/** * @param $masterCategoryKey * @param $masterEntityKey * @param $masterFieldKey * @param $embeddedCategoryKey * @param $embeddedEntityKey * @param $id * @return mixed */ function edit($masterCategoryKey, $masterEntityKey, $masterFieldKey, $embeddedCategoryKey, $embeddedEntityKey, $id) { // We flush input if we came directly from the master form, because Input::old() can otherwise be conflictual // (in case of attributes with same key) if (!Input::old("masterInstanceData")) { Input::flush(); } return $this->form($masterCategoryKey, $masterEntityKey, $masterFieldKey, $embeddedCategoryKey, $embeddedEntityKey, $id); }
public function post_view() { $deletedIds = Input::get('delete'); $search = Input::get('search'); $i = 0; if (isset($deletedIds)) { foreach ($deletedIds as $delete) { Comment::find($delete)->delete() && ++$i; } return Redirect::to('/admin/comments/view')->with('message', $i . " comment(s) deleted"); } if (strlen($search) > 1) { return Redirect::to('/admin/comments/view?filterby=search&value=' . $search); } Input::flush(); return Redirect::to('/admin/comments/view')->with('message', ' [no action performed]'); }
function post_add() { //Flash current values to session Input::flash(); //Same action is used for editing and adding a new category $username = Input::get("userName"); $password = Input::get("userPassword"); $saving_id = Input::get('editingMode'); $tempType = Input::get('type'); $userDisplayName = Input::get('userDisplayName'); if (!cmsHelper::isCurrentUserAllowedToPerform('users') && $saving_id != Auth::user()->id) { return; } //Add rules here $rules = array('userName' => 'required|max:100', 'userPassword' => 'required', 'userDisplayName' => 'required'); //Get all inputs fields $input = Input::all(); //Apply validaiton rules $validation = Validator::make($input, $rules); //Validate rules if ($validation->fails()) { return Redirect::to('/admin/users/add')->with_errors($validation); } $present = User::where('username', '=', $username)->count(); if (empty($saving_id) && $present > 0) { return Redirect::to('/admin/users/add')->with("errormessage", "User with the same 'username' already exists"); } $present = User::where('displayname', '=', $userDisplayName)->count(); if (empty($saving_id) && $present > 0) { return Redirect::to('/admin/users/add')->with("errormessage", "User with the same 'displayname' already exists"); } $temp = !empty($saving_id) ? User::find($saving_id) : new User(); $temp->username = $username; $temp->password = Hash::make($password); $temp->displayname = $userDisplayName; if (isset($tempType)) { $temp->type = $tempType + 2; } $temp->save(); Input::flush(); return Redirect::to('/admin/users/add')->with("successmessage", !empty($saving_id) ? "User Edited successfuly" : "New User Added successfully"); }
public function post_index($category, $title, $id, $idparent = null) { $id = !is_null($idparent) ? $idparent : $id; Input::flash(); //check if unregistered users' are allowed to post if (Setting::find(5)->value != 1 && Auth::guest()) { echo " Only Registered user's can post comments"; die; } if (Setting::find(6)->value < strlen(Input::get('content'))) { echo " Comment size cannot be greater than " . Setting::find(6)->value . ' characters '; die; } //Add rules here $rules = array('name' => 'required|max:100', 'email' => 'required|email', 'content' => 'required'); //Get all inputs fields $input = Input::all(); //Apply validaiton rules $validation = Validator::make($input, $rules); if ($validation->fails()) { return Redirect::to($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] . '#commentheading')->with_errors($validation); } $newComment = new Comment(); $newComment->name = Input::get('name'); $newComment->email = Input::get('email'); $newComment->content = Input::get('content'); $newComment->article_id = $id; $newComment->approved = 1; $blacklists = explode(',', Setting::find(8)->value); foreach ($blacklists as $blword) { if (false !== strpos($newComment->content, $blword)) { $newComment->approved = 0; break; } } $newComment->save(); Input::flush(); return Redirect::to($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] . '#comment-' . $newComment->id); }
