Esempio n. 1
  * @throws RuntimeException
  * @return array of arrays.
  *         array( 'dumpKey' => array( 'match1', 'match2' ) )
 public function scan()
     $openSuccess = $this->reader->open($this->dumpLocation);
     if (!$openSuccess) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Failed to open XML: ' . $this->dumpLocation);
     $result = array();
     foreach ($this->query as $queryKey => $query) {
         $result[$queryKey] = array();
         // Make sure keys are returned even if empty
     while ($this->reader->read() && $this->reader->name !== 'page') {
     while ($this->reader->name === 'page') {
         $element = new SimpleXMLElement($this->reader->readOuterXML());
         $page = $this->getPageFromElement($element);
         foreach ($this->query as $queryKey => $query) {
             $match = $this->matchPage($page, $query);
             if ($match) {
                 //TODO allow the user to choose what to return
                 $result[$queryKey][] = $page->getTitle()->getTitle();
     return $result;
 public function next()
     $this->valid && $this->index++;
     if ($this->localName) {
         $this->valid = $this->reader->next($this->localName);
     } else {
         $this->valid = $this->reader->next();
Esempio n. 3
  * @inheritdoc
 public function next()
     if (!isset($this->xmlReader)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('The resource needs to be open.');
     while ($this->xmlReader->next()) {
         $name = $this->xmlReader->name;
         $depth = $this->xmlReader->depth;
         if (1 == $depth && !in_array($name, array("", "#text"))) {
Esempio n. 4
  * Parses a MySQL dump XML file.
  * @param $source
  * @return Fixture
  * @throws \TheIconic\Fixtures\Exception\InvalidParserException
 public function parse($source)
     $fixtureArray = [];
     $z = new \XMLReader();
     $doc = new \DOMDocument();
     while ($z->read() && $z->name !== 'table_data') {
     $tableName = $z->getAttribute('name');
     $rowNum = 0;
     while ($z->read() && $z->name !== 'row') {
     while ($z->name === 'row') {
         $node = simplexml_import_dom($doc->importNode($z->expand(), true));
         $totalAttributes = $node->count();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $totalAttributes; $i++) {
             foreach ($node->field[$i]->attributes() as $attribute) {
                 $attribute = (string) $attribute;
                 $value = (string) $node->field[$i];
                 $namespaces = $node->field[$i]->getNamespaces(true);
                 if (empty($namespaces)) {
                     $fixtureArray[$tableName][$rowNum][$attribute] = $value;
     if (empty($fixtureArray)) {
         throw new InvalidParserException("It was not possible to parse the XML file: {$source}");
     return Fixture::create($fixtureArray);
Esempio n. 5
  * @param \Closure $callback
 protected function parseFile(\Closure $callback)
     while ($this->xmlr->localName == $this->node) {
         try {
             $sxe = new \SimpleXMLElement($this->xmlr->readOuterXml());
             if (!$sxe instanceof \SimpleXMLElement) {
                 throw new \Exception("node is note SimpleXMLElement");
         } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
             throw new \RuntimeException($e->getMessage());
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             if ($this->trace) {
                 echo sprintf("%s - %s - %s -%s\n", $e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine(), $e->getTraceAsString());
             if ($this->strict) {
                 throw new \RuntimeException($e->getMessage());
         if ($this->debug) {
Esempio n. 6
  * Parses a specific XML file
  * @param string $inputFile File to parse
  * @return \Generator
 public function parse($inputFile)
     $DCNamespace = '';
     $WPNamespace = '';
     $reader = new \XMLReader();
     $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     while ($reader->read() && $reader->name !== 'item') {
     while ($reader->name == 'item') {
         $xml = simplexml_import_dom($dom->importNode($reader->expand(), true));
         $wpItems = $xml->children($WPNamespace);
         $content = $xml->children($DCNamespace)->encoded;
         $categories = [];
         $tags = [];
         foreach ($xml->category as $category) {
             if ('category' == $category->attributes()->domain) {
                 $categories[] = (string) $category;
             if ('post_tag' == $category->attributes()->domain) {
                 $tags[] = (string) $category;
         if ($wpItems) {
             $post_type = (string) $wpItems->post_type;
             $data = ['type' => $post_type, 'post_date' => new \DateTime((string) $wpItems->post_date), 'title' => (string) $xml->title, 'content' => (string) $content, 'tags' => $tags, 'categories' => $categories];
             (yield $data);
  * filterFeed Reads the XML from the url and filters it based on the provided filter. The results are organized into an array keyed by the unqiue values of the filter.
 function filterFeed()
     $reader = new XMLReader();
     if (!$reader->open($this->url)) {
         throw new Exception("Cannot open feed from the provided URL.");
     while ($reader->read()) {
         if ($reader->name == "product") {
             //get the entire product node.
             $xml_node = $reader->readOuterXML();
         if ($reader->name == $this->filter) {
             //read the values for the $this->filter node.
             //get string/value from the node we are filtering and explode it by a delimiter.
             $nodeValues = [];
             $nodeValues = explode($this->delimiter, $reader->value);
             if (!empty($nodeValues[$this->index])) {
                 $this->filteredXML[$nodeValues[$this->index]][] = $xml_node;
             } else {
                 throw new Exception("The index specified does not exist.");
             //Go to the next product.
