public function createParent()
     $input = Input::all();
     if (Input::hasFile('profilepic')) {
         $input['profilepic'] = $this->filestore(Input::file('profilepic'));
     $input['dob'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(Input::get('dob')));
     $input['collegeid'] = Session::get('user')->collegeid;
     $input['collegename'] = Admin::where('collegeid', '=', Session::get('user')->collegeid)->first()->collegename;
     $user = new User();
     $user->email = $input['email'];
     $user->password = Hash::make($input['password']);
     $user->collegeid = $input['collegeid'];
     $user->flag = 3;
     $input['loginid'] = $user->id;
     $removed = array('_token', 'password', 'cpassword');
     foreach ($removed as $k) {
     return $input;
Example #2
    public function dologin()
        $rules = array('username' => 'required', 'password' => 'required');
        $message = array('required' => 'Data :attribute harus diisi', 'min' => 'Data :attribute minimal diisi :min karakter');
        $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules, $message);
        if ($validator->fails()) {
            return Redirect::to('/')->withErrors($validator)->withInput(Input::except('password'));
        } else {
            $data = array('username' => Input::get('username'), 'password' => Input::get('password'));
            if (Auth::attempt($data)) {
                $data = DB::table('user')->select('user_id', 'level_user', 'username')->where('username', '=', Input::get('username'))->first();
                //echo $data->id_users;
                Session::put('user_id', $data->user_id);
                Session::put('level', $data->level_user);
                Session::put('username', $data->username);
                return Redirect::to("/admin/beranda");
            } else {
                Session::flash('messages', '
					<div class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissable" >
                    		<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
                    			Username dan password belum terdaftar pada sistem !
                return Redirect::to('/')->withInput(Input::except('password'));
  * Determine the current rendering mode.
  * @return string
 public function determineMode()
     if (TL_MODE == 'FE') {
         $user = $this->resolveBackendUser();
         if ($user) {
             if ($this->input->get('theme_plus_compile_assets')) {
                 return RenderMode::PRE_COMPILE;
             } elseif ($user->themePlusDesignerMode) {
                 return RenderMode::DESIGN;
         return RenderMode::LIVE;
     throw new \RuntimeException('Render mode can only determined in FE mode');
Example #4
 function do_save()
     $ids = Input::get('ids');
     $customer_first_name = Input::get('customer_first_name');
     $customer_last_name = Input::get('customer_last_name');
     $customer_company = Input::get('customer_company');
     $customer_address = Input::get('customer_address');
     $customer_town = Input::get('customer_town');
     $customer_country = Input::get('customer_country');
     $customer_email = Input::get('customer_email');
     $customer_phone = Input::get('customer_phone');
     $customer_datebirth = Input::get('customer_datebirth');
     $customer_password = Input::get('password');
     if ($customer_password != "") {
         $save['customer_password'] = $customer_password;
     $save['customer_first_name'] = $customer_first_name;
     $save['customer_last_name'] = $customer_last_name;
     $save['customer_company'] = $customer_company;
     $save['customer_address'] = $customer_address;
     $save['customer_town'] = $customer_town;
     $save['customer_country'] = $customer_country;
     $save['customer_email'] = $customer_email;
     $save['customer_phone'] = $customer_phone;
     $save['customer_datebirth'] = $customer_datebirth;
     $this->customer->edit($ids, $save);
     Session::flash('notip', '<div class="alert alert-success">Profile telah diupdate</div>');
     return Redirect::to('/member/' . $ids);
 public function carian()
     $tarikh = Carbon::parse(\Input::get('tarikh'));
     $bil = 1;
