public static function js_headers_debug($y_profiler_url) { //-- if ((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG_MODE != 'yes') { return false; } //end if //-- //-- return SmartMarkersTemplating::render_file_template('lib/core/templates/', array('DEBUG-PROFILER-URL' => Smart::escape_js($y_profiler_url)), 'no'); //-- }
public static function Redirection_Monitor() { //-- if (!defined('SMART_FRAMEWORK_VERSION')) { die('Smart Runtime // Redirection Monitor :: Requires SmartFramework to be loaded ...'); } //end if //-- if (self::$RedirectionMonitorStarted !== false) { return; // avoid run after it was used by runtime } //end if self::$RedirectionMonitorStarted = true; //-- $url_redirect = ''; //-- $the_current_url = SmartUtils::get_server_current_url(); $the_current_script = SmartUtils::get_server_current_script(); //-- if (SMART_SOFTWARE_FRONTEND_ENABLED === false and SMART_SOFTWARE_BACKEND_ENABLED === false) { // both frontend and backend are disabled die('FATAL ERROR: The FRONTEND but also the BACKEND of this application are DISABLED ! ...'); } //end if if (SMART_SOFTWARE_FRONTEND_ENABLED === false and (string) $the_current_script == 'index.php') { $url_redirect = $the_current_url . 'admin.php'; } //end if if (SMART_SOFTWARE_BACKEND_ENABLED === false and (string) $the_current_script == 'admin.php') { $url_redirect = $the_current_url . 'index.php'; } //end if //-- if ((string) $url_redirect == '' and isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) { //-- if (strlen($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) > 0) { //-- if ((string) $the_current_script == 'index.php') { $the_current_script = ''; } //end if $url_redirect = $the_current_url . $the_current_script . '?' . $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']; //-- } //end if //-- } //end if //-- $gopage = ' <!DOCTYPE html> <!-- template :: RUNTIME REDIRECTION / PATH SUFFIX --> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;URL=' . Smart::escape_html($url_redirect) . '"> </head> <body> <h1>Redirecting to a valid URL ... wait ...</h1><br> <script type="text/javascript">setTimeout("self.location=\'' . Smart::escape_js($url_redirect) . '\'",1500);</script> </body> </html> '; //-- if (strlen($url_redirect) > 0) { @header('Location: ' . $url_redirect); die($gopage); } //end if //-- }
/** * Function: JS Redirect on Success, Button if Error * used just for reports (only once per page to avoid conflicts * * @access private * @internal * */ public static function js_redirect_on_success_button_on_error($y_redirect_url, $y_error, $y_timeout = '1000') { //-- $translator_core_window = SmartTextTranslations::getTranslator('@core', 'window'); //-- if (strlen($y_error) > 0) { $out = '<br><input type="button" value="' . $translator_core_window->text('action_back') . '" class="bttnz" onClick="SmartJS_BrowserUtils.RedirectToURL(\'' . Smart::escape_js($y_redirect_url) . '\'); return false;"><br>'; } else { $out = '<br><img src="lib/core/img/busy_circle.gif"><br>' . self::redirect_page($y_redirect_url, $y_timeout); } //end if else //-- return $out; //-- }
private static function replace_marker($mtemplate, $key, $val) { //-- if ((string) $key != '' and preg_match('/^[A-Z0-9_\\-\\.]+$/', (string) $key) and strpos((string) $mtemplate, '[####' . $key) !== false) { //-- $regex = '/\\[####' . preg_quote((string) $key, '/') . '(\\|bool|\\|num|\\|htmid|\\|jsvar|\\|json)?(\\|url)?(\\|js)?(\\|html)?(\\|nl2br)?' . '####\\]/'; //-- if ((string) $val != '') { $val = (string) str_replace(array('[####', '####]', '[%%%%', '%%%%]', '[@@@@', '@@@@]'), array('(####+', '+####)', '(%%%%+', '+%%%%)', '(@@@@+', '+@@@@)'), (string) $val); // protect against cascade / recursion / undefined variables - for content injections of: variables / syntax / sub-templates } //end if //-- $mtemplate = (string) preg_replace_callback((string) $regex, function ($matches) use($val) { //-- Format if ((string) $matches[1] == '|num') { // Number $val = (string) (double) $val; } elseif ((string) $matches[1] == '|bool') { // Boolean if ($val) { $val = 'true'; } else { $val = 'false'; } //end if else } elseif ((string) $matches[1] == '|htmid') { // HTML ID $val = (string) trim((string) preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]/', '', (string) $val)); } elseif ((string) $matches[1] == '|jsvar') { // JS Variable $val = (string) trim((string) preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '', (string) $val)); } elseif ((string) $matches[1] == '|json') { // Json Data (!!! DO NOT ENCLOSE IN ' or " as it can contain