/** * Loads the library's dependencies and configuration. * * @return void */ public static function initialize() { // get all installed extensions if (empty(self::$extensions)) { self::$CI =& get_instance(); self::$extensions = self::$CI->extension->getInstalledExtensions(); } // Merge events from indivdual modules. foreach (Modules::list_modules() as $module) { // Skip if module is not installed if (!isset(self::$extensions[$module])) { continue; } $path = ROOTPATH . EXTPATH . "{$module}/config/"; if (is_file($path . 'events.php')) { $module_events = Modules::load_file('events', $path, 'config'); if (is_array($module_events)) { self::$events = array_merge_recursive(self::$events, $module_events); } } } if (self::$events === FALSE) { self::$events = array(); } }
public static function init() { if (!function_exists('read_config')) { $ci =& get_instance(); $ci->load->helper('config_file'); } self::$events = read_config('events'); if (self::$events == false) { self::$events = array(); } }
public static function loadAll() { if (!isset(self::$events)) { self::$events = array(); foreach (glob(EVENTS_DIR . '/*.class.php') as $file) { $class_name = preg_replace('/\\.class\\.php$/', '', basename($file)); self::$events[] = new $class_name(); } } return self::$events; }
/** * Loads the config/events.php file into memory so we can access it * later without the disk load. * * @access public * * @return void */ public static function init() { if (!function_exists('read_config')) { $ci =& get_instance(); $ci->load->helper('config_file'); } self::$events = read_config('events'); // merge other modules events foreach (module_list(TRUE) as $module) { if ($module_events = read_config('events', TRUE, $module)) { self::$events = array_merge_recursive(self::$events, $module_events); } } if (self::$events == false) { self::$events = array(); } }
/** * Loads the library's dependencies and configuration. * * @return void */ public static function init() { if (!function_exists('read_config')) { self::$ci =& get_instance(); self::$ci->load->helper('config_file'); } self::$events = read_config('events', true, null, false); // Merge events from indivdual modules. foreach (Modules::list_modules(true) as $module) { $module_events = read_config('events', true, $module, true); if (is_array($module_events)) { self::$events = array_merge_recursive(self::$events, $module_events); } } if (self::$events == false) { self::$events = array(); } }
private static function setEvents() { Events::$events = WynfordChace::getSiteData("events"); return self::$events; }