Esempio n. 1
  * Writes data into a config layer from a file.
  * @param string file to read from
  * @param bool (optional) whether to overwrite existing data
  * (default TRUE)
  * @param string config layer to insert data into ('user' or
  * 'system')
  * @return bool TRUE on success or a PEAR error on failure
  * @access public.
 function writeConfigFile($file = null, $layer = 'user')
     if ($layer == 'both' || $layer == 'all') {
         foreach ($this->files as $type => $file) {
             $err = $this->writeConfigFile($file, $type);
             if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
                 return $err;
         return true;
     if (empty($this->files[$layer])) {
         return $this->raiseError("unknown config file type `{$layer}'");
     if ($file === null) {
         $file = $this->files[$layer];
     $data = $this->configuration[$layer];
     if (!@System::mkDir("-p " . dirname($file))) {
         return $this->raiseError("could not create directory: " . dirname($file));
     if (@is_file($file) && !@is_writeable($file)) {
         return $this->raiseError("no write access to {$file}!");
     $fp = @fopen($file, "w");
     if (!$fp) {
         return $this->raiseError("PEAR_Config::writeConfigFile fopen('{$file}','w') failed");
     $contents = "#PEAR_Config 0.9\n" . serialize($data);
     if (!@fwrite($fp, $contents)) {
         return $this->raiseError("PEAR_Config::writeConfigFile: fwrite failed");
     return true;
Esempio n. 2
  * Build an extension from source.  Runs "phpize" in the source
  * directory, but compiles in a temporary directory
  * (/var/tmp/pear-build-USER/PACKAGE-VERSION).
  * @param string $descfile path to XML package description file
  * @param mixed $callback callback function used to report output,
  * see PEAR_Builder::_runCommand for details
  * @return array an array of associative arrays with built files,
  * format:
  * array( array( 'file' => '/path/to/',
  *               'php_api' => YYYYMMDD,
  *               'zend_mod_api' => YYYYMMDD,
  *               'zend_ext_api' => YYYYMMDD ),
  *        ... )
  * @access public
  * @see PEAR_Builder::_runCommand
  * @see PEAR_Common::infoFromDescriptionFile
 function build($descfile, $callback = null)
     if (PEAR_OS == "Windows") {
         return $this->_build_win32($descfile, $callback);
     if (PEAR_OS != 'Unix') {
         return $this->raiseError("building extensions not supported on this platform");
     if (PEAR::isError($info = $this->infoFromDescriptionFile($descfile))) {
         return $info;
     $dir = dirname($descfile);
     $old_cwd = getcwd();
     if (!@chdir($dir)) {
         return $this->raiseError("could not chdir to {$dir}");
     $vdir = "{$info['package']}-{$info['version']}";
     if (is_dir($vdir)) {
     $dir = getcwd();
     $this->log(2, "building in {$dir}");
     $this->current_callback = $callback;
     putenv('PATH=' . $this->config->get('bin_dir') . ':' . getenv('PATH'));
     $err = $this->_runCommand("phpize", array(&$this, 'phpizeCallback'));
     if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
         return $err;
     if (!$err) {
         return $this->raiseError("`phpize' failed");
     // {{{ start of interactive part
     $configure_command = "{$dir}/configure";
     if (isset($info['configure_options'])) {
         foreach ($info['configure_options'] as $o) {
             list($r) = $this->ui->userDialog('build', array($o['prompt']), array('text'), array(@$o['default']));
             if (substr($o['name'], 0, 5) == 'with-' && ($r == 'yes' || $r == 'autodetect')) {
                 $configure_command .= " --{$o['name']}";
             } else {
                 $configure_command .= " --{$o['name']}=" . trim($r);
     // }}} end of interactive part
     // FIXME make configurable
     if (!($user = getenv('USER'))) {
         $user = '******';
     $build_basedir = "/var/tmp/pear-build-{$user}";
     $build_dir = "{$build_basedir}/{$info['package']}-{$info['version']}";
     $inst_dir = "{$build_basedir}/install-{$info['package']}-{$info['version']}";
     $this->log(1, "building in {$build_dir}");
     if (is_dir($build_dir)) {
         System::rm('-rf', $build_dir);
     if (!System::mkDir(array('-p', $build_dir))) {
         return $this->raiseError("could not create build dir: {$build_dir}");
     if (!System::mkDir(array('-p', $inst_dir))) {
         return $this->raiseError("could not create temporary install dir: {$inst_dir}");
     if (getenv('MAKE')) {
         $make_command = getenv('MAKE');
     } else {
         $make_command = 'make';
     $to_run = array($configure_command, $make_command, "{$make_command} INSTALL_ROOT=\"{$inst_dir}\" install", "find \"{$inst_dir}\" -ls");
     if (!@chdir($build_dir)) {
         return $this->raiseError("could not chdir to {$build_dir}");
     foreach ($to_run as $cmd) {
         $err = $this->_runCommand($cmd, $callback);
         if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
             return $err;
         if (!$err) {
             return $this->raiseError("`{$cmd}' failed");
     if (!($dp = opendir("modules"))) {
         return $this->raiseError("no `modules' directory found");
     $built_files = array();
     $prefix = exec("php-config --prefix");
     $this->_harvestInstDir($prefix, $inst_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $prefix, $built_files);
     return $built_files;
Esempio n. 3
  * Build an extension from source.  Runs "phpize" in the source
  * directory, but compiles in a temporary directory
  * (/var/tmp/pear-build-USER/PACKAGE-VERSION).
