public static function prepare_write_statement($db, $arrdata, $mode)
     // version: 160527
     $mode = strtolower((string) $mode);
     switch ((string) $mode) {
         case 'insert':
         case 'new':
             $mode = 'insert';
         case 'update':
         case 'edit':
             $mode = 'update';
         case 'in-select':
             $mode = 'in-select';
             self::error($db, 'PREPARE-WRITE-STATEMENT', 'Invalid Mode', '', $mode);
             return '';
     //end switch
     $tmp_query = '';
     $tmp_query_x = '';
     $tmp_query_y = '';
     $tmp_query_z = '';
     $tmp_query_w = '';
     if (is_array($arrdata)) {
         foreach ($arrdata as $key => $val) {
             //-- check for SQL INJECTION
             $key = trim(str_replace(array('`', "'", '"'), array('', '', ''), (string) $key));
             //-- except in-select, do not allow invalid keys as they represent the field names ; valid fields must contain only the following chars [A..Z][a..z][0..9][_]
             if ((string) $mode == 'in-select') {
                 // in-select
                 $key = (int) $key;
                 // force int keys
             } else {
                 if (!self::validate_table_and_fields_names($key)) {
                     // no unicode modifier
                     self::error($db, 'PREPARE-WRITE-STATEMENT', 'Invalid KEY', '', $key);
                     return '';
                 //end if
             //end if
             $val_x = '';
             // reset
             if (is_array($val)) {
                 // array (this is a special case, and always escape data)
                 $val_x = (string) "'" . self::escape_str($db, Smart::array_to_list($val)) . "'";
                 // array values will be converted to: <val1>, <val2>, ...
             } elseif ($val === null) {
                 // emulate the SQL: NULL
                 $val_x = 'NULL';
             } elseif ($val === false) {
                 // emulate the SQL: FALSE
                 $val_x = 'FALSE';
             } elseif ($val === true) {
                 // emulate the SQL: TRUE
                 $val_x = 'TRUE';
             } elseif (SmartValidator::validate_numeric_integer_or_decimal_values($val) === true) {
                 // number ; {{{SYNC-DETECT-PURE-NUMERIC-INT-OR-DECIMAL-VALUES}}}
                 $val_x = (string) trim((string) $val);
                 // not escaped, it is safe: numeric and can contain just 0-9 - .
             } else {
                 // string or other cases
                 $val_x = (string) "'" . self::escape_str($db, $val) . "'";
             //end if else
             if ((string) $mode == 'in-select') {
                 // in-select
                 $tmp_query_w .= $val_x . ',';
             } elseif ((string) $mode == 'update') {
                 // update
                 $tmp_query_x .= '"' . $key . '"' . '=' . $val_x . ',';
             } else {
                 // insert
                 $tmp_query_y .= '"' . $key . '"' . ',';
                 $tmp_query_z .= $val_x . ',';
             //end if else
         //end while
     } else {
         self::error($db, 'PREPARE-WRITE-STATEMENT', 'The second argument must be array !', '', '');
         return '';
     //end if else
     //-- eliminate last comma
     if ((string) $mode == 'in-select') {
         // in-select
         $tmp_query_w = rtrim($tmp_query_w, ' ,');
     } elseif ((string) $mode == 'update') {
         // update
         $tmp_query_x = rtrim($tmp_query_x, ' ,');
     } else {
         // insert
         $tmp_query_y = rtrim($tmp_query_y, ' ,');
         $tmp_query_z = rtrim($tmp_query_z, ' ,');
     //end if else
     if ((string) $mode == 'in-select') {
         // in-select
         $tmp_query = ' IN (' . $tmp_query_w . ') ';
     } elseif ((string) $mode == 'update') {
         // update
         $tmp_query = ' SET ' . $tmp_query_x . ' ';
     } else {
         // (new) insert
         $tmp_query = ' (' . $tmp_query_y . ') VALUES (' . $tmp_query_z . ') ';
     //end if else
     return (string) $tmp_query;
Esempio n. 2
  * Set the (in-memory) Auth Login Data
  * It can be used just once per execution (session) as it stores the data using constants,
  * and the data cannot be changed after a successful or failed authentication has set.
  * @param 	STRING 	$y_user_id 				:: The user (login) ID used to authenticate the user ; Mandatory ; it can be the UserID from DB or if not using a DB must supply a unique ID to identify the user like username
  * @param 	STRING 	$y_user_alias			:: The user (login) Alias, used to display the logged in user ; Mandatory ; can be the same as the login ID or different (Ex: login ID can be 'myUserName' and this 'myUserName' ; or: login ID can be 5017 and this 'myUserName')
  * @param 	STRING 	$y_user_email 			:: *OPTIONAL* The user Email ; if email is used as login ID this may be redundant !