     //if the array has no items then the filtered node does not exist.
     if (empty($this->filteredXML)) {
         throw new Exception("{$this->filter} does not exist in the XML.");
Esempio n. 8
 public function streamXml()
     $reader = new XMLReader();
     while ($reader->next()) {
         while (!($reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $reader->name == $this->getElement())) {
             if (!$reader->read()) {
                 break 2;
             //Break if something wrong
         if ($reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $reader->name == $this->getElement()) {
             (yield simplexml_load_string($reader->readOuterXml(), null, LIBXML_NOCDATA));
             //Yield load XML to save time and pressure
Esempio n. 9
  * Create a new XML node.
  * \param XMLReader $reader
  *      XML reader object that will be used to create
  *      this node.
  * \param bool $validate
  *      Whether an exception should be raised (\c true)
  *      or not (\c false) if the current node is not valid.
  * \param bool $subtrees
  *      Whether to explore subtrees (\c true) or not (\c false).
 public function __construct(\XMLReader $reader, $validate, $subtrees)
     do {
         // We must silence read()/next() as old PHPs (5.3.x) emit warnings
         // which get caught by PHPUnit and other custom error handlers
         // when the methods fail and this is known to cause some issues.
         if ($subtrees && !@$reader->read() || !$subtrees && !@$reader->next()) {
             $error = libxml_get_last_error();
             // We reached the end of the document.
             // This is not an error per-se,
             // but it causes read() to fail anyway.
             // We throw a special error which gets caught
             // and dealt with appropriately by the caller.
             if ($error === false) {
                 throw new \InvalidArgumentException('End of document');
             switch ($error->code) {
                 case self::XML_ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING:
                 case self::XML_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING:
                     throw new \fpoirotte\XRL\Faults\UnsupportedEncodingException();
                     // Internal & memory errors are too hard to recreate
                     // and are thus excluded from code coverage analysis.
                     // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
                 // Internal & memory errors are too hard to recreate
                 // and are thus excluded from code coverage analysis.
                 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
                 case self::XML_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR:
                 case self::XML_ERR_NO_MEMORY:
                     throw new \fpoirotte\XRL\Faults\InternalErrorException();
                     // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
                 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
                 case self::XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR:
                     throw new \fpoirotte\XRL\Faults\InvalidCharacterException();
                     // Generic error handling.
                 // Generic error handling.
                     throw new \fpoirotte\XRL\Faults\NotWellFormedException();
         if ($validate && !$reader->isValid()) {
             throw new \fpoirotte\XRL\Faults\InvalidXmlRpcException();
         $subtrees = true;
     } while ($reader->nodeType === \XMLReader::SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE);
     $fields = array('isEmptyElement', 'localName', 'namespaceURI', 'nodeType', 'value');
     $this->properties = array();
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $this->properties[$field] = $reader->{$field};
     $name = $reader->localName;
     if ($reader->namespaceURI !== '') {
         $name = '{' . $reader->namespaceURI . '}' . $name;
     $this->properties['name'] = $name;
Esempio n. 10
  * Tests JFeedParser::moveToClosingElement()
  * @return  void
  * @since   12.3
 public function testMoveToClosingElement()
     // Set the XML for the internal reader and move the stream to the <root> element.
     // Ensure that the current node is "root".
     $this->assertEquals('root', $this->_reader->name);
     // Move to the closing element, which should be </root>.
     TestReflection::invoke($this->_instance, 'moveToClosingElement');
     $this->assertEquals(XMLReader::END_ELEMENT, $this->_reader->nodeType);
     $this->assertEquals('root', $this->_reader->name);
  * Read an XML snippet from an element
  * @param string $metafield Field that we will fill with the result
  * @throws MWException
 private function readXml($metafield = null)
     $this->debug("Read top level metadata");
     if (!$metafield || $this->reader->nodeType != XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
     // @todo Find and store type of xml snippet. metadata['metadataType'] = "rdf"
     if (method_exists($this->reader, 'readInnerXML')) {
         $this->metadata[$metafield] = trim($this->reader->readInnerXML());
     } else {
         throw new MWException("The PHP XMLReader extension does not come " . "with readInnerXML() method. Your libxml is probably out of " . "date (need 2.6.20 or later).");
Esempio n. 12
 public function addWikiIndex()
     $z = new XMLReader();
     // move to the first <page /> node
     while ($z->read() && $z->name !== 'page') {
     $time_start = microtime(true);
     $update = $this->client->createUpdate();
     $i = 0;
     echo "Wait..";
     // now that we're at the right depth, hop to the next <page /> until the end of the tree
     while ($z->name === 'page' && $i++ >= 0) {
         $doct = new DOMDocument();
         // $node = new SimpleXMLElement($z->readOuterXML());
