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//6 $this->Line(10, 73, 205, 73); $this->Line(10, 170, 205, 170); } //Page footer function Footer() { } } //Instanciation of inherited class $pdf = new PDF(); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->AddPage('P', 'Letter'); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); //table title $pdf->Text(12, 64, 'NO'); $pdf->Text(22, 64, 'ITEM'); $pdf->Text(22, 67, 'CODE'); $pdf->Text(42, 64, 'DESCRIPTION'); $pdf->Text(137, 64, 'QTY'); $pdf->Text(152, 64, 'UOM'); $pdf->Text(167, 64, 'UNIT'); $pdf->Text(167, 67, 'PRICE'); $pdf->Text(187, 64, 'EXT.'); $pdf->Text(187, 67, 'PRICE'); $starting = 82; //////////// $count = '0'; //SQL //gives the following // doc_number, quantity, unit_price, extended_price, item_id, doc_number, branch_id, currency, doc_date, branchLocation, branchNo, branchName, description, unit_of_measure, supplier_1, supplierContact, supplierNum, supplierName, supplierAddress $sql = "SELECT B.`doc_number`, B.`quantity`, B.`unit_price`, B.`extended_price`,B.`item_id`,B.`description`,\r\n A.`doc_number`, A.`branch_id`, A.`currency`, date_format(A.doc_date, '%D %M, %Y') as doc_date, A.payment, A.delivery, A.discount, A.total, A.special_instruction, A.mof_number,\r\n C.`location`as branchLocation, C.`phone_no` as branchNo, C.`name` as branchName,\r\n D.`unit_of_measure`,\r\n F.name as requester,\r\n G.country AS currency,\r\n A.supplier_1, A.supplier_2, A.supplier_3, E.contact_person as supplierContact, E.contact as supplierNum, E.name as supplierName, E.line_1 as add1, E.line_2 as add2, E.line_3 as add3, E.fax_no\r\n FROM purchases A, currencies G, purchase_details B, branches C, inv_items D, suppliers E, users F\r\n WHERE A.doc_number='{$doc_num}'\r\n AND B.doc_number = A.doc_number\r\n AND F.username = A.requester\r\n AND A.branch_id = C.id\r\n AND A.supplier_1 = E.id\r\n AND B.item_id = D.id\r\n AND A.currency = G.id\r\n LIMIT 0,{$limit}";
$contador = 0; $desplazamiento = 0; $contador20 = 0; while ($contador < mysql_num_rows($rs_lineas)) { $descripcion = mysql_result($rs_lineas, $contador, "descripcion_corta"); $referencia = mysql_result($rs_lineas, $contador, "referencia"); $codigobarras = mysql_result($rs_lineas, $contador, "codigobarras"); $descripcion = substr($descripcion, 0, 31); $precio = mysql_result($rs_lineas, $contador, "precio_tienda"); $precio = number_format($precio, 2, ",", "."); $cantidad = mysql_result($rs_lineas, $contador, "cantidad"); $contador2 = 0; while ($contador2 < $cantidad) { $contador20++; $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 5); $pdf->Text(2, 3 + $desplazamiento, $descripcion); $pdf->EAN13(1, 4 + $desplazamiento, $codigobarras); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 7); $pdf->Text(1, 19 + $desplazamiento, "Ref.: " . $referencia); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9); $pdf->Text(1, 23 + $desplazamiento, "PVP: " . $precio . " " . EURO); $desplazamiento = $desplazamiento + 27; $contador2++; //aqui se pregunta si han llegado a 20 etiquetas para hacer el salto de página //si quieres modificarlo ya sabes que tienes que cambiar también en alto arriba if ($contador20 == 20) { $desplazamiento = 0; $pdf->AddPage(); $contador20 = 0; } }
public function imprimirgastostransporte($id) { if (isset($id) && is_numeric($id)) { $Gastos = $this->informes_model->TraeGastosTransporte($id); if (!is_null($Gastos)) { if ($Gastos->num_rows() == 0) { redirect(site_url(), 'refresh'); } } else { redirect(site_url(), 'refresh'); } } else { redirect(site_url(), 'refresh'); } $pdf = new PDF(); $pdf->AddPage(); $Detalle = $this->informes_model->TraeRegistro($id, 'GT'); $pdf->Image(base_url('public/images/logo.jpg'), 10, 15, 70, 15); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); #ENCABEZADO $pdf->Text(180, 45, 'DO-69-F'); $pdf->Text(70, 48, 'FORMATO REPORTE GASTOS DE TRANSPORTE'); $pdf->Text(75, 55, 'FUNDACIÓN UNIVERSITARIA MARÍA CANO'); $pdf->Text(78, 60, 'PROGRAMA DE INGENIERÍA DE SISTEMAS'); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); $pdf->Text(10, 65, 'Período: ' . (date('m', strtotime($Detalle->FECHA_REGISTRO)) > 6 ? 