Esempio n. 1
 public static function retrieveDailyAverageSoldExcludingPromotionOrdersQuery($date_start, $total_days_to_lookback, $pid_aid_filter = '')
     $sp_list = SalesPartner::getOldSalesPartnerFunction()->retrieveList('use_in_forecast = 1');
     $sp_filter = implode(',', array_keys($sp_list));
     //WE MUST REDUCE 1 DAY BECAUSE "date - X days" when both days are
     //considered will give (X+1) total days instead.
     $total_days_to_lookback_calc = $total_days_to_lookback - 1;
     //start and end is reversed because we're looking backward
     $date_start_query = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date_start));
     $date_end_query = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("{$date_start_query} -{$total_days_to_lookback_calc} days"));
     $q = "SELECT products_id, articles_id, SUM(total_sold) AS total_sold FROM (";
     //SP Query
     $q .= " SELECT joi.products_id, joi.products_articles_id AS articles_id, SUM(joi.order_quantity) AS total_sold";
     $q .= " FROM jng_sp_orders jo";
     $q .= " INNER JOIN jng_sp_orders_items joi ON joi.jng_sp_orders_id=jo.jng_sp_orders_id AND joi.status NOT IN (10,12)";
     $q .= " WHERE jo.jng_sp_id IN ({$sp_filter})";
     $q .= " AND joi.shipping_window_open<='{$date_start_query}' AND joi.shipping_window_open>='{$date_end_query}'";
     if ($pid_aid_filter != '') {
         $q .= " AND {$pid_aid_filter}";
     $q .= " AND NOT " . isPromotionalOrderQuery('SP');
     $q .= " GROUP BY products_id, articles_id";
     $q .= " UNION ALL ";
     //JG Query
     $date_start_query .= ' 23:59:59';
     $date_end_query .= ' 00:00:00';
     $q .= " SELECT op.products_id, op.products_articles_id AS articles_id, SUM(op.products_quantity) AS total_sold";
     $q .= " FROM orders o";
     $q .= " INNER JOIN orders_products op ON op.orders_id=o.orders_id AND op.status NOT IN (10,12)";
     $q .= " WHERE o.date_purchased<='{$date_start_query}' AND o.date_purchased>='{$date_end_query}'";
     if ($pid_aid_filter != '') {
         $q .= " AND {$pid_aid_filter}";
     $q .= " AND NOT " . isPromotionalOrderQuery('JG');
     $q .= " GROUP BY products_id, articles_id";
     $q .= ") temp_table";
     $q .= " GROUP BY products_id, articles_id";
     $q .= " ORDER BY products_id, articles_id";
     $r = tep_db_query($q);
     $result = array();
     while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($r)) {
         $row['daily_average'] = round($row['total_sold'] / $total_days_to_lookback, 2);
         $result[] = $row;
     return $result;
 $q .= " AND do.trans_type IN (" . depot_orders::FILTER_TRANS_TYPE_ALLREFILL . ")";
 $q .= " AND do.products_id={$pid} AND do.articles_id={$aid}";
 $q .= " GROUP BY order_date, trans_type";
 $r = tep_db_query($q);
 while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($r)) {
     $refill_type = $row['trans_type'] == 'AR' ? 'auto' : 'manual';
     $data[$row['order_date']]['refill_' . $refill_type] = intval($row['refill_qty']);
 $q = "SELECT order_date, is_promotional, SUM(total_sold) AS total_sold FROM (";
 $q .= "(SELECT DATE(joi.shipping_window_open) AS order_date, " . isPromotionalOrderQuery('SP') . " AS is_promotional, joi.order_quantity AS total_sold";
 $q .= " FROM jng_sp_orders jo";
 $q .= " INNER JOIN jng_sp_orders_items joi ON joi.jng_sp_orders_id=jo.jng_sp_orders_id AND joi.status NOT IN (10,12)";
 $q .= " WHERE joi.shipping_window_open>='{$filter_start_date}' AND joi.shipping_window_open<='{$filter_end_date}'";
 $q .= " AND joi.products_id={$pid} AND joi.products_articles_id={$aid}";
 $q .= ") UNION ALL (";
 $q .= "SELECT DATE(o.date_purchased) AS order_date, " . isPromotionalOrderQuery('JG') . " AS is_promotional, op.products_quantity AS total_sold";
 $q .= " FROM orders o";
 $q .= " INNER JOIN orders_products op ON op.orders_id=o.orders_id AND op.status NOT IN (10,12)";
 $q .= " WHERE o.date_purchased>='{$filter_start_date}' AND o.date_purchased<='{$filter_end_date}'";
 $q .= " AND op.products_id={$pid} AND op.products_articles_id={$aid}";
 $q .= ")) temp_orders_table";
 $q .= " GROUP BY order_date, is_promotional";
 $r = tep_db_query($q);
 while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($r)) {
     $promo_type = $row['is_promotional'] ? 'promo' : 'nonpromo';
     $data[$row['order_date']]['total_sold_' . $promo_type] = intval($row['total_sold']);
 $table = array();
 $header = array();
 $header['w080 tac a'] = 'Date';
 $header['w080 tac y'] = 'Total Sold<br />Promotional';
Esempio n. 3
 function retrieveOpenOrdersItems()
     $query = "SELECT 'DP' AS type, do.*, p.stars";
     $query .= ", " . isPromotionalOrderQuery('DP') . " AS is_promotion_order";
     $query .= " FROM depot_orders do";
     $query .= " LEFT JOIN products p ON p.products_id=do.products_id";
     $query .= " WHERE do.status IN (1,2) AND do.stock_status IN ('0', 'S')";
     //Exclude Outsourcing Orders:
     $query .= " AND NOT (do.trans_type='' AND do.trans_id=" . self::MANUAL_REFILL_OUTSOURCED . ")";
     $query .= " ORDER BY do.order_date ASC, do.products_id ASC, do.articles_id ASC";
     $result = tep_db_query($query);
     $order_items = array();
     while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($result)) {
         $order_items[$row['depot_orders_id']] = $row;
     return $order_items;
Esempio n. 4
  * Retrieve all items considered as "OPEN" for stock checking. The OPEN criteria is configurable and should be check for details inside the function code.
