Esempio n. 1
 function get_gallery_entry()
     if (User::is_login()) {
         global $display;
         if ((User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM) || User::is_mod()) && (int) Url::get('user_id', 0) && (int) Url::get('user_id', 0) != User::id()) {
             $user_id = (int) Url::get('user_id', 0);
             $display->add('user_id', $user_id);
         } else {
             $user_id = User::id();
         $search_value = ' user_id=' . $user_id . ' AND root_id=0 ';
         //search theo ngay thang nam
         $year = (int) Url::get('year', -1);
         //$mon= (int)Url::get('month',(int)date('m'));
         $mon = (int) Url::get('month', -1);
         $day = (int) Url::get('day', -1);
         if ($year == 0) {
             $year = -1;
         if ($mon == 0) {
             $mon = -1;
         if ($day == 0) {
             $day = -1;
         $created_time_from = 0;
         $created_time_to = 0;
         if ($year != -1) {
             if ($mon != -1) {
                 if ($day != -1) {
                     $created_time_from = mktime(0, 0, 0, $mon, $day, $year);
                     $created_time_to = mktime(23, 59, 59, $mon, $day, $year);
                 } else {
                     $max_day = 31;
                     if (in_array($mon, array(4, 6, 9, 11))) {
                         $max_day = 30;
                     } elseif ($mon == 2) {
                         $year % 4 ? $max_day = 28 : ($max_day = 29);
                     $created_time_from = mktime(0, 0, 0, $mon, 1, $year);
                     $created_time_to = mktime(23, 59, 59, $mon, $max_day, $year);
             } else {
                 $created_time_from = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year);
                 $created_time_to = mktime(23, 59, 59, 12, 31, $year);
         $y_arr = array(-1 => '-Lọc theo Năm-');
         for ($i = 2008; $i <= date('Y'); $i++) {
             $y_arr[$i] = "---Năm {$i}-";
         $m_arr = array(-1 => '-Lọc theo Tháng-');
         for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
             $m_arr[$i] = "---Tháng {$i}-";
         $d_arr = array(0 => '-Lọc theo Ngày-');
         for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) {
             $d_arr[$i] = "---Ngày {$i}-";
         $display->add('option_year', AZLib::getOption($y_arr, $year));
         $display->add('option_month', AZLib::getOption($m_arr, $mon));
         $display->add('option_day', AZLib::getOption($d_arr, $day));
         if ($created_time_from) {
             $search_value .= ' AND time >= ' . $created_time_from;
         if ($created_time_to) {
             $search_value .= ' AND time <= ' . $created_time_to;
         $keywords = AZLib::trimSpace(AZLib::getParam('keywords'));
         $display->add('keywords', $keywords);
         if ($keywords) {
             $search_value .= ' AND des LIKE "%' . $keywords . '%" ';
         $item_per_page = 20;
         $sql_count = 'SELECT count(*) AS total_img FROM item_image WHERE ' . $search_value;
         $total = DB::fetch($sql_count, 'total_img', 0);
         $paging = '';
         $items = array();
         $gallery_url = WEB_DIR . 'ajax.php' . Url::build_all(array('page_no'));
         if ($total) {
             $limit = '';
             $paging = AjaxGalleryPaging($limit, $total, $item_per_page, 5, $gallery_url, 'gallery_content');
             $sql = 'SELECT id, des, item_id, title, img_server, img_url, time FROM `item_image` WHERE ' . $search_value . ' ORDER BY id DESC ' . $limit;
             $re = DB::query($sql);
             if ($re) {
                 while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                     $row['image_url'] = $row['img_url'];
                     $row['img_url'] = AZLib::getImageThumb($row['img_url'], 100, 100, 0, $row['img_server']);
                     $items[$row['id']] = $row;
         $display->add('items', $items);
         $display->add('total', $total);
         $display->add('paging', $paging);
         $display->output('gallery_ajax_entry', false, 'Personal');
     } else {
         echo "Bạn chưa đăng nhập hoặc đã thoát khỏi hệ thống - Hãy đăng nhập lại!";
Esempio n. 2
    function get_more_comment()
        $parent_id = EClassApi::getParam('comment_id');
        $item_user_name = EClassApi::getParam('item_user_name');
        $item_id = EClassApi::getParam('item_id');
        $cat_id = EClassApi::getParam('cat_id');
        $guest_email = EClassApi::getParam('guest_email');
        $guest_name = EClassApi::getParam('guest_name');
        //$cur_id  		= EClassApi::getParam('cur_id',0);
        $cur_id = User::id();
