/** * Get the inputs directly or from the batch request input * @return mixed */ protected function getInputs() { if (!is_null(self::$currentRequest)) { return self::$currentRequest->json()->all(); } else { return \Input::all(); } }
/** * Creates a Laravel route, returning a closure which passes the raw input to AngularPHP and returns the response */ protected function init() { $route = func_get_arg(0); $this->setErrorHandler(function (\Exception $e, Request $r) { \Log::error($e, $r->toArray()); }); $endpoint = $this; \Route::any($route, function () use($endpoint) { $path = '/' . \Request::path(); $referrer = \Request::header('referer'); $host = \Request::header('host'); if (($origin = \Request::header('Origin')) && count($this->corsHosts)) { $this->setCorsOrigin($origin); } /** * If being called remotely, add the domain name to the URI */ if (strlen($referrer) && parse_url($referrer, PHP_URL_HOST) != $host) { $uri = '//' . $host . $path; } else { $uri = $path; } $request = new Request(\Request::json()->all()); $response = $endpoint->setUri($uri)->execute($request, \Request::getMethod()); return \Response::make($response->content, $response->code, $response->headers)->header('Content-Type', $response->contentType); }); }
public function postProduct() { $product = Request::json('product'); $dbProduct = Product::find($product['id']); if ($dbProduct) { $dbProduct->set($product); $dbProduct->save(); } return Response::json($dbProduct); }
<?php if ('dbuniquecheck' == Request::get(1)) { $dbdate = Request::json(); $m = new Model($dbdate[1]); $query_arr = array($dbdate[2] => $dbdate[4]); if (trim($dbdate[3]) != '') { $query_arr['id@<>'] = trim($dbdate[3]); } if ($m->has($query_arr)) { Response::write('no'); } else { Response::write('ok'); } } elseif ('getselvt' == Request::get(1)) { $tn = String::decryption(Request::post('tn')); $aw = String::decryption(Request::post('aw')); $m = new Model($tn); $array = $m->field('id,name')->where("pid='" . Request::post('pid') . "'" . $aw)->list_all_array(); Response::json($array); }
}); Route::get('/students/seed', function () { $faker = Faker\Factory::create(); DB::table('students')->truncate(); for ($i = 1; $i < 25; $i++) { $student = new \App\Student(); $student->name = $faker->name; $student->address = $faker->address; $student->save(); } }); Route::get('/students', function () { return \App\Student::all(); }); Route::post('/device', function () { $all = Request::json()->all(); var_dump($all); }); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application Routes |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This route group applies the "web" middleware group to every route | it contains. The "web" middleware group is defined in your HTTP | kernel and includes session state, CSRF protection, and more. | */ Route::group(['middleware' => ['web']], function () { // });
/** * @test * @expectedException \Exception */ public function jsonMustThrowOnEmptyString() { Request::json(); }
$address = $request->get('address'); $brands = $request->get('brands'); $categories = $request->get('categories'); DB::beginTransaction(); try { $vendor = App\Vendor::create(['name' => $name, 'address' => $address]); $vendor->brands()->attach($brands); $vendor->categories()->attach($categories); DB::commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { DB::rollback(); } }); Route::put('api/vendor/{id}', function ($id) { $vendor = App\Vendor::find($id); $request = Request::json(); $name = $request->get('name'); $address = $request->get('address'); $brands = $request->get('brands'); $categories = $request->get('categories'); DB::beginTransaction(); try { $vendor->name = $name; $vendor->address = $address; $vendor->save(); $vendor->brands()->sync($brands); $vendor->categories()->sync($categories); DB::commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { DB::rollback(); }
return View::make('error/403')->with('warning', 'You have no permission to view invoices'); } }); Route::filter('check-access', function () { // Check if the user is logged in if (!Sentry::getUser()->hasAccess('sysadmin')) { return Redirect::action('InvoiceController@index'); } }); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | CSRF Protection Filter |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The CSRF filter is responsible for protecting your application against | cross-site request forgery attacks. If this special token in a user | session does not match the one given in this request, we'll bail. | */ Route::filter('csrf', function () { if (!Request::is('android/*')) { if (Session::token() != Input::get('_token')) { throw new Illuminate\Session\TokenMismatchException(); } } }); Route::filter('android', function () { if (!Request::json()) { App::abort(404); } });