} $sql = "" . "SELECT m.pur_ret_master_id,\n" . " DATE_FORMAT(m.pur_ret_date, '%d-%b-%y') pur_ret_date,\n" . " m.billno,\n" . " p.party_name\n" . " FROM purchase_return_master m\n" . " INNER JOIN purchase_return_detail d ON d.pur_ret_master_id = m.pur_ret_master_id\n" . " LEFT OUTER JOIN party p ON p.party_code = m.party_code\n" . " WHERE m.company_ref_id = {$_SESSION['company_id']}\n" . $where . "ORDER BY m.pur_ret_date, p.party_name"; //dump($sql); $result = $mysqli->query($sql); $ddata = array(); while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $ddata[] = $row; } $result->close(); $first = true; foreach ($ddata as $d) { $partyName = $d['party_name']; $date = $d['pur_ret_date']; $billNo = $d['billno']; if ($first === false) { $pdf->Header(); } $first = false; $pdf->printHeader(); $sql = "" . "SELECT CONCAT(im.cno, IFNULL(concat(' -- ', im.manufacturer_no), ''), ' -- ', im.description) item,\n" . " d.pr_qty,\n" . " d.pr_rate,\n" . " (d.pr_qty * d.pr_rate) amt\n" . " FROM purchase_return_detail d\n" . " INNER JOIN item_master im ON im.i_code = d.i_code\n" . " INNER JOIN item_category ic ON ic.cat_id = im.cat_id\n" . " WHERE d.pur_ret_master_id = {$d['pur_ret_master_id']}"; $result = $mysqli->query($sql); $data = array(); $count = 1; $total = array(); $total['qty'] = (double) 0; $total['amt'] = (double) 0; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $row['sno'] = $count++; $total['qty'] += $row['pr_qty']; $total['amt'] += $row['amt']; $row['pr_qty'] = number_format($row['pr_qty']);
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