  * @return Array of Array containing required Item details
 function retrieveOpenOrdersProducts()
     //Current Open Criteria, configurable in config/open-orders.php
     //Bali Status = 1-5 (New to Finish)
     //Min Value = 4 EUR (Below this value order will be halted in New Tab)
     //Shipping Window Release Buffer = Not used for J&G Orders
     $opord_configs = load_config('open-orders');
     $query = "SELECT 'JG' AS type, op.orders_id, op.orders_products_id, op.products_id, op.products_articles_id, IFNULL(pa.products_ean, p.products_ean) AS products_ean, op.products_stars";
     $query .= ", op.products_quantity, op.order_item_total, op.status, op.stock_status, op.mode, op.print_count, op.prod_target_in, op.prod_target_out, op.ds_prioritized";
     $query .= ", p.stars, p.is_outsourced";
     $query .= ", o.date_purchased, o.customers_order_count, o.payment_method, o.paid_status";
     $query .= ", og.greeting_card_id, csl.list_type AS customer_type";
     //$query .= ", opt.customers_text_id, opi.customers_images_id";
     $query .= ", TRUE AS shipping_window_is_opened";
     $query .= ", " . isPromotionalOrderQuery('JG') . " AS is_promotion_order";
     $query .= " FROM orders o";
     $query .= " LEFT JOIN customers_special_list csl ON csl.customers_id=o.customers_id";
     $query .= " LEFT JOIN orders_gift og ON og.orders_id=o.orders_id";
     $query .= " LEFT JOIN orders_products op ON op.orders_id=o.orders_id";
     //$query .= " LEFT JOIN orders_products_text opt ON opt.orders_products_id=op.orders_products_id";
     //$query .= " LEFT JOIN orders_products_image opi ON opi.orders_products_id=op.orders_products_id";
     $query .= " LEFT JOIN products p ON p.products_id=op.products_id";
     $query .= " LEFT JOIN products_articles pa ON op.products_articles_id>0 AND pa.products_articles_id=op.products_articles_id";
     $query .= " WHERE";
     //filter shipping window is not needed for jng
     //filter orders status MTO (depending on status settings) or WMO
     $query .= " (op.status IN (" . $opord_configs['orders-inbali'] . ") OR (op.status=8 AND op.stock_status!='D'))";
     //filter products_id must be > 0
     $query .= " AND op.products_id>0";
     //filter price must be above our minimum settings
     $query .= " AND op.final_price>" . $opord_configs['min-order-value'];
     $query .= " GROUP BY op.orders_products_id";
     $query .= " ORDER BY o.date_purchased ASC, o.orders_id ASC, op.order_item_count ASC";
     $result = tep_db_query($query);
     $order_items = array();
     while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($result)) {
         $take = !($row['status'] == '1' && $row['payment_method'] == PAYMENT_METHOD_BANK_TRANSFER && $row['paid_status'] == '0');
         if ($take) {
             $order_items[$row['orders_products_id']] = $row;
     return $order_items;
Esempio n. 5
 function retrieveItemDetail($item_id)
     if (!isset($this->items[$item_id])) {
         $item_query = "SELECT joi.*, p.products_image, p.stars, ptc.categories_id";
         $item_query .= ", " . isPromotionalOrderQuery('SP') . " AS is_promotion_order";
         $item_query .= " FROM jng_sp_orders_items joi";
         $item_query .= " LEFT JOIN jng_sp_orders jo ON jo.jng_sp_orders_id=joi.jng_sp_orders_id";
         $item_query .= " LEFT JOIN products p ON p.products_id=joi.products_id";
         $item_query .= " LEFT JOIN products_to_categories ptc ON ptc.products_id=joi.products_id";
         $item_query .= " WHERE joi.jng_sp_orders_items_id='{$item_id}'";
         $item_result = tep_db_query($item_query);
         $item = tep_db_num_rows($item_result) == 1 ? tep_db_fetch_array($item_result) : array();
         $this->items[$item_id] = $item;
     } else {
         $item = $this->items[$item_id];
     return $item;