/** * Sets contents of passed object to values from current object. * * If desired, this method can also make copies of all associated (fkey referrers) * objects. * * @param object $copyObj An object of Gastofacturacion (or compatible) type. * @param boolean $deepCopy Whether to also copy all rows that refer (by fkey) to the current row. * @param boolean $makeNew Whether to reset autoincrement PKs and make the object new. * @throws PropelException */ public function copyInto($copyObj, $deepCopy = false, $makeNew = true) { $copyObj->setIdcategoriagasto($this->getIdcategoriagasto()); $copyObj->setGastofacturacionNombre($this->getGastofacturacionNombre()); $copyObj->setGastofacturacionDescripcion($this->getGastofacturacionDescripcion()); $copyObj->setGastofacturacionIva($this->getGastofacturacionIva()); if ($deepCopy && !$this->startCopy) { // important: temporarily setNew(false) because this affects the behavior of // the getter/setter methods for fkey referrer objects. $copyObj->setNew(false); // store object hash to prevent cycle $this->startCopy = true; foreach ($this->getExpedientegastos() as $relObj) { if ($relObj !== $this) { // ensure that we don't try to copy a reference to ourselves $copyObj->addExpedientegasto($relObj->copy($deepCopy)); } } //unflag object copy $this->startCopy = false; } // if ($deepCopy) if ($makeNew) { $copyObj->setNew(true); $copyObj->setIdgastofacturacion(NULL); // this is a auto-increment column, so set to default value } }
/** * Sets contents of passed object to values from current object. * * If desired, this method can also make copies of all associated (fkey referrers) * objects. * * @param object $copyObj An object of Empleado (or compatible) type. * @param boolean $deepCopy Whether to also copy all rows that refer (by fkey) to the current row. * @param boolean $makeNew Whether to reset autoincrement PKs and make the object new. * @throws PropelException */ public function copyInto($copyObj, $deepCopy = false, $makeNew = true) { $copyObj->setEmpleadoNombre($this->getEmpleadoNombre()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoApellidopaterno($this->getEmpleadoApellidopaterno()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoApallidomaterno($this->getEmpleadoApallidomaterno()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoEmail($this->getEmpleadoEmail()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoPassword($this->getEmpleadoPassword()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoCelular($this->getEmpleadoCelular()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoTelefono($this->getEmpleadoTelefono()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoCalle($this->getEmpleadoCalle()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoNumero($this->getEmpleadoNumero()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoInterior($this->getEmpleadoInterior()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoColonia($this->getEmpleadoColonia()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoCodigopostal($this->getEmpleadoCodigopostal()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoCiudad($this->getEmpleadoCiudad()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoEstado($this->getEmpleadoEstado()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoNss($this->getEmpleadoNss()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoRfc($this->getEmpleadoRfc()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoIniciocontrato($this->getEmpleadoIniciocontrato()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoNombrecontacto($this->getEmpleadoNombrecontacto()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoTelefonocontacto($this->getEmpleadoTelefonocontacto()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoEstatus($this->getEmpleadoEstatus()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoRol($this->getEmpleadoRol()); $copyObj->setEmpleadoFoto($this->getEmpleadoFoto()); if ($deepCopy && !$this->startCopy) { // important: temporarily setNew(false) because this affects the behavior of // the getter/setter methods for fkey referrer objects. $copyObj->setNew(false); // store object hash to prevent cycle $this->startCopy = true; foreach ($this->getClientesRelatedByIdempleadocomercial() as $relObj) { if ($relObj !== $this) { // ensure that we don't try to copy a reference to ourselves $copyObj->addClienteRelatedByIdempleadocomercial($relObj->copy($deepCopy)); } } foreach ($this->getClientesRelatedByIdempleadooperaciones() as $relObj) { if ($relObj !== $this) { // ensure that we don't try to copy a reference to ourselves $copyObj->addClienteRelatedByIdempleadooperaciones($relObj->copy($deepCopy)); } } foreach ($this->getExpedientearchivos() as $relObj) { if ($relObj !== $this) { // ensure that we don't try to copy a reference to ourselves $copyObj->addExpedientearchivo($relObj->copy($deepCopy)); } } foreach ($this->getExpedientegastos() as $relObj) { if ($relObj !== $this) { // ensure that we don't try to copy a reference to ourselves $copyObj->addExpedientegasto($relObj->copy($deepCopy)); } } //unflag object copy $this->startCopy = false; } // if ($deepCopy) if ($makeNew) { $copyObj->setNew(true); $copyObj->setIdempleado(NULL); // this is a auto-increment column, so set to default value } }