2 : 1) . ' Semestre ' . date('Y', strtotime($Detalle->FECHA_REGISTRO))); $pdf->Text(10, 75, 'Páguese a nombre de: ' . $this->session->userdata('NOMBRE_USUARIO') . ' C.C ' . number_format($this->session->userdata('DOCUMENTO'), 0, ',', ',')); #Headers $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 9); $pdf->SetXY(5, 82); $pdf->Cell(25, 10, 'FECHA', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetXY(30, 82); $pdf->Cell(50, 10, 'LUGAR', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetXY(80, 82); $pdf->Cell(40, 10, 'ACTIVIDAD', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetXY(120, 82); $pdf->MultiCell(34, 5, 'NÚMERO DE DESPLAZAMIENTOS', 1, 'C'); $pdf->SetXY(154, 82); $pdf->MultiCell(25, 5, 'VALOR UNITARIO', 1, 'C'); $pdf->SetXY(179, 82); $pdf->MultiCell(27, 10, 'VALOR TOTAL', 1, 'C'); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9); $pdf->SetWidths([25, 50, 40, 34, 25, 27]); $pdf->SetAligns(['C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C']); $Total = 0; foreach ($Gastos->result() as $gasto) { $pdf->SetX(5); $pdf->Row([Fecha($gasto->FECHA_GASTO), utf8_encode($gasto->LUGAR), utf8_encode($gasto->ACTIVIDAD), $gasto->NUMERO_DESPLAZAMIENTOS, number_format($gasto->VALOR_UNITARIO, 0, '', ','), number_format($gasto->VALOR_TOTAL, 0, '', ',')]); $Total += $gasto->VALOR_TOTAL; } $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 9); $pdf->SetX(5); $pdf->Row(['', '', '', '', 'Total', number_format($Total, 0, '', ',')]); #Footer $pdf->Text(25, $pdf->GetY() + 20, 'Firma Coordinador de Práctica'); $pdf->Line(10, $pdf->GetY() + 15, 90, $pdf->GetY() + 15); $pdf->Text(140, $pdf->GetY() + 20, 'CENTRO DE PRÁCTICAS'); $pdf->Output(); $pdf->Cell($pdf->PageNo()); }
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parent::__construct('P', 'mm', 'A4'); //parent::__construct('P','mm','Letter'); } } //Creación del objeto de la clase heredada $pdf = new PDF(); $pdf->SetTopMargin(5.4); $pdf->SetLeftMargin(1.5); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9); $inicio = 16; $datos = 44; $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetY(20); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 15); $pdf->Text($inicio, $pdf->GetY(), iconv('utf-8', 'cp1252', 'START TEC - PERÚ')); $pdf->Image('images/www.png', $inicio, 21, 35, 20, 'png'); //Cuadro de serie y numero correlativo $pdf->SetXY(135, 17); $pdf->Line(135, 17, 196, 17); $pdf->Cell(61, 25, '', "LR", 0, "R"); $pdf->Line(135, 42, 196, 42); $pdf->SetY(23); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'b', 14); $pdf->Text(139, $pdf->GetY(), iconv('utf-8', 'cp1252', 'R.U.C. N° 20395834584')); $pdf->SetY(30); $pdf->SetTextColor(255, 0, 0); if ($url[4] == "boleta") { $pdf->Text(142, $pdf->GetY(), iconv('utf-8', 'cp1252', 'BOLETA DE VENTA')); } else { $pdf->Text(153, $pdf->GetY(), iconv('utf-8', 'cp1252', 'FACTURA'));
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$pdf->MultiCell( 0 , 0 , iconv( 'UTF-8','cp874' ,' '.'http://www.tawanchai-foundation.org/' )); $pdf->setXY($abs_x , $y_absolute + ($r*36) ); $pdf->SetFont('angsana','I',15); $pdf->MultiCell( 0 , 0 , iconv( 'UTF-8','cp874' , ' '.'Registration date : '.$today )); */ $pdf->setXY($abs_x, $y_absolute + $r * 33); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 255); #blue color $pdf->SetFont('angsana', '', 14); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 0, iconv('UTF-8', 'cp874', ' ' . 'ใบเสร็จอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ฉบับนี้สามารถนำไปเบิกจ่ายค่าลงทะเบียนจากต้นสังกัดคืนได้')); $pdf->SetTextColor(0); $pdf->setXY($abs_x, $y_absolute + $r * 34); $pdf->SetFont('angsana', '', 13); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 0, iconv('UTF-8', 'cp874', ' ' . ' 8th Annual Meeting of the Thai Cleft Lip-Palate and Craniofacial Association: Internation Congress ')); $pdf->setXY($abs_x, $y_absolute + $r * 35); $pdf->SetFont('angsana', '', 13); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 0, iconv('UTF-8', 'cp874', ' ' . 'http://www.thaicleft2015.org')); ////Put watermark $pdf->SetFont('angsana', 'B', 60); $pdf->SetTextColor(211, 211, 211); //red,green,blue 211,211,211 gray color $pdf->Rotate(30, 150, 150); //angle $pdf->Text(99, 125, 'THAICleft 2015'); // x,y /* $pdf->setXY($abs_x , $y_absolute + ($r*36) ); $pdf->SetFont('angsana','I',15); $pdf->MultiCell( 0 , 0 , iconv( 'UTF-8','cp874' , ' '.'Registration date : '.$today )); */ $pdf->Output();