     $laporans = Laporan::latest('tarikh')->where('tarikh', 'like', $tarikh . '%')->where('user', Auth::user()->username)->latest('tarikh')->get();
     return View('members.technician.carian', compact('bil', 'laporans', 'tarikh'));
Example #6
  * Compile the view
 protected function compile()
     if (!$this->getConfigAttribute('plain')) {
         if ($this->getConfigAttribute('table') === true) {
             $this->setConfigAttribute('table', $this->definition->getName());
         if ($this->getConfigAttribute('id') === true) {
             $this->setConfigAttribute('id', \Input::get('id'));
         $strHref = \Environment::get('script') . '?do=' . \Input::get('do');
         if ($this->view->getHref() != '') {
             $strHref .= '&amp;' . $this->view->getHref();
         $this->setConfigAttribute('rt', \RequestToken::get());
         $attributes = array();
         if ($this->getConfigAttribute('id')) {
             $attributes[] = 'id';
         if ($this->getConfigAttribute('table')) {
             $attributes[] = 'table';
         $attributes[] = 'rt';
         $strHref .= '&amp;' . $this->buildHref($attributes);
Example #7
 public static function getRelatorioOperacoes()
     Excel::create('Planilha de Controle da Farmacia - Ocorrencias', function ($excel) {
         $excel->sheet('Ref. ', function ($sheet) {
             $sheet->setHeight(1, 50);
             $sheet->row(1, function ($row) {
             $sheet->cell('A1', function ($cell) {
             $sheet->row(1, array('Frizelo Frigorificos Ltda.'));
             $periodo = explode('-', Input::get('periodo'));
             $a = [];
             foreach (Ocorrencia::whereBetween('data_hora', $periodo)->get() as $val) {
                 $a[] = ['Nome' => $val->colaborador->nome, 'Setor' => !empty($val->colaborador->setor->descricao) ? $val->colaborador->setor->descricao : null, 'Data' => $val->data_hora, 'Queixa' => empty($val->queixa->descricao) ? null : $val->queixa->descricao, 'Descrição / Motivo' => $val->relato . ' - ' . $val->diagnostico, 'Conduta / Destino' => $val->conduta . ' - ' . $val->destino];
             $sheet->fromArray($a, null, 'A6', true);
Example #8
 public function postDelete()
     $id = Input::get('id');
     $delpro = Program::find($id);
     return 1;
  * Generate the content element
 public function compile()
     global $container;
     /** @var SubscriptionManager $subscriptionManager */
     $subscriptionManager = $container['avisota.subscription'];
     /** @var EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher */
     $eventDispatcher = $container['event-dispatcher'];
     $token = (array) \Input::get('token');
     if (count($token)) {
         $subscriptions = $subscriptionManager->confirmByToken($token);
         \Session::getInstance()->set('AVISOTA_LAST_SUBSCRIPTIONS', $subscriptions);
         if ($this->avisota_activation_confirmation_page) {
             $event = new GetPageDetailsEvent($this->avisota_activation_confirmation_page);
             $eventDispatcher->dispatch(ContaoEvents::CONTROLLER_GET_PAGE_DETAILS, $event);
             $event = new GenerateFrontendUrlEvent($event->getPageDetails());
             $eventDispatcher->dispatch(ContaoEvents::CONTROLLER_GENERATE_FRONTEND_URL, $event);
             $event = new RedirectEvent($event->getUrl());
             $eventDispatcher->dispatch(ContaoEvents::CONTROLLER_REDIRECT, $event);
         $this->Template->confirmed = $subscriptions;
     } else {
         if ($this->avisota_activation_redirect_page) {
             $event = new GetPageDetailsEvent($this->avisota_activation_redirect_page);
             $eventDispatcher->dispatch(ContaoEvents::CONTROLLER_GET_PAGE_DETAILS, $event);
             $event = new GenerateFrontendUrlEvent($event->getPageDetails());
             $eventDispatcher->dispatch(ContaoEvents::CONTROLLER_GENERATE_FRONTEND_URL, $event);
             $event = new RedirectEvent($event->getUrl());
             $eventDispatcher->dispatch(ContaoEvents::CONTROLLER_REDIRECT, $event);
 public function showForm()
     if ($blog = Input::get('blog')) {
         return Redirect::to('/' . $blog);
     $this->layout->content = View::make('main');
  * Upload the file and store
  * the file path in the DB.