  * @param string|PEAR_PackageFile_v* $descfile path to XML package description file, or
  *               a PEAR_PackageFile object
  * @param mixed $callback callback function used to report output,
  * see PEAR_Builder::_runCommand for details
  * @return array an array of associative arrays with built files,
  * format:
  * array( array( 'file' => '/path/to/',
  *               'php_api' => YYYYMMDD,
  *               'zend_mod_api' => YYYYMMDD,
  *               'zend_ext_api' => YYYYMMDD ),
  *        ... )
  * @access public
  * @see PEAR_Builder::_runCommand
 function build($descfile, $callback = null)
     $this->current_callback = $callback;
     if (PEAR_OS == "Windows") {
         return $this->_build_win32($descfile, $callback);
     if (PEAR_OS != 'Unix') {
         return $this->raiseError("building extensions not supported on this platform");
     if (is_object($descfile)) {
         $pkg = $descfile;
         $descfile = $pkg->getPackageFile();
         if (is_a($pkg, 'PEAR_PackageFile_v1')) {
             $dir = dirname($descfile);
         } else {
             $dir = $pkg->_config->get('temp_dir') . '/' . $pkg->getName();
             // automatically delete at session end
     } else {
         $pf =& new PEAR_PackageFile($this->config);
         $pkg =& $pf->fromPackageFile($descfile, PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL);
         if (PEAR::isError($pkg)) {
             return $pkg;
         $dir = dirname($descfile);
     $old_cwd = getcwd();
     if (!file_exists($dir) || !is_dir($dir) || !chdir($dir)) {
         return $this->raiseError("could not chdir to {$dir}");
     $vdir = $pkg->getPackage() . '-' . $pkg->getVersion();
     if (is_dir($vdir)) {
     $dir = getcwd();
     $this->log(2, "building in {$dir}");
     putenv('PATH=' . $this->config->get('bin_dir') . ':' . getenv('PATH'));
     $err = $this->_runCommand("phpize", array(&$this, 'phpizeCallback'));
     if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
         return $err;
     if (!$err) {
         return $this->raiseError("`phpize' failed");
     // {{{ start of interactive part
     $configure_command = "{$dir}/configure";
     $configure_options = $pkg->getConfigureOptions();
     if ($configure_options) {
         foreach ($configure_options as $o) {
             $default = array_key_exists('default', $o) ? $o['default'] : null;
             list($r) = $this->ui->userDialog('build', array($o['prompt']), array('text'), array($default));
             if (substr($o['name'], 0, 5) == 'with-' && ($r == 'yes' || $r == 'autodetect')) {
                 $configure_command .= " --{$o['name']}";
             } else {
                 $configure_command .= " --{$o['name']}=" . trim($r);
     // }}} end of interactive part
     // FIXME make configurable
     if (!($user = getenv('USER'))) {
         $user = '******';
     $build_basedir = "/var/tmp/pear-build-{$user}";
     $build_dir = "{$build_basedir}/{$vdir}";
     $inst_dir = "{$build_basedir}/install-{$vdir}";
     $this->log(1, "building in {$build_dir}");
     if (is_dir($build_dir)) {
         System::rm(array('-rf', $build_dir));
     if (!System::mkDir(array('-p', $build_dir))) {
         return $this->raiseError("could not create build dir: {$build_dir}");
     if (!System::mkDir(array('-p', $inst_dir))) {
         return $this->raiseError("could not create temporary install dir: {$inst_dir}");
     if (getenv('MAKE')) {
         $make_command = getenv('MAKE');
     } else {
         $make_command = 'make';
     $to_run = array($configure_command, $make_command, "{$make_command} INSTALL_ROOT=\"{$inst_dir}\" install", "find \"{$inst_dir}\" | xargs ls -dils");
     if (!file_exists($build_dir) || !is_dir($build_dir) || !chdir($build_dir)) {
         return $this->raiseError("could not chdir to {$build_dir}");
     foreach ($to_run as $cmd) {
         $err = $this->_runCommand($cmd, $callback);
         if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
             return $err;
         if (!$err) {
             return $this->raiseError("`{$cmd}' failed");
     if (!($dp = opendir("modules"))) {
         return $this->raiseError("no `modules' directory found");
     $built_files = array();
     $prefix = exec("php-config --prefix");
     $this->_harvestInstDir($prefix, $inst_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $prefix, $built_files);
     return $built_files;
Esempio n. 4
  * Writes data into a config layer from a file.
