, in order to now
  *                                             which values you can use for this key, you have to
  *                                             read the code of the fromString and toString functions
  *                                             of the attribute's datatype you use
  *                      - 'storage_dir'      :
  *                      - 'remote_id'        : The value for the remoteID  (optional)
  *                      - 'section_id'       : The value for the sectionID (optional)
  * @return eZContentObject|false An eZContentObject object if success, false otherwise
 static function createAndPublishObject($params)
     $parentNodeID = $params['parent_node_id'];
     $classIdentifier = $params['class_identifier'];
     $creatorID = isset($params['creator_id']) ? $params['creator_id'] : false;
     $attributesData = isset($params['attributes']) ? $params['attributes'] : false;
     $storageDir = isset($params['storage_dir']) ? $params['storage_dir'] : '';
     $contentObject = false;
     $parentNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($parentNodeID, false, false);
     if (is_array($parentNode)) {
         $contentClass = eZContentClass::fetchByIdentifier($classIdentifier);
         if ($contentClass instanceof eZContentClass) {
             $db = eZDB::instance();
             $languageCode = isset($params['language']) ? $params['language'] : false;
             $sectionID = isset($params['section_id']) ? $params['section_id'] : 0;
             $contentObject = $contentClass->instantiate($creatorID, $sectionID, false, $languageCode);
             if (array_key_exists('remote_id', $params)) {
                 $contentObject->setAttribute('remote_id', $params['remote_id']);
             $nodeAssignment = eZNodeAssignment::create(array('contentobject_id' => $contentObject->attribute('id'), 'contentobject_version' => $contentObject->attribute('current_version'), 'parent_node' => $parentNodeID, 'is_main' => 1, 'sort_field' => $contentClass->attribute('sort_field'), 'sort_order' => $contentClass->attribute('sort_order')));
             $version = $contentObject->version(1);
             $version->setAttribute('modified', eZDateTime::currentTimeStamp());
             $version->setAttribute('status', eZContentObjectVersion::STATUS_DRAFT);
             if (is_array($attributesData) && !empty($attributesData)) {
                 $attributes = $contentObject->attribute('contentobject_attributes');
                 foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
                     $attributeIdentifier = $attribute->attribute('contentclass_attribute_identifier');
                     if (isset($attributesData[$attributeIdentifier])) {
                         $dataString = $attributesData[$attributeIdentifier];
                         switch ($datatypeString = $attribute->attribute('data_type_string')) {
                             case 'ezimage':
                             case 'ezbinaryfile':
                             case 'ezmedia':
                                 $dataString = $storageDir . $dataString;
             $operationResult = eZOperationHandler::execute('content', 'publish', array('object_id' => $contentObject->attribute('id'), 'version' => 1));
         } else {
             eZDebug::writeError("Content class with identifier '{$classIdentifier}' doesn't exist.", __METHOD__);
     } else {
         eZDebug::writeError("Node with id '{$parentNodeID}' doesn't exist.", __METHOD__);
     return $contentObject;
Esempio n. 8
if (!$class) {
    $cli->error("No class with identifier {$createClass}");
$fp = @fopen($inputFileName, "r");
if (!$fp) {
    $cli->error("Can not open file {$inputFileName} for reading");
while ($objectData = fgetcsv($fp, $csvLineLength, ';', '"')) {
    $contentObject = $class->instantiate($creator);
    $nodeAssignment = eZNodeAssignment::create(array('contentobject_id' => $contentObject->attribute('id'), 'contentobject_version' => $contentObject->attribute('current_version'), 'parent_node' => $nodeID, 'is_main' => 1));
    $version = $contentObject->version(1);
    $version->setAttribute('modified', eZDateTime::currentTimeStamp());
    $version->setAttribute('status', eZContentObjectVersion::STATUS_DRAFT);
    $contentObjectID = $contentObject->attribute('id');
    $attributes = $contentObject->attribute('contentobject_attributes');
    while (list($key, $attribute) = each($attributes)) {
        $dataString = $objectData[$key];
        switch ($datatypeString = $attribute->attribute('data_type_string')) {
            case 'ezimage':
            case 'ezbinaryfile':
            case 'ezmedia':
                $dataString = eZDir::path(array($storageDir, $dataString));
  * Creates a new version for content.
  * If content is a new one, a new node assignment will be created with 'parent_node_id' option ({@link self::setOptions()})
  * @param SQLIContent $content
  * @internal
  * @return eZContentObjectVersion
 private function createNewVersion(SQLIContent $content)
     eZDebug::accumulatorStart('sqlicontentpublisher_version', 'sqlicontentpublisher', 'Version creation');
     $contentObject = $content->getRawContentObject();
     if ($content->isNew()) {
         $nodeAssignment = $this->createNodeAssignmentForContent($content, $this->options['parent_node_id'], true);
         // Main node assignment for new object
         $version = $contentObject->currentVersion();
         $version->setAttribute('modified', eZDateTime::currentTimeStamp());
         $version->setAttribute('status', eZContentObjectVersion::STATUS_DRAFT);
     } else {
         $version = $content->getDraft();
     return $version;
  * Returns current draft for current content object.
  * If there is no current draft, a new one will be created in provided language.
  * @param string|bool $lang Valid locale xxx-XX. If not provided, default edit language will be used
  * @see eZContentObject::createNewVersionIn()
  * @return eZContentObjectVersion
 public function getCurrentDraft($lang = false)
     $currentDraft = null;
     $db = eZDB::instance();
     // First check if we already have a draft
     $aFilter = array('contentobject_id' => $this->contentObject->attribute('id'), 'status' => array(array(eZContentObjectVersion::STATUS_DRAFT, eZContentObjectVersion::STATUS_INTERNAL_DRAFT)));
     $res = eZContentObjectVersion::fetchFiltered($aFilter, null, null);
     if (count($res) > 0 && $res[0] instanceof eZContentObjectVersion) {
         $currentDraft = $res[0];
         // FIXME : Fetch may result several drafts. We should take the last one (highest version)
         $currentDraft->setAttribute('modified', eZDateTime::currentTimeStamp());
         $currentDraft->setAttribute('status', eZContentObjectVersion::STATUS_DRAFT);
     } else {
         $currentDraft = $this->contentObject->createNewVersionIn($lang, false, $this->contentObject->attribute('current_version'));
     return $currentDraft;