public function actionRecords()
     $type = $this->sGet('type', 'current');
     $region = $this->sGet('region', 'China');
     $event = $this->sGet('event', '333');
     if (!in_array($type, array('current', 'history'))) {
         $type = 'current';
     if (!array_key_exists($event, Events::getNormalEvents())) {
         $event = '333';
     if ($type !== 'history') {
         $event = '';
     if (!Region::isValidRegion($region)) {
         $region = 'China';
     $records = Results::getRecords($type, $region, $event);
     $this->title = 'Official Records';
     $pageTitle = array('Official Records', Yii::t('Region', $region));
     if ($type === 'history') {
         $pageTitle[] = Yii::t('event', Events::getFullEventName($event));
     $pageTitle[] = Yii::t('Results', ucfirst($type));
     $this->pageTitle = $pageTitle;
     $this->description = Yii::t('statistics', 'Regional records are displayed on the page, based on the official WCA records.');
     $this->render('records', array('records' => $records, 'type' => $type, 'region' => $region, 'event' => $event));
Exemple #2
    echo $competition->secondStageFee($competition->entry_fee);
foreach ($competition->events as $key => $value) {
    if ($value['round'] > 0) {
        echo Yii::t('event', Events::getFullEventName($key));
						<td>&nbsp;+<i class="fa fa-rmb"></i><?php 
        echo $value['fee'];
        if ($competition->hasSecondStage) {
						<td>&nbsp;+<i class="fa fa-rmb"></i><?php 
            echo $competition->secondStageFee($value['fee'], $competition->second_stage_all);
 private function makeRecords($records, $isNR = false)
     $rec = array('en' => array(), 'zh' => array());
     foreach ($records as $type => $recs) {
         foreach ($recs as $result) {
             $eventName = Events::getFullEventName($result->eventId);
             $temp = $this->makePerson($result, true, $type);
             $enRec = sprintf('%s %s %s (%s)', $temp->link, $eventName, $temp->score, $type);
             $zhRec = sprintf('%s的%s纪录(%s),创造者%s', Yii::t('event', $eventName), $type === 'average' ? '平均' : '单次', $temp->score_zh, $temp->link_zh);
             if ($isNR) {
                 $rec['en'][$result->personCountryId][] = $enRec;
                 $rec['zh'][$result->personCountryId][] = $zhRec;
             } else {
                 $rec['en'][] = $enRec;
                 $rec['zh'][] = $zhRec;
     if (!$isNR) {
         $rec['en'] = implode(', ', $rec['en']);
         $rec['zh'] = implode(';', $rec['zh']);
     return $rec;
 public function exportScoreCard($competition, $all = false, $order = 'date')
     $registrations = $this->getRegistrations($competition, $all, $order);
     $tempPath = Yii::app()->runtimePath;
     $templatePath = APP_PATH . '/public/static/score-card.xlsx';
     $scoreCard = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($templatePath);
     $scoreCard->getProperties()->setCreator(Yii::app()->params->author)->setLastModifiedBy(Yii::app()->params->author)->setTitle($competition->wca_competition_id ?: $competition->name)->setSubject($competition->name);
     $sheet = $scoreCard->getSheet(0);
     $imageStyle = array('width' => 65, 'height' => 63, 'offsetX' => 2, 'offsetY' => 1);
     $drawingCollection = $sheet->getDrawingCollection();
     foreach ($drawingCollection as $drawing) {
     $title = "{$competition->name_zh} ({$competition->name}) - 成绩记录单 (Score Card)";
     $rowHeights = array();
     $xfIndexes = array();
     $oneCardRow = 13;
     for ($row = 1; $row <= $oneCardRow; $row++) {
         $height = $sheet->getRowDimension($row)->getRowHeight();
         if ($height === -1) {
             $height = isset($rowHeights[$row - 1]) ? $rowHeights[$row - 1] - 1 : 10;
         $rowHeights[$row] = $height;
         $xfIndexes[$row] = array();
         for ($col = 'A'; strcmp($col, 'AL') != 0; $col++) {
             $xfIndexes[$row][$col] = $sheet->getCell($col . $row)->getXfIndex();
     $staticCells = array('A3', 'K3', 'O3', 'S3', 'Z3', 'AK3', 'A5', 'B5', 'G5', 'G6', 'S5', 'S6', 'AE5', 'AJ5', 'A8', 'A9', 'A10', 'A11', 'A12', 'AJ8', 'AJ9', 'AJ10', 'AJ11', 'AJ12', 'A13', 'S13');
     $values = array();
     foreach ($staticCells as $cell) {
         $value = $sheet->getCell($cell)->getValue();
         $template = preg_replace('{\\d+}', '{row}', $cell);
         $row = preg_replace('{[A-Z]}', '', $cell);
         $values[] = array('value' => $value, 'template' => $template, 'row' => $row);
     $i = 0;
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($registrations as $registration) {
         foreach ($registration->events as $event) {
             if ($event === '333fm') {
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('A%d:AK%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 2, $i * $oneCardRow + 2));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('A%d:B%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 3, $i * $oneCardRow + 4));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('C%d:J%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 3, $i * $oneCardRow + 4));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('K%d:L%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 3, $i * $oneCardRow + 4));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('M%d:N%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 3, $i * $oneCardRow + 4));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('O%d:P%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 3, $i * $oneCardRow + 4));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('Q%d:R%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 3, $i * $oneCardRow + 