parent::__construct('P', 'mm', 'A4'); //parent::__construct('P','mm','Letter'); } } //Creación del objeto de la clase heredada $pdf = new PDF(); $pdf->SetTopMargin(5.4); $pdf->SetLeftMargin(1.5); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->Ln(); //Construcción de la tabla a mostrar $pdf->SetY(90); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'b', 11); $pdf->Text(23, 80, iconv('utf-8', 'cp1252', 'Item')); $pdf->Text(35, 80, iconv('utf-8', 'cp1252', 'Productos')); $pdf->Text(125, 80, 'Total Ventas'); $pdf->Text(167, 80, iconv('utf-8', 'cp1252', 'Fecha')); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); $pdf->Line(20, 82, 190, 82); $pdf->Line(20, 83, 190, 83); $j = 0; foreach ($fila as $key) { $j = $j + 1; $productos = iconv('utf-8', 'cp1252', $key[0]); $TotalVentas = iconv('utf-8', 'cp1252', $key[1]); $fecha = date_format(date_create($key[2]), 'd/m/Y'); $pdf->Text(25, $pdf->GetY(), $j); $pdf->Text(35, $pdf->GetY(), $productos); $pdf->Text(135, $pdf->GetY(), $TotalVentas);
function constructPIContent($pdf, $output, $order, $ignoreStockStatusDepot, $print_per_orders) { /* NOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * if $print_per_orders == false, $order should contain "collections of orders" * elseif $print_per_orders == true, $order should contain "one order only" */ use_class('Product'); use_class('ProductAttribute'); global $class_pm, $class_pb, $product_categories_name, $DIAMOND_BRAND_IDS; if ($print_per_orders) { $orders[] = $order; } else { $orders = $order; } //echo "<pre>";var_dump($orders);die(); $margin = 5; $fontsize_big = '9'; $fontsize_med = '8'; $fontsize_sml = '7'; $fontsize_tny = '5'; $barcode_width = 32; $barcode_pos = 210 - $margin - $barcode_width - 1; $element_name_max_chars = 30; if ($output == 'F') { //PRODUCE PDF FILE PER ITEM (MULTI PDF FILE PER ORDER) $pdf = new PDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); $pdf->setTitle('Production Instruction'); $pdf->SetAuthor('JULIE GRACE / Bonofactum'); $pdf->SetCreator('k-Auto Generated PDF'); $pdf->SetDisplayMode('real'); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->SetFillColor(191, 191, 191); } //start looping orders foreach ($orders as $order) { $o = $order['detail']; $is_ottob2b = $o['jng_sp_id'] == '11' || strpos(strtolower($o['customer']), 'otto b2b') !== false; foreach ($order['items'] as $oiid => $i) { if ($i['status'] < 8) { $this->pi_printed[strtolower($o['type'])][] = $oiid; } $obj_product = new Product($i['products_id']); $is_gold_product = $obj_product->metal_stamp_code > 0 && $obj_product->metal_stamp_code != 925; $pdf->pi_number = $o['id']; if ($this->duplex_printing && isset($item_page_count) && $item_page_count % 2 != 0) { $pdf->AddPage(); } $pdf->AddPage(); $item_page_count = 1; $product_key = $i['products_id'] . '-' . $i['articles_id']; $product_qty = intval($i['quantity']); $p = $this->products[$product_key]; $is_elli_premium = $p['p']['products_brand_id'] == '29'; $is_diamore = in_array($p['p']['products_brand_id'], $DIAMOND_BRAND_IDS); $is_pearl = $p['p']['products_brand_id'] == '7'; $ean = $this->products_ean[$product_key]; $product_complexity = strtoupper(productComplexityName($p['p']['complexity'])); $order_type_code = ''; if (strtoupper($o['type']) == 'DP') { $order_type_code = strtoupper($o['type']); $otc_width = 12; } else { $order_type_code = $o['customer_type']; $otc_width = 20; } $pdf->OrderBarcode($o['type'], $oiid, $barcode_pos, $margin, $barcode_width); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', '12'); $YPOS = $margin; $lineheight = 4; //ORDER TYPE CODE (JG,SP,DP) $pdf->SetXY($barcode_pos - $otc_width, 10); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, $order_type_code); //PROCESS DATE $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); $process_date = date('d M Y', strtotime($i['prod_target_in'])); $pdf->SetXY($barcode_pos, 22); $pdf->Cell($barcode_width, $lineheight, $process_date, 0, 2, 'R'); //PRODUCT COMPLEXITY $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', '12'); $pdf->SetXY($barcode_pos, 22 + $lineheight + 5); $pdf->Cell($barcode_width, $lineheight, $product_complexity, 0, 2, 'R'); //PAGE HEADER $margin_orderinfo = $margin + 50; $pdf->SetXY($margin_orderinfo, $YPOS); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Production Instruction ' . $o['id'] . ' (' . $i['counter'] . ') - print ' . ($i['print_count'] + 1)); $YPOS += $lineheight + 1; //ORDER INFORMATION $lineheight = 3.5; $orderilbl = array(); $orderinfo = array(); $orderilbl[] = 'Ship To (Country)'; $orderinfo[] = ': ' . trim($o['shipto_name']) . ($o['shipto_address'] != '' ? ' (' . $o['shipto_address'] . ')' : ''); //Show