Example #1
  * Render a formatted webcomic print amount.
  * <code class="php">
  * // render the current webcomic's print amount for a domestic print
  * webcomic_print_amount( 'domestic' );
  * // render the original-print shipping amount for webcomic 42 using ',' for the decimal and '.' for the thousands separator
  * webcomic_print_amount( 'original-shipping', ',', '.', 42 );
  * </code>
  * <code class="bbcode">
  * // render the current webcomic's print amount for a domestic print
  * [webcomic_print_amount type="domestic"]
  * // render the original-print shipping amount for webcomic 42 using ',' for the decimal and '.' for the thousands separator
  * [webcomic_print_amount type="original-shipping" dec="," sep="." the_post="42"]
  * </code>
  * @package Webcomic
  * @param string $type The amount to return, one of 'domestic', 'domestic-price', 'domestic-shipping', 'international', 'international-price', 'international-shipping', 'original', 'original-price', or 'original-shipping'.
  * @param string $dec Decimal point for number_format().
  * @param string $sep Thousands separator for number_format().
  * @param mixed $the_post The post object or ID to get print amounts for.
  * @uses WebcomicTag::webcomic_print_amount()
 function webcomic_print_amount($type, $dec = '.', $sep = ',', $the_post = false)
     echo WebcomicTag::webcomic_print_amount($type, $dec, $sep, $the_post);
Example #2
  * Handle webcomic_print_amount shortcode.
  * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes.
  * @return string
  * @uses WebcomicTag::webcomic_print_amount()
 public function webcomic_print_amount($atts)
     extract(shortcode_atts(array('type' => '', 'dec' => '.', 'sep' => ',', 'the_post' => false), $atts));
     return WebcomicTag::webcomic_print_amount($type, $dec, $sep, $the_post);