  * @param 	STRING 	$y_user_fullname 		:: *OPTIONAL* The user Full Name (First Name + Last Name)
  * @param 	ARRAY 	$y_user_privileges_list :: *OPTIONAL* The user Privileges List as array that list all the current user privileges
  * @param 	STRING 	$y_user_quota 			:: *OPTIONAL* The user (storage) Quota
  * @param 	ARRAY 	$y_user_metadata 		:: *OPTIONAL* The user metainfo, associative array key => value
  * @param 	STRING 	$y_realm 				:: *OPTIONAL* The user Authentication Realm(s)
  * @param 	ENUM 	$y_method 				:: *OPTIONAL* The authentication method used: HTTP-BASIC / HTTP-DIGEST / OTHER
  * @param 	STRING 	$y_pass					:: *OPTIONAL* The user login password (will be stored in memory as Blowfish encrypted to avoid exposure)
  * @return 	BOOLEAN							:: TRUE if all data is OK, FALSE if not or try to reauthenticate under the same execution (which is not allowed ; must be just once per execution)
 public static function set_login_data($y_user_id, $y_user_alias, $y_user_email = '', $y_user_fullname = '', $y_user_privileges_list = array('none', 'no-privilege'), $y_user_quota = -1, $y_user_metadata = array(), $y_realm = 'DEFAULT', $y_method = '', $y_pass = '')
     if (self::$AuthCompleted !== false) {
         // avoid to re-auth
         Smart::log_warning('Re-Authentication is not allowed ...');
     //end if
     self::$AuthCompleted = true;
     self::$AuthData = array();
     // reset the auth data
     $y_user_id = trim((string) $y_user_id);
     // user ID
     $y_user_alias = trim((string) $y_user_alias);
     // username (user alias ; can be the same as userID or different)
     $y_user_email = trim((string) $y_user_email);
     $y_user_fullname = trim((string) $y_user_fullname);
     if (is_array($y_user_privileges_list)) {
         $y_user_privileges_list = (string) strtolower((string) Smart::array_to_list((array) $y_user_privileges_list));
     } else {
         $y_user_privileges_list = (string) strtolower((string) trim((string) $y_user_privileges_list));
         // in this case can be provided a raw list of privileges (Example: '<none>, <no-privilege>')
     //end if else
     $y_user_quota = Smart::format_number_int($y_user_quota);
     // can be also negative
     switch (strtoupper((string) $y_method)) {
         case 'HTTP-BASIC':
             $y_method = 'HTTP-BASIC';
         case 'HTTP-DIGEST':
             $y_method = 'HTTP-DIGEST';
         case 'OTHER':
             $y_method = 'OTHER';
     //end switch
     $the_key = '#' . Smart::random_number(10000, 99999) . '#';
     $the_pass = '';
     if ((string) $y_pass != '') {
         $the_pass = SmartCipherCrypto::encrypt('hash/sha1', (string) $the_key, (string) $y_pass);
     //end if
     if ((string) $y_user_id != '') {
         self::$AuthData['USER_ID'] = (string) $y_user_id;
         self::$AuthData['USER_EMAIL'] = (string) $y_user_email;
         self::$AuthData['USER_ALIAS'] = (string) $y_user_alias;
         self::$AuthData['USER_FULLNAME'] = (string) $y_user_fullname;
         self::$AuthData['USER_PRIVILEGES'] = (string) $y_user_privileges_list;
         self::$AuthData['USER_QUOTA'] = (int) $y_user_quota;
         self::$AuthData['USER_METADATA'] = (array) $y_user_metadata;
         self::$AuthData['USER_LOGIN_REALM'] = (string) $y_realm;
         self::$AuthData['USER_LOGIN_METHOD'] = (string) $y_method;
         self::$AuthData['USER_LOGIN_PASS'] = (string) $the_pass;
         self::$AuthData['KEY'] = (string) $the_key;
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
     //end if
  * Create Escaped Write SQL Statements from Data - to be used with PgSQL for: INSERT ; INSERT-SUBSELECT ; UPDATE ; IN-SELECT ; DATA-ARRAY
  * To be used with: write_data() or write_igdata() to build an INSERT / INSERT (SELECT) / UPDATE / SELECT IN query from an associative array
  * @param ARRAY-associative $arrdata			:: array of form data as $arr=array(); $arr['field1'] = 'a string'; $arr['field2'] = 100;
  * @param ENUM $mode							:: mode: 'insert' | 'insert-subselect' | 'update' | 'in-select', 'data-array'
  * @param RESOURCE $y_connection 				:: the connection to pgsql server
  * @return STRING								:: The SQL partial Statement
 public static function prepare_write_statement($arrdata, $mode, $y_connection = 'DEFAULT')
     // version: 161003
     $y_connection = self::check_connection($y_connection, 'PREPARE-WRITE-STATEMENT');
     $mode = strtolower((string) $mode);