shipping window date only for order which using amazon logistic if (in_array($o['jng_sp_id'], array_keys(getSalesPartnerUseAmazonLogistic())) && isset($i['shipping_window_open'])) { $orderilbl[] = 'Shipping Window Date'; $orderinfo[] = ': ' . date('d. M Y', strtotime($i['shipping_window_open'])); } /* Moved to below barcode $orderilbl[] = 'Process Date'; $orderinfo[] = ': '.date('d. M Y', strtotime($i['prod_target_in'])); */ $orderilbl[] = 'Customer Name'; $vip_status = $o['customer_is_vip'] ? ' ( VIP )' : ''; if ($is_ottob2b) { $orderinfo[] = ': OTTO B2B'; } else { $orderinfo[] = ': ' . $o['customer'] . $vip_status; } //$orderilbl[] = 'Order Source / Customer Name'; //$orderinfo[] = ': '.$o['customer_type'].' / '.$o['customer']; //$orderilbl[] = 'Product Qty x EAN (ID / Code)'; //$orderinfo[] = ': '.intval($i['quantity']).' x '.$ean.' ('.$p['p']['products_id'].' / '.$p['p']['products_model'].')'; $orderilbl[] = 'Product Qty x EAN'; $orderinfo[] = ': ' . $product_qty . ' x ' . $ean; $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', $fontsize_med); $pdf->setXY($margin_orderinfo, $YPOS); $pdf->MultiCell(50, $lineheight, implode("\n", $orderilbl)); $pdf->setXY($margin_orderinfo + 30, $YPOS); $pdf->MultiCell(100, $lineheight, implode("\n", $orderinfo)); $maxline = count($orderilbl); $YPOS += $maxline * $lineheight + 10; //STOCK PREPARATION $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); if ($i['stock_status'] == 'D' && !$ignoreStockStatusDepot) { //USE DEPOT STOCK $lineheight = 6; $pdf->SetXY($margin + 1, $YPOS); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Depot Stock', 1, 0, 'C', true); $YPOS += $lineheight + 3; } elseif ($i['stock_status'] == 'P') { //USE FINISH GOOD STOCK $lineheight = 6; $pdf->SetXY($margin + 1, $YPOS); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Finish Good', 1, 0, 'C', true); $YPOS += $lineheight + 3; } else { //USE ELEMENTS STOCK $lineheight = 4; $pdf->SetXY($margin, $YPOS); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Elements Preparation'); $YPOS += $lineheight + 1; $pue_total = count($p['elements']); $pue_rows = ceil($pue_total / 2); $max_rows_el_per_page_1 = 12; //MAX ROWS ELEMENT ON PAGE 1 $max_rows_el_per_page_n = 14; //MAX ROWS ELEMENT ON NEXT PAGE $max_rows_el_per_page = $max_rows_el_per_page_1; $pue_counter = 0; $pue_number = 0; $rowpos = $YPOS; $colpos = $margin + 1; $colheight = 20; $col_subcol_width = array(); $col_subcol_width[1] = 6; // $col_subcol_width[2] = $colheight; $col_subcol_width[2] = 20; $col_subcol_width[3] = 10; $col_subcol_width[4] = 51; $col_subcol_width[5] = 10; $col_subcol_imgepos = $col_subcol_width[1]; $col_subcol_infopos = $col_subcol_width[1] + $col_subcol_width[2] + $col_subcol_width[3]; $colwidth = array_sum($col_subcol_width); $print_header_el = false; foreach ($p['elements'] as $element) { if ($pue_counter == 0 || $print_header_el) { $lineheight = 5; $pdf->setXY($colpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_med); $pdf->Cell($col_subcol_width[1], $lineheight, 'No', 1, 0, 'C', true); $pdf->Cell($col_subcol_width[2], $lineheight, 'Image', 1, 0, 'C', true); $pdf->Cell($col_subcol_width[3], $lineheight, 'ID', 1, 0, 'C', true); $pdf->Cell($col_subcol_width[4], $lineheight, 'Info', 1, 0, 'C', true); $pdf->Cell($col_subcol_width[5], $lineheight, 'Qty', 1, 0, 'C', true); $rowpos += $lineheight; } $pue_counter++; $pue_number++; $e = $this->elements[$element['elements_id']]; $element_image = $this->getImageForPDF($e->image, '80', '80'); $element_info = array(); $element_info['n'] = substr($e->detail['name'], 0, $element_name_max_chars) . (strlen($e->detail['name']) > $element_name_max_chars ? '...' : ''); //var_dump($e->attributes); exit; $element_info['c'] = $e->attributes['color']['name']; //$element_info['s'] = $e->attributes['size']['name']; $material_name = array(); $material_name = explode(',', $e->attributes['material']['name']); $element_info['m'] = count($material_name) > 1 ? $material_name[1] : $material_name[0]; $element_info['sh'] = ''; if (!eregi('other', $e->attributes['size']['name'])) { $element_info['sh'] = $e->attributes['size']['name']; } if (!eregi('other', $e->attributes['shape']['name'])) { if ($element_info['sh'] != '') { $element_info['sh'] .= '.'; } $element_info['sh'] .