/** * postSignin * -------------------------------------------------- * @return Processes the signin request, signs in the user * -------------------------------------------------- */ public function postSignin() { /* Validation */ $rules = array('email' => 'required|email', 'password' => 'required'); /* run the validation rules on the inputs */ $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); /* Everything is OK */ if (!$validator->fails() and Auth::attempt(Input::only('email', 'password'))) { /* Track event | SIGN IN */ $tracker = new GlobalTracker(); $tracker->trackAll('lazy', array('en' => 'Sign in', 'el' => Auth::user()->email)); /* Make welcome message */ if (Auth::user()->name) { $message = 'Welcome back, ' . Auth::user()->name . '!'; } else { $message = 'Welcome back.'; } /* Redirect to dashboard */ return Redirect::route('dashboard.dashboard')->with('success', $message); /* Something is not OK (bad credentials) */ } else { /* Redirect to signin with error message */ return Redirect::route('auth.signin')->with('error', 'The provided email address or password is incorrect.')->withInput(Input::except('password')); } }
public function postEdit($id) { if (!$this->checkRoute()) { return Redirect::route('index'); } $title = 'Edit A Modpack Creator - ' . $this->site_name; $creator = Creator::find($id); $input = Input::only('name', 'deck', 'website', 'donate_link', 'bio', 'slug'); $messages = ['unique' => 'The modpack creator already exists in the database.', 'url' => 'The :attribute field is not a valid URL.']; $validator = Validator::make($input, ['name' => 'required|unique:creators,name,' . $creator->id, 'website' => 'url', 'donate_link' => 'url'], $messages); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::action('CreatorController@getAdd')->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } $creator->name = $input['name']; $creator->deck = $input['deck']; $creator->website = $input['website']; $creator->donate_link = $input['donate_link']; $creator->bio = $input['bio']; if ($input['slug'] == '' || $input['slug'] == $creator->slug) { $slug = Str::slug($input['name']); } else { $slug = $input['slug']; } $creator->slug = $slug; $creator->last_ip = Request::getClientIp(); $success = $creator->save(); if ($success) { return View::make('creators.edit', ['title' => $title, 'creator' => $creator, 'success' => true]); } return Redirect::action('CreatorController@getEdit', [$id])->withErrors(['message' => 'Unable to edit modpack creator.'])->withInput(); }
public function join() { $data = Input::only(['name', 'room_id']); print_r($data); $room = Room::find($data['room_id']); if (!$room) { return Redirect::action('PrepareController@room'); } if ($room->state !== 'open') { throw new BadRequestHttpException('既にゲームは開始しています。'); } if ($room->mates->count() >= $room->member_number) { throw new BadRequestHttpException('全ユーザーが揃っています'); } if (!isset($data['name']) || $data['name'] == '') { //名前指定していない場合 return Redirect::action('PrepareController@rooms'); } $i = 0; do { $hash = sha1(date("Y/m/d H:i:s.u") . 'zCeZu12X' . $data['name'] . $data['room_id']); $hashed_mate = Mate::where('hash', $hash)->select('hash')->first(); $i++; if ($i > 50) { throw new InternalErrorException('ユーザー作成に失敗しました hash衝突しまくり'); } } while ($hashed_mate && $i < 100); $mate = Mate::create(['name' => $data['name'], 'last_state' => 'open', 'hash' => $hash, 'cast_id' => 0, 'room_id' => $data['room_id'], 'select_user_id' => '', 'is_alive' => 1]); if (!$mate) { throw new InternalErrorException('ユーザー作成に失敗しました'); } $room->touch(); return Redirect::action('PlayController@index', ['hash' => $hash]); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * POST /sessions * * @return Response */ public function store() { if (Auth::attempt(Input::only('email', 'password'))) { return Redirect::to('/reservation'); } return Redirect::back(); }
public function getAvailableSchoolsAttribute() { $filters = array_filter(Input::only('specialty', 'district', 'municipality', 'city', 'type', 'search')); $filters['financing'][] = $this->id; $schools_data = new School(); return $schools_data->filterSchools($filters)->get()->count(); }
