Example #1

 * Default age-restricted template.
 * Strictly speaking this isn't an integration template. This
 * template loads whenever a reader reaches an age-restricted
 * webcomic they can't access and an appropriate template can't be
 * found in the current theme.
 * @package Webcomic
 * @uses verify_webcomic_age()
wp_die(is_null(verify_webcomic_age()) ? sprintf("\n            <form method='post'>\n                %s<br>\n                <button type='submit' name='webcomic_birthday' value='1'>%s</button>\n                <button type='submit' name='webcomic_birthday' value='0'>%s</button>\n            </form>", sprintf(__('Are you %s years or older?', 'webcomic'), WebcomicTag::get_verify_webcomic_age()), __('Yes', 'webcomic'), __('No', 'webcomic')) : __("You don't have permission to view this content.", 'webcomic'), __('Restricted Content | Webcomic', 'webcomic'), 401);
Example #2
 function the_verify_webcomic_age($collection = '')
     return WebcomicTag::get_verify_webcomic_age($collection);