= $e->attributes['shape']['name']; } //$element_info['h'] = $e->attributes['shape']['name']; if ($this->products[$product_key]['elements'][$element['elements_id']]['finishing_hammer'] == '1') { $element_info['f'][] = 'Hammered'; } if ($this->products[$product_key]['elements'][$element['elements_id']]['finishing_brush'] == '1') { $element_info['f'][] = 'Brushed'; } if ($this->products[$product_key]['elements'][$element['elements_id']]['finishing_oxid'] == '1') { $element_info['f'][] = 'Oxidized/No Antitarnish'; } if ($this->products[$product_key]['elements'][$element['elements_id']]['finishing_goldplate'] == '1') { $element_info['f'][] = 'Yellow Goldplated'; } if ($this->products[$product_key]['elements'][$element['elements_id']]['finishing_rosegoldplate'] == '1') { $element_info['f'][] = 'Rose Goldplate'; } $element_info['f'] = count($element_info['f']) > 0 ? implode(',', $element_info['f']) : ''; if ($element_image != '') { $pdf->Image($element_image, $colpos + $col_subcol_imgepos, $rowpos, $col_subcol_width[2]); } $pdf->setXY($colpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', $fontsize_med); $pdf->Cell($col_subcol_width[1], $colheight, $pue_number, 1, 0, 'C', true); $pdf->Cell($col_subcol_width[2], $colheight, '', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell($col_subcol_width[3], $colheight, $element['elements_id'], 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell($col_subcol_width[4], $colheight, '', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell($col_subcol_width[5], 10, $product_qty * $element['quantity'], 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->setXY($colpos + $col_subcol_width[1] + $col_subcol_width[2] + $col_subcol_width[3] + $col_subcol_width[4], $rowpos + 10); 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$img_path = DIR_WS_IMAGES . $pb['brand_image']; $imgsize = getimagesize($img_path); $img_w = $imgsize[0]; $img_h = $imgsize[1]; $h_ratio = $img_h / $img_w; $img_w_resized = 50; $img_h_resized = $img_w_resized * $h_ratio; $pdf->Image($img_path, 150, $YPOS, $img_w_resized, $img_h_resized); } /*USE IMAGE DIAMOND if($class_pm->productContainMaterials($i['products_id'], 52)) { $img_path = FPDF_IMGPATH.'diamond.jpg'; $imgsize = getimagesize($img_path); $img_w = $imgsize[0]; $img_h = $imgsize[1]; $h_ratio = $img_h/$img_w; $img_w_resized = 40; $img_h_resized = $img_w_resized * $h_ratio; $pdf->Image($img_path,165,$YPOS,$img_w_resized,$img_h_resized); } */ if ($is_gold_product) { $lineheight = 6; $leftpos = 150; $rowpos = $YPOS + $img_h_resized + 2; $pdf->SetFontSize($fontsize_big + 5); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->Cell(50, $lineheight, 'G O L D', 0, 2, 'C'); } //SPECIAL TREATMENT $product_finishing_array_st = ProductAttribute::getOldStylesFunction()->retrieveList(ProductAttribute::GROUP_ID_PRODUCT_FINISHING); $finishing_product_st = ProductAttribute::displayAttributeName($i['products_id'], ProductAttribute::GROUP_ID_PRODUCT_FINISHING, '2'); //echo "<pre>";var_dump($finishing_product_st);die(); if (empty($finishing_product_st)) { unset($finishing_product_st); } if ($finishing_product_st == NULL) { $isset_product_finishing = false; } else { $isset_product_finishing = true; } if (!$is_diamore && !$is_elli_premium) { if ($isset_product_finishing) { $rowpos = $YPOS + $img_h_resized; $lineheight = 6; $leftpos = 150; //special treament $pdf->SetFontSize($fontsize_big + 3); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->Cell(50, $lineheight, 'SPECIAL TREATMENT', 0, 2, 'C'); if ($i['products_id'] > 0 && ($is_gold_product || $is_pearl)) { if ($is_gold_product) { //gold $rowpos = $rowpos + 7; $pdf->SetFontSize($fontsize_big + 1); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->Cell(50, $lineheight, 'G O L D', 0, 2, 'C'); } /* if ($is_elli_premium) { $products_used_materials = $class_pm->retrieveProductMaterialsUsed($i['products_id']); if (in_array(52, $products_used_materials)) { $rowpos = $rowpos + 5; $pdf->SetFontSize($fontsize_big+1); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->Cell(50, $lineheight, 'D I A M O N D', 0, 2, 'C'); } if (in_array(5, $products_used_materials)) { $rowpos = $rowpos + 5; $pdf->SetFontSize($fontsize_big+1); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->Cell(50, $lineheight, 'P E A R L', 0, 2, 'C'); } } if ($is_diamore) { //diamore $rowpos = $rowpos + 5; $pdf->SetFontSize($fontsize_big+1); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->Cell(50, $lineheight, 'D I A M O N D', 0, 