 public function store()
     // Rules
     $rules = array('name' => 'required', 'file' => 'required|max:20000');
     $messages = array('max' => 'Please make sure the file size is not larger then 20MB');
     // Create validation
     $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules, $messages);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
     $directory = "uploads/files/";
     // Before anything let's make sure a file was uploaded
     if (Input::hasFile('file') && Request::file('file')->isValid()) {
         $current_file = Input::file('file');
         $filename = Auth::id() . '_' . $current_file->getClientOriginalName();
         $current_file->move($directory, $filename);
         $file = new Upload();
         $file->user_id = Auth::id();
         $file->project_id = Input::get('project_id');
         $file->name = Input::get('name');
         $file->path = $directory . $filename;
         return Redirect::back();
     $upload = new Upload();
     $upload->user_id = Auth::id();
     $upload->project_id = Input::get('project_id');
     $upload->name = Input::get('name');
     $upload->path = $directory . $filename;
     return Redirect::back();
Example #12
 function store()
     $rules = array('icao' => 'alpha_num|required', 'iata' => 'alpha_num', 'name' => 'required', 'city' => 'required', 'lat' => 'required|numeric', 'lon' => 'required|numeric', 'elevation' => 'required|numeric', 'country_id' => 'required|exists:countries,id', 'website' => 'url');
     $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Redirect::back()->withInput();
     if (is_null($airport = Airport::whereIcao(Input::get('icao'))->whereNew(true)->first())) {
         $airport = new Airport();
         $airport->icao = Input::get('icao');
         $airport->name = Input::get('name');
         $airport->new = true;
     Diff::compare($airport, Input::all(), function ($key, $value, $model) {
         $change = new AirportChange();
         $change->airport_id = $model->id;
         $change->user_id = Auth::id();
         $change->key = $key;
         $change->value = $value;
     }, ['name', 'iata', 'city', 'country_id', 'lat', 'lon', 'elevation', 'website']);
     Messages::success('Thank you for your submission. We will check whether all information is correct and soon this airport might be available.');
     return Redirect::back();
Example #13
 public function login($id = null)
     $user = $this->user;
     $this->data['user']['name'] = $user->data()->user;
     Config::set('html.title', 'Авторизация');
     Config::set('html.description.val', 'На этой странице можно залогиниться');
     //$user = new User();
     $salt = uniqid();
     if (!Session::exists(Config::get('session.token_name'))) {
     if (Input::exists()) {
         if (Token::check(Input::get('token'))) {
             $validate = new VALIDATE();
             $validation = $validate->check($_POST, array('user' => array('required' => true), 'password' => array('required' => true)));
             if ($validate->passed()) {
                 $remember = Input::get('remember') === 'on' ? true : false;
                 $login = $user->login(Input::get('user'), Input::get('password'), null);
                 if ($login) {
                 } else {
                     echo '<p>Sorry, logging in failed</p>';
             } else {
                 foreach ($validation->errors() as $error) {
                     //echo $error, '<br/>';
                     $this->data['validate_errors'][] = $error;
Example #14
function showCaret($field)
    if (Input::get('orderby') == $field) {
        return 'asc';
    return 'desc';
Example #15
  * Mendapatkan Semua Stockproducthistory
  * @return mixed
 public function all()
     $page = \Input::get('page');
     $limit = \Input::get('limit', 1);
     $start = \Input::get('start', 1);
     if (Input::has('stock_id')) {
         $stockId = Input::get('stock_id');
         return $this->getHistoryStockById($stockId, $limit, $start, $page);
     /*Mesti ada Stock Id*/
     return Response::json(['success' => true, 'error' => true, 'reason' => 'No Parameter Stock Id'], 200);
     //            ->setCallback(\Input::get('callback'));
     //        $stockproducthistory = $this->stockproducthistory
     //            ->orderBy('id', 'DESC')
     //            ->skip($start)
     //            ->take($limit)
     //            ->get()->toArray();
     //        $total = $this->stockproducthistory
     //            ->all()->count();
     //        $stockproducthistorys = array(
     //            'success' => true,
     //            'results' => $stockproducthistory,
     //            'total' => $total
     //        );
     //        return Response::json($stockproducthistorys)
     //            ->setCallback(\Input::get('callback'));