/** * Sets contents of passed object to values from current object. * * If desired, this method can also make copies of all associated (fkey referrers) * objects. * * @param object $copyObj An object of Proveedoritrade (or compatible) type. * @param boolean $deepCopy Whether to also copy all rows that refer (by fkey) to the current row. * @param boolean $makeNew Whether to reset autoincrement PKs and make the object new. * @throws PropelException */ public function copyInto($copyObj, $deepCopy = false, $makeNew = true) { $copyObj->setProveedoritradeNombre($this->getProveedoritradeNombre()); $copyObj->setProveedoritradeNombrecontacto($this->getProveedoritradeNombrecontacto()); $copyObj->setProveedoritradeTelefono($this->getProveedoritradeTelefono()); $copyObj->setProveedoritradeCalle($this->getProveedoritradeCalle()); $copyObj->setProveedoritradeNumero($this->getProveedoritradeNumero()); $copyObj->setProveedoritradeInterior($this->getProveedoritradeInterior()); $copyObj->setProveedoritradeColonia($this->getProveedoritradeColonia()); $copyObj->setProveedoritradeCiudad($this->getProveedoritradeCiudad()); $copyObj->setProveedoritradeEstado($this->getProveedoritradeEstado()); $copyObj->setProveedoritradePais($this->getProveedoritradePais()); $copyObj->setProveedoritradeEmail($this->getProveedoritradeEmail()); $copyObj->setProveedoritradeRfc($this->getProveedoritradeRfc()); $copyObj->setProveedoritradeClabe($this->getProveedoritradeClabe()); if ($deepCopy && !$this->startCopy) { // important: temporarily setNew(false) because this affects the behavior of // the getter/setter methods for fkey referrer objects. $copyObj->setNew(false); // store object hash to prevent cycle $this->startCopy = true; foreach ($this->getExpedientegastos() as $relObj) { if ($relObj !== $this) { // ensure that we don't try to copy a reference to ourselves $copyObj->addExpedientegasto($relObj->copy($deepCopy)); } } foreach ($this->getProveedoritradearchivos() as $relObj) { if ($relObj !== $this) { // ensure that we don't try to copy a reference to ourselves $copyObj->addProveedoritradearchivo($relObj->copy($deepCopy)); } } foreach ($this->getProveedoritradeservicios() as $relObj) { if ($relObj !== $this) { // ensure that we don't try to copy a reference to ourselves $copyObj->addProveedoritradeservicio($relObj->copy($deepCopy)); } } //unflag object copy $this->startCopy = false; } // if ($deepCopy) if ($makeNew) { $copyObj->setNew(true); $copyObj->setIdproveedoritrade(NULL); // this is a auto-increment column, so set to default value } }
/** * Sets contents of passed object to values from current object. * * If desired, this method can also make copies of all associated (fkey referrers) * objects. * * @param object $copyObj An object of Expediente (or compatible) type. * @param boolean $deepCopy Whether to also copy all rows that refer (by fkey) to the current row. * @param boolean $makeNew Whether to reset autoincrement PKs and make the object new. * @throws PropelException */ public function copyInto($copyObj, $deepCopy = false, $makeNew = true) { $copyObj->setIdcliente($this->getIdcliente()); $copyObj->setIdconsignatarioembarcador($this->getIdconsignatarioembarcador()); $copyObj->setExpedienteListaempaque($this->getExpedienteListaempaque()); $copyObj->setExpedienteFactura($this->getExpedienteFactura()); $copyObj->setExpedienteFechainicio($this->getExpedienteFechainicio()); $copyObj->setExpedienteFechafin($this->getExpedienteFechafin()); $copyObj->setExpedienteTipo($this->getExpedienteTipo()); $copyObj->setExpedienteEstatus($this->getExpedienteEstatus()); $copyObj->setExpedienteFolio($this->getExpedienteFolio()); $copyObj->setExpedientePreciomxn($this->getExpedientePreciomxn()); $copyObj->setExpedientePreciousd($this->getExpedientePreciousd()); $copyObj->setExpedienteEstatuspago($this->getExpedienteEstatuspago()); $copyObj->setExpedienteFacturacionmxn($this->getExpedienteFacturacionmxn()); $copyObj->setExpedienteFacturacionusd($this->getExpedienteFacturacionusd()); $copyObj->setExpedientePendientepagomxn($this->getExpedientePendientepagomxn()); $copyObj->setExpedientePendientepagousd($this->getExpedientePendientepagousd()); $copyObj->setExpedienteFacturapdfmxn($this->getExpedienteFacturapdfmxn()); $copyObj->setExpedienteFacturaxmlmxn($this->getExpedienteFacturaxmlmxn()); $copyObj->setExpedienteFacturapdfusd($this->getExpedienteFacturapdfusd()); $copyObj->setExpedienteFacturaxmlusd($this->getExpedienteFacturaxmlusd()); if ($deepCopy && !$this->startCopy) { // important: temporarily setNew(false) because this affects the behavior of // the getter/setter methods for fkey referrer objects. $copyObj->setNew(false); // store object hash to prevent cycle $this->startCopy = true; foreach ($this->getExpedienteanticipos() as $relObj) { if ($relObj !== $this) { // ensure that we don't try to copy a reference to ourselves $copyObj->addExpedienteanticipo($relObj->copy($deepCopy)); } } foreach ($this->getExpedientearchivos() as $relObj) { if ($relObj !== $this) { // ensure that we don't try to copy a reference to ourselves $copyObj->addExpedientearchivo($relObj->copy($deepCopy)); } } foreach ($this->getExpedientegastos() as $relObj) { if ($relObj !== $this) { // ensure that we don't try to copy a reference to ourselves $copyObj->addExpedientegasto($relObj->copy($deepCopy)); } } foreach ($this->getExpedienteservicios() as $relObj) { if ($relObj !== $this) { // ensure that we don't try to copy a reference to ourselves $copyObj->addExpedienteservicio($relObj->copy($deepCopy)); } } //unflag object copy $this->startCopy = false; } // if ($deepCopy) if ($makeNew) { $copyObj->setNew(true); $copyObj->setIdexpediente(NULL); // this is a auto-increment column, so set to default value } }