2, 'C'); } * */ if ($is_pearl) { //pearl $rowpos = $rowpos + 5; $pdf->SetFontSize($fontsize_big + 1); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->Cell(50, $lineheight, 'P E A R L', 0, 2, 'C'); } } //$pdf->Rect(150, 120, $img_w_resized, 30); } } $leftpos = $colpos + $imgbig_width + 2; $rowpos = $YPOS; $lineheight = 4; $linesep = 1; $pilbl = array(); $pinfo = array(); $pilbl[] = 'Product Category'; $pinfo[] = ': ' . $product_categories_name[$p['categories_id']]; $pilbl[] = 'Product ID'; $pinfo[] = ': ' . $i['products_id']; $pilbl[] = 'Product Code'; $pinfo[] = ': ' . $p['p']['products_model']; /* HIDE PRICE (REQUESTED BY CANTY & WAYAN TO PREVENT SMITH SPOTTED THE PRICE) $pilbl[] = 'Product Price'; $pinfo[] = ': '.displayCurrency('EUR', $p['p']['products_price']); */ if ($p['length'] > 0) { $pilbl[] = 'Product Length'; $pinfo[] = ': ' . textLength($p['length']); } $pilbl[] = 'Product Quantity'; $pinfo[] = ': ' . $product_qty; $lbl_width = 30; $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); $pdf->MultiCell($lbl_width, $lineheight + $linesep, implode("\n", $pilbl), 0, 'L'); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos + $lbl_width, $rowpos); $pdf->MultiCell($lbl_width, $lineheight + $linesep, implode("\n", $pinfo), 0, 'L'); $rowpos += count($pilbl) * ($lineheight + $linesep) + 2 * $linesep; // $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); // $pdf->setFont('Arial','B',$fontsize_med); // $prodinfo = 'Product ID: '.$p['p']['products_id']; // $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, $prodinfo); // $rowpos += $lineheight + $linesep; // $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); // $pdf->setFont('Arial','B',$fontsize_med); // $prodinfo = 'Product Code: '.$p['p']['products_model']; // $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, $prodinfo); // $rowpos += $lineheight + $linesep; // if($p['length']>0) { // $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); // $pdf->setFont('Arial','B',$fontsize_med); // $prodinfo = 'Product Length: '.textLength($p['length']); // $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, $prodinfo); // $rowpos += $lineheight + $linesep; // } $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Product Name:'); $rowpos += $lineheight; $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', $fontsize_big); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, $p['pd'][2]['products_name']); $rowpos += $lineheight + 2 * $linesep; if ($p['pnc']['production_instruction_id'] != '') { $rowpos += $lineheight; $piids = explode(",", $p['pnc']['production_instruction_id']); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); 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' - ' . $pim->name; if (trim($pim->description) != '') { $pi_temp .= "\n" . $pim->description; } $pims[] = $pi_temp; } //EXPLODE EACH MANUAL PI WITH LINE FEED $pi_manual = implode("\n", $pims); $rowpos += $lineheight; $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->MultiCell(0, $lineheight, trim($pi_manual), 0, 'L'); $manpi_rows = explode("\n", trim($pi_manual)); // $rowpos += $lineheight * 3; } else { if ($p['pnc']['products_instruction'] != '') { $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Production Instruction:'); $pdf->setFont('Arial', ''); $rowpos += $lineheight; $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->MultiCell(0, $lineheight, $p['pnc']['products_instruction'], 0, 'L'); $manpi_rows = explode("\n", $p['pnc']['products_instruction']); //$rowpos += ceil(($lineheight-1)*count($manpi_rows)); } } $rowpos_manpi = $pdf->GetY(); $rowpos = $rowpos_manpi + 5; $leftpos = $colpos + $imgbig_width + 2; $rowpos_addimage = 0; $nei = 0; if (strtoupper($o['type']) == 'JG' && $i['custom_img'] != '') { //$imgcus_width = 37; //150px $imgcus_width = $imgsml_width; //100px $imgcus = $this->getImageForPDF($i['custom_img'], '100', '100'); if ($imgcus != '') { $pdf->Image($imgcus, $leftpos, $rowpos, $imgcus_width); $pdf->Rect($leftpos, $rowpos, $imgcus_width, $imgcus_width); } $leftpos += $imgcus_width + 2; // } elseif((count($p['pei'])>0 && ($p['categories_id']==2||$p['categories_id']==3||$p['categories_id']==30)) || (count($p['pei'])>1 && $p['categories_id']==9)) { //Show Extra Images only for NL,BL,SETS OR CH that have 2 extra images (only show 1st extra_images) } elseif (count($p['pei']) > 0) { // show extra images for all categories