public function saveEntryAttributesForm(Form $form, Entry $entry) { foreach ($form->getControls() as $control) { $type = $control->getControlType(); $saver = $type->getSaveHandler($control); if ($saver instanceof SaveHandlerInterface) { $saver->saveFromRequest($control, $entry, $this->request); } } $this->entityManager->flush(); $ev = new Event($entry); $ev->setEntityManager($this->entityManager); \Events::dispatch('on_express_entry_saved', $ev); return $ev->getEntry(); }
/** * @todo Implement testFire(). */ public function testFire() { $observer = new EventsTestObserver(); $this->object->addListener('fire', array($observer, 'invoke')); $event = new GenericEvent('dontfire', array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2)); $this->object->dispatch('dontfire'); $this->assertEquals(0, $observer->invoked); $event = new GenericEvent('fire', array('a' => 18, 'b' => 81)); $this->object->dispatch('fire', $event); $this->assertEquals(1, $observer->invoked); $this->assertEquals('81', $observer->event['b']); }
public function saveForm(Page $c) { $controls = Control::getList($this->type); $outputControls = array(); foreach ($controls as $cn) { $data = $cn->getRequestValue(); $cn->publishToPage($c, $data, $controls); $outputControls[] = $cn; } // set page name from controls // now we see if there's a page name field in there $containsPageNameControl = false; foreach ($outputControls as $cn) { if ($cn instanceof NameCorePageProperty) { $containsPageNameControl = true; break; } } if (!$containsPageNameControl) { foreach ($outputControls as $cn) { if ($cn->canPageTypeComposerControlSetPageName()) { $pageName = $cn->getPageTypeComposerControlPageNameValue($c); $c->updateCollectionName($pageName); } } } // remove all but the most recent X drafts. if ($c->isPageDraft()) { $vl = new VersionList($c); $vl->setItemsPerPage(-1); // this will ensure that we only ever keep X versions. $vArray = $vl->getPage(); if (count($vArray) > $this->ptDraftVersionsToSave) { for ($i = $this->ptDraftVersionsToSave; $i < count($vArray); ++$i) { $v = $vArray[$i]; @$v->delete(); } } } $c = Page::getByID($c->getCollectionID(), 'RECENT'); $controls = array(); foreach ($outputControls as $oc) { $oc->setPageObject($c); $controls[] = $oc; } $ev = new Event($c); $ev->setPageType($this->type); $ev->setArgument('controls', $controls); \Events::dispatch('on_page_type_save_composer_form', $ev); return $controls; }
protected function notifyAdmin($offenderID) { $offender = UserInfo::getByID($offenderID); $ue = new \Concrete\Core\User\Event\UserInfo($offender); Events::dispatch('on_private_message_over_limit', $ue); $admin = UserInfo::getByID(USER_SUPER_ID); Log::addEntry(t("User: %s has tried to send more than %s private messages within %s minutes", $offender->getUserName(), \Config::get('concrete.user.private_messages.throttle_max'), \Config::get('concrete.user.private_messages.throttle_max_timespan')), t('warning')); Loader::helper('mail'); $mh = new MailHelper(); $mh->addParameter('offenderUname', $offender->getUserName()); $mh->addParameter('profileURL', BASE_URL . View::url('/profile', 'view', $offender->getUserID())); $mh->addParameter('profilePreferencesURL', BASE_URL . View::url('/profile/edit')); $mh->to($admin->getUserEmail()); $mh->load('private_message_admin_warning'); $mh->sendMail(); }
public function submit() { if ($this->validateAction()) { if ($this->permissions->canDeleteBlock()) { $b = $this->getBlockToEdit(); $pr = $this->getEditResponse($b); // Since we have the OLD block ID in the DOM, we need to override that bID $pr->setAdditionalDataAttribute('bID', $this->block->getBlockID()); $b->deleteBlock(); $event = new BlockDelete($b, $this->page); \Events::dispatch('on_block_delete', $event); $b->getBlockCollectionObject()->rescanDisplayOrder($_REQUEST['arHandle']); $pr->setMessage(t('Block deleted successfully.')); $pr->outputJSON(); } } }
/** * Utility method for clearing all application caches. */ public function clearCaches() { \Events::dispatch('on_cache_flush'); Core::make('cache')->flush(); Core::make('cache/expensive')->flush(); // flush the CSS cache if (is_dir(DIR_FILES_CACHE . '/' . DIRNAME_CSS)) { $fh = Loader::helper("file"); $fh->removeAll(DIR_FILES_CACHE . '/' . DIRNAME_CSS); } $pageCache = PageCache::getLibrary(); if (is_object($pageCache)) { $pageCache->flush(); } // clear the environment overrides cache $env = \Environment::get(); $env->clearOverrideCache(); // Clear localization cache Localization::clearCache(); // clear block type cache BlockType::clearCache(); }