Example #16
 public static function user()
     if (self::$user !== false) {
         return self::$user;
     FacebookSession::setDefaultApplication(\Config::get('fb-auth::config.facebook_app_id'), \Config::get('fb-auth::config.facebook_secret'));
     $token = \Input::get('accessToken');
     if (!$token) {
         $token = \Request::header('FB-Access-Token');
     if (!$token) {
         self::$user = null;
         return null;
     $session = new FacebookSession($token);
     try {
         $me = (new FacebookRequest($session, 'GET', '/me'))->execute()->getGraphObject(GraphUser::className());
         self::$user = \User::from_fb($me);
     } catch (FacebookAuthorizationException $e) {
         self::$user = null;
     } catch (FacebookRequestException $e) {
         self::$user = null;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         self::$user = null;
     return self::$user;
Example #17
  * Redirect to an internal page
  * @param object
 public function generate($objPage)
     // Forward to the jumpTo or first published page
     if ($objPage->jumpTo) {
         $objNextPage = \PageModel::findPublishedById($objPage->jumpTo);
     } else {
         $objNextPage = \PageModel::findFirstPublishedRegularByPid($objPage->id);
     // Forward page does not exist
     if ($objNextPage === null) {
         header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
         $this->log('Forward page ID "' . $objPage->jumpTo . '" does not exist', 'PageForward generate()', TL_ERROR);
         die('Forward page not found');
     $strGet = '';
     // Add $_GET parameters
     if (is_array($_GET) && !empty($_GET)) {
         foreach (array_keys($_GET) as $key) {
             if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['disableAlias'] && $key == 'id') {
             if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['addLanguageToUrl'] && $key == 'language') {
             $strGet .= '/' . $key . '/' . \Input::get($key);
     $this->redirect($this->generateFrontendUrl($objNextPage->row(), $strGet), $objPage->redirect == 'temporary' ? 302 : 301);
Example #18
 public function registrarProfesor()
     $new_profesor = new Profesor();
     $new_profesor->num_empleado = Input::get("num_empleado");
     $new_profesor->password = Input::get("password");
     $new_profesor->email = Input::get("email");
     $new_datos_profesor = new DatosProfesor();
     $new_datos_profesor->nombre = Input::get("nombre");
     $new_datos_profesor->apellido_paterno = Input::get("apellido_paterno");
     $new_datos_profesor->apellido_materno = Input::get("apellido_materno");
     $new_datos_profesor->sexo = Input::get("sexo");
     $new_datos_profesor->celular = Input::get("celular");
     // Pequeño hack. Primero lo ponemos como archivo para validarlo, después le asignamos la ruta real para guardarlo
     $new_datos_profesor->ruta = Input::file('cv');
     if ($new_profesor->validate()) {
         if ($new_datos_profesor->validate()) {
             $nombreCV = Input::get("nombre") . "_" . Input::get("apellido_paterno") . "_" . Input::get("apellido_materno") . "_CV.pdf";
             Input::file('cv')->move("CVs", $nombreCV);
             $new_datos_profesor->ruta = "/CVs/" . $nombreCV;
             //Ahora si, guardamos todo después de haberlo validado
             // Forzamos Save porque sabemos que no validará ruta como un string, sino como un file
             return Redirect::to('/');
         } else {
             return Redirect::route('registro')->withErrors($new_datos_profesor->errors())->withInput();
     } else {
         $erroresValidaciones = array_merge_recursive($new_profesor->errors()->toArray(), $new_datos_profesor->errors()->toArray());
         return Redirect::route('registro')->withErrors($erroresValidaciones)->withInput();
Example #19
 public function postSignIn()
     $email = Input::get('email');
     $password = Input::get('password');
     $remember = Input::get('remember_me');
     $validation = new SeatUserValidator();
     if ($validation->passes()) {
         // Check if we got a username or email for auth
         $identifier = filter_var(Input::get('email'), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) ? 'email' : 'username';
         // Attempt authentication using a email address
         if (Auth::attempt(array($identifier => $email, 'password' => $password), $remember ? true : false)) {
             // If authentication passed, check out if the
             // account is activated. If it is not, we
             // just logout again.
             if (Auth::User()->activated) {
                 return Redirect::back()->withInput();
             } else {
                 // Inactive account means we will not keep this session
                 // logged in.