        $item_user_id = EClassApi::getParam('user_id');
        $show_guest_email = User::have_cat_permit($cat_id) || User::id() == $item_user_id;
        $sql = 'SELECT `comment`.`id`, `time`, `content`, `item_id`, `sender_email`, `sender_user_name`, account.img_server, `receiver_user_name`,`sender_user_id`, `receiver_user_id`, `parent_id`, `have_child`, account.avatar_url, as user_id, account.gids, account.block_time FROM `comment` LEFT JOIN `account` ON
					WHERE `comment`.`parent_id` =' . $parent_id . ' AND `comment`.`display`=0 ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0,100';
        $re = DB::query($sql);
        $i = 0;
        $result = '';
        $str_user_id = '';
        while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
            $item['index'] = $i;
            if ($item['block_time'] > TIME_NOW) {
                $item['is_block'] = 1;
            } else {
                $item['is_block'] = 0;
            $str_user_id .= ($str_user_id != '' ? ',' : '') . $item['sender_user_id'];
            //set quyen quan tri
            if ($item['gids']) {
                $is_admin_mod = CGlobal::$group[User::check_admin($item['gids'])];
            } else {
                $is_admin_mod = array();
            $item['is_admin_mod'] = $is_admin_mod;
            if (TIME_NOW - $item['time'] < 24 * 3600) {
                $time_left = TIME_NOW - $item['time'];
                $hour = floor($time_left / 3600);
                $day = '';
                $minute = floor($time_left % 3600 / 60) . ' phút';
                $time_left = ($hour ? $hour . ' giờ ' : '') . $minute;
                if ($time_left == 0) {
                    $time_left = 'Vài giây';
                $item['created_time'] = $time_left . ' trước';
            } elseif (date('Y') != date('Y', $item['time'])) {
                $item['created_time'] = date('H:i | d.m.Y', $item['time']);
            } else {
                $item['created_time'] = date('H:i | d.m', $item['time']);
            $item['content'] = EClassApi::parseBBCode($item['content']);
            if ($item['sender_user_id']) {
                $item['sender_link'] = Url::build('shop', array('user_name' => $item['sender_user_name']));
            } else {
                $item['sender_link'] = '';
            $item['URL_badcontent'] = Url::build('item_detail', array('id' => Url::get('id'), 'ctype' => 'comment', 'id_comment' => $item['id']));
            $result .= '<tr id="' . $item['id'] . '"';
            $result .= ' onmouseover="show_hide_menu(' . $item['id'] . ')" onmouseout="show_hide_menu(' . $item['id'] . ')" ';
            $result .= '><td width="28" align="right" valign="top"><div style="height:5px"><span></span></div>';
            if ($item['sender_user_id'] == 0) {
                /*	if($item['id']%3 == 0){
                				$item['sender_avatar_url'] = 'style/avatar/1.png';//'style/images/eb_small.gif';
                			elseif($item['id']%3 == 1){
                				$item['sender_avatar_url'] = 'style/avatar/2.png';
                				$item['sender_avatar_url'] = 'style/avatar/3.png';
                $item['sender_avatar_url'] = WEB_DIR . '_cache/eb_avatar/' . md5($item['sender_user_name']) . '.gif';
                $html_content = '';
                $result .= '<div class="feedbackAvatarSub" id="avatar_content_' . $item['user_id'] . '"><img src="' . $item['sender_avatar_url'] . '" width="40" height="40" /></div>';
            } else {
                if ($item['avatar_url']) {
                    $item['sender_avatar_url'] = EClassApi::getImageThumb($item['avatar_url'], 60, 0, 1, $item['img_server']);
                    if ($item['parent_id'] > 0) {
                        $html_content = '<a href="' . $item['sender_link'] . '"><img src="' . $item['sender_avatar_url'] . '" width="40"/></a>';
                    } else {
                        $html_content = '<a href="' . $item['sender_link'] . '"><img src="' . $item['sender_avatar_url'] . '" width="40"/></a>';
                } else {
                    $item['sender_avatar_url'] = WEB_DIR . '_cache/eb_avatar/' . md5($item['sender_user_name']) . '.gif';
                    /*if ($item['parent_id'] > 0){
                    			$html_content = '<a href="'.$item['sender_link'].'"><img src="style/avatar/2.png" width="40" height="40" /></a>';
                    			$html_content = '<a href="'.$item['sender_link'].'"><img src="style/avatar/1.png" width="40" height="40" /></a>';
                $result .= '<div class="profile_load"  id="c' . $item['id'] . '" lang="' . $item['user_id'] . '"><div class="feedbackAvatarSub" ';