public function delete() { $db = Loader::db(); if (!$this->uID) { return false; } $ue = new Event($this); $ue = Events::dispatch('on_private_message_delete', $ue); if (!$ue) { return; } $db->Execute('delete from UserPrivateMessagesTo where uID = ? and msgID = ?', array($this->uID, $this->msgID)); }
public function getOutput($request = null) { $pl = $this->getPageListObject(); if ($this->cParentID) { $parent = Page::getByID($this->cParentID); $link = $parent->getCollectionLink(); } $pagination = $pl->getPagination(); if ($pagination->getTotalResults() > 0) { $writer = new \Zend\Feed\Writer\Feed(); $writer->setTitle($this->getTitle()); $writer->setDescription($this->getDescription()); $writer->setLink((string) $link); foreach ($pagination->getCurrentPageResults() as $p) { $entry = $writer->createEntry(); $entry->setTitle($p->getCollectionName()); $entry->setDateCreated(strtotime($p->getCollectionDatePublic())); $content = $this->getPageFeedContent($p); if (!$content) { $content = t('No Content.'); } $entry->setDescription($content); $entry->setLink((string) $p->getCollectionLink(true)); $writer->addEntry($entry); } $ev = new FeedEvent($parent); $ev->setFeedObject($this); $ev->setWriterObject($writer); $ev->setRequest($request); $ev = \Events::dispatch('on_page_feed_output', $ev); $writer = $ev->getWriterObject(); return $writer->export('rss'); } }
/** * Utility method for clearing all application caches. */ public function clearCaches() { \Events::dispatch('on_cache_flush'); $this['cache']->flush(); $this['cache/expensive']->flush(); $config = $this['config']; // Delete and re-create the cache directory $cacheDir = $config->get(''); if (is_dir($cacheDir)) { $fh = Core::make('helper/file'); $fh->removeAll($cacheDir, true); } $this->setupFilesystem(); $pageCache = PageCache::getLibrary(); if (is_object($pageCache)) { $pageCache->flush(); } // clear the environment overrides cache $env = \Environment::get(); $env->clearOverrideCache(); // Clear localization cache Localization::clearCache(); // clear block type cache BlockType::clearCache(); // Clear precompiled script bytecode caches OpCache::clear(); }
/** * Utility method for clearing all application caches. */ public function clearCaches() { \Events::dispatch('on_cache_flush'); $this['cache']->flush(); $this['cache/expensive']->flush(); $config = $this['config']; // Delete and re-create the cache directory $cacheDir = $config->get(''); if (is_dir($cacheDir)) { $fh = Core::make('helper/file'); $fh->removeAll($cacheDir, true); } $this->setupFilesystem(); $pageCache = PageCache::getLibrary(); if (is_object($pageCache)) { $pageCache->flush(); } // Clear the file thumbnail path cache $connection = $this['database']; $sql = $connection->getDatabasePlatform()->getTruncateTableSQL('FileImageThumbnailPaths'); try { $connection->executeUpdate($sql); } catch (\Exception $e) { } // clear the environment overrides cache $env = \Environment::get(); $env->clearOverrideCache(); // Clear localization cache Localization::clearCache(); // clear block type cache BlockType::clearCache(); // Clear precompiled script bytecode caches OpCache::clear(); \Events::dispatch('on_cache_flush_end'); }
<?php $DIR_BASE_CORE = dirname(__DIR__); define('DIR_BASE', dirname($DIR_BASE_CORE)); require $DIR_BASE_CORE . '/bootstrap/configure.php'; require $DIR_BASE_CORE . '/bootstrap/autoload.php'; if (!\Concrete\Core\Application\Application::isRunThroughCommandLineInterface()) { return false; } $cms = (require $DIR_BASE_CORE . '/bootstrap/start.php'); $app = new \Concrete\Core\Console\Application(); $cms->instance('console', $app); if ($cms->isInstalled()) { $cms->setupPackageAutoloaders(); $cms->setupPackages(); } $app->setupDefaultCommands(); \Events::dispatch('on_before_console_run'); $app->run(); \Events::dispatch('on_after_console_run');