public function post_view() { if (!cmsHelper::isCurrentUserAllowedToPerform('settings')) { return; } Input::flash(); //Add rules here $rules = array('articlelimit' => 'required', 'articlesize' => 'required', 'commentsize' => 'required', 'convertemotions' => 'required', 'maintenance' => 'required', 'textboxrows' => 'required', 'unregistercomments' => 'required'); //Get all inputs fields $input = Input::all(); //Apply validaiton rules $validation = Validator::make($input, $rules); if ($validation->fails()) { return Redirect::to("/admin/settings/view")->with_errors($validation); } $settings = Setting::all(); foreach ($settings as $setting) { $setting->value = Input::get($setting->keyname); $setting->save(); } Input::flush(); return Redirect::to("/admin/settings/view")->with("successmessage", "Settings updated"); }
function post_add() { if (!cmsHelper::isCurrentUserAllowedToPerform('tags')) { return; } //Flash current values to session Input::flash(); //Same action is used for editing and adding a new category $tag_title = Input::get("tagName"); $tag_url = Input::get("tagNameUrl"); $saving_id = Input::get('editingMode'); //Add rules here $rules = array('tagName' => 'required|max:100', 'tagNameUrl' => 'required'); //Get all inputs fields $input = Input::all(); //Apply validaiton rules $validation = Validator::make($input, $rules); $checkIfTagExists = Tag::where('id', '!=', $saving_id)->where('turl', '=', $tag_url)->count(); //Check if same tag exists if ($checkIfTagExists > 0) { return Redirect::to('/admin/tags/add')->with("errormessage", "Tag with the same url already exists"); } //Validate rules if ($validation->fails()) { return Redirect::to('/admin/tags/add')->with_errors($validation); } $temp = !empty($saving_id) ? Tag::find($saving_id) : new Tag(); $temp->turl = $tag_url; $temp->tname = $tag_title; $temp->save(); Input::flush(); if (!empty($saving_id)) { return Redirect::to('/admin/tags/edit?id=' . $saving_id)->with('successmessage', "Tag Edited successfully"); } else { return Redirect::to('/admin/tags/add')->with("successmessage", "New Tag Added successfully"); } }
public function post_add() { if (!cmsHelper::isCurrentUserAllowedToPerform('articles')) { return; } Input::flash(); $articlecontent = Input::get('ArticleContent'); $category = Input::get('ArticleCategory'); $title = Input::get('ArticleTitle'); $innercat = Input::get('ArticleCategoryInner'); $saving_id = Input::get('ArticleEditing'); $articleUrl = Input::get('ArticleTitleUrl'); $articleStatus = Input::get('StatusSelect'); $articletype = Input::get('ArticleType'); $onlySelectTitle = Input::get('OnlyTitleSelect'); $comments = Input::get('Comments'); $author = Input::get('Author'); $addedTags = !isset($_POST['selectorbox']) ? array() : $_POST['selectorbox']; //Add rules here $rules = array('ArticleTitle' => 'required|max:100', 'ArticleTitleUrl' => 'required', 'ArticleCategory' => 'required', 'ArticleContent' => 'required'); //Get all inputs fields $input = Input::all(); //Apply validaiton rules $validation = Validator::make($input, $rules); //Validate rules if (!empty($saving_id) && $validation->fails()) { return Redirect::to('/admin/articles/edit?id=' . $saving_id)->with_errors($validation)->with('EditedTags', $addedTags); } elseif ($validation->fails()) { return Redirect::to('/admin/articles/add')->with_errors($validation)->with('EditedTags', $addedTags); } if (isset($innercat)) { $category = $innercat; } $temp = !empty($saving_id) ? Article::find($saving_id) : new Article(); $temp->content = $articlecontent; $temp->category_id = $category; $temp->title = $title; $temp->url = $articleUrl; $temp->status = $articleStatus; $temp->onlytitle = $onlySelectTitle; $temp->articletype = $articletype; $temp->author_id = Auth::user()->type == 1 ? $author + 1 : Auth::user()->id; $temp->comments = $comments; $temp->Tags()->delete(); echo $temp->save(); foreach ($addedTags as $tagName) { $tagt = Tag::where("tname", "=", $tagName)->first(); $temp->Tags()->attach($tagt->id); } Input::flush(); if (!empty($saving_id)) { return Redirect::to('/admin/articles/edit?id=' . $saving_id)->with('EditedTags', $addedTags)->with("successmessage", "Article Edited successfully"); } else { return Redirect::to('/admin/articles/edit?id=' . $temp->id)->with('EditedTags', $addedTags)->with("successmessage", "Article Posted"); } }
/** * Test the Input::flush method. * * @group laravel */ public function testFlushMethodClearsFlashedInput() { $this->setSession(); $input = array('name' => 'Taylor', 'age' => 30); Request::foundation()->request->add($input); Input::flash(); $this->assertEquals($input, Session::$instance->session['data'][':new:']['laravel_old_input']); Input::flush(); $this->assertEquals(array(), Session::$instance->session['data'][':new:']['laravel_old_input']); }
public function postregister() { $rules = array('state' => 'required', 'city' => 'required', 'other_city' => 'required_if:city,other', 'centre' => 'required_if:city,other', 'school' => 'required', 'name' => "required_if:school,other|string", 'addr1' => 'required_if:school,other', 'pincode' => 'required_if:school,other|digits:6', 'contact' => 'required_if:school,other', 'squad' => 'required', 'language' => 'required', 'name1' => "required|Regex:/^[\\p{L} .'-]+\$/", 'email1' => 'required|email', 'contact1' => 'required|numeric', 'name2' => "required|Regex:/^[\\p{L} .'-]+\$/", 'email2' => 'required|email', 'contact2' => 'required|numeric'); $messages = array('name.regex' => 'School name can have words, commas, dashes, single quotes and dots.', 'pincode.digits' => 'Pincode can have exactly 6 digits.', 'contact.numeric' => 'School contact can have only digits.', 'name1.regex' => 'Name of Particpant 1 can have words, commas, dashes, single quotes and dots.', 'contact1.numeric' => 'Contact of Participant 1 can have only digits.', 'email1.email' => 'Email ID of Participant 1 has to be a valid email address.', 'name2.regex' => 'Name of Particpant 2 can have words, commas, dashes, single quotes and dots.', 'contact2.numeric' => 'Contact of Participant 2 can have only digits.', 'email2.email' => 'Email ID of Participant 2 has to be a valid email address.'); $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules, $messages); if ($validator->fails()) { Input::flash(); return Redirect::to('register')->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } else { if (Input::get('city') === 'other') { $city = new City(); $city->name = ucwords(strtolower(Input::get('other_city'))); $city->state_id = Input::get('state'); $state = State::where('id', Input::get('state'))->first(); $city->region = $state->region; // $code=City::where('region', $state->region)->orderBy('code', 'desc')->first(); // $city->code=($code->code) + 1; $city->save(); $cities = City::where('name', Input::get('other_city'))->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); $city = $cities->id; } else { $city = Input::get('city'); } if (Input::get('centre') !== "") { $centre = Input::get('centre') * 10; } else { $centre = $city * 10; } if (Input::get('school') === 'other') { $school = new School(); $school->name = strtoupper(Input::get('name')); $school->address = strtoupper(Input::get('addr1') . ', ' . Input::get('addr2')); $school->pincode = Input::get('pincode'); $school->contact = Input::get('contact'); $school->email = Input::get('email'); $school->city_id = $city; $school->save(); $schools = School::where('name', Input::get('name'))->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); $school = $schools->id; } else { $school = Input::get('school'); } $user = new User(); $user->name1 = strtoupper(Input::get('name1')); $user->email1 = Input::get('email1'); $user->contact1 = Input::get('contact1'); $user->name2 = strtoupper(Input::get('name2')); $user->email2 = Input::get('email2'); $user->contact2 = Input::get('contact2'); $user->squad = Input::get('squad'); $user->school_id = $school; $user->language = Input::get('language'); $user->city_id = $city; $user->centre_id = $centre; $roll = ""; if (Input::get('squad') === 'JUNIOR') { $roll = "J"; } else { $roll = "H"; } if (Input::get('language') === 'en') { $roll .