Example #1
  * Render a complete transcription form for templates.
  * ### Arguments
  * - `array` **$fields** - An array of fields for unregistered users to fill out. Each array element should have a descriptive key and the full HTML output for the value.
  * - `string` **$language_field** - HTML output for the transcript language field.
  * - `string` **$transcript_field** - HTML output for the transcript content field. Used when $wysiwyg_editor is `false`.
  * - `string` **$must_log_in** - Error text to display when users must be logged in to transcribe.
  * - `string` **$logged_in_as** - Text to display when a user is already logged in.
  * - `string` **$transcript_notes_before** - Transcription notes displayed to unregistered users before the `$fields` are output.
  * - `string` **$transcript_notes_after** - Transcription notes displayed at the bottom of the form before the submit button.
  * - `string` **$transcript_notes_success** - Text displayed after a transcript has been successfully submitted.
  * - `string` **$transcript_notes_failure** - Text displayed if an error occurs during transcript submission.
  * - `string` **$id_form** - ID to use for the `<form>` element.
  * - `string` **$title_submit** - Title text to display for the transcript submission form.
  * - `string` **$label_submit** - Text to display for the submit button.
  * - `mixed` **$wysiwyg_editor** - Whether to display a WYSIWYG transcript editor. May pass an array of arguments for `wp_editor()`.
  * <code class="php">
  * // render the standard transcript form
  * webcomic_transcript_form();
  * // render a WYSIWYG transcript form
  * webcomic_transcript_form( array( 'wysiwyg_editor' => true ) );
  * // render a WYSIWYG transcript editor with a custom title to update the transcript with an ID of 42
  * webcomic_transcript_form( array( 'wysiwyg_editor' => true, 'title_submit' => 'Improve this Transcript' ), 42 );
  * </code>
  * @package Webcomic
  * @param array $args Options for strings, fields etc in the form.
  * @param mixed $transcript The transcript to update on submission.
  * @param mixed $the_post The post object or ID to generate the form for.
  * @uses WebcomicTag::webcomic_transcript_form()
 function webcomic_transcript_form($args = array(), $transcript = false, $the_post = false)
     WebcomicTag::webcomic_transcript_form($args, $transcript, $the_post);