                $result .= ' id="avatar_content_' . $item['user_id'] . '"><div class="bubbleInfo" id="info_' . $item['id'] . '" lang="' . $item['user_id'] . '"><div class="commentAva trigger">' . $html_content . '</div><!-- BEGIN POPUP MENU --><div class="popup" style="text-align: left;"><div id="show_mini_profile_c' . $item['id'] . '" style="display:none;"></div><div id="hide_mini_profile_c' . $item['id'] . '"><div class="contentPop" style="background-color:#fff"><div style="margin:4px;"><div class="blastTopLeft"><div class="blastTopRight"><div class="blastTopbg"><span></span></div></div></div><div class="blast"><img src="style/images/ajax-loader4.gif" width="62" height="13" /></div><div class="blastBottomLeft"><div class="blastBottomRight"><div class="blastBottombg"><span></span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><!--END POPUP MENU --></div></div></div>';
            $result .= '</td><td valign="top"><div class="contentFeedback" align="left"><div ';
            if (isset($item['is_admin_mod']['id']) && ($item['is_admin_mod']['id'] == 9 || $item['is_admin_mod']['id'] == 1)) {
                $result .= ' class="topFeedback_admin" ';
            } elseif (isset($item['is_admin_mod']['id']) && ($item['is_admin_mod']['id'] == 2 || $item['is_admin_mod']['id'] == 3)) {
                $result .= ' class="topFeedback_mod" ';
            } elseif ($item['sender_user_name'] == $item_user_name) {
                $result .= ' class="topFeedbackSelf" ';
            } else {
                $result .= ' class="topFeedback"';
            $result .= ' >';
            if ($item['sender_user_id'] == 0) {
                $result .= ' <span class="guest_name">' . $item['sender_user_name'];
                /*$result .= ($show_guest_email)?'<a href="mailto:'.$item['sender_email'].'" title="Gửi e-mail cho người dùng này!"><img src="style/images/comment_email/email.gif" border="0" width="15" height="11"/></a>':'';*/
                $result .= $show_guest_email ? '' : '';
                $result .= '</span>';
            } else {
                $result .= ' <a ';
                $result .= $item['is_block'] == 1 ? ' title="Đang bị khóa nick" ' : ' ';
                $result .= $item['is_admin_mod'] ? ' title="' . $item['is_admin_mod']['des'] . '" ' : ' ';
                $result .= '  href="' . WEB_DIR . $item['sender_user_name'] . '">';
                $result .= $item['is_block'] == 1 ? ' <s><i> ' : ' ';
                $result .= $item['sender_user_name'];
                $result .= $item['is_block'] == 1 ? ' </i></s> ' : ' ';
                $result .= '</a>';
            $result .= ' <span class="fb_time">' . $item['created_time'] . '</span> ';
            $result .= '<div class="floatRight" style="margin-top:-12px; height:16px"><div id="show_menu_' . $item['id'] . '" style="display:none">';
            if ($item['user_id'] != $cur_id && $item['sender_user_id'] != 0) {
                $result .= ' <span class="send_pm_fb" onclick="fn_send_pm_fb(' . $item['user_id'] . ',\'' . $item['sender_user_name'] . '\');" id="' . $item['user_id'] . '-' . $item['sender_user_name'] . '" style="margin-left:5px"><a href="javascript: void(0)">gửi tin nhắn </a></span>|<span class="send_fb"><a href="' . WEB_DIR . ECRewrite::formatUrl('?page=shop&user_name=' . $item['sender_user_name'] . '&mode=comment') . '">viết lưu bút</a></span> ';
                if ($item && $item['sender_user_id'] == 0 && $cur_id == $item['receiver_user_id'] || User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM)) {
                    $result .= ' | ';
            if ($item && $item['sender_user_id'] == 0 && $cur_id == $item['receiver_user_id'] || User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM)) {
                $result .= '<span onclick="fn_click_del_comment_aj(' . $item['id'] . ',' . $item_id . ')" id="' . $item['id'] . '|' . $item_id . '"><a href="javascript:void()"><img src="style/images/icon_delete.gif" width="9" height="9" /></a></span>';
            $result .= '</div></div><div style="clear:both"><span></span></div>';
            $result .= ' </div> <div align="center" id="mess_success_' . $item['id'] . '" style="display:none" class="mess_success"></div> <div class="detailFeedback" align="left"  style="width:92%; overflow:hidden">' . $item['content'] . '</div> ';
            if ($item['user_id'] != $cur_id) {
                $result .= '<div id="reply_' . $item['id'] . '" ><div  class="btn_fast_reply" onmouseout="if(this.className==\'btn_fast_reply_hover\')this.className=\'btn_fast_reply\'" onmouseover="if(this.className==\'btn_fast_reply\')this.className=\'btn_fast_reply_hover\'" style="float:right" onclick="show_box_reply(' . $item['id'] . ',' . $item['parent_id'] . ',\'' . $guest_name . '\',\'' . $guest_email . '\',\'' . $item['sender_user_name'] . '\',' . $item['sender_user_id'] . '); return true;">trả lời</div></div>';