         $node = simplexml_import_dom($doct->importNode($z->expand(), true));
         // now you can use $node without going insane about parsing
         // var_dump($node->element_1);
         if (stristr($node->title, 'Category') === FALSE && stristr($node->revision->text, '#REDIRECT') === FALSE) {
             // echo $node->revision->contributor->id."<br />";
             $doc = $update->createDocument();
             $doc->id = $node->id;
             $doc->title = $node->title;
             $doc->revision = $node->revision->id;
             $doc->author = $node->revision->contributor->username;
             $doc->authorid = $node->revision->contributor->id;
             $doc->timestamp = $node->revision->timestamp;
             $doc->content = $node->revision->text;
              * if(strlen($node->id)>2) $doc->id = $node->id; else continue; if(strlen($node->title)>2) $doc->title = $node->title; else continue; if(strlen($node->revision->id)>2) $doc->revision = $node->revision->id; else continue; if(strlen($node->revision->timestamp)>2) $doc->timestamp = $node->revision->timestamp; else $doc->timestamp = ""; if(strlen($node->revision->contributor->username)>2) $doc->author = $node->revision->contributor->username; else continue; if(strlen($node->revision->contributor->id)>2) $doc->authorid = $node->revision->contributor->id; else $doc->authorid = " ";
             if ($i % 1000 == 0) {
                 $result = $this->client->update($update);
                 $update = $this->client->createUpdate();
         // go to next <page />
     $time_end = microtime(true);
     // dividing with 60 will give the execution time in minutes other wise seconds
     $execution_time = ($time_end - $time_start) / 60;
     echo '<br /><b>Total Execution Time:</b> ' . $execution_time . ' Mins';
     $result = $this->client->update($update);
     return View::make('home.index');
Esempio n. 13
  * Scans conntent for cachedUntil and error
  * @param string $content
  * @param int $errorCode
  * @param string $errorText
 protected function scanContent($content, &$errorCode, &$errorText)
     $this->cachedUntil = null;
     $reader = new XMLReader();
     while ($reader->read()) {
         if ($reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $reader->name == "error") {
             // got an error
             $errorText = $reader->readString();
             $errorCode = intval($reader->getAttribute('code'));
             if ($reader->next("cachedUntil")) {
                 $this->cachedUntil = $reader->readString();
         } else {
             if ($reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $reader->name == "result") {
                 // no errors, we need to read the cache time though
                 if ($reader->next("cachedUntil")) {
                     $this->cachedUntil = $reader->readString();
 private function insert_data_mysql($db)
     $tbl = $db->query("select sigla, nome from estados");
     $db->query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8");
     $db->query("SET NAMES utf8");
     while ($row = $tbl->fetch()) {
         // MySQL
         $arr_estados[mb_strtoupper(iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", $row->nome), "UTF-8")] = $row->sigla;
         // PostgreSQL
         // $arr_estados[mb_strtoupper($row->nome, "UTF-8")] = $row->sigla;
     $xml = new XMLReader();
     $xml->open('database/seeds/BR Localidades 2010 v1.kml');
     // Salta as informações de cabeçalho, para o primeiro "registro" de dados ("Placemark")
     while ($xml->read() && $xml->name !== "Placemark") {
     $contador = 0;
     $insert_ok = 0;
     $insert_erro = 0;
     $sql = $db->prepare("insert into cidades(codigo, nome, sigla_estado, longitude, latitude, altitude) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
     // Loop para varrer todas as ocorrências de "Placemark"
     while ($xml->name === "Placemark") {
         $node = new SimpleXMLElement($xml->readOuterXML());
         $cidade = new SimpleXMLElement($node->asXML());
         $nome = strval($cidade->name);
         // $nome = str_replace("'", "''", $nome);
         $sdata = $cidade->ExtendedData->SchemaData->SimpleData;
         $codigo = intval($sdata[9]);
         $sigla_estado = $arr_estados[strval($sdata[13])];
         $longitude = floatval($sdata[18]);
         $latitude = floatval($sdata[19]);
         $altitude = floatval($sdata[20]);
         $res = $sql->execute(array($codigo, $nome, $sigla_estado, $longitude, $latitude, $altitude));
         if ($res) {
         } else {
             echo $nome . " " . $codigo . " " . $sigla_estado . " " . $longitude . " " . $latitude . " " . $altitude . "<br>";
         // Salta para próximo registro
     echo "Incluiu {$insert_ok} registros com sucesso<br>";
     echo "Falha na inclusão de {$insert_erro} registros<br>";
Esempio n. 15
 function importXML($file)
     global $opt;
     $xr = new XMLReader();
     if (!$xr->open($file)) {
     if ($xr->nodeType != XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
         echo 'error: First element expected, aborted' . "\n";
     if ($xr->name != 'gkxml') {
         echo 'error: First element not valid, aborted' . "\n";
     $startupdate = $xr->getAttribute('date');
     if ($startupdate == '') {
         echo 'error: Date attribute not valid, aborted' . "\n";
     while ($xr->read() && !($xr->name == 'geokret' || $xr->name == 'moves')) {
     $nRecordsCount = 0;
     do {
         if ($xr->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
             $element = $xr->expand();
             switch ($xr->name) {
                 case 'geokret':
                 case 'moves':
     } while ($xr->next());
     setSysConfig('geokrety_lastupdate', date($opt['db']['dateformat'], strtotime($startupdate)));
Esempio n. 16
  * Validate XML file for syntax errors and basic node presence.