since tends now extra images is used for explain detailly of a product $rowpos = $YPOS + $imgbig_width + 2; $pdf->SetXY($margin, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Additional Images'); $rowpos += $lineheight + 1; foreach ($p['pei'] as $pei) { $nei++; // if($p['categories_id']==9 && $nei>1) continue; //display only 1st extra image for CH $reset_leftpos = true; if ($is_diamore) { //IF DIAMORE PRODUCTS $print_image = false; if (($p['categories_id'] == 2 || $p['categories_id'] == 30) && in_array($nei, array(1, 3))) { $print_image = true; } if ($p['categories_id'] == 4 && in_array($nei, array(2, 3))) { $print_image = true; } if (($p['categories_id'] == 29 || $p['categories_id'] == 3) && in_array($nei, array(1, 2))) { $print_image = true; } if (($p['categories_id'] == 9 || $p['categories_id'] == 28) && in_array($nei, array(1))) { $print_image = true; } if ($print_image) { $leftpos = $colpos; if ($rowpos > 214) { $pdf->show_footer_page_info = true; $pdf->AddPage(); $YPOS = $margin + 5; $rowpos = $YPOS; $rowpos_manpi = $YPOS; } $imgsml = $this->getImageForPDF($pei, '212', '212'); if ($imgsml != '') { $pdf->Image($imgsml, $leftpos, $rowpos, $imgbig_width); $pdf->Rect($leftpos, $rowpos, $imgbig_width, $imgbig_width); $rowpos += $imgbig_width + 2; } } } else { //IF NOT DIAMORE PRODUCTS $check_nei = $nei % 2; if ($check_nei == 1) { if ($nei != 1) { $reset_leftpos = false; //print additional image using 2 columns when manual pi is exceeded bottom of main image if ($nei > 2 && $rowpos_manpi > $rowpos_main_image) { $rowpos += $imgsml_width + 2; $reset_leftpos = true; } } } else { $reset_leftpos = false; } if ($reset_leftpos) { $leftpos = $colpos; } else { $leftpos += $imgsml_width + 2; } $imgsml = $this->getImageForPDF($pei, '100', '100'); if ($imgsml != '') { $pdf->Image($imgsml, $leftpos, $rowpos, $imgsml_width); $pdf->Rect($leftpos, $rowpos, $imgsml_width, $imgsml_width); //$rowpos += $imgsml_width + 2; } } } if ($is_diamore) { //IF DIAMORE PRODUCTS $rowpos_addimage = $rowpos + 2; } else { $rowpos_addimage = $rowpos + $imgsml_width + 2; $leftpos += $imgsml_width + 2; } } //CUSTOMIZE PRODUCTS & PRINTED GIFT VOUCHER FROM JULIE & GRACE if (strtoupper($o['type']) == 'JG') { if (strpos($p['p']['products_model'], 'GIFT-P') !== false) { $gift_amount = substr($p['p']['products_model'], 7); $cgq_query = "SELECT c.coupon_code, c.coupon_amount, c.coupon_expire_date FROM coupon_gv_queue cgq"; $cgq_query .= " LEFT JOIN coupons c ON c.coupon_id=cgq.coupon_id"; $cgq_query .= " WHERE cgq.order_id={$o['id']} AND cgq.amount={$gift_amount}"; $cgq_result = tep_db_query($cgq_query); $vouchers = array(); while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($cgq_result)) { $vouchers[] = $row; } $vcounter = 0; foreach ($vouchers as $v) { $vcounter++; $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_med); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Voucher ' . $vcounter . ':'); $rowpos += $lineheight; $vilbl = array(); $vinfo = array(); $vilbl[] = '- Code'; $vinfo[] = ': ' . $v['coupon_code']; $vilbl[] = '- Amount'; $vinfo[] = ': ' . number_format($v['coupon_amount'], 0) . ' EUR'; $vilbl[] = '- Expired Date'; $vinfo[] = ': ' . date('d. M Y', strtotime($v['coupon_expire_date'])); $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', $fontsize_med); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->MultiCell($lbl_width, $lineheight, implode("\n", $vilbl)); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos + $lbl_width, $rowpos); $pdf->MultiCell(100, $lineheight, implode("\n", $vinfo)); $rowpos += count($vilbl) * $lineheight + 2 * $linesep; } } if ($i['custom_text'] != '') { $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Custom Text:'); $rowpos += $lineheight; $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', 12); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 4, $i['custom_text']); $rowpos += 2 * $lineheight + 2 * $linesep; } if ($i['custom_img'] != '') { $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Custom Image:'); $rowpos += $lineheight; $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', $fontsize_big); $pdf->Cell(0, $lineheight, basename($i['custom_img'])); $rowpos += $lineheight + 2 * $linesep; 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} elseif ($rowpos_addimage > $rowpos_manpi) { $YPOS = $rowpos_addimage + 15; } //if manual pi printed smaller than displayed