/** * Update the specified karyawan in storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function update($id) { $rules = array('first_name' => 'required', 'unit_kerja' => 'required|exists:unitkerjas,id', 'unit' => 'required|exists:units,id', 'jabatan' => 'required|exists:jabatans,id'); $karyawan = User::findOrFail($id); $validator = Validator::make($data = Input::only('first_name', 'last_name', 'nip', 'unit_kerja', 'unit', 'jabatan'), $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } else { //code DB::table('users')->where('id', $id)->update(array('first_name' => Input::get('first_name'), 'last_name' => Input::get('last_name'), 'nip' => Input::get('nip'), 'unit_kerja' => Input::get('unit_kerja'), 'unit' => Input::get('unit'), 'jabatan' => Input::get('jabatan'))); // Find the user using the user id //$usergroupremove = Sentry::getUserProvider()->findById($id); // Find the group using the group id //$groupremove = Sentry::findGroupById($usergroupremove->getGroups()); // Assign the group to the user //$usergroupremove->removeGroup($groupsremove); // Find the user using the user id //$user = Sentry::findUserById($id); // Find the group using the group id //$adminGroup = Sentry::findGroupById(Input::get('group')); // Assign the group to the user //$user->addGroup($adminGroup); //$user->save(); } $karyawan->update($data); return Redirect::route('admin.karyawan.index')->with("successMessage", "Berhasil menyimpan {$karyawan->first_name}. "); }
public function postNewUser() { // Grab the inputs and validate them $new_user = Input::only('email', 'username', 'password', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'is_admin'); $validation = new Validators\SeatUserRegisterValidator(); // Should the form validation pass, continue to attempt to add this user if ($validation->passes()) { // Because users are soft deleted, we need to check if if // it doesnt actually exist first. $user = \User::withTrashed()->where('email', Input::get('email'))->orWhere('username', Input::get('username'))->first(); // If we found the user, restore it and set the // new values found in the post if ($user) { $user->restore(); } else { $user = new \User(); } // With the user object ready, work the update $user->email = Input::get('email'); $user->username = Input::get('username'); $user->password = Hash::make(Input::get('password')); $user->activated = 1; $user->save(); // After user is saved and has a user_id // we can add it to the admin group if necessary if (Input::get('is_admin') == 'yes') { $adminGroup = \Auth::findGroupByName('Administrators'); Auth::addUserToGroup($user, $adminGroup); } return Redirect::action('UserController@getAll')->with('success', 'User ' . Input::get('email') . ' has been added'); } else { return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validation->errors); } }
/** * Creates a new user * * @return String */ public function store() { $this->RegistrationForm->validate(Input::all()); $user = User::create(Input::only('email', 'password')); Auth::login($user); return Redirect::home(); }
/** * Authenticate the user * @return [type] [description] */ public function store() { if (Auth::attempt(Input::only('email', 'password'), true)) { return Redirect::intended('/'); } return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors(['Invalid Email or Password']); }
public function login() { $data = Input::only('email', 'password', 'remember'); $credeciales = ['email' => $data['email'], 'password' => $data['password']]; if (Auth::attempt($credeciales, $data['remember'])) { $data = [Auth::user()->full_name, Auth::user()->email, Auth::user()->tipo]; if (Auth::user()->tipo == 'asistente') { if (Auth::user()->available_email === 1 && Auth::user()->available_vendedor === 1) { $this->setAuditoria('acceso', 'login', $data); Session::put('id', Auth::user()->id); } else { if (Auth::user()->available_email === 1) { Session::flash('aviso', 'Debe tener la autorización de su vendedor.'); } else { Session::flash('aviso', 'Debe confirmar su correo.'); } Auth::logout(); return Redirect::back(); } } if (Auth::user()->tipo == 'administrador' || Auth::user()->tipo == 'vendedor') { $this->setAuditoria('acceso', 'login', $data); } return Redirect::route('inicio'); } return Redirect::back()->with('login_error', 1)->withInput(); }