  * @param string $filePath
  * @return string
 public function validateFile($filePath)
     /* @var $messageHandler C4B_ProductImport_Model_MessageHandler */
     $messageHandler = Mage::getSingleton('xmlimport/messageHandler');
     $result = self::VALIDATION_RESULT_OK;
     $nodeCount = 0;
     $xmlParser = xml_parser_create();
     $xmlReader = new XMLReader();
     try {
         if (!($xmlFile = fopen($filePath, 'r'))) {
             return self::VALIDATION_RESULT_FILE_ERROR;
         while ($result == self::VALIDATION_RESULT_OK && ($readData = fread($xmlFile, 4096))) {
             if (!xml_parse($xmlParser, $readData, feof($xmlFile))) {
                 $messageHandler->addErrorsForFile(basename($filePath), ' ', sprintf('XML Syntax error: %s at line %d, column %d.', xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xmlParser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xmlParser), xml_get_current_column_number($xmlParser)));
                 $result = self::VALIDATION_RESULT_FILE_ERROR;
         if ($result == self::VALIDATION_RESULT_OK) {
             if (!$xmlReader->next('products')) {
                 $result = self::VALIDATION_RESULT_NO_ROOT_NODE;
             } else {
                 $nodeCount = $this->_countProductNodes($xmlReader);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $messageHandler->addErrorsForFile(basename($filePath), ' ', $e->getMessage());
     if ($nodeCount == 0 && $result == self::VALIDATION_RESULT_OK) {
         $result = self::VALIDATION_RESULT_NO_PRODUCT_NODES;
     } else {
         if ($result == self::VALIDATION_RESULT_OK) {
             $messageHandler->addNotice("File contains {$nodeCount} product nodes");
     return $result;
Esempio n. 17
 public function next($localName = NULL)
     $result = @parent::next($localName);
     if (false !== ($error = libxml_get_last_error())) {
         $ex = new XmlParseException('Unable to move to next XML node');
         $ex->addError(new XmlError($error->level, $error->message));
         throw $ex;
     if ($this->nodeType === self::DOC_TYPE) {
         throw new XmlParseException('Detected usage of disallowed DOCTYPE in XML source');
     if ($this->validateXmlSchema && !$this->isValid()) {
         $e = new XmlValidationException('XML schema validation failed');
         foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $tmp) {
             $e->addError(new XmlError($tmp->level, $tmp->message));
         throw $e;
     return $result;
Esempio n. 18
  * Move cursor to next node skipping all subtrees
  * @see \XMLReader::next
  * @param string|void $localName The name of the next node to move to
  * @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure
  * @throws \Box\Spout\Reader\Exception\XMLProcessingException If an error/warning occurred
 public function next($localName = null)
     $wasNextSuccessful = parent::next($localName);
     return $wasNextSuccessful;
Esempio n. 19

echo "Test\n";
$xmlreader = new XMLReader();
$xmlreader2 = clone $xmlreader;
Esempio n. 20

$z = new XMLReader();
$doc = new DOMDocument();
// move to the first <product /> node
while ($z->read() && $z->name !== 'name') {
// now that we're at the right depth, hop to the next <product/> until the end of the tree
while ($z->name === 'name') {
    echo $z->name . "<br>";
    // either one should work
    //$node = new SimpleXMLElement($z->readOuterXML());
    $node = simplexml_import_dom($doc->importNode($z->expand(), true));
    // now you can use $node without going insane about parsing
    echo $node->fname . " " . $node->lname . "<br>";
Esempio n. 21
  * Return worksheet info (Name, Last Column Letter, Last Column Index, Total Rows, Total Columns)
  * @param   string     $pFilename
  * @throws   PHPExcel_Reader_Exception
 public function listWorksheetInfo($pFilename)
     // Check if file exists
     if (!file_exists($pFilename)) {
         throw new PHPExcel_Reader_Exception("Could not open " . $pFilename . " for reading! File does not exist.");
     $worksheetInfo = array();
     $zipClass = PHPExcel_Settings::getZipClass();
     $zip = new $zipClass();
     if (!$zip->open($pFilename)) {
         throw new PHPExcel_Reader_Exception("Could not open " . $pFilename . " for reading! Error opening file.");
     $xml = new XMLReader();
     $res = $xml->open('zip://' . realpath($pFilename) . '#content.xml', null, PHPExcel_Settings::getLibXmlLoaderOptions());
     $xml->setParserProperty(2, true);
     //	Step into the first level of content of the XML
     while ($xml->read()) {
         //	Quickly jump through to the office:body node
         while ($xml->name !== 'office:body') {
             if ($xml->isEmptyElement) {
             } else {
         //	Now read each node until we find our first table:table node
         while ($xml->read()) {
             if ($xml->name == 'table:table' && $xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
                 $worksheetNames[] = $xml->getAttribute('table:name');
                 $tmpInfo = array('worksheetName' => $xml->getAttribute('table:name'), 'lastColumnLetter' => 'A', 'lastColumnIndex' => 0, 'totalRows' => 0, 'totalColumns' => 0);
                 //	Loop through each child node of the table:table element reading
                 $currCells = 0;
                 do {
                     if ($xml->name == 'table:table-row' && $xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
                         $rowspan = $xml->getAttribute('table:number-rows-repeated');
                         $rowspan = empty($rowspan) ? 1 : $rowspan;
                         $tmpInfo['totalRows'] += $rowspan;
                         $tmpInfo['totalColumns'] = max($tmpInfo['totalColumns'], $currCells);
                         $currCells = 0;
                         //	Step into the row
                         do {
                             if ($xml->name == 'table:table-cell' && $xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
                                 if (!$xml->isEmptyElement) {
                                 } else {
                             } elseif ($xml->name == 'table:covered-table-cell' && $xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
                                 $mergeSize = $xml->getAttribute('table:number-columns-repeated');
                                 $currCells += $mergeSize;
                         } while ($xml->name != 'table:table-row');
                 } while ($xml->name != 'table:table');
                 $tmpInfo['totalColumns'] = max($tmpInfo['totalColumns'], $currCells);
                 $tmpInfo['lastColumnIndex'] = $tmpInfo['totalColumns'] - 1;
                 $tmpInfo['lastColumnLetter'] = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($tmpInfo['lastColumnIndex']);
                 $worksheetInfo[] = $tmpInfo;
         //				foreach($workbookData->table as $worksheetDataSet) {
         //					$worksheetData = $worksheetDataSet->children($namespacesContent['table']);
         //					$worksheetDataAttributes = $worksheetDataSet->attributes($namespacesContent['table']);
         //					$rowIndex = 0;
         //					foreach ($worksheetData as $key => $rowData) {
         //						switch ($key) {
         //							case 'table-row' :
         //								$rowDataTableAttributes = $rowData->attributes($namespacesContent['table']);
         //								$rowRepeats = (isset($rowDataTableAttributes['number-rows-repeated'])) ?