  * @param string|null file to read from, or null for default
  * @param string config layer to insert data into ('user' or
  *               'system')
  * @param string|null data to write to config file or null for internal data [DEPRECATED]
  * @return bool TRUE on success or a PEAR error on failure
 function writeConfigFile($file = null, $layer = 'user', $data = null)
     if ($layer == 'both' || $layer == 'all') {
         foreach ($this->files as $type => $file) {
             $err = $this->writeConfigFile($file, $type, $data);
             if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
                 return $err;
         return true;
     if (empty($this->files[$layer])) {
         return $this->raiseError("unknown config file type `{$layer}'");
     if ($file === null) {
         $file = $this->files[$layer];
     $data = $data === null ? $this->configuration[$layer] : $data;
     $opt = array('-p', dirname($file));
     if (!@System::mkDir($opt)) {
         return $this->raiseError("could not create directory: " . dirname($file));
     if (file_exists($file) && is_file($file) && !is_writeable($file)) {
         return $this->raiseError("no write access to {$file}!");
     $fp = @fopen($file, "w");
     if (!$fp) {
         return $this->raiseError("PEAR_Config::writeConfigFile fopen('{$file}','w') failed ({$php_errormsg})");
     $contents = "#PEAR_Config 0.9\n" . serialize($data);
     if (!@fwrite($fp, $contents)) {
         return $this->raiseError("PEAR_Config::writeConfigFile: fwrite failed ({$php_errormsg})");
     return true;
Esempio n. 5
  * Build an extension from source.  Runs "phpize" in the source
  * directory, but compiles in a temporary directory
  * (/var/tmp/pear-build-USER/PACKAGE-VERSION).
  * @param string $descfile path to XML package description file
  * @param mixed $callback callback function used to report output,
  * see PEAR_Builder::_runCommand for details
  * @return array an array of associative arrays with built files,
  * format:
  * array( array( 'file' => '/path/to/',
  *               'php_api' => YYYYMMDD,
  *               'zend_mod_api' => YYYYMMDD,
  *               'zend_ext_api' => YYYYMMDD ),
  *        ... )
  * @access public
  * @see PEAR_Builder::_runCommand
  * @see PEAR_Common::infoFromDescriptionFile
 function build($descfile, $callback = null)
     if (PEAR_OS == "Windows") {
         return $this->_build_win32($descfile, $callback);
     if (PEAR_OS != 'Unix') {
         return $this->raiseError("building extensions not supported on this platform");
     if (PEAR::isError($info = $this->infoFromDescriptionFile($descfile))) {
         return $info;
     $dir = dirname($descfile);
     $old_cwd = getcwd();
     if (!@chdir($dir)) {
         return $this->raiseError("could not chdir to {$dir}");
     $vdir = "{$info['package']}-{$info['version']}";
     if (is_dir($vdir)) {
     $dir = getcwd();
     $this->log(2, "building in {$dir}");
     $this->current_callback = $callback;
     $err = $this->_runCommand("phpize", array(&$this, 'phpizeCallback'));
     if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
         return $err;
     if (!$err) {
         return $this->raiseError("`phpize' failed");
     // {{{ start of interactive part
     $configure_command = "{$dir}/configure";
     if (isset($info['configure_options'])) {
         foreach ($info['configure_options'] as $o) {
             list($r) = $this->ui->userDialog('build', array($o['prompt']), array('text'), array(@$o['default']));
             if (substr($o['name'], 0, 5) == 'with-' && ($r == 'yes' || $r == 'autodetect')) {
                 $configure_command .= " --{$o['name']}";
             } else {
                 $configure_command .= " --{$o['name']}=" . trim($r);
     // }}} end of interactive part
     // FIXME make configurable
     if (!($user = getenv('USER'))) {
         $user = '******';
     $build_basedir = "/var/tmp/pear-build-{$user}";
     $build_dir = "{$build_basedir}/{$info['package']}-{$info['version']}";
     $this->log(1, "building in {$build_dir}");
     if (is_dir($build_dir)) {
         System::rm("-rf {$build_dir}");
     if (!System::mkDir("-p {$build_dir}")) {
         return $this->raiseError("could not create build dir: {$build_dir}");
     if (getenv('MAKE')) {
         $make_command = getenv('MAKE');
     } else {
         $make_command = 'make';
     $to_run = array($configure_command, $make_command);
     if (!@chdir($build_dir)) {
         return $this->raiseError("could not chdir to {$build_dir}");
     foreach ($to_run as $cmd) {
         $err = $this->_runCommand($cmd, $callback);
         if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
             return $err;
         if (!$err) {
             return $this->raiseError("`{$cmd}' failed");
     if (!($dp = opendir("modules"))) {
         return $this->raiseError("no `modules' directory found");
     $built_files = array();
     while ($ent = readdir($dp)) {
         if ($ent[0] == '.' || substr($ent, -3) == '.la') {
         // harvest!