     switch ((string) $mode) {
         case 'insert':
         case 'new':
             $mode = 'insert';
         case 'insert-subselect':
         case 'new-subselect':
             $mode = 'insert-subselect';
         case 'update':
         case 'edit':
             $mode = 'update';
         case 'in-select':
             $mode = 'in-select';
         case 'data-array':
             $mode = 'data-array';
             self::error($y_connection, 'PREPARE-WRITE-STATEMENT', 'Invalid Mode', '', $mode);
             return '';
     //end switch
     $tmp_query = '';
     $tmp_query_x = '';
     $tmp_query_y = '';
     $tmp_query_z = '';
     $tmp_query_w = '';
     if (is_array($arrdata)) {
         foreach ($arrdata as $key => $val) {
             //-- check for SQL INJECTION
             $key = trim(str_replace(array('`', "'", '"'), array('', '', ''), (string) $key));
             //-- except [ in-select | 'data-array' ], do not allow invalid keys as they represent the field names ; valid fields must contain only the following chars [A..Z][a..z][0..9][_]
             if ((string) $mode == 'in-select' or (string) $mode == 'data-array') {
                 // in-select, data-array
                 $key = (int) $key;
                 // force int keys
             } else {
                 if (!self::validate_table_and_fields_names($key)) {
                     // no unicode modifier
                     self::error($y_connection, 'PREPARE-WRITE-STATEMENT', 'Invalid KEY', '', $key);
                     return '';
                 //end if
             //end if
             $val_x = '';
             // reset
             if (is_array($val)) {
                 // array (this is a special case, and always escape data)
                 $val_x = (string) self::escape_literal((string) Smart::array_to_list($val), 'no', $y_connection);
                 // array values will be always escaped and converted to: <val1>, <val2>, ...
             } elseif ($val === null) {
                 // emulate the SQL: NULL
                 $val_x = 'NULL';
             } elseif ($val === false) {
                 // emulate the SQL: FALSE
                 $val_x = 'FALSE';
             } elseif ($val === true) {
                 // emulate the SQL: TRUE
                 $val_x = 'TRUE';
             } else {
                 // string, number or other cases
                 $val_x = (string) self::escape_literal($val, 'no', $y_connection);
             //end if else
             if ((string) $mode == 'in-select' or (string) $mode == 'data-array') {
                 // in-select, data-array
                 $tmp_query_w .= $val_x . ',';
             } elseif ((string) $mode == 'update') {
                 // update
                 $tmp_query_x .= self::escape_identifier($key, $y_connection) . '=' . $val_x . ',';
             } else {
                 // insert, insert-subselect
                 $tmp_query_y .= self::escape_identifier($key, $y_connection) . ',';
                 $tmp_query_z .= $val_x . ',';
             //end if else
         //end while
     } else {
         self::error($y_connection, 'PREPARE-WRITE-STATEMENT', 'The first argument must be array !', '', '');
         return '';
     //end if else
     //-- eliminate last comma
     if ((string) $mode == 'in-select' or (string) $mode == 'data-array') {
         // in-select, data-array
         $tmp_query_w = rtrim($tmp_query_w, ' ,');
     } elseif ((string) $mode == 'update') {
         // update
         $tmp_query_x = rtrim($tmp_query_x, ' ,');
     } else {
         // insert, insert-subselect
         $tmp_query_y = rtrim($tmp_query_y, ' ,');
         $tmp_query_z = rtrim($tmp_query_z, ' ,');
     //end if else
     if ((string) $mode == 'in-select') {
         // in-select
         $tmp_query = ' IN (' . $tmp_query_w . ') ';
     } elseif ((string) $mode == 'data-array') {
         // data-array
         $tmp_query = ' ARRAY [' . $tmp_query_w . '] ';
     } elseif ((string) $mode == 'update') {
         // update
         $tmp_query = ' SET ' . $tmp_query_x . ' ';
     } elseif ((string) $mode == 'insert-subselect') {
         // (upsert) insert-subselect
         $tmp_query = ' (' . $tmp_query_y . ') SELECT ' . $tmp_query_z . ' ';
     } else {
         // (new) insert
         $tmp_query = ' (' . $tmp_query_y . ') VALUES (' . $tmp_query_z . ') ';
     //end if else
     return (string) $tmp_query;