additional images if ($rowpos_main_image > $rowpos_manpi && $nei == 0) { $YPOS = $rowpos_main_image + 5; } //if manual pi printed smaller than displayed main images and theres no additional images printed if ($rowpos_manpi == $rowpos_addimage) { $YPOS = $rowpos_manpi; } //if manual pi printed and additional images were the same row height } else { if ($rowpos_manpi > $rowpos_addimage) { $YPOS = $rowpos_manpi + 5; } elseif ($rowpos_addimage > $rowpos_manpi) { $YPOS = $rowpos_addimage + 5; } //if manual pi printed smaller than displayed additional images if ($rowpos_main_image > $rowpos_manpi && $nei == 0) { $YPOS = $rowpos_main_image + 5; } //if manual pi printed smaller than displayed main images and theres no additional images printed if ($rowpos_manpi == $rowpos_addimage) { $YPOS = $rowpos_manpi; } //if manual pi printed and additional images were the same row height } //PRODUCTION if ($YPOS > 240) { $pdf->show_footer_page_info = true; 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$rhodium_rule2 = $is_diamore; */ //$rhodium_and_micron_rule = in_array_r($finishing_product, $product_finishing_array); //if ($rhodium_rule1 || $rhodium_rule2) { //if ($rhodium_and_micron_rule) { //$finishing[] = 'Rhodium'; //} $is_partial_plated = $p['p']['is_partial_plated'] == '1'; $is_goldplated = false; foreach ($p['finishing'] as $ftext => $fval) { if ($fval) { $is_goldplated = $fval == 'Goldplated' || $fval == 'Rose Goldplate'; if ($is_partial_plated) { if ($fval == 'Goldplated' || $fval == 'Rose Goldplate') { continue; } } //OttoB2B and Elli Premium goldplated products need to be added with 1.5 micron /* if (($is_ottob2b || $is_elli_premium) && ($fval == 'Goldplated' || $fval == 'Rose Goldplate')) { $ftext .= ' 1.5 micron'; } */ $finishing[] = $ftext; } } if ($is_partial_plated) { //OttoB2B and Elli Premium goldplated products need to be added with 1.5 micron //if (($is_ottob2b || $is_elli_premium) //$finishing_micron_key = array_search('micron', $finishing); //if ($finishing_micron_key !== false //&& ($fval == 'Goldplated' || $fval == 'Rose Goldplate')) { //$finishing[] = 'Partial Plated 1.5 micron'; //} else { $finishing[] = 'Partial Plated'; //} } $product_finishing_array = ProductAttribute::getOldStylesFunction()->retrieveList(ProductAttribute::GROUP_ID_PRODUCT_FINISHING); $finishing_product = ProductAttribute::displayAttributeName($i['products_id'], ProductAttribute::GROUP_ID_PRODUCT_FINISHING, '2'); if (!empty($finishing_product)) { $finishing[] = $finishing_product; } /* if ($is_goldplated || $is_partial_plated) { //If using plating, removed finishing Rhodium since it will antitarnished as standard for plated products $finishing_rhodium_key = array_search('Rhodium', $finishing); if ($finishing_rhodium_key !== false) { unset($finishing[$finishing_rhodium_key]); } } */ //echo "<pre>";var_dump($finishing);die(); if (count($finishing) > 0) { if ($YPOS > 250) { $pdf->show_footer_page_info = true; $pdf->AddPage(); $YPOS = $margin + 5; } $finishing = implode(', ', $finishing); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $YPOS += $lineheight + 15; $lineheight = 4; $pdf->SetXY($margin, $YPOS); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); 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$pdf->Text($leftpos, $YPOS, 'NW: Total Weight of Non-Gold Elements'); //Draw PGWC Dust Box if ($YPOS > 250) { $pdf->show_footer_page_info = true; $pdf->AddPage(); $YPOS = $margin + 5; } $YPOS += $lineheight; $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $YPOS); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->Cell($colwidth, $lineheight, 'Dust', 1, 2, 'C', true); $pdf->SetFontSize($fontsize_sml); $pdf->SetTextColor(209, 209, 209); $pdf->Cell($colwidth, $gw_colheight_sml, 'Total Weight', 'LR', 2, 'C'); $pdf->Cell($colwidth, $gw_colheight_sml, '', 'LR', 2, 'C'); $pdf->Cell($colwidth_signature, $gw_colheight_big, 'QC', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell($colwidth_signature, $gw_colheight_big, 'GS', 1, 0, 'C'); } $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); //ENGRAVING ORDER SLIP global $ENGRAVED_PRODUCTS; if (strtoupper($o['type']) == 'JG' && in_array($i['products_id'], $ENGRAVED_PRODUCTS)) { if ($this->duplex_printing && $item_page_count % 2 != 0) { $pdf->AddPage(); $item_page_count++; } $pdf->AddPage(); $item_page_count++; 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