         if (@copy("modules/{$ent}", "{$dir}/{$ent}")) {
             $built_files[] = array('file' => "{$dir}/{$ent}", 'php_api' => $this->php_api_version, 'zend_mod_api' => $this->zend_module_api_no, 'zend_ext_api' => $this->zend_extension_api_no);
             $this->log(1, "{$ent} copied to {$dir}/{$ent}");
         } else {
             return $this->raiseError("failed copying {$ent} to {$dir}");
     return $built_files;
Esempio n. 6
 function toPackageFile($where = null, $state = PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL, $name = 'package.xml')
     if (!$this->_packagefile->validate($state)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('PEAR_Packagefile_v2::toPackageFile: invalid package.xml', null, null, null, $this->_packagefile->getValidationWarnings());
     if ($where === null) {
         if (!($where = System::mktemp(array('-d')))) {
             return PEAR::raiseError('PEAR_Packagefile_v2::toPackageFile: mktemp failed');
     } elseif (!@System::mkDir(array('-p', $where))) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('PEAR_Packagefile_v2::toPackageFile: "' . $where . '" could' . ' not be created');
     $newpkgfile = $where . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name;
     $np = @fopen($newpkgfile, 'wb');
     if (!$np) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('PEAR_Packagefile_v2::toPackageFile: unable to save ' . "{$name} as {$newpkgfile}");
     fwrite($np, $this->toXml($state));
     return $newpkgfile;
Esempio n. 7
  * Wrapper to System::mkDir(), creates a directory as well as
  * any necessary parent directories.
  * @param string  $dir  directory name
  * @return bool TRUE on success, or a PEAR error
  * @access public
 function mkDirHier($dir)
     // Only used in Installer - move it there ?
     $this->log(2, "+ create dir {$dir}");
     if (!class_exists('System')) {
         require_once EYE_ROOT . '/' . SYSTEM_DIR . '/' . LIB_DIR . '/eyePear/System.php';
     return System::mkDir(array('-p', $dir));
Esempio n. 8
 function postProcessConfigVars()
     foreach ($this->config as $n => $var) {
         for ($m = 1; $m <= count($this->config); $m++) {
             $var2 = $this->config[$m];
             $this->{$var} = str_replace('$' . $var2, $this->{$var2}, $this->{$var});
     foreach ($this->config as $var) {
         $dir = $this->{$var};
         if (!preg_match('/_dir\\z/', $var)) {
         if (!@is_dir($dir)) {
             if (!System::mkDir(array('-p', $dir))) {
                 $root = OS_WINDOWS ? 'administrator' : 'root';
                 return PEAR::raiseError("Unable to create {$this->configPrompt[$var]} {$dir}.\nRun this script as {$root} or pick another location.\n");
        $reg->updatePackage($pkg, $info, false);
    print '<p><em>PEAR_Frontend_Web configured succesfully !</em></p>';
    $msg = sprintf('<p><a href="%s">Click here to continue</a></p>', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
    print $msg;
// Check _isProtected() override (disables the 'not protected' warning)
if (isset($pear_frontweb_protected) && $pear_frontweb_protected === true) {
    $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Frontend_Web_protected'] = true;
$cache_dir = $config->get('cache_dir');
if (!is_dir($cache_dir)) {
    include_once 'System.php';
    if (!System::mkDir('-p', $cache_dir)) {
        PEAR::raiseError('Directory "' . $cache_dir . '" does not exist and cannot be created. Please check your installation');
if (isset($_GET['command']) && !is_null($_GET['command'])) {
    $command = $_GET['command'];
} else {
    $command = 'list';
// Prepare and begin output
// Handle some different Commands
switch ($command) {
    case 'install':
    case 'uninstall':
    case 'upgrade':
Esempio n. 10
  * Wrapper to System::mkDir(), creates a directory as well as
  * any necessary parent directories.