         //										$rowDataTableAttributes['number-rows-repeated'] : 1;
         //								$columnIndex = 0;
         //								foreach ($rowData as $key => $cellData) {
         //									$cellDataTableAttributes = $cellData->attributes($namespacesContent['table']);
         //									$colRepeats = (isset($cellDataTableAttributes['number-columns-repeated'])) ?
         //										$cellDataTableAttributes['number-columns-repeated'] : 1;
         //									$cellDataOfficeAttributes = $cellData->attributes($namespacesContent['office']);
         //									if (isset($cellDataOfficeAttributes['value-type'])) {
         //										$tmpInfo['lastColumnIndex'] = max($tmpInfo['lastColumnIndex'], $columnIndex + $colRepeats - 1);
         //										$tmpInfo['totalRows'] = max($tmpInfo['totalRows'], $rowIndex + $rowRepeats);
         //									}
         //									$columnIndex += $colRepeats;
         //								}
         //								$rowIndex += $rowRepeats;
         //								break;
         //						}
         //					}
         //					$tmpInfo['lastColumnLetter'] = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($tmpInfo['lastColumnIndex']);
         //					$tmpInfo['totalColumns'] = $tmpInfo['lastColumnIndex'] + 1;
         //				}
         //			}
     return $worksheetInfo;
Esempio n. 22
 public function getItems(XMLReader $reader)
     $this->addLog($this->settings->name, 'Разбор и добавление товаров');
     $this->items = [];
     $note = [];
     $counts = [];
     $genders = [];
     //        $counter = 0;
     while ($reader->name === 'offer') {
         //            print_r(strlen($reader->readOuterXML())); echo ' ' . (count($this->items) + 1) . ' ' . memory_get_usage() . ' ' . ++$counter . "\n";
         $offer = @simplexml_load_string(@$reader->readOuterXML());
         if ($offer === FALSE) {
         /** @var SimpleXMLElement $offer */
         $item = (array) $offer->children();
         if (!empty($item['attrs'])) {
             $item = array_merge($item, (array) $offer->attrs);
         if (empty($item['categoryId'])) {
             $note['error']['Не указана категория товара (пропускаем)'] = ['count' => empty($note['error']['Не указана категория товара (пропускаем)']['count']) ? 1 : $note['error']['Не указана категория товара (пропускаем)']['count'] + 1];
         // Для аттрибутов в теге param
         if (!empty($item['param'])) {
             if (is_array($item['param'])) {
                 foreach ($offer->param as $param) {
                     $item[(string) $param->attributes()->name] = (string) $param;
         $attributes = $offer->attributes();
         if (!empty($attributes)) {
             foreach ($attributes as $k => $v) {
                 $item[(string) $k] = (string) $v;
         $this->items[] = $item;
         if (count($this->items) > 500) {
             $this->items = [];
         // Cчетчик товаров в категории
         $cat_id = (string) $offer->categoryId;
         $gender = (string) $offer->attrs->gender;
         if (!empty($gender)) {
             if (isset($genders[$cat_id]) && !in_array($gender, $genders[$cat_id])) {
                 $genders[$cat_id][] = $gender;
             } else {
                 $genders[$cat_id][0] = $gender;
             if (empty($counts[$cat_id][$gender])) {
                 $counts[$cat_id][$gender] = 1;
             } else {
         } else {
             if (empty($counts[$cat_id])) {
                 $counts[$cat_id] = 1;
             } else {
     if (count($this->items) > 0) {
         $this->items = [];
     foreach ($genders as &$gender) {
         $gender = array_unique($gender);
     $this->import->update_settings($this->settings->name, ['price_count' => serialize($counts), 'genders' => serialize($genders)]);
     $this->addLog($this->settings->name, $note, 'note');
     return TRUE;
 public function export($v92ec19ffde05e15769b1bb3ee05ad745)
     if (!count($v92ec19ffde05e15769b1bb3ee05ad745)) {
         $v8be74552df93e31bbdd6b36ed74bdb6a = new selector('pages');
         $v92ec19ffde05e15769b1bb3ee05ad745 = $v8be74552df93e31bbdd6b36ed74bdb6a->result;
     if (getRequest('as_file') === '0') {
         $ved780287e302ec3b9fd3c5e78771919f = new xmlExporter($this->getSourceName());
         $result = $ved780287e302ec3b9fd3c5e78771919f->execute();
         return $result->saveXML();
     $v857a5246dff0c3c79e476b004684f6d3 = "./sys-temp/export/";
     $vb80bb7740288fda1f201890375a60c8f = getRequest('param0');
     $v97fd815a3803a0588876bdd862014fed = $v857a5246dff0c3c79e476b004684f6d3 . $vb80bb7740288fda1f201890375a60c8f . "." . parent::getFileExt();
     $v6990a54322d9232390a784c5c9247dd6 = $v857a5246dff0c3c79e476b004684f6d3 . $vb80bb7740288fda1f201890375a60c8f;
     if (!is_dir($v6990a54322d9232390a784c5c9247dd6)) {