public function post() { //step 1: validate input-data $validate_data = Input::only('contestant_id', 'keystone'); $validate_rules = array('contestant_id' => 'required|integer', 'keystone' => 'required|min:8'); $validator = Validator::make($validate_data, $validate_rules); if ($validator->fails()) { $validate_messages = $validator->messages()->toArray(); $this->messageController->send($validate_messages, $this::MESSAGE_KEY); return Redirect::to('login'); } //step 2: check empty collection from 'contestant_id', bcs it may not exist $contestant = Contestant::find(Input::get('contestant_id')); if (!$contestant) { $this->messageController->send(array('contestant_id' => ['contestant_id:wrong']), $this::MESSAGE_KEY); return Redirect::to('login'); } //step 3: compare hashed-value, if equal, allow login //what we get after find is a 'collection', not a Contestant's instance, so fetch it, first() if (Hash::check(Input::get('keystone'), $contestant->keystone)) { Auth::login($contestant); if ($contestant->id == 1) { //admin after 'login' refer go to 'admin' page return Redirect::to('admin'); } else { //contestant after 'login' refer goto 'test' page return Redirect::to('test'); } } else { $this->messageController->send(array('keystone' => ['keystone:wrong']), $this::MESSAGE_KEY); } //as a fall-back, return to login return Redirect::to('login'); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { $this->loginForm->validate($input = Input::only('email', 'password')); try { Sentry::authenticate($input, true); } catch (\Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\UserNotFoundException $e) { $mjs = array('success' => false, 'mgs' => trans('main.mgs_invalid_credential'), 'url' => ''); return Response::json($mjs); } catch (\Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\UserNotActivatedException $e) { $mjs = array('success' => false, 'mgs' => trans('main.user_not_activated'), 'url' => ''); return Response::json($mjs); } catch (\Cartalyst\Sentry\Throttling\UserSuspendedException $e) { $mjs = array('success' => false, 'mgs' => trans('main.user_suspended'), 'url' => ''); return Response::json($mjs); } // Logged in successfully - redirect based on type of user $user = Sentry::getUser(); $admin = Sentry::findGroupByName('Admins'); $users = Sentry::findGroupByName('Patients'); $doctors = Sentry::findGroupByName('Doctors'); $company = Sentry::findGroupByName('Clinics'); $recepcion = Sentry::findGroupByName('Receptionist'); if ($user->inGroup($admin)) { $mjs = array('success' => true, 'mgs' => trans('main.mgs_access'), 'url' => url() . '/admin'); return Response::json($mjs); } elseif ($user->inGroup($company) or $user->inGroup($recepcion)) { $mjs = array('success' => true, 'mgs' => trans('main.mgs_access'), 'url' => url() . '/clinic'); return Response::json($mjs); } elseif ($user->inGroup($doctors)) { $mjs = array('success' => true, 'mgs' => trans('main.mgs_access'), 'url' => url() . '/doctor'); return Response::json($mjs); } elseif ($user->inGroup($users)) { return Redirect::to(url()); } }
public function store() { if (Auth::attempt(Input::only('username', 'password'))) { return "Welcome " . Auth::user()->username; } return Redirect::back()->withInput(); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { if (Auth::attempt(Input::only('email', 'password'))) { return Redirect::route('portfolio.index')->withMessage('Welcome, ' . Auth::user()->name)->withFlash_type('success'); } return Redirect::route('sessions.create')->with('message', 'Failed! Check password: justdoit')->with('flash_type', 'alert')->withInput(); }
/** * Store a newly created conversation in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { $rules = array('users' => 'required|array', 'body' => 'required'); $validator = Validator::make(Input::only('users', 'body'), $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Response::json(['success' => false, 'result' => $validator->messages()]); } // Create Conversation $params = array('created_at' => new DateTime(), 'name' => str_random(30), 'author_id' => Auth::user()->id); $conversation = Conversation::create($params); $conversation->users()->attach(Input::get('users')); $conversation->users()->attach(array(Auth::user()->id)); // Create Message $params = array('conversation_id' => $conversation->id, 'body' => Input::get('body'), 'user_id' => Auth::user()->id, 'created_at' => new DateTime()); $message = Message::create($params); // Create Message Notifications $messages_notifications = array(); foreach (Input::get('users') as $user_id) { array_push($messages_notifications, new MessageNotification(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'read' => false, 'conversation_id' => $conversation->id))); // Publish Data To Redis $data = array('room' => $user_id, 'message' => array('conversation_id' => $conversation->id)); Event::fire(ChatConversationsEventHandler::EVENT, array(json_encode($data))); } $message->messages_notifications()->saveMany($messages_notifications); return Redirect::route('chat.index', array('conversation', $conversation->name)); }
public function store() { $data = \Input::only(['file']); $path = public_path() . '/uploads/files/'; \FilesHelper::storeFileInPath($path, $data['file']); return \Redirect::route('dev.files.index'); }
/** * Account sign in form processing. * * @return Redirect */ public function postSignin() { $this->beforeFilter('csrf', array('on' => 'post')); // Declare the rules for the form validation $rules = array('email' => 'required|email', 'password' => 'required|between:3,32'); // Create a new validator instance from our validation rules $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); // If validation fails, we'll exit the operation now. if ($validator->fails()) { // Ooops.. something went wrong return Redirect::route('signin')->withInput()->withErrors($validator); } try { // Try to log the user in $user = Sentry::authenticate(Input::only('email', 'password'), Input::get('remember-me', 0)); // Get the page we were before //$redirect = Session::get('loginRedirect', 'account'); // Unset the page we were before from the session //Session::forget('loginRedirect'); // Redirect to the users page return Redirect::route('signin')->with('success', Lang::get('auth/message.signin.success')); } catch (Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\UserNotFoundException $e) { $this->messageBag->add('email', Lang::get('auth/message.account_not_found')); } catch (Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\UserNotActivatedException $e) { $this->messageBag->add('email', Lang::get('auth/message.account_not_activated')); } // Ooops.. something went wrong return Redirect::route('signin')->withInput()->withErrors($this->messageBag); }
/** * Update a user * * @param $user_id * @return Response */ public function update($user_id) { $input = Input::only('email', 'name', 'password'); $user = User::findOrFail($user_id); $user->update($input); return Response::json(['success' => true, 'data' => $user]); }
/** * Save a new status * * @return Response */ public function store() { $this->publishStatusForm->validate(Input::only('body')); $this->execute(new PublishStatusCommand(Input::get('body'), Auth::user()->id)); Flash::message('Your status has been updated!'); return Redirect::refresh(); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $filters = array_filter(Input::only('specialty', 'district', 'municipality', 'city', 'type', 'financing', 'search')); $filters_data = School::listFilters(); $schools_data = School::filterSchools($filters)->paginate(16); return View::make('list')->with('filters', $filters_data)->with('schools', $schools_data); }
public function postLogin() { if (Auth::attempt(Input::only('email', 'password'), TRUE)) { return Auth::user(); } return Response::make(['message' => 'Wrong credentials'], 500); }
/** * 특정 회원의 알람을 업데이트함. * @param String membertoken * @param Integer alarmseq * @return Array */ public function updateAlarm($membertoken, $alarmseq) { // 멤버 토큰을 통해 멤버 가져옴. $memberToken = Membertoken::where('token', $membertoken)->first(); $member = $memberToken->member()->first(); // 유효성 검사 $rules = ['isrepeat' => Alarm::CONSTRAINT_ISREPEAT, 'waketime' => Alarm::CONSTRAINT_WAKETIME, 'waketime2' => Alarm::CONSTRAINT_WAKETIME, 'repeatday' => Alarm::CONSTRAINT_REPEATDAY]; $validator = Validator::make(Input::only('isrepeat', 'waketime', 'waketime2', 'repeatday'), $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Utils::result(Utils::CANNOT_PASS_VALIDATOR, true); } $memberAlarm = Alarm::find($alarmseq); // 알람 업데이트 if (isset($memberAlarm)) { if ($memberAlarm->memberSeq == $member->seq) { $memberAlarm->repeat_day = Input::get('repeatday'); $memberAlarm->isrepeat = Input::get('isrepeat'); $memberAlarm->waketime = Input::get('waketime'); $memberAlarm->waketime2 = Input::get('waketime2'); $affectedRow = $memberAlarm->update(); return Utils::result($affectedRow); } } return Utils::result(Utils::CANNOT_FIND_ALARM, true); }