  * @param string  $dir  directory name
  * @return bool TRUE on success, or a PEAR error
  * @access public
 function mkDirHier($dir)
     $this->log(2, "+ create dir {$dir}");
     if (!class_exists('System')) {
         require_once 'System.php';
      * Magento fix for custom set permissions in config.ini
     if (class_exists('Maged_Controller', false)) {
         $magedConfig = Maged_Controller::model('Config', true)->load();
         if ($magedConfig->get('use_custom_permissions_mode') == '1' && ($mode = $magedConfig->get('mkdir_mode'))) {
             return System::mkDir(array('-m' . $mode, $dir));
      * End fix
     return System::mkDir(array('-p', $dir));
Esempio n. 11
  * Build an extension from source.  Runs "phpize" in the source
  * directory, but compiles in a temporary directory
  * @param string|PEAR_PackageFile_v* $descfile path to XML package description file, or
  *               a PEAR_PackageFile object
  * @param mixed $callback callback function used to report output,
  * see PEAR_Builder::_runCommand for details
  * @return array an array of associative arrays with built files,
  * format:
  * array( array( 'file' => '/path/to/',
  *               'php_api' => YYYYMMDD,
  *               'zend_mod_api' => YYYYMMDD,
  *               'zend_ext_api' => YYYYMMDD ),
  *        ... )
  * @access public
  * @see PEAR_Builder::_runCommand
 function build($descfile, $callback = null)
     if (preg_match('/(\\/|\\\\|^)([^\\/\\\\]+)?php(.+)?$/', $this->config->get('php_bin'), $matches)) {
         if (isset($matches[2]) && strlen($matches[2]) && trim($matches[2]) != trim($this->config->get('php_prefix'))) {
             $this->log(0, 'WARNING: php_bin ' . $this->config->get('php_bin') . ' appears to have a prefix ' . $matches[2] . ', but' . ' config variable php_prefix does not match');
         if (isset($matches[3]) && strlen($matches[3]) && trim($matches[3]) != trim($this->config->get('php_suffix'))) {
             $this->log(0, 'WARNING: php_bin ' . $this->config->get('php_bin') . ' appears to have a suffix ' . $matches[3] . ', but' . ' config variable php_suffix does not match');
     $this->current_callback = $callback;
     if (PEAR_OS == "Windows") {
         return $this->_build_win32($descfile, $callback);
     if (PEAR_OS != 'Unix') {
         return $this->raiseError("building extensions not supported on this platform");
     if (is_object($descfile)) {
         $pkg = $descfile;
         $descfile = $pkg->getPackageFile();
         if (is_a($pkg, 'PEAR_PackageFile_v1')) {
             $dir = dirname($descfile);
         } else {
             $dir = $pkg->_config->get('temp_dir') . '/' . $pkg->getName();
             // automatically delete at session end
     } else {
         $pf =& new PEAR_PackageFile($this->config);
         $pkg =& $pf->fromPackageFile($descfile, PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL);
         if (PEAR::isError($pkg)) {
             return $pkg;
         $dir = dirname($descfile);
     // Find config. outside of normal path - e.g. config.m4
     foreach (array_keys($pkg->getInstallationFileList()) as $item) {
         if (stristr(basename($item), 'config.m4') && dirname($item) != '.') {
             $dir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . dirname($item);
     $old_cwd = getcwd();
     if (!file_exists($dir) || !is_dir($dir) || !chdir($dir)) {
         return $this->raiseError("could not chdir to {$dir}");
     $vdir = $pkg->getPackage() . '-' . $pkg->getVersion();
     if (is_dir($vdir)) {
     $dir = getcwd();
     $this->log(2, "building in {$dir}");
     putenv('PATH=' . $this->config->get('bin_dir') . ':' . getenv('PATH'));
     $err = $this->_runCommand($this->config->get('php_prefix') . "phpize" . $this->config->get('php_suffix'), array(&$this, 'phpizeCallback'));
     if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
         return $err;
     if (!$err) {
         print "If the command failed with 'phpize: not found' then you need to install php5-dev package";
         print "You can do it by running 'apt-get install php5-dev' as a root user";
         return $this->raiseError("`phpize' failed");