them as well as it can be [] or {} ... this is pure JSON !!!) $val = (string) Smart::json_encode($val, false, false); // no pretty print, escape unicode as it is served inline ! } //end if //-- Escape if ((string) $matches[2] == '|url') { $val = (string) Smart::escape_url((string) $val); } //end if if ((string) $matches[3] == '|js') { $val = (string) Smart::escape_js((string) $val); } //end if if ((string) $matches[4] == '|html') { $val = (string) Smart::escape_html((string) $val); } //end if //-- if ((string) $matches[5] == '|nl2br') { $val = (string) Smart::nl_2_br((string) $val); } //end if //-- return (string) $val; //-- }, (string) $mtemplate); //-- } //end if //-- return (string) $mtemplate; //-- }
public static function captcha_form($y_captcha_image_url, $y_form_name, $y_width = '120', $y_text = 'Verification', $y_refresh = 'Click to Refresh Image', $y_textcolor = '#000000', $y_bgcolor = '#FFFFFF', $y_bordercolor = '#CCCCCC') { //-- $y_form_name = trim((string) $y_form_name); //-- $js_cookie_name = self::jscookiename($y_form_name); //-- $captcha_url = $y_captcha_image_url; $captcha_url = Smart::url_add_suffix($captcha_url, 'captcha_form=' . rawurlencode($y_form_name)); $captcha_url = Smart::url_add_suffix($captcha_url, 'captcha_mode=image'); $captcha_url = Smart::url_add_suffix($captcha_url, 'new=' . time() . Smart::random_number(10, 99)); //-- output $ptmp_out = '<div id="Captcha-Div">'; $ptmp_out .= '<table width="' . ($y_width + 25) . '" border="0" cellpadding="4" bgcolor="' . $y_bgcolor . '" style="border-width: 1px; border-spacing: 1px; border-style: dashed; border-color: ' . $y_bordercolor . ';"><tr>'; $ptmp_out .= '<tr valign="top">'; $ptmp_out .= '<td width="50%" align="left">' . '<img id="smart__CaptchaFrm__img" style="cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;" border="0" src="' . Smart::escape_html($captcha_url) . '" onClick="javascript: var captcha_date = new Date(); this.src=\'' . Smart::escape_js($y_captcha_image_url . '&captcha_form=' . rawurlencode($y_form_name) . '&captcha_mode=image&new=') . '\'+captcha_date.getTime()+\'\'+captcha_date.getMilliseconds();" alt="' . $y_refresh . '" title="' . $y_refresh . '">' . '</td>'; $ptmp_out .= '<td width="50%" align="center">'; $ptmp_out .= '<font face="tahoma,arial,sans-serif" size="1" color="' . $y_textcolor . '"><b>' . $y_text . '</b></font>:<br>'; $ptmp_out .= '<span class="ux-form"><input type="text" size="8" maxlength="255" value="" onBlur="try { eval( \'\' + SmartJS_Base64.decode(\'' . base64_encode("try { var SmartCaptchaChecksum = SmartJS_BrowserUtils.getCookie('" . Smart::escape_js(self::chkcookiename($y_form_name)) . "'); if(SmartCaptchaChecksum == '') { SmartCaptchaChecksum = 'invalid-captcha'; alert('The Captcha session expired ..." . '\\n' . "Click on Captcha image to get a new one and try to re-enter the new code." . '\\n' . "If the problem persist please contact the admin !'); } var smartCaptchaTimerCookie = new Date(); var smartCaptchaCookie = SmartJS_Archiver_LZS.compressToBase64(SmartJS_CryptoBlowfish.encrypt(SmartJS_Base64.encode(smartCaptchaTimerCookie.getTime() + '!' + this.value.toUpperCase() + '!SmartFramework'), SmartJS_CoreUtils.stringTrim(SmartCaptchaChecksum))); SmartJS_BrowserUtils.setCookie('" . Smart::escape_js($js_cookie_name) . "', smartCaptchaCookie, false, '/'); } catch(err) { alert('Captcha ERROR: (2) ' + err); } this.value = '';") . '\')); } catch(error){ alert(\'Captcha ERROR: (2) :: Invalid Captcha Script \'); }"></span>'; $ptmp_out .= '</td>'; $ptmp_out .= '</tr>'; $ptmp_out .= '</table>'; $ptmp_out .= '</div>'; //-- return $ptmp_out; //-- }
public static function test_fs() { //-- if (SMART_FRAMEWORK_TESTUNIT_ALLOW_FS_TESTS !== true) { return SmartComponents::operation_notice('Test Unit File System Tests are DISABLED ...'); } //end if //-- //-- $time = microtime(true); //-- //-- $err = ''; $tests = array(); //-- //-- if ((string) DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != '\\') { // broken links do not work on Windows ! $tests[] = '##### FileSystem OPERATIONS / TESTS - ALL: #####'; } else { $tests[] = '##### FileSystem OPERATIONS / TESTS *** PARTIAL SUPPORT ONLY (BY PLATFORM) ***: #####'; } //end if else //-- //-- $test_string = '#START#' . "\n" . 'グッド' . "\n" . 