                 // Return the session back with the error. We are ok with
                 // revealing that the account is not active as the
                 // credentials were correct.
                 return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors('This account is not active. Please ensure that you clicked the activation link in the registration email.
         } else {
             return Redirect::back()->withErrors('Authentication failure');
     return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validation->errors);
Example #20
 public function postNew()
     $validation = new Validators\SeatUserRegisterValidator();
     if ($validation->passes()) {
         // Let's register a user.
         $user = new \User();
         $user->email = Input::get('email');
         $user->username = Input::get('username');
         $user->password = Hash::make(Input::get('password'));
         $user->tsid = Input::get('tsid');
         $user->activation_code = str_random(24);
         $user->activated = 1;
         // Prepare data to be sent along with the email. These
         // are accessed by their keys in the email template
         $data = array('activation_code' => $user->activation_code);
         // Send the email with the activation link
         Mail::send('emails.auth.register', $data, function ($message) {
             $message->to(Input::get('email'), 'New SeAT User')->subject('SeAT Account Confirmation');
         // And were done. Redirect to the login again
         return Redirect::action('SessionController@getSignIn')->with('success', 'Successfully registered a new account. Please check your email for the activation link.');
     } else {
         return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validation->errors);
 public function login_post()
     if (!Request::ajax()) {
     $data = array('status' => 'success', 'message' => '');
     try {
         // Set login credentials
         $credentials = array('email' => Input::get('email'), 'password' => Input::get('password'));
         $remember = Input::get('remember') ? Input::get('remember') : false;
         // Try to authenticate the user
         $user = Sentry::authenticate($credentials, $remember);
         $data['status'] = 'success';
         $data['message'] = 'Login Success. Redirecting';
     } catch (Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\LoginRequiredException $e) {
         $data['status'] = 'error';
         $data['message'] = 'Login field is required.';
     } catch (Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\PasswordRequiredException $e) {
         $data['status'] = 'error';
         $data['message'] = 'Password field is required.';
     } catch (Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\WrongPasswordException $e) {
         $data['status'] = 'error';
         $data['message'] = 'Wrong password, try again.';
     } catch (Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\UserNotFoundException $e) {
         $data['status'] = 'error';
         $data['message'] = 'User was not found.';
     } catch (Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\UserNotActivatedException $e) {
         $data['status'] = 'error';
         $data['message'] = 'User is not activated.';
     $response = Response::make(json_encode($data), 200);
     $response->header('Content-Type', 'text/json');
     return $response;
Example #22
 public function postIndex()
     if (\Auth::attempt(array('email' => \Input::get('email'), 'password' => \Input::get('password')))) {
         return \Redirect::intended('/');
     return \Redirect::to('/?errors=true');
 public function getIndex()
     if ($this->access['is_view'] == 0) {
         return Redirect::to('')->with('message', SiteHelpers::alert('error', ' Your are not allowed to access the page '));
     // Filter sort and order for query
     $sort = !is_null(Input::get('sort')) ? Input::get('sort') : '';
     $order = !is_null(Input::get('order')) ? Input::get('order') : 'asc';
     // End Filter sort and order for query
     // Filter Search for query
     $filter = !is_null(Input::get('search')) ? $this->buildSearch() : '';
     // End Filter Search for query
     $page = Input::get('page', 1);
     $params = array('page' => $page, 'limit' => !is_null(Input::get('rows')) ? filter_var(Input::get('rows'), FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) : static::$per_page, 'sort' => $sort, 'order' => $order, 'params' => $filter, 'global' => isset($this->access['is_global']) ? $this->access['is_global'] : 0);
     // Get Query
     $results = $this->model->getRows($params);
     // Build pagination setting
     $page = $page >= 1 && filter_var($page, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) !== false ? $page : 1;
     $pagination = Paginator::make($results['rows'], $results['total'], $params['limit']);
     $this->data['rowData'] = $results['rows'];
     // Build Pagination