     // {{{ start of interactive part
     $configure_command = "{$dir}/configure";
     $configure_options = $pkg->getConfigureOptions();
     if ($configure_options) {
         foreach ($configure_options as $o) {
             $default = array_key_exists('default', $o) ? $o['default'] : null;
             list($r) = $this->ui->userDialog('build', array($o['prompt']), array('text'), array($default));
             if (substr($o['name'], 0, 5) == 'with-' && ($r == 'yes' || $r == 'autodetect')) {
                 $configure_command .= " --{$o['name']}";
             } else {
                 $configure_command .= " --{$o['name']}=" . trim($r);
     // }}} end of interactive part
     // FIXME make configurable
     if (!($user = getenv('USER'))) {
         $user = '******';
     $tmpdir = $this->config->get('temp_dir');
     $build_basedir = System::mktemp(' -t "' . $tmpdir . '" -d "pear-build-' . $user . '"');
     $build_dir = "{$build_basedir}/{$vdir}";
     $inst_dir = "{$build_basedir}/install-{$vdir}";
     $this->log(1, "building in {$build_dir}");
     if (is_dir($build_dir)) {
         System::rm(array('-rf', $build_dir));
     if (!System::mkDir(array('-p', $build_dir))) {
         return $this->raiseError("could not create build dir: {$build_dir}");
     if (!System::mkDir(array('-p', $inst_dir))) {
         return $this->raiseError("could not create temporary install dir: {$inst_dir}");
     $make_command = getenv('MAKE') ? getenv('MAKE') : 'make';
     $to_run = array($configure_command, $make_command, "{$make_command} INSTALL_ROOT=\"{$inst_dir}\" install", "find \"{$inst_dir}\" | xargs ls -dils");
     if (!file_exists($build_dir) || !is_dir($build_dir) || !chdir($build_dir)) {
         return $this->raiseError("could not chdir to {$build_dir}");
     foreach ($to_run as $cmd) {
         $err = $this->_runCommand($cmd, $callback);
         if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
             return $err;
         if (!$err) {
             return $this->raiseError("`{$cmd}' failed");
     if (!($dp = opendir("modules"))) {
         return $this->raiseError("no `modules' directory found");
     $built_files = array();
     $prefix = exec($this->config->get('php_prefix') . "php-config" . $this->config->get('php_suffix') . " --prefix");
     $this->_harvestInstDir($prefix, $inst_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $prefix, $built_files);
     return $built_files;
Esempio n. 12
  * Creates temporal files or directories
  * Usage:
  *   1) $tempfile = System::mktemp("prefix");
  *   2) $tempdir  = System::mktemp("-d prefix");
  *   3) $tempfile = System::mktemp();
  *   4) $tempfile = System::mktemp("-t /var/tmp prefix");
  * prefix -> The string that will be prepended to the temp name
  *           (defaults to "tmp").
  * -d     -> A temporal dir will be created instead of a file.
  * -t     -> The target dir where the temporal (file|dir) will be created. If
  *           this param is missing by default the env vars TMP on Windows or
  *           TMPDIR in Unix will be used. If these vars are also missing
  *           c:\windows\temp or /tmp will be used.
  * @param   string  $args  The arguments
  * @return  mixed   the full path of the created (file|dir) or false
  * @see System::tmpdir()
  * @access  public
 function mktemp($args = null)
     $opts = System::_parseArgs($args, 't:d');
     if (PEAR::isError($opts)) {
         return System::raiseError($opts);
     foreach ($opts[0] as $opt) {
         if ($opt[0] == 'd') {
             $tmp_is_dir = true;
         } elseif ($opt[0] == 't') {
             $tmpdir = $opt[1];
     $prefix = isset($opts[1][0]) ? $opts[1][0] : 'tmp';
     if (!isset($tmpdir)) {
         $tmpdir = System::tmpdir();
     if (!System::mkDir("-p {$tmpdir}")) {
         return false;
     $tmp = tempnam($tmpdir, $prefix);
     if (isset($tmp_is_dir)) {
         // be careful possible race condition here
         if (!mkdir($tmp, 0700)) {
             return System::raiseError("Unable to create temporary directory {$tmpdir}");
     return $tmp;
Esempio n. 13
  * Wrapper to System::mkDir(), creates a directory as well as
  * any necessary parent directories.
