* @copyright Copyright (C) 1999-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
 * @license http://ez.no/licenses/gnu_gpl GNU GPLv2
 * Send comment notification to user who subscribed the content
$cli = eZCLI::instance();
if (!$isQuiet) {
    $cli->output("Start sending comment notification...");
// 1. check ezcomment_notification table
$db = eZDB::instance();
$now = new eZDateTime();
$currentTime = $now->toTime()->timeStamp();
$ezcommentsINI = eZINI::instance('ezcomments.ini');
$sendingNumber = $ezcommentsINI->variable('NotificationSettings', 'NotificationNumberPerExecuation');
$mailContentType = $ezcommentsINI->variable('NotificationSettings', 'MailContentType');
$mailFrom = $ezcommentsINI->variable('NotificationSettings', 'MailFrom');
$contentObjectIDList = $db->arrayQuery('SELECT DISTINCT contentobject_id, language_id' . ' FROM ezcomment_notification ' . 'WHERE status=1' . ' AND send_time < ' . $currentTime, array('offset' => 0, 'limit' => $sendingNumber));
$notificationCount = 0;
$mailCount = 0;
foreach ($contentObjectIDList as $contentObjectArray) {
    $contentObjectID = $contentObjectArray['contentobject_id'];
    $contentLanguage = $contentObjectArray['language_id'];
    $notifications = $db->arrayQuery('SELECT * FROM ezcomment_notification ' . 'WHERE contentobject_id = ' . $contentObjectID);
    // fetch content object
    $contentObject = eZContentObject::fetch($contentObjectID, true);
    $contentLanguageLocale = eZContentLanguage::fetch($contentLanguage)->attribute('locale');