'SmartFramework/Test/FileSystem' . "\n" . time() . "\n" . SMART_FRAMEWORK_HTACCESS_NOINDEXING . SMART_FRAMEWORK_HTACCESS_FORBIDDEN . SMART_FRAMEWORK_HTACCESS_NOEXECUTION . "\n" . '#END#'; $test_str_cksum = SmartHashCrypto::sha512($test_string); $long_prefixed = SmartFileSysUtils::prefixed_sha1_path(sha1(time())); $short_prefixed = SmartFileSysUtils::prefixed_uuid10_dir(Smart::uuid_10_seq()); //-- $the_base_folder = 'tmp/tests/'; $the_sufx_folder = 'Folder1'; $the_base_file = 'NORMAL-Write_123_@#.txt'; //-- $the_folder = $the_base_folder . $the_sufx_folder . '/'; $the_copy_folder = $the_base_folder . 'folder2'; $the_move_folder = $the_base_folder . 'FOLDER3'; $the_extra_folder = $the_folder . 'extra/'; $the_file = $the_folder . $the_base_file; //-- $get_folder = SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash(SmartFileSysUtils::get_dir_from_path($the_folder)); $get_file = SmartFileSysUtils::get_file_name_from_path($the_file); $get_xfile = SmartFileSysUtils::get_noext_file_name_from_path($the_file); $get_ext = SmartFileSysUtils::get_file_extension_from_path($the_file); //-- $the_copy_file = $the_file . '.copy.txt'; $the_move_file = $the_extra_folder . $the_base_file . '.copy.moved.txt'; $the_broken_link = $the_extra_folder . 'a-broken-link'; $the_broken_dir_link = $the_extra_folder . 'a-broken-dir-link'; $the_good_link = $the_extra_folder . 'a-good-link'; $the_good_dir_link = $the_extra_folder . 'a-good-dir-link'; //-- //-- $tests[] = 'INITIAL-FOLDER: ' . $get_folder; $tests[] = 'NEW-FOLDER: ' . $the_folder; $tests[] = 'NEW-FILE: ' . $the_file; //-- //-- if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'CHECK TEST SAFE PATH NAME: DIR / FILE ...'; $tests[] = $the_test; if ((string) Smart::safe_pathname((string) $get_folder) !== (string) $get_folder or (string) Smart::safe_pathname((string) $the_copy_file) !== (string) $the_copy_file) { $err = 'ERROR: SAFE PATH NAME TEST ... FAILED !!!'; } //end if } //end if //-- if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'CHECK TEST ABSOLUTE / BACKWARD PATHS ...'; $tests[] = $the_test; if (!SmartFileSysUtils::check_file_or_dir_name('/this/is/absolute', 'no') or SmartFileSysUtils::check_file_or_dir_name('/this/is/absolute') or SmartFileSysUtils::check_file_or_dir_name('/this/is/../backward/path')) { $err = 'ERROR: CHECK TEST ABSOLUTE / BACKWARD PATHS ... FAILED !!!'; } //end if } //end if //-- if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'CHECK EXTRACT FOLDER FROM PATH ...'; $tests[] = $the_test; if ((string) $get_folder != SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash(Smart::dir_name($the_folder))) { $err = 'ERROR: Path Extraction FAILED: Dir=' . $get_folder . ' ; DirName=' . SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash(Smart::dir_name($the_folder)); } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'CHECK EXTRACT FILE AND EXTENSION FROM PATH (1) ...'; $tests[] = $the_test; if ((string) $get_folder . SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash($the_sufx_folder) . $get_file != $the_file) { $err = 'ERROR :: Path Extraction FAILED: Re-Composed-File=' . $get_folder . SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash($the_sufx_folder) . $get_file . ' ; File=' . $the_file; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'CHECK EXTRACT FILE AND EXTENSION FROM PATH (2) ...'; $tests[] = $the_test; if ((string) $get_file != $get_xfile . '.' . $get_ext) { $err = 'ERROR :: Path Extraction FAILED: File=' . $get_file . ' ; XFile=' . $get_xfile . ' ; Ext=' . $get_ext; } //end if } //end if //-- SmartFileSysUtils::raise_error_if_unsafe_path($the_folder); if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'CHECK PATH NAME DIR: check_file_or_dir_name() : ' . $the_folder; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSysUtils::check_file_or_dir_name($the_folder); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if SmartFileSysUtils::raise_error_if_unsafe_path($the_file); if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'CHECK PATH NAME FILE: check_file_or_dir_name() : ' . $the_file; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSysUtils::check_file_or_dir_name($the_file); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if //-- //-- if ((string) $err == '') { $parent_folder = SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash(''); $the_test = 'Check Add Dir Last (trailing) Slash: Empty Folder Name'; $tests[] = $the_test; if ((string) $parent_folder != './') { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $parent_folder = SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash('.'); $the_test = 'Check Add Dir Last (trailing) Slash: Dot Folder Name: ' . $parent_folder; $tests[] = $the_test; if ((string) $parent_folder != './') { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $parent_folder = SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash('./'); $the_test = 'Check Add Dir Last (trailing) Slash: DotSlash Folder Name: ' . $parent_folder; $tests[] = $the_test; if ((string) $parent_folder != './') { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $parent_folder = SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash(Smart::dir_name($the_base_folder)); $the_test = 'Check Parent Dir Name with Add Dir Last (trailing) Slash: ' . $parent_folder . ' # from: ' . $the_base_folder; $tests[] = $the_test; if ((string) $parent_folder != 'tmp/') { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if //-- //-- if ((string) $err == '') { if (is_dir($get_folder)) { $the_test = 'DIR DELETE - INIT CLEANUP: dir_delete() + recursive: ' . $get_folder; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::dir_delete($the_base_folder, true); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } else { $tests[] = 'DIR DELETE - INIT CLEANUP: Test Not Run (folder does not exists): ' . $get_folder; } //end if else } //end if //-- if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'DIR CREATE RECURSIVE: dir_recursive_create() : ' . $the_folder . $long_prefixed . $short_prefixed; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::dir_recursive_create($the_folder . $long_prefixed . $short_prefixed); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'DIR CREATE NON-RECURSIVE: dir_create() : extra/ in : ' . $the_extra_folder; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::dir_recursive_create($the_extra_folder); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if //-- if ((string) DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != '\\') { // broken links do not work on Windows ! if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'CREATE BROKEN FILE LINK FOR DELETION (1): link_create() : as : ' . $the_broken_link; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::link_create('tmp/cache', $the_broken_link); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'DELETE BROKEN FILE LINK (1): delete() : as : ' . $the_broken_link; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::delete($the_broken_link); if ($result !== 1 || is_link($the_broken_link)) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'CREATE BROKEN FILE LINK FOR DELETION (2): link_create() : as : ' . $the_broken_link; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::link_create('tmp/index.html', $the_broken_link); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'DELETE BROKEN FILE LINK (2): dir_delete() : as : ' . $the_broken_link; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::dir_delete($the_broken_link); if ($result !== 1 || is_link($the_broken_link)) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'CREATE BROKEN FILE LINK: link_create() : as : ' . $the_broken_link; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::link_create('tmp/index.html', $the_broken_link); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'CREATE BROKEN DIR LINK: link_create() : as : ' . $the_broken_dir_link; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::link_create('tmp/', $the_broken_dir_link); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'CREATE A FILE LINK: link_create() : as : ' . $the_good_link; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::link_create(Smart::real_path('tmp/index.html'), $the_good_link); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'CREATE A DIR LINK: link_create() : as : ' . $the_good_dir_link; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::link_create(Smart::real_path('tmp/'), $the_good_dir_link); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if } //end if //-- if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'FILE WRITE with empty content: write() : ' . $the_file; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::write($the_file, ''); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'FILE WRITE: write() / before append : ' . $the_file; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::write($the_file, $test_string); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'FILE WRITE: write() +append : ' . $the_file; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::write($the_file, $test_string, 'a'); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'FILE READ / Append: read() Full Size: ' . $the_file; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::read($the_file); if ((string) SmartHashCrypto::sha512($result) != (string) SmartHashCrypto::sha512($test_string . $test_string)) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'FILE WRITE: re-write() : ' . $the_file; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::write($the_file, $test_string); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if //-- if ((string) DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != '\\') { // broken links do not work on Windows ! if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'FILE WRITE TO A BROKEN LINK: write() : ' . $the_broken_link; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::write($the_broken_link, $test_string); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'DELETE THE BROKEN LINK AFTER write() and RE-CREATE IT : ' . $the_broken_link; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::delete($the_broken_link); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'RE-CREATE BROKEN FILE LINK [AFTER WRITE]: link_create() : as : ' . $the_broken_link; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::link_create('tmp/index.html', $the_broken_link); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'FILE WRITE: write_if_not_exists() with Content Compare to a broken link : ' . $the_broken_link; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::write_if_not_exists($the_broken_link, $test_string, 'yes'); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'DELETE THE BROKEN LINK AFTER write_if_not_exists() and RE-CREATE IT : ' . $the_broken_link; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::delete($the_broken_link); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'RE-CREATE BROKEN FILE LINK [AFTER WRITE-IF-NOT-EXISTS]: link_create() : as : ' . $the_broken_link; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::link_create('tmp/index.html', $the_broken_link); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if } //end if //-- if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'FILE WRITE: write_if_not_exists() without Content Compare : ' . $the_file; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::write_if_not_exists($the_file, $test_string, 'no'); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if //-- if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'FILE READ: read() Full Size: ' . $the_file; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::read($the_file); if ((string) SmartHashCrypto::sha512($result) != (string) $test_str_cksum) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'FILE READ: read() Partial Size, First 10 bytes: ' . $the_file; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::read($the_file, 10); if ((string) sha1($result) != (string) sha1(substr($test_string, 0, 10))) { // here we read bytes so substr() not SmartUnicode::sub_str() should be used $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if //-- if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'FILE STATIC-READ: staticread() Full Size: ' . $the_file; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::staticread($the_file); if ((string) SmartHashCrypto::sha512($result) != (string) $test_str_cksum) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'FILE STATIC-READ: staticread() Partial Size, First 10 bytes: ' . $the_file; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::staticread($the_file, 10); if ((string) sha1($result) != (string) sha1(substr($test_string, 0, 10))) { // here we read bytes so substr() not SmartUnicode::sub_str() should be used $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if //-- if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'FILE COPY: copy() : ' . $the_file . ' to: ' . $the_copy_file; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::copy($the_file, $the_copy_file); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'FILE COPY with OVERWRITE: copy() : ' . $the_file . ' to: ' . $the_copy_file; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::copy($the_file, $the_copy_file, true); // overwrite destination file(s) if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'FILE RE-COPY (test should re-write the destination): copy() : ' . $the_file . ' to: ' . $the_move_file; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::copy($the_file, $the_move_file); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } else { $the_test = 'FILE DELETE: delete() : ' . $the_move_file; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::delete($the_move_file); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'FILE RENAME/MOVE: rename() : ' . $the_copy_file . ' to: ' . $the_move_file; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::rename($the_copy_file, $the_move_file); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if //-- if ((string) $err == '') { if (is_dir('__development/')) { //-- $the_test = 'RECURSIVE COPY (CLONE) DIR [DEVELOPMENT]: dir_copy() : ' . '__development/' . ' to: ' . $the_folder . '__development'; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::dir_copy('__development/', $the_folder . '__development'); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if //-- if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'DIR COMPARE THE [DEVELOPMENT] SOURCE WITH [DEVELOPMENT] DESTINATION AFTER DIR COPY AND DIR MOVE:' . "\n" . 