Example #1
  * Chunk here is an encrypted piece of file
  * until delimiter.
  * @see PMF_Attachment_Filesystem_File#getChunk()
 public function getChunk()
     $readEnd = false;
     $chunk = '';
     $chunkDelimLen = strlen(self::chunkDelimiter);
     while (!$readEnd && !$this->eof()) {
         $chunk .= fread($this->handle, 1);
         $readEnd = self::chunkDelimiter == substr($chunk, -$chunkDelimLen);
     $chunk = substr($chunk, 0, -$chunkDelimLen);
     return empty($chunk) ? '' : $this->aes->decrypt($chunk);
Example #2
File: Jar.php Project: queued/mavis
  * Get the specified cookie
  * @param string $cookie Cookie's name
  * @param mixed $default Default value if the specified cookie does not exists
  * @return mixed
 public function get($cookie, $default = null)
     if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookie])) {
         $raw = $this->decryptCookie($_COOKIE[$cookie]);
         $value = $this->cipher->decrypt($raw['value']);
         $hash = $this->cipher->decrypt($raw['hash']);
         if ($this->cipher->match($value, $hash)) {
             return $value;
     return $default;
Example #3
  * Decrypts an encrypted string
  * The value was padded with NUL characters when encrypted. You may
  * need to trim the result or cast its type.
  * @param string $cipherText the binary string to decrypt
  * @return string|PEAR_Error Returns plain text on success, PEAR_Error on failure
  * @access public
 function decrypt($cipherText)
     return $this->_crypt->decrypt($cipherText);
Example #4
  * Gets Binary Packets
  * See '6. Binary Packet Protocol' of rfc4253 for more info.
  * @see \phpseclib\Net\SSH2::_send_binary_packet()
  * @return string
  * @throws \RuntimeException on connection errors
  * @access private
 function _get_binary_packet()
     if (!is_resource($this->fsock) || feof($this->fsock)) {
         $this->bitmap = 0;
         throw new \RuntimeException('Connection closed prematurely');
     $start = microtime(true);
     $raw = fread($this->fsock, $this->decrypt_block_size);
     if (!strlen($raw)) {
         return '';
     if ($this->decrypt !== false) {
         $raw = $this->decrypt->decrypt($raw);
     if ($raw === false) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decrypt content');
     extract(unpack('Npacket_length/Cpadding_length', $this->_string_shift($raw, 5)));
     $remaining_length = $packet_length + 4 - $this->decrypt_block_size;
     // quoting <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4253#section-6.1>,
     // "implementations SHOULD check that the packet length is reasonable"
     // PuTTY uses 0x9000 as the actual max packet size and so to shall we
     if ($remaining_length < -$this->decrypt_block_size || $remaining_length > 0x9000 || $remaining_length % $this->decrypt_block_size != 0) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid size');
     $buffer = '';
     while ($remaining_length > 0) {
         $temp = fread($this->fsock, $remaining_length);
         if ($temp === false || feof($this->fsock)) {
             $this->bitmap = 0;
             throw new \RuntimeException('Error reading from socket');
         $buffer .= $temp;
         $remaining_length -= strlen($temp);
     $stop = microtime(true);
     if (strlen($buffer)) {
         $raw .= $this->decrypt !== false ? $this->decrypt->decrypt($buffer) : $buffer;
     $payload = $this->_string_shift($raw, $packet_length - $padding_length - 1);
     $padding = $this->_string_shift($raw, $padding_length);
     // should leave $raw empty
     if ($this->hmac_check !== false) {
         $hmac = fread($this->fsock, $this->hmac_size);
         if ($hmac === false || strlen($hmac) != $this->hmac_size) {
             $this->bitmap = 0;
             throw new \RuntimeException('Error reading socket');
         } elseif ($hmac != $this->hmac_check->hash(pack('NNCa*', $this->get_seq_no, $packet_length, $padding_length, $payload . $padding))) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid HMAC');
     //if ($this->decompress) {
     //    $payload = gzinflate(substr($payload, 2));
     if (defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING')) {
         $current = microtime(true);
         $message_number = isset($this->message_numbers[ord($payload[0])]) ? $this->message_numbers[ord($payload[0])] : 'UNKNOWN (' . ord($payload[0]) . ')';
         $message_number = '<- ' . $message_number . ' (since last: ' . round($current - $this->last_packet, 4) . ', network: ' . round($stop - $start, 4) . 's)';
         $this->_append_log($message_number, $payload);
         $this->last_packet = $current;
     return $this->_filter($payload);
Example #5
  * Gets Binary Packets
  * See 'The Binary Packet Protocol' of protocol-1.5.txt for more info.