                $result .= ' <div style="clear:right" id="box_reply_' . $item['id'] . '"></div>';
            $result .= '</div></td></tr><tr id="space_' . $item['id'] . '"><td height="1" colspan="2"><div style="height:1px; margin:5px 0; background-color:#fff"><span></span></div></td></tr>';
            $result .= '</tr>';
        echo $result;
Esempio n. 3
 function show_log_sms()
     $item_id = (int) Url::get('item_id', 0);
     $page_log = (int) Url::get('page', 1);
     $rowsPerPage = 10;
     if ($page_log <= 0) {
         $page_log = 1;
     if ($item_id > 0 && User::is_login()) {
         $log_ups = array();
         $item = Item::get_item($item_id);
         if ($item) {
             if (User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM) || User::id() == $item['user_id']) {
                 global $display;
                 $limit = ($page_log - 1) * $rowsPerPage . "," . ($rowsPerPage + 1);
                 $re = DB::query("SELECT * FROM sms_item_up_auto WHERE item_id={$item_id} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT {$limit}");
                 if ($re) {
                     $stt = 1;
                     while ($log_up = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                         if ($stt <= $rowsPerPage) {
                             $log_up['stt'] = $rowsPerPage * ($page_log - 1) + $stt++;
                             $log_up['time'] = date('d.m.Y H\\hi:s', $log_up['time']);
                             if ($log_up['up_number'] == 0) {
                                 $log_up['up_number'] = $log_up['up_total'];
                             if ($log_up['status'] == -1) {
                                 // Nhan tin sai cu phap
                                 $log_up['up_number'] = 0;
                                 $log_up['note'] = "Sai cú pháp";
                             } else {
                                 $log_up['note'] = "&nbsp;";
                             $log_ups[] = $log_up;
                         } else {
                             $display->add('log_more', 1);
                 $s_up_number = 0;
                 $s_up_total = 0;
                 $s_up_count = 0;
                 $re = DB::query("SELECT up_total, up_number, up_count, status, note FROM sms_item_up_auto WHERE item_id={$item_id}");
                 while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                     if ($item['up_number'] == 0) {
                         $item['up_number'] = $item['up_total'];
                     if ($item['status'] == -1) {
                         $item['up_number'] = 0;
                         $item['up_total'] = 0;
                     $s_up_number += $item['up_number'];
                     $s_up_total += $item['up_total'];
                     $s_up_count += $item['up_count'];
                 if ($s_up_total < 0) {
                     $s_up_total = 0;
                 $display->add('s_up_number', $s_up_number);
                 $display->add('s_up_total', $s_up_total);
                 $display->add('s_up_count', $s_up_count);
                 if ($page_log > 1) {
                     $display->add('show_log_more', 1);
                 if ($log_ups) {
                     $display->add('item_id', $item_id);
                     $display->add('log_ups', $log_ups);
                     $display->output('LogECS', false, 'ItemDetail');
     echo 'no_log';
Esempio n. 4
 function build_user_rss()
     $user_id = (int) EClassApi::getParam('user_id');
     $user = User::getUser($user_id);
     if ($user) {
         $subDir = 'rss1/' . floor($user_id / 1000);
         $user_id = $user['id'];
         $user['full_name'] != '' ? $user_name = trim(XMLLib::_xml_encode_attribute($user['full_name'])) : ($user_name = trim(XMLLib::_xml_encode_attribute($user['user_name'])));
         $cachefile = 'rss1_user_' . $user_id;
         header("content-type: text/xml");
         if (StaticCache::notExistCache($cachefile, 3600, false, $subDir)) {
             $user_name = "Tin &#273;&#259;ng c&#7911;a " . $user_name;
             $rss = $this->build_rss_cat(0, $user_name, 100, $user_id);
             echo $rss;
     } else {
         REWRITE_ON ? header("Location:" . WEB_ROOT . "rss/") : header("Location:" . WEB_ROOT . "?page=rss");
Esempio n. 5

//TuấnNK add (20080617_10h):
//Các xử lý cho ajax:
//echo basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
require_once 'core/Debug.php';
//System Debug...