public function publish(Page $c, $requestOrDateTime = null) { $this->stripEmptyPageTypeComposerControls($c); $parent = Page::getByID($c->getPageDraftTargetParentPageID()); if ($c->isPageDraft()) { // this is still a draft, which means it has never been properly published. // so we need to move it, check its permissions, etc... Section::registerPage($c); $c->move($parent); if (!$parent->overrideTemplatePermissions()) { // that means the permissions of pages added beneath here inherit from page type permissions // this is a very poorly named method. Template actually used to mean Type. // so this means we need to set the permissions of this current page to inherit from page types. $c->inheritPermissionsFromDefaults(); } $c->activate(); } else { $c->rescanCollectionPath(); } $u = new User(); if (!$requestOrDateTime instanceof ApprovePagePageWorkflowRequest) { $v = CollectionVersion::get($c, 'RECENT'); $pkr = new ApprovePagePageWorkflowRequest(); $pkr->setRequestedPage($c); $pkr->setRequestedVersionID($v->getVersionID()); $pkr->setRequesterUserID($u->getUserID()); if ($requestOrDateTime) { // That means it's a date time $pkr->scheduleVersion($requestOrDateTime); } } else { $pkr = $requestOrDateTime; } $pkr->trigger(); $u->unloadCollectionEdit($c); CacheLocal::flush(); $ev = new Event($c); $ev->setPageType($this); $ev->setUser($u); \Events::dispatch('on_page_type_publish', $ev); }
$linkTags = array(); if (($favIconFID = intval(Config::get('concrete.misc.favicon_fid'))) && ($favIconFile = File::getByID($favIconFID)) && is_object($favIconFile)) { $favIconFileURL = $favIconFile->getURL(); $linkTags['shortcut icon'] = sprintf('<link rel="shortcut icon" href="%s" type="image/x-icon"/>', $favIconFileURL); $linkTags['icon'] = sprintf('<link rel="icon" href="%s" type="image/x-icon"/>', $favIconFileURL); } if (($appleIconFID = intval(Config::get('concrete.misc.iphone_home_screen_thumbnail_fid'))) && ($appleIconFile = File::getByID($appleIconFID)) && is_object($appleIconFile)) { $linkTags['apple-touch-icon'] = sprintf('<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="%s"/>', $appleIconFile->getURL()); } // Generate and dispatch an event, to let other Add-Ons make use of the available (meta) tags/page title $event = new \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\GenericEvent(); $event->setArgument('metaTags', $metaTags); $event->setArgument('linkTags', $linkTags); $event->setArgument('pageTitle', $pageTitle); $event->setArgument('defaultPageTitle', $defaultPageTitle); Events::dispatch('on_header_required_ready', $event); $metaTags = $event->getArgument('metaTags'); $linkTags = $event->getArgument('linkTags'); $pageTitle = $event->getArgument('pageTitle'); ?> <title><?php echo htmlspecialchars($pageTitle, ENT_COMPAT, APP_CHARSET); ?> </title> <?php echo implode(PHP_EOL, $metaTags); if (!empty($linkTags)) { echo implode(PHP_EOL, $linkTags); }
} $b = Block::getByID($_REQUEST['bID'], $cx, $ax); $p = new Permissions($b); // might be block-level, or it might be area level // we're removing a particular block of content if ($p->canDeleteBlock()) { $nvc = $cx->getVersionToModify(); if ($a->isGlobalArea()) { $xvc = $c->getVersionToModify(); // we need to create a new version of THIS page as well. $xvc->relateVersionEdits($nvc); } $b->loadNewCollection($nvc); $b->deleteBlock(); $event = new BlockDelete($b, $c); \Events::dispatch('on_block_delete', $event); $nvc->rescanDisplayOrder($_REQUEST['arHandle']); if (isset($_POST['isAjax'])) { exit; } $cID = $securityHelper->sanitizeInt($_GET['cID']); header('Location: ' . \Core::getApplicationURL() . '/' . DISPATCHER_FILENAME . '?cID=' . $cID . '&mode=edit' . $step); exit; } } break; } } if (isset($_GET['atask']) && $_GET['atask'] && $valt->validate()) { switch ($_GET['atask']) { case 'add_stack':
* methods * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $cms->setupPackages(); /** * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Load all permission keys into our local cache. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ PermissionKey::loadAll(); /** * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fire an event for intercepting the dispatch * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ \Events::dispatch('on_before_dispatch'); /** * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Get the response to the current request * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $response = $cms->dispatch($request); /** * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Send it to the user * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $response->send(); /** * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Return the CMS object.
