public function showLogin() { System::InterfaceHandler()->page_type = override; System::InterfaceHandler()->content_override = template('Login Form', '<form method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="kAuthAttempt" value="1" /> <input type="text" name="kAuthUsername" /> <input type="password" name="kAuthPassword" /> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form>'); }
<head> <?php System::InterfaceHandler()->head(); ?> </head> <body> <?php if (System::InterfaceHandler()->notificationCount(notification)) { System::InterfaceHandler()->notifications(notification); } ?> <?php if (count(System::InterfaceHandler()->sidebars) > 0) { System::InterfaceHandler()->sidebar(); } ?> <?php System::InterfaceHandler()->content(true); ?> <?php System::InterfaceHandler()->javascript(false); ?> </body> </html>
if (file_exists($app_path . 'Application.php')) { if (file_exists($app_path . 'Initialize.php')) { include $app_path . 'Initialize.php'; } if (System::Authority()->verified) { if (file_exists($app_path . 'Info.php')) { include $app_path . 'Info.php'; if (!is_null($application['name'])) { setTitle($application['name']); } } if (file_exists($app_path . 'Resources.php')) { include $app_path . 'Resources.php'; } require_once $app_path . 'Application.php'; } else { exLog('Authority->verified: false'); error('Insufficent Privlidges', 'You do not have the required permission to view this page.'); } } else { exLog('Application Load Failed: ' . System::Application()); error('Application Not Found', 'The requested application bundle was either not found, or invalid.'); } add('<hr />'); // REMOVE ME if (System::InterfaceHandler()->mannagedUI) { include System::InterfaceHandler()->interfaceFile(); } echo Development::logDump(); // REMOVE ME System::Terminate();
function getAvatar($size) { crunch($size); if ($size == 'small') { return System::InterfaceHandler()->avatar_small; } else { if ($size == 'large') { return System::InterfaceHandler()->avatar_large; } else { return System::InterfaceHandler()->avatar_medium; } } }