require_once 'core/config.php';
//System Config...
require_once 'core/Init.php';
//System Init...
//System process & output for ajax request
$choice = array("index" => "index", "user" => "ajax_user", "item" => "ajax_item", "comment" => "ajax_comment", "misc" => "ajax_misc", "personal" => "ajax_personal", "admin" => "ajax_admin", "manage" => "ajax_manage", "upload" => "ajax_upload", "shop_giaodich" => "ajax_shop_giaodich", "shop" => "ajax_shop", "ad" => "ajax_ad", "payment" => "ajax_payment");
$action = AZLib::getParam('act');
if ($action == "" || $choice[$action] == "") {
    $choice[$action] = "index";
require_once ROOT_PATH . "includes/ajax_action/" . $choice[$action] . ".ajax.php";
$run_me = new $choice[$action]();
//End process & ouput
//Stop System
Esempio n. 6
 function transaction()
     // viet luu but
     header("Content-type: application/xml");
     if (!User::is_login()) {
         echo "<comments><content>no_login</content></comments>";
     } else {
         if (User::is_block()) {
             echo "<comments><content>no_perm</content></comments>";
         if (AZLib::isBlackList(User::$current->data['id'], AZLib::getParam('user_id'))) {
             echo "<comments><content>blacklist</content></comments>";
         if (AZLib::checkBadWord(AZLib::getParam('content'))) {
             echo "<comments><content>bad_word</content></comments>";
         $user_id = AZLib::getParam('user_id');
         if (!($user = User::getUser($user_id))) {
             echo "<comments><content>no_perm</content></comments>";
         $content = preg_replace("/\n/", "<br />", Url::get('content'));
         $content = str_replace('<br /><br />', '&nbsp;', $content);
         $comment_content = $content;
         $id = DB::insert('comment_user', array('content' => $comment_content, 'time' => TIME_NOW, 'post_ip' => AZLib::ip(), 'sender_user_id' => User::id(), 'sender_user_name' => User::user_name(), 'receiver_user_id' => $user['id'], 'receiver_user_name' => $user['user_name'], 'is_read' => 0));
         if ($id) {
             DB::query('UPDATE user set total_comment_user=total_comment_user+1 WHERE id=' . $user['id']);
             // so luu but
             User::getUser($user['id'], 0, 1);
             if ($user['email'] && $user['email_alert'] && $user['id'] != User::id()) {
                 //Add to cron job:
                 $link = WEB_ROOT . AZRewrite::formatUrl('?page=shop&user_name=' . $user['user_name'] . '&mode=comment');
                 AZLib::addCronJob('user_comment', AZLib::parseBBCode($comment_content, true), $user['id'], User::user_name(), '', 0, '', $link);
         $time = $up_time = date('H:i | ');
         $xml = "<comments><content><![CDATA[" . AZLib::parseBBCode($comment_content) . "]]></content><post_time>{$time}</post_time></comments>";
         echo $xml;
 function view_more_o_trans()
     $page_no = (int) Url::get('page_no', 0);
     $cur_group = (int) Url::get('cur_total_group', 0);
     $action = Url::get('get_act');
     if (!User::is_login()) {
         $json = '({"msg":"no_login"})';
         echo $json;
     if (User::is_block()) {
         $json = '({"msg":"no_perm"})';
         echo $json;
     if ($page_no > 0) {
         $json = '({"msg":"success"';
         require_once DIR_MODULE . "Personal/forms/Office.php";
         $OfficeForm = new OfficeForm("OfficeForm");
         $transact_office = $OfficeForm->draw();
         $json .= ',"content":"' . addslashes(str_replace(array(chr(13), chr(10)), ' ', $transact_office)) . '"';
         $json .= ',"total_group":"' . $OfficeForm->total_group . '","show_more":"' . $OfficeForm->show_more . '"';
         $json .= '})';
         echo $json;
     $json = '({"msg":"no_perm"})';
     echo $json;
Esempio n. 8
 function show_log_up_item()
     $item_id = (int) Url::get('item_id', 0);
     if ($item_id > 0 && User::is_login() && !User::is_block()) {
         $log_ups = array();
         $item = Item::get_item($item_id);
         if ($item) {
             if (User::id() == $item['user_id']) {
                 global $display;