         mkdir($v6990a54322d9232390a784c5c9247dd6, 0777, true);
     if (file_exists($v97fd815a3803a0588876bdd862014fed) && !file_exists(CURRENT_WORKING_DIR . '/sys-temp/runtime-cache/' . md5($this->getSourceName()))) {
     if ($v92ec19ffde05e15769b1bb3ee05ad745) {
         $v33030abc929f083da5f6c3f755b46034 = array('./tpls/', './xsltTpls/', './css/', './js/', './usels/', './umaps/', './templates/');
         foreach ($v33030abc929f083da5f6c3f755b46034 as $v100664c6e2c0333b19a729f2f3ddb7dd) {
             if (is_dir($v100664c6e2c0333b19a729f2f3ddb7dd)) {
                 $v736007832d2167baaae763fd3a3f3cf1 = new umiDirectory($v100664c6e2c0333b19a729f2f3ddb7dd);
                 $v45b963397aa40d4a0063e0d85e4fe7a1 = $v736007832d2167baaae763fd3a3f3cf1->getAllFiles(1);
                 foreach ($v45b963397aa40d4a0063e0d85e4fe7a1 as $vd6fe1d0be6347b8ef2427fa629c04485 => $vb068931cc450442b63f5b3d276ea4297) {
                     $v8c7dd922ad47494fc02c388e12c00eac = new umiFile($vd6fe1d0be6347b8ef2427fa629c04485);
                     if (!is_dir($v6990a54322d9232390a784c5c9247dd6 . ltrim($v8c7dd922ad47494fc02c388e12c00eac->getDirName(), '.'))) {
                         mkdir($v6990a54322d9232390a784c5c9247dd6 . ltrim($v8c7dd922ad47494fc02c388e12c00eac->getDirName(), '.'), 0777, true);
                     copy($v8c7dd922ad47494fc02c388e12c00eac->getFilePath(), $v6990a54322d9232390a784c5c9247dd6 . $v8c7dd922ad47494fc02c388e12c00eac->getFilePath(true));
     $v71b70dd1e455c477220693d84ccd5682 = $v97fd815a3803a0588876bdd862014fed . '.tmp';
     $v480d1b61a0432d1319f7504a3d7318dd = (int) mainConfiguration::getInstance()->get("modules", "exchange.export.limit");
     if ($v480d1b61a0432d1319f7504a3d7318dd <= 0) {
         $v480d1b61a0432d1319f7504a3d7318dd = 25;
     $ved780287e302ec3b9fd3c5e78771919f = new xmlExporter($this->getSourceName(), $v480d1b61a0432d1319f7504a3d7318dd);
     $vdd988cfd769c9f7fbd795a0f5da8e751 = $ved780287e302ec3b9fd3c5e78771919f->execute();
     if (file_exists($v97fd815a3803a0588876bdd862014fed)) {
         $v1de9b0a30075ae8c303eb420c103c320 = new XMLReader();
         $va82feee3cc1af8bcabda979e8775ef0f = new XMLWriter();
         $va82feee3cc1af8bcabda979e8775ef0f->startDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
         $va82feee3cc1af8bcabda979e8775ef0f->writeAttribute('version', '2.0');
         $va82feee3cc1af8bcabda979e8775ef0f->writeAttribute('xmlns:xlink', '');
         $v7aa28ed115707345d0274032757e8991 = $v1de9b0a30075ae8c303eb420c103c320->read();
         while ($v7aa28ed115707345d0274032757e8991) {
             if ($v1de9b0a30075ae8c303eb420c103c320->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
                 $ve24455211a964330063a18670d943835 = $v1de9b0a30075ae8c303eb420c103c320->name;
                 if ($ve24455211a964330063a18670d943835 != 'umidump') {
                     if ($ve24455211a964330063a18670d943835 != 'meta') {
                         if (!$v1de9b0a30075ae8c303eb420c103c320->isEmptyElement) {
                             $v7852ddca47412c0d947ebf27eb83ed3a = $v1de9b0a30075ae8c303eb420c103c320->read();
                             while ($v7852ddca47412c0d947ebf27eb83ed3a) {
                                 if ($v1de9b0a30075ae8c303eb420c103c320->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
                                     $vcf7f5c76225a101e6320a96c02f92fc1 = $v1de9b0a30075ae8c303eb420c103c320->name;
                                     $v7852ddca47412c0d947ebf27eb83ed3a = $v1de9b0a30075ae8c303eb420c103c320->next();
                                 } elseif ($v1de9b0a30075ae8c303eb420c103c320->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT && $v1de9b0a30075ae8c303eb420c103c320->name == $ve24455211a964330063a18670d943835) {
                                     $v7852ddca47412c0d947ebf27eb83ed3a = false;
                                 } else {
                                     $v7852ddca47412c0d947ebf27eb83ed3a = $v1de9b0a30075ae8c303eb420c103c320->next();
                         if ($vdd988cfd769c9f7fbd795a0f5da8e751->getElementsByTagName($ve24455211a964330063a18670d943835)->item(0)->hasChildNodes()) {
                             $v268184c12df027f536154d099d497b31 = $vdd988cfd769c9f7fbd795a0f5da8e751->getElementsByTagName($ve24455211a964330063a18670d943835)->item(0)->childNodes;
                             foreach ($v268184c12df027f536154d099d497b31 as $v1b7d5726533ab525a8760351e9b5e415) {
                                 $va5e171f642af8e3bd24c50cdc4d66fe3 = new DOMDocument();
                                 $va5e171f642af8e3bd24c50cdc4d66fe3->formatOutput = true;
                                 $v36c4536996ca5615dcf9911f068786dc = $va5e171f642af8e3bd24c50cdc4d66fe3->importNode($v1b7d5726533ab525a8760351e9b5e415, true);