4));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('S%d:T%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 3, $i * $oneCardRow + 4));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('U%d:Y%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 3, $i * $oneCardRow + 4));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('Z%d:AA%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 3, $i * $oneCardRow + 4));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('AB%d:AJ%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 3, $i * $oneCardRow + 4));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('AK%d:AK%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 3, $i * $oneCardRow + 4));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('A%d:A%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 5, $i * $oneCardRow + 7));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('B%d:F%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 5, $i * $oneCardRow + 7));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('G%d:R%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 5, $i * $oneCardRow + 5));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('S%d:AD%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 5, $i * $oneCardRow + 5));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('G%d:R%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 6, $i * $oneCardRow + 6));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('S%d:AD%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 6, $i * $oneCardRow + 6));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('G%d:I%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 7, $i * $oneCardRow + 7));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('J%d:L%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 7, $i * $oneCardRow + 7));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('M%d:O%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 7, $i * $oneCardRow + 7));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('P%d:R%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 7, $i * $oneCardRow + 7));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('S%d:U%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 7, $i * $oneCardRow + 7));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('V%d:X%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 7, $i * $oneCardRow + 7));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('Y%d:AA%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 7, $i * $oneCardRow + 7));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('AB%d:AD%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 7, $i * $oneCardRow + 7));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('AE%d:AI%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 5, $i * $oneCardRow + 7));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('AJ%d:AJ%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 5, $i * $oneCardRow + 7));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('B%d:F%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 8, $i * $oneCardRow + 8));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('B%d:F%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 9, $i * $oneCardRow + 9));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('B%d:F%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 10, $i * $oneCardRow + 10));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('B%d:F%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 11, $i * $oneCardRow + 11));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('B%d:F%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 12, $i * $oneCardRow + 12));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('G%d:I%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 8, $i * $oneCardRow + 8));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('J%d:L%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 8, $i * $oneCardRow + 8));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('M%d:O%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 8, $i * $oneCardRow + 8));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('P%d:R%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 8, $i * $oneCardRow + 8));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('S%d:U%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 8, $i * $oneCardRow + 8));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('V%d:X%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 8, $i * $oneCardRow + 8));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('Y%d:AA%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 8, $i * $oneCardRow + 8));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('AB%d:AD%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 8, $i * $oneCardRow + 8));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('G%d:I%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 9, $i * $oneCardRow + 9));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('J%d:L%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 9, $i * $oneCardRow + 9));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('M%d:O%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 9, $i * $oneCardRow + 9));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('P%d:R%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 9, $i * $oneCardRow + 9));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('S%d:U%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 9, $i * $oneCardRow + 9));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('V%d:X%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 9, $i * $oneCardRow + 9));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('Y%d:AA%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 