                 $re = DB::query("SELECT * FROM up_item_log WHERE item_id={$item_id} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 200");
                 if ($re) {
                     $stt = 1;
                     while ($log_up = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                         $log_up['stt'] = $stt++;
                         $log_up['up_time'] = date('d.m.Y H\\hi:s', $log_up['up_time']);
                         if ($log_up['up_id']) {
                             $log_up['type'] = '<font color=green><b>Up tự động</b></font>';
                         } else {
                             $log_up['type'] = 'Thành viên up';
                         $arr = explode(' ', $log_up['run_order']);
                         $log_up['run_order'] = $arr[0];
                         if ($log_up['status'] == 0) {
                             $log_up['status'] = '<font color="orange">Chưa kích hoạt</font>';
                         } elseif ($log_up['status'] == 1) {
                             $log_up['status'] = '<font color="green">Hoạt động</font>';
                         } elseif ($log_up['status'] == 2) {
                             $log_up['status'] = '<font color="brown">Hết lượt up</font>';
                         } elseif ($log_up['status'] == 3) {
                             $log_up['status'] = '<span title="Tạm ngừng do tin bị xoá hoặc kiểm duyệt"><font color="red">Tạm ngừng</font></span>';
                         $log_up['del_link'] = Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'del_log', 'log_id' => $log_up['id']));
                         $log_up['href'] = '?page=item_detail&id=' . $log_up['item_id'];
                         $log_up['item_c_time'] = '';
                         $log_up['item_up_time'] = '';
                         $log_ups[] = $log_up;
                 if ($log_ups) {
                     $display->add('item_id', $item['id']);
                     $display->add('item_name', $item['name']);
                     $display->add('post_time', date('H\\hi d.m.Y', $item['created_time']));
                     $display->add('up_time', date('H\\hi d.m.Y', $item['up_time']));
                     $display->add('item_url', Url::build('item_detail', array('id' => $item['id'], 'ebname' => AZLib::safe_title($item['name']))));
                     $display->add('log_ups', $log_ups);
                     $display->output('UpTinLog', false, 'Personal');
     echo 'no_log';
Esempio n. 9
 static function redirect_url($url = false, $type = false)
     /*if(!$url || $url==''){
     if ($url != '') {
         if (strpos($url, WEB_ROOT) === 0) {
             $url = substr($url, strlen(WEB_ROOT));
         if (strpos($url, WEB_DIR) === 0) {
             $url = substr($url, strlen(WEB_DIR));
         /*if (REWRITE_ON){
         			$url= AZRewrite::doReplace($url);
         $url = AZRewrite::formatUrl($url);
     } else {
         $url = '';
     if ($type == 301) {
         Header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
     header('Location:' . WEB_DIR . $url);
Esempio n. 10
 function mini_profile()
     $user_ids = EClassApi::getParam('user_ids');
     if ($user_ids) {
         $page_num = EClassApi::getParam('page_num');
         $st = '({';
         $topTxt = '';
         $sql = 'SELECT, user_name, full_name, blast, create_time, address, mobile_phone, yahoo_id, show_email, email, website
                 FROM account WHERE id IN (' . $user_ids . ')';
         $re = DB::query($sql);
         $i = 0;
         if ($re) {
             while ($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                 $user_id = $user['id'];
                 if ($i > 0) {
                     $st .= ',';
                 $topTxt = '';
                 if ($user) {
                     $subDir = 'item_user/' . floor($user_id / 1000);
                     $cachefile = 'top_item_' . $user_id;
                     // start cache
                     if (StaticCache::notExistCache($cachefile, 600, true, $subDir)) {
                         $top_items = EClassApi::getTopItem($user_id);