     $this->data['pagination'] = $pagination;
     // Build pager number and append current param GET
     $this->data['pager'] = $this->injectPaginate();
     // Row grid Number
     $this->data['i'] = $page * $params['limit'] - $params['limit'];
     // Grid Configuration
     $this->data['tableGrid'] = $this->info['config']['grid'];
     $this->data['tableForm'] = $this->info['config']['forms'];
     $this->data['colspan'] = SiteHelpers::viewColSpan($this->info['config']['grid']);
     // Group users permission
     $this->data['access'] = $this->access;
     // Render into template
     $this->layout->nest('content', 'rinvoices.index', $this->data)->with('menus', SiteHelpers::menus());
Example #24
  * เรียกใช้งาน Class แบบสามารถเรียกได้ครั้งเดียวเท่านั้น
  * @param array $config ค่ากำหนดของ แอพพลิเคชั่น
  * @return Singleton
 public function __construct()
     /* display error */
     if (defined('DEBUG') && DEBUG === true) {
         /* ขณะออกแบบ แสดง error และ warning ของ PHP */
         ini_set('display_errors', 1);
         ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
     } else {
         /* ขณะใช้งานจริง */
         error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT);
     /* config */
     self::$cfg = \Config::create();
     /* charset default UTF-8 */
     ini_set('default_charset', self::$char_set);
     if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
     /* inint Input */
     // template ที่กำลังใช้งานอยู่
     Template::inint(Input::get($_GET, 'skin', self::$cfg->skin));
     /* time zone default Thailand */
Example #25
 public function faqSend()
     $question = new Question();
     $input = Input::all();
     $captcha_string = Input::get('g-recaptcha-response');
     $captcha_response = file_get_contents('' . $captcha_string);
     $captcha_json = json_decode($captcha_response);
     if ($captcha_json->success) {
         $rules = ["sujetQuestion" => "required", "mail" => "required|email", "contenuQuestion" => "required"];
         $messages = ["required" => ":attribute est requis pour l'envoi d'une question", "email" => "L'adresse email précisée n'est pas valide"];
         $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules, $messages);
         if ($validator->fails()) {
             $messages = $validator->messages();
             Session::flash('flash_msg', "Certains champs spécifiés sont incorrects.");
             Session::flash('flash_type', "fail");
             return Redirect::to(URL::previous())->withErrors($validator);
         } else {
             Session::flash('flash_msg', "Votre question nous est bien parvenue. Nous vous répondrons sous peu.");
             Session::flash('flash_type', "success");
             return Redirect::to(URL::previous());
     } else {
         Session::flash('flash_msg', "Champ de vérification incorrect ou non coché.");
         Session::flash('flash_type', "fail");
         return Redirect::to(URL::previous());
Example #26
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     $lskill = new Lskill();
     // skill Model 内容
     $lskill->name_jp = Input::get('name_jp');
     $lskill->name_en = Input::get('name_en');
     $lskill->name_cn = Input::get('name_cn');
     $lskill->desc_jp = Input::get('desc_jp');
     $lskill->desc_en = Input::get('desc_en');
     $lskill->desc_cn = Input::get('desc_cn');
     $lskill->race = Input::get('race');
     $lskill->attr = Input::get('attr');
     $lskill->job = Input::get('job');
     $lskill->power = Input::get('power');
     $lskill->power_type = Input::get('power_type');
     $lskill->admin_memo = Input::get('admin_memo');
     // 原则上做成时非公开
     $lskill->open = false;
     // $lskill->update_datetime = now();
     if ($lskill->save()) {
         return Redirect::to('skill');
     } else {
         return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors('保存失败!');
Example #27
  * Generate the module
 protected function compile()
     // Also check owner (see #126)
     if (($objOrder = Order::findOneBy('uniqid', (string) \Input::get('uid'))) === null || FE_USER_LOGGED_IN === true && $objOrder->member > 0 && \FrontendUser::getInstance()->id != $objOrder->member) {
         $this->Template = new \Isotope\Template('mod_message');
         $this->Template->type = 'error';
         $this->Template->message = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['orderNotFound'];
     // Order belongs to a member but not logged in
     if (TL_MODE == 'FE' && $this->iso_loginRequired && $objOrder->member > 0 && FE_USER_LOGGED_IN !== true) {
         global $objPage;
         $objHandler = new $GLOBALS['TL_PTY']['error_403']();
     $objTemplate = new \Isotope\Template($this->iso_collectionTpl);
     $objTemplate->linkProducts = true;
     $objOrder->addToTemplate($objTemplate, array('gallery' => $this->iso_gallery, 'sorting' => $objOrder->getItemsSortingCallable($this->iso_orderCollectionBy)));
     $this->Template->collection = $objOrder;