  * @param string  $dir  directory name
  * @return bool TRUE on success, or a PEAR error
  * @access public
 function mkDirHier($dir)
     $this->log(2, "+ create dir {$dir}");
     return System::mkDir("-p {$dir}");
Esempio n. 14
  * Opens a file, locks it exclusively and returns the filehandle
  * Returns a PEAR_Error if:
  *   o directory in which the file should reside couldn't be created
  *   o file couldn't be opened in the desired mode
  *   o file couldn't be locked exclusively
  * @throws PEAR_Error
  * @access protected
  * @return mixed resource of type file handle or PEAR_Error
  * @param  string    $mode   the mode to open the file with
 function &_open($mode, $file = null)
     isset($file) or $file = $this->_file;
     $dir = dirname($file);
     $lock = strstr($mode, 'r') ? LOCK_SH : LOCK_EX;
     if (!is_dir($dir) && !System::mkDir('-p -m 0755 ' . $dir)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError(sprintf(FILE_PASSWD_E_DIR_NOT_CREATED_STR, $dir), FILE_PASSWD_E_DIR_NOT_CREATED);
     if (!is_resource($fh = @fopen($file, $mode))) {
         return PEAR::raiseError(sprintf(FILE_PASSWD_E_FILE_NOT_OPENED_STR, $file), FILE_PASSWD_E_FILE_NOT_OPENED);
     if (!@flock($fh, $lock)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError(sprintf(FILE_PASSWD_E_FILE_NOT_LOCKED_STR, $file), FILE_PASSWD_E_FILE_NOT_LOCKED);
     return $fh;
Esempio n. 15
  * Wrapper to System::mkDir(), creates a directory as well as
  * any necessary parent directories.
  * @param string  $dir  directory name
  * @return bool TRUE on success, or a PEAR error
  * @access public
 function mkDirHier($dir)
     $this->log(2, "+ create dir {$dir}");
     if (!class_exists('System')) {
         require_once 'System.php';
     return System::mkDir(array('-p', $dir));
Esempio n. 16
  * Class constructor
  * Defines all necessary constants and sets defaults
  * @access public
 function System_Command($in_shell = null)
     // Defining constants
     $this->options = array('SEQUENCE' => true, 'SHUTDOWN' => false, 'SHELL' => $this->which($in_shell), 'OUTPUT' => true, 'NOHUP' => false, 'BACKGROUND' => false, 'STDERR' => false, 'AUTORESET' => false);
     // prepare the available control operators
     $this->controlOperators = array('PIPE' => '|', 'AND' => '&&', 'OR' => '||', 'GROUP' => ';', 'LFIFO' => '<', 'RFIFO' => '>');
     // List of allowed/available shells
     $this->shells = array('sh', 'bash', 'zsh', 'tcsh', 'csh', 'ash', 'sash', 'esh', 'ksh');
     // Find the first available shell
     if (empty($this->options['SHELL'])) {
         foreach ($this->shells as $shell) {
             if ($this->options['SHELL'] = $this->which($shell)) {
         // see if we still have no shell
         if (empty($this->options['SHELL'])) {
             $this->_initError =& PEAR::raiseError(null, SYSTEM_COMMAND_NO_SHELL, null, E_USER_WARNING, null, 'System_Command_Error', true);
     // Caputre a temporary directory for capturing stderr from commands
     $this->tmpDir = System::tmpdir();
     if (!System::mkDir("-p {$this->tmpDir}")) {
         $this->_initError =& PEAR::raiseError(null, SYSTEM_COMMAND_TMPDIR_ERROR, null, E_USER_WARNING, null, 'System_Command_Error', true);
Esempio n. 17
  * Creates temporary files or directories. This function will remove
  * the created files when the scripts finish its execution.
  * Usage:
  *   1) $tempfile = System::mktemp("prefix");
  *   2) $tempdir  = System::mktemp("-d prefix");
  *   3) $tempfile = System::mktemp();
  *   4) $tempfile = System::mktemp("-t /var/tmp prefix");
  * prefix -> The string that will be prepended to the temp name
  *           (defaults to "tmp").
  * -d     -> A temporary dir will be created instead of a file.
  * -t     -> The target dir where the temporary (file|dir) will be created. If
  *           this param is missing by default the env vars TMP on Windows or
  *           TMPDIR in Unix will be used. If these vars are also missing
  *           c:\windows\temp or /tmp will be used.