9, $i * $oneCardRow + 9));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('AB%d:AD%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 9, $i * $oneCardRow + 9));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('G%d:I%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 10, $i * $oneCardRow + 10));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('J%d:L%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 10, $i * $oneCardRow + 10));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('M%d:O%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 10, $i * $oneCardRow + 10));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('P%d:R%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 10, $i * $oneCardRow + 10));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('S%d:U%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 10, $i * $oneCardRow + 10));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('V%d:X%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 10, $i * $oneCardRow + 10));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('Y%d:AA%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 10, $i * $oneCardRow + 10));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('AB%d:AD%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 10, $i * $oneCardRow + 10));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('G%d:I%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 11, $i * $oneCardRow + 11));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('J%d:L%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 11, $i * $oneCardRow + 11));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('M%d:O%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 11, $i * $oneCardRow + 11));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('P%d:R%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 11, $i * $oneCardRow + 11));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('S%d:U%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 11, $i * $oneCardRow + 11));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('V%d:X%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 11, $i * $oneCardRow + 11));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('Y%d:AA%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 11, $i * $oneCardRow + 11));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('AB%d:AD%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 11, $i * $oneCardRow + 11));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('G%d:I%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 12, $i * $oneCardRow + 12));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('J%d:L%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 12, $i * $oneCardRow + 12));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('M%d:O%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 12, $i * $oneCardRow + 12));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('P%d:R%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 12, $i * $oneCardRow + 12));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('S%d:U%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 12, $i * $oneCardRow + 12));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('V%d:X%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 12, $i * $oneCardRow + 12));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('Y%d:AA%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 12, $i * $oneCardRow + 12));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('AB%d:AD%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 12, $i * $oneCardRow + 12));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('AE%d:AI%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 8, $i * $oneCardRow + 8));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('AE%d:AI%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 9, $i * $oneCardRow + 9));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('AE%d:AI%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 10, $i * $oneCardRow + 10));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('AE%d:AI%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 11, $i * $oneCardRow + 11));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('AE%d:AI%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 12, $i * $oneCardRow + 12));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('A%d:R%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 13, $i * $oneCardRow + 13));
             $sheet->mergeCells(sprintf('S%d:AJ%d', $i * $oneCardRow + 13, $i * $oneCardRow + 13));
             for ($j = 1; $j <= $oneCardRow; $j++) {
                 $row = $i * $oneCardRow + $j;
                 foreach ($xfIndexes[$j] as $col => $xfIndex) {
                     $sheet->getCell($col . $row)->setXfIndex($xfIndex);
             foreach ($values as $value) {
                 $row = $i * $oneCardRow + $value['row'];
                 $cell = str_replace('{row}', $row, $value['template']);
                 $sheet->setCellValue($cell, $value['value']);
             $row = $i * $oneCardRow + 2;
             $sheet->setCellValue("A{$row}", $title);
             $row = $i * $oneCardRow + 3;
             $eventName = Events::getFullEventName($event);
             $eventName = sprintf('%s (%s)', Yii::t('event', $eventName), $eventName);
             $sheet->setCellValue("C{$row}", $eventName);
             $sheet->setCellValue("M{$row}", '1st');
             $sheet->setCellValue("Q{$row}", $registration->number);
             $sheet->setCellValue("U{$row}", $registration->user->wcaid);
             $sheet->setCellValue("AB{$row}", $registration->user->getCompetitionName());