'compare_folders() : ' . '__development/' . ' with: ' . $the_folder . '__development/'; $tests[] = $the_test; $arr_diff = array(); $arr_diff = SmartFileSystem::compare_folders('__development', $the_folder . '__development', true, true); if (Smart::array_size($arr_diff) > 0) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #DIFFERENCES=' . print_r($arr_diff, 1); } //end if } //end if //-- } else { $tests[] = 'RECURSIVE COPY (CLONE) DIR [DEVELOPMENT]: Test Not Run (Development environment not detected) ...'; } //end if else } //end if //-- if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'RECURSIVE COPY (CLONE) DIR: dir_copy() : ' . $the_folder . ' to: ' . $the_copy_folder; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::dir_copy($the_folder, $the_copy_folder); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if //-- if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'MOVE/RENAME DIR: dir_rename() : ' . $the_copy_folder . ' to: ' . $the_move_folder; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::dir_rename($the_copy_folder, $the_move_folder); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if //-- if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'DIR COMPARE THE SOURCE WITH DESTINATION AFTER DIR COPY AND DIR MOVE: ' . $the_folder . ' with: ' . $the_move_folder; $tests[] = $the_test; $arr_diff = array(); $arr_diff = SmartFileSystem::compare_folders($the_folder, $the_move_folder, true, true); if (Smart::array_size($arr_diff) > 0) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #DIFFERENCES=' . print_r($arr_diff, 1); } //end if } //end if //-- if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'DIR DELETE - SIMPLE: dir_delete() non-recursive: ' . $the_extra_folder; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::dir_delete($the_extra_folder, false); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if if ((string) $err == '') { $the_test = 'DIR DELETE - LAST CLEANUP: dir_delete() + recursive: ' . $get_folder; $tests[] = $the_test; $result = 0; $result = SmartFileSystem::dir_delete($the_base_folder, true); if ($result !== 1) { $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result; } //end if } //end if //-- //-- $time = 'TOTAL TIME was: ' . (microtime(true) - $time); //-- //-- $end_tests = '##### END TESTS ... ' . $time . ' sec. #####'; //-- //-- if ((string) $err == '') { $img_sign = 'lib/core/img/sign_info.png'; $img_check = 'lib/core/img/q_completed.png'; $text_main = Smart::escape_js('<span style="color:#83B953;">Good ... Perfect :: グッド ... パーフェクト</span>'); $text_info = Smart::escape_js('<h2><span style="color:#83B953;">All</span> the SmartFramework FS Operations <span style="color:#83B953;">Tests PASSED on PHP</span><hr></h2><span style="font-size:14px;">' . Smart::nl_2_br(Smart::escape_html(implode("\n" . '* ', $tests) . "\n" . $end_tests)) . '</span>'); } else { $img_sign = 'lib/core/img/sign_error.png'; $img_check = 'lib/core/img/q_warning.png'; $text_main = Smart::escape_js('<span style="color:#FF5500;">An ERROR occured ... :: エラーが発生しました ...</span>'); $text_info = Smart::escape_js('<h2><span style="color:#FF5500;">A test FAILED</span> when testing FS Operations.<span style="color:#FF5500;"><hr>FAILED Test Details</span>:</h2><br><h3>' . Smart::escape_html($tests[Smart::array_size($tests) - 1]) . '</h3><br><span style="font-size:14px;"><pre>' . Smart::escape_html($err) . '</pre></span>'); } //end if else //-- //-- $html = <<<HTML <h1>SmartFramework LibFileSystem Tests: DONE ... [ Time: {$time} sec. ]</h1> <script type="text/javascript"> \tSmartJS_BrowserUtils.alert_Dialog( \t\t'<img src="{$img_sign}" align="right"><h1>{$text_main}</h1><hr><span style="color:#333333;"><img src="{$img_check}" align="right">{$text_info}<br>', \t\t'', \t\t'FileSystem Operations Test Suite for SmartFramework: PHP', \t\t'920', \t\t'480' \t); </script> HTML; //-- //-- return $html; //-- }