     $this->Template->products = $objTemplate->parse();
     $this->Template->info = deserialize($objOrder->checkout_info, true);
     $this->Template->date = Format::date($objOrder->locked);
     $this->Template->time = Format::time($objOrder->locked);
     $this->Template->datim = Format::datim($objOrder->locked);
     $this->Template->orderDetailsHeadline = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['orderDetailsHeadline'], $objOrder->document_number, $this->Template->datim);
     $this->Template->orderStatus = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['orderStatusHeadline'], $objOrder->getStatusLabel());
     $this->Template->orderStatusKey = $objOrder->getStatusAlias();
Example #28
 public function doLogin()
     // validate the info, create rules for the inputs
     $rules = array('email' => 'required|email', 'password' => 'required|alphaNum|min:3');
     // run the validation rules on the inputs from the form
     $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules);
     // if the validator fails, redirect back to the form
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Redirect::to('login')->withErrors($validator)->withInput(Input::except('password'));
         // send back the input (not the password) so that we can repopulate the form
     } else {
         // create our user data for the authentication
         $userdata = array('email' => Input::get('email'), 'password' => Input::get('password'));
         // attempt to do the login
         if (Auth::attempt($userdata)) {
             // validation successful!
             // redirect them to the secure section or whatever
             // return Redirect::to('secure');
             // for now we'll just echo success (even though echoing in a controller is bad)
             echo 'SUCCESS!';
         } else {
             // validation not successful, send back to form
             return Redirect::to('login');
 public function store()
     $validator = Validator::make($data = Input::all(), Employee::$rules);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
     /* Employee */
     if (Input::has('createEmployee')) {
     $message = "登録しました。";
     if (Input::has('deleteEmployee')) {
         $e = Employee::where('name', Input::get('name'))->first();
         $message = "削除しました。";
         if (Input::has('selectedEmployee')) {
             Input::replace(array('selectedEmployee', ''));
     if (Input::has('updateEmployee')) {
         $validator_for_update = Validator::make($data = Input::all(), Employee::$update_rules);
         if ($validator_for_update->fails()) {
             return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator_for_update)->withInput();
         $e = Employee::where('name', Input::get('name'))->first();
         $data['name'] = $data['new_name'];
         $message = "更新しました。";
     return Redirect::route('employees.index')->with('message', $message);
Example #30
File: file.php Project: rikaix/core
  * Run the controller and parse the template
 public function run()
     $this->Template = new BackendTemplate('be_picker');
     $this->Template->main = '';
     // Ajax request
     if ($_POST && Environment::get('isAjaxRequest')) {
         $this->objAjax = new Ajax(Input::post('action'));
     $strTable = Input::get('table');
     $strField = Input::get('field');
     $objDca = new DC_Table($strTable);
     // AJAX request
     if ($_POST && Environment::get('isAjaxRequest')) {
     $objFileTree = new $GLOBALS['BE_FFL']['fileSelector'](array('strId' => $strField, 'strTable' => $strTable, 'strField' => $strField, 'strName' => $strField, 'varValue' => explode(',', Input::get('value'))), $objDca);
     $this->Template->main = $objFileTree->generate();
     $this->Template->theme = $this->getTheme();
     $this->Template->base = Environment::get('base');
     $this->Template->language = $GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE'];
     $this->Template->title = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['filepicker']);
     $this->Template->headline = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['ppHeadline'];
     $this->Template->charset = $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['characterSet'];
     $this->Template->options = $this->createPageList();
     $this->Template->expandNode = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['expandNode'];
     $this->Template->collapseNode = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['collapseNode'];
     $this->Template->loadingData = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['loadingData'];
     $this->Template->search = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['search'];
     $this->Template->action = ampersand(Environment::get('request'));
     $this->Template->value = $this->Session->get('file_selector_search');
     $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['debugMode'] = false;