                         if ($top_items) {
                             $topItem = '<div class=\'miniTopList\'>Giao dịch mới nhất:</div><div class=\'listCheap\'>';
                             foreach ($top_items as $item) {
                                 $link = WEB_DIR . ECRewrite::formatUrl("?page=item_detail&id=" . $item['id'] . "&ebname=" . EClassApi::safe_title($item['name']));
                                 $topItem .= '<div><span class=\'miniNews\'><a href=\'' . $link . '\' target=\'_blank\'>' . EClassApi::subString(stripslashes($item['name']), 0, 40, true) . '</a></span></div>';
                             $topItem .= '</div>';
                             echo $topItem;
                     $topTxt = StaticCache::$curentContent;
                     // end cache
                     $user['blast'] = EClassApi::remove_4_js(EnbacLib::BBCode(EClassApi::cleanHtml($user['blast'])));
                     if (trim($user['blast'])) {
                         $user['blast'] = ' ' . $user['blast'];
                         if (strpos($user['blast'], 'http://')) {
                             $user_blast = $user['blast'];
                             while (strpos($user_blast, 'http://')) {
                                 $tmp = substr($user_blast, strpos($user_blast, 'http://'));
                                 if (strpos($tmp, ' ')) {
                                     $blast_url = substr($tmp, 0, strpos($tmp, ' '));
                                 } else {
                                     $blast_url = $tmp;
                                 $user_blast = str_replace($blast_url, '', $user_blast);
                             $new_blast_url = ' <a href=\'' . $blast_url . '\' target=\'_blank\'>Click here</a>';
                             $user['blast'] = substr($user_blast . $new_blast_url, 1);
                     if ($user['blast'] == '') {
                         $user['blast'] = '...';
                     if ($user['website'] == '') {
                         $user['website'] = '';
                     } else {
                         $user['website_url'] = $user['website'];
                         if (strrpos($user['website_url'], 'ttp://') != 1) {
                             $user['website_url'] = 'http://' . $user['website_url'];
                         if (strlen($user['website']) > 8) {
                             if (strpos($user['website'], '/', 8) > 0) {
                                 $user['website'] = substr($user['website'], 0, strpos($user['website'], '/', 8));
                         $user['website'] = '<a href=\'' . $user['website_url'] . '\' target=\'_blank\' class=\'lineHeight15\'><strong>' . $user['website'] . '</strong></a>';
                     $st .= '"' . $user_id . '" : {';
                     $st .= '"user_id": "' . $user_id . '",';
                     $st .= '"user_name": "' . $user['user_name'] . '",';
                     $st .= '"sender_link": "' . Url::build('shop', array('user_name' => $user['user_name'])) . '",';
                     $st .= '"blast": "' . $user['blast'] . '",';
                     $st .= '"total_score": "0",';
                     $st .= '"full_name": "' . stripslashes($user['full_name']) . '",';
                     $st .= '"create_time": "' . date('d-m-Y', $user['create_time']) . '",';
                     $st .= '"address": "' . stripslashes($user['address']) . '",';
                     $st .= '"mobile_phone": "' . stripslashes($user['mobile_phone']) . '",';
                     $st .= '"yahoo_id": "' . stripslashes($user['yahoo_id']) . '",';
                     $st .= '"email": "' . ($user['show_email'] == 1 ? stripslashes($user['email']) : '') . '",';
                     $st .= '"website": "' . ($user['website'] ? stripslashes($user['website']) : '') . '",';
                     $st .= '"top_item": "' . addslashes($topTxt) . '"';
                     $st .= '}';
         $st .= '})';
     } else {
         $st = '({})';
     header("content-type: text/javascript");
     echo $st;