echo "CC: <a href=\"mailto:{$incident->ccemail}\">{$incident->ccemail}</a><br />\n"; } if ($incident->phone != '' or $incident->phone != '') { if ($incident->phone != '') { echo "{$strTel}: {$incident->phone} "; plugin_do('incident_details_phone'); } if ($incident->mobile != '') { echo " {$strMob}: {$incident->mobile} "; plugin_do('incident_details_mobile'); } echo "<br />\n"; } if ($incident->externalid != '' or $incident->escalationpath > 0) { echo "{$strEscalated}: "; echo format_external_id($incident->externalid, $incident->escalationpath) . "<br />\n"; } if ($incident->externalengineer != '') { echo $incident->externalengineer; if ($incident->externalemail != '') { echo ", <a href=\"mailto:{$incident->externalemail}\">{$incident->externalemail}</a>"; } echo "<br />\n"; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$dbLinks} AS l, {$dbInventory} AS i "; $sql .= "WHERE linktype = 7 "; $sql .= "AND origcolref = {$incidentid} "; $sql .= "AND = linkcolref "; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()) { trigger_error("MySQL Query Error " . mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
} // Set Next Action text if not already set if ($update_nextaction == '') { $update_nextaction = $explain; } // Create URL for External ID's $externalid = ''; $escalationpath = $incidents['escalationpath']; if (!empty($incidents['escalationpath']) and !empty($incidents['externalid'])) { $epathurl = str_replace('%externalid%', $incidents['externalid'], $epath[$escalationpath]['track_url']); $externalid = "<a href=\"{$epathurl}\" title=\"{$epath[$escalationpath]['url_title']}\">{$incidents['externalid']}</a>"; } elseif (empty($incidents['externalid']) and $incidents['escalationpath'] >= 1) { $epathurl = $epath[$escalationpath]['home_url']; $externalid = "<a href=\"{$epathurl}\" title=\"{$epath[$escalationpath]['url_title']}\">{$epath[$escalationpath]['name']}</a>"; } elseif (empty($incidents['escalationpath']) and !empty($incidents['externalid'])) { $externalid = format_external_id($incidents['externalid']); } echo "<tr class='{$class}'>"; echo "<td align='center'>"; echo "<a href='incident_details.php?id={$incidents['id']}' class='direct'>{$incidents['id']}</a>"; if ($externalid != '') { echo "<br />{$externalid}"; } echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; if (!empty($incidents['softwareid'])) { echo software_name($incidents['softwareid']) . "<br />"; } if (count(open_activities_for_incident($incidents['id'])) > 0) { echo icon('timer', 16, $strOpenActivities) . ' '; }