  * Also, this function could be improved upon by adding detection for the following exploit:
  * http://www.securiteam.com/securitynews/5LP042K3FY.html
  * @see self::_send_binary_packet()
  * @return array
  * @access private
 function _get_binary_packet()
     if (feof($this->fsock)) {
         //user_error('connection closed prematurely');
         return false;
     if ($this->curTimeout) {
         $read = array($this->fsock);
         $write = $except = null;
         $start = strtok(microtime(), ' ') + strtok('');
         // http://php.net/microtime#61838
         $sec = floor($this->curTimeout);
         $usec = 1000000 * ($this->curTimeout - $sec);
         // on windows this returns a "Warning: Invalid CRT parameters detected" error
         if (!@stream_select($read, $write, $except, $sec, $usec) && !count($read)) {
             return true;
         $elapsed = strtok(microtime(), ' ') + strtok('') - $start;
         $this->curTimeout -= $elapsed;
     $start = strtok(microtime(), ' ') + strtok('');
     // http://php.net/microtime#61838
     $temp = unpack('Nlength', fread($this->fsock, 4));
     $padding_length = 8 - ($temp['length'] & 7);
     $length = $temp['length'] + $padding_length;
     $raw = '';
     while ($length > 0) {
         $temp = fread($this->fsock, $length);
         $raw .= $temp;
         $length -= strlen($temp);
     $stop = strtok(microtime(), ' ') + strtok('');
     if (strlen($raw) && $this->crypto !== false) {
         $raw = $this->crypto->decrypt($raw);
     $padding = substr($raw, 0, $padding_length);
     $type = $raw[$padding_length];
     $data = substr($raw, $padding_length + 1, -4);
     $temp = unpack('Ncrc', substr($raw, -4));
     //if ( $temp['crc'] != $this->_crc($padding . $type . $data) ) {
     //    user_error('Bad CRC in packet from server');
     //    return false;
     $type = ord($type);
     if (defined('NET_SSH1_LOGGING')) {
         $temp = isset($this->protocol_flags[$type]) ? $this->protocol_flags[$type] : 'UNKNOWN';
         $temp = '<- ' . $temp . ' (' . round($stop - $start, 4) . 's)';
         $this->_append_log($temp, $data);
     return array(self::RESPONSE_TYPE => $type, self::RESPONSE_DATA => $data);
Example #6
  * Login process with remember data 
  * @return bool|array
 protected static function loginFromRemember()
     $rememberConf = static::$constants->remember;
     if ($rememberConf['enabled'] === true) {
         $cookieName = $rememberConf['cookieName'];
         if (static::$cooker->has($cookieName)) {
             $userData = static::$crypt->decrypt(static::$cooker->get($cookieName), static::$constants->secret);
             $userDataArr = json_decode($userData, true);
             if (!json_last_error() && isset($userDataArr[$rememberConf['field']])) {
                 $token = $userDataArr[$rememberConf['field']];
                 $tokenDecrypted = static::$crypt->decrypt($token, static::$constants->secret);
                 if (intval($tokenDecrypted) >= static::currentTime()) {
                     static::$user = static::resolveDbResult($userDataArr);
                     $result = static::setUserRepository(static::$user);
                     return $result;
     return false;
Example #7
  * Called when applying the filter
  * This method is called whenever data is read from or written to the attached stream
  * (such as with fread() or fwrite()).
  * @param resource $in
  * @param resource $out
  * @param int $consumed
  * @param bool $closing
  * @link http://php.net/manual/en/php-user-filter.filter.php
  * @return int
  * @access public
 function filter($in, $out, &$consumed, $closing)
     $newlen = 0;
     $block_mode = $this->cipher->mode == Base::MODE_CBC || $this->cipher->mode == Base::MODE_ECB;
     while ($bucket = stream_bucket_make_writeable($in)) {
         if ($block_mode) {
             $bucket->data = $this->buffer . $bucket->data;
             $extra = strlen($bucket->data) % $this->block_length;
             if ($extra) {
                 $this->buffer = substr($bucket->data, -$extra);
                 $bucket->data = substr($bucket->data, 0, -$extra);
         $bucket->data = $this->op ? $this->cipher->encrypt($bucket->data) : $this->cipher->decrypt($bucket->data);
         $newlen += strlen($bucket->data);
         $consumed += $bucket->datalen;
         stream_bucket_append($out, $bucket);
     return $block_mode && $newlen < $this->block_length ? PSFS_FEED_ME : PSFS_PASS_ON;
Example #8
  * Method to decrypt a data string.
  * @param   string  $data  The encrypted string to decrypt.
  * @return  string  The decrypted data string.
 public function decrypt($data)
     return $this->cipher->decrypt($data, $this->key);
Example #9
  * Decrypting data (URL safe)
  * @param string $data
  * @return string or false on error
 public function decrypt($data)
     return $this->object->decrypt($data);
Example #10
  * decrypt a string value, optionally with a custom key
  * @param	string	value to decrypt
  * @param	string	optional custom key to be used for this encryption
  * @param	int	optional key length
  * @access	public
  * @return	string	encrypted value
 protected function decode($value, $key = false, $keylength = false)
     if (!$key) {
         $key = static::safe_b64decode($this->config['crypto_key']);
         // Used for backwards compatibility with encrypted data prior
         // to FuelPHP 1.7.2, when phpseclib was updated, and became a
         // bit smarter about figuring out key lengths.
         $keylength = 128;
     if ($keylength) {
     $value = static::safe_b64decode($value);
     if ($value = $this->validate_hmac($value)) {
         return $this->crypter->decrypt($value);
     } else {
         return false;
Example #11
  * Decrypts an encrypted string
  * The value was padded with NUL characters when encrypted. You may
  * need to trim the result or cast its type.
  * @param string $cipherText the binary string to decrypt
  * @return string|PEAR_Error Returns plain text on success, PEAR_Error on failure
  * @access public
 function decrypt($cipherText)
     $result = $this->_crypt->decrypt(base64_decode($cipherText));
     return $result;