public function store() { $article = new Article(); $article->fill(\Input::only(['title', 'content'])); $article->save(); return redirect('/'); }
public function resetAction() { // Fetch all request data. $data = Input::only('email', 'password', 'password_confirmation', 'pass_code'); // Build the validation constraint set. $rules = array('email' => array('required'), 'password' => array('required', 'confirmed', 'min:5')); $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules); if ($validator->passes()) { $user = Sentry::findUserByLogin(Input::get('email')); // Check if the reset password code is valid if ($user->checkResetPasswordCode(Input::get('pass_code'))) { // Attempt to reset the user password if ($user->attemptResetPassword(Input::get('pass_code'), Input::get('password'))) { $user->reset_password_code = ''; $user->save(); return Redirect::to('/login')->with('global_success', 'Password has been set. You can now sign in with your new password.'); } else { return Redirect::to('/reset')->with('global_error', 'System couldn\'t change your password. Please try again and if situation repeats, report to support.'); } } else { return Redirect::to('/request')->with('global_error', 'Your reset code doesn\'t match. It may be corrupted or outdated. Please make a new request.'); } } return Redirect::to('/reset/' . Input::get('pass_code'))->withErrors($validator)->with('message', 'Validation Errors!'); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { $data = Input::only(['name', 'rank', 'email', 'myMessage', 'g-recaptcha-response']); $google_url = "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify"; $secret = Config::get('recaptcha.secret_key'); $url = $google_url . "?secret=" . $secret . "&response=" . $data['g-recaptcha-response']; $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110319 Firefox/3.6.16"); $curlData = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); $response = json_decode($curlData, true); if ($response['success'] == true) { $rules = array('name' => 'required|min:3|max:100', 'rank' => 'required|min:3|max:50', 'email' => 'required|email|unique:users|unique:invitations', 'myMessage' => 'required|min:5|max:300'); $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::route('admin.request.index')->withErrors($validator->messages()); } else { Mail::send('emails.auth.request', $data, function ($message) { $message->to('*****@*****.**', 'РегистърБГ')->subject('Нова заявка за покана в РегистърБГ'); $message->to('*****@*****.**', 'РегистърБГ')->subject('Нова заявка за покана в РегистърБГ'); }); if (count(Mail::failures()) > 0) { return Redirect::route('admin.request.index')->withErrors(array('mainError' => 'Възникна грешка при изпращане на имейл. Моля опитайте по-късно.')); } return Redirect::route('admin.request.index')->withErrors(array('mainSuccess' => 'Заявката е успшно изпратена. Възможно най-бързо ще получите обратна връзка.')); } } return Redirect::route('admin.request.index')->withErrors(array('g-recaptcha-response' => 'Моля потвърдете, че не сте робот.')); /*return Redirect::route('admin.index');*/ }
public function createRegistro() { $usuario = $this->usuariosRepo->newUsuario(); $token = md5(Input::only('email')['email'] . 'tokenmicai'); $usuario->token = $token; $this->data = Input::all(); // 1 -> Vendedor de la Foraneos/Nacionales/Extranjeros // 3 -> Vendedor de la UNACH switch ($this->data['tipo_procedencia']) { case 'ittg': $this->data['institucion_procedencia'] = 'Instituto Tecnologico de Tuxtla Gutierrez'; break; case 'unach': $this->data['vendedor'] = 4; $this->data['institucion_procedencia'] = 'Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas'; break; default: $this->data['vendedor'] = 3; break; } $manager = new RegistroManejador($usuario, $this->data); $this->data = array_add($this->data, 'token', $token); if ($manager->save()) { //Email de confirmacion Mail::send('emails/confirmationEmail', $this->data, function ($message) { $message->subject('Correo de confirmación'); $message->from('*****@*****.