                                 $va82feee3cc1af8bcabda979e8775ef0f->writeRaw($va5e171f642af8e3bd24c50cdc4d66fe3->saveXML($v36c4536996ca5615dcf9911f068786dc, LIBXML_NOXMLDECL));
                     } elseif ($ve24455211a964330063a18670d943835 == 'meta') {
                         $v92ec19ffde05e15769b1bb3ee05ad745 = $vdd988cfd769c9f7fbd795a0f5da8e751->getElementsByTagName('branches');
                         if ($v92ec19ffde05e15769b1bb3ee05ad745->item(0)) {
                             $va82feee3cc1af8bcabda979e8775ef0f->writeRaw($vdd988cfd769c9f7fbd795a0f5da8e751->saveXML($v92ec19ffde05e15769b1bb3ee05ad745->item(0), LIBXML_NOXMLDECL));
                     $v7aa28ed115707345d0274032757e8991 = $v1de9b0a30075ae8c303eb420c103c320->next();
             $v7aa28ed115707345d0274032757e8991 = $v1de9b0a30075ae8c303eb420c103c320->read();
         rename($v71b70dd1e455c477220693d84ccd5682, $v97fd815a3803a0588876bdd862014fed);
     } else {
         file_put_contents($v97fd815a3803a0588876bdd862014fed, $vdd988cfd769c9f7fbd795a0f5da8e751->saveXML());
     $this->completed = $ved780287e302ec3b9fd3c5e78771919f->isCompleted();
     return false;
$feeds = array();
$doc = new DOMDocument();
require_once 'models/feed.php';
function x_attribute($object, $attribute)
    if (isset($object[$attribute])) {
        return (string) $object[$attribute];
while ($z->read() && $z->name !== 'source') {
while ($z->name === 'source') {
    $node = new SimpleXMLElement($z->readOuterXML());
    $feed = new Feed();
    $feeds[] = $feed;
    if (!file_exists('xml/feeds/' . $feed->title . '.xml')) {
        file_put_contents('xml/feeds/' . $feed->title . ".xml", file_get_contents($feed->feed_url));
    } else {
        $ttl = 1800;
        $age = time() - filemtime('xml/feeds/' . $feed->title . '.xml');
        if ($age >= $ttl) {
            unlink('xml/feeds/' . $feed->title . '.xml');
            file_put_contents('xml/feeds/' . $feed->title . ".xml", file_get_contents($feed->feed_url));
include 'getimportantposts.php';
 function loadXML($xmlLocation)
     $services = array();
     // Read in the XML
     $xml = new \XMLReader();
     // Move to the first "record" node
     while ($xml->read() && $xml->name !== 'record') {
     // Iterate through each "record" until the end of the tree
     while ($xml->name === 'record') {
         // Import the node into a simple XML element
         $service = new \SimpleXMLElement($xml->readOuterXML());
         $services[(string) $service->protocol][(string) $service->number] = (string) $service->description;
     return $services;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function next()
	public function player_enc($sport='',$filenum=''){
				if(empty($filenum)) exit;
				if(empty($filenum)) exit;
				if(empty($filenum)) exit;
				if(empty($filenum)) exit;
				//DELETE FROM `ci_sport_player_career` WHERE `player_id` IN (301772,301769,543573,225414,296021,231130,178023,329643,550521,386807,170695,542954,392942,184268,549269,504293,170560,600117,171423,547716,330276,268149,504313,564333,607591,229378,172508,610878,544288,496357,329563)
				if(empty($filenum)) exit;
			echo ($debug)?"<a href='".site_url("statsfeed/".$filename)."'>XML</a>":"";

			$XMLReader = new XMLReader;
			while ($XMLReader->read() && $XMLReader->name !==$layer1);
			while ($XMLReader->name === $layer1) {
				$node = new SimpleXMLElement($XMLReader->readOuterXML());
				//Delete this user's existing data
				//Create a temporary csv file
				echo ($debug)?"<hr><h1 style='background:green;color:white;margin:0;padding:.25em;'>PLAYER_ID: ".$player_id."</h1>":"";
				foreach($node->{$layer2} as $yearly){
					//echo "<pre>".print_r($yearly,true)."</pre>";
					if(isset($yearly->{'team-code'})) $team_id=$yearly->{'team-code'}->attributes()->{'global-id'};
					else $team_id=0;
					echo ($debug)?"<h2 style='background:yellow;margin:0;padding:.25em;'>YEAR: ".$year." - TEAM: ".$team_id."</h2>":"";
					if($sport=="nfl" || $sport=="nhl" || $sport=="mlb"){
						foreach($categories as $category=>$catkey){
									echo ($debug)?"<h3 style='background:grey;margin:0;padding:.25em;'>CATEGORY: ".$category."</h3>":"";
									foreach($cats as $catstats){
										//echo "<pre>".print_r($atts,true)."</pre>";
										foreach($catstats as $key=>$atts){
											foreach($atts->attributes() as $key2=>$value){
												if($key!=$key2 && $uglykeycheck[count($uglykeycheck)-1]!=$key2) $k=$key."-".$key2;
												else $k=$key;
												fputcsv($handle, $insert);
												//echo ($debug)?"<h4>(1) ".$k." : ".$value."</h4>":"";
						foreach($yearly as $key1=>$y){
								//echo ($debug)?"<h3 style='background:grey;margin:0;padding:.25em;'>CATEGORY: ".$category."</h3>":"";
