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$pdf->Cell(2, 5, ":", 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell(33, 5, $bar1->keterangan, 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->Ln(); } $str1 = "select * from " . $dbname . ".pad_photo\r\n where idlahan = '" . $idlahan . "'"; $res1 = mysql_query($str1); while ($bar1 = mysql_fetch_object($res1)) { $pdf->Cell(13, 5, $_SESSION['lang']['photo'], 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell(2, 5, ":", 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell(73, 5, $bar1->filename, 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(); $yey = $pdf->GetY(); $path = 'filepad/' . $bar1->filename; $pdf->Image($path, 25, $yey, 70); $pdf->SetY($yey + 80); $pdf->Ln(); } $pdf->Output(); exit; break; case 'update': $str = "update " . $dbname . ".pad_lahan \r\n set pemilik=" . $pemilik . ", \r\n unit='" . $unit . "', \r\n lokasi='" . $lokasi . "', \r\n luas=" . $luas . ", \r\n luasdapatditanam=" . $bisaditanam . ", \r\n rptanaman=" . $rptanaman . ", \r\n rptanah=" . $rptanah . ", \r\n totalgantirugi=" . ($rptanaman + $rptanah) . ", \r\n statuspermintaandana=" . $statuspermintaandana . ", \r\n statuspermbayaran=" . $statuspermbayaran . ", \r\n kodeblok='" . $blok . "', \r\n statuskades=" . $statuskades . ", \r\n statuscamat=" . $statuscamat . ", \r\n tanggalpengajuan=" . $tanggalpermintaan . ", \r\n tanggalbayar=" . $tanggalbayar . ", \r\n tanggalkades=" . $tanggalkades . ", \r\n tanggalcamat=" . $tanggalcamat . ", \r\n updateby=" . $_SESSION['standard']['userid'] . ", \r\n biayakades=" . $biayakades . ", \r\n biayacamat=" . $biayacamat . ", \r\n biayamatrai=" . $biayamatrai . ", \r\n keterangan='" . $keterangan . "', \r\n nosurat='" . $nosurat . "', \r\n batastimur='" . $batastimur . "', \r\n batasbarat='" . $batasbarat . "', \r\n batasutara='" . $batasutara . "', \r\n batasselatan='" . $batasselatan . "'\r\n where idlahan=" . $mid; if (mysql_query($str)) { } else { echo " Gagal," . addslashes(mysql_error($conn)); exit; } break; case 'insert': $str = "insert into " . $dbname . ".pad_lahan (\r\n pemilik, \r\n unit, \r\n lokasi, \r\n luas, \r\n luasdapatditanam, \r\n rptanaman, \r\n rptanah, \r\n totalgantirugi, \r\n statuspermintaandana, \r\n statuspermbayaran, \r\n kodeblok, \r\n statuskades, \r\n statuscamat, \r\n tanggalpengajuan, \r\n tanggalbayar, \r\n tanggalkades, \r\n tanggalcamat, \r\n updateby, \r\n biayakades, \r\n biayacamat, \r\n biayamatrai, \r\n keterangan, \r\n nosurat, \r\n batastimur, \r\n batasbarat, \r\n batasutara, \r\n batasselatan)\r\n values(\r\n " . $pemilik . ",\r\n '" . $unit . "', \r\n '" . $lokasi . "',\r\n " . $luas . ",\r\n " . $bisaditanam . ",\r\n " . $rptanaman . ", \r\n " . $rptanah . ", \r\n " . ($rptanaman + $rptanah) . ",\r\n " . $statuspermintaandana . ", \r\n " . $statuspermbayaran . ", \r\n '" . $blok . "', \r\n " . $statuskades . ", \r\n " . $statuscamat . ",\r\n " . $tanggalpermintaan . ",\r\n " . $tanggalbayar . ",\r\n " . $tanggalkades . ",\r\n " . $tanggalcamat . ",\r\n " . $_SESSION['standard']['userid'] . ",\r\n " . $biayakades . ",\r\n " . $biayacamat . ", \r\n " . $biayamatrai . ",\r\n '" . $keterangan . "', \r\n '" . $nosurat . "', \r\n '" . $batastimur . "',\r\n '" . $batasbarat . "', \r\n '" . $batasutara . "', \r\n '" . $batasselatan . "' \r\n )";
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FREDERICK -> change Paper Orientation from Landscape to Portrait $pdf=new PDF('L','mm','Legal'); */ $pdf = new PDF('P', 'mm', 'Legal'); //change arrangement of $getlgu & $getprov SEE: function setLGUinfo on line 19 //$pdf->setLGUinfo($getlgu[0],$getprov[0],$resulat[2]); $pdf->setLGUinfo($getprov[0], $getlgu[0], 'Office of the Treasurer'); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $Y_Label_position = 50; $Y_Table_Position = 55; $resultpp = @mysql_query("select * from ebpls_buss_taxfeetype where taxfeetype='{$taxtype}'") or die(mysql_error()); $gettype = @mysql_fetch_array($resultpp); //header $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 6); $pdf->SetY($Y_Label_position); /*==================================================== FREDERICK -> change X Coordinate from 5 to 55: /$pdf->SetX(5); */ $pdf->SetX(55); //==================================================== $pdf->Cell(50, 5, $gettype[typedesc], 1, 0, 'C'); /*==================================================== FREDERICK -> removed this X Coordinate /$pdf->SetX(55); =====================================================*/ $pdf->Cell(55, 5, 'COLLECTION', 1, 1, 'C'); //second line $totalamount = 0; while ($getfees = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $Yx++;
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//Llama al constructor de su clase Padre. //Modificar aka segun la forma del papel del reporte parent::__construct('P', 'mm', 'A4'); //parent::__construct('P','mm','Letter'); } } //Creación del objeto de la clase heredada $pdf = new PDF(); $pdf->SetTopMargin(5.4); $pdf->SetLeftMargin(1.5); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->Ln(); //Construcción de la tabla a mostrar $pdf->SetY(90); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'b', 11); $pdf->Text(23, 80, iconv('utf-8', 'cp1252', 'Item')); $pdf->Text(35, 80, iconv('utf-8', 'cp1252', 'Productos')); $pdf->Text(125, 80, 'Total Ventas'); $pdf->Text(167, 80, iconv('utf-8', 'cp1252', 'Fecha')); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); $pdf->Line(20, 82, 190, 82); $pdf->Line(20, 83, 190, 83); $j = 0; foreach ($fila as $key) { $j = $j + 1; $productos = iconv('utf-8', 'cp1252', $key[0]); $TotalVentas = iconv('utf-8', 'cp1252', $key[1]); $fecha = date_format(date_create($key[2]), 'd/m/Y'); $pdf->Text(25, $pdf->GetY(), $j);
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