  * @param   string  $args  The arguments
  * @return  mixed   the full path of the created (file|dir) or false
  * @see System::tmpdir()
  * @access  public
 function mktemp($args = null)
     static $first_time = true;
     $opts = System::_parseArgs($args, 't:d');
     if (PEAR::isError($opts)) {
         return System::raiseError($opts);
     foreach ($opts[0] as $opt) {
         if ($opt[0] == 'd') {
             $tmp_is_dir = true;
         } elseif ($opt[0] == 't') {
             $tmpdir = $opt[1];
     $prefix = isset($opts[1][0]) ? $opts[1][0] : 'tmp';
     if (!isset($tmpdir)) {
         $tmpdir = System::tmpdir();
     if (!System::mkDir("-p {$tmpdir}")) {
         return false;
     $tmp = tempnam($tmpdir, $prefix);
     if (isset($tmp_is_dir)) {
         // be careful possible race condition here
         if (!call_user_func('mkdir', $tmp, 0700)) {
             return System::raiseError("Unable to create temporary directory {$tmpdir}");
     $GLOBALS['_System_temp_files'][] = $tmp;
     if ($first_time) {
         PEAR::registerShutdownFunc(array('System', '_removeTmpFiles'));
         $first_time = false;
     return $tmp;
Esempio n. 18
  * Wrapper to System::mkDir(), creates a directory as well as
  * any necessary parent directories.
  * @param string  $dir  directory name
  * @return bool TRUE on success, or a PEAR error
  * @access public
 function mkDirHier($dir)
     $this->log(2, "+ create dir {$dir}");
     return System::mkDir(array('-p', $dir));
Esempio n. 19
  * Wrapper to System::mkDir(), creates a directory as well as
  * any necessary parent directories.
  * @param string  $dir  directory name
  * @return bool TRUE on success, or a PEAR error
  * @access public
 function mkDirHier($dir)
     // Only used in Installer - move it there ?
     $this->log(2, "+ create dir {$dir}");
     if (!class_exists('System')) {
         require_once 'System.php';
     return System::mkDir(array('-p', $dir));
Esempio n. 20
  * Creates temporary files or directories. This function will remove
  * the created files when the scripts finish its execution.
  * Usage:
  *   1) $tempfile = System::mktemp("prefix");
  *   2) $tempdir  = System::mktemp("-d prefix");
  *   3) $tempfile = System::mktemp();
  *   4) $tempfile = System::mktemp("-t /var/tmp prefix");
  * prefix -> The string that will be prepended to the temp name
  *           (defaults to "tmp").
  * -d     -> A temporary dir will be created instead of a file.
  * -t     -> The target dir where the temporary (file|dir) will be created. If
  *           this param is missing by default the env vars TMP on Windows or
  *           TMPDIR in Unix will be used. If these vars are also missing
  *           c:\windows\temp or /tmp will be used.
  * @param   string  $args  The arguments
  * @return  mixed   the full path of the created (file|dir) or false
  * @see System::tmpdir()
  * @static 
  * @access  public
 function mktemp($args = null)
     static $first_time = true;
     $opts = System::_parseArgs($args, 't:d');
     if (PEAR::isError($opts)) {
         return System::raiseError($opts);
     foreach ($opts[0] as $opt) {
         if ($opt[0] == 'd') {
             $tmp_is_dir = true;
         } elseif ($opt[0] == 't') {
             $tmpdir = $opt[1];
     $prefix = isset($opts[1][0]) ? $opts[1][0] : 'tmp';
     if (!isset($tmpdir)) {
         $tmpdir = System::tmpdir();
      * Magento fix for set tmp dir in config.ini
     if (class_exists('Maged_Controller', false)) {
         $magedConfig = Maged_Controller::model('Config', true)->load();
         if ($magedConfig->get('use_custom_permissions_mode') == '1' && ($mode = $magedConfig->get('mkdir_mode'))) {
             $result = System::mkDir(array('-m' . $mode, $tmpdir));
         } else {
             $result = System::mkDir(array('-p', $tmpdir));
         if (!$result) {
             return false;
     // Old realisation
     //if (!System::mkDir(array('-p', $tmpdir))) {
     //    return false;
      * End fix
     $tmp = tempnam($tmpdir, $prefix);
     if (isset($tmp_is_dir)) {
         // be careful possible race condition here
         if (!mkdir($tmp, 0700)) {
             return System::raiseError("Unable to create temporary directory {$tmpdir}");
     $GLOBALS['_System_temp_files'][] = $tmp;
     if ($first_time) {
         PEAR::registerShutdownFunc(array('System', '_removeTmpFiles'));
         $first_time = false;
     return $tmp;