								//echo ($debug)?"<h4>".$key1."</h4><pre>".print_r($y,true)."</pre>":"";
									foreach($y as $key15=>$y2){
										foreach($y->attributes() as $key2=>$value){
											if($key1!=$key2 && $key2 != $key15 && $uglykeycheck[count($uglykeycheck)-1]!=$key2) $k=$key1."-".$key15."-".$key2;
											elseif($key1!=$key2 && $key2 == $key15 && $uglykeycheck[count($uglykeycheck)-1]!=$key2) $k=$key1."-".$key2;
											elseif($key1!=$key2 && $key1 == $key15 && $uglykeycheck[count($uglykeycheck)-1]!=$key2) $k=$key15."-".$key2;
											elseif($key1!=$key2 && $uglykeycheck[count($uglykeycheck)-1]!=$key2) $k=$key1."-".$key2;
											else $k=$key1;
											fputcsv($handle, $insert);
											//echo ($debug)?"<h4>(2) ".$k." : ".$value."</h4>":"";
									foreach($y->attributes() as $key2=>$value){
										if($key1!=$key2 && $uglykeycheck[count($uglykeycheck)-1]!=$key2) $k=$key1."-".$key2;
										else $k=$key1;
										fputcsv($handle, $insert);
										//echo ($debug)?"<h4>(3) ".$k." : ".$value."</h4>":"";
				//Get the career stats here
				if($career !== false && isset($node->{$career})){
					echo ($debug)?"<h2 style='background:yellow;margin:0;padding:.25em;'>CAREER</h2>":"";
					//echo ($debug)?"<pre>".print_r($cats,true)."</pre>":"";
					if($sport=="nfl" || $sport=="nhl"){
						foreach($categories as $category=>$catkey){
									echo ($debug)?"<h3 style='background:grey;margin:0;padding:.25em;'>CATEGORY: ".$category."</h3>":"";
									//echo "<pre>".print_r($cats,true)."</pre>";
									foreach($cats as $catstats){
										//echo "<pre>".print_r($atts,true)."</pre>";
										foreach($catstats as $key=>$atts){
											foreach($atts->attributes() as $key2=>$value){
												if($key!=$key2 && $uglykeycheck[count($uglykeycheck)-1]!=$key2) $k=$key."-".$key2;
												else $k=$key;
												fputcsv($handle, $insert);
												//echo ($debug)?"<h4>(4) ".$k." : ".$value."</h4>":"";
						foreach($cats as $catstats){
							foreach($catstats as $key1=>$y)
								//echo ($debug)?"<h3 style='background:grey;margin:0;padding:.25em;'>CATEGORY: ".$category."</h3>":"";
								foreach($y->attributes() as $key2=>$value){
									if($key1!=$key2 && $uglykeycheck[count($uglykeycheck)-1]!=$key2) $k=$key1."-".$key2;
									else $k=$key1;
									fputcsv($handle, $insert);
									echo ($debug)?"<h4>(5) ".$k." : ".$value."</h4>":"";
				$command="mysql -u".$this->db->username." -p".$this->db->password." -e\"LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '".$csv_path."' ".
					"INTO TABLE ".$this->db->dbprefix('sport_player_career')." ".
					"LINES TERMINATED BY '".htmlspecialchars('\\')."n' ".
					"(player_id, sport, year, team_id, category, statkey, statvalue);\" ".$this->db->database;
				//echo $command;
			echo ($debug)?implode(',',$player_ids):"";
  * Get the value of the CreateDateAndTime node from the XML in the given file.
  * If the node doesn't exist in the file, will return null.
  * @param string $filename path to XML file
  * @return string|null
 protected function _getDateTimeFromFeed($filename)
     $reader = new XMLReader();
     // the following 2 variables prevent the edge case where we get a large file
     // with a node depth < 2
     $elementsRead = 0;
     $maxElements = 2;
     // the date/time node is at depth 2
     $targetDepth = 2;
     // navigate to within the message header
     while ($reader->depth < $targetDepth && $elementsRead <= $maxElements && $reader->read()) {
         // ignore whitespace
         if ($reader->nodeType !== XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
     $dateNode = null;
     // at this point we should be at the depth where the creation date is.
     // if we stopped on the node, then grab it
     if ($reader->localName === 'CreateDateAndTime') {
         $dateNode = $reader->expand();
     } elseif ($reader->next('CreateDateAndTime')) {
         // otherwise go to the next instance of it
         $dateNode = $reader->expand();
     return $dateNode ? $dateNode->nodeValue : null;
Esempio n. 29
  * @dataProvider fromXmlDataProvider
 public function testFromXmlReader(callable $buildDoc, callable $buildMeta, callable $validate)
     /** @var \DOMDocument $doc */
     $doc = $buildDoc();
     /** @var XmlMetaInterface $meta */
     $meta = $buildMeta();
     $xml = new \XMLReader();
     $instance = $meta->fromXml($xml);
Esempio n. 30
  * @param $xmlFilePath
  * @return \Generator|Product[]
 public function readFromPath($xmlFilePath)
     $xml = new \XMLReader();
     while ($xml->read() && $xml->name !== 'product') {
     $decoder = new XmlDecoder();
     while ($xmlData = $xml->readOuterXml()) {
         (yield $decoder->decodeProduct(new \SimpleXMLElement($xmlData)));