Esempio n. 1
 public static function captcha_form($y_captcha_image_url, $y_form_name, $y_width = '120', $y_text = 'Verification', $y_refresh = 'Click to Refresh Image', $y_textcolor = '#000000', $y_bgcolor = '#FFFFFF', $y_bordercolor = '#CCCCCC')
     $y_form_name = trim((string) $y_form_name);
     $js_cookie_name = self::jscookiename($y_form_name);
     $captcha_url = $y_captcha_image_url;
     $captcha_url = Smart::url_add_suffix($captcha_url, 'captcha_form=' . rawurlencode($y_form_name));
     $captcha_url = Smart::url_add_suffix($captcha_url, 'captcha_mode=image');
     $captcha_url = Smart::url_add_suffix($captcha_url, 'new=' . time() . Smart::random_number(10, 99));
     //-- output
     $ptmp_out = '<div id="Captcha-Div">';
     $ptmp_out .= '<table width="' . ($y_width + 25) . '" border="0" cellpadding="4" bgcolor="' . $y_bgcolor . '" style="border-width: 1px; border-spacing: 1px; border-style: dashed; border-color: ' . $y_bordercolor . ';"><tr>';
     $ptmp_out .= '<tr valign="top">';
     $ptmp_out .= '<td width="50%" align="left">' . '<img id="smart__CaptchaFrm__img" style="cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;" border="0" src="' . Smart::escape_html($captcha_url) . '" onClick="javascript: var captcha_date = new Date(); this.src=\'' . Smart::escape_js($y_captcha_image_url . '&captcha_form=' . rawurlencode($y_form_name) . '&captcha_mode=image&new=') . '\'+captcha_date.getTime()+\'\'+captcha_date.getMilliseconds();" alt="' . $y_refresh . '" title="' . $y_refresh . '">' . '</td>';
     $ptmp_out .= '<td width="50%" align="center">';
     $ptmp_out .= '<font face="tahoma,arial,sans-serif" size="1" color="' . $y_textcolor . '"><b>' . $y_text . '</b></font>:<br>';
     $ptmp_out .= '<span class="ux-form"><input type="text" size="8" maxlength="255" value="" onBlur="try { eval( \'\' + SmartJS_Base64.decode(\'' . base64_encode("try { var SmartCaptchaChecksum = SmartJS_BrowserUtils.getCookie('" . Smart::escape_js(self::chkcookiename($y_form_name)) . "'); if(SmartCaptchaChecksum == '') { SmartCaptchaChecksum = 'invalid-captcha'; alert('The Captcha session expired ..." . '\\n' . "Click on Captcha image to get a new one and try to re-enter the new code." . '\\n' . "If the problem persist please contact the admin !'); } var smartCaptchaTimerCookie = new Date(); var smartCaptchaCookie = SmartJS_Archiver_LZS.compressToBase64(SmartJS_CryptoBlowfish.encrypt(SmartJS_Base64.encode(smartCaptchaTimerCookie.getTime() + '!' + this.value.toUpperCase() + '!SmartFramework'), SmartJS_CoreUtils.stringTrim(SmartCaptchaChecksum))); SmartJS_BrowserUtils.setCookie('" . Smart::escape_js($js_cookie_name) . "', smartCaptchaCookie, false, '/'); } catch(err) { alert('Captcha ERROR: (2) ' + err); } this.value = '';") . '\')); } catch(error){ alert(\'Captcha ERROR: (2) :: Invalid Captcha Script \'); }"></span>';
     $ptmp_out .= '</td>';
     $ptmp_out .= '</tr>';
     $ptmp_out .= '</table>';
     $ptmp_out .= '</div>';
     return $ptmp_out;