Esempio n. 1
function booleanReturn($query)
    if (preparedStatement($query)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
Esempio n. 2
function addUser($username, $password)
    // insert into users
    $query = "insert into `users` (`name`) values (\"{$username}\") ";
    if (preparedStatement($query)) {
        // get new user id
        $userId = getUserId($username);
        // hash password
        // insert into pass
        $query = "insert into `pass` (`user`, `word`) ";
        $query .= "values (" . $userId . ",\"" . $password . "\")";
        // return true or false
        return booleanReturn($query);
    } else {
        // something went wrong
        // delete user name from db?
        return false;
Esempio n. 3
if (empty($studentName)) {
    returnError($output, 'Invalid student name');
$studentCourse = filter_var($_POST['course'], FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => '/[\\w -]+$/']]);
if (empty($studentCourse)) {
    returnError($output, 'Invalid course');
$studentGrade = filter_var($_POST['grade'], FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => '/^(?:100(?:\\.(?:0))?|[0-9]{1,2}(?:\\.(?:[0-9])?)?)$/']]);
if (empty($studentGrade)) {
    returnError($output, 'Invalid student grade');
//  Get rows from database that match api_key
$response = preparedStatement($conn, 'SELECT id, insert_own FROM user_table WHERE api_key=(?)', ['s', $apiKey], ['userId', 'insertOwn']);
if (empty($response['success'])) {
    returnError($output, $response['error_msg']);
//  If set of rows returned is empty or no insert permissions, throw access denied error
if (empty($response['data'][0]['insertOwn'])) {
    returnError($output, 'Access Denied');
//  Else get all available grades from the database
$response = preparedStatement($conn, 'INSERT INTO grade_table(grade, student_name, course_name, user_id) VALUES ((?), (?), (?), (?))', ['sssi', $studentGrade, $studentName, $studentCourse, $response['data'][0]['userId']], []);
if (!empty($response['error_msg'])) {
    returnError($output, $response['error_msg']);
foreach ($response as $key => $value) {
    $output[$key] = $value;
//  Output to client
$output['success'] = true;
print json_encode($output);
Esempio n. 4
function updateContact($user)
    $userContactId = $_POST["sid"];
    $fname = $_POST["fname"];
    $lname = $_POST["lname"];
    $email = $_POST["email"];
    $phone = $_POST["phone"];
    $facebook = $_POST["facebook"];
    $linkedin = $_POST["linkedin"];
    $github = $_POST["github"];
    // check if other users are tracking this contact, safe to update if not
    $contactId = getContactIdFromUserContactId($userContactId);
    $trackers = countUsersTrackingContactId($contactId);
    // if other users are tracking this contact, need to make a new contact
    if ($trackers < 2) {
        // safe to update contact
        $query = "update contacts ";
        $query .= "set fname = \"{$fname}\", ";
        $query .= " lname = \"{$lname}\", ";
        $query .= " email = \"{$email}\", ";
        $query .= " phone = \"{$phone}\", ";
        $query .= " facebook = \"{$facebook}\", ";
        $query .= " linkedin = \"{$linkedin}\", ";
        $query .= " github = \"{$github}\" ";
        $query .= "where id = {$contactId}";
        if (preparedStatement($query) !== true) {
            return "error updating contact {$contactId} from uc {$userContactId} {$trackers}";
        } else {
            return true;
    } else {
        // remove old connection
        if (removeUserContact($user, $userContactId) !== true) {
            return "error removing user contact ";
        // add new contact
        if (addContact($fname, $lname, $email, $phone, $facebook, $linkedin, $github) !== true) {
            return "error adding new contact ";
        $contactId = getContactIdFromValues($fname, $lname, $email, $phone, $facebook, $linkedin, $github);
        // connect new contact
        if (addUserContact($user, $contactId) !== true) {
            return "error adding new user contact";
        } else {
            return true;
Esempio n. 5

if (empty($INTERNAL_LOAD) || $INTERNAL_LOAD !== true) {
//  Get rows from database that match api_key
$response = preparedStatement($conn, 'SELECT id, read_own, read_all FROM user_table WHERE api_key=(?)', ['s', $apiKey], ['userId', 'readOwn', 'readAll']);
if (!empty($response['error_msg'])) {
    returnError($output, $response['error_msg']);
//  If set of rows returned is empty or no read permissions, throw access denied error
if (empty($response['data'][0]['readOwn'])) {
    returnError($output, 'Access Denied');
//  If read permissions are limited to self, only query own entries
if (empty($response['data'][0]['readAll'])) {
    $response = preparedStatement($conn, 'SELECT course_name, grade, id, student_name FROM grade_table WHERE user_id=(?)', ['i', $response['data'][0]['userId']], ['course', 'grade', 'id', 'name']);
} else {
    //  Else get all available grades from the database
    $response = preparedStatement($conn, 'SELECT course_name, grade, id, student_name FROM grade_table', [], ['course', 'grade', 'id', 'name']);
if (empty($response['success'])) {
    returnError($output, $response['error_msg']);
foreach ($response as $key => $value) {
    $output[$key] = $value;
//  Output to client
$output['success'] = true;
print json_encode($output);