/** * @param array $data * @return UserInfo|false|null */ public function create($data) { $uae = new AddUser($data); $uae = \Events::dispatch('on_before_user_add', $uae); if (!$uae->proceed()) { return false; } $db = $this->connection; $dh = $this->application->make('date'); $uDateAdded = $dh->getOverridableNow(); $config = $this->application->make('config'); $hasher = new PasswordHash($config->get('concrete.user.password.hash_cost_log2'), $config->get('concrete.user.password.hash_portable')); if (isset($data['uIsValidated']) && $data['uIsValidated'] == 1) { $uIsValidated = 1; } elseif (isset($data['uIsValidated']) && $data['uIsValidated'] == 0) { $uIsValidated = 0; } else { $uIsValidated = -1; } if (isset($data['uIsFullRecord']) && $data['uIsFullRecord'] == 0) { $uIsFullRecord = 0; } else { $uIsFullRecord = 1; } $password_to_insert = isset($data['uPassword']) ? $data['uPassword'] : null; $hash = $hasher->HashPassword($password_to_insert); $uDefaultLanguage = null; if (isset($data['uDefaultLanguage']) && $data['uDefaultLanguage'] != '') { $uDefaultLanguage = $data['uDefaultLanguage']; } $v = array($data['uName'], $data['uEmail'], $hash, $uIsValidated, $uDateAdded, $uDateAdded, $uIsFullRecord, $uDefaultLanguage, 1); $r = $db->prepare("insert into Users (uName, uEmail, uPassword, uIsValidated, uDateAdded, uLastPasswordChange, uIsFullRecord, uDefaultLanguage, uIsActive) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); $res = $r->execute($v); if ($res) { $newUID = $db->Insert_ID(); $ui = $this->userInfoFactory->getByID($newUID); if (is_object($ui)) { $uo = $ui->getUserObject(); $groupControllers = \Group::getAutomatedOnRegisterGroupControllers($uo); foreach ($groupControllers as $ga) { if ($ga->check($uo)) { $uo->enterGroup($ga->getGroupObject()); } } // run any internal event we have for user add $ue = new UserInfoWithPassword($ui); $ue->setUserPassword($password_to_insert); \Events::dispatch('on_user_add', $ue); } return $ui; } }
public static function ignorePageRelation($page, $locale) { $db = Database::get(); // first, we retrieve the relation for the page in the default locale. $mpRelationID = static::registerPage($page); $v = [$mpRelationID, 0, $locale]; $db->Execute('insert into MultilingualPageRelations (mpRelationID, cID, mpLocale) values (?, ?, ?)', $v); $pde = new Event($page); $pde->setLocale($locale); \Events::dispatch('on_multilingual_page_ignore', $pde); }
/** * @param array $data * * @return UserInfo|false|null */ public function create($data) { $uae = new AddUser($data); $uae = \Events::dispatch('on_before_user_add', $uae); if (!$uae->proceed()) { return false; } $config = $this->application->make('config'); $hasher = new PasswordHash($config->get('concrete.user.password.hash_cost_log2'), $config->get('concrete.user.password.hash_portable')); if (isset($data['uIsValidated']) && $data['uIsValidated'] == 1) { $uIsValidated = 1; } elseif (isset($data['uIsValidated']) && $data['uIsValidated'] == 0) { $uIsValidated = 0; } else { $uIsValidated = -1; } if (isset($data['uIsFullRecord']) && $data['uIsFullRecord'] == 0) { $uIsFullRecord = 0; } else { $uIsFullRecord = 1; } $password_to_insert = isset($data['uPassword']) ? $data['uPassword'] : null; $hash = $hasher->HashPassword($password_to_insert); $uDefaultLanguage = null; if (isset($data['uDefaultLanguage']) && $data['uDefaultLanguage'] != '') { $uDefaultLanguage = $data['uDefaultLanguage']; } $entity = new UserEntity(); $entity->setUserName($data['uName']); $entity->setUserEmail($data['uEmail']); $entity->setUserPassword($hash); $entity->setUserIsValidated($uIsValidated); $entity->setUserIsFullRecord($uIsFullRecord); $entity->setUserDefaultLanguage($uDefaultLanguage); $entity->setUserIsActive(true); $this->entityManager->persist($entity); $this->entityManager->flush(); $newUID = $entity->getUserID(); $ui = $this->userInfoRepository->getByID($newUID); if (is_object($ui)) { $uo = $ui->getUserObject(); $groupControllers = \Group::getAutomatedOnRegisterGroupControllers($uo); foreach ($groupControllers as $ga) { if ($ga->check($uo)) { $uo->enterGroup($ga->getGroupObject()); } } // run any internal event we have for user add $ue = new UserInfoWithPassword($ui); $ue->setUserPassword($password_to_insert); \Events::dispatch('on_user_add', $ue); // Now we notify any relevant users. /** * @var $type UserSignupType */ $type = $this->application->make('manager/notification/types')->driver('user_signup'); $u = new User(); $createdBy = null; if (is_object($u)) { $creator = $u->getUserInfoObject(); if (is_object($creator)) { $createdBy = $creator->getEntityObject(); } } $signup = new UserSignup($ui->getEntityObject(), $createdBy); $notifier = $type->getNotifier(); $subscription = $type->getSubscription($signup); $notified = $notifier->getUsersToNotify($subscription, $signup); $notification = $type->createNotification($signup); $notifier->notify($notified, $notification); } return $ui; }