= "E"; } else { $roll .= "H"; } $centre_id = City::where('id', $centre / 10)->orderBy('id')->first(); // $code=$centre_id->id; $roll .= $centre_id->code; $roll .= 1; $lastroll = User::withTrashed()->where('roll', 'LIKE', "%{$roll}%")->count(); $roll .= str_pad(strval($lastroll + 1), 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $user->roll = $roll; $user->year = 2015; $password = str_random(6); $user->password = Hash::make($password); $user->save(); $school = School::find($user->school_id); $city = City::find($user->city_id); $state = State::find($city->state_id); Mail::send('emails.registered', array('user' => $user, 'school' => $school, 'city' => $city, 'state' => $state, 'password' => $password, 'name' => $user->name1), function ($message) use($user) { $message->to($user->email1, $user->name1)->subject('Technothlon Registration Details'); }); Mail::send('emails.registered', array('user' => $user, 'school' => $school, 'city' => $city, 'state' => $state, 'password' => $password, 'name' => $user->name2), function ($message) use($user) { $message->to($user->email2, $user->name2)->subject('Technothlon Registration Details'); }); Input::flush(); // return Redirect::route('home'); return View::make('layouts.registersuccess')->with('user', $user); } }
public function post_add() { if (!cmsHelper::isCurrentUserAllowedToPerform('categories')) { return; } //Flash current values to session Input::flash(); global $category_title; //Same action is used for editing and adding a new category $category_title = Input::get("categoryName"); $category_url = Input::get("categoryNameUrl"); $parnet_id = Input::get("parentId"); $category_desc = Input::get("description"); $saving_id = Input::get('editingMode'); $counter = 0; if ($parnet_id == 0) { $counter = Category::where('id', '!=', $saving_id)->where('curl', '=', $category_url)->count(); } else { $counter = Category::where('id', '!=', $saving_id)->where('parent_id', '=', $parnet_id)->where('curl', '=', $category_url)->count(); } //Add rules here $rules = array('categoryName' => 'required|max:100', 'categoryNameUrl' => 'required'); //Get all inputs fields $input = Input::all(); //Apply validaiton rules $validation = Validator::make($input, $rules); //Validate rules if ($counter > 0 || $validation->fails()) { if ($counter == 0) { return Redirect::to('/admin/categories/add')->with_errors($validation); } else { return Redirect::to('/admin/categories/add')->with('errormessage', 'Category with the same name already exists (having the same settings)'); } } /* //Check if a category with the same name exists (skip current editing category) if (Category::where("cname", '=', $category_title)->where("parent_id", '=', $parnet_id)->where("id", '!=', $saving_id)->count() > 0) { echo "Category already present"; die(); }*/ //Check if edit/new post action is performed $saveCategory = !empty($saving_id) ? Category::find($saving_id) : new Category(); $saveCategory->cname = $category_title; $saveCategory->curl = $category_url; $saveCategory->cdescription = $category_desc; $saveCategory->parent_id = $parnet_id != 0 ? $parnet_id : null; $saveCategory->save(); Input::flush(); //Print appropriate message if (!empty($saving_id)) { return Redirect::to('/admin/categories/edit?id=' . $saving_id)->with('successmessage', 'Category Edited Successfully'); } else { return Redirect::to('/admin/categories/add')->with('successmessage', 'New Category Added Successfully'); } }