**', 'MICAI'); $message->to($this->data['email']); }); Session::flash('aviso', 'Usuario registrado corréctamente. Para continuar con tu registro activa tu cuenta desde tu correo'); return Redirect::route('inicio'); } return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($manager->getErrors()); }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function update($id) { $input = Input::only('email', 'username', 'password'); $rules = array('email' => 'required|email|unique:users,email,' . Auth::user()->id . ',id,deleted_at,NULL,status,' . Auth::user()->status . ''); if ($input['password']) { $rules['password'] = '******'; } $v = Validator::make($input, $rules); if ($v->fails()) { return Output::push(array('path' => 'user', 'errors' => $v, 'input' => TRUE)); } if ($input['password'] && $id && Auth::user()->id == $id) { $user = user::find($id); //$user->username = $input['username']; $user->email = $input['email']; if ($input['password']) { $user->password = Hash::make($input['password']); Event::fire('logger', array(array('account_password_update', array('id' => $id, 'username' => $user->username), 2))); } $user->save(); return Output::push(array('path' => 'user', 'errors' => 'Change Password Successfully', 'messages' => array('success', _('User data has been saved')), 'input' => TRUE)); } else { return Output::push(array('path' => 'user', 'errors' => 'Unable to update user', 'messages' => array('fail', _('Unable to update user')), 'input' => TRUE)); } }
public function store() { $rules = ['email' => 'required|email|unique:users', 'password' => 'required|confirmed|min:6|max:80']; $validator = Validator::make(Input::only('email', 'password', 'password_confirmation'), $rules); // captcha instance of the example page $captcha = $this->getExampleCaptchaInstance(); // validate the user-entered Captcha code when the form is submitted $code = Input::get('CaptchaCode'); $isHuman = $captcha->Validate($code); if ($isHuman) { // TODO: Captcha validation passed, perform protected action if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator); } $confirmation_code = str_random(30); Mail::send('emails.verify', compact('confirmation_code'), function ($message) { $message->to(Input::get('email'), Input::get('email'))->subject('Verify your email address'); }); User::create(['email' => Input::get('email'), 'password' => Hash::make(Input::get('password')), 'confirmation_code' => $confirmation_code]); Flash::message('Thanks for signing up! Please check your email!'); return Redirect::route('sessions.create'); } else { // TODO: Captcha validation failed, show error message return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors(['credentials' => 'Captcha was wrong']); } }
public function store() { if (Auth::attempt(Input::only('username', 'password'))) { return Redirect::route('users.show', Auth::user()->username); } return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors(array('password' => 'Invalid Password or username')); }
/** * @return string * User Registration. */ public function postRegister() { $input = Input::only('firstname', 'lastname', 'email', 'password', 'confirm_password'); try { $rules = array('firstname' => 'required|min:2', 'lastname' => 'required|min:2', 'email' => 'required|email|unique:users', 'password' => 'required|min:4', 'confirm_password' => 'required|same:password'); $messages = array('required' => 'Het :attribute veld is verplicht in te vullen.', 'min' => 'Het :attribute veld moet minstens 2 karakters bevatten.'); $validator = Validator::make($input, $rules, $messages); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator); } else { unset($input['confirm_password']); $user = Sentry::register($input); $activationCode = $user->getActivationCode(); $data = array('token' => $activationCode); Mail::send('emails.auth.welcome', $data, function ($message) use($user) { $message->from('*****@*****.**', 'Site Admin'); $message->to($user['email'], $user['first_name'], $user['last_name'])->subject('Welcome to My Laravel app!'); }); if (count(Mail::failures()) > 0) { $errors = 'Failed to send password reset email, please try again.'; } if ($user) { return Redirect::action('AuthController@login'); } } } catch (Sentry\SentryException $e) { // Create custom error msgs. } }