             $row = $i * $oneCardRow + 7;
             $col = 'G';
             for ($j = 0; $j < 8; $j++) {
                 $drawing = new PHPExcelDrawing();
                 $drawing->setPath($drawingCollection[$j]->getPath(), false);
             if ($i == 400) {
                 $path = $tempPath . '/' . $competition->name . ".{$count}.xlsx";
                 $this->exportToExcel($scoreCard, $path);
                 unset($scoreCard, $sheet);
                 $i = 0;
                 $scoreCard = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($templatePath);
                 $scoreCard->getProperties()->setCreator(Yii::app()->params->author)->setLastModifiedBy(Yii::app()->params->author)->setTitle($competition->wca_competition_id ?: $competition->name)->setSubject($competition->name);
                 $sheet = $scoreCard->getSheet(0);
                 $drawingCollection = $sheet->getDrawingCollection();
                 foreach ($drawingCollection as $drawing) {
     if ($count == 0) {
         $this->exportToExcel($scoreCard, 'php://output', $competition->name);
     } else {
         $path = $tempPath . '/' . $competition->name . ".{$count}.xlsx";
         $this->exportToExcel($scoreCard, $path);
         unset($scoreCard, $sheet);
         $zip = new ZipArchive();
         $tempName = tempnam($tempPath, 'scoreCardTmp');
         if ($zip->open($tempName, ZipArchive::CREATE) !== true) {
             throw new CHttpException(500, '创建压缩文件失败');
         $dir = 'score-card';
         for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
             $path = $tempPath . '/' . $competition->name . ".{$i}.xlsx";
             $zip->addFile($path, $dir . '/' . basename($path));
         header('Content-Type: application/zip');
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="' . $competition->name . '.zip"');
         for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
             $path = $tempPath . '/' . $competition->name . ".{$i}.xlsx";
Exemple #5
      <div class="panel-collapse collapse in">
        <div class="portlet-body">
$form = $this->beginWidget('ActiveForm', array('htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'form-horizontal'), 'enableClientValidation' => true));
foreach ($competition->events as $event => $data) {
    if ($data['round'] <= 0) {
          <div class="form-group">
    echo $form->labelEx($model, 'name_zh', array('class' => 'col-lg-2 control-label', 'label' => Yii::t('event', Events::getFullEventName($event))));
            <div class="col-lg-10 checkbox">
    for ($i = 0; $i < $data['round']; $i++) {
              <div class="export-round">
        echo $i + 1;
        echo CHtml::dropDownList("event[{$event}][{$i}]", Events::getDefaultExportFormat($event), $exportFormsts, array());
Exemple #6
foreach (Results::getRankingTypes() as $_type) {
    echo CHtml::tag('button', array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'type', 'value' => $_type, 'class' => 'btn btn-' . ($type == $_type ? 'warning' : 'theme')), Yii::t('common', ucfirst($_type)));
  <div class="event-title">
echo CHtml::tag('span', array('class' => 'event-icon event-icon-' . $event), Yii::t('event', Events::getFullEventName($event)));
echo Yii::t('Region', $region);
echo Yii::t('common', ucfirst($gender));
echo Yii::t('common', ucfirst($type));
 public function getEventsColumns($headerText = false)
     $region = 'Yii::t("Region", $data->user->country->getAttributeValue("name"))';
     if (Yii::app()->language == 'zh_cn') {
         $region .= '.$data->user->getRegionName($data->user->province). (in_array($data->user->province_id, array(215, 525, 567, 642)) ? "" : $data->user->getRegionName($data->user->city))';
     $columns = array(array('headerHtmlOptions' => array('class' => 'battle-checkbox'), 'header' => Yii::t('common', 'Battle'), 'value' => 'Persons::getBattleCheckBox($data->user->getCompetitionName(), $data->user->wcaid)', 'type' => 'raw'), array('name' => 'number', 'header' => 'No.', 'value' => '$data->number'), array('name' => 'name', 'header' => Yii::t('Competition', 'Name'), 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('class' => 'header-username'), 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => '$data->user->getWcaLink()'), array('name' => 'gender', 'header' => Yii::t('common', 'Gender'), 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('class' => 'header-gender'), 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => '$data->user->getGenderText()'), array('name' => 'country_id', 'header' => Yii::t('common', 'Region'), 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('class' => 'header-region'), 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => $region));
     if ($this->isMultiLocation()) {
         $columns[] = array('name' => 'location_id', 'header' => Yii::t('common', 'Competition Site'), 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('class' => 'header-location'), 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => '$data->location->getFullAddress(false)');
     foreach ($this->events as $event => $value) {
         if ($value['round'] > 0) {
             $columns[] = array('name' => (string) $event, 'header' => CHtml::tag('span', array('class' => 'event-icon event-icon-white event-icon-' . $event, 'title' => Yii::t('event', Events::getFullEventName($event))), $headerText ? $event : ''), 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('class' => 'header-event'), 'htmlOptions' => Yii::app()->controller->sGet('sort') === "{$event}" ? array('class' => 'hover') : array(), 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => "\$data->getEventsString('{$event}')");
     return $columns;